FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Apologies for service interruption
The good folks at Blogger, an affiliate of Google, who host this blog, experienced some major problems Tuesday. Hopefully all is back up and running now.
Sorry about the inconvenience
Weblog Administrator
I wondered what happened - need some inspirational words from the ancient Mormon.
Ancient Mormon, will you come down here and fix this problem before Warren destroys 70 years of FLDS work? I don’t really care what your religion is.
You look like you would be easier to get a long with and may even say “howdy"!
For the sake of her father also. She is a wonderful, sweet and believing girl. The first born daughter of a queen mother and backward farm kid father. Lovely, obedient, faithful and believing, and last I knew, mother of three fine sons. My grandsons. My last visit with her was a drop in at her place. We stood on the steps and she hugged me and kissed me and gave me the grandfather honor of holding my beautiful grandchildren. In a week when her mother tried to get a hold of her she was gone and we have not found her since. Oh God, bless our darling daughter!
Uncle Warren has taught that there will be about 2500 people, mostly women and children, that will be able to meet the Savior when he comes. He is having his loyal members pray for the Savior to appear and accept the dedication of the temple. He has said that he is gathering the pure in heart of these women and children to the temple to be able to meet with the Savior. He has told his loyal that he needs some further direction and is not able to obatin it until the people are pure. Uncle Warren has said that Uncle Fred would be renewed at this time as well. This is not going to happen now, and thus my writing this as I am no longer one of the loyal, for Uncle Warren has told his true loyal followers to take no part in this arguement on this site. Yes, he is getting a report on what posted here. For me this is the last time Uncle Warren gets to miss the boat. I really believed what he said, that Uncle Fred would be renewed on April 6. I hope that others will have their eyes, hearts and minds opened as well. We have done some things that we need to be very sorry for.
How is this for a thought...April 3, warren fakes his own death. April 6, warren reappears as the new savior of the people. It could happen. According to some of the warrenites he has said someone was trying to kill him. Hope I didn't just blow his big suprise for the faithful.
To sorry and discouraged in Zion.I understand what you are going through and have the utmost respect for the courage it took for you to come on this site and admit that you were not being led as you believed.It's a tough conclusion to come to but now you will find that all the questions you have had on the shelf can be answered now.Your apology had a ring of genuineness about it that tugs at the heartstrings.God bless you on the continuation of your journey. A friend.
To sorry and discouraged in Zion: There are many of us in Eldorado who will welcome you with open arms. Just leave the ranch, walk or drive. If need be I will pick you up at the gate and see that you get where you want to go. I am sorry you were misled, but you aren't the first. Thank you for your admission here. Let me know if I can help
To "Sorry & Discouraged." Keep your head up. Hold fast to your true religious values. There is a God in Heaven. He is the one we need to be faithful to. Remember Uncle Roy and his advice to the people. If what you hear from the stand does not square up, put it on the shelf." That is what I had to do until my shelf became overloaded with Warren's teachings that didn't square up. When Warren told the people "we must not compare the previous prophets with the holy prophet of today." That was my last straw. I am still a faithful FLDS member under the church that Joseph Smith organized 175 years ago.
Gosh, sorry in Zion. You are a very brave person. I am sure many people in Schleicher Cty. would help you in a second, I know I would. Hang in there and when you are ready let someone know. Keep yourself and your family safe. BTW, how do you have computer access?
To stinger at 5:18 pm.You are exercising very good deductive reasoning powers.I hope when this all comes to a head and we dare tell each other who we were, that you and I are related.
I appreciate the offer's of help expressed by the generous people of Eldorado.
When this thing is over and Warren Jeffs is defrocked, prosecuted and shamed for the charlatan he is, there will be a need I'm sure, for help and guidance to be given to these dissillusioned sheep.
And may I remind you, JESUS was a poor boy, and Warren Jeffs has a lot of followers. Can any one of you say your church is with out fault's. OH tho Hypicrit, cast thy stone from thine own eye.
Anon 12:59 A church is just an organization. And organizations are created by man and are therefore prone to faults. I haven't seen anyone in here claim their church is without faults. And from what I can tell, for the most part people in here are just trying to understand something that is strange to them. So instead of calling names and misspelling them at the same time (hypocrite) Why don't you shed some light on this truth you claim to follow. Give some of these people a reason not to pick it apart. Use reason and doctrine, something they can actually understand. Be a Christian and help your fellow man take the stone from his eye.
