FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
APRIL 6th - Doomsday or media hype?
I know that April 6th is the 175th anniversary for the Mainline LDS church and is a significant date for the FLDS as they gather for church conference annually. Where does all of these doom and gloom predictions come from, such as "the end of the world as predicted by Warren Jeffs" or a significant negative event occurring on that date within the FLDS community?
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Media Hype!!! All Lies!!!
April 6 is the date of the 175th anniversary.
I thought you researched you FACTS!
It's April 6 not 16.
Joe Gannon
Maybe media hype. But this is a known fact:
1.) History repeats itself
2.) People never learn anything from mistakes made in history. That is why it repeats itself.
That being said, other known facts.
Jim Jones came to power in the late sixties - early seventies. Warren Jeffs came to power in the late 90's.
Jim Jones developed a large following of devout believers. Warren Jeffs also.
Jim Jones was under investigation by authorities and took his most devout believers with him to start a new utopia. As did Warren.
Jim Jones became increasingly paranoid and had body guards and rarely came out in public and usually at night. Warren Jeffs has body guards and is rarely seen.
Jim Jones was an incredibly narcissistic person blaming his followers for all his failures. Warren Jeffs proclaimed the end of the world 3 times and blamed his followers of not being worthy of his prophecy.
Jim Jones controlled every aspect of his followers lives: marriage, sex proffesion and education... As Warren Jeffs does now.
Jim Jones declared himself God and only through him could his followers go to heaven. Warren Jeffs holds the keys to heaven and only through his good graces could his followers go to heaven.
When Jim Jones started losing control
rather than let god come down to them - He ordered his followers to go meet god.
What would Warren Jeffs do??
History can and does repeat itself...
Great book for insight:" Feet of Clay " a study of gurus, saints, sinners and madmen. By Anthony Storr
Get used to it Serg. You tried to prove that the poligs aren't quite as evil as people want to believe. If they can't sit at home stewing about the evil poligamists, trying to overthrow the government or "Bleed The Beast", the would have to find something else to talk about. It might not be as fun. The truth is never as intresting as a lie or a stretched version of the truth.
My first post was 7:32
You could say that I have had a "birds eye" view of the compound since it started.
I find the whole scenario fascinating. In this country of freedom you still have people who voluntarily give free will over to another person.
Co-dependency on a grand scale!!
What we have is a true “American Taliban".
Its ironic that Dubya spends 300 million a month trying to fight the Taliban, give women rights and insure that children are educated in Afghanistan and Iraq, while all this is going on in his own back yard....
So what would dubya do? Send the government in to bust them up? It sounds like.....Waco.
There was a time when those who now follow Warren, would never, never take the wife of another man. They do that almost daily now. Suicide may be more of a reality than one would think.
I don't think the government should do anything. I was just stating that US foreign policy is such hypocrisy.
Warren and company will eventually implode like every cult does, without any interference from anyone.
Cooler heads will prevail.
Guru from Canada will run it.
Open it up, let public awe about it for a month or so. Cult with few secrets and no locked gates will fade to back burner.
No one will care anymore.
New cult more fascinating will emerge somewhere else (Washington DC).
Start all over .... and over .. and over...
Come on now! Give those Canadian Guru's a break. Since 1999, April the 6th each year running was going to be the big end of it all. Really! April the 6th came and went over and over again. Didn't matter a bit, we just buckled down and looked forward to the next one. When the next one came, so came more predictions, more silence, more marriage re-shuffles, more calls for donations. Mostly the media is full of Texas corral fertilizer, but one thing they have right. The guy is shooting blanks when it comes to hitting the April 6th target. Maybe he should go to the ok corral and have a crap shoot with the media.
hey, has there been a run on for sale signs yet?
No sarcasim, Sergeant, just doing my job.
My typo, too. Your sidekick was Bill Gannon, not Joe.
Reply to 7:32 pm You have some very good analogies. Warren has predicted the end of the world a lot more than 3 times though. The final destructions are usually timed to come just before a request for a major contribution.
reply to Fence Sitter
I couldn't say who by name but I can make an simi-educated guess.
The total amount will be between 2000-3000 in the next year or so, but let's say 3000. Two thirds will be 19 and younger so 2000 are just a big bunch of kids. There's going to be maybe 100 tops bachelors between the age of 20-30 years old to handle all the work and the new husbands to be. That leaves about 900.
