Friday, January 14, 2011

Have there been any new FLDS expulsions at the Crick?

Anyone have any rumors or news they'd like to share?

I saw a story today about renewed efforts for a county library in Colorado City.



  1. Ive been told that David Zitting has been exiled to north Dakota, can anyone verify this?

  2. Anon 10:43

    When will you be leaving here?

  3. Who will pay for this winter storm?

  4. Uncaduff,
    Was Zitting sent to the Pringle compound ? If so, why ?

  5. and are you losing as you attack?

  6. Wendell Nielson, Merril Jessop and Jim Oler have reportedly been "handled." They're out. Merril seems to have completely disappeared. Probably avoiding his pending trial.

    Who's leading now???

  7. Heard Bill Shapley was among the "handled", too.

  8. How did they handle him ? They kicked him out ?


    FLDS Church wins the Super Bowl of expulsions!!!

    Hundreds upon hundreds of their members expelled and still counting...

    Centennial Park congregation (The Priesthood Work)ZERO expulsions.

    Both of these communties used to be one congregation and the principle of "Love your neighbor as yourself" was practiced among them.

    The FLDS Church claims the name of Jesus Christ but has expelled the principle of His love. It has been exiled to repent from afar...

  10. So are the leaders and these hundreds of people leaving town with their heads hanging low?

    Warren must be real proud of the mess he got himself into!

    What a legacy - this is going to leave a tramp stamp tattoo!

    1. Hopefully they find peace seems like there life is rough

  11. Anon

    Yeah, handled is shorthand for excommunicated.

    Shapely's second time at bat. Did anyone see his press release at YFZ where he said marrying girls is how they operate, while he stood in front of the locked gate and high fences of the YFZ where hundreds of underage girls are corralled?

  12. I would love to see a post here from someone within the community. Someone who KNOWS firsthand about this alleged most recent event (handling).

    Anyone, please post some details. You can be anonymous.

  13. What happened to IItmoc?

    Any way it was noted that Wayman handed Warrens new atty a big fat check right in front of the courtroom in Texas, likely because the atty didnt trust Warren any farther than he could throw him.

    In addition to these handlings, there has been information that members need to sign over their checks, and recieve a stipend.

    Reverse Tithing.

    Oh, and dont forget, we need an inventory of all your belongings, down to the crayons and what color they are.


  14. What with the priesthood boys buying beer in Texas?

  15. Never fear,
    They do drink beer.

    Maybe they need it to keep sweet. Must be a fair amount o' fear welling up in 'em lately.

  16. Why do people feel stronger by dragging down others. Some of these comments are wonderful for information (if you need it), but some are just plain mean spirited.

  17. Reply to Anon 1/30/2011 10:43 AM -

    There will be ONE less "perverted, filthy" person around when Warren Jeffs goes to prison in Texas.

    And if Anon 2/11/2011 9:25 AM thinks my comment is "just plain mean spirited" then Anon at 2/11/2011 9:25 AM needs to understand that the rest of the world does NOT condone the "spiritual marriage" of little girls to old men.

    It is against the law and the pedophiles who do this WILL be charged and tried for their criminal actions - at least in Texas.

    As Dorothy said to Toto - "We're not in Kansas anymore" - the FLDS living in other states are not in Utah anymore!

    Outside of Utah, justice will prevail.

    Pedophilia is NOT a religion!

  18. I think you have a lot to learn about truth. But you do appear to love your dillusion.

  19. If someone wants to know who an evil minded and mean spirited person is, one need not look further than Warren Jeffs.

    I cant recall anyone who has done so much harm to so many people, children included.

    Oh, there was Hitler, Warren is only "#2", pun intended.

  20. yes, you must heal to be happy. It does take time, but people do heal. That is sure. blaming others for your trouble is just blaming, and blaming never is healing.

  21. Willie Jessop is "out" too.

  22. So the trib really laid it out, other news outlets too, also texasflds

    Willie, Wendell and Merril, all got the dusty old boot of Warren, who continues to ex people willie nilly (pun intended) as if there was no tommorrow (pun intended)..


  23. "Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs is not only running the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but he has also ousted at least 45 high-ranking members he considered a threat to his leadership, two well-placed sources tell CNN."

    Read more:

    Does anyone have information on who the 45 ousted members are? Any or all?

  24. Warren's psychotic paranoia is out of control and his "handling" of members is soon to reach critical mass. Word on the street in the twin city's reveals that a backlash movement is rapidly forming that will eventually cut off Warren's cash flow and member support.

    He has finally pushed the limit of his power beyond the breaking point and principle players in the FLDS group are launching a revolt that will challenge his access to financial resources. Without member funding, Warren will lack the ability to defend the charges against him and he will end up a desperate despot mumbling to himself in a demented state of despair.

    He has left a wake of ruined lives, broken families, and damaged children to haunt his miserable loneliness as he awaits his own demise at the hands of his fellow prisoners. His final legacy will be one that has well earned the title, "Prophet of Doom, Exemplar of Unrighteousness."

  25. Warren's psychotic paranoia is out of control and his "handling" of members is soon to reach critical mass. Word on the street in the twin city's reveals that a backlash movement is rapidly forming that will eventually cut off Warren's cash flow and member support.

