Saturday, February 06, 2010

A New Thread for February 2010

I only lurk here occasionally anymore. But it seems to me we could use a fresh thread. Hope everyone is having a good time... if not, create one! :-)


  1. I just found out what the real name of YFZ ranch is. It is called the Kindom of Zion. Beleave to be the land of god's people. Joseph smith talked about this. Plus to prove this the yfz looks much like the plat of the city of zion by josph smith

  2. interesting..much of Warren Jeffs' "ideas" and "brainstorms" have been based squarely on Joseph Smith ideas, or at least things attributed to JS. Is this from flds 101 website? Really some interesting info on that website.

  3. Just read this on

    "hey, is anyone on RIGHT NOW…? the local cops picked up Ruth Cooke and “escorted” her out of town…well she walked back, and proceeded to pick up where she left off, which was picking up garbage from off the side of the road near the great and spacious building (the meeting house)..a couple of FLDS men beat Ruth up for coming back…and then on top of that the cops picked her up and took her to the other side of town and told her never to come back…how’s that for AWESOME POLICE WORK!!!???"

    If anyone is near Short Creek and cares anything for Ruth could you please check on her?

  4. I hope this isn't true! Jesus, how much more can they do to this woman. she walks the streets picking up trash, and they beat her up??? I know someone on this blog maybe xflds, but you have phones and cars, you could find out if this is true and do something!!!

  5. I'm in Florida, have never met Ruth in my life but if I could I would be out checking on her myself right now.

  6. Ruth, if you read this, please let us know if you want help. If you are willing to relocate to Texas or Florida please let it be known here and let us know of a way to get in touch with you. There are people willing to help you.

  7. I looked at this blog when the new topic was put up and I was glad that a new topic was made. I did not say anything because I did not want to dominate this blog again.
    weird; some one else put me up there. Well, I will dominate this blog again. I am ok. I do not want to relocate. Who would be the next nobody in town. I am staying put. This matter is going before a judge. There is still law in C. C. even if sometimes it does not look like it. I am ok. My face is healing. I do not dislike these cops. I think things may feel a little worse at times than they really are. If I leave who will be the next woman put out? who will be the next nobody here? No, I will stay. Once again I do have to thank you for your care and concern. I love all the people who love me, and I do have friends here. I could not leave. My daugter's are buried here. These people who do not like me will just have to keep their feelings a little more hidden. I never disliked them.....I still do not......thank you for those that care, and I was checked up on....for that I am grateful.....over and out.....

  8. how ever it was the county cops who did come. The city cops told me that they did not care. I knew that. That does not mean I did not care about them. One day I maybe will move from this place. I already knew that the people in the church here did not care. I know one person did, but I would not ever want him hurt. these people that hurt me would hurt him if he cared. Then they would sit around saying they was good ol saint's and I was stupid.....I may leave one day...maybe. But that is what they want. Jonathon the cheif of police said I was the one no one wanted. That is not true. They just bully any one that cares.....I do not agree with the cops, but I cared. I still do care......

  9. Ruth,
    I'm glad to hear you were not badly hurt. I first read of your shameful treatment on FLDS Texas, just a bit ago. MANY people were/are concerned for your safety. I'm glad to see you're back online and posting about your life.


  10. Ruth you captured a part of my heart 4 or 5 years ago. There are a lot of people that care about you and wish you well.


  11. these people have on record of my ribs being broken. they have on record this man owing money for bad bussiness deals with the man who abused my daugter in Byer's colorado. right before I was beat up, they did put out this record for me to see and make fun of me. dr. Loyde did cover up and protect abusive men. Why they hated me so much I am not certian. they are protesting about giving me my records. They say they do not have any. They say the records are destroyed after four years....So they protect abusers and harrass me........It is in the court and I will not back down this time....let them hate me all they want. I just got my medical records and it was documented what they done to my daughter.....they covered up abuse and threw me out to starve to death on a they hated me......Dr. Loyd. Dr. Lehi and Aunt Martha......covered up abuse......

