FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
The Jeffs family chronicles.............
I have an idea...With so many stories floating around town about the Jeff's family scandals. Let's start a thread to consolidate them into one study area. This way people in the "know" can post anonymously without fear of retribution from Warren. This will at least provide a discussion forum and may eventually create a snowball effect revealing the extracurricular "activities" of the Jeffs family.
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There goes the blog. I think that, with the choice of words that you used in your post, you will bring every pervert on the internet to this blog that does a google search on his or her favorite subject.
Chronicling the Jeffs family is not fair nor in the interest of anyone. What good would that do? I think that it is heartache enough for that family to have a brother like Warren. He has ruined a whole family, their inlaws and outlaws, their friends and neighbors. He has taken the weaknesses of his brothers and sisters and broadcast it to their friends, who by the way are just as mortal as the Jeffs.
Adding more insults to those folks would be as inhuman as Warren is.
Furthermore, your choice of words is extremely salacious and inflammatory. Are you trying to write a daytime drama script or are you truly searching for the facts? Because the latter might be just a trifle more boring than your question might admit.
Dude! I suggest you delete your post. It might be a lot better in the "not so long" run
Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.....
Nintendo, do you have any skeletons in the closet?
Remember, people are where they are by choice. If not, when they have had enough will make different choices. It's all about life, growing up and taking responsibility for ones self.
I see no sense in airing dirty laundry. I'm not interested!
The truth without sensationalism is bad enough.
Let's sensationize for a minute--one may can't pay his $1000 and loses his family. Another man get the family because he pays a $1000 (or so we think). We immediately accuse "priesthood prostitution". We don't have proof that the lack of money cost one man his family, etc.
Let's stick to facts; they're ugly enough.
Looks like someone is making up words.Poly-agony and Mono-agony?
Maybe a future FLDS dictionary will define Sethagony as a severely acute case of heartburn.
Here, here Furnace!!!
I couldn't have said it better...
And I'm not FLDS.
I believe chronicling the Jeffs family is very fair, especially considering their standing in the community. More knowledge, not less, is in the best interest of all of us still caught up in this mess. If filthy, putrid laundry exists, then wash it clean and air it out. Don’t let it remain rotting in the clothes hamper, stinking up laundry that is only lightly soiled.
Towards the end of Uncle Rulon’s administration, we were told by our leaders to look to our prophet’s family as an example of a family that was approaching close enough to perfection to be lifted up and saved. I truly believed that. Now I’m not so sure. I, personally, would like to know more about the true state of our prophet’s family so that I can make decisions based on actual knowledge and not the emotion of what I want to think is the truth.
It’s not inhuman to expose wickedness. If, after being exposed, the parties involved confess and get the help they so desperately need. Only then are they truly on the road to repentance and forgiveness.
Concerned Citizen in Colorado City (aka: CCIC)
To hide up filth, creates the very environment needed to produce more filth. This vicious cycle can only be broken when people with integrity will come forward with what they know. This will empower those of us that are ignorant of what is really going on and allow us the freedom of choice and association.
Nameless and still alive
Did Uncle Rulon in his pre-stroke days ever claim his family was a model family, or did this start happening when Warren started trying to cover wickedness with piety?
Anon 11/02/2005 10:08 PM: Your choice of words “extremely salacious and inflammatory” tells me that the anon 11/03/2005 11:31 AM post was well understood by yourself and it was understood in no uncertain terms.
Your defense of the Jeffs family suggests to me that you are not very aware of what has been covered up for the last 35 years or more.
I would ask that you pick any one or all of the words out of the afore mentioned post that you believe are untrue. Let us bloggers know the truth, as you know and believe it. As you said, it is only fair to the Jeffs family, and it is in their best interest that if you are aware of an untrue word or saying in that post that doesn't pertain to their family that you come forward with that knowledge for their sakes.
I read the same “salacious” post that you did, but didn’t see any untruths in it with the exception of the words, “poly-agony” and “mono-agony” but which both express a truth understood by most in our society.
It’s not the poster’s fault that a daytime drama exists here. I believe they are just a victim of unfortunate circumstances and if you have been paying attention to current affairs, the facts are anything but boring.
Nameless and still alive
To the 11/02/2005 11:01 PM poster code name “the_ lerker” who suggested that the apparently controversial post, hereafter referred to as the “jog your memory post” be deleted.
Dude, Thomas Jefferson said, “If the book be false in its facts, disprove them; if false in its reasoning, refute it. But, for God’s sake, let us freely hear both sides, if we choose.”
Nameless and still alive
If a family gets holier than thou and persecutes others less holy shout their sins from the housetops and let their secret acts be revealed.
To the “Sethagony = extreme heartburn” poster: I have it on very good authority that once while joshing around about the frustrations of both poly-type and mono-type marriages, the semi-jesting word “poly-agony” was derived from a root word “polagony” which, in the interest of balance, spun off the word “monagony”, the root word for the semi-jesting word “mono-agony.” Did you get all that? :-)
Father Warren Steed Jeffs "Pimp of the Priesthood"
To Furnace at 11/03/2005 1:06 pm and the agreeing 11/03/2005 4:04 pm blogger: The word “Priesthood Prostitution” is not a term I coined. I was simply referring to a term that an FLDS woman had used about herself while describing how she felt about being passed around to several different FLDS husbands. My apologies if the term offended your good senses. I’m actually glad it did because I believe this husband swapping is an offense to God as well.
The alternative was, to use a different FLDS lady’s term, and I quote, “It seems we are just a bunch of breeding cows being passed around from one bull pen to the next.”
“Priesthood Prostitution” was a much more condensed word, plus it had the added benefit of addressing young girls being taken by their Priesthood Father’s to the alter of Warren Jeffs and sacrificed. Some of these Priesthood fathers, hope to be “added upon” with more wives of their own.
