What makes a religion grow and become strong?? What are the differences between WJ and Gordon B. Hinckleberry?? What are the differences between LDS and FLDS??
Well for one thing it is NOT the following of religious doctrine. Both churches make that a laughable matter. Only the most gulible can believe their doctrine. Of which there are plenty who do in both groups. Both groups are way off from where the religon came from and taught.
What makes the difference is the pratical business methods the LDS use, daily. They are very adept at making their religion a very successful business.
And the FLDS while having some good leadership in the past are now falling into the cultish waters of instability and poor business decisions. Poor business decisions and religious decisions that turn the members against each other. Any leader who tells you your going to be beamed up to heaven in a short time is on the brink of mental instability.
This is really not about religion or polygamy as many of you seem to think it is. This is really more about how a business is run than anything to do with religion or polygamy.
Who wants YOUR opinion anyway.I have'nt seen your license judge please forward it to the appropriate authorities. to judge.If you have a license to
I think it's too murky to say that it is all business.
Sure, yes, some of it is the day to day runnings, accounting, tithes, checks and balances.
But there is another element - fear, that has crept in like weed.
Women. men, leadership, children all infected with fear. Fear makes people do crazy things. Tell on husbands who get booted, not trust parents to help them, makes leadership paranoid.
It's more than just polygamy and religion to be sure - it's definately about daily operations - but it's also about a culture of fear.
The more I read your posts the more I picture you as some sort of trashy person that lives in a trailer park and beats his wife..girly man? Even if he was, what does that have to do with anything? You sound like an uneducated hypocrite. I'm going to start ignoring your posts like I do OTS.
I'm glad I was raised by my mom and "Girly-man" dad. He is not girly really at all, but he sure has some higher emotional levels than you'll ever have. And his intelligence level far surpasses yours the more I read about you.
The more I read your posts the more I picture you as some sort of trashy person that lives in a trailer park and beats his wife..girly man? Even if he was, what does that have to do with anything? You sound like an uneducated hypocrite. I'm going to start ignoring your posts like I do OTS.
I'm glad I was raised by my mom and "Girly-man" dad. He is not girly really at all, but he sure has some higher emotional levels than you'll ever have. And his intelligence level far surpasses yours the more I read about you.
The more I read your posts the more I picture you as some sort of trashy person that lives in a trailer park and beats his wife..girly man? Even if he was, what does that have to do with anything? You sound like an uneducated hypocrite. I'm going to start ignoring your posts like I do OTS.
I'm glad I was raised by my mom and "Girly-man" dad. He is not girly really at all, but he sure has some higher emotional levels than you'll ever have. And his intelligence level far surpasses yours the more I read about you.
I'm a female - (ahem, idiot).
oops did I say that?
obvoiusly it wasn't posting properly and kept making me re enter a code. So, I apologize for the repeat, but it was a computer error. I would not type the same thing in three times in a row. My memory may be good, but not that good.
Street, you are just tunnel visioned and RUDE!!!
You, like all the rest of humanity are just one little speck in the whole spectrum of your existence.
Why don't you try loving your neighbor as yourself for a change?
Sure you have your opinions, but are yours anymore valid or right than John Doe's? NO! Live and let live.
QUOTE: "it is NOT the following of religious doctrine. Both churches make that a laughable matter. Only the most gulible can believe their doctrine."
Please, Fundy! Why do you have to be so condescending and disrespectful of those opinions that differ from yours? I assume you are not LDS, therefore you have at best an imperfect comprehension of Mormon doctrine.
And, as a little thought should tell you, dismissing the likes of the Marriot family (the very wealthy founders of the hotel chain), the governor of Massachussets, Utah's governor, state attorney, both its senators and most of its representatives, the mayor of Salt Lake City, the entire faculty of BYU, much of the faculty of the U of U, the senior businesss managers who make all the money that you mention, and some 50,000 BYU students across three campuses, are all "the most gullible" is, well, somewhat presumptious.
Actually, most Mormons find mainstream Christianity pretty difficult to take seriously. It's all a question of point of view and tradition. By all means, state your opinion. But please, there's no need to disrespect those who disagree with you.
Oh and, if you are going to criticize the LDS church, you really should get it's president's name right!
