Has anyone here recieved an "Invitation to join the warrenjeffs group!"? It comes from "warrenjeffs moderator" warrenjeffs-owner@yahoogroups.com
Has a note that says, "Street this is the place to come to , to speak your mind .
Bring with you , whomever you want.."
Anyone know what this is all about and who is behind it? Is it on the up and up or is it as scarey as it sounds?
There are nineteen members to the yahoo group WarrenJeffs the group appears to have started May 10, 2005.
Someone named Bug Duster Bull started the group.
Jay Beswick is posting over there.I
Think this must just be a discussion group.I just dont think
Jay would be posting on a pro-Warren site.Has anyone tryed to join?
I joined just to see who was there. I don't plan to post.
Dont leave us in suspense Atar?Whats it all about?
I put a link up, It seems like more of the same - OTS is there. You can read the posts without subscribing - but you can't post or see the member list unless you are a member.
In the paper today, it says that someone else is going to take over the U. E. P. oh, I quess, I will send Winston Blackmore a bill for our taxes. Oh, I quess some one else can pay for me. Just think we are all crimnals now. We are exsempt from paying bills. We will get to sit in a house and have the government feed us all. Just think, now that we are crimnals, we will have representation. Just think, all you will have to do is steal our computers and shoot us. Or pay our way. too much trouble you poor troubled souls. Better turn it over to other management. Oh, Winston< oh, just let me know where to send my bills too. I want to be a hero like Ross/ Gee, this will be fun. I NEED YOUR ADDRESS THO. KEEP YOUR PAPER LIGHT SHINEING. GET OUT YOUR SINGING QUITAR, LETS SING. "IN FIFTY THREE, THEY RAIDED OUR CITY. THEY TOOK OUR CHILDREN. IN 2005 THEY SENT THE BILL TO ME." WINSTON, IT APEARS YOU ARE OWEING US ABOUT 25,000,OOO MILLION DOLLARS. I HOPE YOU CAN MANAGE TO KEEP OUR ROADS PAVED TOO. MAYBE YOU CAN CONVINCE THEM TO RETURN OUR COMPUTERS, AND STOP THE SPECTRUM IN A LIE. TO MUCH TROUBLE TO PAY THE TEACHERS. THEY HAD TO TAKE THE COMPUTERS. MAYBE THEY WILL SELL THEM TO PAY THE SWATT TEAM, THAT STOLE THEM. IT IS EXPENSIVE TO PERPETUATE A LIE. I WILL BE SENDING YOU MY BILL, TOO. OH, I NEED A NEW HOUSE, TOO. CAN'T LET THE JONESES OUT DO ME. I NOW WARREN JEFFS GAVE ME ONE TWO YEARS AGO, BUT THIS ONE IS OUT DATED. IT DOES NOT HAVE A BIG FENCE AROUND IT. IT NEED S A BACK YARD SWIMMING POOL. I WILL THINK OF A FEW OTHER THINGS I NEED TOO. THIS IS GREAT. I THINK I WILL BE SENDING YOU A BILL; LET'S SAY OK, 28,000 FOR THE HOUSE. 28,000, FOR THE POOL. 28,000 FOR THE PAVEMENT AND DRIVEWAY. 28,000 FOR OH, I WILL THINK OF SOMETHING. COULD NOT LET THE SQUATTERS GET AHEAD OF ME. KEEP SINGING TOO. MAYBE WE COULD DANCE SOME JUST FOR FUN.
You make a good case for compuslory public education.
Of course Ruth's definition of "Lie" is anything she doesn't want to hear.
Thie Saint George Spectrum says "The Colorado City school budget for the 2004-05 school year was $6.7 million for about 300 students and 71 staff members, compared to the Littlefield Unified School District No. 9, which had a budget of $4.8 million for 500 students and 37 staff members." Littlefield is only about 60 miles closer to Kingman than Colorado City, but manages somehow to get along without an airplane. Well, you know that Spectrum; "LIERS!!!"
To Anonymous 11:47,
What makes you think that Winston is taking over the UEP? Besides, it seemes to me that he would do one hell of a lot better than Warren. Warren has been a whoosie about coming out of his damn hiding place and defending what has been so important to us all. He's done a really good job of sacking it of all its assets then leaving the blame to whoever. At least Winston has enough respect to come forward and say "What can I do to preserve the UEP and to protect what it was intended for in the first place?" He'd probably be happy to help you get a new house with a pool as you seem dissatisfied with the one your "beloved prophet" gave you, which I might add was probably made by someone who spent their life's earnings to make it only to have it and their family taken and given to some pathetic person like you! So pull your head out and get a life!!!!
I just read the headline. The UEP is no longer under Warren Jeffs' control. No information yet on the new trustees.
To GBNF who posted the message, don't think ole Jeffs is stupid enough to knck any one off blood atonement or what ever. If he is that stupid he will find ole Sheriff Doran hauling his arse down to the Schleicher County jail, the jury will convict and off ole Warrens arse goes to Huntsville where his last thing to see in this life is the ceiling of the death chamber.
Here in Texas we have the death penalty, and there is always room for one more down Huntsville way for someone like Warren Jeffs.
Big mistake Warren, coming to Texas. Gov. Perry is signing a bill to make your life style even more illegal. Good job Rep. Hilderbran, good job Gov. Perry.
