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This blog is once again OPEN TO ANONYMOUS POSTS! It is my hope that everyone will exercise a little common courtesy.
Thank You
Now mind your Ps and Qs street!
Thank You, Admin!!!
Heartfelt thanks to the Weblog Administrator,I sincerely hope that we,I mean all bloggers,Ex-Flds,Texans,Flds,Christian,Mormon,Jew,Gentile,what ever, bloggers can be more respectful and tolerant to each others opinions,
Keep Sweet Eldorado!!
I'll be reverent now.
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
John 14:6
What happened Admin? Your Blog thread states it was put out Dec. 2006. Jumping ahead into the future are you?
just a technique I learned for keeping a post at the top of the page
(This is from the rumor mill, it may or maynot have any truth to it.)
Congratulations to:
Leonard Barlow, married to 2nd wife Susie (now how old is she?, not a day over 13)
Rod Holm, married to 4th wife, Mildred Jessop (is she the brownie points for your court case?)
Jody Johnson, married to Edmund Barlow's daughter, (how old is she? sure is tiny for how big her baby is)
Joseph Steed, each time his daughters married the "prophet" he got a new wife (brownie points again!)
Don't you love this system? (No one says no, all family happy)
Jerold Williams, married to Elizabeth Harker, I know she is old enough, but it is disgusting to know that you are married to her mother too, What is she supposed to do when she has a problem with you? She can't go talk to her mother,(she will tell you) or her father, (he is a apostate). What a box! Trapped again.
Congratulations to Valerie Williams, married to Jon Jessop, Uncle Warren really wanted to test him, he must still be laughing up his sleeve.
Sheldon Black, married Cindy Barlow, (maybe 17) Even though she wanted to get married, I don't think it is right to get such a big responsibility, so young.
Art Barlow let his daughters marry the prophet, and he got kicked out. What happened?
Tom Cox, married Tammy, is married to her mother too! At least he waited til she was old enough.
I think that because SO many families are getting torn apart, this marrying your father is getting more and more common. Is it right? Hell no! How can you get the love and support you need as a teenager, if you are scared to death that you will marry your father. My best friend was that way, her dad died and her mother married another man, she was scared to death she would marry him. He was afraid to tell her he loved her because his other wives looked at it as "lusting" She never got a hug or a kiss. what a strange situation
Does anyone know about the "Dagrow Truss Plant" in Mesquite, NV? (stands for David and Guy Allred)It is located at 797 Hardy Way, it has walls taller than the compound in Hildale, electronic gates, cameras, the works! I have drove by three times and never saw any trusses. Why the fence? Do truss plants really need that much security? Or is it a front company for Warren Jeffs?
Good work anonymous. By the way check out Crimson Cliffs L.L. C. (Isaac Jeffs) Mesquite NV. Curious what kind of business this is.
Maybe Dagrow Truss Plant is where Warren is doing his Celesial marriages.
Seems like the prophet has been busy according the post before.
I heard that Warren Jeffs was using the Ramada Inn up on the hill in Mesquite. It had a grand opening sign, but I know it was closed at that time. I heard it went bankrupt(one month after it opened) An empolyee told me it was owned by some investors from Las Vegas...Maybe..hmmm...think WJ could be behind that?
Did you accidentally advertise on the wrong blog???
Is there anything special about Barlow's these days? I thought they were all cut off or had turned into Richters and Allreds or Jeffs? Sheesh!
Thank you administrator for allowing us to post incognito again. just me
Hey guys. Be careful what you say about the Barlows. We're not all that way! Faithful Woman, the Barlow theory was NOT "Steal the girls, damn the boys." That might be your opinion, but that is NOT true!!! I admire your faithfulness, I really do, but be please be careful how you say things because what you say people will take for gospel truth. Your opinion is valued, yes, but just beacuse one person might have felt a certain way doesn't mean we ALL did. Again, I really admire your sticking with it; I know that in a place where you live, it takes a lot of courage.
It is my opinion that what has been done to the old "Barlow" brethren will go down in history as one of the ugliest pages in wierd religious history. Not just that, what their children have done to them will make history as well. The once Barlow women will also go down in history as being an example of how fifty years later, everyone left their husbands imprisoned, found new mates, changed their identities, and lost their natural affection. Right it down in your book.
