FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Monday, October 31, 2005
the noose it tightening on Warren
go to kutv.com for all the latest on his brother's capture with a male prostitute in tow. Oh and don't forget the 140,000 in cash along with a darling collection jar with Warren's photo on it with the caption "pennies for the prophet."
I think we should start a pot of our own....who ever guesses the right location of Warren's capture (remember Sadaam's spider hole?) I'm throwing in the first 10 bucks. my guess is Cortez, Colorado.
the picture that the FBI used is the same picture that every family in CC has on their walls.
I don't suppose there is any difference.
When Warren Jeffs came to town he started a radical picture thing of white backgrounds. So all the pictures of him have a white background that make him look like a angel.
Wonder why they would do "Pennies for the prophet"? Just to get everyone involved?
Why would they be driving at 3AM? More of the 24hr work day?
Seth is the kind of guy that was always better-than-thou the perfect kind that would fit in San Fransisco. Out of all of the brothers his character is the most like Warren Jeffs. Seth-Net is the internet provider to CC. Set up so that he could filter the emails and etc... (and tattle.)
Quoted from the TV article; "Seth Jeffs was arrested for prostitution and solicitation after the other man told authorities that Jeffs hired him for sex."
So Seth is a homosexual on a mission for GOD (his brother Warren) and Warren is proud to be surrounded by such saints? I think we are about to see how low Warren will go to protect himself. Lets see, isn't it Warren that is accused of having gay sex with a child, his nephew Brent Jeffs? Maybe this is just birds of a feather who flock together.
Well that ole crook Warren Jeffs must be unhappy that LE has his $140,000. Drugs found? Well the Jeffs family sounds more like the Gotti's than prophets.
Money & phone cards/prepaid credit cards, messenger carrying them to Eldorado, Texas. Sounds like that ole lord of flies Warren Jeffs is here in Texas, or perhaps hiding in Mexico and having messengers running to YFZ/Eldorado. My money is on YFZ, IMO Jeffs wants to be a martyr, hoping to create a last stand at YFZ in his so called temple.
What you say is very true. It is tragic that most of his followers will overlook completely the double standard of warren and have great sympathy for him. They will feel the terrible grief he must have for his brother who was once so faithful and now has suddenly turned so wicked. It will be further testimony that warren is THE prophet. What else can he be when those so close to him turn Judas-like? I mean this man Seth was on the PROPHET'S errand when he was doing these terrible things. How can anyone possibly tie his actions in with warren?
Such is the illogical turnings of one who has become darkened in their mind by rejecting truth. So sad! Such a tragedy! If Street chimes in you will see what I mean.
The place where Seth was caught tells me that Warren is probably in Colorado.
You may be right. The news story said that Seth returned to Pueblo from Castle Rock. Castle Rock is just a few minutes away (15) from Lone Tree.
Uncle Fred was at a medical center in Lone Tree when he died. Someone must have a safe house around there if Uncle Fred could be hidden away for more than a year.
Lone Tree has the closest medical facility to the Castle Rock area, so Uncle Fred could have been living in the Castle Rock area until he was so sick that he had to get medical care.
Castle Rock has very remote areas with lots of acreage between houses. It can be very private.
I'm sorry. I just don't believe that Nathaniel Allred said that he was paid to provide sex. First, Nathaniel and Seth are COUSINS, not strangers, not hooking-up, pick-ya-up on the street acquaintances. Second, Nathaniel has been an errand boy for Warren for a long time, so the probability that he was along on the mission is very high.
I'm no fan of Warren's, but this whole situation sure does give me pause. The sensationalism in the news makes you wonder what other stories are "far-fetched" or even completely fabricated. "Don't believe what you hear or read, and only half of what you see" is an old adage that seems pretty appropriate here.
Yeah, Nathaniel probably saw an opportunity to save $5000 for warren. These guys have total disdain for the law. It would not take much stretch of the imagination to think Nathaniel made up the story to distract the law from other inquiries. Once a person starts lying out of habit no tale is too tall.
For the media to make up a story like the prostitution would expose them to a libel suit if there were not any grounds for it. It is hard to believe they would allow it on the air unless there is some grain of truth to it. Maybe it is not exactly like they told it, but the source must be from something Seth or Allred said.
Pharisees in action--clean on the outside and grosser than cockroach dung on the inside. The last time I saw Seth was when he met me on a top-secret mission and he had that "washed away" look. I blamed it on 20 hour days, but it was the same look that "immoral Gentiles" get that become overly perverse.
to 11;30 poster, There is not any doubt that the media portrays the grossest lies, and they are only out for there sensationalism. They are out to make a dollar. And right now the public is interested. As far as I can tell they do not care one bit about people, just sensationalism and stirring people up. There has not been one case of this kind in our city. Not one, and if those cop's had not found money you would not have heard a thing about this.
And I guess that one of these perverts is going to have to die of AIDS, in the Super Bowl on New Year's Day, during the half-time show in front of a 100,000 in the live audience and millions watching on T.V. for you died-in-the-wool Warrenites to not believe that there is some conspiracy against your convicted-by-default of sodomy with a minor Prophet, the magnificant, wonderful, all-knowing Warren Jeffs. Get Real and Grow Up!
For all appearances, homosexual behavior is non-existent at Colorado City.
At least that is how it used to be, now-a-days it is a different story. You can find lesbians and gays (secretly) through out the entire society because of the fall out of such perverted nonsense about sex from Warren Jeffs.
I'm looking at the affadavit the FBI filed with the court. It specifically says Sexual Companionship and Sexual Services. Don't blame the media for this one! Your boy blew it....oops!
To 11/01/2005 1:58 PM: You have brought up a very valid point about Seth Jeffs being “on the street.” Many times through the last few months, it’s been said that OTS processed information an awful lot like Warren Jeffs. There could be a familial connection or more.
OTS needs to be someone on the “the Dole” because of time and money constraints. We or at least I assumed that he was receiving mental disability funds from the government enabling him to spend the horrendous amounts of time and energy in defending Warren that OTS feels compelled to expend.
Query: What if OTS has been on Warren’s pay roll all along and what if Warren was helping him (Seth) out with all of his answers to the questions on this blog? With Seth now in jail, the OTS poster may have to work alone. Or what if Warren Jeffs is OTS and Seth was just his minion? Then Warren will be working all alone, now. Maybe it was the OTS poster or posters that anonymously told all the Warrenites to quit reading or posting on this site?
This theory looks good on paper, well have to watch this saga play itself out to the end to find out for sure.
Just be to be on the safe side, though, the F.B.I. needs to keep Seth in custody, if not for the crime of possibly being “on the street” :-) then at least for his own safety. After the fallout Warren gets from this family scandal, Seth may be the first one revealed to Warren by God, to test out the blood atonement room in Warren’s new temple. Seth will burn for this one.
Sounds Like Sethy was literally caught with his pants down. Before Winston was expelled from the FLDS, Warren sent Seth up to Canada with a big TV minitor with computer and video equipment so we could monitor Warren Live from Colorado City. Winston was told that he could no longer teach the people. We had to get our instruction directly from Warrren. Before we came to our senses, we would sit in church watching a video monitor tuned in to church from CC. We always suspected that Seth must have set up some bugging device in our meeting hall at the time he set up the video monitor.
"I'm looking at the affadavit the FBI filed with the court. It specifically says Sexual Companionship and Sexual Services. Don't blame the media for this one!
Oh, pardon me!!! OBVIOUSLY if the FBI says something is so, it is SO! Bearing in mind the recent "FBI confirmed" sightings of Warren Jeffs (turned out to be his brother) and the entire Herbert Hoover administration, not to mention a million and one items since where the FBI has been exposed twisting the facts to make them fit. . . But if the target is Warren, then the shoe FITS, cause the FBI said it was SO!!!!
As I said, don't blame the media. You can blame the FBI if you like, or the Colorado Cops, but the media is not making this thing up. While you're at it, why don't you blame Warren's little cousing, you know, the one he played hide the weenie with, or how about the Chatwins or any of the Barlows who have been kicked out. Or...wait a minute, you can blame Flora. Yeah, that's the ticket, blame Flora. Blame anyone you like. It's obvious to all who aren't brain damaged by decades of inbreeding that Warren and is ilk are sex perverts. Hey, Streety, that includes you! Now, go and find someone to blame this post on and, while your at it you can blame Richard Holm for all the rain that has fallen at the YFZ Ranch and delayed the temple project.
