FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Onthestreet's Area
This area provided for onthestreet
Street, you remind me of a spoiled child who needs his butt busted. Everytime something doesn't go your way you throw a temper tantrum and get everyone else in trouble. Get a grip, and grow some cajones!
Please, Admin, don't take this blog down again because of this one messed up dude. He's like the thugs who spray grafitti on bridges. He only wants to mess stuff up and doesn't care what it costs.
I promised OnTheStreet I'd make him his very own area. By using this, he is agreeing that he will post all of his thoughts/ideas/feelings in this area, and not any other on texaspolygamy.blogspot.com. I will assume that posts in other areas on the board after 5/12/05 will annul this agreement, and I will delete OnTheStreet's Area.
posted by ATAR_i at 8:21 PM
Street's reply
Choke, Choke, Gasp, Gasp. Well, okay, you want dazzle. Okay, if you must. As far as the agreement, yah, a man is as good as his word. Sure, I'll post only here. You lucky dogs, you.
He wasn't getting enough attention so he had to hop around on all the other threads until someone noticed him. Try to resist man!!! Try to resist!!!!! Bridal your passions!!!
...or bridle you passions. Bridal makes one think of marriage, which leads to plural marriage, which leads to talk of celestial marriage, which gets OTS stirred up again. On and on, ad nauseum.
I'd rather be "hardheaded" than out "on the street". I agree with you hardheaded...ots only follows the "rules" when it suits his purposes. From what I've seen he likes to sit back and wait and then pounce from the wings when you least expect it. Cowardly, but effective. Debate with him for awhile and you will see that he does one of two things: 1. Goes off the deep end and gets himself banned 2. Hides out and doesn't post until things cool off.
That is ots.
PS: when he gets frustrated and is unable to make any points, he then resorts to calling people names, or poking fun. I guess the purpose of this is to take attention away from the fact he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
It's was an agreement - and OTS agreed to it so he could get his own area - a bargain so to speak. I'll give you my blender if you promise to make me a fruit smoothie once a week. It is.....what it is.
I'm not a web log administrator - I deleted the area I created for OTS.
I can do that (so could you if you had the cajones to sign up).
I can't delete anyone elses posts, or anyone elses area - but I can delete the ones I create. And anyone who become a member can create their own, and delete their own.
So here's some virtual cheese for your whine. Get some cajones, sign up and become a member and stop clogging up the airwaves with all your hormonal rantings.
Hey, I am beginning to like you a little. Maybe you are not as dishonest as the government. Talk of Hormonal ravings. It is you gentile people who can not handle an insult. I have heard them from the likes of you, all my life. I have barley begun to speak. And I like the Idea of being anonimous. I do not like to be threatened to have to post my Identity, so people can hate me, for no other reason, that I am a Fundimental Morman. If you made a deal with street to keep her posts on one page, that is your deal, but what conjured up the deal. There are a lot that have said a lot worse than her.
Get an alias - do you really think my name is Atari?
What conjured up the deal? Street was spamming - and so posts were being deleted. Having an area gave Street a place where he/she could spam away and no one would delete the posts. Sort of like giving a naughty child who liked to color all over the walls, a special room where he could color all over the walls (but only if he promised not to color on the walls of all the other rooms). You can't have it both ways - but Street wanted to, and kept coming out of his special room to draw all over the walls and make messes.
Personally, I don't see why he/she should have an area - and I think it should be deleted - because Street posts wherever he/she wants to anyway.
I wouldn't hate you because your FLDS - I like Sting, Antique, Faithful and others who I know are FLDS.
I DON'T like people who make excuses for the bad behavior of others and who don't take responsibility for themselves.
So - get an alias - and take some responsibility for your posts.
Onthestreet, It seems that the reason you "know what I know and say what I say and do what I do" is because Warren has told you what to believe, and told you what to say. Heck, he could probably get you to do about anything if he put the right spin on it. That to me is what is so frightening. You are unable to discern truth from fiction. You were in a weakened state mentally to begin with, and you allowed this man to own you heart and soul. Even us who don't claim to be as "smart" as you can tell you have been hoodwinked! Seriously, you need to get a grip on reality. It is sickening to watch you twist bible verses and such to Warren's twisted ends. Keep the faith, but get rid of the liar delievering the "message" to you.
altar, sounds like awhore - do you think I'm a prostitute - why do you say such mean things to me?
Calling me a prostitute with a tarry roof - as if I'm cheap too - not even a well priced woman of the night - I can't take it anymore!
I'm crying so hard now, throwing myself on the floor, whoops, I've thrown myself into my dirty negligee hamper. I think I need a new pink one - this one has been used for so long the lace is tearing from the silk.
Altar - are you calling me fat?
