FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Lee Bistline Sr Funeral
Lee Bistline Sr one of the greatest men that ever lived in this valley died of a heart attack Monday morning. They will be having a funeral in St. George Ut.
Unless you are 100 percent one with Warren you will not be allowed to attend his funeral. That certainly is a sad end to a great man, and one that was mercilessly ruined by Warren. When we find out the day and time of his funeral, we should all reserve some private time, and bow our heads in silent prayer, that God will bring an end to this senseless, merciless and unjust destruction of great men's lives. And what was his crime? He was an honest, decent, hardworking, churchgoing, tithe paying family man, who had given so much to the cause over the years that he had to ask for some financial help from his friend Uncle Rulon, thus offending Warren in the process. Oh God, what a crime! Dear Uncle Lee, may you forever rest in peace.
Do you even know "Dear Uncle Lee", or are you just pandering. I hear the funeral is in St.George, which seems to indicate that you really don't know him at all, or you'd know that he too has been sent on a repenting mission, which is a fine mission to be on in Lee's opinion.
No, you didn't know Uncle Lee at all, because he referred to his repentance many times, and honored Uncle Warren to the end. For you to suggest that he was "mercilessly ruined" by the Prophet for giving the man a good mission, and to say "oh God what a crime...for senseless destruction of great mens'lives" just puts the crime on you for desecrating his love for repentance and for his Prophet, which he maintained to the end.
Lee would just vomit on you, and say like Christ says: "Get ye hence, I never knew you". Furthermore, who the hell are you to tell other people when they should bow their heads. I think that's a personal decision that no insult to Uncle Lee can change.
You insult him, and are just playing the bandwagon of accusation like Lucifer, the accuser. I think Uncle Lee will rest in peace okay, without anyone spewing themselves over his remains, because he remains in the love of the Prophet Warren. Everyone who doesn't is just an insult to Uncle Lee and everyone else who speaks well of the Prophet, and seeks his well-earned favor.
How sad to cast a good man away and totally ignore him for three miserable years of his life and then claim his body and say that he was a good man after WJ damned him to hell. I say this man had his heart broke by the FLDS people and his death will be on their heads.
Please read today's Spectrum--his obituary is printed, but no date and time has been named as yet. If it is held in St. George, I think that you could probably attend his funeral. I loved Uncle Lee and pray that all is well with his family.
Funeral services are pending. A viewing will be held Thursday evening from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at Spilsbury Mortuary, 110 S. Bluff Street, St. George, Utah.
King David gave Uriah a good mission to go on so that he could be killed on the front lines. In fact, Uriah even carried the orders from his beloved king to the general in charge of the war. Little did he know that the good King that he gave his life for was just needing to get him killed so that his own wickedness would be masked. I wonder if there is any similarities here? Yes, it would be a good idea for all of us that knew Uncle Lee to just stop where we are and what we are doing, take off our hats and offer a silent prayer as a tribute to this good man, and also remember his dear ones so lost to him for these three long years while he has been banished to the front lines or back lines or wherever. It would be a good thing so if anyone hears the date and time then please publish it. Every good thing done like that will just make the devils howl.
Well, okay, stop the howling then, and the pandering, and love thy neighbor just like the Prophet does, exactly in accord with the doctrine and policy of the Lord (Rev.3:19). The Prophet was in charge of Lee, as his spiritual leader. Both Lee and his family recognized that and love this Prophet more than anyone else. So it might be good to publish the date and time, so that devils will have no more need to howel, or would that just make you howel all the more about the natural causes of old age, and on and on, because of a demon that gives you no peace.
Now do you see the propriety of private funerals? Let it rest, and just let my family be.
Love you neighbor as the prohet does? If we did that we would be killing our neighbor instead of loving him to reap the goods that he has sewn. Leave the judgeing to God and forgive as we are instructed to do. GM
Many times i have seen this play out. Many years ago when my mother passed away, when i was merly 14 years old. I was told to not attend her funeral. I do not understand why the FLDS faithfull profess to follow the commandments of god and will use a dead man as leverage against those they disslike. Lee bistline had seen the video, and was very upset at being handled the way he was. Someone close to him said he made the comment, "If i would have know this i would never have left my home or faimly!" After this they decide to hold the funeral in CC, so they can discriminate against those who wish to attend. The FLDS have a long history of useing the deceased as a bat to bash the liveing who do not agree with their veiws and faith. The only way for this to ever change will not be by putting every leader in jail, the only way will be for men and woman to make personal choices to truly do unto others as you would have done unto you. This is an outrage , and the more they do this to people the more heat they will feel. Soon the tools they use for this discrinamtion will be taken from their hands and they will be left with none.
Many years ago i recall my own mother funeral. I was told by the leadership at that time not to attend. The FLDS people as a whole have a terrible history of use the deceased as a bat to bash the heads of those they do not agree with or disslike. Warren has only helped this to continue. The memory of Lee Bistline has once again been spat on by those who profess to love him, oh except they took his home family and every thing elts he owned, but they loved him. In fact they loved him sooo much they even had his funeral in CC, In the LSJ meeting house. WOW! Now thats love... except for the fact that they couldnt find it in their hearts to let some of his own children in. Oh and they used the pulpit to bash on those who did not follow the reteric of warren jeffs. You know thise who didnt agree with takeing everything that ment anything to him? There will be seriouse consiquinces to this. This will take an indiviual choice before this will ever change. Men must choose in their own minds to stop this maddness. No beleif gives you the right to not let a son or daughter attend the funeral of their father. This will bring more and more heat apon them as they continue to do this. Mind mind is recalled to April Blacks funeral that was not long ago. They did the same thing to her children. They allowed some to attend, and then shamed them for their choices, and kept them from haveing any part except to sit there. FLDS be ashamed... be very ASHAMED!
Many of you say may lee bistline rest in peace! Yet many of you still argue and fight in his name! lee was a good man and many loved and respected him very much. flds member or not flds member he loved us all the same. He was a good man and truly does deserve to rest in peace.
Here's an old Jim Reeves Oldy. I often feel this way about the trials of my church:
Anyone want to open a thread for “Favorites Songs”? I don’t know how. ___________________________________
(Sang) Many years ago in days of childhood I used to play till evenin' shadows come Then windin' down that old familiar pathway I'd hear my mother call at set of sun. Come home, come home it's suppertime The shadows lengthen fast Come home, come home it's suppertime We're going home at last.
(Spoken) Some of the fondest memories of my childhood Were woven around suppertime When my mother used to call From the backsteps of the old homeplace Come on home now son it's suppertime. Ahhhh, but I'd loved to hear that once more But you know for me time has woven the realization of The truth that's even more thrillingand that's when The call come up from the portals of glory To come home for it's suppertime. When all Gods children shall gather around the table of the Lord, Himself and the greatest suppertime of them all.
(Sang) Come home, come home it's suppertime The shadows lengthen fast Come home, come home it's suppertime We're going home at last...
In the Old Hebrew, "Bistline" is "Beytsah", meaning whiteness: pure knowledge and palace. Thus Beytsah Line, or pure bloodline. That is a great heritage worth perfecting.
