FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
April 6th "Doomsday Disappointment"
April 6th has come and gone, law enforcement has been on the property to calm rumor and speculation, what's next?
I seen the "press conference" on television held at the gates of the Texas ranch, who was the idiot holding the sign stating "Gods in control and not Warren" and wasnt she the one in all of the papers from the first press conference holding the sign "The Devil is Here". Does she protest the ranch on a daily basis or is she one of those media junkies?!? Curious in Canada
Please, Short Crickers, don't look down on us because of Thelma. She can't help it. She was born with her thumb stuck up her A.. In return, we won't count Ruth against you. Sound fair?
Hey, Oxymormon! How ya' been? I like the TV titles. Did you hear that the first polygamous miniseries was cancelled? It was called Roots and it seems the blonde haired blue-eyed heroine had black ones! Stay out of trouble and don't let any hick town cops grab ya', eh?
FLDS member shares thoughts on Warren Jeffs’ prediction of the second coming of Christ.
Will self-proclaimed prophet, Warren Jeffs, be vindicated or exposed to the world as a fraud on April 6, 2005? If he is vindicated, those not chosen by him will be wiped off the face of the North American continent on this date. If he’s exposed, all that are alive on April 7, 2005, will have certain knowledge that he is a false prophet and receives his revelations from the dark recesses of his own mind rather than from God.
Warren is hand picking his 2,500 core believers from among the faithful FLDS followers and is having those chosen transported to Eldorado, Texas, there to await the second coming of Christ to accept the dedication of Warren’s new temple and witness the total destruction of this and other nations. We are also to witness the renewal of Uncle Fred, our bishop that Warren blessed to live 350 years into the millennium. This same failed prophecy was given about Uncle Rulon. He was our last prophet, and Warren’s biological father. He passed away about 2 ½ years ago.
Following Warren’s prediction of his renewal, Uncle Fred passed away a couple of weeks early, which makes me believe that Warren knew Uncle Fred was failing in health. His premature death may complicate Warren’s plans considerably. Uncle Fred was probably supposed to be renewed (Warren’s word for die) after the dedication of the temple, not before.
Warren’s “elect”, the 2,500 chosen people, will have to put Warren’s prophecies on the shelf of belief again, hoping understanding will come at a later date, when they don’t come to pass on Wednesday. The other 7,500 of us followers, Warren has abandoned to our own fate and has cast us off after first fleecing us of all our money and assets. If we won’t change our belief system, we will also be obligated to put Warren’s latest prophecies on the shelf of belief, in spite of the knowledge we’ve gained lately thru real life experience. I’m sure most of us will yet manage to persist in our faith in him, as it seems we can not admit we’ve been wrong all along.
My suggestion to the 7,500 abandoned FLDS saints is that we go back to studying our old scriptures instead of Warren’s new ones and find out what went wrong and where. We should reread the “Now Crisis” as Uncle Roy called “The Coming Crisis and How to Meet It” by Parley P. Pratt. Toward the bottom of the section on strong delusions, it reads:
“He (God) has said that ‘HE WILL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSIONS THAT THEY MIGHT BELIEVE A LIE.’ He gives His reason and apology for acting after this strange manner—because, knowing the truth, they do not love it unadulterated. And knowing God, they do not choose to glorify Him as God. Therefore their foolish hearts become darkened, and God suffers Satan to compound and mix up truth and error in such proportions as to be captivating and strongly delusive. As a snare, this composition will be ingeniously mixed and administered to all nations, by skillful and practiced hands.”
I believe this finger is being pointed directly at the FLDS, myself included.
Here is a quote found in the Journal of Discourses, 1:133-134, from Brigham Young that also points a finger in our direction. It was given April 6, 1853 in Salt Lake City, Utah exactly 152 years ago today.
“Now hear me, and I will try to talk so that you can understand. I will presume to go a little further than I did, with regard to the President of the Church, and say to this people, a man might have visions, the angels of God might administer to him, he might have revelations, and see as many visions as you could count; he might have the heavens opened to him, and see the finger of the Lord, and all this would not make him the President of the Church, or an Elder, a High Priest, an Apostle; neither would it prove that he was even a Saint: something else is wanted to prove it. Why I mention this, is because of the frailty, weakness, and short-sightedness of the people. If a man should come and tell you he had had a vision, and could appear to substantiate his testimony that he had had the heavens opened to him, you would be ready to bow down and worship him; and he might be, at the same time, perfectly calculated to destroy the people-one of the biggest devils on earth. He would appear to be one of the finest of men, to be honest and unassuming, and come with all the grace and generalship of the devil, which is so well calculated to deceive the people. Admit this to be the case.”
Perhaps the 2,500 chosen people should be careful if they are asked to bow the knee to Warren on Wednesday or this coming Sunday. And perhaps we who are part of the 7,500 “lost sheep” should find out the answers to the many questions we have concerning Warren’s and his minions ethnic cleansing of the FLDS Church and the destruction of our loved ones.
In Matthew 23:25, Jesus Christ says, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.”
Is this history repeating itself? We had all better take note and learn of the teachings of Christ and other true prophets before we, as Uncle Roy used to say, have to take this grade over again.
Ezekiel 14:9-11 says, (9) “And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. (10) And they shall bear the punishment of their in-iquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him: (11) That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord God.”
The Lord has told us in the scriptures, countless times, not to put our trust in the arm of flesh or we would face the consequences. Consider this from Brigham Young: “What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation. (Journal of Discourses 9:150)
Our leader and his teachers have continually put before us untruths that we are forced to swallow or risk losing our families over, which brings to mind another saying of Christ, “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.” Mat. 23:24
One last thought concerning the callousness with which we have discarded our children when commanded to by Warren reminds me of something Jesus said in Mat. 24:11-12, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (12) And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” The path we are following Warren on, has led us to “love waxing cold” toward our dear ones, toward our friends, neighbors and our fellow man.
Warren does not teach the Everlasting Love of Jesus Christ which leads to peace and harmony. Warren teaches a “love” and a “renewal” that leads to Never Ending Darkness and Chaos.
7:14 PM Anon I believe if you would have listened to that press conference closely you would have heard that the sheriff was quoting members of the Texas ranch as saying (and I quote) "they wanted to be left alone and in return they did not want to bother anyone in the community" I do not believe that reflects the Sheriffs opinion.
We can throw in some stock in the EOBOC (Eldorado Olympic Bid Organizing Committee). Warren will not need compound and we plan on holding the Olympics there. (Can’t make up our mind whether we want winter or summer) we live in the desert but hockey is popular.
Sewer pond can be swimming pool or Ices skating rink depending on decision
Now that’s an offer a person just can not pass up!!
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? You been out ridin' fences for so long now Oh, you're a hard one I know that you got your reasons These things that are pleasin' you Can hurt you somehow
What the heck does Manudo (I don't think that's even how it's spelled) have to do with Eldorado? Oh, I forgot, it's multiplication that you specialize in, not spelling, or complex thought.
To Ringo,John,Paul and George.I know Warren allowed you to post your poem.Theres no way you would have done that without permission from him. The Government does not want this to turn into another Waco, despite what you may have been told. Don't cry in your pillow,and forget the tear gas nonsense.Let's talk. Get permission if you need to.Let's talk on a different thread though.8:26 pm wants to keep this thread funny and that's ok. Listening.
You would think that after 20 or 30 end of the world predictions Warren would just give up. He is just like the energizer bunny he keeps going and going.
To 9:21 pm.I'm not trying to pass the deal up.You don't need to sweeten the pot but after you threw in all that EOBOC stock I began to feel guilty,I guess it's my flds upbringing.I need to tell you before we make the trade though, that you don't know our Ruth.The stuff you've seen on these posts is nuth'in,our ruth,s not even got her engine started yet.Course this little dialog may get her cranking. Lord help us if it does and I don't mean that disrespectfully. Just me.
Does anybody know any names of the people in the compound. I have relatives that vanished some time back and i wonder if they ended up in Texas, Colorado or somewhere else.
There was once a leader that was revered and loved by his most ardent followers. He was a man that would lead them to glory. There were songs written about Him, His picture adorned the walls of nearly every home. Tales abounded of His benevolence toward His people. His speaches were published and recorded and then distributed to his eager followers. His Autocratic style of leadership assured that His were the teachings they would follow. He lived in spacious homes with many women. He was constantly being deified and flattered by His flock. He was portayed as the loving Father of all. Many would gladly die for Him. He was greatly admired by His people because He had the courage to defy all oppostion. He seemed fearless as only one backed by God Himself would be. To He and His people it was "righteos vesus evil" for surely they were the chosen of God. No matter how strange or odd the teachings He gave them the people would nod in agreement with his words. But alas a different pictured emerged as time marched on. To outsiders there was a different perspective. One of a man that became the real power behind His ailing and aged President. A man that obtained power by removing His rivals. He was a man that had no regard for his neighbors or fellow man as long as they did not see things the way He did. He had access to great wealth but kept His people very poor. Soon after taking power He began to persecute His own people, forcing many to leave their homes. He began to remove men from their families. Being related or a friend was no guarantee of escaping His wrath. He was all powerful. He lived with his privilaged few in beautiful dwellings built by the people He kept in poverty. He became reclusive, rarely seen in the flesh. He began to wreek havoc on His own people. Any that opposed Him were sure to recieve immediate retribution. Finally the eyes of the world began to see what this man was doing to His own people and His diregard for His fellow man. Justice demanded that something had to be done. The destruction of families and the heartache He caused had to be stopped for the sake of His own people. Fortunately He was removed from power. His grandios ideas replaced by an epitaph of a people divided. Loyalty given because of the fear of what would happen to them if they spoke thier minds. Still many truly loved him and would die for Him even today. He was eventually found cowaring in in a pit dirty and defiant to the end at a small farm near Tikrit, Iraq.
With your extensive scriptural background and perception of the situation you are in, I must ask how you got sucked into the "One-Man" vortex?
Jesus himself established the correct pattern of his church by calling apostles first, to act in concert as "presidents" over the members (body of Christ).
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:" (Eph. Ch. 4. v. 11&12.)
Jesus set the example as the presiding (president) apostle:
"Wherefore, holy brethern, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus . . ." (Heb. Ch. 3. v. 1.)
You were honest to admit that you have been deluded by this one-man rule. Your quote from Brigham Young was most appropriate, "What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction." (Journal of Discourses 9: 150)
Warren was never ordained an apostle nor does he demonstrate the teachings and doctrines of Christ.
Yes, you have friends and neighbors whom you have ignored and shunned, but christianity is still available to you and all who are willing to embrace Christ's Gospel. You have unburdened yourself of your debt to him in part by recognizing your mistake, but must now rid yourself of the tyrany and diabolical doctrines of Warren Jeffs. Forgiveness is unto all who truly repent and seek the Lord's will. Cast off the imposter Warren Jeffs and be free.
consider that Christ didn't organize a church, but rather a group of teachers. It was the Apostles that organized the church after Jesus died. So who is to say that an organized church is even what God wants.
fence sitter Every Ranch in Schleicher County sits behind a fenced locked gate and there is no exception with this one. People are in and out of there on a daily basis and every one chooses to be there, but it is definitly a controled enviorment, no doubt.
I think we all agree here that we worship the same God. Well, most of us. The bottom line is there really is no wrong or right way to worship HIM. I think people want the flds(warrenites) to know that personal oppression does not have to be part of it. I am all for religious freedom, not all the things Warren Jeffs has been accused of. Like people have said, Jeffs came in here and lied to us. Not a very good way to start a relationship. People would have talked if he had been up front.....I doubt it would have been as big as it is now. Granted, rumors would have gone around town, probably not have burned out of control.
The fact that people should be able to choose for themselves is exactly what I was talking about. I understand that most of the people in the compound don't know anything else....they have never been given the opportunity. As a woman who has all the freedom in the world, that bothers me. I just don't understand how they can be happy in that situation. I know that is a simple statement, I just don'tknow how else to put it. There are situations we face in life that make us think, hmmmmm, maybe that side is right or that puts a new spin on things. This just isn't one of them for me. I just don't get it. Of course, I don't always like to follow rules, I hate to be preaced to(by anyone not just clergy) and I really hate to share!!!! All in all, I would not fit in.
As for the rumors, there usually is something of substance that starts them.
As another disenfranchised member of the aforementioned organization. Though not recently associated with them. I can attest to the truthfulness of MrT's statements of the "checks and balances" that keep a person in fear of losing family ties and associations. Even when your family is slightly dysfunctional, the desire to belong and be loved is such a great force that to break it gives a person a feeling of lost that is hard to explain.
Thank you for being so patient with me. I understand that they know no different, I understand the ideal.....I just don't understand why. Why they can't understand that we are not bad people who love and can be loved? Why they can't understand that even though we might not dress as they do or listen to different music or watch TV or are addicted to the internet:) we are not bad people? Why they will blindly follow one MAN who will never be a God? That should be becoming more and more obvious. Why they let themselves be treated the way they are? I understand the concept....I just don't get it. Oh, I will have many more questions. I will ask when I can figure out how to ask them the right way.
To anonymous 12:40pm, I am an outsider from the west, spiritual, not religious :), both the LDS and FLDS do the best they can to NOT ENCOURAGE INDEPENDENT THINKING! From childhood, they are separated from us "gentiles" and kept with only mormans 24/7, in classes, lunch groups, you name it. It truly is brainwashing that we could never understand.
Well, I have a few personal questions for you, if you don't mind. How many wives do you have. Children? What caused you to leave? How are you accepted in the community. I would think not well. Aren't all of the jobs controlled by the flds? Do people ever get to visit other places? Education...obviously lacking...where do you get the teachers? I would think that there would be alot of animosity between wives, no matter what they say. Uh, so many more questions but I will start there. If I have asked too many, I understand if you don't want to or can't answer them. Beware, if you do I WILL ask alot more:) Hard to find someone who will actually answer them.
To another cocky, smart woman, how am I doing???
Native Texan, I thought the same thing. Didn't they see him coming. I mean, how did this all play out?
1. ENVIRONMENT CONTROL. Limitation of many/all forms of communication with those outside the group. Books, magazines, letters and visits with friends and family are taboo. "Come out and be separate!"
2. MYSTICAL MANIPULATION. The potential convert to the group becomes convinced of the higher purpose and special calling of the group through a profound encounter/experience, for example, through an alleged miracle or prophetic word of those in the group.
3. DEMAND FOR PURITY. An explicit goal of the group is to bring about some kind of change, whether it be on a global, social, or personal level. "Perfection is possible if one stays with the group and is committed."
4. CULT OF CONFESSION. The unhealthy practice of self disclosure to members in the group. Often in the context of a public gathering in the group, admitting past sins and imperfections, even doubts about the group and critical thoughts about the integrity of the leaders.
5. SACRED SCIENCE. The group's perspective is absolutely true and completely adequate to explain EVERYTHING. The doctrine is not subject to amendments or question. ABSOLUTE conformity to the doctrine is required.
6. LOADED LANGUAGE. A new vocabulary emerges within the context of the group. Group members "think" within the very abstract and narrow parameters of the group's doctrine. The terminology sufficiently stops members from thinking critically by reinforcing a "black and white" mentality. Loaded terms and clich_s prejudice thinking.
7. DOCTRINE OVER PERSON. Pre-group experience and group experience are narrowly and decisively interpreted through the absolute doctrine, even when experience contradicts the doctrine.
8. DISPENSING OF EXISTENCE. Salvation is possible only in the group. Those who leave the group are doomed.
Thank you for all of your input. I understand you need to take a break, you have been a plethora of info. today. Huh,Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, not too surprising. Possibl kicked out of the house for a sexual prob., well, I guess those probs. still exist. I still want to ask you questions but we both have things to do.
all religions have there own ways of worshiping. I was a catholic and I didn't agree with a lot of the things they did because a lot of it was, like my dad said, "tradition." He got mad at me when i was questioning him about different rituals and told me it was tradition. I stated that I only believe what is in the bible. so the point i'm getting at is that every religion has there own beliefs that are made up. It wouldn't bother me that the YFZ members believe what they do if they didn't have plural marriage and abuse children. What i found ironic was that jeff was saying the woman should be submisive so that the husband would be loyal to her. What exactly do they mean by loyal if the man has more than one wife? I don't know....Well worship as you wish just don't do anything "crazy". Remember God prefers the idiot who doesn't know much more than the person who acts like they know it all. God bless all and keep in good faith. Bless the FYZ members and their families who do not know any better. bye ya'll! :)
Thanks for laying that history out there. It fills in the missing links I've been curious about. I keep hearing about rifts between Barlows, Jeffs, and Blackmore, but as an onlooker had no understanding. It all makes much more sense now.
To 6:17 PM, looking for names. Yes, check out the 7:02 post. These young men are there in the Eldorado compound and these are not the same ones designated to lead Sheriff Doran on. Their assignment is different.
Answer to the 5:08 AM post. I was born and grew up in the "one man vortex". As I got spinning towards the smaller end of the vortex , I began getting dizzy and the speed started waking me up. That was a few years ago, and, although not publically, I have cast Warren Jeffs off my back.
Now I've got to get him off the backs of my family without losing them in the process. A good analogy would be cutting away a huge cancerous tumor without killing the patient. If I'm successful, my whole family will be together and free with me.
If I'm not successful, I'll be caught and turned in by Warren's spies and will lose my loved ones to Warren's cult forever and life will no longer be worth living.
It's not as easy to extricate yourself and your family from a cult like this as you may suppose. There is a level of intense brain washing from birth that is unreal. I have to move forward slowly and to try and introduce small truths at a time in an effort to undo Warren's brainwashing. I'm having small successes, but even a small wrong move now will undo three years of work. I know I'm treading dangerous water but have decided risking my family is worth freedom.
That information was very well layed out.I know it took a lot of your time to answer these questions but I hope you keep posting on this blog site, we need you.
What I am concerned about is the fact that somehow this Delusional Man of self induced glory can lead such a misguided massive group of followers to a town, set up residence in a compound encased by gates and guards preaching idealistic hate and racism then scares his lost sheep into back breaking preparation for the end of the world. What do they really think of him now? Do you think any loyalty has been replaced with speculation? How would one know? How could they possible communicate with the outside? Thank God it did not turn into Jones Town or any other tragedy that has been related to religious imperialism. I for one want the people on the Ranch to know that I do care about thier well-being. I will not judge them. I prayer they will look deep into their hearts and question whom they have put all thier trust & self conviction into. I am a Mormon whom has no religious connection to the FLDS. We are 2 entirely different entities, however love and compassion must cross all boundaries for Harmony to exist; this includes race, gender, and yes even religion. Also, I am married to an African American Male and have 4 beautiful children. I live a few miles from the ranch and it breaks my hearts to see these people establishing unrealistic and harming beliefs towards precious individuals. Please Mr. Jeff's do not limit others potentiality by your course words and beliefs.
Mr T, Palidan, and Nameless and still alive. Thank you for posting. I read so much that is just the way it is. I was lucky and didn't have to fight so hard for my family, they are still young and very dependant on their parents. So true, so true. I hurt for the people and can do nothing to get past their self imposed blindness. Once you are declared as 'out' you are as the blowing wind. Keep working with them Nameless, they are worth it, hope you can outlast Warren. L
To Nameless: I understand the sorrow you have and how delicately you have to work to extricate your family from this horrible mess. Let me give you a piece of advice. As a woman who has endured the brainwashing for a long time, I can tell you that if you show LOVE and caring toward your family, they will gravitate to you and will listen to you. I know we have been told to not have "fun" or spend any money on "vacations" or frivolous entertainments, but if you will go out of your way to show your family a good time, loosen up and let them make a few decisions of their own, yea, even take them on an "outing", I can promise you that you won't have to beg them to stay with you. I am convinced that the reason that so many women are willing to leave their husbands and be reassigned is because their husbands are tyrants. Yes, they are uptight because they are TERRIFIED of all the possible retributions if they and their families don't APPEAR to toe the line. And consequently, they are so hard on their families that their wives and children aren't allowed to have a bowel movement without first being instructed to. So the women think that maybe this new man they are being "assigned" to will not be so harsh on them and they leave their husband and take a chance.