  12. there was this cop in the begining that did take a rake out of my hands and beat me up with it. I was raking up trash. He left brusies on my legs and body. Then he called for back up and said I was out of control. These other cops came and put handcuffs on me and made me sit in the patrol car. I did tell them go ahead and take me to the judge. I have brusies all over me. They did change there mind about arresting me, and let me go..... the second time, they did beat me up and submit thier own vidio. they got fired. but Jonathon was the head of the police department. So the way it looks to me, because this abuse has not ended, is they are in his employ......any person they can get to hate me and call the cops. But they are the good christian's so they can tell the people what to do and what to think and how to treat me, and if they are nice to bad ol' me, they are punished by the top leader's....except one man did defend me, and tell me that it would have been a lie if he had said other wise of I am confused why he was different than the rest. Why did he care. Why would he stand there in the crowd and tell the truth about me.....I think there are some honest men here. i just did know meet very many of them....just I did meet the bully's that are posted at the guard. That hated me, and would lie to have me arrested and destroyed.....

  13. and just so as you all know, if I could take my daughter I would go away from this place. I shall try.....I shall try.....why should she live her entire life, with a man who teases, lies and cheats. Why should she live with a man who beats his wifes and teases his children, why every one walks around in town saying he is just such a they hated me....My Mother knew better. So did my sister's but I have not ever known a time in my life they protected me. I asked them of them. They said they was afraid.....

  14. Ruth please know there are many people out here that care deeply about you and will help if you ever need it. All you have to do is ask.

  15. Ruth, hang in there and don't let anything get you down.
    I've lost a child too, and you have a special place in my heart.

  16. who ever said that last comment my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine how it felt for you to lose your child too. I know we all have our challanges. I am grateful to the people in town here who watch. I was not really aware of every one watching. I guess there was cars out on the road. so of course it would be posted on this blog. Did I think I was still invisible? I guess not...but I had a good day today. I feel a little bit better. It is interesting but I did see these other children and I know I will always love my daughter's, but space is there for all the other children here........They are so beautiful and speacial......

  17. God Bess you Ruth.

    Dont let the small minded ones get to you. In many ways you are bigger than they are.

  18. at least they are the one's who sold me to the devil. The debt is theirs......and theirs alone.

  19. they did give me there report. Not what I wanted, but the last year of reports. What I wanted they have hidden from there records. So these people cover up abuse and lie in police reports. I am glad I am safe right now.......I wonder what would happen if the world knew the entire truth.......

  20. Well

    Utah has been pretty good about turning a blind eye. That may well be ending though, we'll see on Feb 17th.

  21. Ruth
    You need a GOOD attorney to look after your needs. One you can trust and one that isn't connected to FLDS.

  22. Ruth If you want help, this is a good caring place.

    Check it out, they have all the information for contacting them on the website.

  23. well I have been through the Arizona court and maybe it is time to attend to Utah. Judge Shumate was kind to me though. He gave me custody of my children. And when Arizona tried to take them it was denied by Shumate. I could have looked at the records better, but it is odd; the ARizona court document was not ever signed by a Judge. Which means that these men have lied and decieved me from the beggining with their lies....I am not talking about all of these men. I am talking about the deciever's..........I know quite a few very kind men.......What is going on in February. One thing that I dislike is a case being decided on religion; but I am not certian that it ever has been. I do not know. I do know that some people claimed they was being religously harrassed and I found out they was only talking. I will see.....Utah has not ever been unkind to me.....I feel like we all need to try to settle these things with honesty and integrity.....too much complaining....I feel like we could all say, "what can I do to make this world better?" and go for it......I was not hurt so much as to stop my campain for good.....