Now since they're going to be the most loyal and privileged and since there's been a lot of other guys who had their wives re-assigned to these guys (sort of like corporate consolidation), these guys are going to have a lot of wives. Maybe an average ratio of 5 to 1(currently it's a little less than 3 to 1). Since, let's say, 1 of the 5 wives is 19 and under group, the other 4 will be part of the 900 remaining. Drop into the old calculator and it comes to 180 married men with 900 wives. So in their eyes, 180 husbands and 100 or so bachelors, 280 total or less than 10% is who "they" are. The rest of the people are, well, just property...you know, like the rest of us refer to our cars and refrigerators.
Side notes: Of the 900 wives 1/3 will be pregnant at any given time so roughly comes out to about one new baby per day. The blood lines will be very tight so expect the bride import/export business to be very brisk.
Now that's only if they move there the way people have been talking. To be honest, Jeffs is a bit more crafty than that, and probably has a different plan. I think he's going to have a handful of the most faithful families permanent and the rest new families just starting out. Kind of make it look more like a campus or religious training ground. Much better for the image than just a town full of old guys having babies with young girls. Then the wife to husband ratio will be much lower.
9:07 They are so committed to their faith that if the person they believed to be their Prophet,Seer& Revelater suddenly changed doctrines & told them to commit suicide,they would be obedient to current revelation from God.Warren would have to come up with a plausible reason though.Check out their record of doctrinal changes since 1998.
stg,you have a real good handle on things.You must be from here.
To 1:07 p.m.
Where's here?
As I always say..."Never meet a ployg I didn't like, but then again, I've never met one.."
Thanks to the internet and some really pissed off ex-polygamist wives, this sort of information is no further than your computer or neighborhood book store.
You have met some in cyber space.
...hey wadda trying to do? blow my cover ;)
stg,your covers safe.You even have me confused now. ;) Carry on.
We need to settle on one correct spelling of plig.
Is it plig, polig, polyg, plyg, or ployg?
To 7:32: Hi, Dan! Long time no philosophize!
I wouldn't like to speculate on whether Warren is using the date (again) for his last-day prophecies, but just as an example of how much he has liberally changed the religion, he began saying that "the prophet is as God to us" before his father died, preparing the way for the people to worship him when Rulon died. Well, everything went according to plan and now the mindless sheep have begun to replace references to Jesus and God in their hymns with "Uncle Warren", such as at Uncle Fred's funeral when the innocent children arose to sing "Let the Children Come Unto Me" and in the phrase which used to say "Jesus Christ, our living head. . " it was replaced by "Uncle Warn, our living head" (sic. --the syllables wouldn't fit, so that's how it came out)
well said, well said.
Warren Jeffs has not predicted the end of the world. It is written the history of the earth, in the book of morman. This is where we get our beliefs. We beleive it the way Joeseph transalated it. Look in this book if you want your question's answered.Flora stirred a lot of people up. They took bribes, or had personal problem's. Not one person on her show spoke the truth. I know. I grew up with them. one women was abusing her own children horribly, and telling fibs. I think the date, that is refered too, is the day Joeseph prayed in the grove of tree's. I have only heard this terrible tradgedy story, from anti-polygamy activist's, and they lie as shamefully as Flora.
I would add however, if a prophet did predict the end of the world, and God had spoken it you could argue all day and night, and on the apointed day, God would indeed destroy the world. If how-ever a man did predict the ens of the world, and it was not designated of God, the world, would indede, stay in orbit. NOw, if you are convinced that this Warren id not a prophet, or that he is, The event's of nature would tell you the truth. It is written in the book of morman, The earth would real to and fro, like a drunken man. Scientists, have confirmed, that a sunomie, wave has changed our world's rotation. God claim's the honest in heart. OUr people are peacable people. you could wonder all day and night and surmise, what if and what if. you can recall all the murder's in the world. We do not carry arm's, like it is our right to. If you people were to kill us, we would be dead. You would be murder's. As to us doing as We are told, even to death, or that we would kill our-self's, I will say, murder is murder, no matter what excuse you use. We teach thing's about God. And as to singing song's of love for the people we love, that does not mean we do not Love Christ too. I think there are a lot of narrow minded people in the world.
Yes, you have just proven your last sentance. Thank you.
The April 6, "Doomsday," will come and go, as all other Warren predictions have come and gone.
Jesus said nobody knows the day and hour of his coming except the Father.
If Warren is so smart, why doesn't he quote from the Bible, or is that one of his dead books?