PLEASE gather your family to you with loving, kindness and FUN. It is as necessary as air, and it has been denied to us in the past 7 years. I promise you they will follow you.
Keep courage and keep faith in God through it all. His name has been horribly blasphemed and misused. Be careful to make sure your family knows it's not God who has inflicted all this destruction on our people, but an evil man with too much power.
My heart goes out to you. And to my own husband, who doesn't even know what he wants to do yet. But I'm sure he's starting to feel the same way you do. Man, good luck.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
Be careful, Be strong, and Stand by your man no matter what King Warren may do. His commandments mean nothing if you don't jump when he calls. Sounds like your on the right track. Know that if you need it, there is help available. And from personal experience I can tell you that the weight that is lifted from your shoulders knowing that you are free to make your own choices and decisions is a great feeling. I still have stubborn family that live in C.C. And I will remain anonymous because I don't want their condition worsened because of something I may say. Just to say that they are so bent on getting into heaven that they can't see their leader has strayed from the "Straight and Narrow path." At least they still talk to me, and I am careful not to give them any reason to change that. Just want to be there for them when realities light shines in their hearts.
On April 19th Winston Blackmore the former FLDS Bishop in Canada is having an open conference that wiil be a opportunity for exchange. Its being credited as sponsored by the wives of Bountiful and the press and government agencies were invited. If any one is curious, its an opportunity, but the actions of this splinter faction are not at all as repressive as Warren's flock.
Its polygamous based, but not the dictatorial rule that you see with Warren.
Answer to native texan at 1:18 PM. Warren was most definitely seeking the postion as prophet long before his father died. Once in church, Warren was talking about former FLDS prophets, John Wooley and his son Lorin Wooley. Warren said, "Then was the time for the reign of the Wooleys. Now is the time for the reign of the Jeffs."
To Fried Female at 10:51 PM. I appreciate your words of wisdom and my doing those things, I believe is why I have not been turned in yet. Encouraging fun makes the decision harder on my loved ones, though deep down, they probably know they should reluctantly be turning me in.
You obviously wasn't at meeting when Uncle Fred told us to take the word "fun" out of our vocabulary and replace it with the word "enjoyment".Or you were and are making a statement by useing the word. ;) My family is scared to have fun and it hurts me to see them in that condition. Up and down, up and down. Most people don't know what to think anymore. They don't dare to communicate with one another for fear they will be turned in by their husband or sister wives. They, including me, keep trying to "play the game" and not get caught. Do you know what I'm referring to? I believe many of us, although we are married, don't dare seriously communicate for fear a family member, (including the children) will turn each other in.
Nameless, your last comment about the children turning you in reminds me of what I've been comparing Warren's rule to all along: the Hitler Youth program. He takes the young men without their fathers and indoctrinates them on what to think, say and do. Then he sends them on a "missionary" program (read: witch hunt) to people's homes, including their own, and has them ask a list of questions which includes: "is everyone in this house converted to the Prophet Warren Jeffs?" Two problems. First, I thought that we were to be converted to Jesus Christ and God. Apparently, and this is where I can't wrap my mind around it all, Warren thinks HE is God, and therefore we should be converted to, believe in and worship almighty Warren. I have never before in my life heard a prophet of God demand such an abomination. Second, if Warren really WERE the prophet and God spoke to him, WHY would he need spies to tell him how people truly feel? Why wouldn't God just tell His chosen servant what he desired to know? Seems awfully screwy. So after these poor young Hitler Youth get done interrogating the populace, they report back. Needless to say, anyone who has spoken any kind of truth to them about questions or concerns is immediately ostracized and lose everything they have worked for their entire lives. Of course, there are quite a few who have managed to fly under the radar by completely lying about the "faithfulness" of their families. But then, it must just serve to make them wonder even more. If even one person doesn't swallow the whole thing and they say everyone does and they get away with it, SOMEONE isn't being told by God that they lied. Hmmmm.
Oh, and PS yes I was there when we were told to quit saying "fun." Not too much later we were stripped of the ABILITY to have fun. That's why I emphasized the word. Not only is it actually legal to have fun, but for the sake of your family and children, it is NECESSARY to have fun.
My husband is beginning to allow fun back into our lives, albeit slowly and of course, he doesn't use that word. Yet.
To 12:46 AM through 1:14 Am . Apology accepted. I’m glad you came on board as a poster from Warren’s group. If you will take a word of advice from an old friend, and a former FLDS member that was kicked out by your prophet, put on a thick skin, you’re going to need it.
My first thought when I read through your six posts, caused me to think that you had just run through your entire range of known words in eight short lines, but I could see that you still wanted to say more, you just couldn’t get it out though. :) A thought I was pondering about you is: Were you one of the FLDS people that refused for months to believe that a FLDS temple was being built in Texas, even after the media began reporting it, photos and all?
Something else you could answer if you would. How many times have you heard Warren declare the destructions were here, or coming shortly? I won’t ask you how many times it didn’t come true. That’s self explanatory.
As christians we are to be converted to God and his son Jesus Christ.Clearly,as evidenced by our actions,we are no longer Christians as we have converted to a foreighn "Warrenite"religion. This can be seen by the number of times Jesus Christs name is mentioned in meeting, versus Warrens.
This is the church of Warren Jeffs,it is not the church of Jesus Christ.
I heard(so take it for what it's worth) when Willy Jessop was questioned at the Ross Chatwin hearing, the lawyer asked Willy to state his religious affiliation .
Willy replied that he was with the Warren Jeffs church.Warren should be proud,Willy's definitely got his thinking straight.He should go far in Warrenism,at least until Warren deems him a threat to his throne.Then Willy better look out.
I'm relieved to know that you are resisting Warrens "I am God"teachings.So many around us are swallowing it,hook line and sinker.
It's interesting that what you call, "flying under the radar" is what I call,"playing the game." There are numerous phrases on the underground being used that all refer to the same thing.For lack of a more expressive word,it's B.S.!
Fried woman,it's nice to meet you.Consider your hand shaken.
We are getting a sense here of some of the warm, human, and humorous personalities of Colorado City. It's an interesting place, full of interesting people and things. The "squeaky cheese", the zoo, the simple rural lifestyle.
Could you find a way to have all these things without Warren Jeffs or polygamy?
Uncle Freds zoo has been razed,the rural lifesyle is in a shambles but we've still got our squeaky cheese.Thats about all warrens left us for entertainment.
Course,those of us fortunate enough to have a computer with an internet connection stashed in the basement gets to eat squeaky cheese and lurk around on this web site for diversion.Have to make sure hubby's not around though.He would't approve and I would lose my sanity after the computer is kicked out and told to repent from afar. I can't believe I just said that.I'm go'in to hell in a handbasket for sure now.
9:11 pm.You can add birthdays for our children and Uncle's,dances, Theatre.We can,no longer sing songs not commisioned by him to be written by his designated songwriters or written by himself. No more Ballet or games such as baseball, basketball,sports in general.No more festivals,fairs and parades. NO MORE SEX FROM MY HUSBAND BECAUSE I'M TO OLD TO HAVE CHILDREN.
If he takes away the squeaky cheese,i'm really going to be pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To "Addicted Lurker" 'Course you know you're screwed now, don't ya? You admitted that you are lurking on the computer in the basement while your husband's not around. And now Warren's Secret Police are going to read your post (they read them all, you know) and they will tell him some women have too much freedom. Then he is going to have a "revelation" that the women shouldn't have access to a computer. I mean, what on earth do women need with a computer? Don't they have their hands full enough with laundry, meals, babies, diapers, nursing and/or pregnant, house cleaning, gardening, home schooling and catechizing the children? If you have time on your hands to lurk on this blog, you just don't have enough to do! Well, it's been nice knowing you, but if your husband is a believer, your computer priveliges will be suspended by Saturday morning, when they get their regular instructions. Sorry!
P.S. to all you anonymous disgruntled citizens of the Creek who are "playing the game" or "flying under the radar": Do you know how to cover your tracks after reading this blog or posting? If you don't, a complete history if sites visited and frequented can be accessed by unfriendly people and then your life will be very uncomfortable. If you don't know how or can't find out discreetly, post a question and any number of us can help you delete your browsing history.
After reading the rude bartering of, some one's attempt to trade, Ruth for wild bill, and Thelma. I have concluded, I shall like to meet this Thelma, in person. I think she exibit's persinality. I like Texan's. They let there, "so called retard's" get in the show. She was not Jailed for having an opinion. I Like Texas. Let me introduce myself; I am Ruth Cooke. I made up this poem. I make up lots of poems
I will dedicate this poem to Thelma: Do the things I say make me, me? Who am I? Do the things I do make me, Me? Do the things I think make me, me? They say I am a little crazy, only they say it politely, you know. They say I'm a little mad. Oh, they say things about me, I never knew about. Who am I? Do the things they say make me, me? I have been a little girl, a little crazy, a little shy, but, are the, "have beens," me? Who am I? My mother comes from the Black family. My father is a Cooke. Blacks are very quiet, very shy, very stubborn. Cooles are very bold, very loud, very dramatic. I think I am a mix between the two. I think I have been Jinxed. Who am I? I am a little shy, a little bold, a little dramatic, a little loud. I think I must be like the eagle and the dove. Who am I?
The family values argument can best be addressed by Uncled Fred. Since he had the mumps as a child and was sterile, his estimated 100 children which technically includes Flora were simply not his. I have heard 16 wives and you may correct me, his first 4 had no children, the remainder show several decades of where the reassignment practise occured.
The defense of christian family values is one not shared with traditional or churches outside the FLDS faith. Without a decree of Divorce exampled by Jason Williams wife Suzanne, she was reassigned without civil procedure.
When Warren asked Mayor Dan Barlow to leave the community, he was a duly elected official and while rejection from the church was his choice as gods representative on earth, with out civil procedure Mayor Dan accepted Warrens decree over the voters. In most cities a vote of no confidence or a recall might of been in order, but where church instructs state, Mr. Barlow was abliged to leave. All be it voters told to vote the prophets bidding, would of voted him out any ways, but this is not a democracy!
As for Ruth I have your picture on my wall, I took your photo at the Town Hall meeting on March 3rd you with a friend of mine, the two of you made a cute couple!
As posted in another section, those who have been identified as sex offenders, do not appear in the states sex offender registry and that alone ignores the basic right of parents to know whom the local abusers are. Its state law, not up to the Colorado City Police to decide who gets identified. I haven't met Mayor Dan's son in person, but I have met both Jack Cook and Johnny Jessop, but I am more concerned of others.
Debating family values and saying its just good people trying does not address actual convicted sex offenders that were not reported per the states reporting requirements. This may of been explained as private to the faithful, but under the law it is not!
Lets put the truth on the table and pull the court records to back it up. A war of words amongst those that pride themselves in the truth need to be honest here lest public records be posted to demostrate the facts as the courts know them.
I may not agree with your religion, or your life style, but your message I do agree with. Why are child molesters sympathized with, why there victum's are labled crazy. Mentally ill. They are tracked like Hell is on it's way in a tornado storm, but these--------molesters are sympathized with and left free. We believe in honesty. We believe in Justace. I could see these people, being left to rome around, if there victums are safe. But by ------lets give their victums the same curtiosy. A women wants to see a child. The crime was reported. She is put away. I agree, by all means. If you want what I want, equal protection under the law. Let us first establlish a law. There seams to be none, unless you can hire a lawer, but if you are just one of those molested victum's, well lets put this one away. She is crazy. Yes we know, her Father was convicted. He only got five years. She got a life sentance. Let us establlish law. VICTUMS ARE NOT CRAZY. THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTS OF THESE MEN. THESE MEN ARE. LETS BE KIND. LETS BE CUTIOUSE. LET US FORGIVE. LET US WORSHIP JESUS, BUT LET THE MOLESTERS DO IT BEHIND BARS. There was no mercy for thier crazy victums. They were marked for life. People do not say, " their is so, and so," They say, "their goes so and so'S, daughter, he did such and such." I wonder if any one ever knew these people. THEY ARE NOT THE QUILTY ONE. THE MEN WHO MOLESTED THEM ARE.
It is clear that you have been a victim of some serious wrongs.
I am on the "outside". I know some of the same things that happen on the "inside" happen on the "outside". We are all people and as such I feel pain and sorrow for you. I am a Christian and will be praying that God heals you as only He can. I pray, too, that you and your children will be safe from those who have wronged you.
I cannot imagine living as you have with all that pain. I can tell you have a relationship with the Lord. Hold fast to that and may God bless and keep you.
And as to the photo of Ruth. What does it matter, if you have her photograph. Every one who could have testified to protect her ran like cowards, to hide behind lies. Speak the truth yourself. There has been a religiouse crusade going on. NO BODY CARES ABOUT THE MOLESTED. The molesters say they are crazy and put them away, why they have a room full of other victums. This is not a secret. The government has these records. It was not hidden from any one. Pull out your paper trail, but why every one is scrambling to save face, and rearange paper's. I think it would be better to let sleeping dogs lie, and get rid of the molester's. The ones who would sell there own daughter to hell. and I am not talking about Warren Jeffs, OR HIS HONEST CITY PEOPLE. I am talking about the A. B. C. truck, and the ones who sold an inacent girl, to Hell and the twilight Zone. WArren Jeffs did stop this. When you think to expose another, make sure you can stand in the light. I think other than the religiouse persicution, my people have had to endure, from the day of their birth, the Police in Utah did ok. They just need to put predudice aside, and remove the rest of the crimnals. Where else in america, is a person asked what religion a person is from, to decide what kind of law, they will recieve. Is it this way in your state. "What is your religion? Do you love this man? Do you worship Jesus in this way? Well if you do, we then need law to restrict you. Or do you go into court, and the Judge and lawers say, "What is the crime?" Then do you procede to uphold law, or do your lawers barter and come to a conclusion, and a jury decides the sentance. Or Do you put a women away, on another mans word. Does this women have to find out there was a court, that took her life away, from gossip. I say By-------hang up that photo. lets sing agian. How many child molesters, walked away, why there victums were declared retarded. Hang up my photo, Flora, this is one story, you will not have to lie, one-I-ota, to get a story. Hang up the photo. Play the song I sung to the man too. Lets rock. I asked for one thing. ONE -----DAMED THING. ONE THING.............ONE THING. hang up the photo. lets rock. It was there choice. the cradle or the nation. I asked for my child. Just to see them. under gaurd, like they made up all the rules for me to do. YOU HAVE TO SEE HER, IN THE HOUSE HOLD OF THESE MEN, IN THE PRECENCE OF THESE MEN, ON THE PROPERTY AT ALL TIMES, AND I AM ARRESTED FOR TRESPASSING. THEY THINK TO TRY ME AGAIN. HANG UP MY PHOTO FLORA. GET MY SISTER TO TELL THE TRUTH. WHY WAS SHE EXILED TO BE A STRANGER IN THE STREETS OF AMERICA. WHY FLORA, WHY HANG UP THE PHOTO. TELL THE NATION ABOUT THIS VILLAGE RETARD. AND SEND tEXAS'S A DOZEN ROSES. WHY YOU LIE TO STOP RELIGION, THE VICTUMS ARE EXPLOITED. TELL THE TRUTH WOMEN. TELL THE TRUTH. WHO WILL STAND IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. PULL THE RECORDS. I CALLED AND REPORTED ABUSE. I WAS PUT AWAY. NOT FIT TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF LET ALONE A CHILD. I ASKED FOR ONE THING. I WAS THE RETARD. MY CHILDREN ARE BEAT FOR LOVING ME. I AM EXILED. TELL THE TRUTH, YOU--------------------THERE IS NO WORDS LEFT TO DESCRIBE I LEFT IT BLANK. IT WAS NOT PROPER LANGUAGE.
When you give up your freedom, you lose your dignity--so you figure how much dignity you've got left.
There is a bright side though--after reading the long list of things you've lost and had to give up--think of how much lighter you now are. Heavens, pretty soon you might even be light enough to be lifted up . . .
And why you mock, I will tell you what I did not lose. I did not lose Jesus. I did not lose my love of truth. I did not lose the ability to forgive. I did not lose the streanth to survive against all odds. I did not lose my dignatiy. I did not Lose eternal Life. Jesus said, all those who give up their all for me, will be given ten fold in return. You did take the show. You did stir people up to hate. You did try to destroy. I did hold to Love. My daughter, will go on with this Jesus. I will also. It is written, What you give out comes back ten fold. This women Thelma, wanted some one to care about her. How hard is it today, to find someone who cares. I have found a lot of people who care. What about you? You have to buy and threaten or use your followers. Who will come because they Love you? People suprting you, do so because you promise them destruction. You put on your pretty piture show. I think these women realy wanted some one to care. Caring costs nothing. It is rewarded ten fold. Why lies ruffle on the wind and are gone. It is said, people watch the news to get a moment thrill. Then it is over. Heaven and eternal Joy is never-ending. Sin never brought Joy. Sin in itself, with no accusers brings its own punishment. Hang up the photo Flora. Hang up the truth. This one you will not have to lie for. Play the song, I sung: If you dare. Get my sister to tell the truth: This one you will not have to lie for. This one will cause enough sensation on it's own. Lets rock Flora. Bring the show. Lets sing a bit. Lets dance a bit. Bring the band Flora, Lets rock the nation. Lets dance and sing again Flora. Bring the texas boots, and the cowboys in their texas hats. Lets rock this nation. Lets sing Flora. In the end who will win. Your father walks the streets too.
Wow! Ruth I am not Flora.. You came to Buster and chose to sing to him and us. We graciously did not complain, in fact we welcomed you song and poems. When you hugged Buster I asked if I could take your picture and you posed for it.
As I stated on the AIMOO board if you would detail your abuses in writing I would crusade an investigation into a past I am unaware of. It was not I who abused or ignored you. But to address such issues, I need to have them in writing. I need to know who did what and when, I need dates and names.
One day you were making that long trek to St. George on foot and a very good friend of mine picked you up. You sat in the back seat and a woman gave you fruit, oranges I think. That was my wife, picking up a weary traveler was the right thing to do. Helping that same traveler is still the right thing to do. But meet me half way and place your issues in writing and not in a public forum, such issues are private or should be.
I can't help if you refuse to walk to the center of the room, meeting me half way. I don't get paid for what I do, whether any one here agrees with me or not. I am who I am, just as Warren is who he is. I have issues with Warren which are documented and my truth is in the paper that Warren himself generated, if these are lies, then they are lies he committed to text.
As for whether the system has failed you or others, it has miserably. In 1987 when Sam Barlow was under investigation by DPS in Arizona, Jameson was the young AG investigator trying to decertify Barlow, then the police chief. 87 witnesses completed affidavits supporting Sam, who had abused his power, which included 40 from Law Enforcement. Sam was endorse often on agency letterhead, a "breach of public safety". The District attorneys of Washington County and Mohave county were included in that list, they were complicit to those abusing their power. Jim Gober of BATF, Phil Jordan of DEA, Bob Rehm of Arizona DPS, the Police Chief of Cedar City, The Elected Sheriff was Iron County, County Supervisors and a Utah Legislator. It was a who's who of the local region endorsing Mr. Barlow, who had violated his "oath of Office". This can be seen or read in a September 2nd, 1987 article in the St. George Spectrum, written by Loren Webb. Is it any wonder that you believe you were treated unfairly?
Flora whom you are angry with, was abused by DFS supervisor Chuck Sullivan when he breached her confidence by exposing private abuse complaints to the same priesthood council. The AG at the time Paul Graff, gave advise to Ben Bistline who had asked for it on behalf of Flora. He basically advised Flora to marry so she could later flee as an emancipated wife under the law. This is sad advise for a child who does not want to marry. Yet, you seem to hate Flora who also experienced trama, why hate other victims?