Your post brought up a couple questions for me. Firstly let me say I completely agree with you. Because we believe differently, there is no reason to be disrespectful.
First, I was under the impression that there had been a nudge from the LDS powers that be to actually have mormons consider themselves Christians. It was also my understanding that LDS members believe not only the Bible, but the BOM D&C, and the Pearl of Great Price, wheras mainstream Christianity believes only in the Bible.
It seems as if Christianity has about 3 books less to believe are divinely inspired, and LDS claims to agree with the ONLY book that mainstream Christianity believes - so why do they have a hard time taking it seriously?
Your comment:
"Actually, most Mormons find mainstream Christianity pretty difficult to take seriously."
Can you explain what you mean by that? And also, why would your leadership want to subtly shift over time the thinking of it's congregation to 'call themselves Christians' if indeed they do not take Christianity seriously.
I don't hear any Christian groups calling themselves Mormons - it actually seems like a technique to lure unsuspecting Christians to convert - and has meaning only to those who can be duped.
Perhaps you can enlighten me.
Let me liken it to the Mormons constant statement that the FLDS aren't really Mormons.
I have to say it's not playing nice to do the same thing to Christianity, that you don't want someone to do to you. Can someone take this request to Mr. Hinkly and stop the move towards LDS faithful now declaring themselves Christians as well.
Hi Atar_i. Thank you for the courtesy of your response and questions.
Firstly, I want to emphasize that I speak as a private individual Mormon. I am not a spokesman for the LDS church, and my opinions are not necessarily those of the LDS church.
It all depends on how you define Christianity. A lot of Mormons call themselves Christians because Jesus Christ plays the same role in Mormonism as He does in mainstream Christianity -- He is the Savior and Redeemer of the LDS Church, same as for the Baptists or Episcopalians or Catholics or anybody else.
Personally, I don't agree (although millions of Mormons from Zimbabwe to Japan would have a real problem with that). If a Christian is just somebody who believes that Jesus is the Savior, then that makes Messianic Jews Christian -- and they would be the first to disagree!
I think Christianity is a doctrine. The differences between all the different Christian churches are based on technicalities, not fundamentals. For example, a Baptist and a Catholic might argue about the appropriate age to baptize a child. But they both agree that baptism is necessary.
Mormonism disagrees with Christianity on the fundamentals.
In her basically anti-Mormon biography of Mormonism's founder, "No Man Knows My History", Fawn Brodie argued (I think convincingly) that Mormonism is to Christianity what Christianity is to Judaism. It's an evolution, a step forward in the theology.
I think the FLDS are Mormons, in that they accept the BoM and D&C as scripture, which is the fundamental difference between Mormons and Christians. But they are not the same church as the LDS, and their followers are not members of the LDS church. The two churches are as different as the Methodists and the Baptists. Again, a lot of LDS would disagree with me, on the grounds that only the LDS church is the true church, and any other Mormon church is an apostate organisation like any other. ( I agree, but that doesn't mean I don't consider them Mormon!)
When I said that a lot of Mormons have difficulty taking mainstream Christianity seriously, I would hope that in most cases, that doesn't mean we belittle or denigrate mainstream Christianity. I don't think I've ever heard anybody do that, though I'm sure that some do -- we're human, after all. But it is well understood throughout the LDS church that such behavior is inappropriate.
But Mormonism teaches that we have always existed, and will never cease to exist; that we fulfilled a role before this current life, and will continue to do so after death.
By contrast, mainstream Christianity (so far as I understand) teaches that God decided for no very good reason to create an Earth for a blink in the eons of time, during which we have a life (again for no very good reason) lasting a mere blip. And if we behave ourselves during that blip, we get to sit around in paradise doing nothing for all eternity. And I think "Why? What's the point?"
This is why I say Mormons have a hard time taking mainstream Christianity seriously. It all seems so pointless! Whereas Mormonism provides a vast and (I think) enormously inspiring purpose of life!
That much said, and although generally Mormons consider mainstream Christian beliefs to be in error, that doesn't mean Christians don't have a right to follow them without interference. The position of the Mormons is that as and when the Lord wishes them to receive the truth, He'll send the Mormons in their direction!
TBM, That was an thoughtful, complete answer to my questions - and I completely appreciate it.