If the term “sacrifice” offends you, please use your own words to describe the heartache of a young 14 or 15 year old girl under extreme family and community peer pressure to marry a senior man 5 times her own age; one she knows in her heart can never have a normal marriage relationship, nor children, to ease the burden of loneliness.
Some fathers, even being fully aware that their daughters are in love or at least seriously interested in someone their own age, are putting their daughters through this “ordinance” in an attempt to gain favor in the eyes of their prophet. If their offering is accepted, many men feel superior, particularly so if their daughter was placed in an influential family such as the Jeffs family. Some women after being married for many years have claimed that they are now convinced that their marriage was purely political.
I was approached concerning programming a computer and logging which of Warren's or Rulon's lady had which set of car keys and logging when they checked out the keys and when they returned them. I never got further than yaking about it, but Warren did want to keep close tabs on who drove what car and how long it was gone. Each lady would have their own password. This was before Uncle Rulon passed away.
to anon 11/03/2005 12:29
the difference is I'm not asking you to follow me now am I.
to anon 11/02/2005 9:42
this is a serious matter when you are putting your family and your life on the line that you don't get on the wrong ship going the wrong way. You better have checked out the captain and the crew. So you don't find yourself and your family at the bottom of the sea
My main issue with sensationalism is that Warren is using this tool to control the people and I don't want to be like him.
Unfortunately, I can't defend the long list of nonsense that has happened, but corruption happens at the head of more religions than just FLDS.
Warren recently told the people that the government officials are trying to kidnap FLDS children and would even kill them if they got the chance. He had this message repeated three times at a Saturday Work Meeting through his spokesman.
If we start to sensationalize, we are heading the same direction as Warren.
Corruption and sensationalism are paramont to most cults and FLDS certainly qualifies. He said, she said are typical of most small communities. There is not a lot that can be done to control leaks of information. Eventually Warren Jeffs will be apprehended. It would be a far better thing for his followers to bring him to local law enforcement facilities under restraint than for police to have to establish his location and forcibly seek him out.
Consider the safety of the innocents who Jeffs will sacriffice in order to protect himself. Law enforcement officials will not seek out to harm anyone who does not pose a threat to them. Jeffs knows this and will place women, children and even his closest followers between himself and being caught. Please save lives, hand him over. He is just a greedy, licentious, selfish, slave to sexual perversion and to exercise of power over his followers. If YOU stand as one, he has no power
Just the facts M'am.
One reason that a corrupt administration can stay in power is that too many people are keeping secrets for them.
A great man once said "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
If the FLDS people knew the truth about who they are following they would be free. They do not follow a God - They do not even follow a Man. They follow what they imagine a man to be, without knowing what he really is.
The Wizard of Oz was just a man behind a curtain pulling strings to make things appear different than they actually were. The Wizard of Zion is no different.
The best thing that could happen for all concerned is for the truth to be exposed, - be it good, bad, or indifferent. Isnt there a scripture somewhere that says "thier sins will be shouted from the housetops?"
If you know something to be true - share it! and no harm will be done. But there can be nothing gained by rumor and speculation.
A good dose of truth and a reality check would be good for everyone.
Dam pansies.
Can't git away from 'em anywhere.
I feel the time is right to come forward with something I was told about Lyle and Blaine Jeffs. This story was started by Kathy herself.
Kathy Knudson, an adopted daughter of Jack Knudson was 13 years old when she began sneaking out of her father's house in SLC and having sex with Lyle Jeffs, who at the time would have been approximately 15 or 16 years old. Blaine Jeffs, Lyle's older brother some how found out about Lyle's sexual exploits with Kathy and wanted in on the action. Blaine would have been about 19 or 20 years old when he started having sex with 13 year old Kathy.
On one particular occasion, just after Lyle was down to CC for a couple of weeks and then went home to SLC, he and Blaine made arrangements to meet Kathy. Kathy sneaked out of a window in her father's home and jumped in the car with both Jeffs boys. Blaine then had sex with Kathy in the car and after he finished he told Lyle "You've got 10 minutes." Lyle then proceeded to have sex with Kathy in the car as well.
This is the same Lyle Jeffs that is now kicking boys out of the FLDS religion for merely flirting with girls. Let alone getting on the same path that he and Blaine have been on for years.
Lyles nonsense was OK and forgivable then, but "the Lord is now cutting short his work in righteousness, sin can no longer be tolerated." Warren, by his own mouth, told us this at either a Saturday meeting or a Monday meeting. So, God is changable; he forgives yesterday but not today?
Dear Furnace you wrote: Warren recently told the people that the government officials are trying to kidnap FLDS children and would even kill them if they got the chance. He had this message repeated three times at a Saturday Work Meeting through his spokesman.
Thank you soooo much for posting this.
Heard children would be taken with permission of parents.
But, Warren will be the boogyman not the government.
I looked at my former post regarding the upcoming election on constitutional amendmentment #2 in Texas. It didn't seem overly long to me. I read "Did uncle Rulon in his pre-stroke days...... to the end. the date & time, the anon. eight sentences of my post. The date & time & anon. of next post.
I don't think that the length of the post bothered you as much as did the content. I stand by what I said. You don't like it, find some one who cares.
Sounds like you wannabe a preacher when you grow up.
Mugwump, whether you agree with Joseph Smith, fundamentalism, etc., is unnecessary contention. Fence sitters are real people who need help and lurk here trying to get courage to jump (and trying to get evidence to convice their wives), and damning their background will only prevent them from jumping. I think we should stick to Warren's inconsistencies with former leaders, whether the former leaders are true or bogus. Either way, he contradicts his own foundation. He consistently tells the people to not use the prophets against the prophets because he knows he contradicts the former ones.