Hey Just Me, Thanks for the props. If you want to know who I am, go to www.sharethelight.ca/gallery/raptorx. If you know me you will know my name. I actually don't care if anyone knows my name. I use a pseudonym because as Stinger I am just another person who questions the weirdness of warren's teachings, but if I become my real self I become an angry man with a grudge against everything warrenite. My mother was one of the first women talked into leaving her husband here in Canada. The reason given? He wouldn't declare that warren was a prophet. Can anyone show me a passage in the Book of Mormon or Bible where the people had to declare someone as prophet before they where allowed to hear the word of God? To make matters worse she tried to sue him for a piece of land in Bountiful he doesn't even own. It is one of the few pieces that isn't part of the UEP. Go figure that one out. This happened about a month after she declared to me that there was no way she would ever try to sue him. She won't visit us anymore because we are too worldy. My son and his cousin pretended to be Spiderman the last time they were allowed at her house and it upset her pretty good. How is this a new and higher way of living?
If warren tries to decieve the sheeple in the Eldorado compound into beleiving he's Christ, I wonder if he's going to go "David Copperfield" elaborate or whether he'll make his transformation into "Christ" a simple ceremony, witnessed by a couple of his most trusted women. Later, he can then call on them in church and they can declare what they saw and heard to all the "true" FLDS believers. It worked once, when he assumed the position as prophet, maybe it will work again. If it doesn't, he can always go back to telling the people it was their lack of faith that caused it not to happen. That's got a long record of working with Warren and has never failed yet.
Teachings of The Prophet Joseph Smith p:340 I have asked of the Lord Concerning his coming; and while asking the Lord, He said "In rhe days of Noah I set a bow in the heavens as a sign and token that in any year the bow should be seen the Lord would not come". Howdy all you Texans. Anybody seen a rainbow this year? If so Warren may be calling in some spooks, but the Lord will not come. In this same book, Joseph also states "a wicked and adulturous generation seeketh after a sign." P:278 Warren fleeing to Texas with his most faithful has fulfilled his Father's statement "If you are not for me, you are against me. Therfore you will scatter abroad."
To Sorry in Zion: My heart wept when I read your note. I feel the same way and I know many people here feel the same way, but no one has the courage to stand up and say it. I used to fantasize while sitting in "Sunday Class" (indoctrination meeting) that some time I would stand up and declare that it was all a lie and show how badly and grossly illogical the whole thing was. And then, in my fantasy, most of the audience would agree with me and we would all walk out. You know, the whole strength in numbers thing. Well, I didn't of course and now we are just limping along trying to keep our mouths shut to maintain as much of "normal" as we can before all hell breaks loose on us. I am just wondering: do you have a family that is going to be "taken away" from you now that you have admitted what your heart has known for a long time? Please tell me that you're single and that you aren't going to have to face the horrifying pain and terror that accompanies families who are ripped apart. Or that your family agrees with you. If not, I am here willing to bet that you'll do like I am and just keep your head down and your mouth shut so you can have your life and the association of your loved ones. I am SO sorry. Either way, you are in for some heart grief. I wish I could advise you. I wish I knew what to do myself. This whole mess is so incredible, it is going to take God years to straighten it out. May He start soon.
as someone who recently was kicked out of there, I was deeply moved by your post anon. 11:13. If anyone of you needs help with anything, don't feel hesitant to call for it. I am so glad that there are more people calling for help now. I watched a few of my uncles lose their families and it literally made them look ten years older from the stress and heartache they went through trying to reason with Warren's teachings. I hope this will end soon also, before he omotionally murders many more!
I still can't believe you troubled FLDS people are afraid of Warren Jeffs. If there was a real man among you, Warren Jeffs would wish his mother had all girls.
So what if he kicks you out. You are not "Tenants at will." The court's have proven the claim of "Unjust Enrichment" is a valid and defensible claim. Tell Warren to go to hell along with his buddy Sam Barlow, and quit worrying about these two misguided idiots.
The above advice applies only to the "real men" in the FLDS group, wimps can shake, quiver and worry until they pee their pants . . .
Hey 5:09 it ain't that easy. The real men decision that you allude to is not only criminal but damning and family suicidal. If someone held influence on everything you held dear, your family, home, friends, relatives, good name, bank account and you name it, and they could take it in a second and you knew they would, and if you saw first hand what it has done to others who have questioned, you would be as careful as those poor folks.
Maybe we should print up some flyers with instructions on how to grow some hair on your chest, or develop some *inappropriate connotation deleted* guts. fly over with one of those airplanes you use to take pictures of the compound and drop the flyers onto the town.
To an observer from far away, it appears that most, or almost all, of the women will leave their husband on orders from Warren Jeffs. Is this correct? Don't any of them feel some sort of a bond with their husbands? Why don't more stay together?