    He has finally pushed the limit of his power beyond the breaking point and principle players in the FLDS group are launching a revolt that will challenge his access to financial resources. Without member funding, Warren will lack the ability to defend the charges against him and he will end up a desperate despot mumbling to himself in a demented state of despair.

    He has left a wake of ruined lives, broken families, and damaged children to haunt his miserable loneliness as he awaits his own demise at the hands of his fellow prisoners. His final legacy will be one that has well earned the title, "Prophet of Doom, Exemplar of Unrighteousness."

  26. Warren's psychotic paranoia is out of control and his "handling" of members is soon to reach critical mass. Word on the street in the twin city's reveals that a backlash movement is rapidly forming that will eventually cut off Warren's cash flow and member support.

    He has finally pushed the limit of his power beyond the breaking point and principle players in the FLDS group are launching a revolt that will challenge his access to financial resources. Without member funding, Warren will lack the ability to defend the charges against him and he will end up a desperate despot mumbling to himself in a demented state of despair.

    He has left a wake of ruined lives, broken families, and damaged children to haunt his miserable loneliness as he awaits his own demise at the hands of his fellow prisoners. His final legacy will be one that has well earned the title, "Prophet of Doom, Exemplar of Unrighteousness."

  27. anybody wanna lay bets on how many ways the "saints" are gonna split?

  28. watch the show of Joseph Smith in the Mormon Temple. They said the same things of him. And the Lord said, "peace be unto you, for your sorrow is but a moment." Do you all really think it is money that saves him? When Louis Barlow did have a letter passed around about him, that he was the one chosen of the Lord to lead the people, he died. When that Jeffs boy was paid by that dentist to lie about him, he died. gather your forces; for the earth itself will protect him. She will be honored for the privledge. as also the Lord, himself will, and Joseph Smith. and would Terril Johnson really bring this kind of a curse upon himself? I doubt it. He knows better, as do all of you. Why not get down on your knees and ask the Lord to bless you. for he waits to gather everyone as a hen gathers her chicks and ye would not.

  29. and the way I see it, he just protected me, from a gang. Twice now, he has saved my life. The Lord will not forsake him. nor us. and how can you be sure, who it is that supports him. I think it was just mutiny on the ship, and Warren Jeffs did not put anyone out. probably a Barlow that put good men out. and word on the street, is always just gossip; with nothing but wind in the leaves.

  30. Anonymous 10:43 said:

    "I think it was just mutiny on the ship..."

    That's one comment that I can agree with you on, there's certainly a mutiny underway that is growing among the FLDS members and as you are obviously one of those members in Warren's defense, you will see this mutiny grow and resistence to Warren's despotic policies of expulsion and exile lose power.

    When men stand up against Warren and say, "Hell no! We will not go," the mutiny will gain numbers until Warren will be left with just a small congregation of eunuchs not worth the manhood to expell.

    Let the games begin....

  31. Who is Terril Johnson and what does he have to do with this? Is he one of the ousted 45?

    Also, what Barlow has the power and authority to put men out?

  32. What I'm curious about is how Merril's wives and children are faring after this ousting. Are any to be reassigned, or is this holding pattern status quo for the time being?

  33. An FLDS member's comment from the FLDS TEXAS blog clearly indicates that the mutiny has begun:

    "I am an flds member and wish the states utah, arizona, texas and also the federal government would not worry about the legal liabilities and put warren into 100% isolation (except maybe for short lawyer visits).
    His ongoing "revelations" are turning us into slaves. Please stop him."

    Anonymous said this on February 26, 2011 at 5:44 PM

    Addressing the above comment I must say that it is within the power of the FLDS members themselves to stop Warren's insanity. They gave him the power and they can take it away. Let the slaves revolt and embrace their new freedom....

  34. I think Terril Johnson was the mayor of Colorado City and if so then yes, he's out too.

  35. Terril Johnson is the mayor and being out of the FLDS Church does not impeach him as mayor. He doesn't have to resign his job as mayor and will leave only if he wants to. The same goes for Hildale's mayor, David Zitting.

    Warren's the one that needs to be impeached for his destructive and unchristian imperatives. If these mayors will stand up and be real men, others will join them until the Warren Jeffs reign of insanity will be over and the people will be free.

  36. This entire thing reminds me of Lybia and Charlie Sheen.

    At some point people wake up and smell the coffee, the napalm, the ruin, the lies, the abuse.

    Best of luck to those folks still in, I hope they can pull it together to make the right decisions for themselves and their families.

    Best of luck, lots of folks are rooting for you!

  37. Yes, there are people and friends who care and are PRAYING for the families within the FLDS.

  38. why would I want to wake up and smell the ruin, the lies, the abuse. I want to forget.


    Is this crazy?

  40. The above link doesn't work because it's truncated.

    Try clicking this.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Here is another story link.

    And this story has a link at the end of it to a copy of Warren's 'Petition' to President Obama.

    Totally bizarre!!