I wouldn't mind if someone started a thread on how he contradicts the former prophets, but please, lets not damn the former ones. If you don't agree with the former ones, keep quiet, please.
Mugwump, thank you for your observations and accurate assesment of our situation. We need more of your kind of passion from our people before a difference can be made.
Sometimes it feels like we are beating our heads against a brick wall with no visible results. fortunatly from time to time we hear of or from someone who was influenced by this blog and awakened as to who Warren really is. This makes it worthwhile to press on.
Excellent pep talk and I hope it will be headed by all of us. thanks
One should look up some of Lyle's friends when he used to work as a foreman at his construction job he had in the early 80's. One would find it interesting.
Guess what the definition of truth is....Truth is, now listen up,.... Truth is "something that never changes". Truth is something that is the same yesterday, today, and will be the same tomorrow. If something is a sin today, it was a sin yesterday, and even the day before that. If Lyle could be forgiven for having sex with a 13 year old 20 years ago, then someone could be forgiven by God for the same thing now. But just because you may forgive a person today and God may forgive a person in the afterlife doesn't mean that the rest of us won't catch the bastard and throw him in jail and hope the convicts balance the scale.
There is an easy way to pick out a false prophet. Just look for the one who is bending or changing the truth from one day to the next. They stick out like a sore thumb. It's easy to see if you open your eyes to the truth.
anon 11/04/2005 6:30 PM
You said, "...but please, lets not damn the former ones. If you don't agree with the former ones, keep quiet, please."
I don't understand... why? Why should we keep quiet about the former prophets? Were they infallible? Do you think the former prophets had nothing to hide? no secrets? no dirty laundry?
Just wondering....
I'm "a long time gone" because of the former prophets... long before Warren stole his current "propheteering" position. Hypocrisy, corruption and dirty little secrets do go all the way back to Joseph Smith.
What makes Uncle Rulon and Uncle Roy, or for that matter Warren a prophet. What prophetic message did they offer that wasn't already foretold in the Bible or came true by their actions (referring to Warren) When God really is involved there is no doubt, is there.
Seems to me Uncle Roy and Rulon are teachers or preachers. Not prophets. Preachers and teaching are honorable gifts.
As for Warren he is a misguided fool.
To LTG: I am anon 4:44
I was not justifying the bending to the truth, but pointing out that Warren took away forgiveness "because there isn't time left, and the Lord is cutting short his work in righteousness"
I agree that these people stick out like a sore thumb.
Consider this: Warren tells us that Rulon will be renewed "literally, in this life." I believed this with all my heart but Warren in an interview shortly before Rulon died accused me of not believing this after asking me point blank if I believed it was literal and in this life. I felt put on the spot.
Uncle Rulon didn't live 320 years and get a renewed body. This got morphed into his dying was his being renewed, but after a short journey, he would be back; then suddenly Warren decides that he is only coming back to him and not the people and talks to him only from the other room. I think my average midnight incoherent dream makes more sense than this morphing of the truth, and some FLDS even consider it like the Savior passing and coming back to his followers and telling them how they were fools, slow of hearing to believe all that the prophets have written.
it's pretty convenient if the spirits you are told to look for only return to the prophet. He can then turn them on and off like a faucet at his own discrection. Here today, gone tomorrow, at MY will. O, to have that trusting a people and that much power. Why I'd be god.
When the Barlows were kicked out, I nearly got booted then for shouting "how the hell could anyone be so damned heartless." After a Sunday School session where I humbly confessed that Warren was indeed an honest man (don't believe it, though), I was told that Warren was a God before he came to this earth.
so. . .where are you now? Have you been booted yet? I was probably at that Sunday School. It was SOOOO hard to swallow all that he was spoon-feeding people. But I was never called to humbly confess his hand, so I didn't have to purjure myself. So you kicked out?
By "Sunday School" I meant a preaching session. I am out now.
I got the point. You don't want the citizens of
Texas to pass a constitutional amendment that would identify marriage as the union between a woman and a man. That's not too hard to figure out. The part that's hard to figure out is the part that you refer to as going on and on. The statement was precise, only eight short sentences. I could read the end of the previous post, my entire posting and the beginning of the following post so what's your beef about its length? You just don't like its content.
Once again I returned to your original posting in an attempt to understand your contempt for Texas' position regarding the definition of marriage. For your information I do not practice polygamy, nor does anyone with whom I associate therefore, I think you may be addressing someone else when you allude to people of "my religion" as being outside the law. You, not knowing anything about my religion are making an assumption. I do not care to disclose my system of belief or disbelief here. Therefore, presuming I am committing a crime by my practice or lack therof, without having evidence to substantiate your claim, is a foolish presumption.
To Faithful Woman at 11:03, 2005 4:06 PM:
I was aware of hidden cameras on the doors of Uncle Rulon's wives so that Warren knew where the "Harem" was at any given moment.
I was not aware that Warren actually had cameras in his wives bedrooms as well, although it wouldn't suprise me, he is such a control freak.
I've heard about Warren sodomizing Brett, Clayne, and another brother of Brett's, but I have very little information on his molestation of the Rohbock girl. Could you tell us what you know of the story?
I agree with you that we can't judge a person by the family they came from, and I would also like to add that you can't judge a family by a small percentage of it's individuals. As you say, they should be judged by what they personally do.
Does some one know anything about the "light board" that Warren had in Uncle Rulon's house? I understand a light on this board would blink on whenever one of the women's bedroom doors would open, alerting the one watching the board. They would know exactly which door had opened and when.
To anon. 11-03-2005 at 7:30 pm
I noticed you used the name "Father Warren Steed Jeffs" in your post. Was you referring to Warren's teachers telling the FLDS congregation that they needed to call Warren "Father" now? Approximately 3 weeks ago in Saturday morning meeting, the whole congregation, in unision, told Warren (he was listening by phone) "Father we love you."