  24. Wow.
    Ruth, I had no idea. I've been gone for a bit. I am glad you are ok. God bless you. :)

    Feralfem, thanks for the thread. I miss you. :)

  25. here is how it sits. There are two groups here. One who love Uncle Warren and one who does not. They all claim to love me and I suppose some do, but they are determined to make me think like they do. I have made a friend. After ten years I have made a friend. every one knows I am not stupid, because they have to work over time to make me look stupid. I am talking about Jonathon and his cops. Some of the cops are nice. But that was a mistake I made sunday; thinking they was nice and cared. this is the way I see it. Uncle Rulon taught that judgment was the Lords. I am required to forgive all men. they have been forgiven. now, I am supposed to temper the state, so no one has to pay the penitly of what they done. That is what one man did tell me. It is wierd how every one here trys to make me responsible for their feelings and control and manipulate all things. I may just take up the job of monitoring this city. Since I am responsible for all mens feelings and actions, I may have to be on patrol.....of course you know I am being sarcastic. could I control the city? well, honestly the last time they did beat me up and put me in jail, these cops, I did make a deal with my lawyer that I could not get arrested again. I did get my records today.

  26. these cops have put in their records when they did recieve calls about me, that they did not come talk to me, because they thought I would go balistic. wierd. so they stir up people into fear by stalking me, and then when they get a call, they say they dare not talk to me.....weird.....these are the people I defended to all America. How humiliating. that is all I will say about my humiliating.....and do I manipulate the state? wierd.....some one actully thought that cop who came out and took a report on me, that he was being nice to me, because he was hitting on me....I can tell my people know nothing about humiliating that I defended them to America......Not that I would not protest that raid again....I think Texas tanks was a bit far out, but I had nothing to do with any of that....wierd. this one lady in the store was making fun of me and saying the media would hear about that. Do I control the media? wierd. they know nothing about me....I stopped that film on me, that would have made me into a hero, and when that film woman was going to target me, her partner died and left her with a debt. They know nothing about me...that much is clear......too bad that hit from that mans fist did not just end the matter for them. sure would have saved them a, the saints have had their hit on me, it is time for the opposing party.....who will put me down first...that is the queistion in town. Who will destory me first...the saints or the opposing party?

  27. and as to all you men out there; look yourselfs in the eye. which one of you ever touched me. I will confess my sins on this blog. chris Huddleston picked me up of the street after Richard Cooke tried to starve me to death when I was homless in fredona. He did meet Jonathon on the resivore. They did go look at some animal bones. He did tell Jonathon he was going to take me. Jonathon did tell him I was very bad. He did take me to california. Upper lake californa. He had a ranch there, where he did have two other disabled people he was abusing. He also was in court with a woman saying he had assulted her. He hit me in the face, and threw me down. I did sleep out in a field with his dogs he did sick on me.

  28. I must clear up this matter with my Mother. I seen her today and I did not know why she cried when she did see me. Maybe she is being oppressed too. I am not certain. Maybe she is. I am sure the same people who hurt me would not care about her. I must not judge some things that I do not know too harshly. and really there are a lot of people here who are kind to me.......a lot......over and out...they just need to be kind to themselves and tell the truth......

  29. Thanks bbgae. I've been busy living life - probably like you.

    TTTT, I miss the yesteryears on this blog as well as Jim's old (destroyed) Aimoo Polygabuse forum - like it was long before you found it. (I'm okay with no Street, though. ;-)

    Hope all's well with you and yours.


  30. Yes.
    I miss the past times on this blog and the Aimoo blog as well. Like when there was atar_i, and iitmoc, and the others and we all had many rousing debates.

  31. bbgae,
    I found this blog when it was already past its prime, and I read it from the beginning.

    Conversations among yourself, feralfem, atar_i, and iitmoc were truly amazing. Even though I've obviously never met iitmoc and don't know who he is, I still have to this day something he said quoted on my refrigerator to remind me of things I should be aware of.

    It is not uncommon for blogs to deteriorate like this. Most do.

