FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs may be serving life in prison, but his followers continue with their work on the YFZ Ranch near Eldorado, Texas where the group's white limestone Temple towers over the town they are building. Polygamy, the practice of plural marriage, appears to be alive and well in the Lone Star State, despite laws to the contrary.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The FBI says fugitive polygamist Mormon sect leader Warren Steed Jeffs has been arrested in Las Vegas, The Associated Press reports.
So what now OTS? How do you think your prophet will do now that he has been caught. He'll get a fair trial, but I highly doubt he'll come out on top. A good man doesn't run. A good man would have turned himself in and allow God to protect him.
mr humble prophet himself you'd think at least he would have chosen a honda minivan or equivalent but no, he needed a flashy red cadillac the ride prefered by 4 out of 5 gang leaders, pimps and NBA all-stars everywhere. ... just add spinners and away you go
what a jerk
...are any of you FLDS paying attention here? hope so
Excellent news, everyone happy in Eldorado, no Waco, very good, well that Felonious prophet will get to sing those jailhouse blues, bet no bond on this one. HA!HA! HA!
Eat crow there OTS, your master that, lord of flies, is in cellblock now!
Jeffs has been arrested and is being held awaiting a determination of which State has the strongest case against him. After all the state trials he still faces Federal Charges of Flight to Avoid Prosecution.
I am so thankful that the arrest was without violence. The red Cadillac is remarkable in that it proves the point that the best place to hide is in a crowd. Yes, the Caddy was very visible but, who would think that a man on the run would be riding around in such an unusually obvious vehicle? the criminal mind (influenced by Satan) tells the criminal that he is above the law, that ruls don't apply to him. In truth, most arrests are due to stupid errors made by the criminal, eg. dealer's plates and they not being visible to the Highway Trooper. Case proven, enough said.
Now, it will be interesting to see if he can equate the work of God as demonstrated in Acts 5:19 & Acts 16:23-31. Come tomorrow morning I believe that he will still be in jail.
On www.kutv.com, it shows some footage of radios, cell phones, laptops, etc. Those radios are very likely ones that I was involved in modifying with a scrambling circuit to help prevent eavesdropping.
It would be my guess that there will be more New Orleans people helping the Victums in the Hurrican just hitting Floria then there will be any others, because they know what if feels like to lose. And once a person loses they generally have compasity to help others; when blessings are heaped on people they tend to set themselfs up on a pedistle and critazise others because they have some riches. It is written; those who will not give there all for the Kingdom of God are not worthy of the Kingdom of God. There was a lot of People who died in this storm in New Orleans just because of red tape that it appeared there was no concern for the welfare of the people; just government red tape to figure out a bit of help. No one knows when a storm or disaster will hit upon there home town, or when other tradgedy's will hit. It does us all God to leave Judgement to God, for he said Vengance is mine and I shall repay. And there is a perfect certian amount of time alloted to all men and then they go on to the next life. And Who did you help? What did you give your fellow men? And what will you reap?
Law Enforcement Do what is right! Don't let anyone kill him in jail. We are more concerned about the leut. under him, than him. Just don't let him die a martyr.
It is about time for him to answer for what he has done. However he has unlimited money. I doubt we will ever hear his side of the story.
how sad that his victims didn't get to him first!!! i am glad, however another waco didn't occur. for all the faults i find with polygamy, children do not deserve to be punished for a mother's inability to close her legs!!!
Ain't that the truth, Darling. What a hypocrit. Too bad the Nevada police let him change into his nice white oxford "Mormon missionary" shirt.
The faithful followers need to see how Warren truly is. He is not living in squalor; he is not doing without. Warren is riding around in a BRAND NEW 2007 SHINEY FANCY CADILLAC SUV WITH ALL OF THE BELLS AN WHISTLES. And the faithful followers are working extremely hard and doing without food and other necessities themselves to pay for that.
A paper license tag, a salad and stories that didn't make sense pricked the suspicions of a state trooper who stopped the car of a fugitive polygamist. But it was the pumping carotid artery in the neck of Warren Steed Jeffs that convinced Patrolman Eddie Dutchover that he had someone big.
OTS If you are not Warren Jeffs, then come forward and prove it. You write with the same confusing insane thinking that Warren used to govern the FLDS. I don't think things will change for the FLDS fast but we will see. OTS Who are you? Are you a coward like Jeffs or are Jeffs?
Yeah Darling, Too bad the faithful followers didn't see Warren's mug shot in the newspapers with him wearing his tank top and Speedo shorts.
They need to see how he really lives - lavishly, vulgarly, greedily, excessively, etc.
He is not a righteous man. Warren is a con-artist and a fraud who feeds off of thousands of faithful followers who go without while Warren just takes and takes and takes.
Warren Jeffs is the devil incarnate.
Please wake up people and realize that you are being used to support the greed and selfishness of Warren the Terrible.