  43. Here is an open letter to Lyle Jeffs; You signed WArren Jeffs letter to the Peoples of the United States of America. I see that you and him have told these men, in your church that murder babies, and children and women, that their day of hidden deceit is almost over, and my day of bondage is almost at an end. Oh, how you hated me for their lies and abuse; and it is almost over. almost over. I rejoice that you have the sense at least to openly tell these murder's that they will be stopped. You Idalized a man and his filth, and I was hated and shunned and persicuted. I am proud to have been hated by you and your people, and I am rejoicing that you signed the paper, giving me my freedom and him his death. For that is what he chose. Please do not follow me around your town. You defended traitors all my life, and hated me. Rejoice or weep in the whirl wind that takes them. You always hated me, so when these dogs are taken, I know you will weep for them that lost their souls and cry because God saved me, who did not lose my soul.

  44. Is Laurene doing okay through this mess?

  45. I do not really like to see people suffer. I know the Lord is just, when he says that you all will be destroyed. I shall not weep as you fall. I shall smile and rejoice; for you have sought my life and my destruction; I shall weep that you did not repent and your souls are not saved; how-ever I know that the only sorrow a wicked person has, is that they can not continue to hurt and destroy.

  46. This is the only blog, easy to get on. I would have this to say, about all the people who make fun of thinking the world will not end. It ended today for a lot of people. They died. and tomorrow there will be a lot more, and the day after, until you all come up in the reserection and face up to what you did. and the earth is going to be a sun, so you do not have to worry about it falling apart. Will you be alive tomorrow? and what will you tell Jesus when you meet him.

  47. There went your oil. I did tell this one anti-polygamist that the Lord held the oil. She said Texas did. I did tell her he could move it; for we would not lose. Then it was dripping in the sea. Course not very many people believe in God, so now there was an earth quake. I am so happy today, I could sing and dance for a hundred years. No more people to hate me. No more people to make fun of me. No more people to persicute me and harrass me and lie, and steal and cheat me. Sweet. Soon we will be living in peace, and the ransomed of the lOrd will return. Sweet.

    Maybe these anti-polygamists will help the victums of the quake. Lots of luck. are you ready for the next shaking?

  48. How, do any of you know, that Warren Jeffs has kicked any more people out? Is it really true? I am waiting for him to throw out the one's who threw me out, and lied like a bunch of banshies, about me. How, am I to know he kicked more out? Is it true?
    There is six men, who sabataged my life, six that I knew then, but a couple more have been added, that I did not know about, until later and they confessed.

  49. So let me guess - Anon 3/11 at 9:10pm wants us to believe the earthquake in Japan is a manifestation of the wrath of God for the "persecution" of Warren Jeffs and company by anti -polygamists. Henceforth "anon" wants us to believe that anything that goes wrong in the universe is due to their "persecution" That's quite a creative explanation for a natural phenomenon.

  50. Be wary of the quark laser, Warren is still in the CelloSteel Kingdom!

    Oh and yes Warren has booted some 50 men, more names coming to light.


    This just in!

    Dee Benson just gave the UEP back to Warren! In 20 days!

    Call your attorney, cuz Warren is calling Lyle to pull some crap quick while they still have a chance!

  51. Sweet, When a man gets put out, they become human beings. Just let me know when they kick out the men who destroyed my life. That will be the celibration day I am waiting for.

  52. But that does not say who got kicked out.

  53. There is a list at

    It is perhaps not 100pct correct, but it can be checked. I dont think they would mind if its reposted here.


    heck here it is. Comment on what you think or dont think.


    Use this thread to keep track of the people being exed by Warren from his jail cell. If you know it is a 2nd (or 3rd) exing, please note that also.

    If a name is on this list, the rumor is out on the street that they have been kicked out.

    If there is an asterisk following it, circumstantial evidence seems to point to it’s accuracy.

    If there are two asterisks by the name, there is reason to believe that they are not leaving their home.

    1. David Zitting * The last Patriarch warren jeffs had left standing that was ordained by former flds prophet Leroy S. Johnson. He was also warren jeffs appointed mayor of Hildale, Utah.
    2. Lorin Holm *
    3. William Harker *
    4. Merril Jessop * Warren Jeffs counselor.
    5. Wendell Nielson again * Warren Jeffs counselor.
    6. Jimmy Oler * Warren Jeffs first elder at the FLDS Canadian community.
    7. Marty Jessop * son of Dee Jessop
    8. Tusk Jessop * son of Dee Jessop
    9. willy jessop again ** warren jeffs public spokesman for his church.
    10. Craig Black *
    11. Mark Burnam Jr. *
    12. 2 of Brandon Blackmores sons.
    13. Steven Harker Very high up in Warren Jeffs church.
    14. Joe Jessop Not Uncle Joe S. Jessop.
    15. Warren Jessop *
    16. Arnold Richter **
    17. Jim Cox **
    18. Allen Cox **
    19. Dan Wayman **
    20. Dan Jessop Sr. again * Town father and Hildale Town counselman.
    21. Bill Shapely again * He worked his way up so high in warren’s church since being invited back, that he was the only one sitting on the stand with Lyle Jeffs in the Short Creek area.
    22. Wallace Jeffs again * Another one of warren jeffs brothers he kicked out of his church.
    23. Tom Holm *
    24. Clarence Wayman **
    25. Lorin Wayman **
    26. Micheal Wayman **
    27. Alvin Barlow’s son. *
    28. Marjorie Jessop *
    29. Kent Beagley Sr. *
    30. Jim Barlow Sr. *

