FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Happy Holidays
With the year end season here and most of the Christian world celebrating the holidays, what are you doing for the next few weeks?
What do you know, you actually have some thing to say, beside lies of him. And since you call me friend, I shall not rant as you call it.
MY Friend Faithful Woman! Narnia...It is a story that deplicits the life of Christ. The Lion is deplicits Christ. Don't tell the children. Ask them at the end and see if they figure it out.
The books are good too. I almost sent you the set, but was fearful daughter would miss it and would be mad. Will see if I can find another set to send.
Well, I for one look forward to seeing my little boys open their presents. We will probably go listen to Handels Messiah at temple square and after christmas, go soak for a day at Lava Hot Springs. Merry Christmas all, and Happy New Year
We'll open presents Christmas Day, stockings are the only thing that can be opened until we get downstairs (they are not that exciting this year - after all the drama with presents I'm just putting in candy and calling it good).
The presents, oh the presents - I ordered almost all online this year and started before Thanksgiving. You'd think that would give me enough time - but OHHHH no, they are in stock, they are on backorder, then they aren't coming at all, then they arrive right after you purchased a replacement gift. And of course, with all the kids you do this balancing juggling act with cost and number (because of course...the kids will notice).
But this year, I did good by all of them. I sold all my precious little possessions on eBay (actually stuff I've stored since childhood and only look at once a year), and it went like hotcakes and I made a couple grand (a truly amazing experience.....I think I hyperventilated the last couple mintes of one item as I was so astounded at the price it went for)
But the husband really wins this year - he'll be totally suprised (hopefully).
Both our families will come out Christmas day and we'll celebrate all day, playing games, watching movies, eating, and we're cooking a big Christmas dinner at the end.
I need to go see my grandmother this week, because I won't see her on Christmas Day - I have the most lovely jewelry for her.
I'm off work this week, and the kids are off school so we'll do chores, and cleaning, and wrapping, and mailing. But I've sent the Christmas Cards, I've made the cookies (I'll have to re-bake a few batches) - and everything is pretty much done.
It's fun to see how everyone is celebrating. I'd love to see a movie - I love the new cinemas with ampitheatre (sp?) seating - but my kids went to Potter and Narnia with friends on opening day....sooooo, we'll see.
Yeah, Right, Aren't you still waiting for Joe to arise on the third day. He didn't, therefore he was not the Lord. His is burried in a tomb and his bones are still there. They will remain there until judgement day unless some kook, like you, manages to dig them up in put them on display in a museum or hide them away to fake a resurrection. I wouldn't put it past you to do such a thing, Chaucer in Canterbury Tales told of the Clergy selling the bones of pigs as relics and shavings of wood as fragments of the 'true' cross. If it would make you a buck you'd be all for it. Follow the MONEY.
Tell us some more myths. Tell us how Warren has been able to do all the following: He can't, only Jesus, the Christ did:
He changed water into wine, walked on water, calmd the storms with just a word from His mouth, casted out demons, fed 5000, then 4000, healed lepers, caused the blind to see, healed the lame, raised the dead to life. See him on the Mountain of Transfiguration with Moses and Elijah. See Him meet a 'woman at-the-well', ask for a drink and then begin to assist Her in turning her life toward Godly things. See Him weep at the tomb of his friend Lazarus, not because of Lazarus' death but becuse of the lack of understanding on the part of His followers. Read how Martha told Him if He had been present Lazarus would not have died. When asked whom she thought He was she gave the greatest statement uttered by human lips, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." See him assist the dregs of society, the collectors of the Roman taxes. See HIM in HIS righteous indignition chase the money changers from the Temple and declare that it should be a House of Prayer, not a den of thieves. See him GIVE his life on the cross as the penalty price for our sin, yours and mine. One Lord, one faith, one baptizm. Through that sacrifice the penalty for sin past, present, and future was paid in full. God himself, gave of himself as the whole sacrifice, nothing else would be of great enough value to pay the price of redemption of sin. In His death upon that cross he assumed my guilt, as well as yours. He was burried in a borrowed tomb. A stone was rolled across the entrance, Roman Guards were placed outside the opening, which had been sealed with an official Seal of the Roman Empire prescribing death to any who would tamper with the stone thus damaging the seal. Inspite of these earthly precautions see Him raise Himself from the grave. Observe his personal presentation of his person to several groups of people at different times over the next forty days. At the appointed time see Him asscend to heaven before 500 witnesses. Remember His promise to all mankind for all eternity that He would to return and receive His own unto Himself.
