FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
CMT to air "Small Town Secrets"
Country Music Television is airing a special on Polygamy called small town secrets. The Show will be airing this Friday March 25th on the evening schedule between 6pm & 10pm. The program will feature the Texas "YFZ " Ranch.
How fitting that the place Warren tried to hard to keep a secret is now featured on a TV program called small town secrets. Thanks to some very diligent investigative reporting by the El Dorado newspaper, everyone now knows about Warren and his evil plans.
Kudos to you guys in Texas! You didn't fall for Warren's bull---t!
I think it a fine idea. They could sing songs like, "Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone", or "All my Ex's live in Texas", or "The snakes crawl at night", or "She loves me ya, ya, ya." Yea right! The perfect place to try out, "Who"s doing who". Actually, it makes you sick.
I wonder why those anonymous posters who have bad things to say about the FLDS don't sign their statements "Ex Member". I would think that someone who didn't actually know this group personally would at least sign their blog with an alias if they were listening to lies. If you are an Ex Member then at least let us know by signing "EX Member".
I agree with most of what you said except the part where you suggest that Warren Jeffs should stay in Texas.....WE DON'T WANT HIM TO STAY HERE ANY MORE THAN YOU WANT HIM TO GO BACK THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The man needs to go back to hell, where he came from.
Small town secrets just aired at 7pm Texas time. Seemed to be pretty balanced, I just love how all media just has to fade Waco into the mix of the story but I guess it has to be juiced up a bit to make it more interesting.
actually anonymous 11:35 p.m., you just know that he is right and there is no argument you can make to prove him wrong. I know he's right I used to live there too!
I have met Allen Steed and he appeared to be a very gracious and loving man. Allen was excommunicated from the Texas ranch along with Ernie Jessop. Does enyone know the reason why?
Reply to 2:04 blog Allen and Ernie were cut off shortly after they spoke publicly in a town hall meeting. They stated that the hunting retreat story was just a story to revert the media. They stated That Warren intended to bring his most faithful followers to make a new start in the City. My view is that they were cut off for telling the TRUTH. I knew Allen personally and he was known for his honesty, and fairness in business. See the Eldorado archives for the story.
I can tell you this. Warren would not remove a man's family, if he was not abusing them some way. The women and children have a right to be protected, and marry a man that is kind. I love Warren Jeffs. He stopped people from abusing me. He is the kindest person. It would do the people that tell false hood's good to speak the truth.
I can tell you this. Warren would not remove a man's family, if he was not abusing them some way. The women and children have a right to be protected, and marry a man that is kind. I love Warren Jeffs. He stopped people from abusing me. He is the kindest person. It would do the people that tell false hood's good to speak the truth.
Count on your fingers how many men Warren has kicked out and stipped of their families and then not even told them why, or their families why, or I believe, that even he knew why. Oh wait, you might have to take off your shoes and count on your toes!
When it gets right down to it, the number of abusive men Warren has corrected can be counted on one hand. The number of men Warren maintains in his mind that have had improper sexual relations by showing their dear wives some affection at times other than to make babies are many and scattered about St. George and surrounding area, stripped and single. The FLDS say it is not so, but Warren has taught many teachings to say it is so. Word on the street is, even some of Warren's recent wives have ran away, maybe they just want some love and affection.
It works out great for him. He can tell the men to withhold affection from their wives outside of sex while he goes home and has sex twice a day, never repeating partners for several weeks.
How many children does this man have compared to how many wives he has? Doing the math will give you a very rough idea about how sexually disciplined this man is...and that doesn't even count any children he may be taking advantage of in between!
How fitting that the place Warren tried to hard to keep a secret is now featured on a TV program called small town secrets. Thanks to some very diligent investigative reporting by the El Dorado newspaper, everyone now knows about Warren and his evil plans.
Kudos to you guys in Texas! You didn't fall for Warren's bull---t!