The reason that these women are so eager and ready to leave their husbands at the drop of a hat, is because they were all arranged and abusive marraiges that meant nothing to the parties involved in the first place. Speaking from experience. Another Anon
Hey everybody, I saw a rainbow up here in the North; guess Warren will have to try again next year, or maybe God and Warren should start communicating.
Make no mistake, When Jesus comes again he will come in a cloud. It is written, every knee will bow, and every toung will confess, he is the christ. It is written, Let no man decieve you. Jesus will come in the clouds. Your spirit eyes will be opened. After you are dead, you will beg God to bury your body. There will be weeping and wailing, and knashing of teeth, Your cries will go up, unto God, saying," Oh that we had repented in our day of probation" God in his great mercy will cause a great earth Quake to bury your bodies. He then will put you in a place where you can be the happiest to your ability. THIS IS NOT MY WORDS. THIS IS SCRIPTUAL WORDS. IT CAN BE FOUND IN THE BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF MORMAN.
Is anyone arguing that Christ is going to return? Of course He will! That is what we all look forward to, not dread! Come, Lord, Come! God will not judge us based on how loyal we were to a man (Warren, I'm talking to you), but to HIM!!
Does Warren Jeffs think God would contradict His Word and (Luke 12:40)tell him the hour of His return? Now that's BOLD.
For those of us who have received Christ, this is going to be a wonderful reunion. Mixed with our anticipation, we should also consider it a burden to share the gospel with those who don't believe.
The Bible should not be used as a weapon against unbelievers, in order to tell them off. Rather, those of us who believe should share the truth in love and let the Lord handle the rest.
Put down your fire and brimstone before you get hurt! Everyone knows it's coming, now let's quit fighting and start sharing the good news of the gospel.
So all this time I have been trying to figure out what this "Book of MORMAN" thing is that someone keeps referring to. The one I was always taught from is the "Book of MORMON". I guess that's why I can't see Warren's point of view. He's changed all the scriptures and had to rename the Book so it wouldn't be confused with the original. And he named it after himself. Moron-Man.
Stinger,I checked out the site that you are on.Looks like you were haveing "fun". We are related as I suspected. You have a good grasp of what's going on in warrens group and I enjoy your comments.
This weblog is a wonderful site. It’s an open invitation for those of us mired in “Warrenism” to be able to express our thoughts and worries without fear of reprisal.
I find it satisfying that other people in this religion have expressed similar concerns about Warren believing he is Jesus Christ. At least I know I’m not alone, and for that I thank those who are hosting this site. I fortunately stumbled across this site rather recently, and I appreciate the candidness of all the posts. I would like to add a couple of my own thoughts.
Warren has always introduced new doctrine to his upper echelon and Uncle Fred’s family prior to teaching it to the mid and lower caste FLDS saints. In this way, the new doctrine has a chance to filter from the upper ranks down through the lower ranks. That way, Warren can heat the water slowly to keep the people from jumping out of the cooking pot.
Warren himself believes, at some point, that eventually, ¾ of us are going to recognize him for who he really is and “deny him” as Jesus was denied by his apostles. He’s probably surprised himself that this pyramid scheme, which he manipulated himself into, has gone as far as it has. I’m not sure he realizes himself the depths to which his brainwashing has gone with this people, both young and old, but I’m sure he’s loving it.
I wonder if Warren is planning on making his big announcement to the people on 4/6/05 or 4/10/05 at the new temple that he is Jesus Christ returned or claim some version of that scenario.
Warren has been privately inferring the “truthfulness” of this doctrine to the upper echelon for a couple of years now. He’s been having his teachers indoctrinate the young people toward this thought pattern, as well. Warren himself hasn’t yet publicly declared it because I’m sure he feels it would be prideful on his part, to make such a claim for himself. He’s used his underlings to infer it, and in some cases, they are out right teaching it, in preparation for the big day when he accepts (as the “Son”) the appointment from the “Father” that he (Warren) is Jesus Christ.
This kind of special training our sons couldn’t talk about is one reason we fathers were not allowed to participate in the special priesthood meetings Warren called for our young sons to attend. We may have had a chance then to expose Warren and stop this radical change of religion earlier, had we really known what was happening.
We have been taught to train our wives and young sons and daughters to believe without question in the infallibility of one man. This people is living proof of the chaos that happens when we give control of our minds to any one man or group of men. The way it was presented, it seemed to be a good idea at the time and would have been bearable under a righteous man. I know now that it is wrong in principle to relinquish our minds to any one, even if we are convinced it will gain us our salvation.
In spite of our well meaning intentions this blunder has cost us the minds of our women and innocent young children. Warren Jeffs is now claiming his own. God forgive us for what we have done.