When Warren Jeffs, Joseph Smith or anyone else can duplicate these miricles of Jesus, in front of the world, not clandestinly, they might have an opportunity to be considered as a Savior. But, since they can do nor never could do any of the above they are just men awaiting death and/or judgement.
I celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ. The date may be in error, nevertheless it is He whom I recognize as Lord and Savior and My High Priest ever interceeding for me with the Father. His blood was shed for my sin and by His stripes I have been healed.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! You have certainly been entertaining and a rare education in understanding the variations that can be chosen in living and loving scriptures, Diety, and each other. I have been awed at the intelligence and wowed at the bravado shown by the contributors to this site. May all of us find peace and prosperity in the new year by following and living according to the dictates of our own conscious understanding of what is best.
Oh gingerbread - I should have made that! But how many batches of assorted cookies can one gal make (don't answer that).
Boy OTS puts a whole new spin on taking the 'Christ' out of Christmas. But really, it's not about death and 'wishful thinking' resurrection of JS.
Christmas is about the virgin birth of Christ, three wise men, the census, the shepherds, the star, Herod - and really has nothing whatsoever to do with JS. I doubt he ever purported in any of his writings that it was 'him' and not Jesus who was born on the day we are celebrating.
JS has a birth certificate, he has parents (who had sex by the way), and while he's a bit before my time - doesn't really rise the BC time period.
I will be in Colorado City paying a visit! I am curious to know if there are any vacant homes that might be rented, which are now assets under the control of the court appoint fudiciary. I am nether LSD or FLDS, but might consider investing in the area after first renting for a period.
I know from your postings that this area is home and likely you will know what might be vacant. Can you help or shed some light on the posibilities?
If Willy Wonka is not to racey I will have that DVD and probably "A Christmas Story" on VHS if your son is interested. One a story we just hold onto, the other my 12 year olds gift this year, but we can share!
Has any body put up lights in the twin cities? It might be something interesting to note year to year, the increase in Christmas decor?
What do you know, you actually have some thing to say, beside lies of him. And since you call me friend, I shall not rant as you call it.
That was one very short rant.
Thank you!
I shall stay of the computer and get me some self help tapes. I Shall become who I am. I laughed at the short rant poster.
There is no Warrenites on this web page.
I am Ephrimite. Only I need repentance. I am working on it. Soon you shall be rid of me.
And you shall never see him again; and soon, you also will never see me again.
Merry Christmas!
MY Friend Faithful Woman!
Narnia...It is a story that deplicits the life of Christ. The Lion is deplicits Christ. Don't tell the children. Ask them at the end and see if they figure it out.
The books are good too. I almost sent you the set, but was fearful daughter would miss it and would be mad. Will see if I can find another set to send.
Ya'll stay healthy.
God Bless,
Christmas will be spent with friends & family, and attending Christmas services at church, Christmas this year is on Sunday.
Merry Christmas everyone! :)
Well, I for one look forward to seeing my little boys open their presents. We will probably go listen to Handels Messiah at temple square and after christmas, go soak for a day at Lava Hot Springs.
Merry Christmas all, and Happy New Year
We'll open presents Christmas Day, stockings are the only thing that can be opened until we get downstairs (they are not that exciting this year - after all the drama with presents I'm just putting in candy and calling it good).
The presents, oh the presents - I ordered almost all online this year and started before Thanksgiving. You'd think that would give me enough time - but OHHHH no, they are in stock, they are on backorder, then they aren't coming at all, then they arrive right after you purchased a replacement gift. And of course, with all the kids you do this balancing juggling act with cost and number (because of course...the kids will notice).
But this year, I did good by all of them. I sold all my precious little possessions on eBay (actually stuff I've stored since childhood and only look at once a year), and it went like hotcakes and I made a couple grand (a truly amazing experience.....I think I hyperventilated the last couple mintes of one item as I was so astounded at the price it went for)
But the husband really wins this year - he'll be totally suprised (hopefully).
Both our families will come out Christmas day and we'll celebrate all day, playing games, watching movies, eating, and we're cooking a big Christmas dinner at the end.
I need to go see my grandmother this week, because I won't see her on Christmas Day - I have the most lovely jewelry for her.
I'm off work this week, and the kids are off school so we'll do chores, and cleaning, and wrapping, and mailing. But I've sent the Christmas Cards, I've made the cookies (I'll have to re-bake a few batches) - and everything is pretty much done.
It's fun to see how everyone is celebrating. I'd love to see a movie - I love the new cinemas with ampitheatre (sp?) seating - but my kids went to Potter and Narnia with friends on opening day....sooooo, we'll see.
