I'm the director of the new doc, "BANKING ON HEAVEN". To give you folks a little background, my producer & I began the film a little over 3 years ago and have just finished the final edit. The DVD should be available in 2 weeks at bankingonheaven.com.
When we bagan filming in Colorado City & Hildale, there was no other media coverage (that I know of) other than John Dougherty & Mike Watkis. The walls there weren't up yet, so we got a lot of footage and interviews that are entirely impossible today. We also attracted local police and goons who did everything possible to intimidate us and run us off. Sometimes, when the threats were serious, they did run us off, but they never intimidated us, other that the usual nausea, vomiting and nightmares (joke).
I've enjoyed reading your posts, and hope to become a participating member of this thread.
I would't give the film the time of Day. Waste of Money and Time. Would Rather Watch MSMBC or Donald Duck.
Why would you say that?
Just watching the trailer you can tell it is the biggest pile of the worst b.s. from the press.
I thought the name of your movie was BIG LOVE IS A BIG LIE.
I look forward to seeing it. I just looked up your website and was a little disappointed there was no launch date for the DVD. I think the first annonymous poster on this site is probably upset because you filmed their "mysterious" and scary lifestyle and put in on film where they are exposed. If I were them, I would be very embarrassed too. Thank you for the film. Again, I look forward to seeing it.
I am looking forward to seeing it.
The B.S. that someone mentioned earlier isn't from the press/media... the B.S. is that this has gone on for so long and so many are still in denial.
With the amount of Anonymous posts I will use my posting name.
Walton aka Cooper
Lets make a Movie about all of the divorces in Monogamy and Cheating and Spouse Abuse and Child Abuse,all the vices of that Society and then Lets Call it BANKING ON HELL. This Producer of this movie needs to focus on the good of this society. Oh I apologize this is a very corrupt society and needs to be obliberated off the planet. The LDS people think that they can just Mock the God of Jacob and make fun of this society, but he says D&C 132 Says "NO ONE CAN REJECT THIS COVENANT AND BE PERMITTED TO ENTER INTO MY GLORY" Did anyone catch the phrase (NO ONE), Oh! except the President of the Church. All those that have this law revealed unto them must and SHALL ABIDE THIS LAW OR THEY SHALL BE DAMNED.D&C 132. I quess according to their ideas, they are going to live it in the next life. I guess being LDS I will just plan on paying my Tithing in the next life, go to church in the next life,receive my Temple ordinces in the next life, and get Babtized in the next life Etc. If they make a law to Ban one Principle can't they make a law to Ban another Principle. So if they made laws too Ban all of the Principles of the Gospel, Since the LDS Church succumed to the Ban on Polygamy,whats next? Those who live Godly in Christ SHALL SUFFER PERSECUTION Why? because they won't back down. God's law will not be trifled with. God is watching us from a distance.
You could make a movie on divorces in Monogamy and Cheating,, but WITHOUT having to do it secretly because the rest of society is an open society. The FLDS know they are wrong, otherwise they wouldn't hide so much and keep everything so secretive. If nothing so awful is happening in the FLDS open your doors to the world. Invite them in and show them you are doing nothing wrong. Invite them in and show them that the FLDS has nothing to hide and they live a wonderful life. Why, if everything is so wonderful in the FLDS, does everything have to be hidden?????????????????????//
How about the FLDS open their doors to the outside world and show them that there is nothing wrong going on inside the FLDS. Then, maybe, the world would be satisfied that child abuse is not rampant. Show us that there is nothing wrong going on. If everything is so wonderful then why not be proud of it and share it with others? Huh..what an idea. Why not open your doors and let us see how loving and wonderful life in the FLDS is.
Plus, we could have a movie as you have spoken about regarding the monogamy lifestyle. I would say if we did the abuse of the system would not be so rampant in it.
Please, open your doors, invite us in and show us that everything is fine. Allow your children to run and play in front of the public without having to hide when a stranger passes. Any other religion that believes in themselves welcomes others so they can show them how wonderful life is in their world. Do the same and the movies won't have to be written and produced.