I recollect a sermon by someone important that said something like, "Call no man father but our Father in Heaven."
To Anon. 11-04-05 9:04 pm.
Could you give us the name of the constuction company which Lyle Jeffs worked for in the early 1980 for which he was foreman? Better yet, could you give us the names of some of his friends from that time period that might not be afraid to tell us what they know?
I know Warren had a light board alerting to opened and closed doors, but I wasn't aware of cameras. Don't accuse him of spying in a bedroom without proof.
From Matthew, Ch. 23. Note verse 9
1 Then said Jesus to the crowds and to his disciples,
2 "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses' seat;
3 so practice and observe whatever they tell you, but not what they do; for they preach, but do not practice.
4 They bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with their finger.
5 They do all their deeds to be seen by men; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long,
6 and they love the place of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues,
7 and salutations in the market places, and being called rabbi by men.
8 But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brethren.
9 And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.
10 Neither be called masters, for you have one master, the Christ. 11 He who is greatest among you shall be your servant;
12 whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.
13 "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you shut the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither enter yourselves, nor allow those who would enter to go in.
Some more from this chapter:
23 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law, justice and mercy and faith; these you ought to have done, without neglecting the others.
Isn't this interesting considering all the nonsense about books without talking animals, girls in bangs or pants, no short sleeves in any books, etc. A girl can't even have red ribbon on a dress. But, justice and a fair trial, ... trial? Trial? What's that mean? Mercy? Is that a French word? What does that word mean?
24 You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!
25 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you cleanse the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of extortion and rapacity.
Hmmm. Hasn't money corruption and extorion of the widows and children been going on?
26 You blind Pharisee! first cleanse the inside of the cup and of the plate, that the outside also may be clean.
27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness.
28 So you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
29 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you build the tombs of the prophets and adorn the monuments of the righteous,
30 saying, 'If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets.'
Isn't it interesting that Warren has gotten rid of his more honorable men up high--Allen and Leroy, especially.
Matthew 24
Now, from the next chapter:
24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Other than a hypnotic aurora and able to quote scripture, I haven't seen a lot of strange signs from Warren.
25 Lo, I have told you beforehand.
26 So, if they say to you, 'Lo, he is in the wilderness,' do not go out; if they say, 'Lo, he is in the inner rooms,' do not believe it.
If he is in the temple in the wilderness of Texas, ...
27 For as the lightning comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man.
I'll be surprised if US 277 isn't a multi-lane divided section of the "Port to Plains" Interstate System linking Del Rio and Laredo with Canada via Interstate highways and all within 3 1/2 miles of YFZ sometime within the next ten years. Good Choice for barren wasteland. Drive down Schleicher County Road 300 from either direction and see the top two thirds of the super-dooper temple standing out there being hidden from view by the aura of Jeffs promised presence. Boy, am I impressed.
Matthew 24
Now, from the next chapter:
24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Well, I guess you could include convincing good men and women to labor hard and long for this temple. For it is a great wonder that a bunch of termites could consume.
And "they" are being led astray, the elect.
To Just the facts M'am 11/04/2005 10:33 AM
Your reference to Warren being “The Wizard of Zion” is an excellent analogy. Warren is a master of circular reasoning.
Nameless and still alive
And it is written, "Make no mistake, Christ will come again in a cloud of glory." The Prophacies are upon the land. YOu can believe it or dispute it. They are still there. Clear down to the mockery of your lips. And the history of the earth is written in the Book of MOrman. right down to your unbelieve. But, hey I will not critazise you because you do not beleive. I shall let you be converted by the heavens. It is written, "The earth will reel to and fro, like a drunken man. YOu saw a part of this reeling with the sonomie wave. I think the siencetist's said that it changed the earths rotation. It is written the Ice will melt in the north, and you all complain about Global warming. I think that right about now it is easyier to see the Prophacys coming about easier than it is to believe any evil rants you have because you hate God and religion. And unbelieve has not ever made him unreal. And unbelieve has not chnaged the way of the Prophet's. And the saints have been persicuted ever since Adam came upon the earth. There has been an attack on culture since then. And believe it or not, Celestial Marriage has been upon the earth since then too. I think that every generation has to prove there boldness. What great hero's you can persicute a people for religion and steal there lands. What then do you think that you will do when you also die, and your evil words and powder are usless? When that day comes there is only two people in the room. YOu, God and a recording in your brain about every thing you have done, thought and said. What a scary thing to have yourself examinend like you scrutinize other's. Then there is not any lies, and your unbelieve is imaterial. God is there. and what you did is recorded and what you gave will be given ten fold. This is a universal law. Like gravity. NOne of you excape it. And you become what you do. If you do evil, you then are also evil. If you do good then you are also good. Just like a smoker is infilterated if they in-hale. And even in death it is the condition that you are in that matter's, because if you are a theif you will still be a theif. If you are a liar you will still be a liar. and if you hate people you will still hate. You are the one who will have to live with yourself forever. I think it would be wise to make sure you love this person you will be with forever, because no matter what the other guy does, you will still have to live with yourself.
I wasn't mocking the Savior or the Bible, but showing how the Savior clearly warned in no uncertain terms against the FLDS.
Who is stealing land? Warren turned traitor to the UEP and is a greater thief than any apostate that posts here. I am glad that at judgment day, only me and God will be there, and not Warren; I'm glad you clarified that. Here's some things that are also written, "their sins shall be shouted upon the housetops and their secret acts revealed." "Wo unto those who offend my little ones, it had been better for them that a millstone be placed around their necks and they drowned in the depths of the sea". Now, breaking up a little one's love for father and mother and force feeding them to reject their father and call a new man father certainly is offending his little ones.
