There have been many rumors of prophecies that warren has made. I know some of them to be true having been present when they were given. Others I think were just rumor. I cannot think of one of his prophecies having come true.
What prophecies has he made? Give a time and place if you can. Let's try and sift out the rumors from the truth. Have any been fulfilled? That is the most important part.
Even some of those self-fulling "predictions" would be interesting. I bet his record is so bad that even most of those were made from the obvious or after the fact.
Like I predict that OTS will respond to this thread. Make me into a liar will you please OTS?
He said in every church meeting that Uncle Rulon would be renewed, literally, in mind and body.
When it didn't happen, people started saying that he was just on another mission, and that he was renewed in spirit.
God help us all.
When he stood up in Saturday Morning Meeting to cast out the Barlow Brothers, he also said there would be a split among the people, which we have yet to see.
See folks, this is exactly what I'm talking about. When what is prophecied does not come to pass, warrenites start reasoning and twisting so that they don't look foolish, yet as we see here, they look even more foolish.
OTS, I'd like to challenge you to post a prophecy in the bible that has not been fulfilled.
Of course Christ has the power to resurrect, that isn't what Warren said. He said his Father would be renewed and live 300 some odd years into the millenium. But as we all know, he died, God rest his soul.
What we see here is brainwashing in action.
American POW's of the Vietnam Era were brainwashed into turning traitor to their country. How was it done? Thet were asked to write down 10 reasons why they shouldn't have gone to war. Next, the enemy broadcast what they had written to all the other POW's. Next they asked them to write an essay on the reasons to stay home. Before they knew it, they were defending their point of views, and soon, they were embracing communism, because they HAD TO DEFEND THEIR POINT OF VIEW SO AS TO NOT SEEM FOOLISH.
Whatever happened to "leave Father's wives alone--he will be back for them after a short journey"? Then he openly shows his immorality in the eyes of the people by marrying his own father's wives, and all the people said "AMEN".
Salt Lake City was to be destroyed, move all Lakers to CC. Don't even go into Salt Lake County. There would be no Winter Olympics....But there was. and last time I checked, Salt Lake was still there.
The problem is that you fulfill these prophecies the-way-I-fantacise-it-to-be. You don't have to twist and turn and reshape reality to see the fulfillment of true prophecies. They are obvious and easy to understand.
Let me look out the window, yep Salt Lake is still here
This has reached a new height of incoherence.
When were men commanded not to raise children with their wives. As far as marrying Father's wives, can a man get any more disrepectful or his own father? As far as not raping your own wife, why is it rumored that Warren essentially did that to these women, according to details from those that escaped. "If this makes you uncomfortable, just pretend it is Father doing this"
As far as 2000 being a new dispensation, where does that come from? That's one of the worst cases of talking away a failed prophecy I have ever heard. Why wasn't Joseph Smith born AD1000, then?
One eternal round--doesn't that mean history repeats itself? Worlds come and go. Or, am I to understand that there will be another Christ born of a virgin, and that is why all this talk of immaculate conception? Hey, why don't we have a Christ every 1000 years so we get so confused, we don't know who to worship, Warren or the Savior?
I would still like to hear of a failed prophecy in the Bible, street. You haven't given one single example yet, you just go off on a rampage.
We all know that Christ will reign personally upon the earth in the last days, IT SPELLS IT OUT THAT WAY, WORD FOR WORD.
No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: "'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved' (Acts 2:16-21).
Anon 2:19
You are more of a prophet than warren. All of your prophecies have come true. Now don't prophecy any more evil against us and we will give you your desire unto half of the kingdom!
Yep anon 2:19 is a prophet amont the ranks of warren, rulon and OTS.
I believe they are the same sort of prophet
I do wonder how rulons wives came through their marriage being virgins, and also through warren. Are there five women among both these men that have not given birth? And, if they have, who slides the turkey baster up the vagina close to the cervix to let the sperm swim in (a male or female). Who takes the sperm from warren or rulon after they have masterbated to themselves and put it in the baster.
Everything that God created is good, but I won't slam two people who would rather do *that* (turkeky baster fun) than have sex the way God created it - to each their own. I sure did think God did it the best way, had the best idea. But OTS seems to think warren and rulons turkey baster wins out. I wonder what God thinks about that?