Although I claim no special knowledge about God's rationale for creating the earth, and our lives in particular - I do believe he has one.
It's good to have you aboard on the blog! I look forward to some great exchanges!
I'm not even going to deign a comment like that with a response.
Thanks Atar_i. I'm looking forward to the dialog also :-)
WOW, interesting how you sexualized Jesus relationship with Mary AND Martha. Even the heretics only give him one wife!
The the slug comment - you're in especially rare form tonight. Forming sentences AND relishing your ability to be utterly disgusting.
Yikes - I hope you enjoy hot places
I think I knew Fundy in grade school. He was the kid who could take ANYBODY's name and add or take away a few letters and make it into some sort of an insult. He thought that made him the smartest kid in the class.
It didn't then, either.
Those polygamists keep trying to tell us that polygamy is NOT all about sex. But OTS's phallo-centric rant kind of blows that absurd claim.
OTS's descriptors for the male organ:
"pathetic little knob"
"incredibly tiny"
"pathetic as a sea-slug"
"little log"
These are not words normally used by sane men in describing their anatomic features.
There may be a good reason why he's out "on the street".
Don't step in him.
It may not be ALL about a polygamous, racist community with a leader who is on the FBI's most wanted list, but one must wonder if you cannot do any WORSE than that in the BUSINESS WORLD!!! The two chruches are completley different worlds...
Your extraordinately imaginative diatribe offers dramatic proof of what a person is capable of, when he chooses to remain separate from communication with the Prophet of God.
You don't need to guess. Just follow the Prophet!
(hint.....he is in Salt Lake City.)
Do we HAVE to keep being subjected to Street's disgusting and degraded tirades? Is there any way that you can just block him so he can't post? He is in no way represtenting anyone's but his own opinion, and we have all heard enough of his gutter mind!!
He's in SLC? Send the FBI if you know where he is
5:52 - If you take the time to read mugwumps posts they are always very well thought out, coherant, and doctinally aligned with what Christians consider the infallible word of God - the Holy Bible.
Theology is really rather interesting, and you get a nicely explained theological perspective from mugwump. Someone like myself does not believe that there is a prophet in SLC (I heard him once - it was creepy), and thus, traveling there would probably be a headache (mostly because there is no coffee OY!).
I am linking to The Canons of Synod of Dort, if you find all of these to be true - that is Calvanism.
Sometimes a short little quip is really not enough. I'm not always in the mood to read long posts (and yet I can always write them - interesting) however, that doesn't really make them rise to the level of a diatribe (that seems like a rather negative slant to his post).
Street and fundy both silent - everyone is going to have to go the extra mile and start posting - otherwise the room will be silent.
Oftentimes we wait for them to bait us and then we come out. I hate to see it quiet when they leave....because then it makes we want them back (oh goodness did I just say that).
That is some strange kind of scripture you link to.
Has someone been adding to the Bible again?
Thanks for your thoughts on Chritian doctrine, Mugwump. And I don't consider them a diatribe at all. In fact, I have no idea where anonymous is coming from on that one.
I have to say, with respect, that you seem better informed on Christian doctrine than most Christians are, in my experience :-)
But I still find it difficult to believe that God created man simply so that man could worship and adore Him. With no intention whatever of being disrespectful or offensive, that seems, well, kind of arrogant and pompous, actually.
If I were shomehow reincarated on another earth how, If there I am no better person than I am here ever hope to achieve godhood?
It's a good question. Let me first answer a technicality: Mormonism teaches that we will be resurrected (not reincarnated) on this earth, not another world.
Mormonism teaches that the purpose of our life on Earth is to improve ourselves, and to become better people -- not to remain the same person we have always been. That is, mortal life is a probationary period.
If by the end of our lives, we have overcome some of our weaknesses and shown we are willing to work toward perfection, we will have the opportunity following the Second Coming to work much more efficiently at becoming perfect. Once we have attained complete perfection, as God Himself is perfect, then we too shall become gods. But none of us will achieve that in this mortal life.
I'm not at all sure what you mean by "promotions". Within the priesthood, there are different offices (as in any church), to which anybody may be called according to their age and ability. Pretty much any active Mormon adult man becomes an Elder. I'm not sure of what gets an Elder called as a High Priest.