Your comparison is immignative but totally irrevelant to anything that is actual or real. Your poor demented mind has departed upon a journey into the far reaches of madness. Your intent is to spiritualize the events currently being demonstrated by the laws of this land. Law enforcement officers, having apprehended a criminal, who ran to avoid the consequences of his perfidity in no way reflects the diety and devotion to his task as did Jesus. Jesus didn't deny whom he was when the temple guards came to take him before the Sanhedrin. Jesus didn't give the guards a false identity. The Keys in Warren's possession were not to anything but the ignition switches of ten NEW High Dollar luxury automobiles one of which was a Porche, a sports car, not even a SUV, van, or sedan. This alone is indicative of Jeffs real purpose in life, to fool his followers and let them pay his bills.
Your post makes me think that perhaps you have been on a three day trip smoking opium, talk about halucinations!
When you come down off your dope induced high, check into the nearest mental institution. If you want to bunk with the prophet you won't be able to do so. Your lover is locked up tight.
Well ole OTS sounds like he's been getting his spritual revelations from the same spritual avisors that The lord of Flies-Warren Jeffs uses. Captain Morgan, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam & Wild Turkey.
Eat crow there OTS, your lord & master Felonious Prophet Jeffs is busted, did you see him in chains like the common criminal he is. HA! HA HA! Hey OTS your posts will sound at least somewhat logical if you lay off the bong dude!
If warren had come into a church filled with priests and shot them up.
I imagine that you would use verse number 63 'Jesus held his peace', meaning piece, meaning weapon, meaning Jesus carried a weapon to slay the priests with.
That's pretty much what you do to every scripture you use - twist it, torque it until you completely misrepresent what it said.
Warren thought he would never be arrested, that God wouldn't let it happen. He flaunted his freedom and it caught up with him. I'll bet he's been up and down that stretch of I-15 a 100 times over the last year. This was just another evening drive up to Mesquite, St.George, or CC to marry off a couple of young ones.
He shouldn't have listened to Sam. Sam really pushed to make the people believe they were not bound by the law of the land; that they had to marry young women in spite of the laws; that young people must be kicked out for listening to rock music; and that grown men should have their families taken from them.
that is a great big if! and you talk like you really know. It would do you well to not judge a man by lies. was you a witness to the accusations? can you say of a truth the media portrayed the truth? can you say that the witnesses who have accused him speak truth upon there lips. Many people have been accused of a great many things and many have died. in truth all men die. and right now as we speak men are dieing in another country as they are shot and killed. bombed and were they really guilty of a crime, or is our president trying to throw athority?
and was it known of assurady that the people who died in the twin towers were quilty of a crime? but needless to say, they are dead.
Can you then prove any thing in this case? Look at what happened in Waco as this young child was shot and left to die in the front of his house. Was he guilty of a crime? he is dead none the less. And who did pull the trigger? and did it make the man who shot this boy less inacent because a man's family was shot for religion? why did the feds go to such great leanths to shoot them all. why not take him in and prosicute him.
and can you say of truth that you know this man was guilty of a crime? if he was why was the place these people died buried in with backhoes.
I say it is wise to not judge what you know nothing about.
and never forget this one bit of truth; there was no guns found with or around this man.
so be careful not to judge an inaccent man with things you know nothing about. and IF's can be imagined greatly. needless to say he did not do any thing related to your hum-bugger IF............. neither did i for that matter, though i also was accused.
Atar_i's supposition is completely true and you FLDS are missing her whole point.
The point of the post is to call to attention the matter in which single words are taken out of a sentence and given new definition totaly out of keeping with the point of discussion. You people can never defend your position rationally. You have to go into some sort of out-of-your-mind re-defining of simple words. Your whole purpose is to answer with a lot of words but to not really say anything. Much language, no meaning. Mumbo-Jumbo, just like the writings of Joseph Smith, a lie within a fabrication within deceipt, within slight-of-hand, surrounded by another bigger lie.
Please clarify how Street's worship of Jeffs and his convoluted interpetition of scripture fit into the pattern.
I'd really like to know just where these 'out-of-mind' quotations originate. Are they the product of street only or is he actually quoting from some authentic FLDS documentation considered as holy writ?
I was specifically responding to street - and the way he twists words into whatever he wants them to be. I wasn't meaning to intimate that warren had a gun, or was actually planning to shoot anyone.
that is why i like you Atari. Apologies are accepted;
and as for my opinion of street, some times it is sensible some times it is not.
as to the doctrine of our church, we follow the book of mormon. In truth the word Mormon means more good. It is two other words from other languages; mor-meaning more and mon-meaning good. therefore a true mormon would only be doing more good. and the minuet a person begins to not be doing more good they need repentance.
we believe in the book of mormon and the bible. We believe all that God has revealed and all that he will yet reveal and it is all explained in the book of mormon. Even the bible. so agian, i guess i owe an apolagy too. keep sweet and do more good.
There was no reports of guns being in the car in which Warren was traveling. There were: three wigs (female), several cell phones, several scrambled telephones, some lap-top computers, a collection of knives, 57 - 60 thousannd dollars in cash and a lot of mail addresed to President Jeffs.
The name on the vehicle registration did not match the name of the driver. Warren Jeffs presented a receipt from an optomitrist located in Florida as his identity. The name on the receipt was not Warren Jeffs.
Jeffs was wearing shorts and a tee shirt. His female companion, Naomi Jessup was wearing jeans. No mention was made of the apparel of the driver.