I think the real world is descending on the FLDS like a ton of bricks. Anon 8:23 is in a state of shock from the concussions. Be kind to the poor suol!
Iamcurious (AKA) Street said Date Posted: 11/01/2005 8:31 PM Well fokes, we all know that most news reports are scandalous, and all the way up to the White House. Just look as the current Scooter Libby scooting around the media like he did, and now even the media is under criminal investigation.
As for Seth, if he or anyone else is immoral, they certainly won't last long in the Church. The Prophet has seen to that, and the world has seen all those excommunications for immorality. But if it's just another media hype, we all know how that goes too. Those in the world who are pure (sexually pure), will find their way into the Church of God, and the Presence of God, eventually. But they are few, elite, and elect, what the Lord calls "the favorites of heaven".
OK Street, here is a curious thought. I guess the prophet accepts money, no matter what company it keeps. I guess when it hits those pure hands of his, the money is elite and elect no matter how it arrives.
Street, Seth problems are no media hype. It just shows the depravity, behind the mask of "Keeping Sweet."
The FBI should have let Seth-boy go with all his cash and letters. He would have been caught up in his "I'm so much better than they are..I never do anything wrong.. God (Warren) would never dare let me get caught" attitude, they could have followed him straight to his drop point and then followed others to Warren's hideout.
About this prostitution thing. This all sounds really strange. One guy says he's a messenger for God and the other guy says he's the messenger's love slave. If Love Slave wanted to draw attention away from their Godly messenger and delivery duties then he could not have chosen a worse alibi.
Maybe Love Slave has been Seth-boy's bitch for many years. He knew in his heart that it was wrong and he just couldn't keep up the pretense that he was still righteous. Maybe he finally wanted out because he was tired of being brutalized by Seth-boy and just couldn't look himself in the mirror anymore.
Maybe Love Slave has been promised a place next to War-boy in his new temple if he takes care of Seth-boy's special needs.
If Seth-boy really is bi-sexual, you can bet that War-boy has known it for many years and has been holding it over on him. I'll also wager that Seth-boy has the goods on War-boy and that is why he is kept around.
Seth-boy was probably War-boy's accompliss in molesting his two nephews. We all know it wasn't Blaine, he wasn't even part of the Church at that time. Is Love Slave about the same age as the nephews, give or take 5 years? I'll bet there are more in the Jeff's family that know the real truth of this dirty little secret.
Why do you think none of Warren's brothers have come forth to defend him? It is hard to defend Warren when he is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much, much more that has gone on in the Jeffs family than is generally known, a lot more. Nobody can come forth and try to defend Warren, because it will only bring more to light. The current discovery about Seth is only the starting. There are those around that know what went on and goes on in the Jeffs family. Some have even heard it right from Uncle Rulon's own mouth.
Why was Warren so hard on Vanessa Rohbock (sp?) and even told Winston that there was nothing left for her but blood atonement when his own brother Enoch had committed adultery with one of his mothers four times; the first three were hidden from the public and Enoch put on a pedistal along with the other "righteous brothers." In baseball, you only get three strikes; why did it take Enoch four? Why did Warren hide his crimes when Vanessa's were much milder? Maybe Ron and Warren weren't getting along all that well at this time.
The evidence is there that Warren has hidden immorality as much as possible when it is within the Jeffs family.
Take a look at Lyle's hypocrisy. It's time now to shout this one from the housetops because he will run boys out of town for mild pornography, but his own computer has been caught red-handed with titty-pictures, and this even after being married. Why hasn't Warren received revelation on him? Why is he still kept in when he's done this nonsense.
secret combinations is all I can say about how the Jeffs are acting and reacting to what is happening. Hide the small problem so it won't lead the world to the huge monster that is right behind the door.
How is anyone trying to destroy the people? Is marrying underage girls requisite for your survival? There are a few evil people in your midst that have become targets. If you are not part of this you are in no danger. If warren is a true prophet, his demise will never destroy the people. If he is a true prophet his imprisonment will only strengthen the faith of the righteous. If he is merely a man you have put your trust in his removal will scatter you to the four winds. Perhaps this is what you fear?
The hyprocisy with Enoch goes even deeper than Vanessa. A young man was told he had nothing left for him when he dated a girl, the two started hugging and kissing, but when the girl asked for intercourse, the man said no and fled. However, even this was "too far", yet Enoch (a Jeffs, of course) was forgiven for having relations with one of his MOTHERS. Reuben lost his birthright over this, yet Warren protected Enoch FOUR TIMES, and yet another boy was sent away for SAYING NO!!!
Here's what Sheriff David Doran has to say, "Sheriff David Doran said Tuesday he has been in contact with investigators in Colorado but declined to give any details about the probe or whether authorities believe they are close to finding Warren Jeffs."
Here's URl for rest of article: http://www.sltrib.com/utah/ci_3173884
response to anon 11/02/2005 10:39am The poster believing in the bloggers "attempt to destroy a people for religion and culture" First, I would like to thank you for participating in this discussion and your opinion is as valid as anyones. I hope you continue to give input to this blog, as it is a valuable resource and sounding board. I'm from CC and my opinion is that many of these bloggers are aware of corruption at high levels in the FLDS church, and are trying to expose corruption where ever it rears it's ugly head. Not to destroy but to save this people's religion and culture from being part of Warren's destructions.
I am concerned though, about how many people in the creek are panicking, knowing their personal correspondence is now being held as evidence and being scrutinized. Is anyone fleeing?
I doubt that the warrens folks are even aware of their letters being rerouted. But, I am curious, did those letters have a US stamp placed upon them? Did they go through the postal system once upon a time? And pennies for Warren. That is priceless.
"If war-boy is a true prophet then his imprisonment will only strengthen the faith of the righteous" ???
Would you please re-write this?
You know if war-boy went to prison there would be a bunch of people using that as a reason to put him on a pedestal next to God. It doesn't make him a true prophet; he would still be a child molester with a bunch of boneheads schlepping after him.
I got a kick out of the "pennies for prophet" jar. I'll bet war-boy would throw that back in the face of Love Slave and Seth-boy yelling, "I want checks for the prophet! Big checks! Now get your purty little mouths back to CC and get me some big checks!"
The are very focused! Onward to Zion. This life has nothing left to offer them, so they say. They have no balance left in their lives. No recreation.
Their prophet has "blessed" them and told them the Lord will turn the tide and money will fall into their hands.
So they work all over the west, and work hard 15 hr days and go home on Saturday to their saturday project meeting and then back to the grindstone. No time for family, no time to talk (maybe a few sermons)
(What little I have seen, they, the men, are very mission specific. They don't joke or talk small talk. It is like the movies of the army where they talk in two or three word sentences)
What would you do if your very life and family depended on your consecrations of $$ to the church?
"Pennies for the Prophet" is a classic case of demagoguery. Warren is a master at working peoples emotions. He wouldn't be upset one second at Seth over a jar of pennies.
You Know I have not had time read all the posts but it seems every body is pretty much on the same page of what is going on, as I am. Warren Jeffs is a tactical person. If is true he is telling his followers that the goverment wants to kidnap the children of the FLDS. Than it also stand to reason to me at least. That he would want to give the ones that doubt or wonder what Warren is telling them. And go to the newspaper, to either confirm or disconfirm what Warren is telling them. In short, is it possible Warren would have Nathaniel Allred and his brother Seth Jeffs. Act erratically on the road, to get a cops attention. Then tell the most outrages lie they can think of. Just so Warren Jeffs can say to the people, see, see how corrupt the goverment is. They will even lie about Seth in this way. This is just a scenario, but I think its one that could be true. Cause I still have hard time swalling that Seth and Nathaniel would do such a thing. And it would be in Warrens intrest if his followers believe that all we do is spread lies. Even if it is Warren himself, that starts the lie.