Get a life, if no wrong was done there's nothing to fear. It's not the lies that hurt, it's the TRUTH that hurts.
What does Winston have to do with it. He was dismissed by the same order that dismissed all of the other trustees. All you have to do is read the filing in court. In fact that makes him the first trustee to be dismissed twice. Once by Warren and once by the the court. Don't blame him. Put the blame where it belongs and that is right on the head of Warren Jeffs. He is the one who spent your money.
Winston hasn't been a trustee for a few years, so he was not dismissed by the court ruling.
To those in CC/H: Is there going to be a groundswell of old URoy and URulon people that start thumbing their noses at Warren? Is there a lot people that a tired of Warren's bs or is it just a few that are already on the outside? If there are more and more people moving away from Warren, do you think it will be enough that the flow of money to Texas stops?
How do you come by the knowledge that there is a crematorium in the temple that Warren is building.
Please give us more details. If that is true, it adds a whole new level of concern.
Winston Blackmore was specifically named in the court documents as being a trustee that was dismissed. Warren dismissed him as a trustee in 2002 but no one ever filed the dismissal, therefore he was still a trustee on record and was dismissed formally in this action. He was also formally notified to make an appearance. Believe me, I know, I have seen the documents.
To GBNF, if you have information that Jeffs is involved in murder aka blood atonement, please contact Sheriff Doran and let him know. Think he can be reached at 325-853-2737
Can you tell us more about what you have heard from the inside of the Texas compound. Please don't use names if it will hurt anyone. But can you give any more details.
Specifics about what has made the people who travel down there so freaked. Is it just an atmosphere - or are there specific things that happen which are odd.
There are specific laws in each state which govern the disposal of human bodies.
A statement of death and a death certificate are legally required, then you would need to get a permit to cremate (and that doesn't mean do it yourself - it means a permit to have someone else do it).
A crematory would need to be licensed, they would hve to conform will all local building codes, and be in a location consistent with local zoning regulations (most are close to a cemetary).
Your application for licensure as a crematory authority would include probably need to be examined. So - I guess that would mean that non-FLDS would have to enter the temple.
If you don't have this license you cannot cremate ANY human remains.
You have have authorization to cremate each and every body - and keep detailed records.
I DOUBT THAT WARREN (or anyone in his compound) COULD EVER GET THIS LICENSURE based on everything already known about them.
Hey streetie please keep your graffiti on the streeti and stop vandalizing the blogs.
Yes Stinger, I was thinking of just that when I wrote my response, that and Dahmer (with his acid).
I'm not certain that you could pull DNA (I don't think so), however, the presence of anything human would be enough if the crematorium was not licensed (which I doubt would ever happen).
Pilot - does the temple have anything that resembles a chimney?
This is my first anonymous post on the blog, but if it is true that there is a crematorium being built, I will mention my involvement before leaving. I was involved in building (but never got if finished before leaving) a temperature controller that I assumed was going to be for ore refining; I was not told what the temperature controller would be used for. It is not yet built. I hope that when others build it for me, that it is used for a more honorable purpose than a crematorium.
I forgot to mention on the temperatore controller--it was to regulate the furnace at 2700F or 1500C.
I did some looking on the web, and crematoriums seems to run around 1800F, so I hope this higher temperature setpoint means that is was for something else--maybe I shouldn't get too excited as I browse through this site.
Sorry about so many sudden posts, (aka panic) but I should clarify. 1500C is the MAXIMUM setpoint; the setpoint was to be adjustable; I was not told what temperatue it would actually be running at. This number 1500C that so strongly stands out in my mind is the IR sensor's maximum range (IIRC), not necessarily the furnace's desired operating temperature. I should re-emphasize that this controller didn't get built yet (as far as I know)--one day it was high priority, and then other higher priority secret things came up and I never heard another word about this project. I only got involved in a little of the details before other things suddenly became much higher priority. That is one reason I am so rusty on the details.
Thank you for posting anonymous, you must be FLDS - or are you a private contractor?
What was it like inside? We heard a report that people returning are 'freaked' because the atmosphere was so different - did you find it that way? You can reply to me privately (or not at all) if this is pushing you too much.
Ore refining? Are they going to bring down some volcanic cinder from Shortcreek and refine gold to put in that secret vault in the basement of the temple, also?
Does limestone become less brittle with a little heat?
You can atone for your sins in a lake of fire and brimstone if you want to, street.
Ok, I was invited to the WarrenJeffs forum as were several others, all the same day. We all can speculate as to whom the moderator is, but I am not sure myself. Why would I be invited as an obstructionist makes it all that much more curious. I know others who were also invited, which tells us we were recruited from this blog or two others.
The crematorium issue was believed to be caused by a rumor regarding a blueprint for a high tempeture incinerator. There was talk of its use in construction or in the manufacture of cement and related products, but the Incinerator blueprint and design was a known consideration, that is believed to be a discarded plan. If a real person has real information, authorities would be interested, but aerial photo's and other intelligence does not support the Crematorium synerio. I of all people would love to pigeon hole Warren into this story, but there is no evidence, only alot of rumors.
I think we should talk about the buildings that disappeared last week, inspite of the court order and freeze of UEP assets.
If Atari still wants cassette's we can talk about that too.
Jay Beswick
Not much going on there, few have the guts to post, its been very quiet there. I suspect it was a mistake inviting me! Mostly watchers I think....
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