  32. Speaking of the past, whatever happened to Laurene Jessop!!

  33. Laurene Jessop went with Val's brother who paid two hundred dollars to get rid of me. He told her that the condition of her going back into the church was to get rid of me first. She was more than happy and willing to do this, and she went home. She was given a house with a fence around it. she came out and gave me a book from the church saying it was a matter of principle........and she went sailing back into the throng....and if any one was honest about asking me if I wanted to locate to Texas or elsewhere, I am. If you have a place I could rent for two hundred dollars or less and a good job prospect......for after what happened last sunday i have no desire to be among people who would destroy me to keep lies hidden........

  34. and here is a public notice to my family....I shall give you just exactly what you gave me.......

  35. Anon 11:51
    Do you mind me asking what happened last Sunday? And If I know someone who can help you move,,, how do I get hold of you?

  36. What ever happened to Atar?

  37. Spring 2007, some kind of tragedy struck in her family and she left this blog.

  38. I cannot see how Laurene can still be where she is when she is currently having a relationship with a Gentile. Wouldn't she be exiled or something?

  39. get a hold of me by coming into town. The one that is made fun of the most here is me........If you care that much I shall be waiting....but I shall not go with you unless you care for real.......

  40. and if you can not come into town, then just buy me a bus ticket from St. George to where you are......

  41. but there are some people here who care who will miss me if I go.....

  42. ferlfem
    Thank you, I very much enjoyed Atar posts here, I hope they are okay.

  43. that is sad that atari left and had trouble.....I hope she is ok.....

  44. some people in town did try real hard to shut this blog down. I guess when they quit trying then things end of their own. I get tired of myself when no one is here to debate....

  45. I think the real debate should be between those wrongfully xd from flds, along with families with law enforcement.
    You guys want your properties back, the only way you will get them is by organizing and going to the court. I would have thought this would have happened long before now.
    But, it seems many just let it go, went on with their lives. You never change policies or religions, or people unless more than one or two are willing to get involved. You have people, many people on your side in several states.
    Yet it's very difficult to change an organization if you never belonged to that organization.
    Everything Willie Jessop says, makes the papers, Not one word about the beating of Ruth Cooke made any paper. She still lives there.

  46. that is because Willy Jessop knows nothing about me at all. And they cover up abuse all the time.... I have the medical records on my daughter...Shelly Gene Cooke gave her a direct blow to the head when she was three weeks old, and when I reported abuse they all made me look stupid.....A doctor in St. George womans center tried to abort my daughter three weeks early....Dr. Carter saved our lifes when this abortion failed and we lived.......Richard Cooke gave my daughter the drug that ended her life...... and I was beaten and raped by Shelly Gene Cooke before he forged a marriage certificate. i was under age....and I tried to leave him for twelve years.....He was arrested in Byers Colorado with three seperate charges against abuse with children......nothing to do with me or my children.....I have the medical records to prove what I say......And Willy Jessop has not ever spoken to me in his life.........course they would not put my black face in the news...only if I was arrested so I looked bad would they advertize that.......and I owe it to my daughter to speak the truth....She was beautiful and perfect.....

  47. I should have said my daughter's........I had three perfect children, and then I went to a doctor instead of the clinic.....My first son was born early because Shelly Gene Cooke dragged me all over and would not let me rest.....and he only quit breathing in the night when Shelly was up. and they said at one time he was a sids baby.......the doctor's in pheonix told me the truth.....when my second daughter died, I asked them to retest the first one. They said they could not.....they all had illnessess when Shelly Gene Cooke insisted that they did......Stephan Barlow, Sam Barlow, and Willard Barlow are all participatints. Willard worked with Shelly Gene Cooke in a dry wall business and he hired Shelly Gene Cooke to kidnap my children. I had soul custody of them. And when that failed he tried to make Judge Shumate takebcustody from me, so they could take them by force since none of the Kidnappee's were participating in the scheeme....Judge Shumate denied the patition and I mantained Custody. He did fire the guardian......Willard sat in his house like a hero blaming me and Shelly...yet they were partner's....They owe the store a great debt...that was forgiven when I looked at the bill......taken care of I was the debt it paid...the money part...thank you America for your what they owe my daughter's...and sons...I think the Lord will have to decide.....