Either way, I'd never eat a turkey dinner at warrens.
Onthestreet said: 8/25/2005 7:36 PM: This is why the Prophets command the saints: "DO NOT TOUCH THOSE WOMEN" that you marry, for they belong to the Lord." Are you talking about FLDS prophets? Which prophets said this?
Marriage is honorable, and intimacy between spouses is honorable. Do you consider it "rape" for spouses to share intimacy with each other through love, and yes, attraction, and fulfillment in pleasure? Yet, strangers who marry because they are told to, and who risk loss of family, home, and community if they do not obey, and then must share intimacy in the marriage bed without true intimacy of heart and mind...this is holiness to the Lord?
I would ask those members of the FLDS who are posting: how does Warren's seed become available for the turkey baster? Has Warren discovered a method of bringing forth his sperm without sexual/physical gratification? Is it wickedness to have pleasure result from intercourse? If so, have FLDS men accomplished what no men (to my knowledge) have done? Or are the women alone the ones who are deprived of gratification? Does that make the women more holy and pure than the men?
I am reminded of the movie, Dangerous Beauty. Set in France, it is an examination of the belief system of that age that sexual attraction was reserved for mistresses and courtesans, while wives were to be "protected" from it. The double standard, however, speaks volumes. Men maintained loveless, passionless marriages, but showered their mistresses with attention and devotion. Wives remained "protected", and lived a sterile, loveless existence, with no allowance in society for THEM (like the husbands) to look outside the marriage for fulfillment and personal expression.
I am curious, Street, if you think it shows love for a woman to expect her to go through the motions of intercourse, but deny herself emotional and physical connection with her partner and personal fulfillment in herself?
If you read the old testament, brothers took care of brother's wives after they died, but it declared death as the penalty for a father marrying a son's widow, or a son marrying a father's widow. 1st Corinthians, Ch. 5 also re-emphasizes this.
When Artimische wanted to marry one of John Y. Barlow's son's after he died (She was married to John Y. Barlow), she was told that this was an abomination in the sight of God, and was married to Richard Jessop.
Leroy Johnson taught Spencer Johnson this doctrine, and Uncle Spencer informed me of it. When Delone's husband put her away, her father-in-law asked if he should take Delone to wife since his son had rejected her. Uncle Roy taught that it was an abomination for either a father to marry a son's wife, or a son to marry a father's wife, and a society that allowed it would head to destruction.
Well, as a people, the FLDS not only allowed this evil, they allowed it at the head, so they are heading for destruction.
Oh please, mugwump.. would you NOT.
OTS--I did not make the rules; but when Warren disobeys the rules, I have a duty to protect my family from him.
Warren kissed one of Uncle Rulon's wives one time in the Jeffs school in the Phelps building. He said, say hi to my new wife. That pretty much answers it for OTS trying to hide the sins of Warren.
Well, let's get back on track.
I wish someone could give more details on the Jerry Bateman incident where Warren was inspired he was lost on one mountain, and he was lost on a completely different mountain. This other mountain was in the opposite direction from his home. (Cedar Mountain vs. Kaibab?)
PS. When a man is standing on his head, he thinks the world is upside down.
Once again Street is showing his schizophrenia. One of the symptoms is that a person will take word associations and tie thoughts together which normally do not relate. Viz., to think that warren kissing his new wife equates with the holy kiss in the new testament. They match in Street's mind because they are the same word. Once a schizophrenic has established a link they can twist all the other context to match. Thier mind centers on the common link and all other meaning is lost to them. You will find this throughout Street's dialogue here. Once you understand where a person is coming from it is much easier to understand their thoughts.
Can you give an approximate time this happened? Was it in the winter? Was it the CC search and rescue that finally found Jerry?
Furnace - what is the background for the mountain story - was the little dub (w) in church when he told it - did you hear it. Oh pretty please - I could use a good true story.
Then by streets own admission the kiss in the den of the harlot is just as holy as warren's kiss in the schoolhouse. He said it.
I'm sorry street but again your answer is schizophrenic. You make associations that are not logical to anyone but yourself. What you responded with had little if anything to do with the issue at hand.