In 28,000 cases presented to Eric Ludlow in his 13 some odd years as County District Attorney, he did not prosecute a single case related to Colorado City abuse. While this was challenged in his confirmation hearings, the fault of agencies not enforcing the law, can hardly be blamed on activist that did not live in the area or who were not yet familiar with the subject.
Give us a clean slate for what we can achieve now and forgive us a past that we had no control over.
If you can meet me half way, I will send you my email address, I have yours, but out of respect I have not sent you unsolicited emails.
I will meet you half way. I said what I did to Flora. I do not hate her. She took the photo. I sang the song. It is this song I did speak about. I do not hate any one. I went like the ones before me. Loving Sam. Praying for Steven. I took those drugs. I walked across the desert. All night I walked. I walked from flagstaff, to the grand canyon. I got a ride twice, but I walked all night. I was thrown out again. I spent three weeks on crutches, for walking so far. I do not know why God did pick me. I am not any different than any one else. I took the drugs. I was put away. I listened to Sam Barlow talk in church. He does know how to talk. I will give him this much credit. I heard stories all day and night. I heard there was another Sam Barlow, out to Centenial Park. I do not wonder what he did again.[I am talking about Samuel Barlow of colorado city.] I wonder why people are afraid of him. He is no different than any other man. God does not uphold people who sell inacent women to Hell. They are all there. There is only one thing that is the same. Sam Barlow. Steven Barlow. with a word the women were sold. To be mocked and scorned and hated. To be plundered because, They were not as good. The men did walk with pardon. They were not even tagged by the state. My brothers daughter. My sister. How many more. How many more. You people who would feed these boy's. Teach them any thing that is good. If you can. How many parents turned their child away. How many were taken so they could be free, to be pesicuted on america's streets. I walked alone. I walked alone. I would not lie. I did get my information about Flora from Flora. She wanted me to comprimise. She was on drugs when I called her. I called Judith A Moorse. She sent me a paper, saying I had to sign all the rights over to the media, in order to have her help me. She said, she only takes cases the law had failed, and their familys turned away. I said no. I walked with My Jesus. He did put the life back into me. I was offered to get on the witness stand, and lie against Warren Jeffs. I said no. I walked with my Lord. Meet me half way? Do you relize what half way would be. I went to the mentle hospital. I walked ten years through a hospital, with my daughter. she died horribly in my arms. My ten year old did. I sat with her for three weeks, why she died, being told I loved her to much. Being screamed at. Being cursed. Three weeks I watched this child die. and the other two, and they took the one who would live, and put me away. I was crazy. Why? Why? They always ask me. They always ask me. Why? Like I did this thing. Why? I was a Cooke. He was a Barlow. I was a daughter of a child molester. Why? Because he could.
And Thelma, she was posting a sign, that said the devil had arrived, but with in the short amount of time, My people were in Texas, She was posting that Jesus was the Christ. And Texas, I like you because when I was in your state, I was treated like a human being. I could say no to drugs. The Ranger's that put me in the hospital, In Texas,when My step Father called them, saying I was retarded: They were Gentleman. The people in the mission house sang to me. Texas will always be my heaven. It will be. The man I love lives there. Or will if he does not yet. He does build a temple for me.
Email me. give me a name. I think an audience is not too bad, if I am to be judged again, I may as well have my side heard, too. Since my name has been used for jest to barter and sell other's. I will go to texas and meet thelma. I will sing to her. I will make up a song for her, about Texas Cowboy Love.
I will do both! I will email you today and listen by word here. Publicly stating your abuses tells some of the wrong people someone is looking, but then, who knows maybe you're right, that could be good.
Empowerment is therapy and just being here is an example of that. Those without a voice have no hope, maybe what you know and speak will save someone else, from the abuses you experienced.
I did not see your email. I will give a few names. Willard Marion Barlow went to school in Cedar City. He was going to be a vetrinarian. He was pulling straight a's. He was expelled from school. He offered his wife to a man named Brad. Brad does drugs behind the cover of a company that sells eseential oils. He was at the diary giving cows shots behind peoples backs. He was introduced to me, as Dr. Bagley. Willard Marion Barlow. Started a dry wall company with my ex-husband Shelly Gene Cooke. Shelly Gene Cooke was ousted from the company. A women that was my respite sitter, said he molested my daughter. No one believed her. I did not. She became the village retard. She was LeeAnn's sister. She died in dixie, From a doctor stitching her bowls shut. they said this was an accedent. I had two babies die. The state did an investigation. I was never told why. I was always questioned about how I fed these children. That is all I heard. My daughter had a head injury. Again an investigation was done. Again they only questioned me. I took the blame for this accedent for ten years. For twelve years I stayed home tending my children. People would come to me and yell and scream at me. They would critazise me, for what he did. I lived in literal poverty, until Fred M. Jessop, heard how I lived. He then built my house for me. He sint me money in the mail. Shelly G. Cooke did not know this. He did drywall, and drove a desial truck. At the time I heard what this respite sitter said, I begin to wonder. She said that he did throw a knoke at her, and threaten to kill her. I had never seen this man violent. as time went on, I also did suspect this. I did confront him. Sam Barlow, did come with him. They took me to kingman. They were going to get connie presnel, to help them. She would not participate, so they said. They took me in a room with another women. We sat down at a table. She did say, "Do not put her in this jail, she would never survive." I looked at her. I laughed. I said, "What?" I said, "I have been misrepresented by these two men." She became upset. She said, "did you ever hurt your daughter?" again I laughed. I said, "no" I did not know at this time, that Sam Barlow was my enimie. We left the room. Sam and Shelly argued. They refused me a phone call. When I arrived back home, I went for a walk. My children were still at the baby-sitters. I was impressed to go home. I did. I walked in on my ex-husband molesting my daughter. I will not give the details on an open Blog. I called 911. I left this man. He came back to harrass me. Saying, "This matter had already been investigated, and said he knew what to do to take care of me. I told him I do not care. I moved into Dick Cooke's house for protection. Dick Cooke said he owned me. I laughed at him too. I told him --nobody owned me. That was the greatest mistake. He did own me. I just did not know this yet. There was a girl, I liked. She was teaching me how to play the piano. Dick said I was a lesbian. She was mad at me. She said, her husband did, not want her to talk to me. Steven Barlow, asked my how, I liked her. He asked me about kidnapping her children. I was confused. I cried in my bed for three days. I went to see Uncle Fred. I told him this was not true. He did protect me. Willard was my age. I knew of him. I went to school with him. I did nothing with him. He came and asked me to marry him. I did. He was married to Leeann. She told me, she had been praying for me to come. I spent one year under the grossest of abuse. He would take Leeann and I for a ride in his car, and make her drive. He wanted me to have sex, with him. She cried in the back seat. I told him I was not his hore. I seen the letter he had wrote, to offer her to Brad. She was humiliated. He began to beat my children. He spread lies all over about me. I was the villiage idiot. I did not know all he did until later. I mean I di not know every one thought I was the village idiot. I was taking care of my children. I took acare of his preschoolers, and my children. I cleaned his house every day. I made lunch every day, for the school children. Lee Ann worked in the preschool with Ilene. She cried a lot in her room. He gave her pills. He tried to force pills down me. He took me to a motel, and tried to get me to drink. I do not do drugs. I do not drink. When we were done with our battles, I still did not do drugs. I still did not drink. Mitzi was concevied. He spent the time I was pregnant, trying to make me abort her. He would lock me out. He drugged my son. He beat my son's, and beat them for talking about this. I called 911. When we got to the hospital, the boys story changed. I was the idiot. These Barlow's only had me in there family for one year. Not one of them was kind to me. Willard screamed at me, saying his mother had to die. She was taken to the clinic. She too was put on medicine. I never heard why. His brother was the doctor. I could go on for a year. every moment I was in that house. abuse did occure. He beat little tiny preschool children, for twitching in prayer. He drugged my daughter. He did drug me. He did take my daughter and son, into the bed room and torment them. I could hear their cries. This is when I battled with him. I tried to open the door. He di throw me down. I did again open the door. He did throw me down. I agin opened the door. He did throw me down. I did report abuse to Dr. Smith. The talk was, I was hallucinating my father. Non of this was real. My family all testified against me. I was the retard. I supose I must have apeared retarded. I was the only one in the house who was not afraid of him. He decided what we were quilty of and punished us, accordinly. I was the imoral retard. I know my family did and does not know all that happened. He is very good at these stories. My brother did come to ask me. I was stupid, because Willard was ahead of me, with his story's. At any rate, I left his house after a year. I took mitzi with me. I took my other two children. I tried to take my other son's. My eleven year old was forcfully dragged from me. My daughter died. MY other one was drugged and taken from me. I was told they would kill her, and every one would think I did this. I went to the mentle hospital. I was forced on drugs. I was court ordered treatment. I worked in Flagstaff, for a Little while. I was making eight hundred dollars a month. Dick got the Apartment for me. Uncle Fred came down. He gave Dick one thousand dollars to get me an apartment. I had never been away from home. My job had been a mother. I did not talk to Uncle Fred. about what had happened to me. I was not told what happened to Mitzi for a long time. They said she was squared away. What ever that means. It was at this time, Willard and Dick came down and told me to sign this paper, so I could go home. It was noterized and I was required to take a partnting class. This was the papers to take my children away. I found this out later. When I moved to fredonia. In this court, I was declared mentaly, and phisaccly not capable of taking care of myself, let alone a child. I continued to work. I called home every day, asking to go home. My sister, in pheonix, came to Flagstaff. She also wanted to go home. She had been down there for three year's. Dick expected her to move into this tiny apartment, with me. It did not even have a kitchen. She looked at me. She said "MY, Hell how do you stand this. It is filthy. It is not fit for a human, let alone all of us. She had her children. I began to look around me. She was on housing. I could no longer work. I was so flipping exastued. I got on S.S.I. She found us and apartment. A two beroom apartment. Dick continued to harrase us. I wanted to go home. He told her, she was the problem, and that he knew she would fail. He told me, that she hated me, and wanted me gone. I called MY sister, at home, a lot. I did not at this time, Belive all this one in pheonix told me. Dick did let me come home. He let her also. Then after more sick, sick, sick, Dick Cook abuse, He threw me out again. I had to take a pregnacy test. I called him up, and told him, it took more than a phone call to get a girl pregnant. I did mock him. They had the power. They had the say. That is just some of it. I do not give a hoot about the ones outside of my church, that was participants in this. I want these men stopped. I was a fool. I was a stupid Short Creek fool. Willard told me how to kill a baby so nobody would know. He told me he would teach my children to be child molesters and turn them over to Their father. I am the one who took the wrap. My sons were threatened with a boys home, if they did not go to denver with this man. They did make an attempt to do this. Thank's to Lamar Winword, and Judge L. Shumate, My children remaind in my custody, except Mitzi. They used her as a pawn to controle me, " ya, come get your son's and I will kill your daughter. You will go to Jail again. These cops did openly lie about me, in this court. Again, They have the witnesses. They have the say. All are not traitors. Just some. I have their own written statement. I will quote, This is Johnathon Roundy speaking. He is one of the cops who assulted me, when I went to see my children. I had a court order, saying I had to be there. I had to be guarded by Willard Marion Barlow at all times, and be in his precence, in his house, to see my daughter. They made up the rules not me. I was arrested for crimnal tresspassing. I was arrested with interfering with a police officer, and resisting arrest. This is his statement. "As I walked up to the lovation Ruth said, "Jonathan Roundy" so I knew she was some what coherent. I know she has been prescribed medication in the past." on and on. They never took the time to know me. They are Willard and Dicks friends. Helaman, and vance Barlow were always kind to me. Fred Barlow, I never know was a cop. Mika and Fred booked me. This women in the Jail, wanted me to spread my arms. I could not, because of their treatment of me. The women said, this is not a joke. I said, I am sorry, but I can not use my arm. They did move me to another room. Bail was posted, and I was brought before a Judge. Again I am going on trial, for my mentle health. This time, I shall have a jury. It is written in the scriptures, If a person offend thee, privatly go betwene him and thee. If a person offend you publicly, it is a matter of publicity. It was said, from Texas, to California, My retardedness, before I ever knew. Yet in texas they treated this retard as a human being. In amirrillo Texas, the trash cans are like our walmart. In amirillo texas there is a faith city mission house. They have some encredible singers and sermons. They feed people. The give homeless people food. They took care of this one retard. The buses, the cat's, the street junkies. All had nore curtisy than My fathers brothers house. They had nore maners than my husband who swore to Love and honor, and protect. In texas street's, the ones under the bridge, did offer me. I said no. They said ok. In texas I could say no to men touching me. I could say no to drugs. I am laying the blame, of what happened to me, on society. Every one was at fault. It is not that I did not say what happened to me. I did not want to leave home. This was most of the choices I had. I did not want to do drugs. Willard was easy to resist. Try resisting in a lock down asanasylum. Then I was snared. Dick did onw me. all he had to do is make a call. In texas he made that call to them too. I was hospitalized. In texas they treat there retards like people. I remaember every face. Will in flagstaf. William in texas. The man my ex- traded drugs with on his desiel truck, in novia scotia canada. In canada, when he tried to sneak across the wron port, and he forgot my Id. so he had to go back to the port that let me in. To teawana Mexico, where he was detained for hours coming back into the united states. They did not check his bags going out. only in. And to the one in california, on the boat. He at least did give me a chair. He sweat a great deal, seeing me face to face, but that ended these men after me, that dick had hired. I remember the man who gave my daughter her shot. I have not forgot one face. Dr. Twiggs. Dr. Kerry Smith. She was the greatest doctor, I ever saw. Dr. Moody. Connie Presnel. Linny. Cathy. Ilene. Every day I fed a handicap child, that had a head injury. I fed her every two hours, for ten years. I walked through the hospitals in dixie, In pheonix, St. Joeseph's. the county hospital. My mystrey daughter. I listened to the insults. I fed my child. I dressed my child. Every day I braided her hair. I sent three cute little boys to school. They played with my daughter. She was the center of our Life. We revolved around my daughter, and when I met Dick on a word I was not fit. Not fit to see my own daghter who would walk. One who woul talk. My sin wanting a daughter. And they took her from me. Who would defend me? The mentle health? The nurses? The doctors? They all knew. It was me who was accused. I never heard. I never knew I was already convicted. Who will defend me? I WALKED ALONE. MOCKED BY ALL. I CALLED FLORA. I CALLED THIS DENTIST IN SALT LAKE. I WENT TO THE CHILD BRIDE ORGANISATON. BOB CORAN WAS NICE TO ME. I WENT TO UNCLE FREDS HOUSE. STEVEN BARLOW THREW ME OUT AGAIN. I WENT TO THE COLORADO CITY POLICE. THEY DID NOT WANT TO HEAR MY BULL. I WENT TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNY. HE WANTED TO KNOW WHAT MY RELIGION WAS. I SCREAMED AT HIM. HE ALSO WAS THE MAN WHO ARRESTED MY FATHER. I DID NOT KNOW THIS WOULD UPSET ME. The mentle health would help me, until they talked to my family. Who is at fault. We all are. The indians' took care of me. I listened to two lawers say they came up here for vacation, because every one in my city was so easy going. They were debating wheather or not to put a boy in jail, for sneaking out with two girls. I heard one say, What should I say. The mother said, tell the truth. this girl said, what if she lies. The mother said tell the truth. She did. This boy was eighteen. she was seventeen. Because she told the truth, this boy was given a chance to go to school, instead of going to jail, with a crimnal record. These lawers were only on vacation. I told this girl, at least you were only drinking. you can quit. I can not quit my sin. wanting to see, my child. making the mistake of wanting a man to love me. Meeting my Fathers brother. I do not know why nobody defended me. My brother, who seen the shows in Dicks house. My sister in pheonix. My sisters at home. May be they thought they were the only ones too. May be they thought it was them, like abusers inflict quilt upon their victums. Maybe it was the telivision show, that said we were retarded, and I solated. That mentle hospital was very close to me. Maybe it is predjudace. Maybe men wanted more glory. I think Winston can call himself lucky. He wanted a church to lead. He has a following from Africa. He has a few left from canada. The dentast, in salt lake. He has the ones in the apartment, Willard pays the rent for, why the man that raped the girl, is selling Willard his truck. And she is a prisoner of society. How many more women like Pam will there be? She owns her own property. She did not get put away when Sam Barlow tried. She was more vocal than me. How many nore women are there going to be, like Lanore Timpson, who married an alcholic, and carried on her fathers abuse. She got on the bus and Told Dick Cooke to his face he was a child molester. she was vidiod like my, by steven Barlow. She was institutionalized. She was put on drugs. Her children were put on the bus with the acused. I made a complaint to the school. My children could not read and Wright. her's were straight A student's and won an award, by the state of arizonia. Yet, they were not protected. Is there not power in a state, to make corrections. This is a powerful burden on the state. To make the district attorney's pay the price. They can only go off the information given them. LETS ALL BE AMERICAN. iN MY CASE it shall not be to dificult to win. As all who know anything about me, outside of gossip, will never walk away thinking I am retareded. You may think a lot obout me, but you will never think I am retarded. Court is again in session. My jury has been selected. Think carefuly before you pass the verdict.
I used the email address use registered with at AIMOO, it was a hotmail address, is there another address?
I know many of the names below. I began with Lenore Holm in August of 2000 and know her history well.
Pam Black is a friend as well, you're right she was lucky to own her own land and yes it was the "bloated toad" (Sam Barlow) who tried to ruin her life. There is much truth in what you have said.
Officer Jonnathon Roundy is Sam's brother, correct? Judge Walter Steed of Hildale assigned his underage daughter Lucille to be Jonnathans 2nd wife, but she too was the lucky one and fled after one long month there. Its time to set the secrets FREE!
The stories of drugs include both perscription and illegal, both misused in a society with little oversight. Perscription drugs are high and misused because the Hildale clinic has its own doctors that can legally perscribe perscription drugs. Like you Tamara and others were kept in line with these, that secret was let out of the box some time back.
Then like you Ms. Phelps lawyers tricked her into signing over custody papers on her kids, to whom? Amy and William Black, this while William was already in Mexico after fleeing authorities. Some people wondered who paid Amy's lawyer fees. Kidnapping someone else children seems legal out there. Reassigned or if not willing by force seems accurate to me.
I am curious who the vacationing lawyers were and when you reported your abuse to Mr. Smith, was that Kirk Smith?
If you were with Dick or Richard Cook, this was your uncle? Was Jack your father? You need to give me a short lesson on your family tree?
The dentist you speak of his Dan, I know much from your dialog, but need to iron out points. If you would give your email to this webmaster and not the group, maybe he can relay it to me or vice-versa.
Can you tell me about your daughter? Did she pass away and if so at what age? Where was she? and by what official cause?
With your permission, I would like to speak to your sister to understand more of what you have said here.
I used the email address use registered with at AIMOO, it was a hotmail address, is there another address?
I know many of the names below. I began with Lenore Holm in August of 2000 and know her history well.
Pam Black is a friend as well, you're right she was lucky to own her own land and yes it was the "bloated toad" (Sam Barlow) who tried to ruin her life. There is much truth in what you have said.
Officer Jonnathon Roundy is Sam's brother, correct? Judge Walter Steed of Hildale assigned his underage daughter Lucille to be Jonnathans 2nd wife, but she too was the lucky one and fled after one long month there. Its time to set the secrets FREE!
The stories of drugs include both perscription and illegal, both misused in a society with little oversight. Perscription drugs are high and misused because the Hildale clinic has its own doctors that can legally perscribe perscription drugs. Like you Tamara and others were kept in line with these, that secret was let out of the box some time back.