  48. I have Richard Cooke on tape telling me if I did not participate, I would not ever see my children again. He did not know I recorded him......and it is interesting to me, because the People Uncle Rulon and Uncle Fred told I was to be taken care of and that I was not and never would be a son of perdition is the one's who harrass me the most.......Uncle Rulon told Shelly he was a son of perdition for what he did to me and my daughters and then the witnesses to this put me away, behind his back.......and that plot failed.....just like the rest one missed me, because No one ever did anything with me really, except Uncle Rulon and Uncle Fred always told me the truth about these evil men....Uncle Fred bought me an apartment when Richard first tried to destroy me...He told me to forgive...when he left, Richard Cooke screamed at me for Uncle Fred helping me. He told me I was " " lucky this time......Luck? or the Lord? I say the Lord....he is my best friend.

  49. ruth try to be careful, i know the sheriffs have a report, but that doesn't mean they can't be paid off to NOT help you.
    You know how you have been lied to in the past, and hurt. Be sure the people who care about you, really do care about you.
    We know merril jessop managed to get innocent men kicked out, if he saw them as a threat to his position. And other men do the same thing. Whoever beat you up, was told to do that ruth.
    So be very careful.

  50. Ruth, how much of what Laurene says is the truth? She claims that you attacked her and forced her to move out into the cold. This was in Flagstaff.

  51. yes, Laurene again.....You must understand that I protected Laurene in Flagstaff. I will protect her here....Yes, who did order this man to touch me? That is the question.....and as to Laurene....She was like me. Ordered to obey Richard Cooke. She said that he told her she had to prove she could live with me, to prove she could live the celeistial law.....He told her he knew she would fail. He was punishing her for loving Val......Sam Barlow wanted her.....

  52. Richard Cooke had to sabatage me, so no one would know what he did. He told me that I was sold like Joseph in Ejupt and would not ever come home again.......Laurene had to have Val....He was her life line......

  53. So, Richard moved in on us, in the emotional field. Both of us wanted to be home. Both of us wanted to do what we was told so we could come home.......Then Marie came to see me. Richard had her too, telling her story's. Val tried to help us. That is what I did think. but Richard would scream at us, and him. He was angry because Val came to see laurene...That was when he let us come home. Laurene had an apartment on housing, because She had been out on the street longer than me.......three years.

  54. Then Richard said Laurene was trying to get rid of me. He said she wanted me out of there. I was just going to leave when Richard told Val to bring me home.....I called the cops, because I was afraid...This upset Laurene....I called the cops because Jessica was there. Richard told me on the phone that laurene wanted to get rid of me. I was afraid and called the cops......

  55. Jessica cried and left the room. Me calling the cops made Richard very happy and he had Val bring me home...That I think was so he could blame Laurene........I never touched her. She never touched me...I have not heard a lot she said about me that day........She told me that Richard was putting pressure on her to take care of me.....I did not need a baby I went home....she kept the apartment...then Richard Let her come home.....some time later...She said he tried to make her give up her apartment....

  56. then Richard Cooke was screaming at me......He was screaming at me, because some one said they loved me, and was smiling at me, and was happy with me.......So he told Laurene to go to Bural to see some friends and threw me out again on the street.....I had no choice. I was told if I did not go they would put me in Donna's wheel chair and take I did go...I went to Texas.....Texas took care of me...They were very kind these Texas people...every one of them that I did meet...The ranger's and the people......