Very well put Faithful.
Catch more flies with honey.
Street what about the men.
Will Prophet Warren be the only man in their lives?
Women and children come along because they have no other option.
Yeah, Right, Aren't you still waiting for Joe to arise on the third day. He didn't, therefore he was not the Lord. His is burried in a tomb and his bones are still there. They will remain there until judgement day unless some kook, like you, manages to dig them up in put them on display in a museum or hide them away to fake a resurrection. I wouldn't put it past you to do such a thing, Chaucer in Canterbury Tales told of the Clergy selling the bones of pigs as relics and shavings of wood as fragments of the 'true' cross. If it would make you a buck you'd be all for it. Follow the MONEY.
Tell us some more myths. Tell us how Warren has been able to do all the following: He can't, only Jesus, the Christ did:
He changed water into wine, walked on water, calmd the storms with just a word from His mouth, casted out demons, fed 5000, then 4000, healed lepers, caused the blind to see, healed the lame, raised the dead to life. See him on the Mountain of Transfiguration with Moses and Elijah. See Him meet a 'woman at-the-well', ask for a drink and then begin to assist Her in turning her life toward Godly things. See Him weep at the tomb of his friend Lazarus, not because of Lazarus' death but becuse of the lack of understanding on the part of His followers. Read how Martha told Him if He had been present Lazarus would not have died. When asked whom she thought He was she gave the greatest statement uttered by human lips, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." See him assist the dregs of society, the collectors of the Roman taxes. See HIM in HIS righteous indignition chase the money changers from the Temple and declare that it should be a House of Prayer, not a den of thieves. See him GIVE his life on the cross as the penalty price for our sin, yours and mine. One Lord, one faith, one baptizm. Through that sacrifice the penalty for sin past, present, and future was paid in full. God himself, gave of himself as the whole sacrifice, nothing else would be of great enough value to pay the price of redemption of sin. In His death upon that cross he assumed my guilt, as well as yours. He was burried in a borrowed tomb. A stone was rolled across the entrance, Roman Guards were placed outside the opening, which had been sealed with an official Seal of the Roman Empire prescribing death to any who would tamper with the stone thus damaging the seal. Inspite of these earthly precautions see Him raise Himself from the grave. Observe his personal presentation of his person to several groups of people at different times over the next forty days. At the appointed time see Him asscend to heaven before 500 witnesses. Remember His promise to all mankind for all eternity that He would to return and receive His own unto Himself.
When Warren Jeffs, Joseph Smith or anyone else can duplicate these miricles of Jesus, in front of the world, not clandestinly, they might have an opportunity to be considered as a Savior. But, since they can do nor never could do any of the above they are just men awaiting death and/or judgement.
I celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ. The date may be in error, nevertheless it is He whom I recognize as Lord and Savior and My High Priest ever interceeding for me with the Father. His blood was shed for my sin and by His stripes I have been healed.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you! You have certainly been entertaining and a rare education in understanding the variations that can be chosen in living and loving scriptures, Diety, and each other. I have been awed at the intelligence and wowed at the bravado shown by the contributors to this site. May all of us find peace and prosperity in the new year by following and living according to the dictates of our own conscious understanding of what is best.
Oh gingerbread - I should have made that! But how many batches of assorted cookies can one gal make (don't answer that).
Boy OTS puts a whole new spin on taking the 'Christ' out of Christmas. But really, it's not about death and 'wishful thinking' resurrection of JS.
Christmas is about the virgin birth of Christ, three wise men, the census, the shepherds, the star, Herod - and really has nothing whatsoever to do with JS. I doubt he ever purported in any of his writings that it was 'him' and not Jesus who was born on the day we are celebrating.
JS has a birth certificate, he has parents (who had sex by the way), and while he's a bit before my time - doesn't really rise the BC time period.
Faithful Woman
I will be in Colorado City paying a visit! I am curious to know if there are any vacant homes that might be rented, which are now assets under the control of the court appoint fudiciary. I am nether LSD or FLDS, but might consider investing in the area after first renting for a period.
I know from your postings that this area is home and likely you will know what might be vacant. Can you help or shed some light on the posibilities?
If Willy Wonka is not to racey I will have that DVD and probably "A Christmas Story" on VHS if your son is interested. One a story we just hold onto, the other my 12 year olds gift this year, but we can share!
Has any body put up lights in the twin cities? It might be something interesting to note year to year, the increase in Christmas decor?
Have a Merry Christmas and I may be by!
How was your Christmas Faithful?
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