Then like you Ms. Phelps lawyers tricked her into signing over custody papers on her kids, to whom? Amy and William Black, this while William was already in Mexico after fleeing authorities. Some people wondered who paid Amy's lawyer fees. Kidnapping someone else children seems legal out there. Reassigned or if not willing by force seems accurate to me.
I am curious who the vacationing lawyers were and when you reported your abuse to Mr. Smith, was that Kirk Smith?
If you were with Dick or Richard Cook, this was your uncle? Was Jack your father? You need to give me a short lesson on your family tree?
The dentist you speak of his Dan, I know much from your dialog, but need to iron out points. If you would give your email to this webmaster and not the group, maybe he can relay it to me or vice-versa.
Can you tell me about your daughter? Did she pass away and if so at what age? Where was she? and by what official cause?
With your permission, I would like to speak to your sister to understand more of what you have said here.
Miss Ruth Cook, Or Barlow, or whatever you want to go by: I remember one time while I was still living in my fathers house in Colorado CIty, he invited Willard over for dinner after you had married him. It was before your daughter died. It was clearly evident to everyone there that you were seriously mentally ill. Your daughter started crying during the blessing of the meal, and I can honestly say, you didn't treat her very kindly. I remember feeling sorry for you, for you looked so emotionally beat up. You speak SOME truths of what you say, and some of what you write I can understand. I remember seeing you walking down the streets of Fredonia like a homeless person. You are trying to fool yourself into believing things that are in no doubt purpostrous. Whatever drugs you say they forced you to take, have definitely loosened some screws in your head to the extent that you must be seeing things. Maybe some of these things DID happen to you, and I think that all parties should be investigated more closely and the guilty should be punished. But I can tell you that you most definitely are not capable of raising children, let alone yourself. Oh, if only Warren could get ALL his faithful followers to be as mind controlled as you, he would for sure have his "army of one". Please, for your sake and everyone elses, put yourself back in the assylum before you do something "ruth" like!!
Thank you for your post. It needy to be lengthy, don't apoligize. I do not doubt there are some incredibly good people in CC/Hildale. It is interesting to hear about the lifestyle. I understand that the women know nothing else and would be totally overwhelmed if they lived my life. That is kind of sad to me.
Oooops, pressed enter before I was finished with my post!!!
The people in Tx. HAVE to be extremely skilled. I have seen the temple from the road and it is absolutly unbelievable!!! Too bad they can't share those skills.
Thank you to everyone else who posts about their lifestyle here. Keep it up if it helps you feel better.....be careful though.
To mib, or the one who cares. I am interested in talking. There is too much truth in all these women's talk. I also knew Tamra Phelps, a little. There are others who are known, but not named yet. This is my email. ruthjcooke65_@hotmail.com I can delete the ones I do not want to see. I am not afraid of publicity. As you can see by that other ones post, saying what she did about me, living with Willard, this is what I endured with him, from all. Critazism. I care nothing about critazisim. I am for stopping gross abuse. gross, gross abuse. Lets help these women. I am talking to the one who wanted my email address. Sam Barlow id quilty. Johnathon Roundy is not his brother. Steven is. Mica is stevens son. William Black was married to Trumans Daughter. Marvin is my brother. Caroline is his daughter. Bill is also Dick's son. Bill is also Marvins son. Gene is Dicks son. I call Dick Dick, Because he is Dick. My father was Jack. I lived with his brother Dick. What a heritage. I try to pretend I do not know a Jack and a Dick. Dick is realy Richard Henery Cooke. His father was Bill Cooke. Bill Cooke was from Idaho. He was Married to Aunt Radie. Jacks mother was Myrtle vera cooke. She died. I never Knew her. My brothers and sisters are: Allen, Claude, Laurene, Joeanna, eve, Royal, Lydia, Kristine, Russel, Shirley, Lester, Ronnie, Alice, Laura, Diane, Lola, Robert, Geniel, Mathew, Mary, Katie, stanley, Grace ann, Fredrick, Thomas, Paul, Erna, Jack Jr. Gwen, Orval, Marjene, Linda, Orlin, Ross, Myrtle, Max, Louise, Nancy, Benjiman, Rebecca, Marie, Susan, Lorin, Nathan, ME, Edwin, Blaine, Holly WAlter and Daniel. give or take a few. I will tell you the dead. Marjene. My daughter Donna Marie. Orlin, Blaine, Cathy Bistline, Kristle Dawn, Esther Ruth With Donna, I was never told. An investigation was done by the f.b.i. I looked in her chart, when I came back from texas. Dr. Kerry Smith, who I heard came from new york city, did defend me. I suposed from that note, I was the accused. At Donna's frunral, Willard told me Mitzi was next. He got in the hersh, and cried like he realy cared, after he said that. He is the only one who cared. My sister Marjene died of cancer. She was harrassed like me. We, my sisters were sent home because we loved her. We were singing to her. I stayed. She Jumped out of bed, in a flurry, and said I have to have something to eat. I do not care what it is . She ratched through the house, like a starved to death women. There was a house fire. She left her Iron on. My brother Lorin said he pulled her out, but when they came, she was to sick, and they climed aout the window. Esther Ruth was born with endocardiofibrolactosis. which is, the end of the heart valve did not close. She died from a heart that was enlarged so big it crushed her stomic. She starved to death. Kristle Dawn Cooke, was born with dextria cardia, so they said. All her organs were reversed. She had total dextria cardia, so they said. They said it was rare, to have totla dextria cardia. most people only had one organ revesed. they said at first she should live a long time. She also died of an enlarged heart, that crushed her stomic. She starved to death. I told the doctors in pheonix, did up my other baby. retest them. they said we can not. They thought she might have pompays desiese. They said it is inconsistant with pompay's desise for only one organ to enlarge. They took a peice of flesh out of her leg to test. It came back negative. They argued about another test. I did not hear what all was said. They did not know I could hear them. One said, "The mother would never agree" They Kept her ten days. Her lungs were filling faster than they could be suctioned. She was in conjestive heart faliure. They did not expect her to live past ten day's. After ten days they sent me home. They had her with Home health. She lived another two months and died. My Brother Edwin killed himself, so they said. This was Dicks story. He took a tube or hose, and hooked it up to a car, and asphixiated himself. We were told to stay away. At that time, Marie lived with Val, so we had some fredom. We went any how. We went into a morge. or a place. He did lay upon a table. He was green and colored like the unprepared dead. He was turned to ashes. Dick said he had to be burned to attone for his sin. He was in a place to over come molesting, and being molested. He is the only one of my brothers that have said he was molested. I was eight, he was seven when my father came to his bed. Then he beat him and threw him out in the winter, to freeze. I went out and sat with him. I am not the one who was beat, that day. He was. He did not have a choice to say no. It is questionable, Did he kill hiself? I only know what Dick said. He went to a store. He bought the stuff. His signature was on the paper. He left a note, to my mother. It said, "If you want to know why I did this, It is none of your business. He did tell my mother before he died, that it was not her fault. My brother Orlin was going to work with William Black. My brother Lorin was driving. My brother said, william grabbed his hand. He was tring to get some snack food why he was driving. William Black was smarting around. When my brother looked up, he was off the road. He over corected. The van rolled. My Brother had a hole through his head. My brother driving, said he went to the city of heaven. He did get up and try to help my brother. He was walking around and did not know he was hurt, until the cops came. He was trying to help my brother. Then he was out for a while. I was forced to go to the funral, and look at the hole in my brothers head. we were very close. Britt, Orlin. We did a lot. they were my friends. I did not want to go see him dead. I was forced. With Laurene, there also was a house fire. The neighbors came and she got out in time. They seen the smoke up on the roof. she was cooking in the house. The fire started in the attic. She got out in time to not have the celilng fall down on her. John stewart's wife, brought food to the people who helped put out the fire. Alvin Barlow moved maries plants. Kathy was my respite sitter. she is the one who said she, saw Shelly Gene Cooke Molesting my handicap daughter, first. I was in texas when she died. I heard a doctor stitched her bowls shut. They then did explode. Suposidly this was an accedint. More of the Questionable dead? There was the school teacher, who drove of the cliff, betwene hurricane and colorado city. There is The one who was selling Shelly his truck, I can not remember his name. He was swimming in Lake powel. He did walk into the lake and did not walk back out. The three men, in the airplane. They had feul. They died on the mountian. This was when I came home for a bit from flagstaff. I went to the frunral. I looked at the two men. They also did look like my children, and their drugs. I did go home and ask Dick what he thought Donna would look like dead. She was already dead. I was speaking spiritually. She did live in the heavens. He will not. I did say to him. What do you supose she would look like dead? He did have these dead hung in pitures upon his wall. Like his trophies. With my Daughter Donna Marie, he waited until the day before she died, to call all the meighbors in for sympathy. Her back did bend backwards. I listened to her back bones break, for three weeks she retracted. Her head sat on her butt. Blood did run from her mouth. Blood did run from her ears. Blood did run from her G-tube. On that last day, they all came in. these people. Dick did come and take a piture to show, uncle Rulon. She did smile for the show. A few in fredonia, did get to see that photo graph. Dick will not give it again. It is printed in my head. Ask the nurse in the doctors office why she screamed at me. and then the home health came. Debbie Bistline, said she was already dead. I just needed to shut down the tube. I could not make myself quit trying to feed her. They told me I had too. She was dead any how. other questionable dead? The one who went to the edge of the world. They were rock climbing. The story I heard, is he just slipped to his death.? There are other's. YOu already have the records. the buriels. With me, I was sentanced to death on america's street's. A convicted child abuser. Who would hire me? I went to cedar city mountian. I aplied for a job. I was hired. I went to another lodge. I put my name on a computer. I was testing them. I went back to were I worked. The people who had hired me, recieved a phone call. They said they would let me work that day, but I could not come back. I wlked away. They sent someone to give me a ride. When I found out who they were I insisted they put me back upon the street.
How is that? There is more. Think of Emily's daughter. She was gange raped. They put sand in her mouth, and every other place they could. and Sam Barlow sent her away. I heard this talk. Who else is there? Louis Barlow had a son drown. He did recieve a letter. It said, he was only the first. More would follow. And since We have returned to cout again, Dick has been over to Eldon's house to fix his pipes. I did not go to see, if he would wink at me through the bedroom window again.
The Lord spake unto his Prophet Warren Jeffs saying, "Tell my daughter Ruth, also known upon the Earth as Opalb, who also calls herself Comute, that she should no longer posteth upon this blog, Him finding bloggers to be the foulest of Satan's minions." Then the lord spake unto me saying, "Warn Ruth that if she continueth posting upon this blog that I will sendeth Willie to smite her." Thus sayeth the Lord
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take this dialog with Ruth to the email address she gave you. If you want to pursue this "information" she is giving you, more power to you. She is obviously unbalanced and although I am deeply sorry for her and horrified about what she has gone through in her life, it does not excuse you from encouraging her ramblings on this forum. If you chase these things she is telling you, you will find that you are chasing cloud shadows. She needs medication and help, not encouragement in her hallucinations. GOOD GRIEF!!
Or at least, Mr. Blog Admin, please open a thread for Ruth: About Ruth, by Ruth and to Ruth. Then the rest of us can continue our conversations without having to scroll through her endless diatribes and soliloquies.
she lives in her reality for a reason. Maybe your affraid to face your own truths. She has a right to post here if she chooses. If it makes you squeemish then face your own deamons.
OK. I promise to face my own "demons" if you promise to confront a dictionary sometime soon. My point is not that she shouldn't have an outlet or even whether I agree or disagree. The point is that she rambles on and on and the rules are to keep it short. At least if she had her own thread, those of us not interested in enduring her view of reality could avoid that thread, where we had some pretty good conversations going on this one before she came along and started singing solo. Ya know what I mean? Now, if you want to hear about all those things that she says, go to her thread and drink up!
I for one am grateful for Ruth's postings here. She offers a look into this culture that is absolutely chilling, and extremely enlightening. Yes, I understand she is disturbed, and that one must understand Ruth's comments within the context of her condition. But that makes what she has to say no less disturbing. I suspect there is a lot more truth to Ruth's remarks than many of the other comments made my more stable personalities.
There are longer posts than hers. Use the scroll bar if you cannot handle a reality not custom fit to your own wants.. Her post is hard to follow at times. I know there are allot of inaccuracies but there is also an actual basis for many of the things she said. We cannot all be perfect. If your going to criticize me for misspelling a couple words then you are control freak. You understood the word so get over yourself.
Well the points of some here are well taken, but what Ruth says does matter. This is a 10,000 piece jig saw puzzle and my guess is that I have more pieces than some, less than others.
I met Ruth in person on March 3rd and while I can not recall all of her story, there is enough truth between the lines to piece together a truth that not all here have the patience to find.
My perspective comes from being the state rep. of FOR KIDS SAKE, which addresses child abuse prevention. I did not exist as this when Ruth was being abused, still I for one value her opinions, no matter how hard they are to understand.
For El Dorado Texas you can curse me for inviting the media circus last year. While the party belonged to Flora, Buster & Linda, it was my job to invite the guests. The Ross Chatwin Press conference on January 23rd of 2004 I engineered alone. Even the March 3rd Town Hall meeting in St. George had my finger prints on it.
In order to be advanced informed ahead of the press, enough so that the press is inquiring, requires a good activist to listen to all parties. I would speculate that Winston in Canada does not agree with me often, but we leave the lines of communications open. For whatever common ground was gained, the communication was not lost or undervalued.
You're right about moving it to a string or thread of its own, but I might speculate that more journalist who follow this site will still follow Ruth's thread. Her email or the one I have, she has not respond to. Since she literally walks between Colorado City and Hurricane Utah, we should just once walk that path in her shoes. When was the last time you walked 25 miles?
When I tried to help a mother who wanted her daughter back in August of 2000, the Washington County sheriff, Mohave County sheriff and Colorado City police ignored the mothers criminal complaint. Thank goodness we had the press or media we have today.
Do you really think the Utah Attorney General M.S. or Arizon'a AG in T.G. would be as involved as they are had the press not crusaded the cause?
At the Town Hall meeting I apologized to the Utah AG for all the exposure and he said, progress would not of been made without the pushing.
If its not progress, are you thinking we should allow the Jack Cookes of this world or the Dan Barlow juniors to get away with what they have already?
My job is to expose corruption, child abuse is only one of many issues I address. If it became a circus, then so be it. Thanks to Warren January 2004 he did more to spotlight the problems in one month, than what I had done for 4 years.
Warren said... The Lord of flies spake unto his Prophet Warren Jeffs saying, "Tell everyone that I am a KKK wannabe, that I really want to wear white sheets with pointed hood, I want to burn crosses in the night. Then the lord of flies spake unto me saying, "Warn Warren that if he continueth posting upon this blog that I will sendeth porky pig, daffy duck, and mickey mouse to smite him." Thus sayeth the Lord of flies.
And as you ask, so shall it be! You shall have your flies. Be careful little ones what you ask God for. He will give it to you.
1:30 AM Yes God has given Warren the gift of flies, those that buzz, those that bite. Yes Warren Jeffs has become the boil on the butt of humanity(Yep that attracts um, the flies that is.)
Here in Texas we have all the flies to make Warren happy, stable flies, screw flies(Warren's favorites), stable flies, face flies, and Texas sized horse flies.
Thus saith the Lord unto my slothful and disobedient servant Warren:
Behold thy works are before me and cannot be hidden; the cup of mine wrath is full and vengence will soon fall upon thee as a thief in the night.
The sword of mine indignation is unsheathed and the destroying angel of visitation is waiting to carry out my will.
Thy prophecies and thy sayings have fallen to the ground unfulfilled. All of thy doings are evil and not after the teachings and pattern of mine Only Begotten, who is full of grace and truth.
Thou hast forsaken thine inheritance and the words of mine true apostles who hath gone before thee; thou hast dishonored them and their works of righteousness. Thou hast listened to the voice of that evil one who was a liar from the beginning; and who hast inclined thine ear to do evil all the day long.
Verily, verily I say unto thee; the bowells of hell are opened wide to receive thee, and thy master, satan, listeth to bind thee forever with his awful chains. The tormentor's of thine own evil doings shall haunt thee with the unquenchable fire of thine own guilt.
Verily, Thus saith the Lord unto Warren Steed Jeffs; you have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. The day and hour of thy grace is past, for I the Lord have spoken it, and I excuse not myself, even so, Amen.
To the 1:06 pm,prophet; The Lords vengeance is not coming as a thief in the night upon Warren.I would say to Warren it must look more like a Tsunami in broad daylight.
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life."
I seen the "press conference" on television held at the gates of the Texas ranch, who was the idiot holding the sign stating "Gods in control and not Warren" and wasnt she the one in all of the papers from the first press conference holding the sign "The Devil is Here". Does she protest the ranch on a daily basis or is she one of those media junkies?!?
Curious in Canada
Everyone has a town moron - T..ma is ours. Media always finds one in every town. Especially trailer parks that are blown away by tornadoes.
Please, Short Crickers, don't look down on us because of Thelma. She can't help it. She was born with her thumb stuck up her A..
In return, we won't count Ruth against you. Sound fair?
Eldorado Success has a sign in window, newspaper will be late because of end of the world!
You know if people would listen to someone people who actually participate in the religon you may actually get some acurate information.
Simpathetic in Short Creek
Anyone know some of the names of people that have been invited to the compound?
You guys should watch a documentary on Waco called Rules of Engagement!!
some of us might listen, if somebody would talk.
Hey, Oxymormon! How ya' been?
I like the TV titles. Did you hear that the first polygamous miniseries was cancelled? It was called Roots and it seems the blonde haired blue-eyed heroine had black ones!
Stay out of trouble and don't let any hick town cops grab ya', eh?
Hey Warren may have been off a year. We get to do this again!! What fun!
If we are real lucky, we will have a mid-summer apocalypse followed by a vanilla rapture with pingy pangy music!
To Anon 7:02
You forgot the black homosexual drug addict that started it all J. Hendrix Jeffs.
That's kind of strange.
The local Sheriff is now the spokesman for the Warrenites.
He says the folks "just want to be left alone".
What's he getting out of the deal?
Squaky Cheese?
Mighty suspicious.
I meant sqeaky.
Sumthin liek that.
A person has to have a since of humor about the compound. You could say I flipped Warren the "Bird" from my Bird!!
I couldn't figure out how to fly a plane and moon at the same time but I am working on it.
FLDS member shares thoughts on Warren Jeffs’ prediction of the second coming of Christ.
Will self-proclaimed prophet, Warren Jeffs, be vindicated or exposed to the world as a fraud on April 6, 2005? If he is vindicated, those not chosen by him will be wiped off the face of the North American continent on this date. If he’s exposed, all that are alive on April 7, 2005, will have certain knowledge that he is a false prophet and receives his revelations from the dark recesses of his own mind rather than from God.
Warren is hand picking his 2,500 core believers from among the faithful FLDS followers and is having those chosen transported to Eldorado, Texas, there to await the second coming of Christ to accept the dedication of Warren’s new temple and witness the total destruction of this and other nations. We are also to witness the renewal of Uncle Fred, our bishop that Warren blessed to live 350 years into the millennium. This same failed prophecy was given about Uncle Rulon. He was our last prophet, and Warren’s biological father. He passed away about 2 ½ years ago.
Following Warren’s prediction of his renewal, Uncle Fred passed away a couple of weeks early, which makes me believe that Warren knew Uncle Fred was failing in health. His premature death may complicate Warren’s plans considerably. Uncle Fred was probably supposed to be renewed (Warren’s word for die) after the dedication of the temple, not before.