If you're refering to those who are called to lead the church -- seventies, apostles and prophets -- there is no suggestion that these people are closer to godhood than anybody else. That calling is God's to give, and His alone.
And certainly, the LDS church's leadership is by no means universally rich. Thomas S. Monson, currently the church's 2nd most senior leader, is well known in Utah as independently wealthy (I met him personally some years ago, and I liked him a lot. He's a very pleasant, funny and likeable man). But plenty of other LDS church leaders come from quite modest backgrounds.
Anon 10:02
That wasn't an addition to scripture it was a clarification of theology.
John Calvin vs. Jacobus Arminius
At the heart of the controversy between Calvinism and Arminianism is the emphasis on the sovereignty of God by the Calvinists and on the free will of man, or human responsibility, by the Arminians.
Arminian theology teaches that man has free will and that God will never interrupt or take that free will away, that God has obligated Himself to respect the free moral agency and capacity of free choice with which He created us.
Calvinism, on the other hand, emphasizes that God is in total control of everything, and that nothing can happen that He does not plan and direct, including man's salvation. Both doctrinal positions are logical, both have Scriptures to back up each of their five points, and both are, in my opinion, partially right and partially wrong.
So, are you more calvanist or armenian - or a mixture?
You nominal "christians" should get your act together.
If you're both gonna thump on the same Bible, and proclaim it to be complete and infallible, shouldn't you both be at least playing the same tune?
You guys REALLY need a Prophet.
I am happy to share mine!
Just give me your address, and a couple of very nice, well-dressed boys (or girls, or an older couple) will come to your door, with a very important message.
ATAR_i said (7/14/2006 7:54 AM):
Street and fundy both silent - everyone is going to have to go the extra mile and start posting - otherwise the room will be silent.
Oftentimes we wait for them to bait us and then we come out. I hate to see it quiet when they leave....because then it makes we want them back (oh goodness did I just say that).
STREET's Reply: Admin has been moderating and deleting all my posts, so I have pretty much left the forum.
Interesting how limiting the non-FLDS Christian religions are.
We are forordained to have free will. God knows what will happen with each of us and has control over all things, we don't have either, thus for us to join in the inheritance of His Son we must use our free will to do His will. Then we become like Him.
Satan's sin was not that he desired to be a God. But that he wanted to remove free will from the equation and save all by force. He wanted to be the Savior. When he couldn't he rebelled and was cast out of heaven.
From the Pearl of Great Price:
"And I, the Lord God, spake unto Moses, saying: That Satan... is the same which was from the beginning, and he came before me saying- Behold here am I, send me, I will be thy son,and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor. But behold, my Beloved Son which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning said unto me- Father, thy will be done and the glory be thine forever. Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down. And became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to decieve and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice."
The angels in heaven cannot sin(they have no desire to) because they are not subject to the fall of Adam, by which we became subject to the TEMPTATION to sin. If we overcome all temptation through faith in the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, unto overcoming though the gift of repentance, then (and only then) will we be worthy of the highest heaven. To be perfect is to be ever repenting (improving) Godhood is not atttainable here, but is attainable. It is by our condition, not our position.
Isn't that wonderful? Why would you not want to believe that?
god wannabe, you ask why? Why would I not want to believe that???
"When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours." ~Stephen Roberts
3:42 - It's interesting that you feel we all need to be in absolute agreement about the theological meanings of each passage of scripture.
The meaning of certain passages of scripture have been the topic of debate for centuries. Since none of us can know the mind of God (no man - which IMO includes your prophet), we read the scriptures with our small limited understanding.
I think perhaps you're upset because your understanding of theology is hampered by abdication of study in favor of someone elses spoon fed explanations.
If you want to open fire on a thinking mind, be my guest - based on your post, I assume you'll be coming unarmed.
Wow, Atari looks more like you are upset. I am sorry.
It is interesting to say that the whole gospel is in the Bible, and then have such vastly different ideas of God and heaven.
Prophets are for the purpose of helping us understand.
Yeah, just like they want you to understand. You have no mind of your own. Puppet on a string, cant move without the profit pulling the strings.
Heavens no, not upset.