Are you asking about Vanessa Rohbock?
I'm still waiting to see ANY of Warren's prophesy come to pass.
the whole history of the world from creation to the new heaven and new earth pre date mormon by at least 1831 years. smith created his own convoluted cocktail with a few myths, a cast of new characters never heard of any any time period before and a god named adam. why didn't joe just get some carbon paper and copy parts of the bible and leave ther rest alone. the christian world may disagree over its interpretation but have never argued over its authenticity. it took old joe and his bunch of nut case followers to do that. if god had overcome satan in the previous existance why does adam have to do the same thing over again in this existance. jesus died once for all eternity's sin past, present and future. if sin were conquered in the past why do you keep digging it up again? if it was whipped leave it buirried.
i know, if sin is whipped then the church leaders have no power over the members because all the membership has to do is to believe in the free gift of grace and accept it by their own faith. when that happens nobody can condem you to any other estate because you are a child of the king, Jesus the Lord. no one can take you out of His hand.
Anon 7:59
You must be on the wrong blog here.Even OTS makes more sense than this line of mindless jibberish. Go ahead and start back with your bible and try to read it slowly and carefully and when your done come back and maybe we can have an intelligent conversation. see ya..bye,bye
spoken like a true blue member of the priesthood who, if you believed in the grace of god, and taught it, would loose your power over your congregation of followers. you aren't concerned about the souls of your followers but are only concerned about maintaing your position of leadership among your peers and higher ups. deny that, if you can.
Warren can't even prophecy correctly that before he is 120 years old, he will be 6 feet under. Some of the young boys working at Western Precision tell tales of his being translated and can go in and out of our homes without being detected, and that this is why Law Enforcement hasn't been able to catch him yet.
Hey, sound too far fetched? Consider that he prophecied that his father would live 320 years into the Millennium.
I recently read the complete Pueblo Police Officer report on the arrest of Seth Jeffs and Nathaniel Steed.I have no doubt that they were aiding and abetting Warren Jeffs.I now have my doubts that there was sex involved though Nate did indeed confess to this crime.
I believe Warren will now recieve a new revelation for the "school of the prophets".A new class will now be added to the curriculum.This class will be based around teaching key men how to effectively "lie for god"when being questioned by police officers.
Both Seth and Nate are horrible liars though i would give Seth a 6 for trying.Nate would easily score a 10 on my score card for his attempt.
How pure and delightsome these boys minds must be when the lie of distraction is that perverted. Do you think this is the type of lie warren would teach? I suppose there is no lie they would be above telling. It is just disgusting to me. Why is it not to those following warren? I know the answers are obvious.
Nathaniel was likely so tired that he didn't know what he was doing.
So his 'confession' came from his dreams? Kind of a lousy excuse for something so radical don't you think?
Now he has something in common with Joseph smith. He dreamed the whole thing up.
I know I was completely in the wrong, but..... I have been pulled over by the cops very early in the morning, completely drunk. But as drunk as I was, and even if had had sex with the male lying on the mattress in the back, I would never have admitted it, I don't care what evidence they found or questions they asked.
I think he was caught red-handed (or red something) and just decided enough is enough, the game's up, might as well tell the truth, come clean, and get it over with.
There are a lot of people around that think that Warren and maybe even Wendell have been translated. They have been trying to make it look like that since December 2003. They were trying to make people think that Uncle Fred was too, but he kind of died and they had to come clean on that one. Wendell disappeared in December 2003 with just the clothes on his back. Wendell's family has been led to believe that he is on a different "plane of existence". I don't think Warren ever expected to have the place in Mancos, Colorado found. One thing is for sure, Warren walks around on this earth and has to eat just as much as the rest of us do. Warren has never lifted far enough off of the ground to slip a piece of paper under his feet. I have seen enough information, intelligence and such to know that Warren and Wendell are still here and still have to live a mortal life like the rest of us and will pass away to the grave the same as Uncle Roy and Uncle Rulon did, as will we all.
Warren's been translated? Oh, now he is an equal to Enoch, having lived in an age of grace prior to the giving of the Mosaic Law and Elijah, post Sinai. The claims this jerk perpetuates concerning his own person anyone having even a basic understanding of the Holy Scripture cries- Fraud. Fraud. Fraud.
The only way he could be translated would be if he were a foreign language and even then his intentions are so transparant to those outside his circle of influance that very few will even care. His passing on the world stage is of absolutely no importance.
We'll know he is translated when we see a mysterious hole pop up in a roof at YFZ. Is the pilot watching for this?
Guy Musser told a group in Canada that he didn't have blood flowing through his veins anymore, he had priesthood.
I wish he had snagged himself on some sharp metal and bled a little so the people could have seen what priesthood looks like.
I don't know about flotation and translation, but I might believe a rumor about pavement sinking as Warren walks upon it.
If it is a true translation it is a spiritual body that departs. I seriously doubt that it would leave a hole in the roof. However, in Jeffs case, if he departs through a hole in the roof it will probably be the result of an explosion. He might try to counterfit a translation. I wonder how much helium it would take to lift 145 lbs into the clouds? Probably less on a sunny day, but then the clouds would be higher, and the fall farther.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. And no DNA evidence left to prove he was ever there left in the crematorium.
"and it came to pass that Zion was not"
But this time it went down instead of up.
Translate that.
Warren is so thin he just turns sideways and dissapears when ever the Law comes around.
Well as for holes in the top of the temple there are two round skylights, covered with mechanical garage doors.
Go back and look at the pilots photos.
Very inventive if you ask me. If Warren floats he will have to remember to hit the garage door opener.
Who lives in Beryl?
Two vans where stopped according to a Spectrum story that ran yesterday.
Were there wedding(s)?
