FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving!
And since the FLDS don't believe in holidays, now is the time to send a letter, make a telephone call, send a turkey or a ham and let them know you care. You know they have gotten rid of all your pictures and "memories". So make some new memories. After all bad guys don't do nice things.
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Rumor I found this letter written by Marvin Wyler to the folks at the Creek.
Thought it would be good to look at it again.
Letter To Colorado City
Editor's note: This letter has been edited for spelling only.
A plea to "think" use your God given "agency"
It's perfect mindlessness to render obedience where there is no love. Love has waxed cold when a "mad-dam" "guillotine" separates fathers, mothers and children, from each other; against their natural affection, thus severing their hearts.
Zombie like submission is the norm out here or in other words "going down the road together." But which road? If we would use our minds we would realize there are many roads to take and the one we want is called "God is Love." Love is charity; charity is forgiveness and forgiveness is hope.
Please wake up dear people of the twin cities; the road you're on may have your exit next!
Hope can spark a will to action, a desire "to live" instead of despair. Togetherness for yourselves and families under God, and not a manmade God. The worship of a man is the highest form of idolatry.
Can you imagine a man said over our pulpit that the devil has told you women a lie in the garden of Eden; when he told Eve she could think! That was, maybe, 25 years ago; hardly an amen could be heard at the end of his sermon. But, today, only a few will dare to think for themselves. Why? Because now it's an "infallible" leader saying the same idea. No!? Untrue, you say?! What about "perfect obedience produces perfect faith" or vice versa; that statement alone without any qualifying words disregards the possibility that perfect faith in a man might be flawed; or obedience to evil was never mentioned in the same phrase.
How about "God is Priesthood." "Priesthood is God with us," "I am Priesthood." Or none of you have the right to partake of the sacrament of Jesus Christ unless you believe in me completely. What think you about a person that would order thousands of people out of their chairs and command them to kneel and bow down in a show of humility before him while he offers a 15 minute prayer. God has said over and over again not to put your trust in the arm of flesh. Please think people!
Can you imagine the shock I felt when my 16-year-old daughter played Warren Jeff's tape for private school children and I heard as I walked by "your parents are the enemy" if they don't believe everything that my father Rulon Jeffs says. (Incidentally, everyone knows that Warren speaks for the aged man).
Those beliefs would have to include the pamphlet that Uncle Rulon and Warren prepared and passed out in priesthood meeting to teach to our families. The pamphlet includes teaching of blood atonement; no sexual relation with your wife except to have a baby, otherwise it's adultery; and a woman can choose someone higher in Priesthood if she wants, no divorce necessary.
Doesn't this sound like Priestcraft? You ladies need to "think." Is all this right? Is the marriage bed defiled? Stick to your covenants.
Warren Jeffs rules in power only because you women won't show your husbands that you love them and will stand by your man in these darkest of hours. Have the nerves of steel that Uncle Roy told the men to go home and teach to their women cause they were going to need it in the coming times. Just say "no" to this inhumanity.
Marvin Wyler
Colorado City
Anon 12:45
Rumor has attempted to bring some interesting discussion to a blog that has not had much to say for a while. I personally appreciate her efforts. Her posts are not obnoxious as Street's are notoriuos for.
And another thing. You want to remain anonymous apparently as you have not posted your name. Why not respect her in her nom de plume? Who knows if you are right in your assumption but if you are it is at least bad manners that you exhibit.
Well, what will the Warrenites celebrate?
when he leaves they will celebrate
Happy thanksgiving to all of our family and friends. We love you.
I hope everybody had a great thanksgiving. I wish I could have seen my siblings from the creek or at least heard there voices.
Rumor, Faithful, fttc, mugwump, nintendo, atari, and all the other posters, have a great holiday season and cherish your family around you.
November 25, 2005. 19 years. Salt Lake is here and dry as ever. I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving the best that they could. The only destructions so far as those at the hand of warren the holey profit.
And in that day they will say that Christ delayeth his coming; mock and persicute the saints.