"Write it down in your book"
right after the chapter on "Kingston"
I will tell you how to reconise a lier. If some one is critazising Warren Jeffs, you can know with out a doubt, that they are a lier. A girl does not marry her Father. You people need to tell truths, not half truths to fit your predjudice and hatred. There are a lot of very good Barlows. Leonard Barlow being one of them. Barlow's have been married to Blacks for a long time. Joe Barlow was married to, Two black girls. Keep your predjudices under your hat. I think Uncle Joe will be ok. It is written a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things is not of God. Do you love the giver of the gift more than the gift? Do you love God the most, or do you love the things, upon the earth, most?
There have been many great journeys made, battles fought, sacrifices made; all the while thinking of the great reward, but alas, there is none.
anon 5/19 11:04 pm
Ruth is at it again!
"If some one is critazising Warren Jeffs, you can know with out a doubt, that they are a lier" great big pack of liars
you got more liars coming out of your group than a political party
you say you're practicing religion?
sounds like to me, you need more practice
keep sweet eldorado
Yup, keep trying. I know you can do it if you try.
Liar is spelled L I A R.
On the Street - couldn't stay in your own place - now your 'ots again'.
A man is only as good as his word.
Friday, May 13, 2005
OnTheStreet's Area
I promised OnTheStreet I'd make him his very own area. By using this, he is agreeing that he will post all of his thoughts/ideas/feelings in this area, and not any other on I will assume that posts in other areas on the board after 5/12/05 will annul this agreement, and I will delete OnTheStreet's Area.
posted by ATAR_i at 8:21 PM
Street's reply
Choke, Choke, Gasp, Gasp.
Well, okay, you want dazzle. Okay, if you must. As far as the agreement, yah, a man is as good as his word. Sure, I'll post only here. You lucky dogs, you.
By onthestreet, at 5/14/2005 5:41 PM
Barlow Onthestreet! Why haven't you changed your name yet?
The end is nigh.
What is the truth behind the Sons of Helaman? Do they exist? Are they Warren's faith police?
Sons of Helaman are not unique to the FLDS but just as radical ..
comming for the "Book of Helaman".
The Sons of Helaman is a Book of Mormon story about 2000 young warriers who faught valiantly.
There are rumors of a "God Squad" in Colorado City of ruthless thugs and spies who serve at the command of Warren Jeffs. The rumor is that they will do ANYTHING they are told to do, and that the community fears them greatly. I have heard that they are referred to as the "Sons of Helaman".
I appreciate the question, and would like to hear more of them from people who know.
Just a FYI:
Flew over compound today after the rain (.5 inches). Brick work starting to take shape – slowly but they are going at it with some effort now. They are building a big terrace around the temple. It may soon be a wall to be installed in the future.
Concrete is being loaded the silo. There are MANY trucks at the temple but I saw only 3 or 4 men outside. The rest must be inside.
Women are still in garden and its looking good. Quarry has expanded for more stone. Sewer is untouched as they said they would until permit. All is peaceful.
PO BOX 715
So the Sons of Helaman are NOT the "God Squad"?
What can you tell us about the "God Squad", or whatever else they call the FLDS secret police?
Atar gives street a virtual hug, thanks, I'll try and do the same sometimes too. We'll give these guys a break from us :)
Pilot report:
•2/3 of south wall of temple brick is complete.
•Rear entrance nearing completion.
•Front entrance – still primitive but much dirt work has been done for a gradual slope.
•Women and children are now running from site. Why?
•Bull dozer in water to the top of tracks in the concrete plant after 4.5 inch rain.
•US Customs jet was in airspace same time of day as I; they were also doing recon.
•Garden is getting big and green. Looks great from the air.
•New equipment is being unloaded. I do not know what it is but its big. Eldorado FLDS certainly does not act like it is in any financial difficulty. Business as usually at the compound.
To hardheaded:
Don't know how long you've been gone, but "God Squad" was the term we affectionately gave to Warren's personal police force who stayed physically close. Some of these people were (then) the marshalls in town--I guess they've been stripped of their badges now-- and they DID tell him all the official police business and reported to him whenever any of his flock got into mischief. Others of the God Squad were not officers, just big beefy guys who were in to high-electronic surveilance, alarm systems, etc.
The God Squad was NOT the Sons of Helaman, who were the small boys in uniform who paraded.
To anonymous pilot reporter:
You say that women and children are running from the site. What does that mean? Are they running from a particular place inside the compound to another place in the compound or are they literally running from the compound? And if so, where are they going and are they getting the help they need?
