The Honorable Judge Denise Linburg has put a temporary restraining order on the "removal of any property that is attached to UEP ground"
If you see anyone taking UEP property that you know to be nailed, bolted, screwed, or cemented into the ground call the the Hildale, Colorado City Police dept Ph# 928- 875-2695, and the Special Fiduciary of the UEP Mr Bruce Wisan Ph# 801- 328-2011. The person, or persons may not take the property unless permitted by either a Court Order, or Mr Bruce Wisan's written permission. This could mean either public buildings, private homes or businesses ,center irrigation pivots..etc....
I have yet to meet an honorable judge. How much is he getting paid to steal?
Hildale, Colorado City Police dept Ph# 928- 875-2695
Anon 6:21
How many judges have you met?
Anon 6:54
The CC police actually will enforce the law if they think the Sherrif's office may get involved. I have had experience with this. If a person calls the police and lets them know they are also notifying Wisan, the police will take care of business. The key here is to let Wisan know what is going on. The judge is trying to help him do his job. The people need to cooperate and help him too.
As little faith as I have in the CC police I really think if Fred's feet are held to the fire he will do his job. Just don't leave any wiggle room.
anonymous 1/27/06 6:21 the judge gave warren every chance to come and prove that he owened the uep but he did not show up. be sides he stole the uep years ago. warren and sam barlow are the one to blame for what the state did. uncle roy said not to change the uep doc. and they would not beable to take the uep.
we should start a neighborhood/town watch to make sure the Warrenites stop piliaging the place
Call Colorado City Police? Aren't most of the officers and chief FLDS members? I seem to recall that severl CCPD cops were de-certified and removed from duty.
I'm not Fundy, BUT
There was the Potato Barn stripped bare.
And they dismantled Kelly Fischer's log home company and removed the bulding.
I recall both of these businesses were stripped last Memorial Day weekend.
And the Grain elevator disappeared over New Years.
And those are just the ones that were caught on film. Who knows how many others there have been.
I think the elevator is to hot for texas. I would be looking at other property like the harker farm in beryl or the one leased in nevada.
Ben Winslow now with Deseret News and not KSL radio reported today on the completion of the Temple in Texas and refered to a grain elevator in Texas, could it be one in the same?
Then far more interesting was the quotes by sheriff Doran;
Doran said he maintains contact with FLDS members on the YFZ Ranch, who told him members will flock from all over the United States to Texas as a retreat.
"They said they'll do their temple work and return home," he said. Asked what kind of temple work will be performed, Doran said he had no idea.
I think someone here with undesireable initials suggested that there were ties to some of the independent groups. Some thing about a group in Georgia, Florida and or Tennessee, who was interested in Warren and his Temple from afar.
How does the theology go; a Temple has to be built and "The One Mighty and Strong" will unite whom? Has Warren taken on an image bigger than life, building the Temple and uniting those worthy, even the independents?
If these are indeed Doran's quotes, its time someone went back to Flora or MIB, because they both noted this posibility after interviewing a woman who had left the Florida group. Could it be that Warren figured out a way to finance his growth without tapping into local Texas monies? If he had depleted the FLDS resources and could not touch frozen assets, then how could he support his YFZ. The Florida sect who had assets were willing to turn these over, all for access to a Temple!
How curious! You should read Ben Winslow Deseret News story of this morning.
easy enough;
The link:,1249,635180342,00.html
I heard MIB offered to work security for the fudiciary to patrol and document UEP assets and inventory. Good, bad or a blood bath, an open confrontation with the local police and Warrenites needs to occur. Waiting for Warren to loot the UEP assets or for the state to get down and dirty, will not occur without some added conflicts.
So why not get "Jessie" and MIB in CC or Hildale to "shake, rattle and roll". If violence occurs, then that much faster a results that brings Warren down. Or on the other hand, watchers as devious as Warren himself! Like Madd Magazine Comics series of "Spy vs Spy". Neither state is aggressive enough to step up to the plate and with activist watching, you know the press would be with them around the clock. The state might be there too, in order to impress the media.
Lets see something more aggressive...
Let's have the wheels of justice take care the problem. It is easy to get impatient waiting for something to happen. Let's keep our cool and let time do as much as it can.