You say there is not any destructions, yet the media says that there are destructions daily. There was an earth quake across the sea.
And we were taught to be thankful every day.
After the testimonie of the Prophet comes the testimonie of the wind and hail and earth quake.
And after they are in the spirit world, they shall cry to the Lord, "Oh, that we had repentated in the day of our Probation.
Every knee shall bend and every tounge shall confess that he is the Christ.
And can a man stop a river? Can a man stop the ocean? Can a man keep the earth in rotation?
And you mock and also fulfill the words of the Prophets.
Storms are hitting the United States.
Floods and aids; Abortion;
Every word of the Prophet Joseph is being fulfilled.
And you mock.
And you over exagerate
There is only one destruction that Uncle Roy was worried about. Nature does what nature does, but only warren can destroy the covenant of marriage, the morals of women, and the lives of the young men. This is what Uncle Roy saw of the future that concerned him the most, the son of Rulon Jeffs destroying the Work of God and the morals of women, for how many acts does it take to become poluted and filthy, just one. Hundreds of women have adulterated themselves at the hand of warren, truly warren the holey profit mocks all that is true before Christ.
Isn't going overboard on every dust-devil and thinking it is the beginning of Armageddon a form of sign-seeking. Didn't the New Testament warn against such people? Look at Warren's sign seeking:
(1) Elderly Father mumbles a reverlation in his sleep about living 320 years into the millenius, and he takes that as revelation.
(2) Tornado hits SLC, and we are read scriptures about how the destructions will hit at the Lord's house.
(3) Uncle Rulon or Uncle Fred started feeling a little better, so they were obviously getting renewed in this life.
(4) Lord inspired me that ... is immoral and he confessed when grilled to the core.
(5) Lifting up is so close, we don't have time for anything.
I'm sure others can point out a lot of sign-seeking, but as for me, I have seen enough sign seeking to be convinced of his immorality and that he is hiding sin with piety.
And a mans life is about one hundred years. In that time you have an opertunity to become good or evil. All men die. You only take with you what you are. YOur riches, your land, and your stuff, remain upon the land to molder and gather dust. And what have you to account; Hatred? love? cheating? lies? honosty? charity? what then are your gifts? you will be what you are. Be careful that you want to be living with your self. It is you, you take. And accusations never amount to much.
Additional sign seeking clues
--A couple of wives tales give rather obscure details of how they think he might have been sort-of ordained to they are not sure what that gave him the right to maybe be the prophet.
--Father is just in the other room and presiding. After a short visit, he will come back and lead us to Jackson County.
--Those with the Spirit of God can work 20 hour days without fatigue. If you fatigue, it's because you ain't holy enough.
--The hypnotic power of suggestion of his sign seeking has even got children reporting visions of seeing Uncle Rulon or other heavenly messengers, furthering the peoples faith that these people are reporting to Warren because of the testimony of children.
Well, what-ever; not too long ago some people were saying they saw a certian person walking to hurricane and all kinds of things. And when you think about it, all the drug users say they see things too. Its a great life. And not too long ago there was all this talk of certian things THIS PERSON claimed to be seeing, by every gossiper in the nation; but the key witness in the closed case, was just arrested for exactly what this supposed person said they were doing to her child. Too bad for this other mothers child, but,Maybe life is not so bad after all. two down four to go. {And this is only for the ones involved.} TRUTH ALWAYS STANDS FOREVER. lIES HAVE A WAY OF FALLING WITH THERE OWN WEIGHT. I THINK I MAY ENJOY THESE HOLIDAYS AFTER ALL. And Texas in the end, I have to thank you for your hospitality.
Thanks, Rumor, for posting Marvin Wyler's letter that I believe was first printed in the Spectrum Newpaper in early 2004.
Marvin's statement, "The road you're on may have your exit next!" In hind sight, it has been a rather accurate prediction of the future of this people under Warren Jeff's administration.
I especially identified with and agreed with Marvin's statement, "The worship of a man is the highest form if idolatry."