Someone on a past post, made an obsveration that OTS has not been posting. While Seth has been in Jail for haboring a fugitive and hiring a prostitute. Mabye is reconcerdering his that beloved Prophet is not a prophet at all. Or just mabey OTS is sitting a Colorado Jail right NOW!
the above poster has a point about OTS. We know by his own confessions that Seth is a courier for Warren and transports money, correspondence, more money, pre paid cards, cofessions, more money etc.... He travels between all of Warrens compounds and because these compounts are located in UT AZ TX NV CO BC, Canada. this courier would be on the road a great deal of time When OTS come up with his posting name "on the street" did he really mean that he was "on the road". I believe with a laptop computer and verizon wireless, internet Seth could do a tolerable job in posting as OTS on the blog while OTR.
Seth's residence in a colorado Jail without access to his laptop might explain OTS's total silence on these last threads. Before we couldn't get him to shut up.
I have heard the word all over town that's been "officially" blessed by Warren's hierarchy that this whole sodomy charge against Seth and Nate was entirely fabricated by the United States Government to discredit "our beloved Prophet" in the eyes of this Nation. They also say that the media is blowing it all out of proportion though I have heard no one claim that the media is making this up. The Warrenites believe that the media is unfairly covering this story and reporting government lies. It's interesting to note that not a word is being said about the FBI's charge of "concealing a felon" being false. Everyone knows it's true, and appriciates Seth and Nate's loyalty to the prophet and for being willing to go to prison to protect the prophet's location. All the talk is mostly about the legnths the governments going through in making our "prophet" look bad to the nation. They even think the government planted drugs in the vehicle for the dog to respond to. This is believed by both the FLDS and many who have left the FLDS having lost their faith in Warren. Also the story that Seth and Nate were weaving all over the road in their vehicle, initiating the initial arrest is an absolute lie. Their version of the story coming from the hierarchy is that the government already knew that the money was being transported to Warren via Seth and Nate so they (the government) intercepted the delivery using perverted sex and drugs as the excuse for that first traffic stop by the police. There you have it. The FLDS take on the "Seth-affair". They know their version is true because the prophet told them so, and he cannot lie, because the Lord would remove him from his position prior to the lie. We were taught this truth from birth and in our minds (FLDS) the very fact that Warren is still alive and has not been removed from his position is proof positive that his is the true prophet...... Go figure.
There are people in CC that deny the Twin Towers!!! I have heard it myself; it was all a government coverup; they flew their own jets into the towers and there never were hijacked planes. These planes were all shot down by the government shortly after takeoff while they were overseas (by the corrupt government) so the debris would go into the ocean and radio controlled planes without passengers or pilot were flown into the towers.
Now, if CC can come up with this, what else can it come up with?
I don't think Warren has officially taken this stand on the Twin Towers, but it shows the willingness to believe about anything.
ccic: just wondering if you are still appearing to be faithful in CC or are you considered an apostate? If you still have an "in" than bravo. Keep the news coming but more importantly be careful theres a lot of nuts out there.
Well, Furnace I heard Warren was gleeful about the news of the twin towers event and even used it Canada during a sermon to prove his point the world was ending. Has anyone else heard this?
CCIC street is posting on another site as Iamcurious. He or someones using his name is still posting his rendition of heaven. He is just staying away from here, which is good.
Hey, quit blaming the media for all your problems.
If your community had a viable trusted independant media, pointing out the faults and good things about Short Creek over the years you would probably not be in this fiasco (mess).
The theory that Seth could be OTS because as one of Warrens couriers he is "on the road"(OTR) a lot is very credible. However, we must keep an open mind.A credible theory that OTS could be Tom Barlow could be effectively argued as well.Remember that he's behind bars right now as well. Someone needs to start a timeline on both men as to when they were jailed and when OTS stopped posting and then began again.This can't positively prove they are OTS but could prove they are not OTS to a reasonable degree.
To Anon. at 11:01 2005 A AM: You didn't think the Jeffs and Allreds were as tight a bunch as one would think.
I can't see how two Jeffs and Allred men can get closer together than Seth and Nate are. It would have made more sense to me to say that the Jeffs and Allred women are not a tight a bunch as one would think.
I'm sure there are some hard feelings on their part after being beat out by a couple of men in a domain that they should reign supreme in.
Seth and Nate have publically humiliated there wives and children.
Was Warren's "offical" excuse for what happened with Brett, "that he was giving a constipated boy some help"? I must have missed that meeting. If Warren is using that excuse, it's really a lame one.
It seems to me, Brett would tell his mother about a constipation problem long before he would tell Warren or anyone else. That would have been a delicate subject for a young boy to discuss.
LE in Arizona blames LE in Texas for fact that Warren Jeffs hasn't been arrested. Sheriff Doran is qouted as saying, "We're doing everything we can on this case and are giving more attention to this than any out-of-state warrant we've ever had. We've worked very hard on establishing a dialogue with the people out there, encouraging them to turn him in," Doran said. "The gentleman you quote doesn't have a clue about Texas." Read article: http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=126242
The gentlemen that Sheriff David Doran refers to is Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard.
Finger pointing on part of LE must have Jeffs & his goons laugh out loud, IMO.
Goddard hasn't apprehended warren in Arizona because he fears the reaction of the people. He would like to shove the responsibility onto someone else. The article mentions WACO. LE is certainly concerned about this aspect of arresting warren. The real truth is none of the agencies want to be responsible for what they fear will result from bringing warren in. I don't blame them. On the other hand warren has them where he wants them. He can continue his agenda of spurning the law and making them look as ridiculous as they do. LE will have its day. warren is getting bolder. He will step over the line soon and his own trusted associates will take care of him or turn him in. What member of the Mob ever escaped this fate?
Sam's hypocrisy is in the past. He isn't a police oficer anymore, so save our breath. Lyle and Warren are ruining young boys lives, so it is their hyprocisy that needs exposed. No sense airing dirty laundry on someone who isn't ruining others lives anymore.
When this thread first started, objection was made about airing dirty laundry, and I think it should be avoided UNLESS THEY PERSECUTE OTHERS, and then SHOUT FROM THE HOUSETOPS their hyprocrisy.
Tonight at 10:00 on Ch. 4 the Lost Boys will be on the air. Don't tell me that all these lost boys were so bad they had to be kicked out to keep the rotten apples from destroying the whole batch. Where's the parental love and guidance through the troublesome teenage years?
Just remember this, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who deny the diety of Jesus, also deny the existence of Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints who practice polygamy and deny the diety of Jesus. The polygamy thing is the only difference I see.
The article stated that my decision would cost me my job. I voluntarily quite my job after making my decision. Other than that, I appear to be quoted accurately.
"The secrecy disturbed him to the point that he decided to leave the FLDS. It was a monumental decision, especially since he had a young wife and an infant to support.
Quitting the FLDS meant he must leave his church-controlled city job that paid $31,000 a year -- a relatively high salary in Colorado City. "When a religion goes wrong, you have to get out,” Richter explains."
You folks need to go back and read again, slowly.
"Richter says potential buyers from a non-FLDS polygamist sect in nearby Centennial Park considered bidding on the generators but were discouraged when they saw what appeared to be “dilapidated” equipment."
I, Robert Richter, posted 6:58 and 7:26. Other than this, the article is accurate as far as I am concerned. I was just a little shocked as this is the first time the news media has printed anything coming from me, and some things were slightly innaccurate, but I think Doughtery did an excellent job.
I was to hide any evidence of improving the generators IN CASE of other bidders, but I am not aware of any bidders that weren't FLDS. All 5 or 6 bidders that bid did so with intent of the equipment winding up at YFZ.
As far as quitting my job, I stayed employed for another 1 1/2 months, during which time I was looking for another job, but I did quit voluntarily; there was no foul play involved in my quitting.
However, it is interesting that the City allowed me to keep my job, but Joe C. Jessop didn't keep his job after he was asked out by Warren. He asked if he could keep his job as a lineman (maintaining the power lines around town). He was told yes, but he could only do office work; he wasn't allowed on UEP property, so how could he maintain the power lines? He decided if all he could do was be in his little Dilbert cubicle, he would quit.