But - how can you expect anyone to agree about heaven. When I was a child I thought of the most wonderous place I could imagine - and heaven was clouds of ice cream with gum drops and chocolate bars everywhere - I could imagine nothing better.
How can one understand heaven - we all have our own idea about how it is, but can we truly understand - we can only imagine it as good as we can - but is that really what it's like?
As far as the gospel, Mugs and I have no dispute over that at all - we feel quite the same. It's really the issue of predestination that causes people to dissent. Biblical theologians have debated the meaning of the original texts on this issue and still have no consensus.
I honestly loved learning about this kind of stuff - it's interesting.
Jesus Christ was quite a brianwasher wasnt He? I am happy as a lark to be on His string.
Now why would you not believe that we have the possibility to become gods and goddesses over worlds of our own? That we are the actual children of a heavenly father and mothers? It is logical, can be supported by the Bible, and gives the greatest possible explaination of eternal life.
Why would you not want to believe that?
Is it because of the doctrine or because of the source?
Muggsey: Yeah, just like they want you to understand. You have no mind of your own
I'm not trying to start a fight, muggsey, but I think that is more than just a tad unfair. Mormons have plenty of mind of their own. And they are minded to accept that the prophet is guided by God, and that they should follow him.
Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they have no mind of their own!
Not only interesting, but assuring also. I take a bit of a different twist on predestination. Those whom God FOREKNEW He did predestinate. Herein lies one main variance with the common view of predestination. Before "Let There Be Light" God foreknew Abel, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and other O.T. prophets. He had a purpose for each of them. He foreknew Joseph, Mary, Zacariah & Elizabeth, the diciples and even Judas for his particular purpose. He foreknew Saul (Paul), Silas, Barnabas, Phillip, Stephen, and hosts of those other redeemed in of the New Testament.
Now here is the difference: Those previously mentioned He knew beforehand, before the formation of the world. They were preordained for a particular purpose. Freewill does not prohibit ANYONE from becoming a child of the Grace of God. For by Grace are you saved through Faith, it is a GIFT of GOD, not of works less any man should boast. It should be recognized that one may become saved by their free will of accdptance of the shed blood of Christ in redemption but, cannot be lost again by the same. If you ever become a child of the King, you can never be lost again. Were becoming 'lost' again an option, Christ would have to die again for each sin. If his redemption is insufficient then He is not Lord. Saved, lost, saved, lost is not an option. You are one, or the other.
Purpose of good works: To allow the Born Again Christian to show Christ's love through his (man's) life and lifestyle.
god wannable - in your post you ask:
Who wouldn't want to believe that?
Well, I'm not a huge believer in levels of heaven. Actually - not, a believer in that at all.
And, I wouldn't want to believe that. Every time I fail here on earth I would feel so down on myself. I think I would lose my hope, feeling destined for a lower level of heaven.
I think that is MAN, that is how MAN views things. Nothing in that purported scripture seems like Gods nature. It seems like High School, or Class Reunions, or any manly effort where people try to outperform with anything (beautiful wives, cars, rich husbands, big houses) - 'Mine is bigger and better than yours'.
UCK - yuck - no no no - NOT IN HEAVEN.
god wannabe
The very title you have chosen as your pen name speaks volumes about your attitude toward Christianity. Wanting to be God was Satan's sin. Because of this sin he was cast into hell which is his dominion and his ultimate place of incarceration. He currently roams about the earth seeking whom he can devour. What does that mean? It simply means those whom he can disillusion into believing that they (mankind) will have nothing to answer at the end of time to but themselves, that he (man) is, or can become like God.
Your posts lead me to believe that you have bit the bait and taken the hook in your mouth and can't escape, nor do you want to. Satan is in full control.
The gods of Mormon theology exist in a hierarchy. No man live on this earth will replace Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father will always remain superior.
Satan's sin was that he attempted to replace Heavenly Father.
It is interesting that atari blasts me for denying mercy, and mugs blasts me for denying judgment.
Let me put it this way:
We were born as spirit children to a Father and Mothers in heaven. We lived lives without bodies before we came here. We saw our parents had physical bodies and we did not. We were taught that in order to have physical bodies we must be subject to the fall of Adam. (To gain bodies but be shut out of heaven and lose all memory of our former existence.)