(more weeping), thongs make great kleenex in a pinch, (mental note - buy more thongs - spring colors).
You think I belong on the street don't you - wait - I get it - your trying to pick me up - sicko!
You think I'm faaaaat? (crying desperately into my closet,.....I forgot I had those chain chaps).
It's bad enough that you want to pick me up (sicko), but now, you think I'm Old like ancient Israel - The pain - why do you inflict it on me so (mental note - hide the whip so this doesn't get violent).
Now you want to BBQ me because I'm old, fat and I won't sleep with you to conceive your child - what kind of madman are you?
warren, warren, Get Up (hurry, let me help you off with the handcuffs), there's this madman out there who wants me to have his baby and then BBQ me.
He streety I have noticed you don’t have much of a clue So I would like to help you out. Here is your first free clue My toaster gets more inspiration from God each day than Warren Jeffs has gotten in his entire life.
On The Street? We have exchanged emails directly haven't we? I just read the emails above and noted certain phrases that are familiar! Then the rubber mallet issue where you showed unexpected mercy on a gentile? It just struck me!
Yes, but he follows me everywhere. I did notice they made him a second area (ugh), he must have complained (they always take the perpetrators side and not the victim).
Oh no, I feel a shameless bit of emotion coming on - will it ever end!
What - you want to drown me now! What is this absurb vendetta you have against me?
All your pingy pangy, mishy mashy, double speaking, freaking creekin', lingo bingo, flashy dashy, hankie pankie, speak to this sassy lassie, slick chick just shows what a cellar dweller, super snooper, jingle brained, snobbie jobbie, fancy nancy, schmutz putz you really are.
Street, you remind me of a spoiled child who needs his butt busted. Everytime something doesn't go your way you throw a temper tantrum and get everyone else in trouble. Get a grip, and grow some cajones!
Please, Admin, don't take this blog down again because of this one messed up dude. He's like the thugs who spray grafitti on bridges. He only wants to mess stuff up and doesn't care what it costs.
Hose A. Kwervo
A man is only as good as his word. <----I agree
Friday, May 13, 2005
OnTheStreet's Area
I promised OnTheStreet I'd make him his very own area. By using this, he is agreeing that he will post all of his thoughts/ideas/feelings in this area, and not any other on texaspolygamy.blogspot.com. I will assume that posts in other areas on the board after 5/12/05 will annul this agreement, and I will delete OnTheStreet's Area.
posted by ATAR_i at 8:21 PM
Street's reply
Choke, Choke, Gasp, Gasp.
Well, okay, you want dazzle. Okay, if you must. As far as the agreement, yah, a man is as good as his word. Sure, I'll post only here. You lucky dogs, you.
By onthestreet, at 5/14/2005 5:41 PM
He wasn't getting enough attention so he had to hop around on all the other threads until someone noticed him. Try to resist man!!!
Try to resist!!!!! Bridal your passions!!!
...or bridle you passions. Bridal makes one think of marriage, which leads to plural marriage, which leads to talk of celestial marriage, which gets OTS stirred up again. On and on, ad nauseum.
I'd rather be "hardheaded" than out "on the street". I agree with you hardheaded...ots only follows the "rules" when it suits his purposes.
From what I've seen he likes to sit back and wait and then pounce from the wings when you least expect it. Cowardly, but effective. Debate with him for awhile and you will see that he does one of two things:
1. Goes off the deep end and gets himself banned
2. Hides out and doesn't post until things cool off.
That is ots.
PS: when he gets frustrated and is unable to make any points, he then resorts to calling people names, or poking fun. I guess the purpose of this is to take attention away from the fact he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
I put OTS promise up on the website for everyone to see.
Having a special area (I don't have my own) he agreed to post there and ONLY there. AND he understood posting elsewhere gets his area deleted.
I kept my part of the bargain. I made the area, and deleted it when he posted elsewhere. This is what we both agreed to.
I'D Like to see things OTS's way - I just can't get my head that far up my ass.
What dishonest rule?
It's was an agreement - and OTS agreed to it so he could get his own area - a bargain so to speak. I'll give you my blender if you promise to make me a fruit smoothie once a week. It is.....what it is.
I'm not a web log administrator - I deleted the area I created for OTS.
I can do that (so could you if you had the cajones to sign up).
I can't delete anyone elses posts, or anyone elses area - but I can delete the ones I create. And anyone who become a member can create their own, and delete their own.
So here's some virtual cheese for your whine. Get some cajones, sign up and become a member and stop clogging up the airwaves with all your hormonal rantings.