Warren had Will T. ask the people for another $1,ooo.oo last Saturday.
Man that's cruel -
Who is will T?
To:Fried Female,
I do not know why they are running. They quit running from aircraft 6 months ago. The women and children were in the garden and all ran to a white four door with camper shell on it. No reason to run. The men working at the site just ignored us and went on with their agendas. Only the people in the garden ran.
Will T. is the bishop appointed by Warren when he sent Fred Jessop into hiding. He was Fred's right hand man and a person Warren could trust to do as he is told. I know Will and he is not one to think for himself much. In a way he is one of the victims. One of the willing victims. I don't believe Warren has much use for him other than that it was easy for the people to accept him because of his closeness to Fred.
I can tell you people posting about people in our church have been out of the loop awhile. And as for telling you are business, it is none of your business.
Building a compound with a sewer, concrete plant and a quarry in our back yard makes it our business!!
I don't think that the things an individual does only belong to the group of people who are of the same religious affiliation.
For instance - if I'm a catholic, but I leave garbage on the street in a rural neighborhood and people ask who I am. The church wouldn't rush to my rescue and state. "It's none of your business, she's catholic".
It's an argument that just doesn't make sense to me. If I've taken your remarks out of context - please clarify.
ya da ya da ya da..
If you could spell maybe you could share it.
Atar <----not catholic.
But I'll put it in FLDS terms just for you : )
I don't think that the things an individual does only belong to the group of people who are of the same religious affiliation.
For instance - if I'm FLDS, but I leave garbage on the street in Phoenix in a rural neighborhood and people ask who I am. The church wouldn't rush to my rescue and state. "It's none of your business, she's FLDS".
It's an argument that just doesn't make sense to me. If I've taken your remarks out of context - please clarify. (this last part is not for street - it's for the other poster who I was responding to).
Pilot Report:
Contrary to popular belief, our sheriff knows exactly what is going on at the compound and has a great line of communication with both the FLDS at Eldorado and the Texas DPS. He has done an excellent job of corralling hot heads and squelching rumors.
•My father flew the sheriff over compound yesterday. Sheriff Doran has the best camera I ever saw and knows how to use it. Very good photos.
•Kids form a circle with their heads down – they look like little flowers. Too cute (sad but still cute).
•No sign of a crematorium, no smokestacks or massive exhaust vents, nothing that would validate any conspiracy rumors at all.
•DPS helicopter is doing recon today – nothing out of the ordinary
•Very ornate brick work around windows. Almost like a sculptor chiseled designs into the brick – beautiful work.
Bulldozer is still in the water, we received another .6 inches of rain and much lightening last night. All is peaceful at the compound. No Red flags that would lead one to believe something unusual is going on, other than the children have now been taught hide their identity and keep their heads down. Sad...
Well, there may be no sign of a crematorium, since at my end in CC it was all on paper. However, when each project I work on gets more intense pressure for more secrecy and I am told "this is training for how things are in Zion. You can't even tell your wife what you are working on." I was also told, "don't even begin to speculate what this is for" even though it was harmless projects. I was also involved in scenarios where A and B worked on this project. A and C worked on that project. B and C work on this other project, but neither B nor C could talk to A about the project they were working on even though A is working with both of them on other projects.
The last project I was working on was also a harmless piece of machinery, but the next project on the drawing board was a furnace capable of 2700F and it *was* going to go to YFZ ranch. Now, why the increased training and pressure. I was supposed to work 20 hour days, but was a little rebellious. I was supposed to eat on-site, but told the others I was a family man and I was going to eat with my wife. I was supposed to work Sunday, too. Lyle was about to dismiss me from this project before I dismissed myself. Uh--20 hour days being fed on site, nothing I was working on could leave the premise; I couldn't do anything on my personal computer even though it would have been more efficient, and increasing pressure that "if even one CAD drawing gets out of here, the prophet's life could be jeopardized" is in my mind training for the next project--I was specifically told that "this is *training* for how things will be in Zion" The next project *was indeed* a furnace capable of 2700F. I had already begun preliminary work on it.
Pilot can say what he wants to, but I have been there in CC and witnesses what I have witnessed. I still live in CC, by the way.
As far as use for adobes--the buildings at YFZ are all log.
As far as curing limestone--heat breaks it down and is one of many processes used in making Portland Cement.
Iron-ore--no evidence of that at the ranch.