Jesus Christ came to earth to redeem us from the fall, which gives us all the resurrection of our physical bodies. He also gave us repentance, which gives us the OPPORTUNITY for forgiveness of all our sins, if we overcome the temptattion for them. Our God is merciful, and also just. Just because you accept Jesus as your personal Savior does not make you saved. Repentance is a condition, a path of becoming more and more like Jesus Christ, doing as He would, and giving Him the credit. For He gave us the opportunity. Though we may stumble, we must stay on the path. Our works show our faith in His love.
We will most all be saved, but to which mansion in His house we are saved to depends on us.
Those not taught these things here, will have another opportunity in the next life, before the resurrection, to repent, as the thief who was on the cross next to Jesus.
In the end we will be judged by our condition, not our position.
We CAN become joint HEIR's to Jesus Christ, and that would be the third heaven Paul mentioned in the Bible. (2 Corinthians 12:2)
Satan wanted to be the Savior, and wanted to give us a resurrection without judgment. His plan was more merciful than just. So merciful that it made him angry that it wasn’t accepted. He fell from heaven. He had legions of our brothers and sisters who followed him. They cannot have bodies of their own, but are ever seeking to enter ours.
So we lived a life of meaning before we came here, and we will all live a life of greater meaning after we leave here, but this life is where we attain bodies to purify and prepare to be worthy to be saved to the highest heaven, eternal parenthood.
"O my Father thou that dwellest in a high and glorious place,
when shall I regain Thy presence and again behold Thy face.
In Thy holy habitation did my spirit once reside?
In my first primevil childhood was I nurtured by Thy side?
For a wise and glorious purpose Thou has sent me here on earth.
And withheld the key of knowledge of my former friends and birth.
Yet oft times a secret something whispers youre a stranger here,
and Ive felt that I have wandered from a more exalted sphere.
I had learned to call Thee Father through Thy Spirit from on high,
but until the key of knowledge was restored I knew not why.
In the heavens are parents single? NO! the thought makes reason stare.
Truth is reason, truth eternal, tells me Ive a MOTHER there.
When I leave this frail existence, when I lay this mortal by
Father, Mother may I meet you in your royal courts on high?
Then at length when Ive completed all You've sent me forth to do.
With your mutual approbation, may I come and dwell with you?"
-Eliza R. Snow
(plural wife of Joseph Smith)
And just because I wannabe, doesnt mean I will be. For I have a struggle with hope also, but I still I wannabe! Dont you?
We were all forordained and predestined. God could see the whole earth from beginning to end, including each of us. He knew what we would do, but (other than prophesy in some instances) we have no idea our own future. But we do know what we DESIRE. We have free will, but God already knows where we will end up. Its gotta happen in order for Him to see it. God will not force His children, and Satan cannot force us.
How do I respond to your complete and utter remodel of scriptures - where would I even start. Theologically you not only missed the target, you killed the princess - ugh, what a nightmare.
His theology ought to be a sidewalk, or a pound cake, the first consists of cement, all mixed up and permanently set. The second has to be baked to reach it's potential.
So, Grave vaults and Hell are the eventual destination.
Yet I say it is true, and if I go to hell believing and seeking ever to obey, and become like God; and His mercy is not sufficient for me, then hell is where I should be.
But even if you dont believe, I think you will have another opportunity, I forgive you and leave you in the hands of God.
I have been in The LORD'S hands since I was nine years old.
I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against THAT DAY.
I suggest that you might spend about thirty years in intense study of the Bible. Remember, the text therein pre-dates that to which you follow by at least 1700 years, and parts of it up to 3300 years. Allow it to be it's own testimony and commentary. Then, if you have spent that amount of time in study and in prayer to God, who is in Heaven, the Great I AM. If you compare the truth therein to the little so-called book of Mormon you will be much better prepared to offer better judgement. I will warn you however, the truth in the Bible will cause you to shudder in fear when you consider the falseness to which you have heretofore been practicing. The Bible and it's witness to the Salvation Offered unto man by the Presentation of GOD'S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, JESUS, THE CHRIST as sin's atonement should cause you to fall on your face and beg forgivness, not only of GOD, but of all the people whom you have led astray with your false doctrine, authored in the pit of hell.
