I am interested in purchasing some FLDS materials (audi/books/printed material/photos). It could be cassette tapes from Warrens Alta Academy Days, or cassettes sent to homes (in leiu of Sunday Services), literary materials, photos - anything.
I was hoping this area could be for those interested in buy/sell/trade of this information.
You can email me (atar_i@hotmail.com) directly, or on this blog. You can click on the envelope at the bottom of this post to send a web message to my email.
How about homeschool ciriculum?
what homeschool curiculum is this?
Don't tell me that you are thinking of joining up?
NO, I'm interested in the ephemera - what they teach - in black and white.
Atar_i , you will not be able to tell what we think, by listening to Warren. He hasn't allowed his people to think for them selves. If you want to know and understand what we think then read the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Also "The 13 Articles of Faith" exlpains what we believe.
I do have a copy of the CD and written script of Warrens' talk announcing that Winston was cut off. You might get a chuckle out of listening to that.
Dear Quiet - I know that Warren does NOT represent FLDS - but I'm curious to hear what he has taught - and believes. And Yeah - I'd love a copy of the CD
Some very good photos
I see none of you seem to be able to answer the simple question that was asked. Instead, you imply that asking for such information is somehow "bad" -- yet you yourselves don't know if (or where) such information exists. yet, at the same time, you have an opinion to espouse, despite the fact that you obviously lack any of the facts.
I haven't seen this much ignorance since the Ku Klux Klan.
What are you saying?
I have received one response with something for sale - I must have given the individual too low of a price because I haven't heard back. I think we could have negotiated for less material - but I haven't heard back.
I received two emails from individuals wanting to know why I want this information.
It seems like this is a bit like geneology. It's nice to say your great great grandfather was born in 1892, it's quite another to produce a birth certificate (even a copy) - with all the supporting data.
It's one thing to say 'Warren said this' it's quite another to produce a tap of Warren actually saying 'that'. Those little snippets of Warren that were put online packed more punch than any story I read.
I would even be in favor of someone beginning to document (scanning materials - ANYTHING), putting it online just as a documentation source. It doesn't have to be anything important or scandelous - it just is. It could be a brochure for a school concert - nothing wild and crazy - but it helpful to those trying to understand. School curriculum, revelations, personal corresondence, church correspondence, services on tape.
That sort of ephemera would help individuals like myself understand - it's in black and white. Stories and personal accounts added to that would be helpful as well. i.e. Julie's diary entrance from the night of the concert when her family was shunned.
I hope I'm making sense.
We as FLDS donot enjoy to have speeches publicized such as Warren's racial recordings. This creates a stigma against all of the people, even though we don't share the same views. atar_i I would'nt mind allowing you to have some of Warren's tapes etc. but I would't want to see them published.
I have some recordings of Warren made by those who dared, What are they worth to you. These are not tapes made by Warren, these are secret recordings made in many places where Warren has talked. Many are phone conversations with him and other parties.
Atar,are you a reporter,law enforcement,or WHAT... I'm not buying your explanation yet...
No - I'm not a reporter - I'm a Registered Nurse. But let me try and help you understand.
Lets say that the democratic party had a small splinter group that had some different ideas about how the government of the United States should be led. People told you about it, everyone had a slightly different story, and it was hard to have any sort of conversation about it.
If a republican was there - they would make it sound scandelous, if a democrat was there, he would downplay it, if a group member were there, he might deny it altogether. The truth about this splinter group was obscure, and information about it only truly available to those who have been apart of it. They, for the most part, are unwilling to share.
I just want to see and hear for myself. So I'm not just regurgitating what someone has told me they believe to be the real truth.
I would like to understand.
Be very careful, a certian group, around colorado city, has changed the sermons printed. They have put in what they wanted said. They have done this to SLANDER Warren Jeffs. They can change his tapes too. You must be very careful. They do this to stir people up to hatred. Why they hate so much, I know not. Unless you heard the man speak for yourself, keep praying, to your God.
I have heard Warren speak. He was my school principal for 12 years at Alta Academy. I heard the clips of his sermons that were put on the Eldorado Success website and they sounded exactly like my copy of the same sermons. So I guess if there is a group outside of CC changing his tapes they sure aren't doing a very good job. Tell me of what sermons have been changed by these people so I can compare them to my copies of these sermons. I dont believe anybody has to change any sermons of Warrens, he is doing a really good job of slandering himself. "By their works, ye shall know them." Actions speak louder than words.