Explain the good part about this society please.
The "visions" have been a little blurry over the last hundred plus years.
The good part of this society is hidden behind all the "walls" and the details of Child Abuse being reported.
The good part of this society is covered like the mounds of dirt on the unmarked graves of babies.
Is this done by those who live "Godly in Christ"?
Yes, God is watching and I doubt very much that he is smiliing.
Walton aka Cooper
Anonymous@10:34 said: "All those that have this law revealed unto them must and SHALL ABIDE THIS LAW OR THEY SHALL BE DAMNED.D&C 132. I quess according to their ideas, they are going to live it in the next life."
Even I have to take out my own trash. As with all the other modifications done concerning this book, this is something they should leave out on purpose and yell it to the world of the latest edit.
Walton aka Cooper
I can understand why some within the FLDS may not like the idea of a film that reveals the abuses that go on behind closed doors. People in the FLDS and those who have escaped or been thrown out consistently confirm that abuse is rampant. That includes both physical abuse and emotional abuse. What's happening to the people in CC & Hildale is a CRIME of the worst magnitude and must be stopped. Now. That's why I made the film. To wake the people of America up.
The people insulting this film must be followers of Warren or simply are in denial (which is NOT a river in Egypt) that the "BS" IS happening.
It's not like one person is saying these things either. What about the lost boys, Fawn H. & Fawn B., Ruth Stubbs, Pennie Peterson, Laurene Jessop & even Brent Jeffs who was sodmized by Jeffs. Are ALL these people liars or "apostates"? I don't think so.
A Concerned Texan
giggaz you say you just finished the final edit.
Did'nt you enter your film in the vancover film festival last september.(almost a year ago)
Hmm, your facts don't seem to ad up.
Would you care to explain?
The people insulting this film must be followers of Warren or simply are in denial (which is NOT a river in Egypt) that the "BS" IS happening.
It's not like one person is saying these things either. What about the lost boys, Fawn H. & Fawn B., Ruth Stubbs, Pennie Peterson, Laurene Jessop & even Brent Jeffs who was sodmized by Jeffs. Are ALL these people liars or "apostates"? I don't think so.
A Concerned Texan
10:34 - I think I just threw up in my mouth.
The FLDS cannot come to terms with the fact that this is not about polygamy. 10:34 is an example. If warren was not marrying underage girls and tearing families apart left and right there would be no problems with the law. While Plural Marriage is a tenet of the Gospel marrying young girls is not. There is nothing in the Mormon scriptures or the Bible which can be used to justify it. The Lord has told us (followers of JS) that we must obey the law of the land unless it conflicts with the Laws of God. (Constitutional law will not conflict). There is a law against marrying young girls in Utah. Anyone who is living the principles JS taught will not then marry an underage girl in violation of that law.
warren will continue to violate the laws of God and his country and his followers will continue to call themselves persecuted for it. It is a paradox that is driving some participants literally out of thier minds. If not quelled by those involved it will end in the destruction of a once happy and industrious community.
unrestrained - my comment wasn't directed at you.
5:39--There is indeed problems out here as well. What the FLDS need to realize is that they are on the same globe as the rest of the world. An us vs them mentality is very dangerous.
Now, saying everyone who leaves is a liar is quite a stretch. I have witnessed Warren blatantly lie to the people himself. You may say, "when?" Well, he stated when a group of people left shortly after Rulon passed away that "the guilty flee when no man pursueth." Now, the people he had reference to were warned by Uncle Fred (yes, Uncle Fred was somewhat of a traitor himself)--they were warned that Warren wanted to do a public execution to them like he did to the Barlows and about 20 others. These men left, and then Warren lies through his teeth saying that no man pursued them.
Now, if Warren can lie, isn't it easier to assume that maybe not everything against him is a lie? When someone who is known to lie says everything against them is a lie, they don't have a lot of credence, do they?
What I find interesting is cults universally declare that everyone who defects from the cult is a liar. Anon 5:39 showed the same tendency. Warren isn't the only cult leader out there, and universally, when someone gets caught up in the cult spirit of denial, anything against their holy leader immediately becomes a lie to them.