To "Letting Go" Welcome aboard. I can't tell you who I am on this forum, but I will watch and see who "comes out" and then I will make myself known to you. Somehow we've got to get a support group for all of us "goners" so that we can learn to forgive ourselves for what we've denied ourselves and our children under the guise of "obedience". Personally, I am SICK that my children aren't up to their age levels in school. But I plan to remedy that immediately. I know how you feel deep in your gut. And now here's the good news: God DOES forgive, regardless of what we've been told all these years. He WILL forgive you. Now that's something to live for. Courage. I wish I could give you a hug.
My goodness, what took you so long to find your brains? A priesthood meeting with boys and the dads stay home?
Forgiveness is to those who repent and turn the light on, which means fix the problem and don't repeat it. The one-man-doctrine started with Louis Barlow in the Aaronic Priesthood class. He had to scuttle the 1880 Revelation to pull it off. Then he had to convince aged and medicated Brother Johnson that it was a delusion. After Louis and his cohorts convinced him that the 1880 Revelation was wrong, information from the Church Archives was obtained and copied.
The diary's of several of John Taylor's chorum were copied wherein the 1880 Revelation was discussed and acted upon. John Taylor was mouth at the alter in the Endowment House (January 1881) and offered the prayer (after the washing of the feet ordinance) as a testimony against those who had persecuted the Church. Later he sent Wilford Woodruff to the St. George Temple to perform the ordinance mandated by the Revelation, in the Temple.
John Taylor and the Apostles testified that the 1880 Revelation was genuine and "profitable for doctrine."
It makes me wonder why Jesus called Apostles as his very first act starting his ministry, if only one man is necessary? Why did he call Apostles in Third Nephi and why didn't he just call Joseph and not Hiram, Brigham, Heber, John, etc.?
Reading your post's and the others on this blog is a revelation in hindsite on the warnings the Apostles gave in the past. The warning was in substance, "I will send them strong delusions that they might believe a lie and be damned, because they love not the truth for the truth's sake."
The truth is, goners, the long held requirement of the Priesthood was abandoned in exchange for the worshiping of a man--Brother Johnson--Rulon Jeffs--Warren Jeffs. Now, nearly every good gospel principle has been subsituted for the doctrinal whims of a maniac, which begs the question, what are you goners going to do about it?
Remember my former friends, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing!
My heart aches for you guys and you will be in my prayers. God is merciful (no matter what Warren or anyone else says) and He will hear you if you cry out to Him! I don't envy the tough road you have ahead. I am so saddened by all of this!
I have seen many of your posts and looked at your web page. I have enjoyed them all. You obviously are very close to the whole situation. You DO show that not all FLDS children are uneducated and deprived....of many things. Are you still a member? I think I read a post where you said your mother disapproved of your lifestyle. If you are not a member how do the people "in charge" feel about your website being liked to theirs? I guess I have many more questions for you, but do not know where to begin.
Hang in there. The people of Eldorado are VERY supportive, for the most part, and would gladly help you in any way. Know that and use it....if you can.
Hey Stinger, where do you get such good qotes like the ones you have been posting? If there from a book, what is the title? Let me know if ya will. Thanks
Here's something for you to think about. Yesterday one of my uncles asked his brother, who is a warrenite, if he would leave his family if warren told him he committed adultery with his wife. HE SAID "WARREN IS THE PROPHET AND GOD TO THE PEOPLE. ANYTHING HE SAYS MUST BE THE TRUTH." How the @#$% brain dead do you have to be?
Geez, that's just wack! Sounds like it's even worse than when I was given the boot 10 months ago! I sure hope the "warrenites" as you call them now have a few "non-controlled" brain cells left that can think for themselves. Don't know if you watched the new Spongebob Squarepants movie, but Warren must have the same plan as the Plankton who mind- controls everyone with his bucket hats!! haha!
Did anyone see the gorgeous double rainbow yesterday. It was one of the most brilliant and beautiful ones I've seen. It seems there is still hope. God, at least, hasn't given up on us yet.
I wondered what happened - need some inspirational words from the ancient Mormon.
Ancient Mormon, will you come down here and fix this problem before Warren destroys 70 years of FLDS work? I don’t really care what your religion is.
You look like you would be easier to get a long with and may even say “howdy"!
No apologies needed,were just grateful for the site.
And I thought it was my #%&^*#! machine.
Happy Birthday Susie Blackmore Johnson. If anyone knows where she is please see that she gets to a computer and checks the following link:
A Friend
Please don't let anything happen to this blog! Please, please, please.
No way. Women and children are property. They have no rights whatsoever.