There is no other name in heaven, or upon earth by which you must be saved. That Name is the Name above ALL Names, THE NAME OF JESUS. FOR AT HIS NAME SHALL EVERY KNEE BOW AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT CHRIST IS LORD.
Truth in the Bible is the scale that tests Mormon, not the other way around.
Joseph, nor Warren nor You nor any man is my Lord. I repeat, My Lord is Jesus Christ, the ONLY Begotten SON of I AM GOD.
Joseph Smith received nothing, it was made up to make him and his buddies money. From what I read here the deceit is still going on and the people with whom you associate are victims, not among the saved.
I wondered how long it would take for OTS to make something more out of your nickname.
Hey, perhaps call yourself OTSS - see what he has to say then. Some of OTS' self-flaggelation might be interesting to watch.
Maybe ODESSA - not the city in Texas or the Former Soviet Union, but the post war S.S. criminals who went to ground to avoid prosecution.
Most of his utterances are nothing but propaganda anyway. In his efforts to be cute he has to act as if he is insane.
Maybe it's not an act?
Of course I do not deny it. But neither do I deny that without Moses Isreal would have been freed, that without Samuel David would have become king, that without John the Baptist The Savior would have been baptized, and that without Joseph Smith, the dispensation of the Fullness of times would have come forth.
You're getting into sticky theology without realizing it.
Did God create all of us and have full knowledge of the actions we would make even prior to our life beginning. Were those actions something we were predestined to make so that prophecy might be fulfilled, or is God just aware of the actions we will take.
Could only John the baptist have baptized Christ? - good question. In Matthew, some of the first words Jesus speaks EVER recorded, state that John should baptize him to fulfill all righteousness.
You might interpret that to mean that he is stating 'anyone can baptize me to fulfill all righteousness' but you might be wrong. There is no way to KNOW that for absolutely 100% certain sure.
So you can make statements like that, but realize you could be wrong. You might be right, but you might not be.
Since God knew all since the foundation of time, chances are he KNEW who would baptize him, and so there is NO WAY, he could mean anything other than John would baptize him - (SINCE HE KNEW John would baptize him from the beginning of time).
atari, obvious even to you prove that I was right, but to answer all of your questions, YES!
In my view there is nothing sticky about it. It is plain and simple.
My question is this. What can God NOT do?
Clearly he had a purpose in creating the earth. And clearly he could see the future, or else prophets would have never known anything. SO if He could see the future, and He is eternal, isnt it obvious He could see the future before He made the earth, and if He could see the future, isnt it obvious that He would know what we will do? I dont believe any of it is chance. He knew what we were going to do, and He stepped in when He needed to.
In saying that, you might think God was cruel. Why would any of us choose wickedness if He controls everything? Well it is pretty simple. We are His children. Do we not call Him Father? He wants us to proove ourselves to ourselves. In other words, He wants us to learn for ourselves. He gave us the power to choose right or wrong. Why? Our free will will either save us or damn us. Why? If we are not ABLE to ovecome wrong, we are not ABLE to have eternal life. This life is but a trial.
Adams fall gave us bodies, and gave us agency (free will). But it also made us subject to death, and damnation through sin.
Jesus, The only "begotten" Son, the Son of Man(Adam), was God in the flesh, He Died willingly not just to give all of Adams children the ressurection of our bodies, but also the gift of repentance. That we, by faith in the atonement (forgiveness) made for us, can overcome all sin. We are NOT saved until we see Him on judgment day, and are free of guilt.
Now what does it mean to be saved?
In the above you may say to be saved is to have eternal life. But in my religion there is more to it. All will be saved, but few will be saved to the third heaven.(That is to have children in heaven.) I believe that Hell is only Hell because of the guilt we will feel in what we have done. We will know what heaven we are worthy of. And all who are not worthy of the highest heaven, will beg to be given the second death, which is the death of the body AND the spirit. Damnation is to cease to exist. Fire and Brimstone is a mercy.
Of course you dont have to believe anything I say, but it is a awesome religion. Judeo Christian completion. My religion is my faith.
But I have questions for you if you dont believe me.
Did we exist before we were born?
When we die, will we cease to have families?
What is more important to you than your family?
Why do we call God Father?
Does Jesus Christ, and God the Father have physical bodies?
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