Back to the original thread then.
warren's prophecies - which ones came true, which ones fell flat?
Does anyone have the specific year 2000 prophecies, or Olympic games prophecies?
I was still 'in' when warren was telling the people they had to be out of Salt Lake by April of 2000 as the Lord was going to destroy the city for its wickedness. At the time warren was tightening up on any notes or recordings being kept of meetings by the people. I do not have the actual quotes of warren saying this. I know there were recordings being made. Perhaps Faithful or Nintendo can help us out. The prophecy on the Olympics came after the destruction did not come on Salt Lake. It was simply that they would not occur or that if they did there would be a terrorist attack that would destroy the games and those involved.
It is interesting how his supporters either choose to overlook these and many other false prophecies or they explain them away Street style.
Thank you street! You make my point better than I can.
If man is so foolish as to believe that he, man, can fortell the exact date of the return of the Lord, he is only fooling himself.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. Now concernng that day or hour no one knows--neither the angels in heaven nor the Son--except the Father. Watch! Be allert! For you don't know when the time is [coming]. Mark 13:31-33 (HCSB)
From 2004 edition: Holman Christian Standard Bible
What in the heck is a Holman's Christian Standard Bible? Is there someone out there named Holman writing scripture? Who would dare to put their own words int othe mouth of Deity?
So, this Holman guy believes the Bible to be true only so far as it is translated correctly?
Holman is a publishing Company.
The translations were made by over 100 scholars who made translations from Hebrew, Aramic, and Greek. The Latin translations ie. Vulgate & Douey were not consulted. Neither were the KJV, NKJV, ASV, Living Bible, Phillips, New English, New Jerusalem, NIV, NASB or any standard version. The Holman is written in today's language, very easy to read and so much more easily understood than some of the previously mentioned translations. The translation was completed in 2000 and is currently in the fifth printing.
So NOW the Bible is FINALLY, once and for all, translated correctly?
"...written in today's language, very easy to read...more easily understood..."
Is it "The Bible for Dummies"?
So....the "easy-to-read" version is "The Bible for Mugwump"?
Any Bible translation commissioned by the Southern Baptists is suspect in my book.
Judge for yourself. Compare the wording, phrasing, sentence arrangement, use of verb, adverb, adjetive. Compare and I think you are in for a surprise. You sell the translation short without even making a comparison. How closed minded can you be.
So why are you so careful to dance around the Baptist connection?
Jibberish in response to flatulence?
I think the jibberish has yuo beat.
I hate to agree with Street, but...
Nope. I can't do it.
So, which is it?
Did the Baptists want a version of the Bible that was so "easy to read" that even the Baptists could understand it?
Or did the Baptists not like what it said, and had to rewrite it so that it said what they believe?
Aren't these the same people that boycotted Disneyland?
Do you Southern Baptists boycott the King James Bible on the same grounds as you boycott Disneyland?
I was not involved in the boycott of Disneyland, but if I remember, the boycott was staged when officials at Disneyland refused to let the public know that "gay rights" day was being observed at the park. A lot of people didn't want their children exposed to homosexual behavior. The SBC, being a recognized name in the United States voiced the concerns of millions of American families, including LDS & FLDS (I seriously doubt that any FLDS child would ever be given the opportunity to visit any theme park)
It takes quite a stretch to take that verse from Revelation about adding to "the book of this Revelation" or the similar verse in Deutoronomy, and apply them to the completed bible in our day (as if ours is the only time of world history that matters), then use it to condemn the canonization of additional books of scripture, while at the same time preserving to ones self the right to change the Bible to fit one's own doctrine.
The LDS church uses the King James' version, just as King James left it. There are footnotes at the bottom of each page, and an appendix with refrences from the Inspired Version, but those are NOT scripture.
You're really flaring up there, Mugwump.
Could somebody please pass Mugwump the Preparation H?
Now comes the bitter pill to some and time prohibits proof. But from Joseph Smith, through John Taylor and many ancient records, we are told that Michael brought three wives with him - Eve, Sarah and Lilith. If he had not then he could not demand that his children live this same law in order to inherit his degree of Glory. Women of Mormondom" Chapter XX; J. D. 26:115, should be proof enough, and let the spirit confirm, if you have it. Think this over.