Here's the whole scope on Susie Blackmore
For the sake of her father also. She is a wonderful, sweet and believing girl. The first born daughter of a queen mother and backward farm kid father. Lovely, obedient, faithful and believing, and last I knew, mother of three fine sons. My grandsons.
My last visit with her was a drop in at her place. We stood on the steps and she hugged me and kissed me and gave me the grandfather honor of holding my beautiful grandchildren. In a week when her mother tried to get a hold of her she was gone and we have not found her since. Oh God, bless our darling daughter!
Question for you "faithful" FLDS's......
What exactly has Warren Jeffs prophesied about April 6, 2005? What has he said will happen on that date?
Uncle Warren has taught that there will be about 2500 people, mostly women and children, that will be able to meet the Savior when he comes. He is having his loyal members pray for the Savior to appear and accept the dedication of the temple. He has said that he is gathering the pure in heart of these women and children to the temple to be able to meet with the Savior. He has told his loyal that he needs some further direction and is not able to obatin it until the people are pure. Uncle Warren has said that Uncle Fred would be renewed at this time as well. This is not going to happen now, and thus my writing this as I am no longer one of the loyal, for Uncle Warren has told his true loyal followers to take no part in this arguement on this site. Yes, he is getting a report on what posted here. For me this is the last time Uncle Warren gets to miss the boat. I really believed what he said, that Uncle Fred would be renewed on April 6. I hope that others will have their eyes, hearts and minds opened as well. We have done some things that we need to be very sorry for.
Sorry and discouraged in Zion.
How is this for a thought...April 3, warren fakes his own death. April 6, warren reappears as the new savior of the people. It could happen. According to some of the warrenites he has said someone was trying to kill him. Hope I didn't just blow his big suprise for the faithful.
I could see the fake death working until he gets horny and needs some sex.
true, true. that sounds like something I should have said!
To sorry and discouraged in Zion.I understand what you are going through and have the utmost respect for the courage it took for you to come on this site and admit that you were not being led as you believed.It's a tough conclusion to come to but now you will find that all the questions you have had on the shelf can be answered now.Your apology had a ring of genuineness about it that tugs at the heartstrings.God bless you on the continuation of your journey. A friend.
To: 7:36
Ditto, well said...
To sorry and discouraged in Zion:
There are many of us in Eldorado who will welcome you with open arms. Just leave the ranch, walk or drive. If need be I will pick you up at the gate and see that you get where you want to go. I am sorry you were misled, but you aren't the first. Thank you for your admission here. Let me know if I can help
To "Sorry & Discouraged."
Keep your head up. Hold fast to your true religious values. There is a God in Heaven. He is the one we need to be faithful to. Remember Uncle Roy and his advice to the people. If what you hear from the stand does not square up, put it on the shelf." That is what I had to do until my shelf became overloaded with Warren's teachings that didn't square up. When Warren told the people "we must not compare the previous prophets with the holy prophet of today." That was my last straw. I am still a faithful FLDS member under the church that Joseph Smith organized 175 years ago.
Northern Friend
Gosh, sorry in Zion. You are a very brave person. I am sure many people in Schleicher Cty. would help you in a second, I know I would. Hang in there and when you are ready let someone know. Keep yourself and your family safe. BTW, how do you have computer access?
To stinger at 5:18 pm.You are exercising very good deductive reasoning powers.I hope when this all comes to a head and we dare tell each other who we were, that you and I are related.
Just me.
I appreciate the offer's of help expressed by the generous people of Eldorado.
When this thing is over and Warren Jeffs is defrocked, prosecuted and shamed for the charlatan he is, there will be a need I'm sure, for help and guidance to be given to these dissillusioned sheep.
A king with no followers is just a beggar by the side of the road.
And may I remind you, JESUS was a poor boy, and Warren Jeffs has a lot of followers. Can any one of you say your church is with out fault's. OH tho Hypicrit, cast thy stone from thine own eye.
Anon 12:59 A church is just an organization. And organizations are created by man and are therefore prone to faults. I haven't seen anyone in here claim their church is without faults. And from what I can tell, for the most part people in here are just trying to understand something that is strange to them. So instead of calling names and misspelling them at the same time (hypocrite) Why don't you shed some light on this truth you claim to follow. Give some of these people a reason not to pick it apart. Use reason and doctrine, something they can actually understand. Be a Christian and help your fellow man take the stone from his eye.