JOAN SAID (11/05/2005 12:19 PM): Curious tells us: "....If Satan doesn't deceive all who can be deceived, God will find another devil who will, for Satan MUST obey God. Otherwise, God wouldn't be God...
Joan is confused. Curious, If your God would find (create) another Devil or create multiple devils to deceive people, is God the author of all deception - maybe your God and Satan One?
STREET'S REPLY: The Cedar of Lebonon is Good, the Malchut of Earth is evil. They are both God's Kingdoms. When they join in the paradisical glory, they are perfected in one God. God fell, that man might be, and came into the Garden of Eden. That is evil, yet He is God. But He repented, and He is Good. His spirit children came here to be tried and developed by these evils, by doing what they say their Father do in Eden. For He was baptized and followed the presence of Lord in all things.
he can call it for what it is , a blatant lie. When street doesn't know the truth, the makes it up to suit his purpose. HE IS A LIAR. AS IS HIS PROPHET, WARREN JEFFS
Hey Robert! Your information in the newspaper was great. I am impressed with your ability to put it into words.
Sometimes we think that things really aren't so bad, because we lived with it or participated in it. I really appreciate your information and point of view.
Robert, I am proud of your decision to take the high road and take back your integrity. It takes real courage to stand up for what you know is right and to be ready to take the consequences. The high road is bumpy, and there will be plenty of people happy to sling rocks to try to knock you off of it, but in the end, you and your family will will be better off. I wish you the very best. Janet Johanson (auntie to Wayne, Vonnie, Taylor, Julia, Janelle, and Deanne Thornton "Fischer").
What has become of MIB? He should be able to dig up the police report and the Investigation documents on the Seth and Nate case. The Warren followers need to know for sure where their money has been going. It takes alot of work these days to earn $5000.00 What a disgusting shame if the contributions are going to fund such immoral conduct.
Not to mention the blood attonement big lie. But Warren was not the orginator of that one. It goes way back to Joseph Smith and his good friend Brigham.
Oh, it goes futher back than that. Lucifer developed that one. Infact he is known around as the FATHER OF LIES.
Although sympathy for someone as old as these two in their predicament is out of the question, I have to feel sorry for them. By this police report their brains are so scrambled they do not know the sun is shining at high noon. Their every thought and deed is dedicated to furthering the work of warren and no depth of deception is beyond their scope of use.
Robert, thank you for your honesty and willingness to come forward and tell the truth.If more FLDS members get the courage you exhibited to come clean with what they know the faster this fiasco with Warren Jeffs will be ended.Maybe then we can begin to rebuild our lives on a foundation of rock rather than Warrens sand.
Who is Fredrick Melvin Jessop. His name was on the bottom of the mason jar with Warren's FBI photo on it.
Also, what a whopper. Seth told the deputy he was traveling to Texas to set up a piano for a recording studio in the Texas area. A silver tonge devil, he is.
Does he by chance have them record "Sleepers Awake?", "Morning Has Broken?", A Mighty Fortress?", "It Is Well, with My Soul?", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness?", I thought not. Hmmmm......well....I guess that shows how self-centered and shallow his thoughts run.
For those of you who wonder, find hymnals used in most evangelical churches whose whole trust is in Jesus for forgivness of sin and read the words of these hymns. They are an eye opener, to say the least.
No, but he did have a rather lengthy song played at Saturday Work meeting advertising a CD. The women ooh'd and aah'd to capture the emotions while the men sang time and again about the holiness of Warren Steed Jeffs and even had the quote "like the Father and the Son".
That was the last Saturday Work meeting I attended; I was disgusted with the weird holy promotion of Warren at that Saturday meeting.
This guy is coming unhinged. Please be careful. Next he'll be having you sacriffice your children to him. Their innocence to cover your un-named sin. He knows what your sin is, but won't tell you....You will wind up with nothing. No home, no family, no church, no friends, no prophet, no hope....nothing......hopeless.....
Faithful, Seth told the deputy who was searching their vehicle the piano and the music studio story and the deputy placed it in his report.
As the officer stated in the beginning of the paragraph, Seth changed his story once more. Maybe it was the truth, but the officer asked him why he carried so much cash. Seth said he did not trust credit cards because someone in Italy used his American Express Card charged $20K. The officer then asked him, why did he have credit cards in his wallet. He had no answer.
As for the mason jar. It had small change in it, a picture of Warren with Fredrick Merril Jessop penned underneath the picture in pen attached to the jar, and an envelope from Peggy Jessop, addressed to the prophet in the jar with the change.
If Warren steals children from their parents to "raise them in a holier place", this places the parents in one hell of a situation. If they wake up, they can't defect of they will be considered apostate and they will never be told where their children are.
Russia used a technique like this to control visitors to the US. If they defected, they didn't know what would happen to their immediate family. Warren is into the same diabolical control of people by using their children.
Yep, already figured that one out. How else to get very faithful followers. You raise them up and they grow up twisted. I guess that is why a special place is called a regilious encampment.
Maybe Waren ought to call former President Jimy Carter. He's so obsessed with being a peacemaker and winning Nobel prizes. Carter doesn't care about the individuals being held in bondage or how much they suffer as long as he can attain a short term peace agreement between parties in dis-agreement. I mean he's done so much good and had so much long term success as the result of his previous efforts.
You don't believe me, just ask the French. They are experts at surrender. They have had practice doing it for centuries.
Example of where Carter's influence might be of assistance: Warren Jeffs vs. United States of America. Warren Jeffs vs. The State of Arizona. Both Warren and Jimmy would love the headlines.
I think we should start a pot of our own....who ever guesses the right location of Warren's capture (remember Sadaam's spider hole?) I'm throwing in the first 10 bucks. my guess is Cortez, Colorado.
Looks like Warren is not the only quer in the jeffs family.
Is it true they used Warren's wanted poster on the FLDS kids "pennies for the prophet" donations jar?
Here is a better story
Now that is more like it!
Although I doubt that Nathaniel Allred said
Allred, 27, reportedly told sheriff's deputies that Seth Jeffs paid him $5,000 to accompany him on the trip and provide sexual services.
But with their reputation anything could be possible.
What I wouldn't give to see what the letters addressed to Warren Jeffs were and who they were from.
What I wouldn't give to see what the letters addressed to Warren Jeffs were and who they were from.
did you see the porn moustache on Seth???
boy Seth looks awful, since the last time I saw him. Is he married?
DOes he have kids?
Has Anyone in Colorado city seen him recently?
the picture that the FBI used is the same picture that every family in CC has on their walls.
I don't suppose there is any difference.
When Warren Jeffs came to town he started a radical picture thing of white backgrounds. So all the pictures of him have a white background that make him look like a angel.
Wonder why they would do "Pennies for the prophet"? Just to get everyone involved?
Why would they be driving at 3AM? More of the 24hr work day?
Seth is the kind of guy that was always better-than-thou the perfect kind that would fit in San Fransisco. Out of all of the brothers his character is the most like Warren Jeffs. Seth-Net is the internet provider to CC. Set up so that he could filter the emails and etc... (and tattle.)
Quoted from the TV article;
"Seth Jeffs was arrested for prostitution and solicitation after the other man told authorities that Jeffs hired him for sex."
So Seth is a homosexual on a mission for GOD (his brother Warren) and Warren is proud to be surrounded by such saints? I think we are about to see how low Warren will go to protect himself. Lets see, isn't it Warren that is accused of having gay sex with a child, his nephew Brent Jeffs? Maybe this is just birds of a feather who flock together.
Maybe the true colors are fading through!
Well that ole crook Warren Jeffs must be unhappy that LE has his $140,000. Drugs found? Well the Jeffs family sounds more like the Gotti's than prophets.
Money & phone cards/prepaid credit cards, messenger carrying them to Eldorado, Texas. Sounds like that ole lord of flies Warren Jeffs is here in Texas, or perhaps hiding in Mexico and having messengers running to YFZ/Eldorado. My money is on YFZ, IMO Jeffs wants to be a martyr, hoping to create a last stand at YFZ in his so called temple.
Looks like Seth might need to repent from a distance on this one.
Good thing the authorities got ahold of Seth before he did something potentialy harmfull to the profit!
oh wait, maybe this cold be harmfull to the profit
Question for Anonymous, at 10/31/2005 9:43 PM
who said:
did you see the porn moustache on Seth???