Veeeeeery eeeeenteresting. Now Warren's supporters aren't trying to justify what he has said; they are just changing the source in their minds. HE didn't say it, someone else MADE him say it. Wonder how they're gonna justify his actions.
"HE didn't do that. That videotape is a DOUBLE of him doing those atrocious things."
You'd have to go to great lengths to make it all work in your mind. I guess they will do anything to make their worship of him logical. Poor saps.
Hello, Winston. you claim to have loved Uncle Rulon. He said he loved you. What went wrong? Why did he take you out of the bishop, position. Did you not believe him. At what point did you begin to doubt your testimonie of truth? You had it all. What was your problem?
I can't believe it - talk about a 'cover your a**'
If it sounds bad - some evil ex FLDS person must have doctored it.
Do you see how important having access to vintage ephemera is important.
I no one willing to sell?
I have just received information that the people who have emailed me, and I have responded, have not received my email. I have no idea why not - I'm working on it today. Thanks for your patience.
To 5:29. Winston still has all he ever had. I very much did love Uncle Rulon and still do. In a meeting of December 2001 Uncle Rulon stated, "Brother Winston has been called of God as I have been."
When Warren phoned me on the day I was supposedly removed, Uncle Rulon did not even know who was on the phone and had to ask Warren what was going on. Warren dictated to him what he should say.
Please let me here say for the record that my testimony is the same as it has always been. It was about Mormonism in the first place and still is. Also for the record, I could not understand why it was that we could not just be honest with the people. No, we had to pretend that Uncle Rulon was doing it all. Uncle Fred pretended, Warren pretended, Wendell pretended, Allan pretended, LeRoy pretended and I pretended. To my everlasting shame I sat among the dignitaries of our church and watched the ruining of peoples lives, and heard the reasoning. I knew that appointments were being recorded, files were being made, people were being spied upon, ridiculed, laughed at, joked about, and criticized beyond imagination. If you were overweight you were a "fat slob", if you were some peoples children you "weren't worth the powder it would take to blow them to hell", or still some other family last names; "everyone of them is immoral".
Twenty two years after my call to the ministry, I was not the right man for the job of bishop anymore. My family knew all about it because they could see it themselves. They knew that I did not like what was happening. I couldn't eat or sleep properly. I was definitely not what Warren needed.
It is with the greatest of my heartfelt gratitude that I was not a part of the administration of the FLDS when Uncle Fred was sent into exile, when Uncles Louis, Joe, Dan, Truman and Nephi had their lives ruined. You will never know how thankful that I am that the blood of that great and gentle man Allan Steed is not on my hands.I had to defend Warren's father-in-law and my oldest brother, Mac Blackmore, aggressively to keep him from losing his family, and several others, and I am happy that they have weathered the storm. When Uncle Erwin was undone I went outside and wept in the rain storm that followed. I shed my tears for Ron Rohbock, Richard Holm, Lloyd Wall, Joe C. Jessop, and many others who were some of my dear friends.
I am in no competition with Warren Jeffs. He is all I NEVER want to be. I am only one of a hundred or so Elders who are thankful that we still have the testimony of the decency of the gospel of our fundamental faith. We also still have our families, thanks to the God of our fathers, and it is not because their families haven't tried to get them to leave. One of my ladies had two or three calls a day from her family members for over a year pleading with her to leave me.
I do have some regrets. I have had some good but struggling people make the trip to come and see me. They thought I could help them and I never even tried. I didn't think that I could have made one bit of difference, but that was no excuse for me not to try. I let them down plain and simple, because I knew that I would have been cut off earlier. My eternal, heartfelt apologies to all of those who may look at this and recognize that you may have been one of them that sought my help and were not helped.
I am not embarrassed in the way my life has gone. I could not bare the thought of placing my testimony upon the word of two women and one idle brother. I received my call from God under the hands and administration in the first place of our President and Prophet Uncle Roy. I was never baptized into the FLDS church nor do I want a part of it. I have the testimony from Uncle Roy that "you were called of God", and I have that same testimony of Uncle Rulon. I know it for myself, and I know that what is left of my life is mine to live. I don't want anyone to follow me. I want them to follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. My life is full and running over with people dear to me. It seems that it could be an impossible task for us to educate, train, watch out for, love and help all of those who cross our paths. That is my lifes challenge. I don't want anyone's wives, their sons and daughters, their allegiance, and I don't want anyone to have mine. Can my family leave? Yes, they know they can, and I will help them go. Do I want them to? No, not now or ever. Do I want my children educated? Yes, I want them to learn how to follow their dreams and with wisdom establish themselves in the earth, as decent, hard working, and faithful citizens.
