FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Noreen Nielsen Birk Jeffs Funeral
Funeral held Friday at the LSJ Meeting House. She was Wendell Nielsens sister and has been in bad health for a while. It is always nice to hear about events at the time they happen than to hear it down the road a couple years. I don't think she was even living in CC. Wonder where she was living and why they had her funeral here? I sure liked her alot, this is one of the funerals that I would like to be able to go to.
Thank you, Rumor. I was close to Noreen a few years back, and I am sad to hear she is gone. I am so glad you posted about the funeral.
ReplyDeleteI know Noreen has had Alsheimers' for the past few years and hasn't really been herslef. I am comforted to know her suffering is over. May she find peace.
I met Noreen many years ago but did not know her.
ReplyDeleteJust a couple of questions. Does anyone know if Wendell attended his sister's funeral? Which Jeffs was she married to?
She was married to Uncle Rulon, what few times I met her, She was a joy to be around.
ReplyDeleteShe had a boy from a preivious marrage and I am not sure if she joined the religion later in life or what happend with the guys father. But the Guy was living here and married to two women. He is a Birk but he goes by Jeffs. I don't remember his name. It might be Clayton
ReplyDeleteYes, his name is Clayton.
ReplyDeleteIs the funeral this Friday, the 7th?
ReplyDeleteHelp me here, Norene has other children who would like to know about her. You seem to know more than anyone they have talked to. When did she die, really and where and when was the funeral? July 7th was mentioned or was it last friday?
ReplyDeleteShe was a very nice person to be around. The Lord bless her memory. She was generous and kind, and a joy to be around. I certainly hope that her last days were not in pain. I love you Aunt Noreen!
ReplyDeleteI love you too Paul. Repent and do better. Your back is to the Priesthood.
ReplyDeleteWith all my heart,
Aunt Noreen
ReplyDeleteDon't play with people like that!!
I suppose there is no obituary.
ReplyDeleteShe seemed to be well liked.
How old was she and how many children and grandchildren did she have?
I suppose she a homemaker, but did she have any special talents, like sewing, writing or was she an encourager.
That is a special gift God gives.
1:12- Repent and do better.and pray God shows you more mercy than you have shown Paul.You reap exactly what
ReplyDeleteyou sow.
Thank you, Jeff, I appreciate what you said!
ReplyDeleteWould it be nice for people to let all people believe in what they want to believe? I appreciate people that do just what they say. I appreciate people that don't judge you because of past issues. If we could live by D & C 121, it would be wonderful! Bless everyone who is determined to do what Uncle Roy said: "Love the Lord They God with all your might, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as your self. On these two commandments hang all the law and the Gospel." God bless you all, and I hope and pray that all of you can get the desires of your hearts. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNorene was born in Hyrm Utah May 28 1928. She was 79. She had six children, five with her first husband Lynn. Clayton with Bill. She has about 21 grandchildren. and 25 almost 27 greatgrandchildren not coulnting Clayton's. She was a regisered nurse, a homemaker, she wrote many poems, plays andstories. She had a great appriciation for beautiful music. Her greatest love was for little children. She worked with your little handicapped ones for many years. She was full of energy and love for all those around her and they loved her back. She was a great photographer and loved to travel and see the beautites of nature. Those of us who loved her will miss her more than you can imagine. Love you Mom
ReplyDeleteThank you, Noreen's child who wrote this! Were you allowed to attend the funeral? I really wanted to go, but I didn't know when it was, or if I would be allowed to enter. Please share with us if you can! I really loved your mom. I used to work with her (off and on)when she taught the special needs pre-school. What a gem she was! I can't think of anyone that did the job with more love than she did...she was perfect for the job! What a sweetheart she was! I will forever miss her sparkling eyes and dimpled smile! My heart goes out to you at this time in your life, may God bless you in your time of loss.
ReplyDeleteAn old friend
We were not notified of her death let alone her funeral. I really thought Clayton or Wendell would have called us. Thanks to all of you for your kind thoughts and sharing them.
ReplyDeleteLost Child, my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry that you were not notified. If it gives you any comfort at all, please do not blame Clayton or Wendell for not notifying you. They are living in extreme terror of doing something to displease Warren. He still is exercising a death grip over the people and a wrong look or glance will deprive people of their reason to live.