  54. pt 2


    31. Kenneth Richter Sr. *
    32. Lehi Dutson
    33. Orval Johnson’s son or grandson
    34. Dee Jessop Warren jeffs bodyguard. The Fred M. Jessop (FMJ) zoo manager.
    35. Anson Johnson
    36. Donald Richter College educated high school teacher and apologist for warren jeffs and his church. Also in charge of organizing dirt collected by warren’s minions and doing a public smear campaign against anyone fighting warren jeffs. He rarely bothered to check his facts.
    37. Thomas Mace Barlow
    38. Richard (Rich) Jessop * Warren had him in charge of his construction finances in Texas. He had thousands of dollars a day running through those accounts.
    39. Lyle Jessop
    40. Terril Johnson * Appointed by warren jeffs to be the town mayor for Colorado City, Az.. Also, he was the manager of the U.E.P.T. dairy. After years of doing business, The Dairy Store shut down a few days ago.
    41. Leslie Jeffs * another one of warren jeffs brothers he has kicked out of his church.
    42. Leslie Jeffs daughter * This is believed to be Kelsey
    43. Don Jessop
    44. Leland Richter
    45. Dan Timpson Strong arm for warren jeffs. He was one of the ones standing at the church house door to turn you away from church if warren suddenly found you unworthy to attend his church.
    46. Alma Steed
    47. David Harker again.
    48. David Jeffs again. * Another one of warren jeffs brothers he wanted out of his church.
    49. Loyd Wall again. One of warren jeffs college educated engineers.
    50. Rulon Harker *
    51. Vivian Roundy *
    52. Raymond Blackmore *
    53. Merril Palmer * warren jeffs head of the flds private schools in Bountiful, British Columbia, Canada.
    54. Dan Barlow Sr. again. Former priesthood appointed Colorado City Town Mayor, before being kicked out the first time.
    55. Kevin Pipkin *
    56. Joseph S. Jessop ** Uncle Joe Jessop. Town father and Hildale Town counselman. He was in charge of the community garden, located where lyle jeffs just built his “Jailhouse” mansion and compound
    57. lyle jeffs There was a rumor going around town about three weeks ago that warren jeffs had put his brother lyle jeffs on probation, which is usually the first step towards kicking them out. In light of all that has gone on since then, including lyle taking charge of meetings and moving into the jailhouse mansion everyone was being led to believe was being built for warren jeffs, along with guards patrolling his new compound 27/7; I’m inclined to believe that the rumor was not true or that lyle has done some serious brown nosing the last couple of weeks. I’m also inclined to believe the 10 to 12 foot high concrete walls and the guards are there simply to stop willy jessop and others from retaliating against lyle for what he and warren just did to them.


    This USA Today article claims that David Zitting confirmed that he was indeed excommunicated.

    Third Cousin


    This USA Today article claims that David Zitting personally confirmed that he was indeed excommunicated.

  57. so, when he kicks out the next hundred men, we maybe will have some honest men in town; right? if there is any.

  58. That list is of Biblical proportions, forgive the pun!

    And anon 11:25, perhaps he exed the only honest ones? Hard to tell aint it?

    Anyway, after reading Carolyn's book Escape, I'm glad to see Merril on the list. He was downright cruel.

  59. first there are these men, who do steal the land and every thing from those that they think are not faithful. Then Bruce Wisen and crowd do steal that, then the men move back and they are kicked out. So, are there any that do not steal? There are only two men left who did sabatage and destroy my life. They are playing pranks on me, and having fun. The only thing is that the men they cheat, will not take it as easy as the baby's and women they abuse. Right now, the men are enticing young girls into deviltry. I feel bad for them. but it will end soon. Trators, do not like to be betrayed. Yes, it has been a hard eleven years, since these six men betrayed me, and abused my helpless children; but it is soon coming to an end; for these traitors.

  60. and my children are dead. and they will be waiting in heaven, for these men, when these men who tormented and abused them cross over to the other side. We will be waiting, and waiting, and waiting. I owe it to my daughter. How, joyful it will be then. Oh, how these men enjoyed there torture of my two children, and smiled and giggled and thought it was funny to keep it hidden. My son and my daughter walk in the spirit world, waiting, and I walk here. so my joy is going to be complete in the end. Murder's have no claim on mercy or life, and they will pay there debt. If it takes me fifty more years, these men will pay for there abuse. This man is fourty five. He can not live for-ever. My MOther is seventy. She will never hit me or my daughter again, not the ones dead; She will not be able to whip my daughter alive, much longer. It must make them feel mighty good, to know they could beat children, and protect sick abusive men; but that day is coming to an end. Soon they will have no children to torment. and in heaven they will not be able to lie to the LOrd, they will have to tell him why they treated me like trash, tried to destroy my children, and they influanced theres to evil, and kidnapped my children and stole my stuff. Oh, that will be a happy day for me. Are you ready world? next tornado? next earthquake? all you un-believers; are you ready? the sicentists predicted on huge earth quake on the california coast, and a huge tidal wave for that. Our army's in heaven are ready. Are you ready? Ready, aim, fire! no more murders, no more torment of children; no more freaks in the creek, that sell there woman and children on the black market, to be murdered. Should I name you, or do you want to confess your gross sins yourself? Ye, dogs! ye, heathens! are you ready? aim fire!