Only one thing remains whereby I can give someone the benefit of the doubt--gold refining for gold ornamentation inside the temple; purge all Gentile contaminations out of it. (A little sarcasm about a far-fetched use) However, I am still bothered by the paranoia and secrecy and increased pressure I was getting put under--that and *lies* to Gentile vendors about what be were building--that's right--we were getting trained to lie to them about what we were building.
Street - your an apostate remember, you're not one of them either.
I think we have someone who's going to step across the path and stand with Uncle Spencer, and Faithful - might be nice to have some company.
I know we are trying to ignore Street but - that last statement about the FLDS being responsible for the actions of every one of its members with the prophet being the head?? WoW! That breaks down into some pretty scary stuff. Does Street realize with some of his scripture quotes immaculately researched and written in some blogs -- and in others all mangled, mispelled, and twisted - that he is giving himself away? If his last statement was translated literally, then every crime committed by anyone who was ever a member of the FLDS including the crimes they are trying to arrest Warren Jeffs for would condemn every man, woman and child still faithful members - or for that matter those of us that have left. If Street is fine with that then he can share the place in hell reserved for some of the crimes still waiting for the day in Courts. And before you say anything Street - that isn't just the Courts of Utah, Arizona, or Texas, nevermind Canada - that includes the final Court. There will be one.
what do you mean giving himself away - can you explain?
Dear Anonymous
"The last project I was working on was also a harmless piece of machinery, but the next project on the drawing board was a furnace capable of 2700F and it *was* going to go to YFZ ranch."
Question...So you can walk away from the ranch. Interesting without any retribution?
This furnace, what kind of fuel has to run it? The ranch has only two kinds of, electric and propane. Is it a self contain unit?
Portland Cement production, that interesting. Could be for that. It has to be getting pretty expensive to purchase all that cement. And from viewing from afar they are getting ready to step it up a notch.
I was never at the ranch--things often get built in CC and then shipped out there; technical and machining resources are greater here than there. As far as retribution, I chose not to leave my wife as I was instructed, and she chose to stay with me.
As far as "Faithful woman" knowing who I am, I am not surprised, but I don't know who she is. I probably should be a little more careful, but when one's hair is temporarily in orbit, they tend not to be the most discrete.
One of the processes for Portland Cement gets a little above 2700F, so they would next need a larger furnace for mixing the sand with the calcite. Sorry, a little internet research begins to shoot this one down, too. Besides, I think anyone in their right mind would sell the limestone waste by truck and exchange it for cement--it wouldn't be profitable to get set up for production.
As far as what kind of fuel, etc., I didn't get that far before leaving. My job was to sense temperature (I had to use infrared--thermocouples would melt), create a display and keypad controller, and output heating requests and another individual would take it from there, whose name I know but won't even put initials here.
Remember that it was still on the drawing board in CC when I left, and I only know a slight piece of the puzzle. I have never directly said I was building a crematory, I am only giving out evidence and letting the jury make their decision.
The so-called evidence for a crematory came from a post by GBNF stating that someone from YFZ let the cat out of the bag--now that could be total rumor, but when I read their post, my hair about went into orbit and I decided to step forth and tell what I had formerly kept secret.
I still ask the question--why the increased secrecy on harmless machines and being told this is training?
Mr. Anonymous 8:15
Why the secrets? Control, control, control...and maybe they are not harmless machines. Time will tell.
Thank you for your honest answer and telling the folks here your concerns.
I am glad your family stayed with you. Your marriage vows meant something. God will honor you.
Of course you have to wonder why Uncle Warren brought back Brigham Young's Blood Atonement teachings.
Can someone out there tell me how Brigham arrived at such a twisted thought. I have my own opinion, but I might get attacked by Satan Worshippers.
The doctrines of the Church affirm that the Atonement wrought by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is efficacious for the sins of all who believe, repent, are baptized by one having authority, and receive the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands. However, if a person thereafter commits a grievous sin such as the shedding of innocent blood, the Savior´s sacrifice alone will not absolve the person of the consequences of the sin. Only by voluntarily submitting to whatever penalty the Lord may require can that person benefit from the Atonement of Christ.
Several early Church leaders, most notably Brigham Young, taught that in a complete theocracy the Lord could require the voluntary shedding of a murderer´s blood-presumably by capital punishment-as part of the process of Atonement for such grievous sin. This was referred to as "blood Atonement." Since such a theocracy has not been operative in modern times, the practical effect of the idea was its use as a rhetorical device to heighten the awareness of Latter-day Saints of the seriousness of murder and other major sins. This view is not a doctrine of the Church and has never been practiced by the Church at any time.