5:39 Unfortunately what we say to you probably won't make sense to you until a certain moment - the moment when you realize that the men you idolize, are human also, and fully capable of sin/mistakes like the rest of us.
I don't fault you for that, many of us here had that moment. We were fully committed, completely dedicated, utterly devoted and then you see something that you hadn't seen before.
What you say about those outside FLDS is absolutely true - sin, it's everywhere - including FLDS. The underwear and old fashioned hairstyles are not armour against the fall of man.
I have no interest in persecuting you, or setting you aside to torture you for your beliefs - I would never want to do that.
It's because your leadership (nothing from the BOM, D&C) have been marrying young girls to really old men, and your parents abandoning underage boys. Those have nothing to do with religion, those are the day to day business decisions of your leadership.
If it were not for those things, you would merely be some interesting group of polygamists. And, not being a taxpayer in Utah or Arizona - your existence would probably not upset me.
Polygamy is interesting - true - but only soooo interesting. It's the other 'over the top' crazy wild happenings that are causing the natives to be restless. Is your leadership setting up for a confrontation - honestly, the way they conduct themselves - it seems like they are wanting to provoke a response and then say 'I told you they were after us'.
"Now, the people he had reference to were warned by Uncle Fred (yes, Uncle Fred was somewhat of a traitor himself)--they were warned that Warren wanted to do a public execution to them like he did to the Barlows and about 20 others. These men left, and then Warren lies through his teeth saying that no man pursued them."
You can tell that you left because that is a blatant lie. (only slightly kidding) Uncle Fred was Warren Jeffs greatest supporter. I was there too.
"It's because your leadership (nothing from the BOM, D&C) have been marrying young girls to really old men, and your parents abandoning underage boys. Those have nothing to do with religion, those are the day to day business decisions of your leadership."
To say that is the reason they put Warren Jeffs on the top ten most wanted list is niave at best. Young women marry old men in your society also. Rebellious boys run away or are told to move out in your society also.
I know what it is that you hate, (besides polygny) and I hate it too. That is the perception of being forced.
Let me put your minds at ease, no one is forced to get married in the FLDS, at any age, and no one is forced to stay.
Isnt that what you all want those who are FLDS to do? To leave? Soooo Sorry, aint gunna happen.
Oh another thing proving your lie:
"they were warned that Warren wanted to do a public execution to them like he did to the Barlows and about 20 others. These men left, and then Warren lies through his teeth saying that no man pursued them."
They left before the Barlows and 20 others were publicly exhiled.
And who pursued them?
Please excuse my bad manners. I didn't introduce myself.
Average Joe that is just a bit more vocal about things then others.
I don't know about being intelligent but I do know when to come in out of the rain. :)
My spelling is terrible but my intentions are good.
I use to tip-toe around certain issues but I've learned over the years, it is just best to come straight out and say it like I see it. Good or bad. It just seems to work for me.
I've been reading this board and talking to you folks for a long time. Only thing is I just didn't post anything. I was the shadow in the background and that buzzing in your ear was me. :D
Uncle Ratt.
Please forgive my bad manners. I've been reading this blog for so long that I was sure that you folks could see my shadow and if you had a buzzing in your ear it was me talking to you.
I don't know about intelligent but I do have enough common sense to come in out of the rain. :)
Just an average Joe that is somewhat more vocal than most.
My spelling is terrible but my intentions are good.
Walton aka Cooper
giz, you were raised by the LeBaons? Do you tell your story at all in the film?
The producer & narrator for "BANKING ON HEAVEN" was raised in the LeBaron cult. She escaped from Latin America at age 16. She does tell part of her story in the film. It's her voiceover you hear in the trailer. Many of the distributers we've talked to want us to make a film about the LeBarons, with Laurie narrating.
Well fundy, I'm going to have to throw that one back at you - as you claim to know everything about EVERYONE who isn't FLDS. About 'our' divorces, and 'our' everything else you can imagine.