As far as I know, the FLDS took the LSJ Meeting house and the Phelps school and changed it to Richard Allred and Donald Richters name (in a corp). We don't want to take away that which they hold in the highest esteem. They maybe moving into that meeting house and living there before too long. I think it is good to let them keep one last thing to hold on to. Little mice that get backed into a corner will bite. Right now, they are so disorganized with no leadership and no one to tell them what to do, they are just going around in circles. David Steed and JD Roundy have been in charge of the last few funerals held. If you can imagine them in leadership positions, you have a better imagination than I have.
2/10/2008 3:31 PM They have always been leaders. What you talking about? You simply don't know greatness when it's staring you in the face. You haven't been eating enough sweet smoothies nor honeycombs.
Take what you may, and the saints will inherit the earth.
So, check this website out. If you want to know what Brucy Babe is up to.
Trying to get the zoo going
And the radio station.
And all the stuff with Harker Farms. please note he says it is not feasable for Harker Decendants to get the farm back...becasue it is helping the UEP out of a cash crunch. And he is happy to sell it.
Let me answer a couple of questions that have been posed. First of all, the UEP does not own the meeting house. The meeting house is owned by the FLDS Church. It is possible that the UEP could "go after" the meeting house, but I'm not sure if such a move is appropriate at this time.
With regard to Harker Farm, Jonathon and Hyrum Harker have made an offer to purchase the farm from the UEP and we are giving such offer serious consideration. A decision will be made by the end of the month. A court hearing on the 27th of this month is scheduled to, among other things, discuss the proposed sale. Anybody is welcome to come and express themselves at this hearing.
street this music thing your on is good mental therapy, you need to find some good old honkytonk country style; "Warren stole my wife , my house, my pickup truck and shot my dog"kinda music. put on the headphones, kick back, relax, turn up the volume and let it work the worms out of your cerebreal cortex. :D uncaduff
LOL: Or how about this one: “Husbands stole their virtue, which knocked down their house, crashed their pickup, and made them dogs” kinda music. There, that is more truthful. Then all they have left for head is their phones, and they scream up the volume because of the worms gnawing on their cerebral like a cherub brawl. You poor dog. See, Christ Himself didn’t just cast out families and shoot the dogs, he damned them to hell (Mt.10:34,
If you are outside of the Work of God, or “without”, that makes you dogs, for Christ says so in that many words: “For without are dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie” (Rev.22:15). You’re all just licking your wounds: “And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table (UEP:Uncle’s Eternal Plate), the dogs came and licked his wounds” (Luke 16:21).
Hear Hear. No truer words were ever spoken. Just look at Joseph's White Horse Prophecy. According to the "White Horse Prophecy," the U.S. Constitution will be hanging by a thread and a church elder or steed from Zion will …http://www.millennialstar.org/index.php/2006/11/04/wsj_on_white_horse_prophecy
WSJ on White Horse Prophecy by Geoff B
“It would then be up to the (faithful) Mormon people, symbolized by a white horse to ride in and save the republic from collapsing. "I love the Constitution; it was made by the inspiration of God, and it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse," Smith purportedly told his followers, borrowing the white horse image from the apostle John in the Book of Revelation” (Rev.6:2).
Follow-up Reply to 2/12/2008 6:50 AM: As the farting of a bucking mare, so resoundeth the words of the false prophet proclaiming destruction upon the people. (anonymous proverbs) uncaduff
STREET’s REPLY: As for the “false prophet” part, he is certainly no prophet to you, as Christ has no redemption unto life if you reject His word. So that too is certainly applicable to those whom “God shall send strong delusions, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thes. 2:11). If it is false to prophecy destruction upon the people, then you have now proclaimed Christ false:
“The husbandmen (the mainstream political and church leaders) said among themselves: This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance (UEP) shall be ours…What shall therefore the Lord of the vineyard do? He will come and DESTROY the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others (to inherit the earth): Mark 12:8-9
"I will also make it a possession for the bitter, and pools of water, and I will sweep it with the besom of DESTRUCTION, saith the Lord" (Is.14:23).
"And in that place they shall lift up their voices unto God against that people, yea unto Him whose anger is kindled against their wickedness, a people who are well nigh ripened for destruction" (D&C 61:31).
You pollute yourselves and he land, in your anger against God's Work and His Word. Therefore, it must be destroyed:
"And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great (that fear and obey God's law, not man's), and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18).
A Nonny Mouse, hiding behind an anonymous gate, said:
Now come on, Street is defending his beliefs, the best way he knows how. I find it interesting Street's quoting scriptures from the Bible. It is refreshing. The more Street studies the real scriptures from the Bible, maybe some truth will seep into his thick scull. Question? Street why did Jesus walk and talk among the "sinners"? Did Jesus and his disciples hide themselves in a compound? Did he wait to be pure in heart behind lock gates before he assended to heaven? 2/12/2008 11:12 PM
REPLY: Thank you so in regards to my thick scull. Everyone knows that’s far better than a jelly-fish like scull and spine of doctrine that reals to and fro like a drunken man, or a flimsy willy-nilly bowl of jelly blown about “by every wind of doctrine and the commandments of men that turn from the truth” (Eph.4:14, Titus 1:14).
You say that you find the Bible quotations “interesting and refreshing”, and in the same desperate gasp reject it outright, or you would know that both Jesus and Warren proclaimed against the Jews and Gentiles alike. Yes, they walked and talked among sinners, as I am doing now, and then they rejecting him, and the scripture says “HE HID HIMSELF” (John 8:59).
You persist to insist that it’s a sin to hide from the world, when Christ Himself commanded it of His saints in every age of the world, to “Come out of the world, O ye my people, and be not partakers of her sins” (Rev.18:4). So you've even branded your Redeemer as a sinner.
Even as heaven is hidden from the view of the earth, yet like the YFZ community, it is a light on a hill that cannot be hidden (Mt.5:14, Mark 7:24), but brings to light every dark and corrupt thing. Therefore, you call Christ a sin, and every Word that you find “interesting and refreshing”, you refute. Ye hypocrite! Every lover of God who remains, and of His Son and their successor upon the earth, are ashamed to behold such darkness of mind and soul.
“But when the husbandmen (churches) saw the son, they said among themselves, “This is the heir. Come, let us kill him , and let us seize on his inheritance (the UEP). When the Lord therefore cometh, what will He do unto those husbandmen? They said unto Him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men” (Matt.21:38).
Yes, as you question in your last gasp, He waited behind locked gates before ascending into heaven, which was the stone rolled before His tomb, “and they watched the gates day and night to kill Paul. Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall (Acts 9:24). Christ is now hidden behind twelve gates to this day (Rev.21:12), and has come. But your own gates, “the gates of hell, shall not prevail against His Church” nor its prophet.
Or, what you call "wonderful, interesting, and refreshing". Most people will see the gross inconsistencies of what you're saying here, my child. Street burps duff, and he vomits all over the forum. My my, such a mess.
Okay, Duffy, get off your duff and let's do this: Tell the folks here specifically what FLDS practice and belief is actually priestcraft so they can see the reasoning and the evidence for themselves. Just name one of two. We'll make it very easy for the little fella. No generalizations, and no unproved accusations. You don't want to beat that dead horse any more, or it'll wake up and give you a swift, how'd you put it: "as the farting of a bucking mare"? 2/12/2008 6:50 AM
If you can do it, fine. If not, then there you go. That says it all. So let's see you do it. Name one or two little morsels of doctrine or practice that the faithful continue in, in direct opposition to the Word of God. It is agreed, that would be a degree of priestcraft of the guilty party. Go ahead, we await your wisdom. The rest of you also, jump in here, help him out.
