Sunday, March 11, 2007

Carl Holm Family

I have heard the rumor that Carl Holm's elderly wives have been separated and spread around the community. Story has it that Richard Holm (Carl's Son) is now in posession of the property. Can anyone verify or put to rest the rumor?


  1. fttc; are you still in CC? Can you tell us more about the situation? Do you know WHO moved the ladies out? Was it Richard, or the "priesthood"?

  2. I am not still in CC. I heard the story from one of the Holm sons that left years ago. I started this thread with the hope that someone living there could fill us in.

  3. I heard Richard got his original home back, but does he have ownership of the holms grandmothers property now or what?

  4. I have it on good authority that Richard holms signed an occupancy agreement on the Holms school. His brother Edson Holms is occupying part of it to use as his own private school. Richard has not wanted to use legal means to get the school back because Edson indicated that if he he moved in then the mothers would all moved out. Apparently the mothers have moved out any way and each mother is living with one of her sons.

  5. Does anyone know what Carl Holm Jr. is up to these days? I see one of his wives around town occasionally but never see him.

  6. (He)got kicked out is what a rumor told me....

  7. Who did his wives get reassigned to?

  8. I'm not sure I think no one yet, I heard his son Allen which was married to a johnson
    girl was also kicked out and is living in Phoenix,AZ

  9. god does not exist.