Warren’s “elect”, the 2,500 chosen people, will have to put Warren’s prophecies on the shelf of belief again, hoping understanding will come at a later date, when they don’t come to pass on Wednesday. The other 7,500 of us followers, Warren has abandoned to our own fate and has cast us off after first fleecing us of all our money and assets. If we won’t change our belief system, we will also be obligated to put Warren’s latest prophecies on the shelf of belief, in spite of the knowledge we’ve gained lately thru real life experience. I’m sure most of us will yet manage to persist in our faith in him, as it seems we can not admit we’ve been wrong all along.
My suggestion to the 7,500 abandoned FLDS saints is that we go back to studying our old scriptures instead of Warren’s new ones and find out what went wrong and where. We should reread the “Now Crisis” as Uncle Roy called “The Coming Crisis and How to Meet It” by Parley P. Pratt. Toward the bottom of the section on strong delusions, it reads:
“He (God) has said that ‘HE WILL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSIONS THAT THEY MIGHT BELIEVE A LIE.’ He gives His reason and apology for acting after this strange manner—because, knowing the truth, they do not love it unadulterated. And knowing God, they do not choose to glorify Him as God. Therefore their foolish hearts become darkened, and God suffers Satan to compound and mix up truth and error in such proportions as to be captivating and strongly delusive. As a snare, this composition will be ingeniously mixed and administered to all nations, by skillful and practiced hands.”
I believe this finger is being pointed directly at the FLDS, myself included.
Here is a quote found in the Journal of Discourses, 1:133-134, from Brigham Young that also points a finger in our direction. It was given April 6, 1853 in Salt Lake City, Utah exactly 152 years ago today.
“Now hear me, and I will try to talk so that you can understand. I will presume to go a little further than I did, with regard to the President of the Church, and say to this people, a man might have visions, the angels of God might administer to him, he might have revelations, and see as many visions as you could count; he might have the heavens opened to him, and see the finger of the Lord, and all this would not make him the President of the Church, or an Elder, a High Priest, an Apostle; neither would it prove that he was even a Saint: something else is wanted to prove it. Why I mention this, is because of the frailty, weakness, and short-sightedness of the people. If a man should come and tell you he had had a vision, and could appear to substantiate his testimony that he had had the heavens opened to him, you would be ready to bow down and worship him; and he might be, at the same time, perfectly calculated to destroy the people-one of the biggest devils on earth. He would appear to be one of the finest of men, to be honest and unassuming, and come with all the grace and generalship of the devil, which is so well calculated to deceive the people. Admit this to be the case.”
Perhaps the 2,500 chosen people should be careful if they are asked to bow the knee to Warren on Wednesday or this coming Sunday. And perhaps we who are part of the 7,500 “lost sheep” should find out the answers to the many questions we have concerning Warren’s and his minions ethnic cleansing of the FLDS Church and the destruction of our loved ones.
In Matthew 23:25, Jesus Christ says, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.”
Is this history repeating itself? We had all better take note and learn of the teachings of Christ and other true prophets before we, as Uncle Roy used to say, have to take this grade over again.
Ezekiel 14:9-11 says, (9) “And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. (10) And they shall bear the punishment of their in-iquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him: (11) That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord God.”
The Lord has told us in the scriptures, countless times, not to put our trust in the arm of flesh or we would face the consequences. Consider this from Brigham Young: “What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation. (Journal of Discourses 9:150)
Our leader and his teachers have continually put before us untruths that we are forced to swallow or risk losing our families over, which brings to mind another saying of Christ, “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.” Mat. 23:24
One last thought concerning the callousness with which we have discarded our children when commanded to by Warren reminds me of something Jesus said in Mat. 24:11-12, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (12) And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” The path we are following Warren on, has led us to “love waxing cold” toward our dear ones, toward our friends, neighbors and our fellow man.
Warren does not teach the Everlasting Love of Jesus Christ which leads to peace and harmony. Warren teaches a “love” and a “renewal” that leads to Never Ending Darkness and Chaos.
Nameless and Still Alive
Now that's funny, oxymoron! I like your style.
tex mex
To 6:15 pm.,To "Sympathetic in Short Creek" Is the 7:59 pm post what you was looking for? :)
7:14 PM Anon
I believe if you would have listened to that press conference closely you would have heard that the sheriff was quoting members of the Texas ranch as saying (and I quote) "they wanted to be left alone and in return they did not want to bother anyone in the community" I do not believe that reflects the Sheriffs opinion.
I liked this blog when it was lighthearted and funny!
FLDS rhetoric for the most part is the same old crap version 2.
Now who would hang prophesies on the shelf. That would be the first clue to “this dude is a fake”.
I bet Warren or anyone else in your FLDS can't predict the lottery or a good horse race! Now that is a Prophet!
Do you listen to "pingy pangy" music?
6:06 pm,You have a deal though your getting the short end of the stick. Just me. :)
To 8:29 pm
Would you like to trade. We will give you a Thelma and a wild Bill for a Ruth. Sounds fair.
8:37,Sure,I,d trade.We would still come out on top though. Just Me.
E = every
L = lady and man
D = decided to listen to
O = outrageous
R = ridicules
A = accusations about
D = Doomsday, you are all
O = Oafs
Bye the way... Why did Manudo ever break up.. I miss there music. lol
To 9:02
We can throw in some stock in the EOBOC (Eldorado Olympic Bid Organizing Committee).
Warren will not need compound and we plan on holding the Olympics there. (Can’t make up our mind whether we want winter or summer) we live in the desert but hockey is popular.
Sewer pond can be swimming pool or Ices skating rink depending on decision
Now that’s an offer a person just can not pass up!!
It reminds me of a song
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow
What the heck does Manudo (I don't think that's even how it's spelled) have to do with Eldorado? Oh, I forgot, it's multiplication that you specialize in, not spelling, or complex thought.
Lets have a party in the compound. It has everythign we need except music. I heard that Warren Jeffs loves rap music.
yes thelma is a leach and loves the attention as that is the only kind she can get hahahaha, hehehe. all "CHRISTIANS KNOW WHO IS IN CONTROL!"
Menudo has nothing to do with the town. I just thought of Ricky Martin and it popped in my head. He was sooo good looking.
What is a Desperado and who sings that?
To Ringo,John,Paul and George.I know Warren allowed you to post your poem.Theres no way you would have done that without permission from him. The Government does not want this to turn into another Waco, despite what you may have been told. Don't cry in your pillow,and forget the tear gas nonsense.Let's talk. Get permission if you need to.Let's talk on a different thread though.8:26 pm wants to keep this thread funny and that's ok. Listening.
You would think that after 20 or 30 end of the world predictions Warren would just give up. He is just like the energizer bunny he keeps going and going.
To 9:21 pm.I'm not trying to pass the deal up.You don't need to sweeten the pot but after you threw in all that EOBOC stock I began to feel guilty,I guess it's my flds upbringing.I need to tell you before we make the trade though, that you don't know our Ruth.The stuff you've seen on these posts is nuth'in,our ruth,s not even got her engine started yet.Course this little dialog may get her cranking. Lord help us if it does and I don't mean that disrespectfully. Just me.
Does anybody know any names of the people in the compound. I have relatives that vanished some time back and i wonder if they ended up in Texas, Colorado or somewhere else.
Why you people barter over other's, don't forget, "The ransom of Red Chief"
Remember, also you may feel like bulls, but people are not cattle!
Mountain Man said...
There was once a leader that was revered and loved by his most ardent followers. He was a man that would lead them to glory. There were songs written about Him, His picture adorned the walls of nearly every home. Tales abounded of His benevolence toward His people. His speaches were published and recorded and then distributed to his eager followers. His Autocratic style of leadership assured that His were the teachings they would follow. He lived in spacious homes with many women. He was constantly being deified and flattered by His flock. He was portayed as the loving Father of all. Many would gladly die for Him. He was greatly admired by His people because He had the courage to defy all oppostion. He seemed fearless as only one backed by God Himself would be. To He and His people it was "righteos vesus evil" for surely they were the chosen of God. No matter how strange or odd the teachings He gave them the people would nod in agreement with his words. But alas a different pictured emerged as time marched on. To outsiders there was a different perspective. One of a man that became the real power behind His ailing and aged President. A man that obtained power by removing His rivals. He was a man that had no regard for his neighbors or fellow man as long as they did not see things the way He did. He had access to great wealth but kept His people very poor. Soon after taking power He began to persecute His own people, forcing many to leave their homes. He began to remove men from their families. Being related or a friend was no guarantee of escaping His wrath. He was all powerful. He lived with his privilaged few in beautiful dwellings built by the people He kept in poverty. He became reclusive, rarely seen in the flesh. He began to wreek havoc on His own people. Any that opposed Him were sure to recieve immediate retribution. Finally the eyes of the world began to see what this man was doing to His own people and His diregard for His fellow man. Justice demanded that something had to be done. The destruction of families and the heartache He caused had to be stopped for the sake of His own people. Fortunately He was removed from power. His grandios ideas replaced by an epitaph of a people divided. Loyalty given because of the fear of what would happen to them if they spoke thier minds. Still many truly loved him and would die for Him even today. He was eventually found cowaring in in a pit dirty and defiant to the end at a small farm near Tikrit, Iraq.
To 11:13
That story sounds very similar to a certain Jeffs guy I know.
Warrens self declared journey to Godhood reminds me a bit of the story of the "Kings New Clothes"
Would someone that is able to talk to Warren show some integrity and please tell Warren that he is running around naked?
He seems unaware that his crap stinks too.
Thank you.
fence sitter:
It couldn't be a concentration camp, because they lack the concentration to learn how to spell . . .
To Nameless and Still Alive 7:59 PM:
With your extensive scriptural background and perception of the situation you are in, I must ask how you got sucked into the "One-Man" vortex?
Jesus himself established the correct pattern of his church by calling apostles first, to act in concert as "presidents" over the members (body of Christ).
"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:" (Eph. Ch. 4. v. 11&12.)
Jesus set the example as the presiding (president) apostle:
"Wherefore, holy brethern, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus . . ." (Heb. Ch. 3. v. 1.)
You were honest to admit that you have been deluded by this one-man rule. Your quote from Brigham Young was most appropriate, "What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction." (Journal of Discourses 9: 150)
Warren was never ordained an apostle nor does he demonstrate the teachings and doctrines of Christ.
Yes, you have friends and neighbors whom you have ignored and shunned, but christianity is still available to you and all who are willing to embrace Christ's Gospel. You have unburdened yourself of your debt to him in part by recognizing your mistake, but must now rid yourself of the tyrany and diabolical doctrines of Warren Jeffs. Forgiveness is unto all who truly repent and seek the Lord's will. Cast off the imposter Warren Jeffs and be free.
consider that Christ didn't organize a church, but rather a group of teachers. It was the Apostles that organized the church after Jesus died. So who is to say that an organized church is even what God wants.
fence sitter
Every Ranch in Schleicher County sits behind a fenced locked gate and there is no exception with this one. People are in and out of there on a daily basis and every one chooses to be there, but it is definitly a controled enviorment, no doubt.
Not every ranch has gates. We have cattle guards, as do most of my neighbors.
Mr T,
I think we all agree here that we worship the same God. Well, most of us. The bottom line is there really is no wrong or right way to worship HIM. I think people want the flds(warrenites) to know that personal oppression does not have to be part of it. I am all for religious freedom, not all the things Warren Jeffs has been accused of. Like people have said, Jeffs came in here and lied to us. Not a very good way to start a relationship. People would have talked if he had been up front.....I doubt it would have been as big as it is now. Granted, rumors would have gone around town, probably not have burned out of control.
Mr T,
The fact that people should be able to choose for themselves is exactly what I was talking about. I understand that most of the people in the compound don't know anything else....they have never been given the opportunity. As a woman who has all the freedom in the world, that bothers me. I just don't understand how they can be happy in that situation. I know that is a simple statement, I just don'tknow how else to put it. There are situations we face in life that make us think, hmmmmm, maybe that side is right or that puts a new spin on things. This just isn't one of them for me. I just don't get it. Of course, I don't always like to follow rules, I hate to be preaced to(by anyone not just clergy) and I really hate to share!!!! All in all, I would not fit in.
As for the rumors, there usually is something of substance that starts them.
Mr T,
YOu got me thinking....I still don't understand.
As another disenfranchised member of the aforementioned organization. Though not recently associated with them. I can attest to the truthfulness of MrT's statements of the "checks and balances" that keep a person in fear of losing family ties and associations. Even when your family is slightly dysfunctional, the desire to belong and be loved is such a great force that to break it gives a person a feeling of lost that is hard to explain.
good good.. You should get the rights to parody and make a CD
MrT and anon 10:21,
Thank you for being so patient with me. I understand that they know no different, I understand the ideal.....I just don't understand why. Why they can't understand that we are not bad people who love and can be loved? Why they can't understand that even though we might not dress as they do or listen to different music or watch TV or are addicted to the internet:) we are not bad people? Why they will blindly follow one MAN who will never be a God? That should be becoming more and more obvious. Why they let themselves be treated the way they are? I understand the concept....I just don't get it. Oh, I will have many more questions. I will ask when I can figure out how to ask them the right way.
Mr T,
Thanks I will look for that post again. Are you still a member?
To anonymous 12:40pm,
I am an outsider from the west, spiritual, not religious :), both the LDS and FLDS do the best they can to NOT ENCOURAGE INDEPENDENT THINKING! From childhood, they are separated from us "gentiles" and kept with only mormans 24/7, in classes, lunch groups, you name it. It truly is brainwashing that we could never understand.
just another curious,cocky, smart woman.
Mr T,
Well, I have a few personal questions for you, if you don't mind. How many wives do you have. Children? What caused you to leave? How are you accepted in the community. I would think not well. Aren't all of the jobs controlled by the flds? Do people ever get to visit other places? Education...obviously lacking...where do you get the teachers? I would think that there would be alot of animosity between wives, no matter what they say. Uh, so many more questions but I will start there. If I have asked too many, I understand if you don't want to or can't answer them. Beware, if you do I WILL ask alot more:) Hard to find someone who will actually answer them.
To another cocky, smart woman, how am I doing???
Native Texan, I thought the same thing. Didn't they see him coming. I mean, how did this all play out?
I guess I can now be called curious!!
Here you go
1. ENVIRONMENT CONTROL. Limitation of many/all forms of communication with those outside the group. Books, magazines, letters and visits with friends and family are taboo. "Come out and be separate!"
2. MYSTICAL MANIPULATION. The potential convert to the group becomes convinced of the higher purpose and special calling of the group through a profound encounter/experience, for example, through an alleged miracle or prophetic word of those in the group.
3. DEMAND FOR PURITY. An explicit goal of the group is to bring about some kind of change, whether it be on a global, social, or personal level. "Perfection is possible if one stays with the group and is committed."
4. CULT OF CONFESSION. The unhealthy practice of self disclosure to members in the group. Often in the context of a public gathering in the group, admitting past sins and imperfections, even doubts about the group and critical thoughts about the integrity of the leaders.
5. SACRED SCIENCE. The group's perspective is absolutely true and completely adequate to explain EVERYTHING. The doctrine is not subject to amendments or question. ABSOLUTE conformity to the doctrine is required.
6. LOADED LANGUAGE. A new vocabulary emerges within the context of the group. Group members "think" within the very abstract and narrow parameters of the group's doctrine. The terminology sufficiently stops members from thinking critically by reinforcing a "black and white" mentality. Loaded terms and clich_s prejudice thinking.
7. DOCTRINE OVER PERSON. Pre-group experience and group experience are narrowly and decisively interpreted through the absolute doctrine, even when experience contradicts the doctrine.
8. DISPENSING OF EXISTENCE. Salvation is possible only in the group. Those who leave the group are doomed.
Mr T,
Thank you for all of your input. I understand you need to take a break, you have been a plethora of info. today. Huh,Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, not too surprising. Possibl kicked out of the house for a sexual prob., well, I guess those probs. still exist. I still want to ask you questions but we both have things to do.
call me curious
all religions have there own ways of worshiping. I was a catholic and I didn't agree with a lot of the things they did because a lot of it was, like my dad said, "tradition." He got mad at me when i was questioning him about different rituals and told me it was tradition. I stated that I only believe what is in the bible. so the point i'm getting at is that every religion has there own beliefs that are made up. It wouldn't bother me that the YFZ members believe what they do if they didn't have plural marriage and abuse children. What i found ironic was that jeff was saying the woman should be submisive so that the husband would be loyal to her. What exactly do they mean by loyal if the man has more than one wife? I don't know....Well worship as you wish just don't do anything "crazy". Remember God prefers the idiot who doesn't know much more than the person who acts like they know it all. God bless all and keep in good faith. Bless the FYZ members and their families who do not know any better. bye ya'll! :)
are ya'll from eldorado?
Thanks for laying that history out there. It fills in the missing links I've been curious about. I keep hearing about rifts between Barlows, Jeffs, and Blackmore, but as an onlooker had no understanding. It all makes much more sense now.
To 6:17 PM, looking for names. Yes, check out the 7:02 post. These young men are there in the Eldorado compound and these are not the same ones designated to lead Sheriff Doran on. Their assignment is different.
Answer to the 5:08 AM post. I was born and grew up in the "one man vortex". As I got spinning towards the smaller end of the vortex , I began getting dizzy and the speed started waking me up. That was a few years ago, and, although not publically, I have cast Warren Jeffs off my back.
Now I've got to get him off the backs of my family without losing them in the process. A good analogy would be cutting away a huge cancerous tumor without killing the patient. If I'm successful, my whole family will be together and free with me.
If I'm not successful, I'll be caught and turned in by Warren's spies and will lose my loved ones to Warren's cult forever and life will no longer be worth living.
It's not as easy to extricate yourself and your family from a cult like this as you may suppose. There is a level of intense brain washing from birth that is unreal. I have to move forward slowly and to try and introduce small truths at a time in an effort to undo Warren's brainwashing. I'm having small successes, but even a small wrong move now will undo three years of work. I know I'm treading dangerous water but have decided risking my family is worth freedom.
Nameless and still alive.
10:03 am,mrt;
That information was very well layed out.I know it took a lot of your time to answer these questions but I hope you keep posting on this blog site, we need you.
You and I will meet in the open one day.
Nameless and still alive.
To 4:43 pm,Paladin for truth;
You just call a spade a spade don't you.I'm sure you've got a few people squirming about now.:)
Nameless and still alive.
6:58 pm.Your question has merit.
If anyone on the flds inside uses the word "cult"in referring to their religion, you can "mark it down that they are on the high road to apostacy".
Thats flds lingo for;They are on their way out of the religion.
Nameless and still alive.
What I am concerned about is the fact that somehow this Delusional Man of self induced glory can lead such a misguided massive group of followers to a town, set up residence in a compound encased by gates and guards preaching idealistic hate and racism then scares his lost sheep into back breaking preparation for the end of the world. What do they really think of him now? Do you think any loyalty has been replaced with speculation? How would one know? How could they possible communicate with the outside? Thank God it did not turn into Jones Town or any other tragedy that has been related to religious imperialism.
I for one want the people on the Ranch to know that I do care about thier well-being. I will not judge them. I prayer they will look deep into their hearts and question whom they have put all thier trust & self conviction into.
I am a Mormon whom has no religious connection to the FLDS. We are 2 entirely different entities, however love and compassion must cross all boundaries for Harmony to exist; this includes race, gender, and yes even religion.
Also, I am married to an African American Male and have 4 beautiful children. I live a few miles from the ranch and it breaks my hearts to see these people establishing unrealistic and harming beliefs towards precious individuals.
Please Mr. Jeff's do not limit others potentiality by your course words and beliefs.
Mr T, Palidan, and Nameless and still alive. Thank you for posting. I read so much that is just the way it is. I was lucky and didn't have to fight so hard for my family, they are still young and very dependant on their parents.
So true, so true. I hurt for the people and can do nothing to get past their self imposed blindness. Once you are declared as 'out' you are as the blowing wind.
Keep working with them Nameless, they are worth it, hope you can outlast Warren.