Nah. The young boys all dressed up were on their way to the weekly programming meeting held at the Creek. They get all the younger teenage boys together and instruct them on how to go on "missions" into people's homes and interrogate them about their personal habits and whether they worship Warren. They have these meetings on Saturday nights and again on Sunday mornings.
Has Warren taken to branding them on their forehead or right wrist?
Stockmarket note: value of tripple 6 banding irons about to skyrocket.
The "Who said it" thread is old, so I am posting here about marital relations in CC.
"The Constant Lover"
Sir John Suckling
Out upon it, I have lov'd
Three whole days together;
And am like to love three more,
If it prove fair weather.
Time shall molt away his wings
Ere he shall discover
In such whole wide world again
Such a constant lover.
But the spite on't is, no praise
Is due at all to me:
Love with me had made no stays
Had it any been but she.
Had it any been but she
And that very face,
There had been at least ere this
A dozen dozen in her place.
Genders are a little reversed in the poem, however.
Seth is supposed to show up at court in Denver tomorrow accused of aiding, abetting and harboring Warren. Do you think Seth will show up? Or will he just lose the $25,000 bond and skip out?
Seth is supposed to show up at court in Denver tomorrow accused of aiding, abetting and harboring Warren. Do you think Seth will show up? Or will he just lose the $25,000 bond and skip out?
IMO he will run and give up the 25,000, but it is possible he could show up, but I will be surprised if he does. IMO he wants to be like brother Warren, a wanted felon with his own FBI wanted poster! Hope these crooks spend a lot of time in the jailhouse.
Well, we all now know that he did show up yesterday.
Bets on whether or not he'll show up for trial on January 9th.
Could be that he figured he couldn't get very far away in 10 days, but what about now? He has almost 2 months before he has to reappear.
If he does go to prison and he is discovered to be a child abuser, and no doubt the word will get out, he will gain first hand experience and a new definition of abuse. If he lives through the sentence it would be a miracle for him to be discharged with all his anatomy arranged in normal fashion. If he doesn't already have HIV he will probably exit with it plus he will have experienced a colonoscopy with a 4 X 4. Even criminals have certain things they won't tollerate, child abuse is at the top of the list.
Confusing Seth with Warren?
Warren's the alleged child molestor. As far as Seth's prostitution charges, I don't believe them. I believe these two boys were under so much pressure from Warren that they didn't want anyone to know about money matters and would take any lie that came their way. I don't think Seth is guilty of EITHER child molestation or prostitution.
if he acts like a fairy he can expect to be considered a fairy.
One of Warren's brothers said that he never could understand the hold that Warren had over his father. There would be issues in school and Uncle Rulon would talk like he was getting to the bottom of it and then Warren would walk in and give Uncle Rulon a look and the whole senario would change.
Now the brother understands...Warren is just doing what his father did to him.
my what a wonderful legacy to pass on to your son and his son and his son and his son- - - - - obviously warren can't stop it now, it's too late, the pattern has been set in motion, unless one generation of young men become stronger than their fathers the abomination is perpetual. Who then will be strong and mighty? Warren certainly isn't nor can he ever be. He is crippled by his own lust and lack of self control.
On what grounds do you make such an accusation against warren's father? This is the first allegation of such I have heard. Did I miss something? I knew Rulon personally and whatever other faults he may have had this was not one of them. He may have covered up for warren to avoid the embarrassment to the family but he would never have condoned it let alone practiced it. It is easy to accuse those who are not around to defend themselves. Show me some evidence.
Duh! Open your eyes and ears. Read the newspaper and watch news reports on T.V. Get outside the vaccum in which you live. You're never going to really understand or recognize the truth about anything as long as you take as truth that which is funneled to you by your priesthood.
To some of you, truth comes forth from them but to many of you, lies are your constant diet.
Do you know where you are? Do you know what the date is today? Do you know what the capitol city is of the State in which you live, the County Seat of your County, who is your County Commissioner, who is your County Judge, do you have a Sheriff? Where is your nearest post office?
If I were to take you from home at night with a bag over your head and drive you in a car for thirty minutes, could you find your way home?
Who is the President of the United States of America. Who are your Senators, Your Representatives to the U.S. Congress?
If there was an emergency in your neighborhood what telephone number could you call to get immediate assistance? Could you give the person who answered the phone accurate directions to the location where the assistance is needed?
These and thousands of other questions can be answered by millions of Americans citizens from East to West.
You want evidence? Show up in court.
That was a moronic rant going on there. Smile always
Kinda funny this blog of your. I have been visiting off and on since it started, and I find it amuseing how it has degraded itself to people bashing someone they don't even know. All a bunch of criizing going on here. Just my thoughts the way they are. Smile always
Regarding the post of 11/23 12:34 That particular post is seeking a reality check from those who blindly follow without challenging anything. It's nothing more, or less.
If you have something to add, feel welcome to do so, if not, don't. The whole purpose of this "blog" is to exchange ideas and differences of opinion. If you have no opinion why take the time to add your two cents? If you have an opinion, put it on the screen for objective criticism. Beware though, you will need to develop a thick skin and be able to take a look at your deepest motivation if you choose to go under fire, and determine whether you are willing to be tested. You will be no matter your position on any issue. And that my friend, is what democracy is all about.
Warren did not become the person he is today in a vaccumm. The signs are every where for those who what to notice.
Now whether Rulon or Warren's mother Merilyn Steed (yes, let us not forget the mother who probably had alot of influence even if it was even a slight influence) saw the transformation, encouraged it, ignored it or was blind to it, there are those men who have taken notice and have taken advantage of situation.
Those who noticed are partners in crime so to speak with Warren.
Big question? Will they continue in perfect obedience to the prophet?
Will the prophet require the ultimate sacifice of leaving everything they worked for salvation, wives, children, home, income to prove their obedience to the Father.