Early anti-Mormon writers charged that under Brigham Young the Church practiced "blood Atonement," by which they meant Church-instigated violence directed at dissenters, enemies, and strangers. This claim distorted the whole idea of blood atonement—which was based on voluntary submission by an offender—into a supposed justification of involuntary punishment. Occasional isolated acts of violence that occurred in areas where Latter-day Saints lived were typical of that period in the history of the American West, but they were not instances of Church-sanctioned blood Atonement.
I posted twice, The first ( 1:43 ) is an explanation from a Mormon point of view. The latter (1:51), originally appeared in The Salt Lake City Messenger, Issue No. 92, April, 1997 and is more informative. When in doubt, GOOGLE It!
I posted this on the wrong thread but:
I would like everyone to know that Warren and his flock does read this. I posted a pilot report that said the DPS would be flying recon over the compound that day. When I posted it, I thought they had finished, but in reality they were about 3-4 hours behind schedule. Guess what, no one was outside; no child, women, or anything moved. It was either a hell of a coincidence or they read this blog. My apologies to the Schleicher County Sheriffs office for blowing a perfectly good photo opportunity. It will not happen again.
Lets talk about the buildings being moved?
The Associated Press
SALT LAKE CITY - Just after a court order freezing some assets of a southern Utah polygamist sect, several buildings believed to be owned by the religious order were dismantled and moved, a likely violation of the judge's ruling.
In Hildale, Utah, an 18,000-square foot warehouse-type building, once the location of Cozy Log Homes mill and construction company, was dismantled over the weekend, said Sam Brower, a private investigator employed by several church dissidents said
Jay Beswick
No one familiar with Mormonism can deny that there are ordinances and doctrines that have been kept secret. Most work done in the temple is not open to the public. Our scriptures talk of not giving meat to those on a milk diet. Warren is very good at taking truths such as this and standing them on thier head. Using them to fulfill his twisted and perverted designs. Most of those folowing him see his secrecy as an extension of these early teachings of the church. They are not able to stand back and see the whole picture as we can from the outside. There is a huge difference between the true secrets and Warren's secrets. You brought this out in referring to the Gadianton robbers. Theirs is a work of destruction where the truth is a work of building up. The world has long had a problem with not being able to know what goes on in the temples. But at the same time they have not been able to come up with any crimes that were committed there. They tried all of Joseph, Brigham, and John Taylor's days to find one. The only laws they could find broken were those they violated the Constitution in making. Such is not the case with Warren unless as his followers believe you say any law that gets in his way is not a righteous law. He is spurning the laws of God and man.
Warren is no fool, but lives life according to his own rules. Last week removing buildings and that rotary sprinkler system was an example of his defiance of the law and the states injunction. He was well aware of the freeze of assets, but in defying the law, set an example to those that are following his lead. It supports a theory that gods law is higher than mans and sets the stage for actions that will follow.
When Ruby Jessop was an issue, Warren already used Dan Barlow as a spokesman for the Ron Allen state bill SB146, he knew the law had passed, but it was not law until April 30th 2001 when Governor Mike Leavitt would sign it in. Ruby was 14, 10 days shy of her 15th birthday. On or about April 23rd in defiance of this new law Warren officiated another under age marriage, in the knowledge that technically the law was not yet in place. This is an example of Warren again defining gods law, but in reality it is Warren's law, placing himself as high as god or so for those who believe in him.
After a series of events that defy civil authority, how hard will it be for the faithful to follow Warren blindly. To the most extreme of commands, it won't be the first and the faithful have been conditioned to follow.
Bringing back the teachings of "blood atonement", with variations from that of the LDS church, will be real to those that have followed Warren this far all ready. The teachings were always there and exampled by Gary Gilmore who recieved the death sentence in Utah years back, he requested or demanded the firing squad to exact the shedding of his own blood, per his belief. The LDS church publicly denied this teaching and was so quoted in the press. None the less the option existed under state law and would of been otherwise removed as an option, except for these early teachings.
As for much of what occurs in the LDS temple, the Tanners; Gerald and Sandra have largely published the ceremonies much to the dismay of the mainstream LDS church.