  61. David Barlow, was the dog at the door.

  62. Lyle Jeffs was trying to be nice to me yesterday, so there must be some truth to the rumor that he was put on probation. Does he think all these people he helped put out and destroy their lives will just bow to him, and eat out of his hand? Or all they waiting to have their day, with him. There has been serious threats made to him, by some people I have heard talk; will they carry it out if he is put out? I am sure that either way, Lyle Jeffs has a reason for his body guards. Or is it just a way to throw every one off, so they will not know who to target? God is still God, and his laws are the same, even if every man turned from him, or was killed for religion. It is very difficult to tell anyhow, who the saints are, with all the persicution and fighting, and name calling and insults; So, who is to know?

  63. Now, Willard Barlow will have to find another way to give drugs to the cows at the diary, to kill the baby's. And poor Brad in Cedar City, That Willard Barlow offered LeeAnn too, What ever will he do with out the big Barlow men.( but Brad has been in and out of jail, for doing drugs, and Willard Barlow has a whole new set of friends to lie to and cheat) What ever will he do with out the big Barlow men, being able to smuggle there drugs in as easy. Poor, Poor, Barlow. I guess it is still easy to abuse his children; just like every other man that did. For they scare every one into silence. and my children are waiting in heaven, where he will not be able to lie. and he will have to pay for his abuse. Even if you all let him get away with it.

  64. Be at peace in your faith. None of that is your problem anymore.

  65. Wow someone needs some serious help!

  66. Why do you think that none of that is my problem anymore?

  67. In reality, none of it was my problem anyhow. It was theirs and his. For a man always carries his lies with him forever; and he has always been corrupt. You are right, it never was my problem, it was his.

  68. Well you never said what one of Alvin Barlow's boys was put out. There will be more and Alvin Barlow, himself is a traitor; so there will be more.

  69. I will not be back on this blog
    At least they stopped the smear campain against me. I will not speak about anyone else either. I do not like that kind of disqusting thing.

  70. shoot, I talk to much. I wanted to know the name of Uncle Alvin's boy that got kicked out. He probably just told Willard no to drugs. That is most likely all he did. Or told his Father he did not want beat anymore.

  71. Does anyone know the whereabouts of daughter of Brandon Blackmore that was married to Warren? See this article:

    I am a friend of the grandfather of this girl and my friend would like to contact his granddaughter.


  72. in reply to those that have been ex-communicated out of the flds would warren jeffs really take his brothers and or sisters out of the religion. This is just a question I had read a book not to long ago that stated almost the same thing not the same people though.

  73. Does anyone know if Luanne and Jenny Jessop are okay? Val Jessops Daughters.

  74. I am sure that anyone asking about Val's children are only doing that to hurt them. call Laurene and ask her.

  75. "I am sure that anyone asking about Val's children are only doing that to hurt them."

    I honestly doubt that anymore.

  76. well, frankly they are just fine.

  77. Thanks, thats good to hear :)

  78. So, what is new? What Barlow dude dared to breath, and was kicked out for it? I bet it was Linda's, because the other mother's children can do anything and get away with it. Alvin himself was abusive and got away with it. so, why would they kick one out? He must have not obeyed the BIG MAN. Big Alvin!

  79. Holy Book of Enoch, Batman!

    ""I, the undersigned, William Edson Jessop, have been called as the President of The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in conformity with the constitution, canons, rites, regulations, or discipline of such church, and by virtue of such calling I am the corporation sole of The Corporation of the President of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, organized under the laws of the State of Utah.""


    What will the other Willie think?

  80. What do you all think about the reports in news media that William E. Jessop has siezed control of FLDS Church, replacing Warren Jeffs as President/prophet?

  81. San Angelo news paper reports Warren Jeffs to have court hearing at 10AM in San Angelo, TX Wed March 30, 2011.

  82. Not a peep on the politics?

    Heck nobody even got to vote!

  83. Its coming down! Problem is, Jessop has transcripts of Warrens call to him giving all title to him.

    Warren may argue it in court, but many think he would lose.

    Then again he may "Answer him Nothing"...


    "Legal control of FLDS church in question

    Wednesday marked Jeffs’ first court appearance since an FLDS church elder, William E. Jessop, filed paperwork to remove him as president.

    Jeffs did not sign that paperwork, which installs Jessop as president of the FLDS Corporation of the President and as presiding bishop.

    The new filing came just over a month after Jeffs himself reclaimed control of the Corporation.
    If Jeffs chooses to challenge Jessop, the Utah Department of Commerce would put a hold on Jessop’s paperwork and give the two men 15 to 30 days to work out who is in control, said department spokeswoman Jennifer Bolton.

    “If Jessop could not prove he was the in the right to claim the presidency and could not provide a court order supporting his actions with the Corporation, then the Utah Division of Corporations would revert the FLDS documents back to the original president, Warren Jeffs,” she said in a press release"

    see left hand write up


  84. Warren answered, has a bone to pick!

    Back to court!