Oh, 9:15 PM Poster, you can add narrow MINDLESS in addition to the narrow minded people you referenced . . .
Speaking of Media...
KSL 1160 in Salt Lake apparently has a tape of the reclusive leader Warren Jeffs.
It was recorded by an "insider" with a hidden microphone.
They are going to air portions of the tape on Tuesday 3/5/05.
Listen to the internet stream Here.
Speaking of Media...
KSL 1160 in Salt Lake apparently has a tape of the reclusive leader Warren Jeffs.
It was recorded by an "insider" with a hidden microphone.
They are going to air portions of the tape on Tuesday 4/5/05.
Listen to the internet stream Here.
Somthing crazy is gonna happen
KSL radio will be playing portions of the tape on Tuesday (4/5/05) during the morning news.
They are also planning to send a reporter to Eldorado on Monday (4/4/05) to do live reports.
Media hype:
I wonder what the Eldorado Chamber of Commerce had to pay Warren to set up this April 6th thing? Wow! What a business promotion. The super bowl of super hype! Sounds like there'll be more media there than citizens. No wonder E-bay's in on it . . .
Probably something trumped up by the Eldo "not such" a Success. the "editor" keeps it stirred up to keep selling to the AP.For him to always talk abotu them being so secretive, Then how does he always know what is going on.It is a shame that this stuff stays on the front of the paper when worthy town stuff is left to the back like student accomplishments and scholarships. Where are the priorities.
Hey Anonymous 11:33 p.m.! Worthy town stuff? THIS affects the community more than any scholarship or student accomplishment...you sound like a bitter parent to me.
"left to the back"...Thank God that the Success is putting your kid's scholarship and Who's Who in High School somewhere in the paper! If it wasn't for the Success, no parent or grandparent in this poedunk town would have any newspaper clippings for their kids' scrapbooks!!! Where else would you find it? The Sub-Standard Times? The San Angelo paper and people don't give two craps about our kids down here. Randy and Kathy work their asses off for this town! They go to all your kids' events, take pictures...where do you go if your own personal pictures of your little angel didn't turn out??? Kathy of course! They bend over backwards to serve this community and all you can do is *itch and whine about how your kid was on page 4 or 8 instead of the 1st. Oh please!!!!!!!
The Eldorado Succes:
In regard to the Eldorado Success and appropriate journalism, I would like to comment.
I have daily access to the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, Provo Daily Herald, Southern Utah Spectrum, Arizona Republic and the New York Times. I have compared coverage of the FLDS affair in these papers and other media. In all fairness, the Eldorado Success has done a fine job in reporting the events surrounding the Warren Jeffs matter (the only stories I have followed in this paper).
Considering the "poedunk town" factor, make that an excellent job by the Success on the FLDS reporting. I don't know about other local issues, but given the "spotlight" circumstances, I think the Success has provided reasonably fair and balanced reporting and avoided the temptation of sensationalist grandstanding that other media so easily succumb's to.
I think Eldoradon's can be proud of their little paper and its committment to journalistic integrity.
I have to weigh in on the Eldorado Success, for a small town paper with only three full time employees (Randy, Kathy & Stacie) on their staff, example: Kathy is there @ 3am covering a major accident and then at a track meet in junction the following day, countless hours are spent to the wee hours of the morning putting the news paper together for the Thursday addition that comes out Wednesday evening. As far as the YFZ coverage, they have been instrumental in doing countless hours of research, making significant contacts and even traveling to the Twin cities to get a better grasp of the culture so fair reporting could be conducted. The community has been brought up to speed on this group thanks to the Successes extensive reporting. I know the news paper business is a thankless job but THANK YOU RANDY AND KATHY for the excellent work you do!
I have to weigh in on the Eldorado Success, for a small town paper with only three full time employees (Randy, Kathy & Stacie) on their staff, example: Kathy is there @ 3am covering a major accident and then at a track meet in junction the following day, countless hours are spent to the wee hours of the morning putting the news paper together for the Thursday addition that comes out Wednesday evening. As far as the YFZ coverage, they have been instrumental in doing countless hours of research, making significant contacts and even traveling to the Twin cities to get a better grasp of the culture so fair reporting could be conducted. The community has been brought up to speed on this group thanks to the Successes extensive reporting. I know the news paper business is a thankless job but THANK YOU RANDY AND KATHY for the excellent work you do!