ReplyDeleteDown the road, I pray, you will be able to talk to Clayton about this and he will confirm that he was too petrified to call you.
In my case, I have reason to suspect that my husband's mother, to whom he and I were both very close, is dead. But we have absolutely no way of finding out or having any closure.
At least now you know that she is free from the chaos that is now Warren's Death Camp. I, personally, would take great comfort in that.
God bless you. Once again, please accept my condolences, and hold no bitterness in your heart toward your brother. He is in complete crisis and survival mode. If anything, he deserves your compassion.
If it makes you feel better, Noreen talked at length about the last time she went to see you. She loved it and held the memories close to her heart.
I wish you all the best.
I sincerely doubt Wendell has any extreme fear of Warren.
ReplyDeleteWendell N. is part of the problem.
Anon 12:40, thank you for your encouraging words for Noreen's offspring. I believe along with you that someday this madness will end. We all just need to stick together and stay encouraged so we can help our loved ones "de-program" when its all over.
ReplyDeleteI am wondering, have you tried checking to see if there is a death certificate for your MIL? I believe that it is a matter of public record, if I am not mistaken. I wish you good luck on your search.
Anon 5:40, That is not true about Wendell. Warren wants him out, too. He has always been very jealous of him and the relationship Wendell had with his dad. He is walking a fine line along with the rest of them, just trying to stay out of the cross-hairs. I don't know why everyone doesn't catch on that Warren isn't running things anymore. Merril Jessop and Lyle Jeffs and the Allred Brothers (David and Guy) are calling the shots now, under the "direction" of Warren. But they know that Warren has lost it mentally, and so now they are doing things on their own. Which is worse? Frying pan to the fire scenario. Hell is hell, no matter which devil is in charge.
ReplyDeleteanon 10:14,
ReplyDeleteIf you have any evidence that Merril, Lyle, and the Allreds are calling the shots, could you share it. I am very interested as I'm sure are many others. There are those of us still "in" who are greatly impacted by these things.
Warren is not mentally ill. He is cagey like a fox.
ReplyDeleteHe was checked by out by a court appointed doctors.
Warren is fit enough to stand trial.
Go read for yourself. Knowledge is power.
Merril, Wendell, Lyle and Allreds are just following the game plan.
Milking the fearful faithful for the "perfect".
P.S. Why are all the FLDS purchasing I Phones?
do you mean iPhones?
ReplyDeleteanon 2:12.
ReplyDeleteif you still believe that guidance for your personal life depends on some man,rather than God,it doesn't matter whether its Warren, Merril ,Wendel or Jack the ripper, your going to be used for A purpose other than what God intended for you.
How do you know they are purchasing iPhones?
ReplyDeleteWhy is EVERYONE purchasing iPhones? Duh!! They are new, cool, top of the line items! Why should the FLDS be any different? Stupid question.
ReplyDeleteUtah Polygamists Snap Up iPhones
ReplyDeletePolygamists in southern Utah, northern Arizona and Nevada camp out to be first in line to buy iPhones
Computer & Technology
PR-inside.com - Vienna, Austria
LAS VEGAS, NV -- Several hundred polygamists from Utah camped out over night at AT&T stores in Las Vegas, Flagstaff, AZ, and St. George, UT in order to buy up as many iPhones as possible. Fights nearly broke out in Vegas as would be iPhone purchasers became irate as they realized nearly all iPhones were bought by Utah polygamists.
"We weren't sure who this group of people dressed sorta like nnonites were. There were not only adults, but dozens of teenage children. When other customers complained that there was a huge line of these people, preventing anyone else from buying iPhones, there wasn't much we could do about. They did line up first," said Ben Levy, customer at the Woodlands Village AT&T store in Flagstaff, Arizona.
"I didn't think polygamists were allowed to use technology, but I guess they're not like the Amish," said John Cantor, iPhone purchaser who was one of the lucky few to get an iPhone after the olygamists bought up most of the iPhones at the Henderson, Nevada AT&T store. In fact, when polygamist prophet Warren Jeffs was apprehended by the FBI last year, he had several Apple iPods in his possession. Apparently, the Utah polygamists are a fan of Apple products. It is unclear what these Utah olygamists plan to do with all of these iPhones as they refused to
speak to any reporters about their new iPhones. Perhaps they were taking the moniker "Jesus Phone" a little too seriously.