Hey Just Me, Thanks for the props. If you want to know who I am, go to www.sharethelight.ca/gallery/raptorx. If you know me you will know my name. I actually don't care if anyone knows my name. I use a pseudonym because as Stinger I am just another person who questions the weirdness of warren's teachings, but if I become my real self I become an angry man with a grudge against everything warrenite. My mother was one of the first women talked into leaving her husband here in Canada. The reason given? He wouldn't declare that warren was a prophet. Can anyone show me a passage in the Book of Mormon or Bible where the people had to declare someone as prophet before they where allowed to hear the word of God? To make matters worse she tried to sue him for a piece of land in Bountiful he doesn't even own. It is one of the few pieces that isn't part of the UEP. Go figure that one out. This happened about a month after she declared to me that there was no way she would ever try to sue him. She won't visit us anymore because we are too worldy. My son and his cousin pretended to be Spiderman the last time they were allowed at her house and it upset her pretty good. How is this a new and higher way of living?
If warren tries to decieve the sheeple in the Eldorado compound into beleiving he's Christ, I wonder if he's going to go "David Copperfield" elaborate or whether he'll make his transformation into "Christ" a simple ceremony, witnessed by a couple of his most trusted women. Later, he can then call on them in church and they can declare what they saw and heard to all the "true" FLDS believers. It worked once, when he assumed the position as prophet, maybe it will work again. If it doesn't, he can always go back to telling the people it was their lack of faith that caused it not to happen. That's got a long record of working with Warren and has never failed yet.
Ain't that the truth.
Teachings of The Prophet Joseph Smith p:340 I have asked of the Lord Concerning his coming; and while asking the Lord, He said "In rhe days of Noah I set a bow in the heavens as a sign and token that in any year the bow should be seen the Lord would not come".
Howdy all you Texans. Anybody seen a rainbow this year? If so Warren may be calling in some spooks, but the Lord will not come.
In this same book, Joseph also states "a wicked and adulturous generation seeketh after a sign." P:278
Warren fleeing to Texas with his most faithful has fulfilled his Father's statement "If you are not for me, you are against me. Therfore you will scatter abroad."
To Sorry in Zion:
My heart wept when I read your note. I feel the same way and I know many people here feel the same way, but no one has the courage to stand up and say it. I used to fantasize while sitting in "Sunday Class" (indoctrination meeting) that some time I would stand up and declare that it was all a lie and show how badly and grossly illogical the whole thing was. And then, in my fantasy, most of the audience would agree with me and we would all walk out. You know, the whole strength in numbers thing. Well, I didn't of course and now we are just limping along trying to keep our mouths shut to maintain as much of "normal" as we can before all hell breaks loose on us.
I am just wondering: do you have a family that is going to be "taken away" from you now that you have admitted what your heart has known for a long time? Please tell me that you're single and that you aren't going to have to face the horrifying pain and terror that accompanies families who are ripped apart. Or that your family agrees with you. If not, I am here willing to bet that you'll do like I am and just keep your head down and your mouth shut so you can have your life and the association of your loved ones.
I am SO sorry. Either way, you are in for some heart grief. I wish I could advise you. I wish I knew what to do myself. This whole mess is so incredible, it is going to take God years to straighten it out. May He start soon.
as someone who recently was kicked out of there, I was deeply moved by your post anon. 11:13. If anyone of you needs help with anything, don't feel hesitant to call for it. I am so glad that there are more people calling for help now. I watched a few of my uncles lose their families and it literally made them look ten years older from the stress and heartache they went through trying to reason with Warren's teachings. I hope this will end soon also, before he omotionally murders many more!
found lost boy
I still can't believe you troubled FLDS people are afraid of Warren Jeffs. If there was a real man among you, Warren Jeffs would wish his mother had all girls.
So what if he kicks you out. You are not "Tenants at will." The court's have proven the claim of "Unjust Enrichment" is a valid and defensible claim. Tell Warren to go to hell along with his buddy Sam Barlow, and quit worrying about these two misguided idiots.
The above advice applies only to the "real men" in the FLDS group, wimps can shake, quiver and worry until they pee their pants . . .
Hey 5:09 it ain't that easy. The real men decision that you allude to is not only criminal but damning and family suicidal. If someone held influence on everything you held dear, your family, home, friends, relatives, good name, bank account and you name it, and they could take it in a second and you knew they would, and if you saw first hand what it has done to others who have questioned, you would be as careful as those poor folks.
Maybe we should print up some flyers with instructions on how to grow some hair on your chest, or develop some *inappropriate connotation deleted* guts. fly over with one of those airplanes you use to take pictures of the compound and drop the flyers onto the town.
To an observer from far away, it appears that most, or almost all, of the women will leave their husband on orders from Warren Jeffs. Is this correct? Don't any of them feel some sort of a bond with their husbands? Why don't more stay together?