  85. The trouble Warrenites are gonna have are Warren's own words...

    On January 24, 2007, Warren Jeffs placed a jail phone call to Colorado, where he spoke with William E. Jessop. The call lasted two minutes and was recorded.

    Here is a transcript of their call.


    Warren Jeffs: Hello

    William E. Jessop: Hello sir.

    Warren Jeffs: You can hear me?

    William Jessop: Yes sir.

    Warren Jeffs: Okay. I have this message. The lord has intervened and detected me to myself. He has shown me that I have not held priesthood since I was 20 years old, having been immoral with a sister and a daughter. And father pointing his finger to me was father's test on all of us.

    I know of your ordination, that you are the keyholder and I have sent a note with my signature verifying it so that there is no question, according to Section 43, although not valid.

    All the ordinance work since father's passing has to be redone and there's many men that were sent away that do hold priesthood and their families will need to be put back.

    And then to say this to you. I am one of the most wicked men on the face of the earth since the days of Father Adam.


    Have you been able to hear me?

    William Jessop: Sure.

    Warren Jeffs: Thank you and goodbye. You'll need to . . . [Jessop interrupts him]

    William Jessop: Good luck.

    Warren Jeffs: Thank you.

  86. Anonymous 3/28/2011 8:01 PM said:
    "What will the other Willie think?"

    Since Willie's been kicked out, I should think he'd be happy about it or even in cahoots with William E. in such a takeover move.


  87. Could well be 9:42

    But to be honest, I dont know anything about Willie "Timpson" Jessop.

    Good or bad guy? Just no news on him - yet.

    IRT spokeswillie, I heard he has opened up and talking and exchanging pleasantries (along with Merril and Wendell) with the public in San Angelo at the court hearing.


  88. I will tell you this much. There is no such thing as a Warrenite. There are those that are honest, and those that serve the Lord. All else are of the devils kingdom.

    and it makes perfect sense. Those that can plainly see the truth. William Timpson Jessop, wrote a letter to Warren Jeffs and confessed his sins. He was almost to be told what he has to do. Warren was just reading him back the message that he sent to Warren Jeffs. That is simple to figure out.

    No Mystery.

    for it is just like the other one, with the tape on it.

  89. Warren Jeffs is a perfect man. He would not injure anyone. I know that. So, as long as he lives, I will know that he is the one and only true Prophet upon the earth. Any other man that makes any other claim, I know is a liar. yes, William Timpson Jessop can claim what he likes, but if he goes up against WArren Jeffs that is total proof, he is a liar and the truth is not in him. and that goes for any of the rest of you. Politacal garbage is all that is flung at Warren Jeffs. and in the end what will you all tell the Lord about the lies? That conversation, is easy to see through. did you all think we was all that stupid for real? send up your smoke. we see it.

  90. Warren confessed twice that Jessop was the Prophet, did he not?

    So if Warren is perfect, why would he do this?

    Its on youtube under

    warren jeffs confession

    and also on several sites, the jail confession phone call to Willie telling him he is the prophet and that he (Warren) stole position.

    BTW it sounds like the two posts above are what one would call "Warrenites"...

  91. Anonymous 9:39 PM, you said:
    "Warren was just reading him back the message that he sent to Warren Jeffs. That is simple to figure out."

    Do you actually believe that???

    Here are Warren's ACTUAL words talking on video to his brother, Nephi:

    "I am not the prophet. I never was the prophet, and I have been deceived by the powers of evil and Brother William E. Jessop has been the prophet since Father's passing, since the passing of my father."

    Those Warren's words describing himself, NOT reading some letter William E. (Timpson) Jessop wrote.

    Warren further said:

    "And I direct my former family to look to Brother William E. Jessop ...."

    How do you respond to that Anon 9:39 PM?

    A Realist

  92. I guess you just had to be here and know these men all you life like I have to figure it out. I know Warren Jeffs better than that, and I know what happened to me. and I know

  93. What a fuzzard mess, Warren has abandoned his previous warren and is now creating a new clutch.

  94. Nice play on words, Anon 6:28 PM.


  95. Warren's first jail confession audio on January 24, 2007 to the texas compound is on the front page of the Eldorado Success.


    Sounds like his mother Merilyn answers the phone.

  96. Just a bunch of words, not the actual recording. Nice try guys. I am very surprised though, because I thought all these men loved Warren Jeffs. If this is a battle over power then every one on earth knows that Warren was the one picked by the Lord. for if any other man had been picked it would be him that was in jail, and hated by the people for religion; and being targeted with the grossest lies and their sins. and William T. Jessop knows that. The state can appoint who they want, but the Lord still chooses and you can all hate the man the Lord chose or not, it does not make your lies right.

  97. The Eldorado Success newspaper is also reporting this weeks edition that Warren Jeffs has been moved to the Schleicher County Jail, in Eldorado, Texas.