What is a "porn moustache"? I saw the moustache on Seth in the photo, but why did you call it a "porn moustache"?
I don't think that is the same photo as everyone has hanging on their walls. It really doesn't have a white background. It is a police booking photo.
But maybe when Warren is caught and booked a new trend will be started with mug shots being hung on the walls.
He should look quite angelic then, ya?
Many always wondered why the Jeffs and Allreds were such a tight bunch, guess they are not as tight as one would think.
where is ots? I'm waiting for his spin on this story that just broke. Do you think we should send out an APB on him?
The place where Seth was caught tells me that Warren is probably in Colorado.
What you say is very true. It is tragic that most of his followers will overlook completely the double standard of warren and have great sympathy for him. They will feel the terrible grief he must have for his brother who was once so faithful and now has suddenly turned so wicked. It will be further testimony that warren is THE prophet. What else can he be when those so close to him turn Judas-like? I mean this man Seth was on the PROPHET'S errand when he was doing these terrible things. How can anyone possibly tie his actions in with warren?
Such is the illogical turnings of one who has become darkened in their mind by rejecting truth. So sad! Such a tragedy! If Street chimes in you will see what I mean.
Somebody put together and start marketing a "Deck of Cards", like we had for Saddam and his gang!
You there?
Cat got your tongue?
So, Street... tell us what you think of Seth Steed Jeffs.
Is he just an innocent victim?
Is he a faithful follower of the prophet?
Is he "one cute fella"?
Reply to Anonymous, at 11/01/2005 8:03 AM
The place where Seth was caught tells me that Warren is probably in Colorado.
You may be right. The news story said that Seth returned to Pueblo from Castle Rock. Castle Rock is just a few minutes away (15) from Lone Tree.
Uncle Fred was at a medical center in Lone Tree when he died. Someone must have a safe house around there if Uncle Fred could be hidden away for more than a year.
Lone Tree has the closest medical facility to the Castle Rock area, so Uncle Fred could have been living in the Castle Rock area until he was so sick that he had to get medical care.
Castle Rock has very remote areas with lots of acreage between houses. It can be very private.
I'm sorry. I just don't believe that Nathaniel Allred said that he was paid to provide sex. First, Nathaniel and Seth are COUSINS, not strangers, not hooking-up, pick-ya-up on the street acquaintances. Second, Nathaniel has been an errand boy for Warren for a long time, so the probability that he was along on the mission is very high.
I'm no fan of Warren's, but this whole situation sure does give me pause. The sensationalism in the news makes you wonder what other stories are "far-fetched" or even completely fabricated. "Don't believe what you hear or read, and only half of what you see" is an old adage that seems pretty appropriate here.
Yeah, Nathaniel probably saw an opportunity to save $5000 for warren. These guys have total disdain for the law. It would not take much stretch of the imagination to think Nathaniel made up the story to distract the law from other inquiries. Once a person starts lying out of habit no tale is too tall.
For the media to make up a story like the prostitution would expose them to a libel suit if there were not any grounds for it. It is hard to believe they would allow it on the air unless there is some grain of truth to it. Maybe it is not exactly like they told it, but the source must be from something Seth or Allred said.
maybe he said something about "brotherly love"
There is something odd about this story.
For all appearances, homosexual behavior is non-existent at Colorado City.
If I had to wager a guess, I would have to say that the appearances are probably correct in this instance.
But it does add a shocking and humorous twist to this bizarre story, and will make the inevitable made-for-TV mini-series a little more interesting.
Pharisees in action--clean on the outside and grosser than cockroach dung on the inside. The last time I saw Seth was when he met me on a top-secret mission and he had that "washed away" look. I blamed it on 20 hour days, but it was the same look that "immoral Gentiles" get that become overly perverse.
to 11;30 poster,
There is not any doubt that the media portrays the grossest lies, and they are only out for there sensationalism. They are out to make a dollar. And right now the public is interested. As far as I can tell they do not care one bit about people, just sensationalism and stirring people up. There has not been one case of this kind in our city. Not one, and if those cop's had not found money you would not have heard a thing about this.
maybe Seth is Street, that would explain Streets silence!
And I guess that one of these perverts is going to have to die of AIDS, in the Super Bowl on New Year's Day, during the half-time show in front of a 100,000 in the live audience and millions watching on T.V. for you died-in-the-wool Warrenites to not believe that there is some conspiracy against your convicted-by-default of sodomy with a minor Prophet, the magnificant, wonderful, all-knowing Warren Jeffs. Get Real and Grow Up!
Nathanial Allred probably said "special services" and the news twisted it to say "sexual services"
For all appearances, homosexual behavior is non-existent at Colorado City.
At least that is how it used to be, now-a-days it is a different story. You can find lesbians and gays (secretly) through out the entire society because of the fall out of such perverted nonsense about sex from Warren Jeffs.
I'm looking at the affadavit the FBI filed with the court. It specifically says Sexual Companionship and Sexual Services. Don't blame the media for this one! Your boy blew it....oops!
Looks like Seth finally had enough of warren and this is how he gets out! Isn't life just wonderful with 'the prophet'.
To 11/01/2005 1:58 PM: You have brought up a very valid point about Seth Jeffs being “on the street.” Many times through the last few months, it’s been said that OTS processed information an awful lot like Warren Jeffs. There could be a familial connection or more.
OTS needs to be someone on the “the Dole” because of time and money constraints. We or at least I assumed that he was receiving mental disability funds from the government enabling him to spend the horrendous amounts of time and energy in defending Warren that OTS feels compelled to expend.
Query: What if OTS has been on Warren’s pay roll all along and what if Warren was helping him (Seth) out with all of his answers to the questions on this blog? With Seth now in jail, the OTS poster may have to work alone. Or what if Warren Jeffs is OTS and Seth was just his minion? Then Warren will be working all alone, now. Maybe it was the OTS poster or posters that anonymously told all the Warrenites to quit reading or posting on this site?
This theory looks good on paper, well have to watch this saga play itself out to the end to find out for sure.
Just be to be on the safe side, though, the F.B.I. needs to keep Seth in custody, if not for the crime of possibly being “on the street” :-) then at least for his own safety. After the fallout Warren gets from this family scandal, Seth may be the first one revealed to Warren by God, to test out the blood atonement room in Warren’s new temple. Seth will burn for this one.
Nameless and still alive
Maybe this nonsense brought OTS to his senses; maybe he isn't Seth.
Sounds Like Sethy was literally caught with his pants down.
Before Winston was expelled from the FLDS, Warren sent Seth up to Canada with a big TV minitor with computer and video equipment so we could monitor Warren Live from Colorado City. Winston was told that he could no longer teach the people. We had to get our instruction directly from Warrren. Before we came to our senses, we would sit in church watching a video monitor tuned in to church from CC.
We always suspected that Seth must have set up some bugging device in our meeting hall at the time he set up the video monitor.
"I'm looking at the affadavit the FBI filed with the court. It specifically says Sexual Companionship and Sexual Services. Don't blame the media for this one!
Oh, pardon me!!! OBVIOUSLY if the FBI says something is so, it is SO! Bearing in mind the recent "FBI confirmed" sightings of Warren Jeffs (turned out to be his brother) and the entire Herbert Hoover administration, not to mention a million and one items since where the FBI has been exposed twisting the facts to make them fit. . .
But if the target is Warren, then the shoe FITS, cause the FBI said it was SO!!!!
As I said, don't blame the media. You can blame the FBI if you like, or the Colorado Cops, but the media is not making this thing up. While you're at it, why don't you blame Warren's little cousing, you know, the one he played hide the weenie with, or how about the Chatwins or any of the Barlows who have been kicked out. Or...wait a minute, you can blame Flora. Yeah, that's the ticket, blame Flora. Blame anyone you like. It's obvious to all who aren't brain damaged by decades of inbreeding that Warren and is ilk are sex perverts. Hey, Streety, that includes you! Now, go and find someone to blame this post on and, while your at it you can blame Richard Holm for all the rain that has fallen at the YFZ Ranch and delayed the temple project.
my goodness, testy testy.