To Anon 9:48 AM
The reason that these women are so eager and ready to leave their husbands at the drop of a hat, is because they were all arranged and abusive marraiges that meant nothing to the parties involved in the first place. Speaking from experience. Another Anon
Hey everybody, I saw a rainbow up here in the North; guess Warren will have to try again next year, or maybe God and Warren should start communicating.
Warren is communicating well, problem is Satan can't control the rainbows.
Make no mistake, When Jesus comes again he will come in a cloud. It is written, every knee will bow, and every toung will confess, he is the christ. It is written, Let no man decieve you. Jesus will come in the clouds. Your spirit eyes will be opened. After you are dead, you will beg God to bury your body. There will be weeping and wailing, and knashing of teeth, Your cries will go up, unto God, saying," Oh that we had repented in our day of probation" God in his great mercy will cause a great earth Quake to bury your bodies. He then will put you in a place where you can be the happiest to your ability. THIS IS NOT MY WORDS. THIS IS SCRIPTUAL WORDS. IT CAN BE FOUND IN THE BIBLE AND THE BOOK OF MORMAN.
Is anyone arguing that Christ is going to return? Of course He will! That is what we all look forward to, not dread! Come, Lord, Come! God will not judge us based on how loyal we were to a man (Warren, I'm talking to you), but to HIM!!
Does Warren Jeffs think God would contradict His Word and (Luke 12:40)tell him the hour of His return? Now that's BOLD.
For those of us who have received Christ, this is going to be a wonderful reunion. Mixed with our anticipation, we should also consider it a burden to share the gospel with those who don't believe.
The Bible should not be used as a weapon against unbelievers, in order to tell them off. Rather, those of us who believe should share the truth in love and let the Lord handle the rest.
Put down your fire and brimstone before you get hurt! Everyone knows it's coming, now let's quit fighting and start sharing the good news of the gospel.
To good news of the gospel, 1:18 AM:
I like your philosophy, it sounds like the most constructive way to resolve differences.
You said, ". . .those of us who believe should share the truth in love and let the Lord handle the rest." Words of wisdom for sure.
So all this time I have been trying to figure out what this "Book of MORMAN" thing is that someone keeps referring to. The one I was always taught from is the "Book of MORMON". I guess that's why I can't see Warren's point of view. He's changed all the scriptures and had to rename the Book so it wouldn't be confused with the original. And he named it after himself. Moron-Man.
Oh yeah, MorMAN, not to be confused with MorMON! Now I get it. Just to think, all that time I was confusing the two!
Stinger,I checked out the site that you are on.Looks like you were haveing "fun". We are related as I suspected. You have a good grasp of what's going on in warrens group and I enjoy your comments.
Just me.
This weblog is a wonderful site. It’s an open invitation for those of us mired in “Warrenism” to be able to express our thoughts and worries without fear of reprisal.
I find it satisfying that other people in this religion have expressed similar concerns about Warren believing he is Jesus Christ. At least I know I’m not alone, and for that I thank those who are hosting this site. I fortunately stumbled across this site rather recently, and I appreciate the candidness of all the posts. I would like to add a couple of my own thoughts.
Warren has always introduced new doctrine to his upper echelon and Uncle Fred’s family prior to teaching it to the mid and lower caste FLDS saints. In this way, the new doctrine has a chance to filter from the upper ranks down through the lower ranks. That way, Warren can heat the water slowly to keep the people from jumping out of the cooking pot.
Warren himself believes, at some point, that eventually, ¾ of us are going to recognize him for who he really is and “deny him” as Jesus was denied by his apostles. He’s probably surprised himself that this pyramid scheme, which he manipulated himself into, has gone as far as it has. I’m not sure he realizes himself the depths to which his brainwashing has gone with this people, both young and old, but I’m sure he’s loving it.
I wonder if Warren is planning on making his big announcement to the people on 4/6/05 or 4/10/05 at the new temple that he is Jesus Christ returned or claim some version of that scenario.
Warren has been privately inferring the “truthfulness” of this doctrine to the upper echelon for a couple of years now. He’s been having his teachers indoctrinate the young people toward this thought pattern, as well. Warren himself hasn’t yet publicly declared it because I’m sure he feels it would be prideful on his part, to make such a claim for himself. He’s used his underlings to infer it, and in some cases, they are out right teaching it, in preparation for the big day when he accepts (as the “Son”) the appointment from the “Father” that he (Warren) is Jesus Christ.
This kind of special training our sons couldn’t talk about is one reason we fathers were not allowed to participate in the special priesthood meetings Warren called for our young sons to attend. We may have had a chance then to expose Warren and stop this radical change of religion earlier, had we really known what was happening.