Street likes to cherry pick scriptures to fit his twisted prophets beliefs.
Revelations:1:5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by his blood;
1:6 and he made us to be a kingdom, to be priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Street John statement makes me a priestess. Go chew on that.
What! You want me to post something more dicey? I was in the grocery store the other day, in the produce department. I saw this fine specimen of a woman with racks that you wouldn’t believe. Well, you know me. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to inform as to the impropriety of changing what God has created, through implants. So I told her: Nice udders. You look like a cow. Holy cow, she picked up a watermelon and chucked it at me with the ferocity and velocity of a raging bull, but she was only a cow. Crimany, I was just trying to compliment the lady with a right honest assessment for her better judgment in the feucha. She ended up chasing me out of the store, but she couldn’t move very fast because her jugs got in the way. You ladies let that be a lesson to ya. Honor what God gives ya. Then it’ll be: “She loves you, yah yah yah”, not some raging udderly impossible lunatic who just happens to like melons.
I'm sorry Admin, but Street's whatever you call it takes the intelligence and interest out of this blog. Maybe it would help if he could have his own thread to post anything he wants to for whomsoever may be interested, and not be allowed to post just anywhere. Perhaps it would bring some of the intelligent posters back.
As a veteran anonymous poster on this blog, the admin has given Street and his other selfs his own threads over the past years. Street Knockout or Iamcurious has been kicked off other blogs, because of his language, infact he was given his own thread on Polytalk and last I observed was banded again. I suppose this blog is being moderated again because Street used gutter language and has to be monitored again. Also, Street will not stay on his own thread, because he knows no one cares about his dribble.
This thread was about U. Lee Bistline. Can't we just talk without paying attention to street? Uncaduff, you grew up with U. Lee. Will you tell some stories about him?
Anyone else that knew him, I would love to hear your stories also.
No, I still post there, but I'm about the only one who does. It's like the remnant of Jacob. They flee!
Okay, back to the topic of this thread. Come on, people, stay on topic! Funeral is the topic, which is brought on by the weaknesses of the flesh, except that this great personage had fewer than most. So, in regard to the weaknesses of the flesh and that incident in the produce department:
LUST (1):
Hey, I complimented Miss Topsy-Turvy, udderly so, with a much humility as I could muster without acting like a hot-dog. Holie-molie, I just didn’t expect that a bovine could turn on you that fast, just to defend her spacious milkie way. I felt like singing “O Say Can You See”, cause it had to be blocking her view of the world.
So I felt quite patriotic in defending a woman’s natural goodness, but my goodness: Implants are not natural. They take a knife to you, and cut nerves that numb the breast and leave the poor lady without feeling. It is a crime against women, first to make them feel it necessary, and then to actually mutilate her. It is a state-sanctioned crime, like so many other crimes. It just makes the heavens weep, until the consumption decreed (Isaiah 10:22).
What is a woman’s natural goodness, anyway? “There is none good but the father”. That is the Christian Doctrine. Just ask Christ. He’ll tell you (Matt.19:17). There is my cleavage to cleave to. “Then shall a man leave his father, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh” (Gen.2:24). See, the woman wasn’t my wife, and “one flesh” is not a conscience of male and female. That’s two fleshes, sowing unto the corruption of the body (Gal.6:8). One flesh is the spiritual union (I Cor.15:40), for God is One or Own (Om). Do you see it, being swallowed up in the Lord and in trance with God’s Spirit, in a continue mindfulness and meditation? The conscience is no longer on the body or the earth, but the soul and spirit of heaven.
“Whoso looketh upon a woman in lust is an adulterer (Mt.5:28), and “shall deny the faith, and if he repents not, he shall be CAST OUT” (D&C 42:23, 63:16).
“Cleave” in Hebrew is Emeo: Spue, vomit, as dirt and filth cleave to the body. The woman or earth is the body, the filth, and the man or heaven is the spirit that leads her out of it, if he has the right good FLDS teaching and authority that gives him that spirit. Or else, all is corrupt and lost, just as the Lord says (Jer.50:6, Ezek.37:11, Rev.12:9). If the salt or teaching loses its savour or its bite, then it is lost (Matt. 5:13). Everyone knows that the FLDS doctrine and teaching and practice BITES.
Cleave: Emeo: Spue, vomit. So this is how we cleave unto our wives, according to the Christian doctrine, by spuing or spurning her sexuality, and lifting her up. “Touch not the fruit in the midst of the Tree, lest ye die” (Gen.2:17, 3:3), for she is unclean (Lev.15:18-19, 31-33, Luke 8:43). The midst of our tree or personage is half-way between our feet and our crown. Only the father is clean, saith the Lord (Mt.19:17), leading godly men into godhood. So is not all else evil, if only the father is good, and those whom he lifts up by his righteousness? Of course. We can all see that it’s so.
The father, a good man, cleaves to his wife in fulfillment of the Word (Gen.2:24), only if he is truly good by casting off all evil, and she allows herself to be cleansed body, mind, and soul, rejecting all that is worldly. Then they twain become one, and she cleaves unto him and he unto her, in the heavenly light. The cleavage lifts her up to the level of her shining knight (night), into the light of day, heaven’s light. “Then ye are gods” (John 10:34).
Lee Bistline thread Anonymous said... As a veteran anonymous poster on this blog, the admin has given Street and his other selfs his own threads over the past years. Street Knockout or Iamcurious has been kicked off other blogs, because of his language, infact he was given his own thread on Polytalk and last I observed was banded again. I suppose this blog is being moderated again because Street used gutter language and has to be monitored again. Also, Street will not stay on his own thread, because he knows no one cares about his dribble.
My Opinion 2/16/2008 1:58 PM __________________________________________________________________________________________
Feb.16-Tx-Lee-Lust No, I still post there, but I'm about the only one who does. It's like the remnant of Jacob. They flee!
Okay, back to the topic of this thread. Come on, people, stay on topic! Funeral is the topic, which is brought on by the weaknesses of the flesh, except that this great personage had fewer than most. So, in regard to the weaknesses of the flesh and that incident in the produce department:
LUST (1):
Hey, I complimented Miss Topsy-Turvy, udderly so, with a much humility as I could muster without acting like a hot-dog. Holie-molie, I just didn’t expect that a bovine could turn on you that fast, just to defend her spacious milkie way. I felt like singing “O Say Can You See”, cause it had to be blocking her view of the world. So I felt quite patriotic in defending a woman’s natural goodness, but my goodness: Implants are not natural. They take a knife to you, and cut nerves that numb the breast and leave the poor lady without feeling. It is a crime against women, first to make them feel it necessary, and then to actually mutilate her. It is a state-sanctioned crime, like so many other crimes. It just makes the heavens weep, until the consumption decreed (Isaiah 10:22).