'our' being billions people who live completely and utterly different lives with a plethora of different religions, cultures, ethnicities, nationalities, backgrounds etc etc etc. If those sorts of comments aren't massie over generalization of the highest order then I don't know what one is.
Farewell, adeau, au revoir, adios, syanara and good ridance.
giz - did you go to these places then, did you get to see these things. Had you any personal experience with them prior to this film.
I'm curious what it was like for you to dive so deep into this project not coming from this background. I am curious your feelings when it all began, and what it was like for you.
Will you share?
How interesting, I can hardly wait to see the movie. Did your movie influence any of the people around you - what did they think of it?
Fundy, it's true that someone who has never been part of your religion will never understand the nuances of relationships, and the voiceless gestures and expectations.
No one can know those things. BUT, the XFLDS, speaking from the outside, who WERE ONCE IN, and DID UNDERSTAND.
Just because their experiences are not optimal, or because they have negative things to say does not mean that they are liars, and their experiences were exceptional.
What it does mean is that they are willing to talk, they are willing to share, they are willing to put a voice to some of the most painful experiences of their lives.
Perhaps for some the motivation is anger - anger at how they were treated. Others might be altruistically motivated and be sincere in their desire to put a word of compassion out there for those who are hurting.
But whatever the motivation, and whatever the circumstances of their departure from FLDS (booted or fled) - they have one thing in common - THEY WERE ON THE INSIDE, THEY DID KNOW THE CULTURE, THE NUANCES, THE INSIDE SCOOPS.
Neither you, nor anyone else can take that away from them
NO, I think I'll point out that you tell us we have no idea what we're talking about.
Well again - I'll ask -
Perhaps if someone wasn't such a vortex, they might be able to enlighten us.
P.S. I didn't have to back off that question - but I offered to - and you acted like an absolute schmuck in response.
Is this how you win an argument when your intellect, rationale, or lack of reasonable/logical thought fails?
Threatening someone - utter cowardice!
Fundy, that was reprehensible. You are making life threats against this person. You try to distance yourself by saying it will be someone not connected to you. Quit trying to fool anyone. That threat came from you directly. Your threat only adds fuel to the fire. You will not get anyone to go away and leave the fundamentalists alone by actions such as this. The trailer of this movie looks to me like more of the same. Giz must have had a bad experience with the FLDS to put the slant on the film that it has (or seems to have from the trailer). Showing more unkindness to him/her will not change anyone's mind.
I saw "BANKING ON HEAVEN" in Vancouver, and the filmmakers didn't put any slant on the film. The beauty of "BANKING ON HEAVEN' is that the film gives all sides, and leaves any final decision-making to the audience. These filmmakers have done a marvelous job.
Let me just first thank the blog, for being honored next to such an incredible blogger as fttc, for the prestigious honor of 'panties in a wad' by fundy. I'd also like to thank my parents, and the academy for this wonderful honor, I couldn't have done this without your genes and support.
I likewise am honored. It is strange that Atar and I should share this honor being we are from opposite sides of the issue at hand. Strange how evil will unite and bring together those who would otherwise be separated. Congratulations Fundy for the fruits of your labors!
Fundy - if you post on this blog, I will reply if I want to.
Your admonitions to the contrary seem childish, or perhaps you just need your testicles to descend.
OHhhh so you can respond to me, but I can't respond to you - is that how it works?
Do you object to the word testicle? I mean - this blog is about polygamy - yanno - the stuff porn movies are made of (or so I hear).
Did you just forget that you threatened to have the producer of "Banking on Heaven" SHOT if he came to Colorado City again?
Anyhow - I was merely pointing out your lack of testosterone, when dealing with me. So man up, get some cajones and stop making mountains out of molehills, and answer reasonable questions (which is all I was asking).
I believe "cyber threats " are punishable by law. Enforceable Laws.
This blog has a lot of useful information and I would hate to see it shut down because adults can not act like law-abiding adults. IP addy's are traceable.
Cooper aka Walton
Watched the trailer. B.S. is all there is in there. There is an obvious propaganda that I can predict. Only the apostates are telling the truth right? Is that why people gasped? Anybody telling the truth are portrayed as liars, right?