I beleive all of us need to recognize that "God is love," and grant tolerance to all denominations and belief systems, provided it does not infringe upon the rights of others.
Why do you not go and celibrate your great holiday. I am sure you have more to do in life than slander people, and fight over religion. The constitution gives a person the right to worship a frog if they choose. And I can worship a man if I choose too. And it is none of your business.
And frankly any thing that stops a person from worshiping God is Idolitry. Trinkets, money, houses, governments, any thing that gets between the law of Christ is Idolitry. So get off your high horses and Worship your fat lips if you want, but leave us alone. We can worship man and men and God and frogs if we choose. You say we have the right to freedom as long as it does not infringe on any one, then you slander people for there religion. Get a life. Get a life. There is more to life than insulting people for there believes, and I can worship a man all I like. I do not see how it is infringing on your rights and if I follow your government laws, i can do any thing I want as long as I pay the government for it. Well, with in reason. So jump in the lake if it is not frozen over with the latest blizzard that hit the country.
And further more, Marvin wyler could have stayed in the church here and reaped the rewards if he would have chosen too, so stuff it in a shirt and tell it to the moon.
If Warren were minding his own business and not infringing on others, this blog wouldn't exist!
Of course, you can worship how you want, but TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN, DAMNIT.
Joe S. Jessop has told numerous times of his experiences in W.W. II. He tells over the pulput that the reason for the destruction of Japan was that they worshipped a man--Buddha. In CC, the people worship a man, Warren. It also looks like destruction is going on.
I have heard the destructions are coming all of my life.
I don't believe that for a moment.
This is the greatest day and age to be alive and to live in. There are more amazing discoveries and technological advances than ever, in the history of the world!
I don't believe there are more wicked people than ever before, that is hogwash!
I think that more people believe in Jesus Christ and less in organized religion than ever before.
I think that people in general are kind and good and have a heart and are willing to help those that are down and out.
Those that say this is a wicked world, speak of the wickedness in their own heart.
I am not stupid! I understand that crap. Don't think for a minute that all is well in Zion. All I am saying is that for all my life I have lived in fear, in a religion that taught fear in order to make the people more righteous, now I am free. And I have found that looking at the bright side keeps depression at bay. It opens up opportunities that I could never see before.
I can plainly tell you have never had a deadline of the world coming to a end or a "lifting up". This message is for those that have.
Street we really didn't miss you.
Street, since you enjoy hearing yourself talk (or type) so much, why don't you start a new blog (they're free and easy to start on Yahoo) and pronounce yourself King, Judge and Seer on it and type away. I promise you that nobody will oppose you, that everyone who reads it will adore your opinion and that you will be pronounced Wise and Good by your entire audience. Of course, you will be the only one reading it, but your opinion is the only one that matters, right?
welcome back street. your public is in awe of your unsolicited and unappreciated contributions. Kinda like measles on a three man raft.
Folks, as Paul Harvey would say, "This is the rest of the story" from Street’s above post.
Street, I can see that you are beginning to wake up and it is wonderful! I guess you were doing a lot of serious thinking while you were gone from this blog. I was beginning to believe you would never wake up to Warren's wickedness. Now I'm afraid that your pendulum is swinging too far the other way and you could become rather dangerous to Warren's person.
For instance I noticed you have taken an extremely hard line stance against many of Warren's beliefs and revelations concerning plural marriages. For example, you quoted the Bible in Leviticus wherein it clearly proclaims Warren's wickedness. Your quote, Lev. 20:14, "And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is wickedness: They shall be burned with fire...." The rest of that quote reads, "Both he and they; that there be no wickedness among you."
Surely you wouldn't really have wanted us to burn Uncle Rulon and his wife Mary when he later took Mary's mother to wife as well, would you?
It would take a horrendous fire to burn all the men in town who Warren has had marry wives then later had them marry their mothers as well. I would suggest you find a more Christ-like way of getting the wickedness of Warren Jeffs out of our community but I applaud you for trying.
