Richard Allred officially resigned his position as mayor of Colorado City in the town meeting tonight. So where does that leave the city? Voting on a new mayor? Or in limbo, just as warren has put all who would allow him to do so?
He sure tried it on me.
Why don't all the dissidents do a write-in for Ross; at least Warren he won't quit at Warren's whim.
Oops--that should say "at least he won't quit at Warren's whim"
There are other Issues too. They wanted Richard Allreds books opened up and put under scrutiny like he is suppose to by Campaign Finance Reform Law. I think it was that or he's moving or Warren woke up on the different side of the bed. I also heard Richard Allred was living in the Jeffs compound. Anyone else hear that. Bizarre little group they have with the upper caste and the lower caste.
All you are very evil against Warren Jeffs. Shall you feel yourselves good after his arrest ? But, I do not believe that God shall allow to put Warren Jeffs in jail.
Yeah I agree with anon 5:30 - I think it could be a pillar of fire myself.
How many public streets go through Warren's compound?
What nephite really meant to say.
The_Nephite said...
All you are very good compared against the evil of Warren Jeffs. Shall you feel yourselves good after his arrest ? YES WE HERE IN TEXAS WILL! But, I do not believe that God shall allow to put Warren Jeffs in jail. No because he will end up in prison, Huntsville, Texas, TDCJ making big rocks into little rocks, while he sings those ole Texas prison blues. Lordy Lordy he will sing those Texas prison blues.
LMAO here in Texas!
Anonymous said...
How many public streets go through Warren's compound?
3/14/2006 9:56 PM
Heard the LDS Church is losing alot of their faithful flock.
God did not tell Ol' Joe about that one.
How old is Richard. Is his middle name Warren. Is he in his 60's?
The big thing he fears is the probability that he would become as his nephew. The one sodomized at the school where Warren taught. Lil' old pansy wouldn't last a week. In all probability his first "boy friend" would be a black man, about 6'8" weighing 300+ lbs. Turn about is fair play.
Anon 2:17:
You can count me among the LDS "faithful flock"
And I do not know of even one of the "faithful flock" who are in the least bit disturbed about anything having to do with DNA.
Well, Dear 12:35 PM
Stay Tuned...Stop, Watch and Listen, Dear LDS.
Good Grief Streeeeeet. Asian living as an Native American.
I agree there are many ways to manipulate results you are an expert!
Look what happened to all those fake LDS documents.
They bought them up.
It's interesting that the genetic testing was done by a Mormon - who fully believed that the results would show what he had always believed (that native Americans were descended from Hebrews).
Mormon apologists and scholars agree with their non-Mormon counterparts on the basic facts and scientific evidence. For example, there is general agreement that:
1. DNA studies done to determine the genetic background of American Indians do not support the traditional Mormon teaching that Amerindians are of primarily Hebrew descent.
2. Many Mormon leaders, including Mormon Prophets and Apostles, have held and taught views regarding both the geography and people of the Book of Mormon that scientific evidences show to be false.
3. Many Mormon people today continue to hold the erroneous and scientifically unsustainable views taught by their leaders.
There is then, significant common ground when it comes to the scientific data. The facts are not the issue, but rather how one relates the scientific evidence to what past and present Mormon leaders have taught.
You are explaining your revelations and your truth in subjective ways that only you can define.
If FLDS is the only true church on the face of the earth and the only source for God-given modern-day revelation, and if indeed it is the only religion with authority and ability to bring man into a right relationship with God, then the teachings of your divinely inspired prophets and apostles are both absolutely true and absolutely essential for all people. Since the claimed source for such teaching is God Himself, any error in the teaching of Mormon leaders undermines the credibility of their claim to speak in His name.
Oh woe is me. Now the truth comes out. The prophet Street only pasted a few items from a google serch! I have been betrayed!
I shall never again believe in religion.
Well, one thing for sure is that under no circumstance can the street ots occupies be equated with the "Street called Straight." It winds, loops, circles, climbs, falls, has deep ditches on both edges and at times is so narrow a flea couldn't cross that particular area without falling off the edge. Hope ots provides parachutes.
So, why don't you try to follow one? Has your asylum run out of paper dolls?
It took you long enough to reply. I thought you had deserted the fray. Did Warren buy you a Ken doll? Barbie might cause you to have lustful thoughts, but then so might Ken. Hmmm.
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