I think the real world is descending on the FLDS like a ton of bricks. Anon 8:23 is in a state of shock from the concussions. Be kind to the poor suol!
Iamcurious (AKA) Street said
Date Posted: 11/01/2005 8:31 PM
Well fokes, we all know that most news reports are scandalous, and all the way up to the White House. Just look as the current Scooter Libby scooting around the media like he did, and now even the media is under criminal investigation.
As for Seth, if he or anyone else is immoral, they certainly won't last long in the Church. The Prophet has seen to that, and the world has seen all those excommunications for immorality. But if it's just another media hype, we all know how that goes too. Those in the world who are pure (sexually pure), will find their way into the Church of God, and the Presence of God, eventually. But they are few, elite, and elect, what the Lord calls "the favorites of heaven".
OK Street, here is a curious thought. I guess the prophet accepts money, no matter what company it keeps. I guess when it hits those pure hands of his, the money is elite and elect no matter how it arrives.
Street, Seth problems are no media hype. It just shows the depravity, behind the mask of "Keeping Sweet."
The FBI should have let Seth-boy go with all his cash and letters. He would have been caught up in his "I'm so much better than they are..I never do anything wrong.. God (Warren) would never dare let me get caught" attitude, they could have followed him straight to his drop point and then followed others to Warren's hideout.
About this prostitution thing. This all sounds really strange. One guy says he's a messenger for God and the other guy says he's the messenger's love slave.
If Love Slave wanted to draw attention away from their Godly messenger and delivery duties then he could not have chosen a worse alibi.
Maybe Love Slave has been Seth-boy's bitch for many years. He knew in his heart that it was wrong and he just couldn't keep up the pretense that he was still righteous. Maybe he finally wanted out because he was tired of being brutalized by Seth-boy and just couldn't look himself in the mirror anymore.
Maybe Love Slave has been promised a place next to War-boy in his new temple if he takes care of Seth-boy's special needs.
If Seth-boy really is bi-sexual, you can bet that War-boy has known it for many years and has been holding it over on him. I'll also wager that Seth-boy has the goods on War-boy and that is why he is kept around.
Seth-boy was probably War-boy's accompliss in molesting his two nephews. We all know it wasn't Blaine, he wasn't even part of the Church at that time. Is Love Slave about the same age as the nephews, give or take 5 years? I'll bet there are more in the Jeff's family that know the real truth of this dirty little secret.
Why do you think none of Warren's brothers have come forth to defend him? It is hard to defend Warren when he is just the tip of the iceberg. There is much, much more that has gone on in the Jeffs family than is generally known, a lot more. Nobody can come forth and try to defend Warren, because it will only bring more to light. The current discovery about Seth is only the starting. There are those around that know what went on and goes on in the Jeffs family. Some have even heard it right from Uncle Rulon's own mouth.
Why was Warren so hard on Vanessa Rohbock (sp?) and even told Winston that there was nothing left for her but blood atonement when his own brother Enoch had committed adultery with one of his mothers four times; the first three were hidden from the public and Enoch put on a pedistal along with the other "righteous brothers." In baseball, you only get three strikes; why did it take Enoch four? Why did Warren hide his crimes when Vanessa's were much milder? Maybe Ron and Warren weren't getting along all that well at this time.
The evidence is there that Warren has hidden immorality as much as possible when it is within the Jeffs family.
Take a look at Lyle's hypocrisy. It's time now to shout this one from the housetops because he will run boys out of town for mild pornography, but his own computer has been caught red-handed with titty-pictures, and this even after being married. Why hasn't Warren received revelation on him? Why is he still kept in when he's done this nonsense.
secret combinations is all I can say about how the Jeffs are acting and reacting to what is happening. Hide the small problem so it won't lead the world to the huge monster that is right behind the door.
How is anyone trying to destroy the people? Is marrying underage girls requisite for your survival? There are a few evil people in your midst that have become targets. If you are not part of this you are in no danger. If warren is a true prophet, his demise will never destroy the people. If he is a true prophet his imprisonment will only strengthen the faith of the righteous. If he is merely a man you have put your trust in his removal will scatter you to the four winds. Perhaps this is what you fear?
The hyprocisy with Enoch goes even deeper than Vanessa. A young man was told he had nothing left for him when he dated a girl, the two started hugging and kissing, but when the girl asked for intercourse, the man said no and fled. However, even this was "too far", yet Enoch (a Jeffs, of course) was forgiven for having relations with one of his MOTHERS. Reuben lost his birthright over this, yet Warren protected Enoch FOUR TIMES, and yet another boy was sent away for SAYING NO!!!
Here's what Sheriff David Doran has to say, "Sheriff David Doran said Tuesday he has been in contact with investigators in Colorado but declined to give any details about the probe or whether authorities believe they are close to finding Warren Jeffs."
Here's URl for rest of article: http://www.sltrib.com/utah/ci_3173884
What out Warren, the Sheriffs going to bust ya!
The TDCJ down Huntsville, Texas has room for you.
response to anon 11/02/2005 10:39am
The poster believing in the bloggers "attempt to destroy a people for religion and culture"
First, I would like to thank you for participating in this discussion and your opinion is as valid as anyones. I hope you continue to give input to this blog, as it is a valuable resource and sounding board.
I'm from CC and my opinion is that many of these bloggers are aware of corruption at high levels in the FLDS church, and are trying to expose corruption where ever it rears it's ugly head. Not to destroy but to save this people's religion and culture from being part of Warren's destructions.
Thank you Anon 4:14
My point exactly. You worded it better.
I am concerned though, about how many people in the creek are panicking, knowing their personal correspondence is now being held as evidence and being scrutinized. Is anyone fleeing?
I doubt that the warrens folks are even aware of their letters being rerouted. But, I am curious, did those letters have a US stamp placed upon them? Did they go through the postal system once upon a time? And pennies for Warren. That is priceless.
"If war-boy is a true prophet then his imprisonment will only strengthen the faith of the righteous" ???
Would you please re-write this?
You know if war-boy went to prison there would be a bunch of people using that as a reason to put him on a pedestal next to God. It doesn't make him a true prophet; he would still be a child molester with a bunch of boneheads schlepping after him.
I got a kick out of the "pennies for prophet" jar. I'll bet war-boy would throw that back in the face of Love Slave and Seth-boy yelling, "I want checks for the prophet! Big checks! Now get your purty little mouths back to CC and get me some big checks!"
I'd say that they were getting some big checks. After all $140K is prob just a weeks worth of donations!
How can those people afford it,..week after week...month after month?
The are very focused! Onward to Zion. This life has nothing left to offer them, so they say. They have no balance left in their lives. No recreation.
Their prophet has "blessed" them and told them the Lord will turn the tide and money will fall into their hands.
So they work all over the west, and work hard 15 hr days and go home on Saturday to their saturday project meeting and then back to the grindstone. No time for family, no time to talk (maybe a few sermons)
(What little I have seen, they, the men, are very mission specific. They don't joke or talk small talk. It is like the movies of the army where they talk in two or three word sentences)
What would you do if your very life and family depended on your consecrations of $$ to the church?
"Pennies for the Prophet" is a classic case of demagoguery. Warren is a master at working peoples emotions. He wouldn't be upset one second at Seth over a jar of pennies.
faithful, you're right. I guess war-boy knows that if they give a little when they're little, they'll give a whole lot more when they are older.
You Know I have not had time read all the posts but it seems every body is pretty much on the same page of what is going on, as I am. Warren Jeffs is a tactical person. If is true he is telling his followers that the goverment wants to kidnap the children of the FLDS. Than it also stand to reason to me at least. That he would want to give the ones that doubt or wonder what Warren is telling them. And go to the newspaper, to either confirm or disconfirm what Warren is telling them. In short, is it possible Warren would have Nathaniel Allred and his brother Seth Jeffs. Act erratically on the road, to get a cops attention. Then tell the most outrages lie they can think of. Just so Warren Jeffs can say to the people, see, see how corrupt the goverment is. They will even lie about Seth in this way.
This is just a scenario, but I think its one that could be true. Cause I still have hard time swalling that Seth and Nathaniel would do such a thing. And it would be in Warrens intrest if his followers believe that all we do is spread lies. Even if it is Warren himself, that starts the lie.