So friend, or enemy, or curious Texas blogger, that about sums up how I feel.
God Bless you sir for your truthfulness.
Curious Texas Blogger
Hey, Uncle Wink! I was the 12:35 blogger whom you were accused of being. It's good to hear your side of the story (finally). I knew that Warren was dictating everything at that point and never agreed with him, but I never heard what actually happened.
It's also interesting to hear from an eye witness confirmation of what I'd suspected. If you were born to certain families or had certain last names, you were worthless. Good to know that God looks upon us all as HIS children, not "so and so's offspring, not worth a damn."
Good to hear from ya! And hope to see you again sometime. Best luck on it all.
It is a lot easier in retrospect to see the big picture. When you are in the middle of it, you can compromise in little ways, often due to the fact that you don't realize the agenda of other participants until too late.
Helping those who cross our path is the real challenge. We seldom know what another person is going through or how much our moment of connection may mean to them. I am proud of antique mormon for his willingness to break the language of silence and for his willingness to help those in need. It takes a big heart to give to others right during a time when personal needs run high.
confessatory <-------not a word
atari: Let me give ots a confessatory reply. Since I have never heard of the word then I am going to presume that it has something to do with confessions and Warren. Kind of like Heavenly Hush. Here goes.
One night I was working late at the shop. I got a phone call from a young man. He was a married man with two beautiful children and a lovely wife. He wanted an immediate appointment. I told him to come to the shop and I would talk to him. Around 10:30 pm he showed up and came inside. Since there were others working as well we went out and got in his pickup. We sat a long while before he would say anything. Finally he said, "I am immoral". My heart sank as the consequence flashed before me. I would have to tell Warren who would tell his father, who would tell it at lunch, tell it at supper, tell it to all the girls in the evening who would tell it to their folks, who would tell it to their friends, who would send it to their relatives and so on. I felt the hurt and betrayal that the sweet mother of his children would feel, that his father and mother would feel, and that I would feel. His silence was shouting at me as I collected myself and finally asked the question. "Don't tell me that you have cheated on your wife?" "Oh no, nothing like that", he replied. "Is it a personal moral issue like pornography", I then asked? "No, not that either", came the reply. I was feeling much better. "What is it then", I asked. "I have these immoral thoughts for my wife", he replied, "I keep wanting to hold her, to feel her and make love with her". "What have you been listening to that makes you think that is immoral?" I asked. "We have been listening to Uncle Warren's tapes", he replied. I then counseled him to read one of Uncle Roy's sermons, the Book of Mormon, or the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith to his wife. I told him that his wife was the very person he should have thoughts for and for no one else. Well, Warren didn't like that advice one bit. Last I knew they were faithful followers of Warren, listening to his tapes night and day, counting nine months for this, nine months for that, nine months for the crow, and then holy cow! Now that is a confessatory reply.
ots beware. I think God will say of you: Get thee hence. I knew you well.
OTS! You have just judged J.Y.Barlow and L.S.Johnson as being immoral men. Doesn't surprise me though. That is why you are ots.
Atari, how are you doing getting copies of Warren's tapes?
OTS, I dare you to print out your comments on this site and mail them to Warren, see if he approves, I dare you to show them to William Timpson, the so called bishop, see if he approves. I have known Warren for a long time and he does not approve of what you say. What will you do? go ask him or post more crap??
OTS, I think your Lord is Warren "Let God make the Love" Came stright from Warrens mouth. For God Said, "You can not commit adultry with your wife." So I am glad that I can look at my wife and know that I am not commiting adultry. As far as being taught that all your live and all of Winston's live. I gess it was just taught by men who are like Warren, and not like God.
You escaped from your cage. Why dont you be a good little boy and go back to your own spot for commenting.
APOTSATE <---another psychotic 'on the street' answer to everything.
wow - looks like apostate
I'm not having much luck getting any tapes. One individual is considering it.
Warren should read Leviticus 18
6 Never have sexual intercourse with anyone related to you by blood. I am the LORD.
7 Never have sexual intercourse with your mother. She is your own mother. Never have sexual intercourse with her.
8 Never have sexual intercourse with your stepmother. She is related to you through your father.
9 Never have sexual intercourse with your stepsister, whether she is your father's daughter or your mother's daughter. It makes no difference whether or not she was born in your house.