To Nameless:
I understand the sorrow you have and how delicately you have to work to extricate your family from this horrible mess. Let me give you a piece of advice. As a woman who has endured the brainwashing for a long time, I can tell you that if you show LOVE and caring toward your family, they will gravitate to you and will listen to you. I know we have been told to not have "fun" or spend any money on "vacations" or frivolous entertainments, but if you will go out of your way to show your family a good time, loosen up and let them make a few decisions of their own, yea, even take them on an "outing", I can promise you that you won't have to beg them to stay with you. I am convinced that the reason that so many women are willing to leave their husbands and be reassigned is because their husbands are tyrants. Yes, they are uptight because they are TERRIFIED of all the possible retributions if they and their families don't APPEAR to toe the line. And consequently, they are so hard on their families that their wives and children aren't allowed to have a bowel movement without first being instructed to. So the women think that maybe this new man they are being "assigned" to will not be so harsh on them and they leave their husband and take a chance.
PLEASE gather your family to you with loving, kindness and FUN. It is as necessary as air, and it has been denied to us in the past 7 years. I promise you they will follow you.
Keep courage and keep faith in God through it all. His name has been horribly blasphemed and misused. Be careful to make sure your family knows it's not God who has inflicted all this destruction on our people, but an evil man with too much power.
My heart goes out to you. And to my own husband, who doesn't even know what he wants to do yet. But I'm sure he's starting to feel the same way you do. Man, good luck.
Stayed tuned because it is a soap opera that never ends. 12 more days and the focus will be on Canada. Mark the 19th on your calender.
Give Warren a little time and he will write the next chapter, but its far from over.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
The wicked flee when no man persueth. Its about Time Warren Jeffs showed up on the scene. This man is a God Send to correct all the crap that has happened in this society. By the way, Isn't it funny that the media goes off hearsay and runs with it. When in a court room it is thrown out. Can't the media be responsible and only go on evidence! Thoughts to Ponder.
sorry I did not mean to do this 6 times this was my first time sorry
I thought you were making a point, so I read it 6 times! It went right over my head...
to Fried Female
Be careful, Be strong, and Stand by your man no matter what King Warren may do. His commandments mean nothing if you don't jump when he calls. Sounds like your on the right track. Know that if you need it, there is help available. And from personal experience I can tell you that the weight that is lifted from your shoulders knowing that you are free to make your own choices and decisions is a great feeling. I still have stubborn family that live in C.C. And I will remain anonymous because I don't want their condition worsened because of something I may say. Just to say that they are so bent on getting into heaven that they can't see their leader has strayed from the "Straight and Narrow path." At least they still talk to me, and I am careful not to give them any reason to change that. Just want to be there for them when realities light shines in their hearts.
What is going on in Canada on the 19th?
BTW, fried female, boy does a little bit of fun go a long way. Does your husband have fun with you all?
When are the Aliens supposed to land? And are they going to take King Warren with them please?
On April 19th Winston Blackmore the former FLDS Bishop in Canada is having an open conference that wiil be a opportunity for exchange. Its being credited as sponsored by the wives of Bountiful and the press and government agencies were invited. If any one is curious, its an opportunity, but the actions of this splinter faction are not at all as repressive as Warren's flock.
Its polygamous based, but not the dictatorial rule that you see with Warren.
Come on its only a 2000 mile drive!
Answer to native texan at 1:18 PM. Warren was most definitely seeking the postion as prophet long before his father died. Once in church, Warren was talking about former FLDS prophets, John Wooley and his son Lorin Wooley. Warren said, "Then was the time for the reign of the Wooleys. Now is the time for the reign of the Jeffs."
To Fried Female at 10:51 PM. I appreciate your words of wisdom and my doing those things, I believe is why I have not been turned in yet. Encouraging fun makes the decision harder on my loved ones, though deep down, they probably know they should reluctantly be turning me in.
You obviously wasn't at meeting when Uncle Fred told us to take the word "fun" out of our vocabulary and replace it with the word "enjoyment".Or you were and are making a statement by useing the word. ;) My family is scared to have fun and it hurts me to see them in that condition. Up and down, up and down. Most people don't know what to think anymore. They don't dare to communicate with one another for fear they will be turned in by their husband or sister wives. They, including me, keep trying to "play the game" and not get caught. Do you know what I'm referring to? I believe many of us, although we are married, don't dare seriously communicate for fear a family member, (including the children) will turn each other in.
Nameless and still alive.
Nameless, your last comment about the children turning you in reminds me of what I've been comparing Warren's rule to all along: the Hitler Youth program. He takes the young men without their fathers and indoctrinates them on what to think, say and do. Then he sends them on a "missionary" program (read: witch hunt) to people's homes, including their own, and has them ask a list of questions which includes: "is everyone in this house converted to the Prophet Warren Jeffs?"
Two problems. First, I thought that we were to be converted to Jesus Christ and God. Apparently, and this is where I can't wrap my mind around it all, Warren thinks HE is God, and therefore we should be converted to, believe in and worship almighty Warren. I have never before in my life heard a prophet of God demand such an abomination.
Second, if Warren really WERE the prophet and God spoke to him, WHY would he need spies to tell him how people truly feel? Why wouldn't God just tell His chosen servant what he desired to know? Seems awfully screwy.
So after these poor young Hitler Youth get done interrogating the populace, they report back. Needless to say, anyone who has spoken any kind of truth to them about questions or concerns is immediately ostracized and lose everything they have worked for their entire lives. Of course, there are quite a few who have managed to fly under the radar by completely lying about the "faithfulness" of their families. But then, it must just serve to make them wonder even more. If even one person doesn't swallow the whole thing and they say everyone does and they get away with it, SOMEONE isn't being told by God that they lied. Hmmmm.
Oh, and PS yes I was there when we were told to quit saying "fun." Not too much later we were stripped of the ABILITY to have fun. That's why I emphasized the word. Not only is it actually legal to have fun, but for the sake of your family and children, it is NECESSARY to have fun.
My husband is beginning to allow fun back into our lives, albeit slowly and of course, he doesn't use that word. Yet.
To 12:46 AM through 1:14 Am . Apology accepted. I’m glad you came on board as a poster from Warren’s group. If you will take a word of advice from an old friend, and a former FLDS member that was kicked out by your prophet, put on a thick skin, you’re going to need it.
My first thought when I read through your six posts, caused me to think that you had just run through your entire range of known words in eight short lines, but I could see that you still wanted to say more, you just couldn’t get it out though. :) A thought I was pondering about you is: Were you one of the FLDS people that refused for months to believe that a FLDS temple was being built in Texas, even after the media began reporting it, photos and all?
Something else you could answer if you would. How many times have you heard Warren declare the destructions were here, or coming shortly? I won’t ask you how many times it didn’t come true. That’s self explanatory.
To Fried Woman at 10:51 pm.
As christians we are to be converted to God and his son Jesus Christ.Clearly,as evidenced by our actions,we are no longer Christians as we have converted to a foreighn "Warrenite"religion. This can be seen by the number of times Jesus Christs name is mentioned in meeting, versus
This is the church of Warren Jeffs,it is not the church of Jesus Christ.
I heard(so take it for what it's worth) when Willy Jessop was questioned at the Ross Chatwin hearing, the lawyer asked Willy to state his religious affiliation .
Willy replied that he was with the Warren Jeffs church.Warren should be proud,Willy's definitely got his thinking straight.He should go far in Warrenism,at least until Warren deems him a threat to his throne.Then Willy better look out.
I'm relieved to know that you are resisting Warrens "I am God"teachings.So many around us are swallowing it,hook line and sinker.
It's interesting that what you call, "flying under the radar" is what I call,"playing the game." There are numerous phrases on the underground being used that all refer to the same thing.For lack of a more expressive word,it's B.S.!
Fried woman,it's nice to meet you.Consider your hand shaken.
Nameless and still alive.
We are getting a sense here of some of the warm, human, and humorous personalities of Colorado City. It's an interesting place, full of interesting people and things. The "squeaky cheese", the zoo, the simple rural lifestyle.
Could you find a way to have all these things without Warren Jeffs or polygamy?
who the heck is ruth anyway?
Uncle Freds zoo has been razed,the rural lifesyle is in a shambles but we've still got our squeaky cheese.Thats about all warrens left us for entertainment.
Course,those of us fortunate enough to have a computer with an internet connection stashed in the basement gets to eat squeaky cheese and lurk around on this web site for diversion.Have to make sure hubby's not around though.He would't approve and I would lose my sanity after the computer is kicked out and told to repent from afar.
I can't believe I just said that.I'm go'in to hell in a handbasket for sure now.
addicted lurker.
who the heck is ruth anyway ?
Ruth is Short Creek's version of Thelma
9:11 pm.You can add birthdays for our children and Uncle's,dances, Theatre.We can,no longer sing songs not commisioned by him to be written by his designated songwriters or written by himself. No more Ballet or games such as baseball, basketball,sports in general.No more festivals,fairs and parades.
If he takes away the squeaky cheese,i'm really going to be pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ornery in Hildale.
To Onery in Hildale
Summer is coming. Plant cucumbers
To "Addicted Lurker"
'Course you know you're screwed now, don't ya? You admitted that you are lurking on the computer in the basement while your husband's not around. And now Warren's Secret Police are going to read your post (they read them all, you know) and they will tell him some women have too much freedom. Then he is going to have a "revelation" that the women shouldn't have access to a computer. I mean, what on earth do women need with a computer? Don't they have their hands full enough with laundry, meals, babies, diapers, nursing and/or pregnant, house cleaning, gardening, home schooling and catechizing the children? If you have time on your hands to lurk on this blog, you just don't have enough to do! Well, it's been nice knowing you, but if your husband is a believer, your computer priveliges will be suspended by Saturday morning, when they get their regular instructions. Sorry!
P.S. to all you anonymous disgruntled citizens of the Creek who are "playing the game" or "flying under the radar": Do you know how to cover your tracks after reading this blog or posting? If you don't, a complete history if sites visited and frequented can be accessed by unfriendly people and then your life will be very uncomfortable. If you don't know how or can't find out discreetly, post a question and any number of us can help you delete your browsing history.
How do I cover my tracks?I've got to run for tonight but i'll get the information tomorrow,thanks.
Addicted lurker.
After reading the rude bartering of, some one's attempt to trade, Ruth for wild bill, and Thelma. I have concluded, I shall like to meet this Thelma, in person. I think she exibit's persinality. I like Texan's. They let there, "so called retard's" get in the show. She was not Jailed for having an opinion. I Like Texas. Let me introduce myself; I am Ruth Cooke. I made up this poem. I make up lots of poems
I will dedicate this poem to Thelma: Do the things I say make me, me?
Who am I?
Do the things I do make me, Me?
Do the things I think make me, me?
They say I am a little crazy,
only they say it politely, you know.
They say I'm a little mad.
Oh, they say things about me,
I never knew about.
Who am I?
Do the things they say make me, me?
I have been a little girl, a little crazy,
a little shy,
but, are the, "have beens," me?
Who am I? My mother comes from the Black family.
My father is a Cooke.
Blacks are very quiet, very shy, very stubborn.
Cooles are very bold, very loud, very dramatic.
I think I am a mix between the two.
I think I have been Jinxed. Who am I?
I am a little shy, a little bold,
a little dramatic, a little loud. I think I must be like the eagle and the dove. Who am I?
OMG! A Ruth Spotting!
(insert pingy pangy theme from Twilight Zone)
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
The family values argument can best be addressed by Uncled Fred. Since he had the mumps as a child and was sterile, his estimated 100 children which technically includes Flora were simply not his. I have heard 16 wives and you may correct me, his first 4 had no children, the remainder show several decades of where the reassignment practise occured.
The defense of christian family values is one not shared with traditional or churches outside the FLDS faith. Without a decree of Divorce exampled by Jason Williams wife Suzanne, she was reassigned without civil procedure.
When Warren asked Mayor Dan Barlow to leave the community, he was a duly elected official and while rejection from the church was his choice as gods representative on earth, with out civil procedure Mayor Dan accepted Warrens decree over the voters. In most cities a vote of no confidence or a recall might of been in order, but where church instructs state, Mr. Barlow was abliged to leave. All be it voters told to vote the prophets bidding, would of voted him out any ways, but this is not a democracy!
As for Ruth I have your picture on my wall, I took your photo at the Town Hall meeting on March 3rd you with a friend of mine, the two of you made a cute couple!
As posted in another section, those who have been identified as sex offenders, do not appear in the states sex offender registry and that alone ignores the basic right of parents to know whom the local abusers are. Its state law, not up to the Colorado City Police to decide who gets identified. I haven't met Mayor Dan's son in person, but I have met both Jack Cook and Johnny Jessop, but I am more concerned of others.
Debating family values and saying its just good people trying does not address actual convicted sex offenders that were not reported per the states reporting requirements. This may of been explained as private to the faithful, but under the law it is not!
Lets put the truth on the table and pull the court records to back it up. A war of words amongst those that pride themselves in the truth need to be honest here lest public records be posted to demostrate the facts as the courts know them.
I may not agree with your religion, or your life style, but your message I do agree with. Why are child molesters sympathized with, why there victum's are labled crazy. Mentally ill. They are tracked like Hell is on it's way in a tornado storm, but these--------molesters are sympathized with and left free. We believe in honesty. We believe in Justace. I could see these people, being left to rome around, if there victums are safe. But by ------lets give their victums the same curtiosy. A women wants to see a child. The crime was reported. She is put away. I agree, by all means. If you want what I want, equal protection under the law. Let us first establlish a law. There seams to be none, unless you can hire a lawer, but if you are just one of those molested victum's, well lets put this one away. She is crazy. Yes we know, her Father was convicted. He only got five years. She got a life sentance. Let us establlish law. VICTUMS ARE NOT CRAZY. THEY ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTS OF THESE MEN. THESE MEN ARE. LETS BE KIND. LETS BE CUTIOUSE. LET US FORGIVE. LET US WORSHIP JESUS, BUT LET THE MOLESTERS DO IT BEHIND BARS. There was no mercy for thier crazy victums. They were marked for life. People do not say, " their is so, and so," They say, "their goes so and so'S, daughter, he did such and such." I wonder if any one ever knew these people. THEY ARE NOT THE QUILTY ONE. THE MEN WHO MOLESTED THEM ARE.
It is clear that you have been a victim of some serious wrongs.
I am on the "outside". I know some of the same things that happen on the "inside" happen on the "outside". We are all people and as such I feel pain and sorrow for you. I am a Christian and will be praying that God heals you as only He can. I pray, too, that you and your children will be safe from those who have wronged you.
I cannot imagine living as you have with all that pain. I can tell you have a relationship with the Lord. Hold fast to that and may God bless and keep you.
And as to the photo of Ruth. What does it matter, if you have her photograph. Every one who could have testified to protect her ran like cowards, to hide behind lies. Speak the truth yourself. There has been a religiouse crusade going on. NO BODY CARES ABOUT THE MOLESTED. The molesters say they are crazy and put them away, why they have a room full of other victums. This is not a secret. The government has these records. It was not hidden from any one. Pull out your paper trail, but why every one is scrambling to save face, and rearange paper's. I think it would be better to let sleeping dogs lie, and get rid of the molester's. The ones who would sell there own daughter to hell. and I am not talking about Warren Jeffs, OR HIS HONEST CITY PEOPLE. I am talking about the A. B. C. truck, and the ones who sold an inacent girl, to Hell and the twilight Zone. WArren Jeffs did stop this. When you think to expose another, make sure you can stand in the light. I think other than the religiouse persicution, my people have had to endure, from the day of their birth, the Police in Utah did ok. They just need to put predudice aside, and remove the rest of the crimnals. Where else in america, is a person asked what religion a person is from, to decide what kind of law, they will recieve. Is it this way in your state. "What is your religion? Do you love this man? Do you worship Jesus in this way? Well if you do, we then need law to restrict you. Or do you go into court, and the Judge and lawers say, "What is the crime?" Then do you procede to uphold law, or do your lawers barter and come to a conclusion, and a jury decides the sentance. Or Do you put a women away, on another mans word. Does this women have to find out there was a court, that took her life away, from gossip. I say By-------hang up that photo. lets sing agian. How many child molesters, walked away, why there victums were declared retarded. Hang up my photo, Flora, this is one story, you will not have to lie, one-I-ota, to get a story. Hang up the photo. Play the song I sung to the man too. Lets rock. I asked for one thing. ONE -----DAMED THING. ONE THING.............ONE THING. hang up the photo. lets rock. It was there choice. the cradle or the nation. I asked for my child. Just to see them. under gaurd, like they made up all the rules for me to do. YOU HAVE TO SEE HER, IN THE HOUSE HOLD OF THESE MEN, IN THE PRECENCE OF THESE MEN, ON THE PROPERTY AT ALL TIMES, AND I AM ARRESTED FOR TRESPASSING. THEY THINK TO TRY ME AGAIN. HANG UP MY PHOTO FLORA. GET MY SISTER TO TELL THE TRUTH. WHY WAS SHE EXILED TO BE A STRANGER IN THE STREETS OF AMERICA. WHY FLORA, WHY HANG UP THE PHOTO. TELL THE NATION ABOUT THIS VILLAGE RETARD. AND SEND tEXAS'S A DOZEN ROSES. WHY YOU LIE TO STOP RELIGION, THE VICTUMS ARE EXPLOITED. TELL THE TRUTH WOMEN. TELL THE TRUTH. WHO WILL STAND IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. PULL THE RECORDS. I CALLED AND REPORTED ABUSE. I WAS PUT AWAY. NOT FIT TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF LET ALONE A CHILD. I ASKED FOR ONE THING. I WAS THE RETARD. MY CHILDREN ARE BEAT FOR LOVING ME. I AM EXILED. TELL THE TRUTH, YOU--------------------THERE IS NO WORDS LEFT TO DESCRIBE I LEFT IT BLANK. IT WAS NOT PROPER LANGUAGE.
To 9:11 PM:
When you give up your freedom, you lose your dignity--so you figure how much dignity you've got left.
There is a bright side though--after reading the long list of things you've lost and had to give up--think of how much lighter you now are. Heavens, pretty soon you might even be light enough to be lifted up . . .
And why you mock, I will tell you what I did not lose. I did not lose Jesus. I did not lose my love of truth. I did not lose the ability to forgive. I did not lose the streanth to survive against all odds. I did not lose my dignatiy. I did not Lose eternal Life. Jesus said, all those who give up their all for me, will be given ten fold in return. You did take the show. You did stir people up to hate. You did try to destroy. I did hold to Love. My daughter, will go on with this Jesus. I will also. It is written, What you give out comes back ten fold. This women Thelma, wanted some one to care about her. How hard is it today, to find someone who cares. I have found a lot of people who care. What about you? You have to buy and threaten or use your followers. Who will come because they Love you? People suprting you, do so because you promise them destruction. You put on your pretty piture show. I think these women realy wanted some one to care. Caring costs nothing. It is rewarded ten fold. Why lies ruffle on the wind and are gone. It is said, people watch the news to get a moment thrill. Then it is over. Heaven and eternal Joy is never-ending. Sin never brought Joy. Sin in itself, with no accusers brings its own punishment. Hang up the photo Flora. Hang up the truth. This one you will not have to lie for. Play the song, I sung: If you dare. Get my sister to tell the truth: This one you will not have to lie for. This one will cause enough sensation on it's own. Lets rock Flora. Bring the show. Lets sing a bit. Lets dance a bit. Bring the band Flora, Lets rock the nation. Lets dance and sing again Flora. Bring the texas boots, and the cowboys in their texas hats. Lets rock this nation. Lets sing Flora. In the end who will win. Your father walks the streets too.
Wow! Ruth I am not Flora.. You came to Buster and chose to sing to him and us. We graciously did not complain, in fact we welcomed you song and poems. When you hugged Buster I asked if I could take your picture and you posed for it.