What is a woman’s natural goodness, anyway? “There is none good but the father”. That is the Christian Doctrine. Just ask Christ. He’ll tell you (Matt.19:17). There is my cleavage to cleave to. “Then shall a man leave his father, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh” (Gen.2:24). See, the woman wasn’t my wife, and “one flesh” is not a conscience of male and female. That’s two fleshes, sowing unto the corruption of the body (Gal.6:8). One flesh is the spiritual union (I Cor.15:40), for God is One or Own (Om). Do you see it, being swallowed up in the Lord and in trance with God’s Spirit, in a continue mindfulness and meditation? The conscience is no longer on the body or the earth, but the soul and spirit of heaven.
Ahummm, youhoo. The street waves up and down like the quaking asp of a drunken woman, her bosom darting from floor to ceiling in perpetual motion, until its reverberation knocks a hole in the roof:
Hey! What is Texas hiding from? I posted an article on Lust, and your blog admin refused to post it, except part of it out of context. What kind of scam are you people pulling, and what kind of guilt are you hiding from? It’s the Word of God to guard against the lusts of the flesh, and you don’t want people to see it? Why?
Well, you can read it all on the Polyg Talk forum, under Street’s “wisdom” (Texas Blog Deletions), and other forums. Hey admin, your zipper’s open.
do you even know "Dear Uncle Lee", or are you just pandering. I hear the funeral is in St.George, which seems to indicate that you really don't know him at all, or you'd know that he too has been sent on a repenting mission, which is a fine mission to be on in Lee's opinion. ____________________________________
I hear your on "a repenting mission" yourself street. so why the hell don't you repent? our prophet is in prison for the Gospel's sake, and you abuse his name every time you use it in the same paragraph with all the filth you spew from your vile mouth. you don't do him any good when you make of him a laughing stock among the Gentiles with your mindless gibberish and vile verbiage.
Hey, thanks Admin. You kind of threw things out of kilter when you started mixing things up. But you quickly got sober and corrected it good enough (hiccup). You guys are okay.
Anyone else that knew him, I would love to hear your stories also. 2/16/2008 2:18 PM
It's been nearly 20-hours since that request. I'm sure that somebody has something more to say about Uncle Lee, or are holding it dearly in their hearts. I sure do. Yes, I knew him quite well, enough to know that he is a big man with a big heart and a quiet demeanor.
As a school board member, he sometimes came to the school. His great big smiling face always impressed us little guys and gals, every one of us. Whenever we had dinners or other school events, Uncle Roy and Uncle Rulon referred to special seating for the dignitaries. That’s Uncle Lee, and other top leaders in the Work, that they were referring to. He’s always a dignitary, and very dignified. The Bistlines are a great family, and Uncle Lee will always be with us. I love you all.
I hear your on "a repenting mission" yourself street. so why the hell don't you repent? our prophet is in prison for the Gospel's sake, and you abuse his name every time you use it in the same paragraph with all the filth you spew from your vile mouth. you don't do him any good when you make of him a laughing stock among the Gentiles with your mindless gibberish and vile verbiage. 2/17/2008 7:51 AM
Well, that was kind of a vile and mindless reply, but kind of you, for it is the work of God within us to stop the mind (mindless), to stop the flow of thoughts, the storm within, and be still. It is mindlessness for the mindless and mindfulness for the mindful, vulgarity for the vulgar and refinement for the refined. We all try to follow our Lord Jesus and His Way. What is His Way: “The Sheep vs the dogs, and fine linen vs the dung”. He speaks of all of these things, what you call “vulgar”, as we all know full well. So we all do well to do the same, to make that contrast, in order to follow Him.
That is my repenting mission. Your spewing filth by calling it vile, and asking “why the hell”, and showing forth such bitterness of soul in the same breath that you speak of our dear prophet’s good memory puts the reproach upon you in seeking to reproach a brother who is researching the Word of God, while God Himself “upbraideth not” (James 1:5). Then you speak of “doing him any good”, while Christ Himself corrects you by reminding you that “there is none good but the Father” (Mt.19:17). Who are we to think that we are so good that we “can add one cubit to his stature” (Mt.6:27).
“Many will say unto me in that day: Lord Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name have cast out devils, and in Thy name done many wonderful works. And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity”.
Speaking of one who notices women: I remember one time in a restaurant, the boy Christ was with an old Rabbi who asked him what he thought about that lusty thing across the isle. Now Jesus didn’t even speak of her breasts, or her sway, or her swagger. No, His focus was on the eye (eye on the ball). Says He: Nah, her eye lashes are too long”. Yet, ever with that, the self-righteous and evil man tore into him like that cow that thought she was a raging bull. You must remember that “tit” is the Hebrew letter Tet, which means “concealed good”. Now, when you have a doctor, like a taxidermist, stuff your breasts so full of garbage that they are no longer concealed, then it is fair game to banter about, to oppose evil, to bring the truth to the minds of others who are so seeking to overcome and to serve the Lord.
How does one become a member of the FLDS church? My wife and I are regular LDS right now. I went through Colorado City one time and it was like Heaven on Earth
Lee Bistline wasn't the first person to be striped of his family and then after his death have a good "priesthood" funeral with all the proper pomp and ceremony.
Warren did that to uncle Fred, too. And then there is the inscription on Uncle Fred's headstone: A perfect priesthood man. That kind of deception just makes me sick.
God bless all those children who were unable to attend their own father's funeral. May you be comforted. I know I will have to share your fate in the near future.
Ricky, There are at least three groups in Colorado City and very likely the Centennial Park group and the Ianthus Barlow group accept converts, although the biggest group probably does not.
date time ??
ReplyDeleteUnless you are 100 percent one with Warren you will not be allowed to attend his funeral. That certainly is a sad end to a great man, and one that was mercilessly ruined by Warren. When we find out the day and time of his funeral, we should all reserve some private time, and bow our heads in silent prayer, that God will bring an end to this senseless, merciless and unjust destruction of great men's lives. And what was his crime? He was an honest, decent, hardworking, churchgoing, tithe paying family man, who had given so much to the cause over the years that he had to ask for some financial help from his friend Uncle Rulon, thus offending Warren in the process. Oh God, what a crime! Dear Uncle Lee, may you forever rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteDo you even know "Dear Uncle Lee", or are you just pandering. I hear the funeral is in St.George, which seems to indicate that you really don't know him at all, or you'd know that he too has been sent on a repenting mission, which is a fine mission to be on in Lee's opinion.
ReplyDeleteNo, you didn't know Uncle Lee at all, because he referred to his repentance many times, and honored Uncle Warren to the end. For you to suggest that he was
"mercilessly ruined" by the Prophet for giving the man a good mission, and to say "oh God what a crime...for senseless destruction of great mens'lives" just puts the crime on you for desecrating his love for repentance and for his Prophet, which he maintained to the end.
Lee would just vomit on you, and say like Christ says: "Get ye hence, I never knew you". Furthermore, who the hell are you to tell other people when they should bow their heads. I think that's a personal decision that no insult to Uncle Lee can change.
You insult him, and are just playing the bandwagon of accusation like Lucifer, the accuser. I think Uncle Lee will rest in peace okay, without anyone spewing themselves over his remains, because he remains in the love of the Prophet Warren. Everyone who doesn't is just an insult to Uncle Lee and everyone else who speaks well of the Prophet, and seeks his well-earned favor.
How sad to cast a good man away and totally ignore him for three miserable years of his life and then claim his body and say that he was a good man after WJ damned him to hell. I say this man had his heart broke by the FLDS people and his death will be on their heads.