It's is how savey those close to Warren can play the game of perfection and hold on to their limited power.
The Priesthood KEY is "TOTAL OBEDIENCE to the Prophet."
Even in eviction, total obedience is important.
It not right, but there it is. Wonder why most of the evicted don't complain or rat Warren out.
Only those who see what a sham Warren is, speak up and move on.
Watch those big players in the drama. They are but a few. One is a ghost, one in Texas and one in CC.
Time and perfect obedience will tell. Who will crack.
Right, Father Warren.
Only the men who stand up and say he is full of crap lose their families and their entire life and it is heart breaking. But I am sad to say that the few that do stand up I respect. It is a hard thing to do.
Not all the women are blind. Some women wish their man would stand up and get out, but in most cases where the man wants out, he knows his wife won't go with him.
When my family left (during Rulons time)
It was based on a rumor that they had heard. Warren told my dad he had to come and "set his loyalties with Father straight" before they were welcome back. My dad simply told him to not bother waiting , he would not be loyal to any man.
Warren started to manipualte things along time ago. Take for instance in 1995 when he tld everyone not to wear red, look at the responce that he got is it any wonder that he knew that he could do what he has done?
Even fire-engines at YFZ are no longer red.
Look at the pilot's photos:
The bottom picture in the middle has a caption about a white fire-truck.
I understand that when Leroy Draper Jeffs was teaching school at Alta Academy, under the direction of Warren Steed Jeffs,that he got to flirting excessivly with the young girls in his class.He was caught kissing some of them in out of the way places but apparently went to far with Sarah Jeffs.After being caught with her he was told to marry her.
Does anyone have more details about how this marriage come about?
leroy draper is bill drapers son. He added jeffs as a last name on his own.
the flirting, and secret rendevous' were happening with leroy and others. I remember a boy and girl were fooling around( I saw them together) and when things went too far, they both went to Rulon seperatly and told him that they had had a revelation about the other. The boys dad just happened to have asked to marry the same girl.It caused quite the situation. Eventually the 2 young people did get married to each other by Rulon after they admitted that they had been intimate.
Leroys mom was Roy Johnsons daughter
Yes, the fire truck is solid white, now.
The holding tank on the YFZ sewer truck is metalic RED.
Do what I say, but not as I do.
Warren doesn't need an arsenal. He has everyone seeing visions of Waco to keep them at bay, with the help of the media showing Waco going up in smoke every chance they get.
He kinda gets a free mind control of the general public and law enforcement on that one.
Leroy also has had a problem with molesting his own children.Warren knows about this but is covering it up for whatever reason.
Well, if the patrols at the Eldorado compound have guns they keep them well hidden under their shirts.
Anon 12:17
Have you seen the patrols? Can you give firsthand knowledge that the article is not accurate? This has been stated in several accounts from people who have been as close as warren's security will allow. I would like it clarified.
Seen the patrols. Seen no evidence of visable guns. Just walky talkies, snoopy young men and four wheelers.
How close did they come to you? Did they confront you? Speak with you? Maybe the answer to this would be too revealing. I'm not trying to cause problems. I had a brother who passed by the YFZ several months back and he said you couldn't get past the outer gate just off the highway. This made me wonder how accurate the media reports are. I think pilot has been the closest of anyone I have heard on here. Your statement earlier made me more curious.
There are many people aware that Lyle Jeffs frequently downloads pornography onto his commputer at work.I wouldn't normally care but I think Lyle is a hippocrit for helping his brother, Warren Jeffs, kick better people than he is,out of the FLDS religion for doing lessor sins by far than he has done himself.
Blain Jeffs is also a hypocrite.I know someone that was staying in Jack Knudsons home in Salt Lake City at the time Blain and Kathy was carrying on with their hanky panky.They saw with their own eyes what Jack couldn't or wouldn,t see.I guess it's pretty tough to see someone as high up in the work as Rulon Jeffs boys were committing those kind of sins but it,s true though.
Let,s not forget that Liar Jeffs(sorry about the misspelling),I mean Lyle Jeffs was also having sexual relations with Kathy, as well as his big brother Blain.Both Jeffs boys were guilty of that sin.I only wonder why Blain got kicked out but Lyle is still in Warrens good graces.
William Jeffs, one of Warren’s little brothers, was going to school at Alta Academy. He started having an affair. The girl he was “doing it” with was one of his close relatives also going to the same school. She was his sister’s daughter, Anne. She was also Wendall Nielsen’s daughter. They were finally caught so William’s father, Rulon Jeffs, married them to each other.
Wendall Nielsen is now Warren Jeff’s first councilor and will be the next prophet when Warren dies unless Warren takes him out first. This is very likely considering Warren’s current record of annihilating perceived competition.
Warren Jeffs just kicked out his brother, John Jeffs and his first wife, Carla, with him. He sent John’s second wife, Louise Cooke, to be under the priesthood direction of her brother, Lorin Cooke. Lorin has recently been put in charge of his new father, Dick Cooke’s family. Dick and his oldest son, Gene, were recently kicked out creating this vacancy. It makes me wonder what John did to incur his big brother, Warren’s wrath or what he knows about Warren that Warren doesn’t want talked about outside of the immediate family, which pretty much silences them if they ever want to come back into Warren’s fold.
I heard that Warren Jeffs used to pass nasty photos around of his first wife, Annette Barlow Jeffs. Does anyone know anything more of this?
Johns wife carla was a divorcee that john met while working at hydrapak in the early 90's, not a member of the group. could it be that john was kicked out because carla was sticking with john?
where did john go?
isn't john one of normas boys?
Let's see... John had a wife that would stand by him, he was kind to "apostates", is it really any wonder? warren is corrupting all that can be. Those who will not be aren't welcome.