  57. Laurene got kicked out for being nice to me that day Richard screamed at me........I did tell her she would come home to the church before me...I think I did tell the Lord that.....Richard swore to destroy Willy because Buffy loved him and was happy....He swore to destroy Val because Laurene loved him......He swore to destroy my other sister reason.....and he threatened to put one of my Mother's out on the street in Hurricane, because ......

  58. Because, Richard Cooke took me to town....He made this Mother cry first at the table by calling her names....then he took me to town and said that this Mother wanted to go with him alone, but it was just not the Celestial law, and if she did not do what he said, he would find her a place in hurricane.......

  59. one of my other Mother's was in Salt lake and he would not ever let her come home......She worked and he seen her enough to go and take her money.....she could not even have a rose bush.......and My Mother.....the truth...She is tired....She wanted to be the he told her to take care of my son, and would not ever let me near him.......My son will not live that long and my Mother does love him....He punished my Mother for loving.....He punished her for loving my children.........He punished me for loving my daughter.....That is why he screamed at me....that day...Laurene did not hear what he said....he stood up and pointed his finger at me and screamed at me for loving my daughter...He told me if I could not shut off her machine that gave her oxegen he would.... and I did not...I waited....I waited and waited until the home health came....I was still trying to feed her........and she could not was he screamed at me............I did not know then what Richard Cooke had done to her....but that is why he punished me, and my Mother.........for love.....

  60. Laurene told me that she loved another man, a man that she still loved even when she went back to Val. How did this complicate matters?

  61. he was just a hired stooge from the streets of Flagstaf. I had seen him before....sorry if I am wrong about you Cooty....but Richard came down and screamed at her in Flagstaff after he put her out and i went to Texas. He tried to make her give up her apartment........Just like the person in the store who defended truth, got screamed at.......screamed at for being honest and caring.....

  62. Richard Cooke came and screamed at laurene and she fled and this man helped her. This man in Flagstaff.... Maybe i judged him wrong.....I know what Richard's screams are like.....and the man who did come out the Sunday before last, told me I already knew I was not wanted....I am not certain who exactly ordered him to do this... I know for sure the man who did would not think it up on his own. He is a coward....It had to have been Willard Barlow, Sam Barlow, Stephan Barlow, or Richard Cooke who gave the order and I did see Richard Cooke in the cafiteria a few days ago. to insult me again......I did remind him that he promised he would leave and never come back...... and he will....give him time, he will be like my Father.....we will treat him kindly, no matter what he does.....I pity him really....a man who would do that to a helpless baby...I pity him the day he meets Jesus.........I pity him,,,,,, for there is a place prepared for the likes of him.........and just to keep the record straight. the cops who smacked me have been fired......and just in case anyone says anything about Lorin and his fence...It was broken to day....Just an acident....they was waiting for me with a camera to take a photo......They did admit it was an accident and go into the house...I am not certain if they took a photo of me standing by it or not......I told my family I would give them what they gave me.....Lorin is paroniod because he was a witness to Uncle Rulon saying that it was Shelly who was a son of perdition not me.......and is ashamed that he did not take care of me.....He is in Richards house now, and I hope he gets his fence repaired........I am going to court tomorrow...Just a scare tatic to have me back down.....because he does not trust me, because he did not trust what Uncle Rulon and Uncle Fred said........I hope he can get ahold of his emotions.....before he makes a mistake, I can not fix for him.......