My comments as I watched the trailer:
There were and possibly are abusive men who profess to be FLDS. (A lot fewer now) ABUSE IS NOT Sanctioned by the FLDS. Jack Cook does not represent the FLDS. He was a PUKE!
Chattle? Breeding machines? For welfare money? You really believe that? Bleeding the beast was invented and repeated by liars. Its NOT TRUE!
400 Mil? Buster COME ON!
I was there when Warren Jeffs twisted his wife's braid. IT WAS A SKIT! A SLAPSTICK COMEDY! (By the way she got him back later)
Shame on you Jaleena! (Sarah's sister, Dan Fischer's daughter)
The only human rights abuses are the ones you advocate JD
Outsiders are agents of Satan?
B.S.! How do you think we earn a living? Tourists can and have had friendly chats, but bring a camera and a microphone and I will run the other way. Why? because interviews are chopped up and misquoted. Probably done in this film. Reporters, and you filmmakers are obviously agents of Satan.
Dan Fischer, the Taliban? PULEEEZ!
The FLDS believe that abortion is murder, and what Elaine said is a lie of the blackest kind. PUTRID DISGUSTING. All children are loved here.
I LOVE YOU RUTH! May you have peace is my prayer. Your son's love you!
Larie witnessed the Labaron group, not the FLDS.
Pam was not given books? Poor kid, I sure was. Doesn't she looove the camera though.
Human wreckage? Look at your own society!
The obvious purpose of this film is for money. The wilder the story, the more money you can get. See JD, Krak, MIB and Watkiss. They make their living on propaganda. Worked for them, might work for you. But I hope it fails miserably.
To the poster @12:29 am
Can you explain the unmarked graves at Baby graveland?
Can you explain the babies born with deformities?
Can you explain the stats on Welfare recipients from that area?
Can you explain the boys that were told to leave?
Can you explain the un-paid taxes?
I watched the trailer. Ruth does a great job - the trailer is quite good. I really want to see the movie. I'm going to have to remember to go there and buy the movie.
Has anyone seen the whole thing? Is it as good as the trailer makes it seem?
From what I hear, she doesn't have any visituation with her children, why is her legal access to her children such that she cannot see them?
You my dear are not what you claim to be.
Although I am interested as to WHY you claim to be of FLDS background.
Walton aka Cooper
Why would we want to liberate ourselves from the truth? Just because you have?
"go buy the film and see for yourself"
gunna make you rich, right?
Just watching the trailer made me puke.
Lack of sensationalism? PULEEZE! This film represents the FLDS as well as Jerry Springer, or Maury Povich represent American ideals.
By the way, did you know that Ruth was once a regular poster on this blog?
I think Ruth is the one part of the story that truly shows how hard it is.
She's definately not retarded or dumb by any stretch of the imagination. She's strong and resourceful. She's also amazingly pretty - she has great features!
But you see the internal struggles, hurt by FLDS, hurt by CPS, understanding weaknesses, but still wanting to get her heritage back. Unwilling to give in.
I personally think someone should get in there and sign Ruth up for a book, so she can make some money. Her personality is amazing - her perspectives unique. Someone should also help her get those kids back - she's not crazy!
I hope you capture all that in the film, I can see bits of it in the trailer, and I've heard her story before. I'm certain you did her justice - but I can hardly wait to see.
I replied to those two with questions about my post 12:29 but I guess the Admin didnt like it.
Yes, I saw on another blog she had an address to send monies to, and she would write you a poem. I know someone who is looking for an original poem. I wish Ruth would post that information again.
Can you ask her if she still writes poetry freelance?
Ruth - do you still write poetry freelance?
A great sadness is that Val Jessop used the children and played on Laurene Jessop's guilt to get her to come back. Even though Laurene feels things are working out, she is still living with a man who is married to another woman. He never divorced Marie and prides himself in having control of Laurene again. Laurene's strength has crumbled in favor of a man's pride, she even sounds like her spiritual husband now when she defends herself.
Curious... if Short Creek is such a secret society, then how did they get the cameras in? Think about that one.
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