ReplyDeletePlease read today's Spectrum--his obituary is printed, but no date and time has been named as yet. If it is held in St. George, I think that you could probably attend his funeral. I loved Uncle Lee and pray that all is well with his family.
ReplyDeleteFuneral services are pending. A viewing will be held Thursday evening from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at Spilsbury Mortuary, 110 S. Bluff Street, St. George, Utah.
ReplyDeleteKing David gave Uriah a good mission to go on so that he could be killed on the front lines. In fact, Uriah even carried the orders from his beloved king to the general in charge of the war. Little did he know that the good King that he gave his life for was just needing to get him killed so that his own wickedness would be masked. I wonder if there is any similarities here?
ReplyDeleteYes, it would be a good idea for all of us that knew Uncle Lee to just stop where we are and what we are doing, take off our hats and offer a silent prayer as a tribute to this good man, and also remember his dear ones so lost to him for these three long years while he has been banished to the front lines or back lines or wherever. It would be a good thing so if anyone hears the date and time then please publish it. Every good thing done like that will just make the devils howl.
Well, okay, stop the howling then, and the pandering, and love thy neighbor just like the Prophet does, exactly in accord with the doctrine and policy of the Lord (Rev.3:19). The Prophet was in charge of Lee, as his spiritual leader. Both Lee and his family recognized that and love this Prophet more than anyone else. So it might be good to publish the date and time, so that devils will have no more need to howel, or would that just make you howel all the more about the natural causes of old age, and on and on, because of a demon that gives you no peace.
ReplyDeleteNow do you see the propriety of private funerals? Let it rest, and just let my family be.
No similarities. Warren's not even half the man King David was.
ReplyDeleteA grandson told me yesterday that the funeral is Friday afternoon in CC. He indicated that he was going.
ReplyDelete2;00 pm today Feb. 8 at Colo. City.LSJ. building. please, keep sweet.
ReplyDeleteLove you neighbor as the prohet does? If we did that we would be killing our neighbor instead of loving him to reap the goods that he has sewn. Leave the judgeing to God and forgive as we are instructed to do.
Why does it take so long to find out where and when?
ReplyDeletethe funeral, other than some interesting historical notes, was a magnanimous exercise in self deception and hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the family was just working out the details as to where and when.
ReplyDelete2;00 pm today Feb. 8 at Colo. City LSJ building. 2/08/2008 6:19 AM
No dedication of the grave. Have the FLDS people forgotten everything?
ReplyDeleteHere is website that will reveal the true Church of God.
Many times i have seen this play out. Many years ago when my mother passed away, when i was merly 14 years old. I was told to not attend her funeral. I do not understand why the FLDS faithfull profess to follow the commandments of god and will use a dead man as leverage against those they disslike. Lee bistline had seen the video, and was very upset at being handled the way he was. Someone close to him said he made the comment, "If i would have know this i would never have left my home or faimly!" After this they decide to hold the funeral in CC, so they can discriminate against those who wish to attend. The FLDS have a long history of useing the deceased as a bat to bash the liveing who do not agree with their veiws and faith. The only way for this to ever change will not be by putting every leader in jail, the only way will be for men and woman to make personal choices to truly do unto others as you would have done unto you. This is an outrage , and the more they do this to people the more heat they will feel. Soon the tools they use for this discrinamtion will be taken from their hands and they will be left with none.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago i recall my own mother funeral. I was told by the leadership at that time not to attend. The FLDS people as a whole have a terrible history of use the deceased as a bat to bash the heads of those they do not agree with or disslike. Warren has only helped this to continue. The memory of Lee Bistline has once again been spat on by those who profess to love him, oh except they took his home family and every thing elts he owned, but they loved him. In fact they loved him sooo much they even had his funeral in CC, In the LSJ meeting house. WOW! Now thats love... except for the fact that they couldnt find it in their hearts to let some of his own children in. Oh and they used the pulpit to bash on those who did not follow the reteric of warren jeffs. You know thise who didnt agree with takeing everything that ment anything to him? There will be seriouse consiquinces to this. This will take an indiviual choice before this will ever change. Men must choose in their own minds to stop this maddness. No beleif gives you the right to not let a son or daughter attend the funeral of their father. This will bring more and more heat apon them as they continue to do this. Mind mind is recalled to April Blacks funeral that was not long ago. They did the same thing to her children. They allowed some to attend, and then shamed them for their choices, and kept them from haveing any part except to sit there. FLDS be ashamed... be very ASHAMED!
ReplyDeleteMany of you say may lee bistline rest in peace! Yet many of you still argue and fight in his name! lee was a good man and many loved and respected him very much. flds member or not flds member he loved us all the same. He was a good man and truly does deserve to rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteHere's an old Jim Reeves Oldy.
ReplyDeleteI often feel this way about the trials of my church:
Anyone want to open a thread for “Favorites Songs”? I don’t know how.
Many years ago in days of childhood
I used to play till evenin' shadows come
Then windin' down that old familiar pathway
I'd hear my mother call at set of sun.
Come home, come home it's suppertime
The shadows lengthen fast
Come home, come home it's suppertime
We're going home at last.
Some of the fondest memories of my childhood
Were woven around suppertime
When my mother used to call
From the backsteps of the old homeplace
Come on home now son it's suppertime.
Ahhhh, but I'd loved to hear that once more
But you know for me time has woven the realization of
The truth that's even more thrillingand that's when
The call come up from the portals of glory
To come home for it's suppertime.
When all Gods children shall gather around the table
of the Lord, Himself and the greatest suppertime of them all.
Come home, come home it's suppertime
The shadows lengthen fast
Come home, come home it's suppertime
We're going home at last...
In the Old Hebrew, "Bistline" is "Beytsah", meaning whiteness: pure knowledge and palace. Thus Beytsah Line, or pure bloodline.
ReplyDeleteThat is a great heritage worth perfecting.
Mr. Wisen; if the LSJ Meeting House is UEP owned, why are these people restricted from attending? Can't you require open attendance when it is used?
ReplyDeleteP.S. When street is around my BS filter gets clogged. I’ve ordered a backup as this batch is particularly thick.
BS? Ahh, Berry Smoothie, I LOVE smoothies.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, you can get music sampler of "Suppertime" at this link. Enjoy:
ReplyDeleteThat is a VERY good question. Why don't you email him at bwisan@wsrp.com and then tell us all what he says about this.
As far as I know, the FLDS took the LSJ Meeting house and the Phelps school and changed it to Richard Allred and Donald Richters name (in a corp).
ReplyDeleteWe don't want to take away that which they hold in the highest esteem. They maybe moving into that meeting house and living there before too long.
I think it is good to let them keep one last thing to hold on to. Little mice that get backed into a corner will bite. Right now, they are so disorganized with no leadership and no one to tell them what to do, they are just going around in circles.
David Steed and JD Roundy have been in charge of the last few funerals held. If you can imagine them in leadership positions, you have a better imagination than I have.
2/10/2008 3:31 PM
ReplyDeleteThey have always been leaders. What you talking about? You simply don't know greatness when it's staring you in the face. You haven't been eating enough sweet smoothies nor honeycombs.
Take what you may, and the saints will inherit the earth.
So, check this website out. If you want to know what Brucy Babe is up to.
ReplyDeleteTrying to get the zoo going
And the radio station.
