I have had many requests not to compress photos. The photos on the 12-12-05 site are not compressed and should be viewed by broadband only. FLDS is getting a face lift. Yard in the temple has started as well as new circular drive north of meeting house. Weird tents by lathe but it may be just to protect from cold. There is a new water well. It has been drilled about 300 yards west of the cement plant.
I have tried to maintain the photos and website with respect to all. I hope you enjoy them. May everyone have a very "Merry Christmas".
FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Monday, December 12, 2005
New Pics of Eldorado FLDS 12-12-2005
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Thanx Pilot. You help me to have hope. You remind me of why I love him; and the encredible building ability's of his people. Thanx pilot.
Thanks pilot, excellent photos. IMO it seems that "temple" is close to completion with the sodding of temple grounds with grass. Large round objects that look like round hay bales are rolls of grass of type used by landscapers, they just roll out the grass on top soil and water.
Wonder if they are trying to complete temple by birthday of Joeseph Smith, 23 December? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints plans big celebrations of Joeseph Smith's 200th birthday.
It should be noted that LDS Mormons consider polygamy a sin and excommunicate polygamists.
Here's a qoute where the LDS Mormons state that marriage is between a man & a woman, not one man and many women ,or between people of same gender. "We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife." Read entire statement:
Note statement says lawfully wedded, at end of statement also warns those who abuse spouse & children will have to answer to God.
I suppose that is why I am not in the Mormon Church. I suppose that is why I am still a fundamental Mormon. Just like Christians believe what they believe and Cathlics believe what ever it is that they believe. Or Born again Christians believe what they believe. And those that believe there is no religion. The constitution garentee's this right.
And I am extreamly grateful that it is God I have to account to and not men. Thank God for that, if some body had to make me account to them because they were not of the same fatih as me, and chained me to hell because I believed different than them; Thank God I have to answer to God and not them. Especially when they change there books so much.
Hey poster 11:36 p.m.
You don't get it.
The fundalmentalist believe the LDS Mormon Church is EVIL, APOSTATES, GENTILES.
They do not care what the main line Morman Church think, or write or do.
But they do believe Joseph Smith was a prophet.
But celebrating Joseph Smith birthday. Who knows.
Someone from the FLDS would have to answer this.
Anon 6:24
"But celebrating Joseph Smith birthday. Who knows.
Someone from the FLDS would have to answer this."
It would be interesting to see what FLDS has to say about Joseph Smith's birthday.
Here's a sermon on Joseph Smith given by Gordon Hinckley December 05:http://www.lds.org/library/display/0,4945,2043-1-3294-1,00.html
Here's more on celebration:
Understand that FLDS dosen't celebrate Christmas, well LDS Mormons do: http://www.lds.org/broadcast/file/build/0,16929,3204,00.asx
"Faithful Woman said...
no FLDS would even consider Hinkley's ideas"
Warren Jeffs & his goons might not consider Hinckley's ideas, but you can be sure they listen just so he can criticize what is said.
IMO Warren Jeffs is yellow & a coward, scared to turn himself in. Wonder who will arrest him first? The FBI, Texas Rangers, Utah & Arizona LE, Mounties, or Sheriff Doran?
Even Warren Jeffs own brother, Ward Jeffs, says he's a crook and guilty of the crimes he's charged with.
I am FLDS. I have celebrated Christmas every year of my life. There is no law that forbids it. We choose as we please. Some do others don't--just like the people of many other religions or cultures.
Also-- I believe in accepting truth no matter who it is from.
"One of the grand fundamental principles of 'Mormonism' is to receive truth, let it come from whence it may." --Joseph Smith
Well celebrating Christmas is in your heart. Oh, I sound like Street. But it doesn't really matter what date Jesus came to this earth, the important thing was his death and resurrection.
I understand the FLDS believe Jesus birth, death and I guess resurrection was on April 6 and celebrate it then. That's OK, with me.
I do agree Christmas has become very commericalized and sometimes very unchristlike.
But the message of Love still rings out and Jesus said the greatest commandment "Is to LOVE ONE another."
It should be a day of celebration with family and friends and a season to give of oneself.
Let's talk about a commercial scam.
Temple in Texas and Warren Jeffs
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