I think it a fine idea. They could sing songs like, "Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone", or "All my Ex's live in Texas", or "The snakes crawl at night", or "She loves me ya, ya, ya." Yea right! The perfect place to try out, "Who"s doing who". Actually, it makes you sick.
That "diligent investigative reporting" seems to have stopped a few weeks ago. Now they are saying NICE things about the pligs.
What's with that?
Suspicious minds want to know.
Maybe youre reading a different newspaper than me. Refer me to an article.
I wonder why those anonymous posters who have bad things to say about the FLDS don't sign their statements "Ex Member". I would think that someone who didn't actually know this group personally would at least sign their blog with an alias if they were listening to lies. If you are an Ex Member then at least let us know by signing "EX Member".
I agree with most of what you said except the part where you suggest that Warren Jeffs should stay in Texas.....WE DON'T WANT HIM TO STAY HERE ANY MORE THAN YOU WANT HIM TO GO BACK THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The man needs to go back to hell, where he came from.
9;46 You tell e'm Paladin.Glad to see you back.
1:43 pm Now you are on a roll Paladin. Faithful, you had better get on here,your getting your butt kicked!
To 2:19 PM: There's no point in arguing with a lier.
To 2:19 pm.Thats not productive.If Paladin is lying,rebutt him with the truth as you see it.If he's not lying there is no reason to write a rebuttal.
Small town secrets just aired at 7pm Texas time. Seemed to be pretty balanced, I just love how all media just has to fade Waco into the mix of the story but I guess it has to be juiced up a bit to make it more interesting.
Ha Ha Ha! Just finished watching the CMT show. I guess they needed to lighten up the atmosphere by ending with chicken sh*t.
The only fool greater than the man who thinks he knows everything is the man who argues with him.
actually anonymous 11:35 p.m., you just know that he is right and there is no argument you can make to prove him wrong. I know he's right I used to live there too!
I have met Allen Steed and he appeared to be a very gracious and loving man. Allen was excommunicated from the Texas ranch along with Ernie Jessop. Does enyone know the reason why?
Reply to 2:04 blog Allen and Ernie were cut off shortly after they spoke publicly in a town hall meeting. They stated that the hunting retreat story was just a story to revert the media. They stated That Warren intended to bring his most faithful followers to make a new start in the City. My view is that they were cut off for telling the TRUTH. I knew Allen personally and he was known for his honesty, and fairness in business. See the Eldorado archives for the story.
I can tell you this. Warren would not remove a man's family, if he was not abusing them some way. The women and children have a right to be protected, and marry a man that is kind. I love Warren Jeffs. He stopped people from abusing me. He is the kindest person. It would do the people that tell false hood's good to speak the truth.
I can tell you this. Warren would not remove a man's family, if he was not abusing them some way. The women and children have a right to be protected, and marry a man that is kind. I love Warren Jeffs. He stopped people from abusing me. He is the kindest person. It would do the people that tell false hood's good to speak the truth.
Wow, brainwashing at its best.
advising people to tell the truth, is brain washing?????? Wow, I thought I had heard it all!
Count on your fingers how many men Warren has kicked out and stipped of their families and then not even told them why, or their families why, or I believe, that even he knew why. Oh wait, you might have to take off your shoes and count on your toes!
When it gets right down to it, the number of abusive men Warren has corrected can be counted on one hand. The number of men Warren maintains in his mind that have had improper sexual relations by showing their dear wives some affection at times other than to make babies are many and scattered about St. George and surrounding area, stripped and single. The FLDS say it is not so, but Warren has taught many teachings to say it is so. Word on the street is, even some of Warren's recent wives have ran away, maybe they just want some love and affection.
It works out great for him. He can tell the men to withhold affection from their wives outside of sex while he goes home and has sex twice a day, never repeating partners for several weeks.
How many children does this man have compared to how many wives he has? Doing the math will give you a very rough idea about how sexually disciplined this man is...and that doesn't even count any children he may be taking advantage of in between!
There's something unnatural about that man.
anon 9:16 says sorry anon 12:06, everyone should get to tell it how they see it.
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