Friday, October 31, 2008

The best sermon

The best sermon that can be preached, is the life of a man or women, that is truly honest with them selves and others. the only way to hear that sermon, in its entirety, is to be that person.


  1. I think the same truths are too often learned from the parables of those that don't live such perfect lives.

  2. The greatest sermon, ive ever read or three simple words by Christ knowing he was dying for ALL.

    He said, "It is Done!"

  3. I can't choose the best....

  4. How do you know Christ said that? Seems like a loooong shot.


  5. Jesus used the Greek word "tetelestai" for "it is finished". "It is done" is another "acceptable" translation. In the first century, when people had paid their debt in full, they would shout out the word "tetelestai." It was a shout of triumph…a shout of victory. Nowadays, we'd say "Paid in Full".

  6. A sermon in a life is one reason why the qualifications for elders and deacons in Timothy and Titus including the rearing of children who believe. If your children, seeing your example, live a life contrary to God, what does that say about YOUR example to them as a believer? I don't agree with many FLDS practices including their practice of "celestial marriage" which is markedly different from polygamy found in the Bible, but if it was as bad as everyone says it is, then why aren't there more runaways?