And it is conceded by the learned that Jesus Christ had many wives, both in Wales and Palestine. The noted, ancient, medical physician, Celsus, whose works on theology were burned by the Catholics, wrote: "The grand reason why the Gentiles and philosophers of his school persecuted Jesus Christ, was because he had so many wives." This statement has been quoted by Pres. Jedediah M. Grant, Apostle Orson Hyde and others. You may be able to find a copy.
Now this explains why God answered NO to Pres. John Taylor and Pres. Woodruff's prayers -- if they should sign a Manifesto. I briefly quote from two of the four last revelations, two given to Taylor and two to Woodruff. Verses 9 and 10. 1882 Revelation: "And let my Priesthood humble themselves before me, and seek NOT their own will, but MY will; for if my Priesthood, whom I have chosen and called. . . do not acknowledge me I will not acknowledge them."
Verses 20 and 21. Nov. 24. 1889 Revelation to Woodruff: "I, the Lord, will deliver my Saints from the dominion of the wicked in my own due time and way. I cannot deny my Word, neither in blessings nor judgments. Therefore let mine anointed GIRD up their loins, watch and be sober, and KEEP my commandments."
But they refused to obey and called their own 1890 Manifesto a divine revelation. Now then, when the Government officers heard of this Nov. 24, 1889 true revelation, they declared that they would now confiscate private property. This frightened the LDS and they, through pressure, forced Pres. Woodruff to agree with the officers that he would sign a Manifesto as soon as one could be drawn up satisfactory to both sides thus ignoring the Nov. 1889 Revelation to him. This was and is the last revelation given to the LDS Church. Now you see the folly and danger of recording such important events. No proof is needed for us.
This vicious course caused the Kingdom Priesthood to unseat Pres.Woodruff from also presiding over them in the Kingdom Priesthood. And in Woodruff's Conference Sermon, Sunday, Aug. 3, 1890, at Logan, as recorded in Mill Star 52:593-5, he named those who not only held the Keys of the Church, BUT also of the Kingdom Priesthood. He named Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and John Taylor. Beginning here, I quote: "And when he (Pres. John Taylor) passed away it fell upon me for a little while." (his opinion).
From these few verses you surely can see that our 1890 manifesto is 100% manmade. And when our U. S. Pres. Harrison read it to Congress, he told them: "that it was NOT a revelation from God. That Pres. Woodruff does NOT RENOUNCE the doctrine, but refrains from teaching it." Scores of trial copies were made before the last one.
You should also remember that Pres. Joseph F. Smith was forced to say, in order to keep Senator Smoot in office, that we do not go back to 1905 to defend our disobedience (for 15 years) to the 1890 Manifesto. But beginning in 1905 he really tried to stop it.
Pres. Charles W. Penrose, at a Bristol Priesthood Conference on May 25, 1908, acknowledged (I quote him): "I, Charles W. Penrose, wrote the Manifesto with the assistance of Frank J. Cannon, and John White. It is no revelation from God -- FOR I WROTE IT. Wilford Woodruff signed it to beat the devil at his own game."
Joseph Fielding Smith said: "Not all Latter-day Saints will be numbered among the Church of the Firstborn, that only they who live the fullness of the Gospel, of ALL ages, will have this title, inheritance and glory."
"And there are none that doeth good except those who are ready to receive the Fullness of My Gospel, which I have sent forth unto this generation." Jesus Christ, D.& C. 35:12.
They seek to destroy every man and woman who are truly trying to live the Fullness of the Gospel. For these evil ones fully know that only those who are living the fullness of the Gospel are on their way to Godhood and Goddesshood. Our lukewarm Saints do not need divine protection, for Satan is their friend. He will not hurt them.
Did our God Father, mortal Adam, wear the Priesthood Marriage garments? Yes. He, then as Michael, a resurrected celestial immortal God Being, entered Eden, after he had created it, and began to eat of the fruits of that certain "tree of knowledge of Good And Evil," which was cultured (cult) says Joseph Smith, ages before by the ancient Gods -- to create red mortal blood in resurrected immortal beings -- much faster than normal fruits. This course turned Immortal Michael into mortal Adam. So it was Michael who fell -- not Adam.