And all the stuff with Harker Farms. please note he says it is not feasable for Harker Decendants to get the farm back...becasue it is helping the UEP out of a cash crunch. And he is happy to sell it.
Let me answer a couple of questions that have been posed. First of all, the UEP does not own the meeting house. The meeting house is owned by the FLDS Church. It is possible that the UEP could "go after" the meeting house, but I'm not sure if such a move is appropriate at this time.
ReplyDeleteWith regard to Harker Farm, Jonathon and Hyrum Harker have made an offer to purchase the farm from the UEP and we are giving such offer serious consideration. A decision will be made by the end of the month. A court hearing on the 27th of this month is scheduled to, among other things, discuss the proposed sale. Anybody is welcome to come and express themselves at this hearing.
street this music thing your on is good mental therapy, you need to find some good old honkytonk country style; "Warren stole my wife , my house, my pickup truck and shot my dog"kinda music. put on the headphones, kick back, relax, turn up the volume and let it work the worms out of your cerebreal cortex.
LOL: Or how about this one: “Husbands stole their virtue, which knocked down their house, crashed their pickup, and made them dogs” kinda music. There, that is more truthful. Then all they have left for head is their phones, and they scream up the volume because of the worms gnawing on their cerebral like a cherub brawl. You poor dog. See, Christ Himself didn’t just cast out families and shoot the dogs, he damned them to hell (Mt.10:34,
ReplyDeleteIf you are outside of the Work of God, or “without”, that makes you dogs, for Christ says so in that many words: “For without are dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie” (Rev.22:15). You’re all just licking your wounds: “And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table (UEP:Uncle’s Eternal Plate), the dogs came and licked his wounds” (Luke 16:21).
as the farting of a bucking mare, so resoundeth the words of the false prophet proclaiming destruction upon the people. (anonymous proverbs)
Hear Hear. No truer words were ever spoken. Just look at Joseph's White Horse Prophecy. According to the "White Horse Prophecy," the U.S. Constitution will be hanging by a thread and a church elder or steed from Zion will …http://www.millennialstar.org/index.php/2006/11/04/wsj_on_white_horse_prophecy
ReplyDeleteWSJ on White Horse Prophecy
by Geoff B
“It would then be up to the (faithful) Mormon people, symbolized by a white horse to ride in and save the republic from collapsing. "I love the Constitution; it was made by the inspiration of God, and it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse," Smith purportedly told his followers, borrowing the white horse image from the apostle John in the Book of Revelation” (Rev.6:2).
Even the "false prophet" part, where God now sends you strong delusion (2 Thes.2:11, Rev. 12:9).
ReplyDeleteuncaduff, a word of wisdom.
ReplyDeleteMy son, contend not with the drunkard or the fool,for both hate reason.
Follow-up Reply to 2/12/2008 6:50 AM:
ReplyDeleteAs the farting of a bucking mare, so resoundeth the words of the false prophet proclaiming destruction upon the people. (anonymous proverbs)
As for the “false prophet” part, he is certainly no prophet to you, as Christ has no redemption unto life if you reject His word. So that too is certainly applicable to those whom “God shall send strong delusions, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thes. 2:11). If it is false to prophecy destruction upon the people, then you have now proclaimed Christ false:
“The husbandmen (the mainstream political and church leaders) said among themselves: This is the heir. Come, let us kill him, and the inheritance (UEP) shall be ours…What shall therefore the Lord of the vineyard do? He will come and DESTROY the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others (to inherit the earth): Mark 12:8-9
"I will also make it a possession for the bitter, and pools of water, and I will sweep it with the besom of DESTRUCTION, saith the Lord" (Is.14:23).
"And in that place they shall lift up their voices unto God against that people, yea unto Him whose anger is kindled against their wickedness, a people who are well nigh ripened for destruction" (D&C 61:31).
You pollute yourselves and he land, in your anger against God's Work and His Word. Therefore, it must be destroyed:
"And the nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great (that fear and obey God's law, not man's), and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth" (Rev.11:18).
Now come on, Street is defending his beliefs, the best way he knows how.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting Street's quoting scriptures from the Bible.
It is refreshing. The more Street studies the real scriptures from the Bible, maybe some truth will seep into his thick scull.
Question? Street why did Jesus walk and talk among the "sinners"?
Did Jesus and his disciples hide themselves in a compound?
Did he wait to be pure in heart behind lock gates before he assended to heaven?
A Nonny Mouse, hiding behind an anonymous gate, said:
ReplyDeleteNow come on, Street is defending his beliefs, the best way he knows how. I find it interesting Street's quoting scriptures from the Bible. It is refreshing. The more Street studies the real scriptures from the Bible, maybe some truth will seep into his thick scull. Question? Street why did Jesus walk and talk among the "sinners"? Did Jesus and his disciples hide themselves in a compound? Did he wait to be pure in heart behind lock gates before he assended to heaven?
2/12/2008 11:12 PM
Thank you so in regards to my thick scull. Everyone knows that’s far better than a jelly-fish like scull and spine of doctrine that reals to and fro like a drunken man, or a flimsy willy-nilly bowl of jelly blown about “by every wind of doctrine and the commandments of men that turn from the truth” (Eph.4:14, Titus 1:14).
You say that you find the Bible quotations “interesting and refreshing”, and in the same desperate gasp reject it outright, or you would know that both Jesus and Warren proclaimed against the Jews and Gentiles alike. Yes, they walked and talked among sinners, as I am doing now, and then they rejecting him, and the scripture says “HE HID HIMSELF” (John 8:59).
You persist to insist that it’s a sin to hide from the world, when Christ Himself commanded it of His saints in every age of the world, to “Come out of the world, O ye my people, and be not partakers of her sins” (Rev.18:4). So you've even branded your Redeemer as a sinner.
Even as heaven is hidden from the view of the earth, yet like the YFZ community, it is a light on a hill that cannot be hidden (Mt.5:14, Mark 7:24), but brings to light every dark and corrupt thing. Therefore, you call Christ a sin, and every Word that you find “interesting and refreshing”, you refute. Ye hypocrite! Every lover of God who remains, and of His Son and their successor upon the earth, are ashamed to behold such darkness of mind and soul.
“But when the husbandmen (churches) saw the son, they said among themselves, “This is the heir. Come, let us kill him , and let us seize on his inheritance (the UEP). When the Lord therefore cometh, what will He do unto those husbandmen? They said unto Him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men” (Matt.21:38).
Yes, as you question in your last gasp, He waited behind locked gates before ascending into heaven, which was the stone rolled before His tomb, “and they watched the gates day and night to kill Paul. Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall (Acts 9:24). Christ is now hidden behind twelve gates to this day (Rev.21:12), and has come. But your own gates, “the gates of hell, shall not prevail against His Church” nor its prophet.
The more Street studies the real scriptures from the Bible, maybe some truth will seep into his thick scull.
ReplyDeleteoptimism is a wonderful trait, but I fear it's in vain here. street is a pathetic causality of the war between priest craft and freedom.
2/13/2008 6:22 AM
ReplyDeleteOr, what you call "wonderful, interesting, and refreshing". Most people will see the gross inconsistencies of what you're saying here, my child. Street burps duff, and he vomits all over the forum. My my, such a mess.