10 Never have sexual intercourse with your granddaughter, whether she is your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter, because she is related to you
11 Never have sexual intercourse with a daughter of your father and his wife. She is your own sister.
12 Never have sexual intercourse with your father's sister. She is your paternal aunt.
13 Never have sexual intercourse with your mother's sister. She is your maternal aunt.
14 Never have sexual intercourse with the wife of your father's brother. She, too, is your aunt.
15 Never have sexual intercourse with your daughter-in-law. She is your son's wife. Never have sexual intercourse with her.
16 Never have sexual intercourse with your sister-in-law. She is your brother's wife.
17 Never have sexual intercourse with a woman and her daughter or a woman and her granddaughter. They are related. Doing this is perverted.
18 While your wife is living, never marry her sister as a rival wife and have sexual intercourse with her.
20 Never have sexual intercourse with your neighbor's wife and become unclean with her.
22 Never have sexual intercourse with a man as with a woman. It is disgusting.
23 Never have sexual intercourse with any animal and become unclean with it. A woman must never offer herself to an animal for sexual intercourse. It is unnatural.
On the Marriage/Sex/Wife Longing
I suggest we all have a quiet evening and read Song of Solomon - and take a moment to ponder that God is not a cosmic killjoy. He created sex, and he created it for our pleasure.
There's a great article inspired by Rushdoony on Neoplatonism and a Biblical View of Sex, online. I've met the fellow, because of my fathers work - I admire him.
Fruity, for such a learned, religious, perfectionist who claims to be so in touch with the teachings of god,. You sure have alot of biased, judgemental comments.
Is it so hard to imagine 'ots' that some of us actually love our wives???
Ots confirmed on another blog that he came from Barlow stock. Finally an explanation for the behaviour. Any Barlow that could stay with Warren after what he has done to the Barlow's is sick indeed. We were taught by Uncle Roy to never judge a sick man or woman. I apologize ots for judging you. I know that mental illness is hard to deal with. The Barlow's have been so scrambled that they do not deserve anything but our faith and prayers and pity. Go get some mental help.
In the Bible it's 'don't uncover the nakedness' and then lists all of the restrictions on appropriate sexual relations.
Each one has it's own single verse so that these laws are explicit.
Yea, like the “Song of Salomon” and the daughters of Lot seducing their old man. The Bible is full of contradictions. Anyone can quote a verse from the bible “ to justify anything” and be right.
Although I can in no way mount a defense equal to Taxas Cow Girl's of Warren, I would like to speak out in defense of Street. It would be hard for those in the "in" to keep up their sanity, but they at least have a little thread of hope to hang onto. Can you imagine how Street must feel, realizing that the person he worships has thrown him on the human garbage pile without even a backward look. It's got to be pretty tough. That would be enough to make anyone a little crazy. But I suspect that even as swallowed in the murky slime that Street is, he does actually hear a little of what gets said. So my advice, Street, lay down your scriptorial stones and turn to prayer. God, as distinct from Warren, does actually love you and will lead you aright. But first you have to quit yapping for a few minutes and listen. It would also surprise you how many friends you would actually have if you came to your senses.
Lots daughters seduced their father and were not written in the Bible as an example of acceptable behavior. They were part of a human story.
The passages in Leviticus are EXTREMELY clear. They are not taken out of context - or twisted to prove a point. Each innappropriate sexual act is given a separate verse.
But, let me close with the following verses in Leviticus 18
24 Do not defile yourselves by any of these things by which the nations whom I am driving out of your way have defiled themselves.
25 Because their land has become defiled, I am punishing it for its wickedness, by making it vomit out its inhabitants.
26 You, however, whether natives or resident aliens, must keep my statutes and decrees forbidding all such abominations
27 by which the previous inhabitants defiled the land;
28 otherwise the land will vomit you out also for having defiled it, just as it vomited out the nations before you.
29 Everyone who does any of these abominations shall be cut off from among his people.
30 Heed my charge, then, not to defile yourselves by observing the abominable customs that have been observed before you. I, the LORD, am your God.
So it looks like Warren is actually emesis that landed in Texas
OK - back to ephemera - anyone have some to share?
Are you interested in meeting recordings around the time of the split?