Someone on a past post, made an obsveration that OTS has not been posting. While Seth has been in Jail for haboring a fugitive and hiring a prostitute. Mabye is reconcerdering his that beloved Prophet is not a prophet at all. Or just mabey OTS is sitting a Colorado Jail right NOW!
the above poster has a point about OTS. We know by his own confessions that Seth is a courier for Warren and transports money, correspondence, more money, pre paid cards, cofessions, more money etc.... He travels between all of Warrens compounds and because these compounts are located in UT AZ TX NV CO BC, Canada. this courier would be on the road a great deal of time
When OTS come up with his posting name "on the street" did he really mean that he was "on the road".
I believe with a laptop computer and verizon wireless, internet Seth could do a tolerable job in posting as OTS on the blog while OTR.
Seth's residence in a colorado Jail without access to his laptop might explain OTS's total silence on these last threads. Before we couldn't get him to shut up.
His parrish may be penniless but, a penniless prophet! Surely you jest.
It's as sickening as seeing beggers sitting on the steps of a gilded cathedral in Mexico.
I'm sure Warren will forgive Seth if he can accomplish the task of hacking into this blog and getting it shut down.
Hmmm, Seth had control of the internet in CC. Maybe Warren will make this his next mission!
I have heard the word all over town that's been "officially" blessed by Warren's hierarchy that this whole sodomy charge against Seth and Nate was entirely fabricated by the United States Government to discredit "our beloved Prophet" in the eyes of this Nation. They also say that the media is blowing it all out of proportion though I have heard no one claim that the media is making this up. The Warrenites believe that the media is unfairly covering this story and reporting government lies.
It's interesting to note that not a word is being said about the FBI's charge of "concealing a felon" being false. Everyone knows it's true, and appriciates Seth and Nate's loyalty to the prophet and for being willing to go to prison to protect the prophet's location.
All the talk is mostly about the legnths the governments going through in making our "prophet" look bad to the nation. They even think the government planted drugs in the vehicle for the dog to respond to. This is believed by both the FLDS and many who have left the FLDS having lost their faith in Warren.
Also the story that Seth and Nate were weaving all over the road in their vehicle, initiating the initial arrest is an absolute lie. Their version of the story coming from the hierarchy is that the government already knew that the money was being transported to Warren via Seth and Nate so they (the government) intercepted the delivery using perverted sex and drugs as the excuse for that first traffic stop by the police.
There you have it. The FLDS take on the "Seth-affair". They know their version is true because the prophet told them so, and he cannot lie, because the Lord would remove him from his position prior to the lie.
We were taught this truth from birth and in our minds (FLDS) the very fact that Warren is still alive and has not been removed from his position is proof positive that his is the true prophet...... Go figure.
Wasn't the "official blessed word" aboud the sodomy charges that he was giving a constipated boy some help; I guess nature made things too small.
That's referring to Brent Jeff's situation.
To CCIC 6:29
There are people in CC that deny the Twin Towers!!! I have heard it myself; it was all a government coverup; they flew their own jets into the towers and there never were hijacked planes. These planes were all shot down by the government shortly after takeoff while they were overseas (by the corrupt government) so the debris would go into the ocean and radio controlled planes without passengers or pilot were flown into the towers.
Now, if CC can come up with this, what else can it come up with?
I don't think Warren has officially taken this stand on the Twin Towers, but it shows the willingness to believe about anything.
just wondering if you are still appearing to be faithful in CC or are you considered an apostate? If you still have an "in" than bravo. Keep the news coming but more importantly be careful theres a lot of nuts out there.
Well, Furnace I heard Warren was gleeful about the news of the twin towers event and even used it Canada during a sermon to prove his point the world was ending. Has anyone else heard this?
CCIC street is posting on another site as Iamcurious. He or someones using his name is still posting his rendition of heaven. He is just staying away from here, which is good.
Hey, quit blaming the media for all your problems.
If your community had a viable trusted independant media, pointing out the faults and good things about Short Creek over the years you would probably not be in this fiasco (mess).
To 11/04/2005 5:41pm CCIC
The theory that Seth could be OTS because as one of Warrens couriers he is "on the road"(OTR) a lot is very credible.
However, we must keep an open mind.A credible theory that OTS could be Tom Barlow could be effectively argued as well.Remember that he's behind bars right now as well.
Someone needs to start a timeline on both men as to when they were jailed and when OTS stopped posting and then began again.This can't positively prove they are OTS but could prove they are not OTS to a reasonable degree.
Nameless and still alive
Tee hee! If Seth WAS onthestreet, now he's just overabarrel (OAB)!
if is was on the street, i'll bet he's "looking for a man-hole" to hide in.
I heard that in the donations...there was a check from the school and the power company.
I bet the Fed's are happy to confirm that.
Source? A check is too transparent. These people are more skillful than that.
To Anon. at 11:01 2005 A AM: You didn't think the Jeffs and Allreds were as tight a bunch as one would think.
I can't see how two Jeffs and Allred men can get closer together than Seth and Nate are. It would have made more sense to me to say that the Jeffs and Allred women are not a tight a bunch as one would think.
I'm sure there are some hard feelings on their part after being beat out by a couple of men in a domain that they should reign supreme in.
Seth and Nate have publically humiliated there wives and children.
To Anon. 11-4-2005 at 6:39 pm.
Was Warren's "offical" excuse for what happened with Brett, "that he was giving a constipated boy some help"? I must have missed that meeting. If Warren is using that excuse, it's really a lame one.
It seems to me, Brett would tell his mother about a constipation problem long before he would tell Warren or anyone else. That would have been a delicate subject for a young boy to discuss.
To Palidin 11-01-2005 at 7:57 am:
Do you know how many wives Seth was cheating on when he had his affair with Nate? I am aware of at least three.
was one of seths wives kathryn wall????
LE in Arizona blames LE in Texas for fact that Warren Jeffs hasn't been arrested. Sheriff Doran is qouted as saying, "We're doing everything we can on this case and are giving more attention to this than any out-of-state warrant we've ever had. We've worked very hard on establishing a dialogue with the people out there, encouraging them to turn him in," Doran said. "The gentleman you quote doesn't have a clue about Texas."
Read article: http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=148&sid=126242
The gentlemen that Sheriff David Doran refers to is Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard.
Finger pointing on part of LE must have Jeffs & his goons laugh out loud, IMO.
Someone mentioned Lyles hyprocrisy, but it is childs play compared to Sam Barlows hypocrisy.
Goddard hasn't apprehended warren in Arizona because he fears the reaction of the people. He would like to shove the responsibility onto someone else. The article mentions WACO. LE is certainly concerned about this aspect of arresting warren. The real truth is none of the agencies want to be responsible for what they fear will result from bringing warren in. I don't blame them. On the other hand warren has them where he wants them. He can continue his agenda of spurning the law and making them look as ridiculous as they do. LE will have its day. warren is getting bolder. He will step over the line soon and his own trusted associates will take care of him or turn him in. What member of the Mob ever escaped this fate?
Sam's hypocrisy is in the past. He isn't a police oficer anymore, so save our breath. Lyle and Warren are ruining young boys lives, so it is their hyprocisy that needs exposed. No sense airing dirty laundry on someone who isn't ruining others lives anymore.
When this thread first started, objection was made about airing dirty laundry, and I think it should be avoided UNLESS THEY PERSECUTE OTHERS, and then SHOUT FROM THE HOUSETOPS their hyprocrisy.
Tonight at 10:00 on Ch. 4 the Lost Boys will be on the air. Don't tell me that all these lost boys were so bad they had to be kicked out to keep the rotten apples from destroying the whole batch. Where's the parental love and guidance through the troublesome teenage years?
Just remember this, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, who deny the diety of Jesus, also deny the existence of Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints who practice polygamy and deny the diety of Jesus. The polygamy thing is the only difference I see.
Keep an eye out for a New Times story on Wednesday afternoon.
a farce denying a farce. isn't that a perfect explanation of hypocricy?
Robert Richter says
The article stated that my decision would cost me my job. I voluntarily quite my job after making my decision. Other than that, I appear to be quoted accurately.