  63. and as to Merril Jessop, he has not ever spoken to me in his life...He would love me if he knew me......They are putting the pressure on the men who care.......and I am always the sacrifice....too much for every one to account....My conslor told me that when an entire family singles out one person to attack, it is because they can not deal with their own feelings..........It does not matter to me any more.......I love my family. I always have and i always will.....Even Richard Cooke I have forgiven.......and when I go to the Lord there will be no Willard Barlow there. If I do not talk about the truth about him, they are all very nice to me in town......If I tell the truth about him, they all put the pressure on me...if they put me out or make fun of me, or no matter what they do, I will not ever go back to him....They had no right to do to me what they done......Willard Barlow stood there that day Donna died....After all Richard Cooke done to me....He teased and tormented her, until Uncle Rulon removed me and my children from his home....Richard and his friends took back what they wanted...but I was removed with my children...and he stood there that day Donna died and told them that Uncle Fred had told him what he could do..Just a great flowery speach...they all google eyed him....He was such a darling boy...I did tell him I loved him and he told me he would take Mitzi from me too..........and that is how it was....he took her......and He teased all his children.......and mine...and then he took another girl....She was one that they all said was stupid like me too. She was married before and so Willard got another retard to replace me...I bet she is beautiful and smart though........I bet she is very beautiful and smart....and I bet he pits those two just like he used to me and LeeAnn.....LeeAnn is the one he beat so much and she ran away from him.....When he beat me, I never went back...paid quite the price for telling the truth about him........and LeeAnn...when will she get her freedom...She said she loved him....I did too...just did not like him breaking my ribs....and that is what Dr, Lehi, and DR. Loyde cover up, in the medical records...and no matter who loves me or hates me it will not change the truth......and Lyle Jeffs will owe me a debt in the reserection day............

  64. and I did not want that store clerk hurt. The one who did care...I had to be the sacrifice........that is what I do best....protect people........

  65. Laurene did not describe him as a stooge from the streets. He evidently worked for the university
    and they met when she took her daily walks. She told me that he was a kind and intelligent man.

  66. so, all you cowards who want my blood come out in daylight upon the street...........pick on me, not people who care.......and do you think I do not know who hated me......?????????and who cared??????

  67. I was wrong about Lyle Jeffs. He would not ever hurt me. I think he would not. Richard Cooke is not here to stay.....he was told to go to protect me.....Larene liked him. I only seen him when I was walking...He was there. I never talked to him. He was maybe very educated..He still touched another man's wife....It does not matter. I am glad she had some one to help her....I am sorry I did critazise him.....I did not talk to him....when i was in Flagstaff this girl went to school in Pheonix from Flag. She never returned to class. They found her over the edge of the grand canyon. one shoe was missing from her foot and one was on top the edge of the canyon. they said she put up quite a struggle.....I never talked to all those men in how would I have known he was not a stooge......I just seen him once when I was walking.. before laurene came.....

  68. and I walked home over the desert. I could not make myself walk past the canyon. I got a ride some too, but I basicly walked all night. then this man came and gave me a ride over the canyon. I was to terrified. I did think Richard Cooke would be waiting there to throw me over.....Then these people took care of me. Fed me and gave me a blanket. I thought if I just got home Uncle Fred would be there. Stephan Barlow picked me back up and took me to flag and dropped me off again. He told me that I was not worth even a trailer I guess if he was an educated man who helped her, he was.....but those that hated me, I know.......those that did for real...and how do I know who threw that girl over the edge......Richard Cooke went down there a lot too....that is my fear. I am not certain who did, but it was on the news when I lived there......

  69. and really I can not blame Laurene for going with that man..He is taking care of her.....I am too proud......she deserved to be taken care of.....I think......

  70. and maybe i made a mistake about Lorin too. maybe they was just fixing his fence......I just wish Richard Cooke would stay out of this place.....maybe he put this other man up to hitting me....I am not certain.....I wish he would stay away....every time he is in my life something bad happens. I did talk to him in the cafiteria and remind him that he was obligated to stay away........then he left... I do not know how long he was here though.

  71. Is Dick Cooke still lurking around?

  72. I hope he is not still here. I may not be the judge, but I just do not want him in my life........Not him, Not Shelly Cooke, Not Sam Barlow, Not Stephan Barlow, Not the other's, but Sam Barlow has not bothered me for a while.....nor, the rest........I am not certain who put these other men up to what happened. They usually do not bother me, and i do not know a lot about them.. I do not know why they would do what they did. Maybe they was not hired and just thought it would be fun to make fun of some one they think is stupid......I am not certain.....

