I hope you will bear with me as I try to find a way around this problem.
Thank you
FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Please Stand By
Unfortunately, anonymous comments on this blog were temporarily suspended today because one blogger (onthestreet) refused to follow the rules. I am looking for a solution to the problem, but for now I encourage those regular posters who enjoy the give and take of this blog to email me so I can send you an invitation to become a regular contributor. My email is: texaspolygamy@sccn2.net
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I hope onthestreet is reading this. Dude you really messed up a good thing. But having read your posts I'm not surpised.
I saw your temper tantrum yesterday and I know why the admin dude had to pull your posts down. You should be ashamed of yourself.
To admin, thanks for sining me up. This is my first post as a regular.
Thank for signing me up - Pilot report - nothing new other than brick work has resumed exterior temple. Beautiful town and temple. The FLDS should be very proud.
I am just an observer. I have no religious convictions or agendas. I just tell what I see.
PS: Thank you Salt Lake City Tribune ie, photographer and reporter, for the wonderful polygamy shirt and coffee mug. It will go great with my shameless since of humor and polygamist hat.
Well I missed all the excitement - someone want to fill me in?
Atar...onthestreet went off the deep end. I only saw a little bit of it. Admin must have pulled it all down. The dude was warned but don't listen. Now we pay for his head in his butt.
Admin, keep working on this OK? Don't let this die.
Intel Update:
I flew Eldorado Success and Rocky Mountain News photographers over compound at noon today. There are more vehicles (trucks, vans, tractor trailer rigs, Z71 pick-ups) than before. More women and children are in the fields. Brick on south wall of temple is being laid. New house on north east side of field is different in architecture (stair case in back ect.) than others. From the air, it looks as if the population of compound has expanded.
The Rocky Mountain News was here because of the compound in Colorado. They have been to several sites, including Hilldale/Short Creek. I do not know when the article will be out but I do know it will be soon. More of the same “what do you do with a FLDS compound in your back yard” kind of stuff; nothing new or enlightening.
Pilot - how close can you get to the Ranch?
By air, directly over it at 1000 ft AGL or 3440 MSL. By automobile - probably about 3/4 of a mile. There is another ranch between road and compound. The ranch makes for great buffer zone from the site seeing public.
Faithful Woman:
How do you contact friends/family you have in town (who shun you) and out of town (in Eldorado)? Have you managed to maintain any relationships with those still loyal to Warren?
To ATAR_i:
You may not believe this, but I have never taken a photo of the compound. Most of the photos that have been published have come from our airplane, including the one that Jon took of the prophet Jan 1, 2005, but not by me. I am too busy flying the aircraft with flaps down at near stalling speed to worry about a camera. I fly with absolute experts in digital photography. I do what I am trained to do; the photographers do what they are trained to do.
Just Joking Street AKA Knockout - I know it's you. But I do like the fact that I actually understand you when you pretend to be Knockout - so let's keep pretending.
Also - does knockout stand for:
Drop Dead Gorgeous
KO'd (like in a fight)
Inquiring minds want to know.
Hey faithful woman. Is that Barlow guy still in control of the school? Do any of his children go to the school? Whatever became of the fellow that used to be the secretary/treasurer around there? His name started with a Q.
Barlow Quinton was the financial manager for CCUSD, He was one of the first men to get "cut-off" his family was re-married and he stayed with the school as long as he could endure the stares and things said behind his back and being ignored and treated as a non person. Funny thing is that he still believes in "Warren" and that the "right" thing happened to him. He now lives in Littlefield, Az and is the Superintendent (I think). I pass him in the halls and he ignores any "Hello" or conversation. I am an apostate, but I guess that he doesn't realize that he is too.
Isn't it amazing. The Steeds, Barlows, Rohbocks, and scores of others that somehow think they are valued when told to leave. I heard that they wouldn't even dedicate the grave of Louis Barlow when he died. What could that have hurt? Who could have found a more decent man than Dan Barlow, Joe Barlow or Allan Steed? Some wierdo from Salt Lake who was passing around photo's of his wife in her undies, was known to have been massaging another woman after he was already married to her sister, was sent out of his fathers home for dinking around with his sisters; just comes along and undoes the lives of three great men! And their families go along with it!
If any one of those men would have stood up and said, "this is just not right" in public, like they said it in private, then things would have been totally different. I guess when you have brothers like Judas Alvin Barlow, and Judas David Steed, and Judas Sam Barlow,and Judas Lorin Steed, then you are more concerned about them than the integrity of your faith. What a joke! Talk about denying Christ. All of the scurvy excuses that those boys can come up with will never give them back their family, will never give them back the respect that they lost by not standing up for the truth, will never give them back the admiration of a thousand disgusted friends.
To anonymous 10:59,
Amen and Amen! I am a daughter of one of the "Barlow boys" and it is absolutely amazing to see what has happened to my heritage. It's sad, but like someone said, "They are being devoured by the very monster that they created."
Oh hell! Don't tell me I am related to you.
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