Okay, Duffy, get off your duff and let's do this: Tell the folks here specifically what FLDS practice and belief is actually priestcraft so they can see the reasoning and the evidence for themselves. Just name one of two. We'll make it very easy for the little fella. No generalizations, and no unproved accusations. You don't want to beat that dead horse any more, or it'll wake up and give you a swift, how'd you put it: "as the farting of a bucking mare"? 2/12/2008 6:50 AM
If you can do it, fine. If not, then there you go. That says it all. So let's see you do it. Name one or two little morsels of doctrine or practice that the faithful continue in, in direct opposition to the Word of God. It is agreed, that would be a degree of priestcraft of the guilty party. Go ahead, we await your wisdom. The rest of you also, jump in here, help him out.
You are right of course uncaduff.
ReplyDeleteStreet likes to cherry pick scriptures to fit his twisted prophets beliefs.
Revelations:1:5 and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by his blood;
1:6 and he made us to be a kingdom, to be priests unto his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
Street John statement makes me a priestess. Go chew on that.
DITTO uncaduff
ReplyDeleteWhat! You want me to post something more dicey? I was in the grocery store the other day, in the produce department. I saw this fine specimen of a woman with racks that you wouldn’t believe. Well, you know me. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to inform as to the impropriety of changing what God has created, through implants. So I told her: Nice udders. You look like a cow. Holy cow, she picked up a watermelon and chucked it at me with the ferocity and velocity of a raging bull, but she was only a cow. Crimany, I was just trying to compliment the lady with a right honest assessment for her better judgment in the feucha. She ended up chasing me out of the store, but she couldn’t move very fast because her jugs got in the way. You ladies let that be a lesson to ya. Honor what God gives ya. Then it’ll be: “She loves you, yah yah yah”, not some raging udderly impossible lunatic who just happens to like melons.
streety babe, you develop tour little fantasy out of envy, or do you have an inconveniant attraction for your own gender?
I'm sorry Admin, but Street's whatever you call it takes the intelligence and interest out of this blog. Maybe it would help if he could have his own thread to post anything he wants to for whomsoever may be interested, and not be allowed to post just anywhere. Perhaps it would bring some of the intelligent posters back.
ReplyDeleteAs a veteran anonymous poster on this blog, the admin has given Street and his other selfs his own threads over the past years.
ReplyDeleteStreet Knockout or Iamcurious has been kicked off other blogs, because of his language, infact he was given his own thread on Polytalk and last I observed was banded again.
I suppose this blog is being moderated again because Street used gutter language and has to be monitored again.
Also, Street will not stay on his own thread, because he knows no one cares about his dribble.
My Opinion
This thread was about U. Lee Bistline. Can't we just talk without paying attention to street? Uncaduff, you grew up with U. Lee. Will you tell some stories about him?
ReplyDeleteAnyone else that knew him, I would love to hear your stories also.
No, I still post there, but I'm about the only one who does. It's like the remnant of Jacob. They flee!
ReplyDeleteOkay, back to the topic of this thread. Come on, people, stay on topic! Funeral is the topic, which is brought on by the weaknesses of the flesh, except that this great personage had fewer than most. So, in regard to the weaknesses of the flesh and that incident in the produce department:
LUST (1):
Hey, I complimented Miss Topsy-Turvy, udderly so, with a much humility as I could muster without acting like a hot-dog. Holie-molie, I just didn’t expect that a bovine could turn on you that fast, just to defend her spacious milkie way. I felt like singing “O Say Can You See”, cause it had to be blocking her view of the world.
So I felt quite patriotic in defending a woman’s natural goodness, but my goodness: Implants are not natural. They take a knife to you, and cut nerves that numb the breast and leave the poor lady without feeling. It is a crime against women, first to make them feel it necessary, and then to actually mutilate her. It is a state-sanctioned crime, like so many other crimes. It just makes the heavens weep, until the consumption decreed (Isaiah 10:22).
What is a woman’s natural goodness, anyway? “There is none good but the father”. That is the Christian Doctrine. Just ask Christ. He’ll tell you (Matt.19:17). There is my cleavage to cleave to. “Then shall a man leave his father, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh” (Gen.2:24). See, the woman wasn’t my wife, and “one flesh” is not a conscience of male and female. That’s two fleshes, sowing unto the corruption of the body (Gal.6:8). One flesh is the spiritual union (I Cor.15:40), for God is One or Own (Om). Do you see it, being swallowed up in the Lord and in trance with God’s Spirit, in a continue mindfulness and meditation? The conscience is no longer on the body or the earth, but the soul and spirit of heaven.
LUST (2):
ReplyDelete“Whoso looketh upon a woman in lust is an adulterer (Mt.5:28), and “shall deny the faith, and if he repents not, he shall be CAST OUT” (D&C 42:23, 63:16).
“Cleave” in Hebrew is Emeo: Spue, vomit, as dirt and filth cleave to the body. The woman or earth is the body, the filth, and the man or heaven is the spirit that leads her out of it, if he has the right good FLDS teaching and authority that gives him that spirit. Or else, all is corrupt and lost, just as the Lord says (Jer.50:6, Ezek.37:11, Rev.12:9). If the salt or teaching loses its savour or its bite, then it is lost (Matt. 5:13). Everyone knows that the FLDS doctrine and teaching and practice BITES.
Cleave: Emeo: Spue, vomit. So this is how we cleave unto our wives, according to the Christian doctrine, by spuing or spurning her sexuality, and lifting her up. “Touch not the fruit in the midst of the Tree, lest ye die” (Gen.2:17, 3:3), for she is unclean (Lev.15:18-19, 31-33, Luke 8:43). The midst of our tree or personage is half-way between our feet and our crown. Only the father is clean, saith the Lord (Mt.19:17), leading godly men into godhood. So is not all else evil, if only the father is good, and those whom he lifts up by his righteousness? Of course. We can all see that it’s so.
The father, a good man, cleaves to his wife in fulfillment of the Word (Gen.2:24), only if he is truly good by casting off all evil, and she allows herself to be cleansed body, mind, and soul, rejecting all that is worldly. Then they twain become one, and she cleaves unto him and he unto her, in the heavenly light. The cleavage lifts her up to the level of her shining knight (night), into the light of day, heaven’s light. “Then ye are gods” (John 10:34).
2/16/2008 1:58 PM
ReplyDeleteIt's called string-theory. Life flows out everywhere, by which life forms are developed.
Quite an opinion or theory you got there, chum.
Lee Bistline thread
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
As a veteran anonymous poster on this blog, the admin has given Street and his other selfs his own threads over the past years.
Street Knockout or Iamcurious has been kicked off other blogs, because of his language, infact he was given his own thread on Polytalk and last I observed was banded again.
I suppose this blog is being moderated again because Street used gutter language and has to be monitored again.
Also, Street will not stay on his own thread, because he knows no one cares about his dribble.
My Opinion
2/16/2008 1:58 PM
No, I still post there, but I'm about the only one who does. It's like the remnant of Jacob. They flee!