  73. Ruth
    You may never know why you were beaten up, you aren't the first, nor will you be the last.
    The men in this group need to pay for what they have done to you!

  74. I think that your sister Laurene knows what is going on Ruth. Beware of who she associates with and who takes care of her.

  75. The utah supreme court is hearing the motions filed by FLDS today

  76. it does not matter. They did not care since the day I married Willard. I know why I was made fun of. I know why I was told I knew I was not wanted. I already knew. It does not matter anyhow. I have a restraining order against the man who did tell me that I knew I was not wanted. I have a restraining order against the man that called the cops on me. That is all I shall do. If he wants to throw it into court more that is his choice. It is not like I did not know I was not wanted and no one cared. no one even missed me when Richard Cooke and Willard threw me in the trash pile anyhow...It does not matter. It is just like all the other things that happened to me, I wish I had not ever said does not matter any more. The Lord is the judge.....I never would want these men in jail. I just wanted to be accepted by them....stupid me, hu?

  77. i know laurene knows what is going on. so does every one else that was involved in my life......and it is the one's who did not know that just do not know.....Sam Barlow knows, Richard Cooke knows, Stephan Barlow knows Shelly Cooke knew, Willard Barlow knew, the doctor that tried to abort my daughter knew and they all sit around as if nothing ever happened........the rest are just blind and do not follow the Lord or they would not harrass and distress.....that is all.......every one knew...every one knew the truth and they betrayed me.....that is does not matter anymore.....

  78. Yes, Ruth that is stupid. To want to be accepted by men who treated you that way. You are worthy and accepted by the Most High God. That is what is important. Not that man accepts you.
    As long as women obey without question the men in Flds, mistreatment will happen to them. God gave each of us a Mind, YES even women. God never said it was Okay to abuse a woman, or children.
    In Fact God dispesed that behavour! I would want them in jail, you bet I would. God is the one who gave us laws not only in scripture but on earth for those who commit crimes.

  79. yes, and men who hurt will forever pay the debt. It does not matter to me anymore. i have not been well for five years. I have a constant cough and can not do a lot. It does not matter any more. I will be happy to leave this world.....It is just a matter of time....what they do or do not do to me, or with me does not matter any more.........not at all. I will be with my daughter's and my sister and brother.....I will be with Jesus and they will have to be forever with them........I should not have talked about it at all. the judge was nice though. he gave me a restraining order....I am glad that some one cared. I know I will not ever be accepted by people who would do to me, what the man i married did, but he is the Lord's problem not mine does not matter a whit to me anyhow....not after what I did hear them say........not a whit....I will be glad to leave them.....I was humiliated the day I got married ten years, my brian is numb and his evil has no place in my heart....I do not care any longer.......I like that Judge though. these poeple always blamed me for what they did....and does not matter anymore.......not to me.....

  80. Im so sorry Ruth, deeply sorry. Women should be respected. They shouldn't be thought of as lower than others.
    Im glad you talked about it Ruth, it gave me personal insight into your life and how hard it has been for you.
    None of us ask to be born, but when we are, we should be loved and nutured because we are gifts to our parents, just as your children were gifts from God to you.
    Im sorry you lost children, Im sorry your life has been so difficult without the kind of compassion and love every human deserves.
    You will be in my prayers Ruth

  81. I am grateful for prayer. Thank you.....

  82. Oh bluzzard and dang!! Ruth, please fill us in on your latest developments!! You are the best!!

  83. Awesome Ruth - so glad to hear you are happy! You deserve it!!

  84. sometimes the Kindness of ONE person, can take the place of hundreds who have hurt you.

  85. how cherished is one kind word....that is a lesson we can all learn. I did meet a lady that lost every thing in one of those hurricanes.....I did not lose everything.......I can pray for the great blessings of the Lord.......he gives to all of us, every thing we have......