Yes, thank you! Your information has been very good and consistent with other research I have done on this group. That's probably why your paper is mentioned and cross-referenced anytime you try to research the Eldorado FLDS group on the internet. Way to go, guys - keep up the good work. The only ones who have any reason to complain are those who don't want people on the outside to know the truth.
Thank you Eldorado Success!
You folks do really deserve a Pulitzer.
And it's real good to see that your "nice spell" with the ShortCrickers is over.
We're REALLY looking forward to your coverage of the end of the world. Or whatever happens.
S*** happens. All the time. But rarely do you get advance notice.
AP . . . UPI . . . CNN . . . Reuters News Service . . .
Dateline: Eldoraaado, TX.
Breaking News . . . Breaking News . . . Breaking News . . .
Media Orgy At YFZ Ranch A "Doomsday" Bust . . .
Jesus Cancels In Favor Of Visit With Pope . . .
Krakauer Returns From Nepal To Watch Story Evaporate "Into Thin Air . . ."
Prophet Livid—Chastises Faithful For Unfaithfulness . . .
Prophet Extends Uncle Fred’s "Special" Mission Indefinitely . . .
Prophet Foretells Of Next Years "Doomsday" Event--Last Seen Heading South Mumbling, "No Comment, No Comment . . ."
AG’s Left Holding Bag Of Subpoena’s Mumbling, "No Comment, No Comment . . ."
Mexican Minutemen Amigos Assemble At Border Crossing And Intercept Child Bride’s For Alleged "Prophet Trafficking . . ."
David Allred Buys "Hunting Retreat" In Mexico After Mancos Prozac Drug Bust Forces Sale Of Nursing Home Hunting Retreat, Colorado . . .
Dan Fischer Acquires YFZ For Lost Boy’s Dude Ranch . . .
"Uncle Wink" Organizes "Rainbow Coalition Canada" For Lost Dad’s . . .
Flora Calls Press Conference To Promote New Video, "Flora Does Dallas . . ."
Amazon Sponsor’s Bistline Book Signing For New Novel, "The Monogamists--A History . . ."
Debbie Palmer Loses Grant Funding After Delayed Memory Flashbacks Of Happy Past Life . . .
Oprah Features Child Brides Special But Stedman Disappears With Guests' . . .
Dubya Kisses Goat At Ranch Fund Raiser For Social Security . . .
Success Subscriptions Plummet From Boring Local News When YFZ Fizzles . . .
Chamber Calls Emergency Session To Plan 4/6/o6 Elgoatarod "Doomsday" Event--Prophet Contest Announced . . .
Life Returns To Normal, Jerry Springer And Jeraldo Get Married In Canada . . .
Breaking News . . . Breaking News . . . Breaking News . . .
To 11:36 PM Breaking News. You're here, too. We must have each wrote for this thread.
This weblog was just referred to me by a friend and I find it even more informative than she said it was. As several others are doing here, I want to give my prediction about the outcome of Wednesday. It’s my belief that Warren will call for a fast day and then he will gather the more righteous people into the temple, maybe for as long as 8 hours to pray for the destructions, for Jesus Christ to make an appearance and for this “Uncle Fred”, who recently died, to be renewed. At some point, probably about 6 hours into the fast meeting, Warren will be “inspired” to go into another room of the temple alone and there he will “receive” (it’s probably already written) a revelation from the “Lord”. [I’ll write what I believe Warren will write when he makes up his next revelation]. I believe it will read something like this:
“Thus saith the Lord to my servant, Warren S. Jeffs: The people are not yet sufficiently humble and are not pure (purged) enough. Therefore, I will not yet appear to you in the flesh nor will I accept the dedication of this temple unto myself at this time. Also, I’ve changed my mind and decided not to destroy this nation today, as I told you earlier, and I’ve decided “Uncle Fred” needs a rest, so with him, things will stay as they are.
There are still some half-hearted and a few 25%’s among the heart’s core of my chosen people. Therefore, ya’ll are still under condemnation and must needs repent and prove your faithfulness by consecrating everything you have to my storehouse.
The Eldorado Success Newspaper has put up a website, complete with a weblog whereby many 3/4 and 7/8 hearted among my people are making up lies about mine anointed. This blog site is an abomination in my sight and those amongst you that talk about, post on, or read the site, are nigh unto cursing and are sinning a sin so grievous it is near unto death.”