This "Tree of Life" possesses a divine substance that will drive out all form of mortal weakness, blood, sickness and change the flesh and bone into a pure, eternal substance that never decays, hence celestial and immortal, for the eternal spirit body to dwell within. But Adam did not eat of this Tree of Life until he had brought a good nucleus of his Spirit Children into mortality. This he had accomplished at the age of 927-930.
Orson Pratt, in J. of D. 13:1~7 said: "While Adam is called an Arch-angel--yet he is a God." It is truly conceded by the learned in Mormondom that Michael, under the supervision of His Ancient Savior, Yahovah, was the Chief Creator of our earth. Now Orson Pratt, in his Seer, page 37, tells us: "Thus, each God forms a world for the accommodation of his own (spirit) sons and daughters, who are sent forth in their times and seasons and generations to be born into the same. The inhabitants of each world are required to reverence, adore and worship their own personal Father, who dwells in the Heavens, which they (you and I) formerly inhabited."
Brigham Young, in his full and final instruction to the missionaries leaving Utah, in a special conference, held August 28, 1852, and recorded in Mill. Star 15:17, in the 1853 Supplement, said: "After men have got their exaltation and their crowns; have become Gods, even the Sons of God. . . they have the power then of propagating their species in spirit, and that is the first of their operations with regard to organizing a world. Power is then given to them to organize the elements, and then commence the organization of tabernacles. How can they do it? Have they to go to that earth? Yes, and Adam will have to go there and he cannot do without Eve . . . and they will go into the Garden and continue to eat and drink of the fruits of the corporeal world, until this grosser matter is diffused sufficiently through their celestial bodies, to enable them, according to the established laws, to produce mortal tabernacles for their spirit children. This is a KEY for you."
Then what? Answer: They go back to the "Tree of Life" and continue to eat and drink of its fruits until all forms of mortality and its weaknesses are removed and their bodies make pure again, not subject to death. (7) Just before that time his Christ comes and re-ordains him to the highest known Priesthood office - i.e. from Adam to God. The office of Adam being dual in nature, i.e. a divine God and a mortal Father. This is known as the Michael-Adam-God doctrine.
In a statement by Joseph Smith, published in his official "Times and Seasons", this same Michael-Adam-God story is fully confirmed. It is entitled "The Paracletes, or Holy Ones;" and nicknamed "Joseph's Speckled Bird." It also states: (1) that Michael became Adam and ruled on earth for about 1000 years; (2) that he was the main creator; (3) that our elder brother was the first spirit born son of Michael and not of Eloheim; (4) that each spirit child of Michael, before he obtained permission to come into mortality, had to first qualify and agree to take all that Father Michael saw fit to put upon him, in order to develop him, to the best of his father's ability: (5) that the most ancient Gods developed these two special trees; (6) that it was agreed in heaven before the earth was created, that all the children who lived the same fullness of the Gospel as the Father, or his eldest Son, our Savior, would inherit the same degree of glory with them; (7) that Michael and Eve came here to become mortal and the father and mother of their own spirit children.
All this goes to prove that Adam did not die, but went back to immortality; and from other Holy records we learn that he, during his life as a mortal, wore the original Priesthood marriage Garment the same as was revealed to Joseph Smith. Alma, in the Book of Mormon tells us that it was through these two special trees that brought Adam into and took him out of mortality; and that a resurrected Immortal Being cannot die or go into the grave. Alma 11:45; 12:22-23. Hence, Adam did not die. The Bible says he "died" but what does it mean? Dead to what? People can only assume.
Oh my YADDA YADDA YADDA! Next time, set up a soapbox, publish your sermon and just give us a tiny little link to your scriptures, OK? Then we won't have to endure the whole thing unless we're REALLY REALLY interested.
Please only post it once!
Please only post it once!
Please only post it once!
I posted mine three times on purpose.
It was humor.
There is nothing wrong with the blog.
Mugwump pushed the button twice.
Do better next time.
So what is prophecy? How does this work.
I can prophecy that the price of gas is going to go up this year. Does this make me a prophet?