Another innacuracy--I am not aware of anayone from Centennial or elsewhere other than FLDS bidding. All bids were FLDS, though.
"The secrecy disturbed him to the point that he decided to leave the FLDS. It was a monumental decision, especially since he had a young wife and an infant to support.
Quitting the FLDS meant he must leave his church-controlled city job that paid $31,000 a year -- a relatively high salary in Colorado City. "When a religion goes wrong, you have to get out,” Richter explains."
You folks need to go back and read again, slowly.
"Richter says potential buyers from a non-FLDS polygamist sect in nearby Centennial Park considered bidding on the generators but were discouraged when they saw what appeared to be “dilapidated” equipment."
I, Robert Richter, posted 6:58 and 7:26. Other than this, the article is accurate as far as I am concerned. I was just a little shocked as this is the first time the news media has printed anything coming from me, and some things were slightly innaccurate, but I think Doughtery did an excellent job.
I was to hide any evidence of improving the generators IN CASE of other bidders, but I am not aware of any bidders that weren't FLDS. All 5 or 6 bidders that bid did so with intent of the equipment winding up at YFZ.
As far as quitting my job, I stayed employed for another 1 1/2 months, during which time I was looking for another job, but I did quit voluntarily; there was no foul play involved in my quitting.
However, it is interesting that the City allowed me to keep my job, but Joe C. Jessop didn't keep his job after he was asked out by Warren. He asked if he could keep his job as a lineman (maintaining the power lines around town). He was told yes, but he could only do office work; he wasn't allowed on UEP property, so how could he maintain the power lines? He decided if all he could do was be in his little Dilbert cubicle, he would quit.
Anonymous said...
was one of seths wives kathryn wall????
11/07/2005 7:23 PM
And Happy Birthday to Nat., sorry just a couple of days late.
Thank you Robert.
From Street Watcher.
JOAN SAID (11/05/2005 12:19 PM): Curious tells us: "....If Satan doesn't deceive all who can be deceived, God will find another devil who will, for Satan MUST obey God. Otherwise, God wouldn't be God...
Joan is confused. Curious, If your God would find (create) another Devil or create multiple devils to deceive people, is God the author of all deception - maybe your God and Satan One?
STREET'S REPLY: The Cedar of Lebonon is Good, the Malchut of Earth is evil. They are both God's Kingdoms. When they join in the paradisical glory, they are perfected in one God. God fell, that man might be, and came into the Garden of Eden. That is evil, yet He is God. But He repented, and He is Good. His spirit children came here to be tried and developed by these evils, by doing what they say their Father do in Eden. For He was baptized and followed the presence of Lord in all things.
he can call it for what it is , a blatant lie. When street doesn't know the truth, the makes it up to suit his purpose. HE IS A LIAR. AS IS HIS PROPHET, WARREN JEFFS
Are you and your family doing okay? How are your inlaws taking your excommunication?
a friend
I think its best I take a low profile now, but me and mine are doing well.
Hey Robert! Your information in the newspaper was great. I am impressed with your ability to put it into words.
Sometimes we think that things really aren't so bad, because we lived with it or participated in it. I really appreciate your information and point of view.
Robert, I am proud of your decision to take the high road and take back your integrity. It takes real courage to stand up for what you know is right and to be ready to take the consequences. The high road is bumpy, and there will be plenty of people happy to sling rocks to try to knock you off of it, but in the end, you and your family will will be better off. I wish you the very best. Janet Johanson (auntie to Wayne, Vonnie, Taylor, Julia, Janelle, and Deanne Thornton "Fischer").
What has become of MIB? He should be able to dig up the police report and the Investigation documents on the Seth and Nate case. The Warren followers need to know for sure where their money has been going. It takes alot of work these days to earn $5000.00 What a disgusting shame if the contributions are going to fund such immoral conduct.
Warren is the father of all this mmoral conduct.
Intimidating, spying, and stealing.
Not to mention the blood attonement big lie. But Warren was not the orginator of that one. It goes way back to Joseph Smith and his good friend Brigham.
Oh, it goes futher back than that. Lucifer developed that one. Infact he is known around as the FATHER OF LIES.
And that blood attonement lie is a doosy.
Here is the Pueblo County report.
Although sympathy for someone as old as these two in their predicament is out of the question, I have to feel sorry for them. By this police report their brains are so scrambled they do not know the sun is shining at high noon. Their every thought and deed is dedicated to furthering the work of warren and no depth of deception is beyond their scope of use.
Robert, thank you for your honesty and willingness to come forward and tell the truth.If more FLDS members get the courage you exhibited to come clean with what they know the faster this fiasco with Warren Jeffs will be ended.Maybe then we can begin to rebuild our lives on a foundation of rock rather than Warrens sand.
I second that. Thank you Robert for your courage. Perhaps, with your lead, others will follow.
Who is Fredrick Melvin Jessop. His name was on the bottom of the mason jar with Warren's FBI photo on it.
Also, what a whopper. Seth told the deputy he was traveling to Texas to set up a piano for a recording studio in the Texas area.
A silver tonge devil, he is.
Could it be Uncle Fred's signature and the penmanship was confused from Meade to Melvin?
Does he by chance have them record "Sleepers Awake?", "Morning Has Broken?", A Mighty Fortress?", "It Is Well, with My Soul?", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness?", I thought not. Hmmmm......well....I guess that shows how self-centered and shallow his thoughts run.
For those of you who wonder, find hymnals used in most evangelical churches whose whole trust is in Jesus for forgivness of sin and read the words of these hymns. They are an eye opener, to say the least.
No, but he did have a rather lengthy song played at Saturday Work meeting advertising a CD. The women ooh'd and aah'd to capture the emotions while the men sang time and again about the holiness of Warren Steed Jeffs and even had the quote "like the Father and the Son".
That was the last Saturday Work meeting I attended; I was disgusted with the weird holy promotion of Warren at that Saturday meeting.
This guy is coming unhinged. Please be careful. Next he'll be having you sacriffice your children to him. Their innocence to cover your un-named sin. He knows what your sin is, but won't tell you....You will wind up with nothing. No home, no family, no church, no friends, no prophet, no hope....nothing......hopeless.....
Seth told the deputy who was searching their vehicle the piano and the music studio story and the deputy placed it in his report.
As the officer stated in the beginning of the paragraph, Seth changed his story once more. Maybe it was the truth, but the officer asked him why he carried so much cash. Seth said he did not trust credit cards because someone in Italy used his American Express Card charged $20K. The officer then asked him, why did he have credit cards in his wallet. He had no answer.
As for the mason jar. It had small change in it, a picture of Warren with Fredrick Merril Jessop penned underneath the picture in pen attached to the jar, and an envelope from Peggy Jessop, addressed to the prophet in the jar with the change.
Sorry, the name was Fredrick Melvin Jessop. I got to much in a hurry.
2:05 is now out with family intact, bless her heart for staying with me.
If Warren steals children from their parents to "raise them in a holier place", this places the parents in one hell of a situation. If they wake up, they can't defect of they will be considered apostate and they will never be told where their children are.
Russia used a technique like this to control visitors to the US. If they defected, they didn't know what would happen to their immediate family. Warren is into the same diabolical control of people by using their children.
Yep, already figured that one out. How else to get very faithful followers. You raise them up and they grow up twisted. I guess that is why a special place is called a regilious encampment.
a little Stalin, a little Hitler, a little Mao, a little Pol Pot, a little Warren Jeffs, same mentality, same result.
You forgot So Dam Insane,I mean Sudam Hussein.:)
Maybe Waren ought to call former President Jimy Carter. He's so obsessed with being a peacemaker and winning Nobel prizes. Carter doesn't care about the individuals being held in bondage or how much they suffer as long as he can attain a short term peace agreement between parties in dis-agreement. I mean he's done so much good and had so much long term success as the result of his previous efforts.
You don't believe me, just ask the French. They are experts at surrender. They have had practice doing it for centuries.
Example of where Carter's influence might be of assistance: Warren Jeffs vs. United States of America. Warren Jeffs vs. The State of Arizona. Both Warren and Jimmy would love the headlines.
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