Incidentally, I noticed you forgot to post additional sins of Warren's that God CLEARLY points out in the same chapter of Leviticus such as: Lev. 20:11, "And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness; both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
Warren Jeffs has married more of his "mothers" than any other man in town, though many adherents to “Warrenism” have obediently walked in this way of sin at the "revealed" word of Warren Jeffs, who claims to have received that word from the same God that caused Leviticus to be written in the first place!
The next verse reads: Lev. 20:12 "And if a man lie with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death; they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be upon them."
Street, I'm sure you are well aware that Warren Jeffs just recently married Boyd Roundy to his daughter-in-law after kicking out her husband (Boyd’s blood son) for watching a movie. My belief is that Boyd may be misguided in his loyalty to Warren Jeffs rather than to God and His Son Jesus Christ, but I don’t believe for one second that he should die for his choice of loyalties. I believe Warren repaid a minor sin with a major sin on his own head. What kind of a prophet is that?
There are numerous examples of Warren's sins unto God in the Bible, but these few examples should help you along on the new path of truth you seem to have chosen.
I would exhort you to exercise the love of Christ, though, and not insist that the Law of Moses be meted out upon the head of Warren Jeffs for his multiplicities of sins unto death. If not for your own salvation, then at least for the simple reason that it is illegal in the U.S. of A. to blood atone someone in that manner even if you personally believe that they deserve it.
Maybe you are all ready doing that because later in this same post, I was pleased to notice that when you quoted the Bible thus, “And many false prophets shall arise, and shall deceive many,” you resisted the urge to quote Deuteronomy wherein God tells us to stone to death prophets such as Warren Jeffs that prophecy falsely.
You appear to be on a much better path now than your earlier writings would indicate. God bless you in your new awakening.
Nameless and still alive
O wad the gift the gifte gie us, ta see ersels as ethers see us.
A bad translation of a quotation from "To a louse" by Robert Burns
Way to go Nameless and still alive.
Good observations.
Now how about adultry!
speak of the devil and street has arrived
A "righteous man like Warren Jeffs"! A bonified nut who won't appear in court to face charges any righteous man would be ANXIOUS to have his name cleared of.
A fugitive from justice. A man who didn't appear in court when his nephew accused him of sodomy. The nephew won the civil case by default. A man who is on the run from law enforcement officers in Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, and The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Nationwide for sexual misconduct with a minor child and assisting in sexual misconduct with a child, and flight to avoid prosecution.
HUMPH!! Neither I nor most Americans who know anything about his heavy handed exploitation of the people to whom he would be God, have any use for the guy. He is a carbuncle on the butocks of humanity, a disgrace to those who claim him as prophet, a sexual degenerate, an unrepenant thief of virtue, time, personal values, hope, and has proven himself to be totally untrustworthy.
The time of his arrest is near. He has made his own bed in hell, now he must lie in it.
To “On the Street” at 12/14/2005 at 8:07 PM, 8:53 PM and 9:04 PM
Answer to 8:07 PM:
I didn’t misquote you as you claim. I quoted your quote exactly, and then finished your quote out of your own Bible so that readers would get the full impact of what you were trying to say (in your shortened version).
The dissertation you refer to simply came about because I presumed (perhaps erroneously) you had read the verses before and after Lev. 20:14 that you quoted and I wanted to make sure “The Good People” you refer to understood the verse in the context in which it was written. Lev. 20:14 was clarifying wickedness, plain and simple, so a child can understand it.
For “The Good people” that are waiting and wondering if I was lying about the quote as Street infers, I refer you to the above post by Street at 12/14/2005 at 9:16 PM. The quote is the 3rd item down on Street’s 20 point sermon on wickedness. If someone besides Street believes I took Street’s quote out of context, please let me know about it. I thought Street used a very good analogy from Leviticus. To show what wickedness is.
Answer to 8:53 PM
Street, I don’t mean this offensively, only factually, so I don’t want you to feel bad when I say that “you are the last person I need to help me.” If I let you help me, I would be in the same boat as you are in. Let’s do our studying separately and draw our own conclusions. I think we will both be better off for it. I know I will be.