As I stated on the AIMOO board if you would detail your abuses in writing I would crusade an investigation into a past I am unaware of. It was not I who abused or ignored you. But to address such issues, I need to have them in writing. I need to know who did what and when, I need dates and names.
One day you were making that long trek to St. George on foot and a very good friend of mine picked you up. You sat in the back seat and a woman gave you fruit, oranges I think. That was my wife, picking up a weary traveler was the right thing to do. Helping that same traveler is still the right thing to do. But meet me half way and place your issues in writing and not in a public forum, such issues are private or should be.
I can't help if you refuse to walk to the center of the room, meeting me half way. I don't get paid for what I do, whether any one here agrees with me or not. I am who I am, just as Warren is who he is. I have issues with Warren which are documented and my truth is in the paper that Warren himself generated, if these are lies, then they are lies he committed to text.
As for whether the system has failed you or others, it has miserably. In 1987 when Sam Barlow was under investigation by DPS in Arizona, Jameson was the young AG investigator trying to decertify Barlow, then the police chief. 87 witnesses completed affidavits supporting Sam, who had abused his power, which included 40 from Law Enforcement. Sam was endorse often on agency letterhead, a "breach of public safety". The District attorneys of Washington County and Mohave county were included in that list, they were complicit to those abusing their power. Jim Gober of BATF, Phil Jordan of DEA, Bob Rehm of Arizona DPS, the Police Chief of Cedar City, The Elected Sheriff was Iron County, County Supervisors and a Utah Legislator. It was a who's who of the local region endorsing Mr. Barlow, who had violated his "oath of Office". This can be seen or read in a September 2nd, 1987 article in the St. George Spectrum, written by Loren Webb. Is it any wonder that you believe you were treated unfairly?
Flora whom you are angry with, was abused by DFS supervisor Chuck Sullivan when he breached her confidence by exposing private abuse complaints to the same priesthood council. The AG at the time Paul Graff, gave advise to Ben Bistline who had asked for it on behalf of Flora. He basically advised Flora to marry so she could later flee as an emancipated wife under the law. This is sad advise for a child who does not want to marry. Yet, you seem to hate Flora who also experienced trama, why hate other victims?
In 28,000 cases presented to Eric Ludlow in his 13 some odd years as County District Attorney, he did not prosecute a single case related to Colorado City abuse. While this was challenged in his confirmation hearings, the fault of agencies not enforcing the law, can hardly be blamed on activist that did not live in the area or who were not yet familiar with the subject.
Give us a clean slate for what we can achieve now and forgive us a past that we had no control over.
If you can meet me half way, I will send you my email address, I have yours, but out of respect I have not sent you unsolicited emails.
No disrespect was intended.
I will meet you half way. I said what I did to Flora. I do not hate her. She took the photo. I sang the song. It is this song I did speak about. I do not hate any one. I went like the ones before me. Loving Sam. Praying for Steven. I took those drugs. I walked across the desert. All night I walked. I walked from flagstaff, to the grand canyon. I got a ride twice, but I walked all night. I was thrown out again. I spent three weeks on crutches, for walking so far. I do not know why God did pick me. I am not any different than any one else. I took the drugs. I was put away. I listened to Sam Barlow talk in church. He does know how to talk. I will give him this much credit. I heard stories all day and night. I heard there was another Sam Barlow, out to Centenial Park. I do not wonder what he did again.[I am talking about Samuel Barlow of colorado city.] I wonder why people are afraid of him. He is no different than any other man. God does not uphold people who sell inacent women to Hell. They are all there. There is only one thing that is the same. Sam Barlow. Steven Barlow. with a word the women were sold. To be mocked and scorned and hated. To be plundered because, They were not as good. The men did walk with pardon. They were not even tagged by the state. My brothers daughter. My sister. How many more. How many more. You people who would feed these boy's. Teach them any thing that is good. If you can. How many parents turned their child away. How many were taken so they could be free, to be pesicuted on america's streets. I walked alone. I walked alone. I would not lie. I did get my information about Flora from Flora. She wanted me to comprimise. She was on drugs when I called her. I called Judith A Moorse. She sent me a paper, saying I had to sign all the rights over to the media, in order to have her help me. She said, she only takes cases the law had failed, and their familys turned away. I said no. I walked with My Jesus. He did put the life back into me. I was offered to get on the witness stand, and lie against Warren Jeffs. I said no. I walked with my Lord. Meet me half way? Do you relize what half way would be. I went to the mentle hospital. I walked ten years through a hospital, with my daughter. she died horribly in my arms. My ten year old did. I sat with her for three weeks, why she died, being told I loved her to much. Being screamed at. Being cursed. Three weeks I watched this child die. and the other two, and they took the one who would live, and put me away. I was crazy. Why? Why? They always ask me. They always ask me. Why? Like I did this thing. Why? I was a Cooke. He was a Barlow. I was a daughter of a child molester. Why? Because he could.
And Thelma, she was posting a sign, that said the devil had arrived, but with in the short amount of time, My people were in Texas, She was posting that Jesus was the Christ.
And Texas, I like you because when I was in your state, I was treated like a human being. I could say no to drugs.
The Ranger's that put me in the hospital, In Texas,when My step Father called them, saying I was retarded: They were Gentleman. The people in the mission house sang to me.
Texas will always be my heaven. It will be.
The man I love lives there.
Or will if he does not yet.
He does build a temple for me.
Tell me how you are related to Caroline Cook, Victoria Cook and Sarah Cook? Who was your father? Jack?
I would rather ask you such questions outside of an audience, but this is your choice.
Email me. give me a name. I think an audience is not too bad, if I am to be judged again, I may as well have my side heard, too. Since my name has been used for jest to barter and sell other's. I will go to texas and meet thelma. I will sing to her. I will make up a song for her, about Texas Cowboy Love.
I will do both! I will email you today and listen by word here. Publicly stating your abuses tells some of the wrong people someone is looking, but then, who knows maybe you're right, that could be good.
Empowerment is therapy and just being here is an example of that. Those without a voice have no hope, maybe what you know and speak will save someone else, from the abuses you experienced.
Look for my email.
The email was sent, its up to you, I will help if I can.
I did not see your email. I will give a few names. Willard Marion Barlow went to school in Cedar City. He was going to be a vetrinarian. He was pulling straight a's. He was expelled from school. He offered his wife to a man named Brad. Brad does drugs behind the cover of a company that sells eseential oils. He was at the diary giving cows shots behind peoples backs. He was introduced to me, as Dr. Bagley. Willard Marion Barlow. Started a dry wall company with my ex-husband Shelly Gene Cooke. Shelly Gene Cooke was ousted from the company. A women that was my respite sitter, said he molested my daughter. No one believed her. I did not. She became the village retard. She was LeeAnn's sister. She died in dixie, From a doctor stitching her bowls shut. they said this was an accedent. I had two babies die. The state did an investigation. I was never told why. I was always questioned about how I fed these children. That is all I heard. My daughter had a head injury. Again an investigation was done. Again they only questioned me. I took the blame for this accedent for ten years. For twelve years I stayed home tending my children. People would come to me and yell and scream at me. They would critazise me, for what he did. I lived in literal poverty, until Fred M. Jessop, heard how I lived. He then built my house for me. He sint me money in the mail. Shelly G. Cooke did not know this. He did drywall, and drove a desial truck. At the time I heard what this respite sitter said, I begin to wonder. She said that he did throw a knoke at her, and threaten to kill her. I had never seen this man violent. as time went on, I also did suspect this. I did confront him. Sam Barlow, did come with him. They took me to kingman. They were going to get connie presnel, to help them. She would not participate, so they said. They took me in a room with another women. We sat down at a table. She did say, "Do not put her in this jail, she would never survive." I looked at her. I laughed. I said, "What?" I said, "I have been misrepresented by these two men." She became upset. She said, "did you ever hurt your daughter?" again I laughed. I said, "no" I did not know at this time, that Sam Barlow was my enimie. We left the room. Sam and Shelly argued. They refused me a phone call. When I arrived back home, I went for a walk. My children were still at the baby-sitters. I was impressed to go home. I did. I walked in on my ex-husband molesting my daughter. I will not give the details on an open Blog. I called 911. I left this man. He came back to harrass me. Saying, "This matter had already been investigated, and said he knew what to do to take care of me. I told him I do not care. I moved into Dick Cooke's house for protection. Dick Cooke said he owned me. I laughed at him too. I told him --nobody owned me. That was the greatest mistake. He did own me. I just did not know this yet. There was a girl, I liked. She was teaching me how to play the piano. Dick said I was a lesbian. She was mad at me. She said, her husband did, not want her to talk to me. Steven Barlow, asked my how, I liked her. He asked me about kidnapping her children. I was confused. I cried in my bed for three days. I went to see Uncle Fred. I told him this was not true. He did protect me. Willard was my age. I knew of him. I went to school with him. I did nothing with him. He came and asked me to marry him. I did. He was married to Leeann. She told me, she had been praying for me to come. I spent one year under the grossest of abuse. He would take Leeann and I for a ride in his car, and make her drive. He wanted me to have sex, with him. She cried in the back seat. I told him I was not his hore. I seen the letter he had wrote, to offer her to Brad. She was humiliated. He began to beat my children. He spread lies all over about me. I was the villiage idiot. I did not know all he did until later. I mean I di not know every one thought I was the village idiot. I was taking care of my children. I took acare of his preschoolers, and my children. I cleaned his house every day. I made lunch every day, for the school children. Lee Ann worked in the preschool with Ilene. She cried a lot in her room. He gave her pills. He tried to force pills down me. He took me to a motel, and tried to get me to drink. I do not do drugs. I do not drink. When we were done with our battles, I still did not do drugs. I still did not drink. Mitzi was concevied. He spent the time I was pregnant, trying to make me abort her. He would lock me out. He drugged my son. He beat my son's, and beat them for talking about this. I called 911. When we got to the hospital, the boys story changed. I was the idiot. These Barlow's only had me in there family for one year. Not one of them was kind to me. Willard screamed at me, saying his mother had to die. She was taken to the clinic. She too was put on medicine. I never heard why. His brother was the doctor. I could go on for a year. every moment I was in that house. abuse did occure. He beat little tiny preschool children, for twitching in prayer. He drugged my daughter. He did drug me. He did take my daughter and son, into the bed room and torment them. I could hear their cries. This is when I battled with him. I tried to open the door. He di throw me down. I did again open the door. He did throw me down. I agin opened the door. He did throw me down. I did report abuse to Dr. Smith. The talk was, I was hallucinating my father. Non of this was real. My family all testified against me. I was the retard. I supose I must have apeared retarded. I was the only one in the house who was not afraid of him. He decided what we were quilty of and punished us, accordinly. I was the imoral retard. I know my family did and does not know all that happened. He is very good at these stories. My brother did come to ask me. I was stupid, because Willard was ahead of me, with his story's. At any rate, I left his house after a year. I took mitzi with me. I took my other two children. I tried to take my other son's. My eleven year old was forcfully dragged from me. My daughter died. MY other one was drugged and taken from me. I was told they would kill her, and every one would think I did this. I went to the mentle hospital. I was forced on drugs. I was court ordered treatment. I worked in Flagstaff, for a Little while. I was making eight hundred dollars a month. Dick got the Apartment for me. Uncle Fred came down. He gave Dick one thousand dollars to get me an apartment. I had never been away from home. My job had been a mother. I did not talk to Uncle Fred. about what had happened to me. I was not told what happened to Mitzi for a long time. They said she was squared away. What ever that means. It was at this time, Willard and Dick came down and told me to sign this paper, so I could go home. It was noterized and I was required to take a partnting class. This was the papers to take my children away. I found this out later. When I moved to fredonia. In this court, I was declared mentaly, and phisaccly not capable of taking care of myself, let alone a child. I continued to work. I called home every day, asking to go home. My sister, in pheonix, came to Flagstaff. She also wanted to go home. She had been down there for three year's. Dick expected her to move into this tiny apartment, with me. It did not even have a kitchen. She looked at me. She said "MY, Hell how do you stand this. It is filthy. It is not fit for a human, let alone all of us. She had her children. I began to look around me. She was on housing. I could no longer work. I was so flipping exastued. I got on S.S.I. She found us and apartment. A two beroom apartment. Dick continued to harrase us. I wanted to go home. He told her, she was the problem, and that he knew she would fail. He told me, that she hated me, and wanted me gone. I called MY sister, at home, a lot. I did not at this time, Belive all this one in pheonix told me. Dick did let me come home. He let her also. Then after more sick, sick, sick, Dick Cook abuse, He threw me out again. I had to take a pregnacy test. I called him up, and told him, it took more than a phone call to get a girl pregnant. I did mock him. They had the power. They had the say. That is just some of it. I do not give a hoot about the ones outside of my church, that was participants in this. I want these men stopped. I was a fool. I was a stupid Short Creek fool. Willard told me how to kill a baby so nobody would know. He told me he would teach my children to be child molesters and turn them over to Their father. I am the one who took the wrap. My sons were threatened with a boys home, if they did not go to denver with this man. They did make an attempt to do this. Thank's to Lamar Winword, and Judge L. Shumate, My children remaind in my custody, except Mitzi. They used her as a pawn to controle me, " ya, come get your son's and I will kill your daughter. You will go to Jail again. These cops did openly lie about me, in this court. Again, They have the witnesses. They have the say. All are not traitors. Just some. I have their own written statement. I will quote, This is Johnathon Roundy speaking. He is one of the cops who assulted me, when I went to see my children. I had a court order, saying I had to be there. I had to be guarded by Willard Marion Barlow at all times, and be in his precence, in his house, to see my daughter. They made up the rules not me. I was arrested for crimnal tresspassing. I was arrested with interfering with a police officer, and resisting arrest. This is his statement. "As I walked up to the lovation Ruth said, "Jonathan Roundy" so I knew she was some what coherent. I know she has been prescribed medication in the past." on and on. They never took the time to know me. They are Willard and Dicks friends. Helaman, and vance Barlow were always kind to me. Fred Barlow, I never know was a cop. Mika and Fred booked me. This women in the Jail, wanted me to spread my arms. I could not, because of their treatment of me. The women said, this is not a joke. I said, I am sorry, but I can not use my arm. They did move me to another room. Bail was posted, and I was brought before a Judge. Again I am going on trial, for my mentle health. This time, I shall have a jury. It is written in the scriptures, If a person offend thee, privatly go betwene him and thee. If a person offend you publicly, it is a matter of publicity. It was said, from Texas, to California, My retardedness, before I ever knew. Yet in texas they treated this retard as a human being. In amirrillo Texas, the trash cans are like our walmart. In amirillo texas there is a faith city mission house. They have some encredible singers and sermons. They feed people. The give homeless people food. They took care of this one retard. The buses, the cat's, the street junkies. All had nore curtisy than My fathers brothers house. They had nore maners than my husband who swore to Love and honor, and protect. In texas street's, the ones under the bridge, did offer me. I said no. They said ok. In texas I could say no to men touching me. I could say no to drugs. I am laying the blame, of what happened to me, on society. Every one was at fault. It is not that I did not say what happened to me. I did not want to leave home. This was most of the choices I had. I did not want to do drugs. Willard was easy to resist. Try resisting in a lock down asanasylum. Then I was snared. Dick did onw me. all he had to do is make a call. In texas he made that call to them too. I was hospitalized. In texas they treat there retards like people. I remaember every face. Will in flagstaf. William in texas. The man my ex- traded drugs with on his desiel truck, in novia scotia canada. In canada, when he tried to sneak across the wron port, and he forgot my Id. so he had to go back to the port that let me in. To teawana Mexico, where he was detained for hours coming back into the united states. They did not check his bags going out. only in. And to the one in california, on the boat. He at least did give me a chair. He sweat a great deal, seeing me face to face, but that ended these men after me, that dick had hired. I remember the man who gave my daughter her shot. I have not forgot one face. Dr. Twiggs. Dr. Kerry Smith. She was the greatest doctor, I ever saw. Dr. Moody. Connie Presnel. Linny. Cathy. Ilene. Every day I fed a handicap child, that had a head injury. I fed her every two hours, for ten years. I walked through the hospitals in dixie, In pheonix, St. Joeseph's. the county hospital. My mystrey daughter. I listened to the insults. I fed my child. I dressed my child. Every day I braided her hair. I sent three cute little boys to school. They played with my daughter. She was the center of our Life. We revolved around my daughter, and when I met Dick on a word I was not fit. Not fit to see my own daghter who would walk. One who woul talk. My sin wanting a daughter. And they took her from me. Who would defend me? The mentle health? The nurses? The doctors? They all knew. It was me who was accused. I never heard. I never knew I was already convicted. Who will defend me? I WALKED ALONE. MOCKED BY ALL. I CALLED FLORA. I CALLED THIS DENTIST IN SALT LAKE. I WENT TO THE CHILD BRIDE ORGANISATON. BOB CORAN WAS NICE TO ME. I WENT TO UNCLE FREDS HOUSE. STEVEN BARLOW THREW ME OUT AGAIN. I WENT TO THE COLORADO CITY POLICE. THEY DID NOT WANT TO HEAR MY BULL. I WENT TO THE DISTRICT ATTORNY. HE WANTED TO KNOW WHAT MY RELIGION WAS. I SCREAMED AT HIM. HE ALSO WAS THE MAN WHO ARRESTED MY FATHER. I DID NOT KNOW THIS WOULD UPSET ME. The mentle health would help me, until they talked to my family. Who is at fault. We all are. The indians' took care of me. I listened to two lawers say they came up here for vacation, because every one in my city was so easy going. They were debating wheather or not to put a boy in jail, for sneaking out with two girls. I heard one say, What should I say. The mother said, tell the truth. this girl said, what if she lies. The mother said tell the truth. She did. This boy was eighteen. she was seventeen. Because she told the truth, this boy was given a chance to go to school, instead of going to jail, with a crimnal record. These lawers were only on vacation. I told this girl, at least you were only drinking. you can quit. I can not quit my sin. wanting to see, my child. making the mistake of wanting a man to love me. Meeting my Fathers brother. I do not know why nobody defended me. My brother, who seen the shows in Dicks house. My sister in pheonix. My sisters at home. May be they thought they were the only ones too. May be they thought it was them, like abusers inflict quilt upon their victums. Maybe it was the telivision show, that said we were retarded, and I solated. That mentle hospital was very close to me. Maybe it is predjudace. Maybe men wanted more glory. I think Winston can call himself lucky. He wanted a church to lead. He has a following from Africa. He has a few left from canada. The dentast, in salt lake. He has the ones in the apartment, Willard pays the rent for, why the man that raped the girl, is selling Willard his truck. And she is a prisoner of society. How many more women like Pam will there be? She owns her own property. She did not get put away when Sam Barlow tried. She was more vocal than me. How many nore women are there going to be, like Lanore Timpson, who married an alcholic, and carried on her fathers abuse. She got on the bus and Told Dick Cooke to his face he was a child molester. she was vidiod like my, by steven Barlow. She was institutionalized. She was put on drugs. Her children were put on the bus with the acused. I made a complaint to the school. My children could not read and Wright. her's were straight A student's and won an award, by the state of arizonia. Yet, they were not protected. Is there not power in a state, to make corrections. This is a powerful burden on the state. To make the district attorney's pay the price. They can only go off the information given them. LETS ALL BE AMERICAN. iN MY CASE it shall not be to dificult to win. As all who know anything about me, outside of gossip, will never walk away thinking I am retareded. You may think a lot obout me, but you will never think I am retarded. Court is again in session. My jury has been selected. Think carefuly before you pass the verdict.
I used the email address use registered with at AIMOO, it was a hotmail address, is there another address?
I know many of the names below. I began with Lenore Holm in August of 2000 and know her history well.