  98. I have a question for any lawyer that cares to answer it for me. I had soul custody, and still maintain soul custody of my daughter, who has passed on. This man who kidnapped my children, caused them to turn from every thing they loved and not trust anyone, has put a head stone upon her grave. He has attatched his name to her. He has no legal right to her in any way shape of form. Do I have a legal right to remove his gross headstone, with his name attatched? He has also put my name to his and thinks that his lies and deciet, in public will make his abuse of me go away. Do I have a legal right to have him remove my name from his filthy papers? For when my son died, he wrote up a fancy paper, saying he was our son and I was his wife. Which is a lie. I have never been his wife. I was his property that he tried with all his heart and soul to destroy. I want my name removed from his paper's and the grave stone. What are my legal rights. Our cops in town support him, because he is the meanest and the greatest liar. They did override all my rights, until I complained to the county. Now they pretend that they care. Because they could not destroy me. and they hate me, for what they suppose I do not believe. and they worship this man, because this man flatter's them with his lies and pretends to be in their church. That is how it always was. they can break the law, all they want, as long as they love Warren Jeffs, why they do it. anyhow, what is my rights with the headstone? For I want it removed. It is as much a lie as me being his wife, and my son being his son. I had one daughter with him, the day he raped me.

  99. I found out all a man had to do to be a hero in Warren Jeffs church, is go around and tell wonderful lies, steal, beat up their woman, abuse their kids, and lie. That gets them quilified to the hightest position. Then they put a fancy stone on the grave, say that just because something is printed, does not make it true. Yes, by there own words, their lies are not true. And in heaven the headstone and the name, will be shredded. and the man will go through dissilution. and he will not be, and his name will be blotted out; for in Gods book it already is blotted out. For he is a preditor. and my daughter in heaven has rejected him. and my son. and we shall not carry his filthy name. Nor, will their real Father leave us his name, for we shall take the name of the man who loves us.

  100. because just yesterday, I found out our cops are required to follow law, and they have to have evidence for the lies they cover up; before they arrest someone and throw their lie into court and lie to a judge and cover up their abuse and lies. They are very skilled at promoting thier lies for their religion; and now I am told they have to have eveidence to put before a judge; but if they do not, they lie and cover up the lie of the liars. but that is only if they hate you. if they like you, they will flatter you to kingdom come.

  101. I have a question for you Flora Mae. I have no doubt that you were abused by your father. I have no doubt that Aunt Martha abused you farther, by putting you in a corner closet, and keeping the other children from associating with you, why your father was fed like a king at her table. That is how my mother was to me. But, I have one question for you, Bertha, and Daphnee; Why did you not protect the children in your house? Why at no point in your life did you pick up the phone, not you or your mother or any one member of you family, did pick up the phone and call the cops and protect the children in your house? Just like my MOther did not. Why would she harrass me, like Aunt Martha did you, to keep his abuse hidden and why would my Mother and Aunt Martha pretend this abuse did not happen, and trash little girls for the grown man. I was that little girl, you was once, being beat for talking about abuse. and yet it was the same in your house too. and about fifty or thirty or a hundred others. Why did they not stop this? I loved Aunt Martha until I asked for help, and she betrayed me. I do not dislike her now, or wish her ill, but I seek understanding. Why did she put you in a closet and not your father. Why did my Mother protect the abuser's of the children in my house and throw me out, when I reported this abuse? Why is it that my Mother and your Mother protected these men. Do you have an answer for me? And why did Daniel Barlow Jr. have such love and protection, and the rest of them. Why was it not the other way around? why did no one care about us children?

  102. and Connie Presnel, why did you betray Donna Marie. I reported abuse of her, Cathy Bistline reported abuse of her. where where you for that child. He walked and abused Children in Denver and one mother did not want to put her Mother through that again. Where was you then? Why did you not protect my child. And the rest of you that hated me and my Daughter, Where was you for her. Richard Cooke punished Mother for loving her, and she said she had to leave because she loved her the most. So Dick won. Mother is still punishing every soul who ever really loved. Why? Why did you hate my daughter Connie Presnel and betray me. YOu let MUrder's and Child MOllester's rule and betrayed me, just like my MOther. My Mother is still here Protecting Richard Cooke and his lie, as if it was her gospel. But then Lorin always protected the abusers. That is why he hated me too. And our cops always protect the abuser too. When My father was here, my Mother beat me so bad, for telling him no, that I did think she would put me in jail. I did just tell myself I would just read and I would be away from her gross abuse, but it will never end. IT will never end. AT least she will die soon and me too, and then I will never have to deal with her abuse and lies again. Why did my Mother hate me, and protect filthy men. and to the Mohave County cops; why did you not raid my mother when I was three, and protect me. Why did you betray me, and my daughter, and my son who is dead? why is it that only abusive sick men win?

  103. Plygistan is an odd place.

    Apr 3, 2011 ... MALONIS, NATALIE ELIZABET: Booked into the Tarrant County Jail on April 3, 2011. - Cached

  105. Hugh Mcbryde is trying to start up a new polygamy church, out of Montana.

    the FLDS better be careful, he really knows his stuff and he is serious this time!

  106. Dr. Welner, the famous psychologist who testified at Mitchell’s trial wrote this opinion piece, powerful stuff here.

    From article:

    “Smart’s dignity proclaimed to those who humbly endure defilement from other self-styled prophets: You may be a child, but you are a person! You must not enable victimization with silence. Demand to be heard!”