Soon he will have all the scum that was in the original group. Then maybe they can all be lifted up to join some comet passing by or go to heaven together from a punch bowl.
I just read a short story by Mark Twain called 'The Man who Corrupted Hadleyville". Looks like all of our Uncorruptibles will be exposed and those who they spurn will be left.
To Anon. 12/07/2005 at 9:09 PM: One of the men that is high up in Wendall Nielson’s western Precision business acknowledged that they had seen some of the photos Warren was showing select individuals and he says that they were definitely pornographic.
I’ll bet Annette would be mortified to know her husband (Warren) was letting other men in the church see her in that condition. I’m sure she considered those photos private and just between herself and her husband.
I heard from students going to Alta Academy, that Warren seduced Annett’s little siter, Barbara Barlow, when she came over to tend Annett’s children. Some students even claim Warren and Barbara were caught on occasion in the bushes at school (I don’t know if this was before or after they got married. Does anyone know?)
This was not uncommon behavior for Warren. His own mothers have recollected occasions at Salt Lake City, in Uncle Rulon’s home, where Warren couldn’t wait to get to his house with one of his wives, so they would sneak off to a coat closet thinking they couldn’t be heard. Warren’s mothers well knew what was going on, though. They were not as naïve as Warren supposed they were.
Juicy, but what's the point? Except letting street know that Warren doesn't practice immaculate conception?
The point is.....Warren is morally corrupted, so is Seth, so is Blaine, so is Nat, so is Lyle, and on and on.
One woman in the community who was invited up to Uncle Rulon’s home to show a home video of some of her son’s and family, was shocked to hear one of Uncle Rulon’s younger wives tell her, “I’m jealous of you.” The lady asked her, “Why in the world would you be jealous of me?” Referring to the lady's grown sons, Uncle Rulon’s wife said,“Your sons are so real. Up here, everyone pretends to be some different than who they are.”
An awful lot is revealed within that simple statement from the inside of Uncle Rulon’s “perfect” family.
Mistake on previous post caught after the arrow had flown... It is supposed to read:
“Your sons are so real. Up here, everyone pretends to be someone different than who they are.”
Blain Jeffs has quite a long history of promiscuous sex. He cheated on his first wife that Uncle Roy gave to him. Her name was Marilee Michelson, who I understand was a very sweet girl. He deserted her and went “whoring around”. Later, Blain cooled down from his excessive partying and married Janene, a lady from out of the “work” and then asked for repentance from his father, the prophet Rulon Jeffs. His father invited him back into the priesthood work and was so pleased with Blain’s repentance, or the appearance thereof, that he married him to Daryl and Jim Cooke’s wives. Jim’s wife, Julie, ran away and left Blain after getting to know him a little. She wisely took her young daughters with her. Daryl’s wife, Samantha, stayed with Blain, and it wasn’t but a short time later, before Blain was courting and taking on trips by themselves, his new, under aged daughter, Joanie. Uncle Rulon then received another revelation for his repented son, Blain, wherein it was revealed that Blain should marry his still under aged daughter, Joanie. Surprise, surprise. Joanie’s little sister, Rosie, who saw the whole thing as it unfolded, had revealed to her by the spirit of prophesy, or maybe it was deductive reasoning, that she was next on the list to be courted and married by Blain. She ran like
*!!^%. Rosie was the smartest of that bunch of girls. Most of the sons in the families were taken care of in the traditional Warrenite manner.
Nameless and Still Alive
Many people in town are under the erroneous impression that this claim of Brent Jeffs about molestation by Warren was brought out only recently in order to bring the “new” prophet down. The facts of the matter, however, are different.
Students (now grown men and women) that went to Alta Academy say that Brent and older brother, Clayne Jeffs, had accused Warren of molestation clear back in about 1987/88, that’s 19 years ago when Warren was principle of Alta Academy. They said they had been molested repeatedly when they were younger. The pressure of not being believed by the prophet, Warren’s father, became so great that Clayne had a mental breakdown. One day, he went running through the school and got in a shouting match with Warren. Warren called the cops and had Clayne arrested. This was during school hours so there were many witnesses. Clayne was permanently expelled from Alta Academy. Following this event, Clayne went through counseling to get over his feelings toward Warren, but it seems he was unsuccessful.
Even though he later married and had children, Clayne’s mental pain never ceased until one day while visiting with his children, he excused himself from the table, went into the bathroom and blew out his brains.
Clayne committed suicide because of what he perceived as the injustices in life. His diary and what he said to other people is all that is left.
Many of the Alta Academy students know about the real time frame of these accusations against Warren, but the one thing the students learned well at Alta Academy is that to talk against Warren will definitely get you expelled from school… quick. They didn’t dare speak up and have been programmed to stay sweet and keep quiet.
It’s been said that the reason Brent took this case to court is so that Warren would finally be caught and his brother would not have died in vain.
The story we heard from Clayne’s grandfather, Uncle Rulon, in meeting at Colorado City about Clayne’s breakdown was somewhat different. He said that his grandson had “gotten into Satan worshiping and had been sworn to kill me.” He also said, “Clayne tried to break into my home and get some records but was detained before he got them.” That’s the only side of the story we ever heard until Brent came forward.
I wonder where Uncle Rulon got his side of the story, hmm......
Clayne was always talked against by Warren and Rulon. I remember as a visitor (CC based priesthood bearers are "visitors") in a SLC priesthood meeting, the person sitting by me mentioned that Clayne is obviously "on his way out" and dug up dirt against him such as always refusing the sacrement. A little later, I hear talk about him involved in Satan worship.
Now, if the charges against Warren are true, it shows how the efforts to discredit him and speak evil against him have been going on for ages. I wonder why?
That last paragraph should read
"Now, if the charges against Warren are true, it shows how the efforts to discredit Clayne ..."
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