Pam Black is a friend as well, you're right she was lucky to own her own land and yes it was the "bloated toad" (Sam Barlow) who tried to ruin her life. There is much truth in what you have said.
Officer Jonnathon Roundy is Sam's brother, correct? Judge Walter Steed of Hildale assigned his underage daughter Lucille to be Jonnathans 2nd wife, but she too was the lucky one and fled after one long month there. Its time to set the secrets FREE!
The stories of drugs include both perscription and illegal, both misused in a society with little oversight. Perscription drugs are high and misused because the Hildale clinic has its own doctors that can legally perscribe perscription drugs. Like you Tamara and others were kept in line with these, that secret was let out of the box some time back.
Then like you Ms. Phelps lawyers tricked her into signing over custody papers on her kids, to whom? Amy and William Black, this while William was already in Mexico after fleeing authorities. Some people wondered who paid Amy's lawyer fees. Kidnapping someone else children seems legal out there. Reassigned or if not willing by force seems accurate to me.
I am curious who the vacationing lawyers were and when you reported your abuse to Mr. Smith, was that Kirk Smith?
If you were with Dick or Richard Cook, this was your uncle? Was Jack your father? You need to give me a short lesson on your family tree?
The dentist you speak of his Dan, I know much from your dialog, but need to iron out points. If you would give your email to this webmaster and not the group, maybe he can relay it to me or vice-versa.
Can you tell me about your daughter? Did she pass away and if so at what age? Where was she? and by what official cause?
With your permission, I would like to speak to your sister to understand more of what you have said here.
As for Sam Barlow, his day is coming!
I used the email address use registered with at AIMOO, it was a hotmail address, is there another address?
I know many of the names below. I began with Lenore Holm in August of 2000 and know her history well.
Pam Black is a friend as well, you're right she was lucky to own her own land and yes it was the "bloated toad" (Sam Barlow) who tried to ruin her life. There is much truth in what you have said.
Officer Jonnathon Roundy is Sam's brother, correct? Judge Walter Steed of Hildale assigned his underage daughter Lucille to be Jonnathans 2nd wife, but she too was the lucky one and fled after one long month there. Its time to set the secrets FREE!
The stories of drugs include both perscription and illegal, both misused in a society with little oversight. Perscription drugs are high and misused because the Hildale clinic has its own doctors that can legally perscribe perscription drugs. Like you Tamara and others were kept in line with these, that secret was let out of the box some time back.
Then like you Ms. Phelps lawyers tricked her into signing over custody papers on her kids, to whom? Amy and William Black, this while William was already in Mexico after fleeing authorities. Some people wondered who paid Amy's lawyer fees. Kidnapping someone else children seems legal out there. Reassigned or if not willing by force seems accurate to me.
I am curious who the vacationing lawyers were and when you reported your abuse to Mr. Smith, was that Kirk Smith?
If you were with Dick or Richard Cook, this was your uncle? Was Jack your father? You need to give me a short lesson on your family tree?
The dentist you speak of his Dan, I know much from your dialog, but need to iron out points. If you would give your email to this webmaster and not the group, maybe he can relay it to me or vice-versa.
Can you tell me about your daughter? Did she pass away and if so at what age? Where was she? and by what official cause?
With your permission, I would like to speak to your sister to understand more of what you have said here.
As for Sam Barlow, his day is coming!
Miss Ruth Cook, Or Barlow, or whatever you want to go by: I remember one time while I was still living in my fathers house in Colorado CIty, he invited Willard over for dinner after you had married him. It was before your daughter died. It was clearly evident to everyone there that you were seriously mentally ill. Your daughter started crying during the blessing of the meal, and I can honestly say, you didn't treat her very kindly. I remember feeling sorry for you, for you looked so emotionally beat up. You speak SOME truths of what you say, and some of what you write I can understand. I remember seeing you walking down the streets of Fredonia like a homeless person. You are trying to fool yourself into believing things that are in no doubt purpostrous. Whatever drugs you say they forced you to take, have definitely loosened some screws in your head to the extent that you must be seeing things. Maybe some of these things DID happen to you, and I think that all parties should be investigated more closely and the guilty should be punished. But I can tell you that you most definitely are not capable of raising children, let alone yourself. Oh, if only Warren could get ALL his faithful followers to be as mind controlled as you, he would for sure have his "army of one". Please, for your sake and everyone elses, put yourself back in the assylum before you do something "ruth" like!!
Mr T,
Thank you for your post. It needy to be lengthy, don't apoligize. I do not doubt there are some incredibly good people in CC/Hildale. It is interesting to hear about the lifestyle. I understand that the women know nothing else and would be totally overwhelmed if they lived my life. That is kind of sad to me.
Oooops, pressed enter before I was finished with my post!!!
The people in Tx. HAVE to be extremely skilled. I have seen the temple from the road and it is absolutly unbelievable!!! Too bad they can't share those skills.
Thank you to everyone else who posts about their lifestyle here. Keep it up if it helps you feel better.....be careful though.
another cocky, smart woman
To mib, or the one who cares. I am interested in talking. There is too much truth in all these women's talk. I also knew Tamra Phelps, a little. There are others who are known, but not named yet. This is my email. ruthjcooke65_@hotmail.com I can delete the ones I do not want to see. I am not afraid of publicity. As you can see by that other ones post, saying what she did about me, living with Willard, this is what I endured with him, from all. Critazism. I care nothing about critazisim. I am for stopping gross abuse. gross, gross abuse. Lets help these women. I am talking to the one who wanted my email address. Sam Barlow id quilty. Johnathon Roundy is not his brother. Steven is. Mica is stevens son. William Black was married to Trumans Daughter. Marvin is my brother. Caroline is his daughter. Bill is also Dick's son. Bill is also Marvins son. Gene is Dicks son. I call Dick Dick, Because he is Dick. My father was Jack. I lived with his brother Dick. What a heritage. I try to pretend I do not know a Jack and a Dick. Dick is realy Richard Henery Cooke. His father was Bill Cooke. Bill Cooke was from Idaho. He was Married to Aunt Radie. Jacks mother was Myrtle vera cooke. She died. I never Knew her. My brothers and sisters are: Allen, Claude, Laurene, Joeanna, eve, Royal, Lydia, Kristine, Russel, Shirley, Lester, Ronnie, Alice, Laura, Diane, Lola, Robert, Geniel, Mathew, Mary, Katie, stanley, Grace ann, Fredrick, Thomas, Paul, Erna, Jack Jr. Gwen, Orval, Marjene, Linda, Orlin, Ross, Myrtle, Max, Louise, Nancy, Benjiman, Rebecca, Marie, Susan, Lorin, Nathan, ME, Edwin, Blaine, Holly WAlter and Daniel. give or take a few.
I will tell you the dead. Marjene. My daughter Donna Marie. Orlin, Blaine, Cathy Bistline, Kristle Dawn, Esther Ruth
With Donna, I was never told. An investigation was done by the f.b.i. I looked in her chart, when I came back from texas. Dr. Kerry Smith, who I heard came from new york city, did defend me. I suposed from that note, I was the accused. At Donna's frunral, Willard told me Mitzi was next. He got in the hersh, and cried like he realy cared, after he said that. He is the only one who cared. My sister Marjene died of cancer. She was harrassed like me. We, my sisters were sent home because we loved her. We were singing to her. I stayed. She Jumped out of bed, in a flurry, and said I have to have something to eat. I do not care what it is . She ratched through the house, like a starved to death women. There was a house fire. She left her Iron on. My brother Lorin said he pulled her out, but when they came, she was to sick, and they climed aout the window.
Esther Ruth was born with endocardiofibrolactosis. which is, the end of the heart valve did not close. She died from a heart that was enlarged so big it crushed her stomic. She starved to death. Kristle Dawn Cooke, was born with dextria cardia, so they said. All her organs were reversed. She had total dextria cardia, so they said. They said it was rare, to have totla dextria cardia. most people only had one organ revesed. they said at first she should live a long time. She also died of an enlarged heart, that crushed her stomic. She starved to death. I told the doctors in pheonix, did up my other baby. retest them. they said we can not. They thought she might have pompays desiese. They said it is inconsistant with pompay's desise for only one organ to enlarge. They took a peice of flesh out of her leg to test. It came back negative. They argued about another test. I did not hear what all was said. They did not know I could hear them. One said, "The mother would never agree" They Kept her ten days. Her lungs were filling faster than they could be suctioned. She was in conjestive heart faliure. They did not expect her to live past ten day's. After ten days they sent me home. They had her with Home health. She lived another two months and died.
My Brother Edwin killed himself, so they said. This was Dicks story. He took a tube or hose, and hooked it up to a car, and asphixiated himself. We were told to stay away. At that time, Marie lived with Val, so we had some fredom. We went any how. We went into a morge. or a place. He did lay upon a table. He was green and colored like the unprepared dead. He was turned to ashes. Dick said he had to be burned to attone for his sin. He was in a place to over come molesting, and being molested. He is the only one of my brothers that have said he was molested. I was eight, he was seven when my father came to his bed. Then he beat him and threw him out in the winter, to freeze. I went out and sat with him. I am not the one who was beat, that day. He was. He did not have a choice to say no. It is questionable, Did he kill hiself? I only know what Dick said. He went to a store. He bought the stuff. His signature was on the paper. He left a note, to my mother. It said, "If you want to know why I did this, It is none of your business. He did tell my mother before he died, that it was not her fault.
My brother Orlin was going to work with William Black. My brother Lorin was driving. My brother said, william grabbed his hand. He was tring to get some snack food why he was driving. William Black was smarting around. When my brother looked up, he was off the road. He over corected. The van rolled. My Brother had a hole through his head. My brother driving, said he went to the city of heaven. He did get up and try to help my brother. He was walking around and did not know he was hurt, until the cops came. He was trying to help my brother. Then he was out for a while. I was forced to go to the funral, and look at the hole in my brothers head. we were very close. Britt, Orlin. We did a lot. they were my friends. I did not want to go see him dead. I was forced.
With Laurene, there also was a house fire. The neighbors came and she got out in time. They seen the smoke up on the roof. she was cooking in the house. The fire started in the attic. She got out in time to not have the celilng fall down on her. John stewart's wife, brought food to the people who helped put out the fire. Alvin Barlow moved maries plants.
Kathy was my respite sitter. she is the one who said she, saw Shelly Gene Cooke Molesting my handicap daughter, first. I was in texas when she died. I heard a doctor stitched her bowls shut. They then did explode. Suposidly this was an accedint.
More of the Questionable dead? There was the school teacher, who drove of the cliff, betwene hurricane and colorado city.
There is The one who was selling Shelly his truck, I can not remember his name. He was swimming in Lake powel. He did walk into the lake and did not walk back out.
The three men, in the airplane. They had feul. They died on the mountian. This was when I came home for a bit from flagstaff. I went to the frunral. I looked at the two men. They also did look like my children, and their drugs. I did go home and ask Dick what he thought Donna would look like dead. She was already dead. I was speaking spiritually. She did live in the heavens. He will not. I did say to him. What do you supose she would look like dead? He did have these dead hung in pitures upon his wall. Like his trophies. With my Daughter Donna Marie, he waited until the day before she died, to call all the meighbors in for sympathy. Her back did bend backwards. I listened to her back bones break, for three weeks she retracted. Her head sat on her butt. Blood did run from her mouth. Blood did run from her ears. Blood did run from her G-tube. On that last day, they all came in. these people. Dick did come and take a piture to show, uncle Rulon. She did smile for the show. A few in fredonia, did get to see that photo graph. Dick will not give it again. It is printed in my head. Ask the nurse in the doctors office why she screamed at me. and then the home health came. Debbie Bistline, said she was already dead. I just needed to shut down the tube. I could not make myself quit trying to feed her. They told me I had too. She was dead any how.
other questionable dead?
The one who went to the edge of the world. They were rock climbing. The story I heard, is he just slipped to his death.? There are other's. YOu already have the records. the buriels.
With me, I was sentanced to death on america's street's. A convicted child abuser. Who would hire me? I went to cedar city mountian. I aplied for a job. I was hired. I went to another lodge. I put my name on a computer. I was testing them. I went back to were I worked. The people who had hired me, recieved a phone call. They said they would let me work that day, but I could not come back. I wlked away. They sent someone to give me a ride. When I found out who they were I insisted they put me back upon the street.
How is that? There is more. Think of Emily's daughter. She was gange raped. They put sand in her mouth, and every other place they could. and Sam Barlow sent her away. I heard this talk.
Who else is there? Louis Barlow had a son drown. He did recieve a letter. It said, he was only the first. More would follow.
And since We have returned to cout again, Dick has been over to Eldon's house to fix his pipes. I did not go to see, if he would wink at me through the bedroom window again.
The Lord spake unto his Prophet Warren Jeffs saying, "Tell my daughter Ruth, also known upon the Earth as Opalb, who also calls herself Comute, that she should no longer posteth upon this blog, Him finding bloggers to be the foulest of Satan's minions."
Then the lord spake unto me saying, "Warn Ruth that if she continueth posting upon this blog that I will sendeth Willie to smite her."
Thus sayeth the Lord
well look in the mirror you foulest of bloggers because you are posting here too. Ruth has a right to say what she will.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take this dialog with Ruth to the email address she gave you. If you want to pursue this "information" she is giving you, more power to you. She is obviously unbalanced and although I am deeply sorry for her and horrified about what she has gone through in her life, it does not excuse you from encouraging her ramblings on this forum. If you chase these things she is telling you, you will find that you are chasing cloud shadows. She needs medication and help, not encouragement in her hallucinations. GOOD GRIEF!!
Or at least, Mr. Blog Admin, please open a thread for Ruth: About Ruth, by Ruth and to Ruth. Then the rest of us can continue our conversations without having to scroll through her endless diatribes and soliloquies.
she lives in her reality for a reason. Maybe your affraid to face your own truths.
She has a right to post here if she chooses. If it makes you squeemish then face your own deamons.
OK. I promise to face my own "demons" if you promise to confront a dictionary sometime soon. My point is not that she shouldn't have an outlet or even whether I agree or disagree. The point is that she rambles on and on and the rules are to keep it short. At least if she had her own thread, those of us not interested in enduring her view of reality could avoid that thread, where we had some pretty good conversations going on this one before she came along and started singing solo. Ya know what I mean? Now, if you want to hear about all those things that she says, go to her thread and drink up!
I for one am grateful for Ruth's postings here. She offers a look into this culture that is absolutely chilling, and extremely enlightening. Yes, I understand she is disturbed, and that one must understand Ruth's comments within the context of her condition. But that makes what she has to say no less disturbing. I suspect there is a lot more truth to Ruth's remarks than many of the other comments made my more stable personalities.
There are longer posts than hers.
Use the scroll bar if you cannot handle a reality not custom fit to your own wants..
Her post is hard to follow at times. I know there are allot of inaccuracies but there is also an actual basis for many of the things she said.
We cannot all be perfect. If your going to criticize me for misspelling a couple words then you are control freak. You understood the word so get over yourself.
Well the points of some here are well taken, but what Ruth says does matter. This is a 10,000 piece jig saw puzzle and my guess is that I have more pieces than some, less than others.
I met Ruth in person on March 3rd and while I can not recall all of her story, there is enough truth between the lines to piece together a truth that not all here have the patience to find.
My perspective comes from being the state rep. of FOR KIDS SAKE, which addresses child abuse prevention. I did not exist as this when Ruth was being abused, still I for one value her opinions, no matter how hard they are to understand.
For El Dorado Texas you can curse me for inviting the media circus last year. While the party belonged to Flora, Buster & Linda, it was my job to invite the guests. The Ross Chatwin Press conference on January 23rd of 2004 I engineered alone. Even the March 3rd Town Hall meeting in St. George had my finger prints on it.
In order to be advanced informed ahead of the press, enough so that the press is inquiring, requires a good activist to listen to all parties. I would speculate that Winston in Canada does not agree with me often, but we leave the lines of communications open. For whatever common ground was gained, the communication was not lost or undervalued.
You're right about moving it to a string or thread of its own, but I might speculate that more journalist who follow this site will still follow Ruth's thread. Her email or the one I have, she has not respond to. Since she literally walks between Colorado City and Hurricane Utah, we should just once walk that path in her shoes. When was the last time you walked 25 miles?
This said, I will take this to the new thread.
To MIB 7:03 PM:
So that's what your job is; "a party" involving media circus's . . .
To put a spotlight on abuse.
When I tried to help a mother who wanted her daughter back in August of 2000, the Washington County sheriff, Mohave County sheriff and Colorado City police ignored the mothers criminal complaint. Thank goodness we had the press or media we have today.
Do you really think the Utah Attorney General M.S. or Arizon'a AG in T.G. would be as involved as they are had the press not crusaded the cause?
At the Town Hall meeting I apologized to the Utah AG for all the exposure and he said, progress would not of been made without the pushing.
If its not progress, are you thinking we should allow the Jack Cookes of this world or the Dan Barlow juniors to get away with what they have already?
My job is to expose corruption, child abuse is only one of many issues I address. If it became a circus, then so be it. Thanks to Warren January 2004 he did more to spotlight the problems in one month, than what I had done for 4 years.
Warren said...
The Lord of flies spake unto his Prophet Warren Jeffs saying, "Tell everyone that I am a KKK wannabe, that I really want to wear white sheets with pointed hood, I want to burn crosses in the night.
Then the lord of flies spake unto me saying, "Warn Warren that if he continueth posting upon this blog that I will sendeth porky pig, daffy duck, and mickey mouse to smite him."
Thus sayeth the Lord of flies.
And as you ask, so shall it be!
You shall have your flies.
Be careful little ones what you ask God for. He will give it to you.
Warren, go work on another one of your racist brain-washing messages or dream up another false prophesy.
ps: with all that false-prophesying and procreating, how does one have time to blog,???
And as you ask, so shall it be!
You shall have your flies.
Be careful little ones what you ask God for. He will give it to you.
1:30 AM
Yes God has given Warren the gift of flies, those that buzz, those that bite. Yes Warren Jeffs has become the boil on the butt of humanity(Yep that attracts um, the flies that is.)
Here in Texas we have all the flies to make Warren happy, stable flies, screw flies(Warren's favorites), stable flies, face flies, and Texas sized horse flies.
Buzz Buzz LMAO in Texas!
Thus saith the Lord unto my slothful and disobedient servant Warren:
Behold thy works are before me and cannot be hidden; the cup of mine wrath is full and vengence will soon fall upon thee as a thief in the night.
The sword of mine indignation is unsheathed and the destroying angel of visitation is waiting to carry out my will.
Thy prophecies and thy sayings have fallen to the ground unfulfilled. All of thy doings are evil and not after the teachings and pattern of mine Only Begotten, who is full of grace and truth.
Thou hast forsaken thine inheritance and the words of mine true apostles who hath gone before thee; thou hast dishonored them and their works of righteousness. Thou hast listened to the voice of that evil one who was a liar from the beginning; and who hast inclined thine ear to do evil all the day long.
Verily, verily I say unto thee; the bowells of hell are opened wide to receive thee, and thy master, satan, listeth to bind thee forever with his awful chains. The tormentor's of thine own evil doings shall haunt thee with the unquenchable fire of thine own guilt.
Verily, Thus saith the Lord unto Warren Steed Jeffs; you have been weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. The day and hour of thy grace is past, for I the Lord have spoken it, and I excuse not myself, even so, Amen.
To 1:06 pm: Hey, don't go "Warren" on us!
Just Me
To the 1:06 pm,prophet; The Lords vengeance is not coming as a thief in the night upon Warren.I would say to Warren it must look more like a Tsunami in broad daylight.
To onthestreet 1:08 PM:
It should be quite obvious streatheart, profit Warren is mocked simply because he is so remockable . . .
So now you're comparing Warren Jeffs to Jesus?
At least we know where you're coming from.
"Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners - of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life."
I Timothy 1:13-16
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