These are fellow humans we are talking about, not expendable machines or equipment. As much as I would like to see things move faster in the direction of fully exposing warren to his followers, I believe moving slowly and carefully will get better results to this end.
If you mean getting more aggressive with the law enforcement I am with you all the way. This restraining order by the judge was slow in coming. It should have been put in place as soon as the fiduciary was appointed. The CC police need to be watched more closely and held to their responsibilties or removed from authority. I have said from the time the first reward was posted that if the FBI really wanted this fugitive they would have him already. warren has not been much of a priority with them.
Perhaps this is changing. Time will tell. The recent subpoenas that they attempted to serve and the many more rumored are an indication that they are taking him more seriously.
Agreed, the CC police remain a problem, but more aggressive means using every avenue open to apply legal pressure. A state HAZMAT team might impact issues more quickly than injunctions alone. While the fudiciary has taken steps to enjoin or consoldate Western Precision Inc. and other related interest in the court order to freeze the assets, tomorrow a HAZMAT team could place pdlocks on the doors for cited violations. Observations of several Warren Jeffs controlled businesses have not complied with environmental safety practises and have created opportunities that bring with them imediate actions or consequences. Items to be interpreted by the courts, allow Parker and other representing attorneys to define and disect the law.
Health and Safety and or environmental laws and there enforcement could bring about changes over night. Where as these are good people as stated, the state has a responsibility to look out for their Health, Safety and Welfare, especially if management is ignoring it.
The questionable issue of the Asbestos George Air Force Base inferior housing from its 1959 construction, to its relocation of 140 units reconstructed in Colorado City, is yet another and seperate concern. Inspection and a verifiable record of such seems absent, when this was reported to the EPA Rocky Mountain Region by the Arizona Attorney Generals Office, shortly after these units were reconstructed. This was documented in an Associated Press story and along with other environmental crimes, could be used to move on the safety violations, under state jurisdiction.
The feeling is that the state has not been as proactive or investigative as some journalist such as John Dougherty, who undercovered documents unknown to state at his discovery. More aggressive means using existing, but unenforced laws.
If OSHA, HAZMAT, EPA and the agencies that look into child labor, wage and overtime vilations were to show up at the doors of Western Precision, they would be well paid for thir efforts. The software piracy guys should come along for the ride too.
If they are stealing software, turn them in and turn a profit
be Quietman thay mite come for you next
mite = 1. a very small sum of money
2. a coin of very small value
3. a very small creature or object
might = 1. past tense of may 2. an auxillary with present of future tense, generally equivalent to may (e.g., it might rain)
might = great strength, power, force or vigor --with might and main, with strength and vigor
No wonder we can't stop illegal immigration i.e. persons, evidentally trucks and workers can disassemble and load chicken coops, grainerys, a manufacturing bldg, an ultra mondern potato cellar, irrigation pivots, a metal warehouse and heaven knows what else, and move it from the Utah/Arizona border to Texas and not be seen by weighmasters, police, etc. What was the Judge's order???? Bah, polygamists rule evidentally.
Who said it came to Texas?
But, if He rules, he doesn't need to 'over-rule'. Over-ruling would be redundant.
Read your post.
You stated God rules.
Then you stated he needs to over-rule.
You did not speak of people or prophets in your original post - you just made a statement you thought sounded profound ( didn't).
I guess when you can't win with intellect - you try with spam.
Nice try, no cigar I actually didn't expect you to be introspective or apply reasoning - but I always act as if one day you might. Perhaps one of your personalities (one I haven't seen yet) will burst through one day.
You creep me out.
And, BTW a judge doesn't *over-rule* his own ruling - A DIFFERENT judge does that.
That's been my point all along - but you just can't seem to get it through that thick skull.
Really - show me one instance where a judge over ruled HIMSELF. Just one.
Appeal is not the same as over-rule
Jury verdict is not the same as over-rule
Overturn is not the same as over-rule
By your definition of over-rule you are admitting that God makes wrong decisions, that your prophet makes wrong decisions, all of which have to be 'overrulled' in correction. You had better be careful lest you bring down their wrath upon your head!
I said an example
There are no examples - which is why you can't give me one - but still - go ahead - try.
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