Okay, back to the topic of this thread. Come on, people, stay on topic! Funeral is the topic, which is brought on by the weaknesses of the flesh, except that this great personage had fewer than most. So, in regard to the weaknesses of the flesh and that incident in the produce department:
LUST (1):
Hey, I complimented Miss Topsy-Turvy, udderly so, with a much humility as I could muster without acting like a hot-dog. Holie-molie, I just didn’t expect that a bovine could turn on you that fast, just to defend her spacious milkie way. I felt like singing “O Say Can You See”, cause it had to be blocking her view of the world. So I felt quite patriotic in defending a woman’s natural goodness, but my goodness: Implants are not natural. They take a knife to you, and cut nerves that numb the breast and leave the poor lady without feeling. It is a crime against women, first to make them feel it necessary, and then to actually mutilate her. It is a state-sanctioned crime, like so many other crimes. It just makes the heavens weep, until the consumption decreed (Isaiah 10:22).
What is a woman’s natural goodness, anyway? “There is none good but the father”. That is the Christian Doctrine. Just ask Christ. He’ll tell you (Matt.19:17). There is my cleavage to cleave to. “Then shall a man leave his father, and cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh” (Gen.2:24). See, the woman wasn’t my wife, and “one flesh” is not a conscience of male and female. That’s two fleshes, sowing unto the corruption of the body (Gal.6:8). One flesh is the spiritual union (I Cor.15:40), for God is One or Own (Om). Do you see it, being swallowed up in the Lord and in trance with God’s Spirit, in a continue mindfulness and meditation? The conscience is no longer on the body or the earth, but the soul and spirit of heaven.
Ahummm, youhoo. The street waves up and down like the quaking asp of a drunken woman, her bosom darting from floor to ceiling in perpetual motion, until its reverberation knocks a hole in the roof:
ReplyDeleteHey! What is Texas hiding from? I posted an article on Lust, and your blog admin refused to post it, except part of it out of context. What kind of scam are you people pulling, and what kind of guilt are you hiding from? It’s the Word of God to guard against the lusts of the flesh, and you don’t want people to see it? Why?
Well, you can read it all on the Polyg Talk forum, under Street’s “wisdom” (Texas Blog Deletions), and other forums. Hey admin, your zipper’s open.
do you even know "Dear Uncle Lee", or are you just pandering. I hear the funeral is in St.George, which seems to indicate that you really don't know him at all, or you'd know that he too has been sent on a repenting mission, which is a fine mission to be on in Lee's opinion.
I hear your on "a repenting mission"
yourself street. so why the hell don't you repent? our prophet is in prison for the Gospel's sake, and you abuse his name every time you use it in the same paragraph with all the filth you spew from your vile mouth. you don't do him any good when you make of him a laughing stock among the Gentiles with your mindless gibberish and vile verbiage.
ReplyDeleteHey, thanks Admin. You kind of threw things out of kilter when you started mixing things up. But you quickly got sober and corrected it good enough (hiccup). You guys are okay.
Anyone else that knew him, I would love to hear your stories also.
2/16/2008 2:18 PM
It's been nearly 20-hours since that request. I'm sure that somebody has something more to say about Uncle Lee, or are holding it dearly in their hearts. I sure do. Yes, I knew him quite well, enough to know that he is a big man with a big heart and a quiet demeanor.
As a school board member, he sometimes came to the school. His great big smiling face always impressed us little guys and gals, every one of us. Whenever we had dinners or other school events, Uncle Roy and Uncle Rulon referred to special seating for the dignitaries. That’s Uncle Lee, and other top leaders in the Work, that they were referring to. He’s always a dignitary, and very dignified. The Bistlines are a great family, and Uncle Lee will always be with us. I love you all.
ReplyDeleteI hear your on "a repenting mission"
yourself street. so why the hell don't you repent? our prophet is in prison for the Gospel's sake, and you abuse his name every time you use it in the same paragraph with all the filth you spew from your vile mouth. you don't do him any good when you make of him a laughing stock among the Gentiles with your mindless gibberish and vile verbiage. 2/17/2008 7:51 AM
Well, that was kind of a vile and mindless reply, but kind of you, for it is the work of God within us to stop the mind (mindless), to stop the flow of thoughts, the storm within, and be still. It is mindlessness for the mindless and mindfulness for the mindful, vulgarity for the vulgar and refinement for the refined. We all try to follow our Lord Jesus and His Way. What is His Way: “The Sheep vs the dogs, and fine linen vs the dung”. He speaks of all of these things, what you call “vulgar”, as we all know full well. So we all do well to do the same, to make that contrast, in order to follow Him.
That is my repenting mission. Your spewing filth by calling it vile, and asking “why the hell”, and showing forth such bitterness of soul in the same breath that you speak of our dear prophet’s good memory puts the reproach upon you in seeking to reproach a brother who is researching the Word of God, while God Himself “upbraideth not” (James 1:5). Then you speak of “doing him any good”, while Christ Himself corrects you by reminding you that “there is none good but the Father” (Mt.19:17). Who are we to think that we are so good that we “can add one cubit to his stature” (Mt.6:27).
“Many will say unto me in that day: Lord Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy name, and in Thy name have cast out devils, and in Thy name done many wonderful works. And then will I profess unto them: I never knew you. Depart from me, ye that work iniquity”.
Speaking of one who notices women: I remember one time in a restaurant, the boy Christ was with an old Rabbi who asked him what he thought about that lusty thing across the isle. Now Jesus didn’t even speak of her breasts, or her sway, or her swagger. No, His focus was on the eye (eye on the ball). Says He: Nah, her eye lashes are too long”. Yet, ever with that, the self-righteous and evil man tore into him like that cow that thought she was a raging bull. You must remember that “tit” is the Hebrew letter Tet, which means “concealed good”. Now, when you have a doctor, like a taxidermist, stuff your breasts so full of garbage that they are no longer concealed, then it is fair game to banter about, to oppose evil, to bring the truth to the minds of others who are so seeking to overcome and to serve the Lord.
Such a man is Uncle Lee.
ReplyDeleteWould you be kind enough to email me at smallone81@gmail.com?
How does one become a member of the FLDS church? My wife and I are regular LDS right now. I went through Colorado City one time and it was like Heaven on Earth
ReplyDeleteJust a Small One said...
ReplyDeleteThis thread was about U. Lee Bistline. Can't we just talk without paying attention to street? 2/16/2008 2:18 PM
See, you've already voted. Don't pay attention to him, and the sting of truth might go away.
Yes, and if you have't done it,
ReplyDeleteI Suggest you take a day,
A month, a year, whatever it may take,
And pay a little visit to SmallTown, USA
Lee Bistline wasn't the first person to be striped of his family and then after his death have a good "priesthood" funeral with all the proper pomp and ceremony.
ReplyDeleteWarren did that to uncle Fred, too. And then there is the inscription on Uncle Fred's headstone: A perfect priesthood man. That kind of deception just makes me sick.
God bless all those children who were unable to attend their own father's funeral. May you be comforted. I know I will have to share your fate in the near future.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the FLDS take converts. they consider their own newborn children their only converts.
Their own young men get kicked out for something as simple as giving a girl a necklace. Or watching a movie.
The FLDS have had spies act as potential converts and are a little gun-shy now toward accepting outsiders.
ReplyDeleteThere are at least three groups in Colorado City and very likely the Centennial Park group and the Ianthus Barlow group accept converts, although the biggest group probably does not.
Most definately the Centennial Parkers accept converts. Just look at the wives of the Joe Knudson.
ReplyDeleteAnd others.
they all will accept converts, with money or daughters.