Now it might be a prank story, but check out the website PR-inside.com June 30, 2007.
Christians rely on the Holy Ghost,Warrenits need an iphone... the Lord must be going hi tec.
Perhaps it is the only way to get the revelations from the "man in the other room." Cool think is, they can even be downloaded in color.
ReplyDeleteHey, the lord moves in mysterious ways, or was it secretive ways?......I feel the sudden need to go study some more of the "higher, fine tuned trainings."
If I'm faithful, perhaps I will be worthy of an iPhone with the contacts to my salvation.
it used to be "the red telephone to Jesus" guess ya cant stop progress.
"There is a way to tell whether the Priesthood is leading us correctly or not. We have the records that have been handed down to us from generation to generation--the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Pearl of Great Price telling of the ancient faith.
ReplyDeleteYou can compare it with the teachings of the Priesthood today, and you will find no confliction. You will find that it adds up. So let us become converted to the principles of salvation and put them into practice in our lives, that we might be able to withstand the tests that are coming upon this people.
These words were given by President Heber C. Kimball upon one occasion, "A test, a test, a test is coming, and who will be able to stand the test." LSJ SLC 12-2-62
WoW!! Did you hear about them SALT LAKERS?? A lot of them got IPHONE'S!! Something must be up!!
ReplyDeleteWoW!! some St. Georgian's Got Some TOO!!
What about the NEW YORKERS??
What about the Californian's?? Any of Them git IPHONE'S??
Good Hell !!!
Give it a rest will you?
Why are you so upset about talking about iphones?
ReplyDeleteGood Hell, nothing is good about Hell.
OK smarty britches what do you want to talk about?
Who is going to Hell?
LOl. iitmoc- that was good.
ReplyDelete1:12- Everything is good in hell- duh! (I'm going to be there!)
Pass the beer. See you there! :D
(Yes, I'm being sarcastic- I don't mean to offend anyone.)
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
ReplyDelete--Ben Franklin
Hey, at least in Hell, you know the people around you aren't saints. In heaven, you have to wonder if the hidden skeletons aren't worse than that of those in hell.
hey anon, wheredya git the Ben Franklin quote? I need that ref.
ReplyDeleteMy reference for that quote was a t-shirt.
ownt care who said it, it's true.
Must be true, here is what the Doctrine & Covenants says about beer (Utah beer being particularly "mild" :)
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, wheat for man, and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls and for swine, and for all beasts of the field and barley for all useful animals, AND FOR MILD DRINKS, as also other grain. (D&C 89:17)
OK, how did this thread get hijacked from remembering a dear woman and mother to beer?
ReplyDeleteForgive me, that would be my fault.
FYI- All the threads get hijacked and most end off topic. Some topics aren't important enough to start a whole new thread over. What can I say- we like to communicate with each other. :D
I apologize if you think this is desicrating 'Aunt' Noreen's memory. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that was not my intention at all. Go back and read my first post about her on this thread. That should make you feel better.
No disrespect intended, just having a little fun. I apologize if it offended anyone.
So, if anyone is in CC I wonder what the reaction down there was to Norene's family coming for our own memorial service. The whole city was like a ghost town. We saw one woman. We left a few flowers on the grave. We are so grateful to have found out about her passing so we have some closure. Find this blog was a help to us. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am in CC, but I didn't know you all came down. I am so glad you did, and I am sorry you couldn't have come to her funeral. It was very peaceful and beautiful. Clayton gave a brief history of her life, which was very interesting. I feel better knowing you care enough to come and pay your respects. My condolences to you, she was a very dear lady and loved by all who knew her.
ReplyDeleteSo, anonymous in CC, who conducted the funeral?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteVery nice article by Brooke Adams about Norene in the SL Trib today:
ReplyDeleteSeparated by polygamy, reunited by death
Chad? Where are you? How are you doing? I would like to reconnect with you!
ReplyDeleteAn old friend
Here I am and would love to hear from an old friend. Post again so I know you're around and I'll get an email address to you.
ReplyDeletebbgae, do I know you?
Hey Chad! Another old friend here! Post an email! I would love to here from you!
ReplyDeleteYou can reach me at teemeup36@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHey chad, don't get mad, get glad (smilie).
ReplyDeleteCan anyone describe what her funeral was like? Are they like LDS funerals, or is the ceremony more personal? What family members were there? Did they dress up for the event?