Hey, I am beginning to like you a little. Maybe you are not as dishonest as the government. Talk of Hormonal ravings. It is you gentile people who can not handle an insult. I have heard them from the likes of you, all my life. I have barley begun to speak. And I like the Idea of being anonimous. I do not like to be threatened to have to post my Identity, so people can hate me, for no other reason, that I am a Fundimental Morman. If you made a deal with street to keep her posts on one page, that is your deal, but what conjured up the deal. There are a lot that have said a lot worse than her.
Gentile <---- a pagan or heathen.
Where? I am not a gentile.
Get an alias - do you really think my name is Atari?
What conjured up the deal? Street was spamming - and so posts were being deleted. Having an area gave Street a place where he/she could spam away and no one would delete the posts. Sort of like giving a naughty child who liked to color all over the walls, a special room where he could color all over the walls (but only if he promised not to color on the walls of all the other rooms). You can't have it both ways - but Street wanted to, and kept coming out of his special room to draw all over the walls and make messes.
Personally, I don't see why he/she should have an area - and I think it should be deleted - because Street posts wherever he/she wants to anyway.
I wouldn't hate you because your FLDS - I like Sting, Antique, Faithful and others who I know are FLDS.
I DON'T like people who make excuses for the bad behavior of others and who don't take responsibility for themselves.
So - get an alias - and take some responsibility for your posts.
I think the "anonymous" a couple of the anonymous posts above sound an awful lot like Street.
Baby Jane
We were always taught that the ultimate test of our faith would come. Warren is the test. You failed.
pretty hard to pass a test when all the answers are modified to fit the mood of the day.
It seems that the reason you "know what I know and say what I say and do what I do" is because Warren has told you what to believe, and told you what to say. Heck, he could probably get you to do about anything if he put the right spin on it. That to me is what is so frightening. You are unable to discern truth from fiction. You were in a weakened state mentally to begin with, and you allowed this man to own you heart and soul. Even us who don't claim to be as "smart" as you can tell you have been hoodwinked! Seriously, you need to get a grip on reality. It is sickening to watch you twist bible verses and such to Warren's twisted ends.
Keep the faith, but get rid of the liar delievering the "message" to you.
Please don't make your page so long, I always hesitate to come because it's so long to download.
I came by to visit today, I hope the day is going well for you. We had a big Memorial Day BBQ yesterday.
What did you do?
altar, sounds like awhore - do you think I'm a prostitute - why do you say such mean things to me?
Calling me a prostitute with a tarry roof - as if I'm cheap too - not even a well priced woman of the night - I can't take it anymore!
I'm crying so hard now, throwing myself on the floor, whoops, I've thrown myself into my dirty negligee hamper. I think I need a new pink one - this one has been used for so long the lace is tearing from the silk.
Altar - are you calling me fat?
(more weeping), thongs make great kleenex in a pinch, (mental note - buy more thongs - spring colors).
You think I belong on the street don't you - wait - I get it - your trying to pick me up - sicko!
You think I'm faaaaat? (crying desperately into my closet,.....I forgot I had those chain chaps).
It's bad enough that you want to pick me up (sicko), but now, you think I'm Old like ancient Israel - The pain - why do you inflict it on me so (mental note - hide the whip so this doesn't get violent).
Now you want to BBQ me because I'm old, fat and I won't sleep with you to conceive your child - what kind of madman are you?
warren, warren, Get Up (hurry, let me help you off with the handcuffs), there's this madman out there who wants me to have his baby and then BBQ me.
No no, not that kind of UP!
: )
He streety I have noticed you don’t have much of a clue
So I would like to help you out. Here is your first free clue
My toaster gets more inspiration from God each day than
Warren Jeffs has gotten in his entire life.
Quietman (not being near as quiet as he should)
On The Street? We have exchanged emails directly haven't we? I just read the emails above and noted certain phrases that are familiar! Then the rubber mallet issue where you showed unexpected mercy on a gentile? It just struck me!
Yes, but he follows me everywhere. I did notice they made him a second area (ugh), he must have complained (they always take the perpetrators side and not the victim).
Oh no, I feel a shameless bit of emotion coming on - will it ever end!
What - you want to drown me now! What is this absurb vendetta you have against me?
All your pingy pangy, mishy mashy, double speaking, freaking creekin', lingo bingo, flashy dashy, hankie pankie, speak to this sassy lassie, slick chick just shows what a cellar dweller, super snooper, jingle brained, snobbie jobbie, fancy nancy, schmutz putz you really are.
Mais je ne peux pas, il est un mauvais homme.
strada stupida
That was pretty good stuff atar-i
I agree this blog needs a street sweeper, a deeper sweeper, a streety bleeper, or a streety-sweety keeper.
Or mabye a streety keeper-sweeter.
I think my Russian is good enough to tackle this one - oh yeah - got it!
And de nada Anon, I enjoy my hank panks!
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