Deborah Laake's - Secret Ceremonies : A Mormon Woman's Intimate Diary of Marriage and Beyond, also detailed the inner workings of endowment ceremonies. Maybe some here might understand more to realize and understand that Deborah was the Assitant Editor of the New Times in Phoenix once and in her untimely death, some have taken on this crusade in memory of her. From Secret to Sacred, the inner workings of the Temple are more known to some than others, as we live in a world where secrets are pretty hard to be kept.
I visited a laboratory in the backyard shop of a man that lives near Cedar City today. In this laboratory is an oven using electric heat--I assume nichrome wire, but electric heat, none-the-less. The insulation is 1 1/2 inches thick zirconium and the oven is sealed. This oven can reach 2500F, and a crematory only needs to reach 1800F. An electric crematory wouldn't need a lot of exhaust.
Now, the "harmless machine" could be used to shape zirconium or other ceramics for a crematory, such as making an airtight door.
I do know that thermocouples could have been used--Type K can easily handle crematory temperatures--why the use of an infrared temperature sensor instead, I don't know.
Authorities know who I am.
Angel of Morning says - What would be the sense of talking to the authorities about anything to do with the construction of a crematory furnace in Warren Jeffs Temple?? The Sheriff there seems intent on continually assuring all that things are "peaceful and calm" on the YFZ ranch. As one blogger put it - you would have no bodies to show and from the RCMP in Canada, to local Sherrif's, to State Troopers, to FBI, CIA, or any other Law Enforcement they will do nothing until you can lead them to a skeleton, a bloody knife, dead body, or take them to Warren Jeffs standing right over top someone in the act. One major problem with figuring out IF such a furnace was being used would be noone has any way of knowing who is actually at the YFZ ranch. HOW many? Who comes and goes? How many babies are being born without being registered there? Who has a family head count on the wives and children left behind in CC with fathers, a few wives and some children in YFZ? Would anyone left behind have any ability of talking to the ones at the YFZ to find out if they are alright and even still alive at all? There could be hundreds of people missing already and we would have no way of knowing.
When the State of UTah puts an order stating that Warren Jeffs has to leave UEP assets alone and he has his people just step up the process of dismantling what might be left of any thing and the State does nothing??? HOw odd. They needed to have people in place the gaurd all the visible assets immediately in order for Warren Jeffs not to make a laughing stock out of "Man's Law" yet again. His people must be celebrateing today. I would like to know if the Government, law enforcement, whoever the lucky body might be will take it to the level of going after the property stolen since the Court Order was made?? For the sake of anyone who might be considering talking about Warren Jeffs, his enforcers, and how terrified they are -- I really hope so. So far there has been absolutely nothing on the part of CPS, the AG's office, the FBI, or the Marines to help people feel safe yet.
Just in case there might be some Sherrif, Building Inspectors office, or any other liscencing body that thinks that Warren Jeffs and his minions, would even pretend to get a liscence to build a crematorium then you haven't figured this Crisis at your door our at all. If Warren Jeffs felt he needed a Crematorium in his temple -- "it would be done." Has there been one official of ANY KIND FROM ANY DEPARTMENT allowed close enough to the temple to touch the outside wall let alone have any idea what the floor plans are??? I doubt it.
In Texas counties have very limited powers over land use, only cities (incorporated municipalities) such as Eldorado, TX have the power to create and enforce zoning.
YFZ is in unincorported territory which means that they are basiclly free to use the land and build what they want without restriction. The water district can regulate water wells, TCEQ can regulate sewage systems, the CAD can inspect buildings to determine value, usually by determining size, they don't have the right to enter buildings without permission of owner. The CAD can't come into my home to determine value, but can make visual observations to determine value. CAD = Central Appraisal District
So there is most likely no copies on plans for temple on file anywhere.
If the temple was inside Eldorado city limits, city building inspector could enter structure while under construction without permission of owner and could force construction to stop, but since outside city limits, no inspection.
It should be noted that authorities have a good idea what floor plans are as temple has been under as contant watch by air as poster pilot and others have pointed out. They know by observation by air how temple is built, number of floors, type of frame, stairwells etc.
If someone wants to get temple inspected, look to the feds, federal law states that all public, commerical buildings must be wheel chair accessable, have elevators etc. If temple dosen't meet federal rules for handicapped persons, federal inspectors can come in and check if building meets standards for handicaped persons, and fine YFZ.
Americans with Disablities Act of 1990. Does temple meet the rules of this act, are there wheel chair ramps, elevators, handicap access restrooms, doorways, hallways?
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