[At this point he’ll name one or two men from the Eldorado compound, nine or ten from Colorado City, and maybe a couple from Canada that the Lord has told him to kick out of Zion and take their families from them. One or two of those chosen to be kicked out will probably be “higher ups” because the importance of the 175th anniversary of the founding of the FLDS Church requires a much larger sacrifice than normal, just like the more important ritual days in the culture of the Aztec.]
The revelation will continue on with: “You must be diligent in finding and seeking out iniquity within the church and report it to your immediate male head who will then report it to his immediate male head who will then report it to “Bishop Will” who will then report it to mine anointed. Mine anointed will then contact Me and I will then instruct my servant further concerning the payment to be exacted from the guilty parties.
You are my hand picked and chosen people for whom I have a great and abounding love. I am therefore giving you more time and another chance to prove that you can be obedient in all things unto mine servant, Warren Jeffs who is pretty much one with me in all things.
I say unto you, my servant Warren: You have not put forth sufficient exertion in the commandment I had previously given you to clean up this people. Nor have you sufficiently taught your family as I have commanded and you must needs be chastened. Mine handmaidens (your mothers) whom I gave to you when I took your father unto Me, have not raised up sufficient seed to me in his name because of your lack of strength in the flesh. I command you henceforth to gird up your loins, take additional wives, and raise more seed unto me in your father’s and your name while I have yet granted more time. For above all others, the Jeffs bloodline is most precious in mine sight. On mine own list, it’s even above the bloodline of the Barlows.
If any of mine handmaidens among my church resist mine anointed, Warren, they are nigh unto cursing and being cut off from the presence of the Lord and must needs be chastened. They shall be taken from among the righteous and hidden in a place of isolation, there to be intensively taught and trained and allowed time for repentance. In order for them to avoid going down with the wicked and losing their salvation, they must get their thinking straight.
I have great dominions and glory in store for my worthy children who are obedient and concentrate solely on reaching my kingdom through mine appointed prophet, Warren S. Jeffs. Thus saith the Lord, your God. The end.”
“P.S. My servant Warren has not yet received sufficient funds to complete the building of Zion and for paying those pesky fines imposed by the state of Texas upon my people for not bothering to get the proper permits. Every elder is required to borrow an additional two thousand dollars from credit cards or bank loans, and turn it in as a consecration to my storehouse, thereby proving your loyalty to my priesthood.”
“P.P.S. Those who talked to the press revealing my sacred revelations to my servant Warren, are nigh unto cursing and will immediately shut up or I will cut them off from my presence and they will not be worthy of Zion, or Colorado City, for that matter. To prove your repentance, confess unto mine appointed servant, your sins and shortcomings, and do them no more before mine eyes. While you are at it, confess any of your neighbor’s sins that you are aware of or suspect they are guilty of. More will be given at a later date.”
That’s my prediction for the FLDS on the 6th day of April, 2005 in Eldorado, Texas. I’m sure the press will we disappointed again because they won’t hear a thing about Warren’s change to his prophecies until word leaks out from the inside.
All funn’in (at Warren’s expense) aside, I’m positive he will change his prophesies to accommodate his needs. His true followers (after seeing a few good friends and neighbors lose their salvation and loved ones) will again have their faith restored in him and sign up for a’nuther go round.
Living and Loving in Texas
to Anon 9:13
so are you the one who is going to tell us what really happened in that temple tomorrow....please...please
What no Armageddon, no world catastrophe's no 4 horsemen. Darn, I guess I need to go back to work in order to feed my family tomorrow
Oh MAN!!! I was expecting Armageddon. Maybe uprising in every country. What about the 4 horsemen? Guess it's not this time. Oh well, now I gotta get back to work to feed my family tomorrow.
Now that's just icky.
tex mex
FLDS member shares thoughts on Warren Jeffs’ prediction of the second coming of Christ.
Will self-proclaimed prophet, Warren Jeffs, be vindicated or exposed to the world as a fraud on April 6, 2005? If he is vindicated, those not chosen by him will be wiped off the face of the North American continent on this date. If he’s exposed, all that are alive on April 7, 2005, will have certain knowledge that he is a false prophet and receives his revelations from the dark recesses of his own mind rather than from God.
Warren is hand picking his 2,500 core believers from among the faithful FLDS followers and is having those chosen transported to Eldorado, Texas, there to await the second coming of Christ to accept the dedication of Warren’s new temple and witness the total destruction of this and other nations. We are also to witness the renewal of Uncle Fred, our bishop that Warren blessed to live 350 years into the millennium. This same failed prophecy was given about Uncle Rulon. He was our last prophet, and Warren’s biological father. He passed away about 2 ½ years ago.