Hello everyone! Here's a thought.. do you suppose that OTS is actually Warren himself, except in disguise, using the language that only Tom Barlow would use so we will think that he is Tom Barlow?
Or... maybe we should just all tell Tom to go back to his thread and stay there like the kind Admin has asked him to.
Do be a dear, Tommy, and run along now. Then the Admin wont have to shut you down like KCCA.
I can't picture Tom kissin' up like that. He was a successful businessman.
KCCA might have even done ok without all the censuring.
Is OTS really Tom? Or is that hearsay? Mighty interesting if he is.
Who is Tom Barlow?
Oh, come on Lori! Dont you remember those radical radio programs that he used to do? He was really spouting B.S. against all kinds of things and people back in those days! He wrote most of the material himself with a few tidbits gleaned from The Spotlight (an anti-government whistle blower newsletter)
The way OTS is spouting on and on sounds just like Tom. One good thing about the blog, we dont have to listen to him mis-pronounce all the big words!
Does anyone know where Tom lives now? That may be a clue...
Tom Barlow is a fanatical anti-government zealot that used to do a radio program on KCCA, the now defunct radio station in CC.
He was "corrected" at the time, or soon after his father, Louis Barlow. He is a trucker, has never owned a successful business, is notorious for his spouting off, OTS being a perfect example of his "self effacing" style.
One blog he confirmed that he is of Barlow off-spring
Everything that I know about him fits perfectly with OTS.
Ok, OTS. Do I dare ask what you have to say for yourself?
For anyone who is interested in understanding a little about what the flds people are going through,I would suggest that you watch a movie called TheWave.It is about a highschool history teacher who does an experiment with his class because he can't answer a question from one of his pupils.It is a true story and illustrates quite succesfully the state of denial the flds people are in and how they got there.Just an interesting thought.
Where would you find this movie?
I don't know if you would be able to rent it,but you might be able to find it at a library.It is set around the 1960s or 70s.You probably could find one on ebay or Amazon.I borrowed a friends' so I really don't know exactly where it could be found.
I'll look around - perhaps my library would have it.
Per the original posting, I have over 500 cassette's, a few are duplicates as the sources were more than one. As for dubbing these, I don't think so! I have the Twin City published hardback books as well, including the "Student Star" used at the Alta Academy. Whomever collects the most by the end of their live wins...
Any one wanting copies, its an option, but I too would be curious as to there use or your interest. Having my favorite person Sam Barlow on cassette brings tears to my eyes.
As for making these public, the truth should not fear darkness and the light of day needs to expose some of Warren's secrets.
A few years ago Dan Barlow said my words were useless and that I drank my own bath water, a quote in the Spectrum! One day I might be visiting him in jail because in all of his honesty he defrauded the state by claiming fraudulent child support benefits. Warren, Sam or Rod Parker can assume that carefully and methodically, they will each answer for crimes already documented. The wheels of justice move slowly, but they do turn.
I think a conversion to CD might be an xlint option for reproducing these tapes and if I'm lucky, one of these might surface to try to sue me. I'd like to get any of them far enough out in the open, but that is wishing for too much!
A copy of Rulon Jeffs 1989 deposition would go a long way to better understanding the FLDS. While many were simply faithful to a belief, others were amassing wealth and only a few were privy to how that worked. Its pretty hard to dispute a court document and harder to call Rulon a Liar. Jethro also gave deposition as the bookkeeper, does any one want to dispute these court records? Lets talk about Majestic Trust and the former National Land Corporation.
Hey, welcome back Jay, MIB or bugbusterbull or whatever you're calling yourself these days.
Missed all of your vast array of knowledge and hawking your wares.
JB, I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here, "...one of these might surface to try to sue me. I'd like to get any of them far enough out in the open, but that is wishing for too much!"
Could you elaborate? i.e., one of what/who might surface to try to sue you? Sue you for what?
I'm intrigued....
Oh, and ditto... welcome back!
I was refering to copying the audio cassette's. Its unclear whether they were ever copyrighted. If I reproduce them, I thought I might get lucky and be challenged, thus get Warren or Rodney Parker in a court of law where other issues by affidavit, deposition & discovery might get exposed to the light of day!
But street, you didn't deny! If you're not Tom, at least do him the service of clearing his name! And if you are, well, I guess you needn't confess; we'll all just put 2 & 2 together. . .
so street. . .
That lack of response to your name would mean . . ?
I guess you ARE Tom. Well, well.
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