Does God come to these prophets? Or is it the double pepperoni pizza that they had last night and makes for some terrible predictions.
Why would he come to Warren Jeffs and not me?
I need revelation too.
"Man is that he might have joy," not the perversion of that joy. So there's the difference.
Another theme unique to Mormonism is it's doctrine on Adam and the Fall. Its earliest publication taught that Adam possessed the fulness of the Gospel and the same High Priesthood which would ultimately be held by Melchizedek and Christ. It also declared that he had a knowledge of the Atonement, and the Resurrection. It even taught that the Fall was necessary for the advancement of man, and that it was an inherent part of the Plan of Salvation, having been foreordained from before the foundation of the world. "Adam fell that man might be" it explains, "and man is that he might have joy." Nevertheless, it was necessary that sorrow and sin should enter the world, for "it must needs be that there is an opposition in all things" otherwise "righteousness could not be brought to pass."
A year later, through another revelation it was made known that animal sacrifice had been revealed to Adam as an ordinance foreshadowing the atonement of Christ. Adam was even baptized, and after being filled with the Holy Ghost, "Adam blessed God and . . . began to prophesy concerning all the families of the earth, saying:
Blessed be the name of God, for because of my transgression my eyes are opened, and in this life I shall have joy, and again in the flesh I shall see God. And Eve, his wife, heard all these things and was glad, saying: Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient. (Moses 5:10-11)
Matthew 5:8 Blessed are "the pure" in heart, for they shall see God. To be pure is to be sexually pure, to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh for the spirit.
Why do women allow such perversion of their morals, their honor, their sanity, and their very souls? Why are women known as "the weaker sex"? In the Tree of Life, the woman is called both "Life Form" and "Receptive Earth". So the female aspects of creation (women, feminine elements of men, the bride/church or body of Christ, etc) are generally receptive to whatever the male aspects dish out.
It is the awsome guilt on the men when they violate that trust and that male position of creative Life Force in their very being and personality. Women can tempt all they want, and when men refuse to defile them, as knights in shining armour, as the chivilrous power, then women gain respect for them, and the male-female energies then balance out or resolve into the Center Column of the Tree, the pathway of the Holy Spirit.
God says: "I will have a tried people".
This website would be a whole lot more enlightening without your nonsense as well, Mugwump.
I am the "anonymous" that referred to your nonsense.
I am not a follower of Warren Jeffs, and I am not any sort of "Mormon Fundamentalist".
But your posts ARE nonsense, and this blog would be better without you.
Reply to Mugwump
Your prophesy is a sham, an unsubstantuated myth, authored by a charlten, a womanizer, an adulterer, a thief, a liar, a fraud, a sorcer, a diviner, a practitioner of black magic, a mischief maker and a visionary of the devil.
You forgot to add that Joseph Smith was also a convicted "counterfeiter" and a "money digger".
That's all just more nonsense.
I am NOT a follower of Warren Jeffs.
But that does not make me a fan of Mugwump.
You and OTS are BOTH pompous asses.
Anon 10:17
Where can you document that JS was convicted of counterfieting? While you're looking show me where he was convicted of anything illegal. Please.
Battle of the Pompous Asses!
Tonight on Pay-Per-View!
Call in your order NOW!
Jesus would never choose to mount upon anything of evil character, but only good, the hard and the sure-footed.
Now if we could just get King warren to do this, things would get better.
preferably the back of a police car.
i think the lot of you are going to hell! (you know who you are)
Really - and why is that?
WoW, "OTS" likes to quote and preach like a prophet, but I think that he just likes to hear himself talk, trying to show he's smart. Not working.
Ya know I'm on the otherside of the highway and I don't believe what I'm hearing, can you really be that dulluted?
The scriptures also say that in the last days that people will say "what's right, is wrong and what's wrong is right" So the bottom line is; We'd better know what we're doing is pleasing in the sight of God, or we're going to up S@#t creek without a paddle
Because people have there own agenda's, and most of the time it's completely diffrent from God's
sounds like OTS is trying to justify his wickedness
You absolutely make no sense. Your thoughts don't connect in any meaningful way (spiritual or otherwise) - they are just strung together with rhythming words or hyperbole.
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