    The other self styled prophet that refers to is none other than Warren Jeffs himself.

  107. It was said that when Warren Jeffs was given legal control of the church, then Bruce Wisen said he did not know how that would affect the legal disputations on Warren Jeffs land. I do. The people who were oppresing me, and using a judge, to decide the matter for men who really were child Mollester's,{and Warren Jeffs is not an abusive person;} They will have to confess to the state, there gross sins and be listed in the registry of Child Mollester's, so that you can all protect your children

  108. and Frankly, I do not care who starts up Polygamy and who does not.

  109. and I do not care who does not live Polygamy. I do not believe in polygamy. I believe in no such thing. I believe in Celestial Marriage and there is a huge difference. and no person can lie to the Lord. Marriage will not save a person. Nor will claiming Jesus, unless you are like him. but to disput religion is against my over and out.

  110. and you missed one important bit of information, in your slander and lies; Elisabeth Smart was kidnapped from her bedroom at gun point. Warren Jeffs has not ever kidnapped anyone. and the ones that did and abuse children will be caught; for they are and it is recorded in the Lords books, who you all betray.

  111. and even as you twist his words to satisfy the corruptness of the corrupt, he himself did write that he only took this girl to protect her, and did not touch her. So, the liars will lie, and the howlers will howl. Devils that you are; and Warren JEffs will still not be guilty.

  112. One problem with the anon who thinks Warren Jeffs innocent. Jeffs himself confessed and it was recorded at the jailhouse.

    Here's a link with Warren Jeffs speaking, confessing his crimes:

    Warren Jeffs makes following statement:

    Warren S. Jeffs quote:

    "I am not the prophet. I never was the prophet. This is not a test. This is a revelation from the Lord God of Heaven to his former servant, who was never his servant, who is dictating these words at this time, that you may know this is not a test."

    It should be noted that the State of Texas has a tape of Jeffs at his temple at YFZ committing one of the crimes with which he is charged. The State also has DNA from children father by Jeffs and DNA the under aged girls as proof. You can rest assured that the jury will convict, and Warren Jeffs will face the same fate as his fellow self styled prophet Brain David Mitchell-LIFE in PRISON! For in truth Mitchell and Jeffs are two sides of the same coin.

  113. Yes polygamist Brian Mitchell kidnapped Elizabeth Smart because he wanted her as a child bride, and then forced the poor child to have sex with him.

    Warren Jeffs doesn't need to kidnap girls to be his child brides and satisfy his sexual greed: their parents hand them over like lambs to the slaughter. In a way, that's even worse.

    God hates men who victimize children and he is punishing Warren Jeffs for all the harm he has done to these girls.

  114. @ anon 5:36 and other posts, apparent Warrenite.

    "and even as you twist his words to satisfy the corruptness of the corrupt, he himself did write that he only took this girl to protect her, and did not touch her. So, the liars will lie, and the howlers will howl"


    Are you ignorant, lying, or is it both?

    The other men under jeffs were convicted, the children they molested had babies, DNA proof was provided and caused the juries to convict them and send them to prison.

    ( "protected" - yeeaahh, riiigghhtt)

    Perhaps you dont believe in DNA?

    Perhaps you dont understand what that means?

    Yes, the reason Jeffs is undergoing his trial is that there is similar proof and there will be a similar trial result.

    lil oopsy here.

    Hate to break the news to you, but I realize the wool rag over your eyes is tightened up all the time.

    Good luck with your $2,000 donation.

    If you can make that, Warren will be back asking for $5,000.

  115. religion is evil and people like jeffs are proof of how corrupt things are in the world. And so what if he's convicted people are still gonna rape others especially children because they are the most vulnerable. if you take money out of the equation then these evil people will have no mire power. let the slaves rise up and kill their masters who wish only to enslave and oppress more and more until their will is done and not Gods. open your eyes to the corruption and revolt. I would gladly give my life for positive change. without death and war there can be no real appreciation for peace.

  116. Well....any FLDS "members" going to comment on their prophet??Anyone going to tell the children sorry??How does it feel to be treated like breeding stock,laughed at and mocked for not having your own conscience?? Did you not hear Warren Jeffs own words...If the world knew what I was doing they'd hang me from the highest tree.Sodomy is a SIN! Sodomy of a 5 year old blood relative of the same sex is extremely disgusting...he should be castrated and burned.You will make him a martyr wont you??

  117. I heard theres another split that happened and is building still. I heard a bunch of men finally decided to quit being brainwashed by Warren who went behind his fathers back to gain power in the first place. Then went rampant with his insecurites of being overruled by other more respected men in the community. I'm proud of these Men finally standing up to Warrens bullshit, like Winston did. It's nice these guys are finally growin some balls and realize they don't need some a-hole tellin them to hand over their money and assets and claiming that it's the word of God, when it's biggest lie in the world. Can't wait for the day when everyone at the creek is one under a man who is worthy to be a prophet by not being a dictator but a guide like it was in the good days. Have a good day everyone!

  118. Whoa. Look into your hearts. Children should not be hurt or abused sexually. Families should not be torn apart and "reassigned." That's messed up.