I notice that you again quoted Lev. 20:14 so it must be weighing quite heavy on your mind. The exact quote as you wrote, it says, “And if a man takes a wife and her mother, it [is] WICKEDNESS. They shall be burned with fire.”
I can clearly see you’ve capitalized wickedness again and again have inferred that those who do “WICKEDNESS” (such as a man taking a mother and her daughter to wife) be burnt with fire. I get what you are trying to say but I will not condone you burning all Warren’s people that have violated God’s law in Lev. 20:14. This is the 21st century now and we need to settle our differences on a higher level than like a barbarian slitting someone’s throat so they can atone for their sins while alive, then burning their body in a temple crematory or some version of that scenario. Let’s think this through and come up with a more rational solution to taking care of Warren and those committing sins with him. Because this particular sin appears to be affecting you so greatly, I can’t help but wonder: are you or your father guilty of it?
I do agree with you though, that there is wickedness in this world. I’ve seen some of it as well as you have. Lev. 20:10 clearly identifies a “wicked” sin that we both know about which is currently running rampart throughout our communities. “And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor’s wife, the adulterer and adulteress shall surely be put to death.” Don’t get me wrong, Street, I’m not suggesting you put Warren and those who have transgressed with him, to death. I’m just telling you what God has to say about adultery. Do you remember back in the sixties when Uncle Roy used to say our town had the lowest rate of divorce per capita in the world? Now we have the highest rate of divorce in the world.
I also agree with you wherein you said “Now the Lord’s word certainly says what it says”. Our pathways diverge, though, when you try and read something different in a Bible passage than what it clearly says. I hope you won’t mind though if I use and refer to your quote over the next few years while debating you. Your statement “Now the Lord’s word certainly says what it says” is without a doubt the most clear, concise and truest sentence I’ve ever seen you type that wasn’t someone else’s quote. Although I may be a little slow on the uptake, but even I understood that sentence the first time through. I didn’t see any circular reasoning in it at all.
I don’t have a problem with John, the Beloved “Taking” Mary, provided she was already unmarried. I hope they had a wonderful family together and would say that if he did take her that he was not her Father, Brother, Father-in-Law, etc and in taking her, he did not break the laws of Leviticus as Warren so blatantly does.
Concerning your not being exactly sure of the context being used when God used the word “Lie” in Lev. 20:13 and 15.
I sure hope you are over the age of 18 years before I tell you about the birds and the bees, or as my Father used to say…. No. I’d better scratch that thought, this town is too small and that kind of reference could spill the beans as to who I am.
In the context in which God used the word “lie” he was not referring to a fib or an untruth being told. He was referring, in Lev. 20:13, to a man having sexual intercourse with another man. In Lev. 20:15 God was referring to a man having sexual intercourse with a beast, such as a goat, cow, tiger, etc. You were right, though, in guessing that “Lyeing” in that context, had to do with immoralities.
Answer to 9:04 PM
When God used the word “take” it was in reference to the union of a man and woman joining together and through the course of natural events, children were to be raised up as a result of that union.
You said, “It is honest and of good report for a righteous man like Warren Jeffs to take women, for he rescues them from immoral men.” This is a very interesting concept, especially coming from you whom I believed supported Warren, but I keep getting mixed signals from you. In the context you have been using “taking” it would infer that the fathers of all Warren’s wives were immoral. I don’t claim to know all of the father’s of Warren’s wives, but I do know I don’t’ wish to get into a debate with you about their morality or lack of it. I’m afraid you would win and could easily prove to everyone that they were immoral. I’ll concede to you on this one before I try and defend them and end up with my foot in my mouth.
I notice in your rebuttal that you didn’t mention anything about whether you believe Warren was being sinful in marrying his mothers or anything about father-in-laws marrying daughters-in-law. You just kept real close to the fact that I didn’t capitalize “wickedness” in your quotes. What do you really think about these sins? Can you give me a straight answer?
Nameless and Still Alive
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