Following Warren’s prediction of his renewal, Uncle Fred passed away a couple of weeks early, which makes me believe that Warren knew Uncle Fred was failing in health. His premature death may complicate Warren’s plans considerably. Uncle Fred was probably supposed to be renewed (Warren’s word for die) after the dedication of the temple, not before.
Warren’s “elect”, the 2,500 chosen people, will have to put Warren’s prophecies on the shelf of belief again, hoping understanding will come at a later date, when they don’t come to pass on Wednesday. The other 7,500 of us followers, Warren has abandoned to our own fate and has cast us off after first fleecing us of all our money and assets. If we won’t change our belief system, we will also be obligated to put Warren’s latest prophecies on the shelf of belief, in spite of the knowledge we’ve gained lately thru real life experience. I’m sure most of us will yet manage to persist in our faith in him, as it seems we can not admit we’ve been wrong all along.
My suggestion to the 7,500 abandoned FLDS saints is that we go back to studying our old scriptures instead of Warren’s new ones and find out what went wrong and where. We should reread the “Now Crisis” as Uncle Roy called “The Coming Crisis and How to Meet It” by Parley P. Pratt. Toward the bottom of the section on strong delusions, it reads:
“He (God) has said that ‘HE WILL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSIONS THAT THEY MIGHT BELIEVE A LIE.’ He gives His reason and apology for acting after this strange manner—because, knowing the truth, they do not love it unadulterated. And knowing God, they do not choose to glorify Him as God. Therefore their foolish hearts become darkened, and God suffers Satan to compound and mix up truth and error in such proportions as to be captivating and strongly delusive. As a snare, this composition will be ingeniously mixed and administered to all nations, by skillful and practiced hands.”
I believe this finger is being pointed directly at the FLDS, myself included.
Here is a quote found in the Journal of Discourses, 1:133-134, from Brigham Young that also points a finger in our direction. It was given April 6, 1853 in Salt Lake City, Utah exactly 152 years ago today.
“Now hear me, and I will try to talk so that you can understand. I will presume to go a little further than I did, with regard to the President of the Church, and say to this people, a man might have visions, the angels of God might administer to him, he might have revelations, and see as many visions as you could count; he might have the heavens opened to him, and see the finger of the Lord, and all this would not make him the President of the Church, or an Elder, a High Priest, an Apostle; neither would it prove that he was even a Saint: something else is wanted to prove it. Why I mention this, is because of the frailty, weakness, and short-sightedness of the people. If a man should come and tell you he had had a vision, and could appear to substantiate his testimony that he had had the heavens opened to him, you would be ready to bow down and worship him; and he might be, at the same time, perfectly calculated to destroy the people-one of the biggest devils on earth. He would appear to be one of the finest of men, to be honest and unassuming, and come with all the grace and generalship of the devil, which is so well calculated to deceive the people. Admit this to be the case.”
Perhaps the 2,500 chosen people should be careful if they are asked to bow the knee to Warren on Wednesday or this coming Sunday. And perhaps we who are part of the 7,500 “lost sheep” should find out the answers to the many questions we have concerning Warren’s and his minions ethnic cleansing of the FLDS Church and the destruction of our loved ones.
In Matthew 23:25, Jesus Christ says, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.”
Is this history repeating itself? We had all better take note and learn of the teachings of Christ and other true prophets before we, as Uncle Roy used to say, have to take this grade over again.
Ezekiel 14:9-11 says, (9) “And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. (10) And they shall bear the punishment of their in-iquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him: (11) That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord God.”
The Lord has told us in the scriptures, countless times, not to put our trust in the arm of flesh or we would face the consequences. Consider this from Brigham Young: “What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation. (Journal of Discourses 9:150)
Our leader and his teachers have continually put before us untruths that we are forced to swallow or risk losing our families over, which brings to mind another saying of Christ, “Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel.” Mat. 23:24
One last thought concerning the callousness with which we have discarded our children when commanded to by Warren reminds me of something Jesus said in Mat. 24:11-12, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (12) And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” The path we are following Warren on, has led us to “love waxing cold” toward our dear ones, toward our friends, neighbors and our fellow man.
Warren does not teach the Everlasting Love of Jesus Christ which leads to peace and harmony. Warren teaches a “love” and a “renewal” that leads to Never Ending Darkness and Chaos.
Nameless and Still Alive
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