We have been taught to train our wives and young sons and daughters to believe without question in the infallibility of one man. This people is living proof of the chaos that happens when we give control of our minds to any one man or group of men. The way it was presented, it seemed to be a good idea at the time and would have been bearable under a righteous man. I know now that it is wrong in principle to relinquish our minds to any one, even if we are convinced it will gain us our salvation.
In spite of our well meaning intentions this blunder has cost us the minds of our women and innocent young children. Warren Jeffs is now claiming his own. God forgive us for what we have done.
Letting go in Hildale
Get a good nights sleep,it's D-day tomorrow!
To "Letting Go"
Welcome aboard. I can't tell you who I am on this forum, but I will watch and see who "comes out" and then I will make myself known to you. Somehow we've got to get a support group for all of us "goners" so that we can learn to forgive ourselves for what we've denied ourselves and our children under the guise of "obedience". Personally, I am SICK that my children aren't up to their age levels in school. But I plan to remedy that immediately. I know how you feel deep in your gut. And now here's the good news: God DOES forgive, regardless of what we've been told all these years. He WILL forgive you. Now that's something to live for. Courage. I wish I could give you a hug.
To "goners" 10:58 PM & 12:19 AM:
My goodness, what took you so long to find your brains? A priesthood meeting with boys and the dads stay home?
Forgiveness is to those who repent and turn the light on, which means fix the problem and don't repeat it. The one-man-doctrine started with Louis Barlow in the Aaronic Priesthood class. He had to scuttle the 1880 Revelation to pull it off. Then he had to convince aged and medicated Brother Johnson that it was a delusion. After Louis and his cohorts convinced him that the 1880 Revelation was wrong, information from the Church Archives was obtained and copied.
The diary's of several of John Taylor's chorum were copied wherein the 1880 Revelation was discussed and acted upon. John Taylor was mouth at the alter in the Endowment House (January 1881) and offered the prayer (after the washing of the feet ordinance) as a testimony against those who had persecuted the Church. Later he sent Wilford Woodruff to the St. George Temple to perform the ordinance mandated by the Revelation, in the Temple.
John Taylor and the Apostles testified that the 1880 Revelation was genuine and "profitable for doctrine."
It makes me wonder why Jesus called Apostles as his very first act starting his ministry, if only one man is necessary? Why did he call Apostles in Third Nephi and why didn't he just call Joseph and not Hiram, Brigham, Heber, John, etc.?
Reading your post's and the others on this blog is a revelation in hindsite on the warnings the Apostles gave in the past. The warning was in substance, "I will send them strong delusions that they might believe a lie and be damned, because they love not the truth for the truth's sake."
The truth is, goners, the long held requirement of the Priesthood was abandoned in exchange for the worshiping of a man--Brother Johnson--Rulon Jeffs--Warren Jeffs. Now, nearly every good gospel principle has been subsituted for the doctrinal whims of a maniac, which begs the question, what are you goners going to do about it?
Remember my former friends, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men do nothing!
Dear "goners",
My heart aches for you guys and you will be in my prayers. God is merciful (no matter what Warren or anyone else says) and He will hear you if you cry out to Him! I don't envy the tough road you have ahead. I am so saddened by all of this!
I have seen many of your posts and looked at your web page. I have enjoyed them all. You obviously are very close to the whole situation. You DO show that not all FLDS children are uneducated and deprived....of many things. Are you still a member? I think I read a post where you said your mother disapproved of your lifestyle. If you are not a member how do the people "in charge" feel about your website being liked to theirs? I guess I have many more questions for you, but do not know where to begin.
Hang in there. The people of Eldorado are VERY supportive, for the most part, and would gladly help you in any way. Know that and use it....if you can.
Very good analogy and life lesson there stinger.
Hey Stinger, where do you get such good qotes like the ones you have been posting? If there from a book, what is the title? Let me know if ya will. Thanks
Thanks buddy, great quotes on the site you mentioned!
Here's something for you to think about. Yesterday one of my uncles asked his brother, who is a warrenite, if he would leave his family if warren told him he committed adultery with his wife. HE SAID "WARREN IS THE PROPHET AND GOD TO THE PEOPLE. ANYTHING HE SAYS MUST BE THE TRUTH." How the @#$% brain dead do you have to be?
Geez, that's just wack! Sounds like it's even worse than when I was given the boot 10 months ago! I sure hope the "warrenites" as you call them now have a few "non-controlled" brain cells left that can think for themselves. Don't know if you watched the new Spongebob Squarepants movie, but Warren must have the same plan as the Plankton who mind- controls everyone with his bucket hats!! haha!
Did anyone see the gorgeous double rainbow yesterday. It was one of the most brilliant and beautiful ones I've seen. It seems there is still hope. God, at least, hasn't
given up on us yet.
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