The trooper stopped the car because the numbers on the dealer tag were not legible. Jeffs, when searched was found to have keys to ten new vehicles, one of which was a German sports Car, A Porsche, designed for only one passenger plus a driver. All this information is available in most area newspapers plus has been on television.
At his hearing Jeffs did not oppose his being extridited to Utah for trial. He appeared before the court in shackles, a chain about his waist and each hand cuffed. I couldn't see his feet but his short stride and appearance of shuffling led me to believe that he also was shackled at his feet. His demenor was quiet and subdued.
He appeared to be under stress and somewhat confused. There were no signs of his having been abused, no visible bruses or cuts. He was brought before the judge under the guard of several policemen and a swat team. I feel sure that there purpose was not so much to guard Jeffs as it was to protect him from the rage of someone in the crowd.
why was warren riding in a brand new 2007 RED cadillac escalade? Why did he state his name was Findley? Why was he in shorts and a short sleeve shirt? Why was Naomi in pants?
How do the FLDS rationalize not on the the prophet being out of acceptable dress, but Naomi? How do you rationalize the red?
Does anyone know why red was unnacceptable - what was said about not using it?
I think atar_i's questions are reasonable and to an individual who is willing to answer questions with truthful answers not at all difficult to answer. You are just up to your old confused tricks ots. Your leader has been caught under a set of circumstances unfavorable to his position. Instead of acceptance of the facts, reported by not just one but a host of newspapers, radio and television stations is just not acceptable to you. Were you there? Did you observe just what happened first hand? Did you follow the police to their headquarters and observe the booking procedure? Were you in the courtroom when magistrial law was practiced? Jeffs received the same equal justice before the law as would any other person in a like position. Only his infamy sparked the presence of so many news-persons and cameras. Had he been an nonentity the proceedure he faced would have been no different. This practice is known as equal justice under the law. There are no favorites.
Talk about brain-washed!!!! Are you ever going to accept the fact that there are real facts and then there is your fantasy version?
I am stuck OTS because people give me answers that don't make sense.
Any guy who is 6'4 and 155 lbs is going to ATTRACT MORE STARES WEARING SHORTS.
I cannot see any rationale (other than comfort) for wearing shorts.
And the RED Escalade - doesn't that STAND OUT MORE, than say Blue?
And the Porsche?
The way I look at it. Your prophet can do whatever he wants. Violate as many laws (both spiritual, federal and state) as he wants - and still be right.
He'll be right, not because he is, but because his followers have his pedestal so high, they can rationalize anything he does.
I'm certain if he slept with a prostitute it would either be 'a lie' or they could find some reason he needed to do it, and find a spiritual twist.
If he robbed a bank, stole a car, raped a girl, molested a boy, torched a house, had an orgy, ran an adult video store, used drugs, drank heavily - it wouldn't matter.
None of it would matter, IS THERE ANYTHING HE COULD DO THAT WOULD OFFEND YOUR SENSIBILITIES to the point that you would not follow him?
If that is so, then you follow a fallible man, and not an infallible God.
If only you could speak clearly OTS, parables would be great - but I think you're the man frothing in the street spewing obscenities who needs Jesus healing touch for all the evil spirits to drain out of you.
OTS, CTR and any other FLDS apologetic on this blog:
I must assume that what you post is what you believe (your values). I think it would be helpful to those on the blog if you would give what your values are based on.
What are your values based on? Are they based on principles that never change, or are they based on some ones ideals (revelation) which requires constant revision(more revelation) to keep them somewhat relevant? I find it interesting that in the good books, it is easy to find examples of the “golden rule” and “the law of the harvest” (you reap what you sow) as well as principles such as honesty, integrity, and love and the scripture need not be twisted, taken out of context, or added to with “modern revelation” to make it relevant to the here and now. The other thing I find even more interesting is the idea (value) of who has the right to “rule” over His (the Lord’s) children on earth and that a single man on earth is God’s only way of communication with His children. To support this idea (value) a lot of scripture must be modified, twisted and added to with “modern” revelation.
I am asking you to clarify what you base your values on because the values you have been posting make little sense in many ways and are very unclear and contradicting in other ways. Perhaps you don't understand yet that the Earth and everything the Lord has created runs on very simple principles, and they never change. The word of the Lord never changes... then why must the revelations that the “one man” who "speaks" for the Lord constantly be modified if they are the words of the Lord? Why must the written word of the Lord be constantly pulled out of context, twisted and changed to fit a new circumstance? Could it possibly be that they are not in alignment with the principles the Lord has established?
Your values effect your choices and actions, but principles always control the outcome of those actions. If you are unhappy with the outcome of an action (saying that you are the focus of religious persecution), don't look to be a victim and blame it on someone or something else. Look inward and see what principle has been violated and needs to be corrected to achieve the desired result (unless the desired result is persecution). Remember, a worthy end can never be accomplished with an unworthy means. You can’t lie (or any other compromise) for the “prophet” and not be considered a liar and untrustworthy by the Lord.
Those who are now justifying Warren Jeffs and saying that the condition he is now in is only religious persecution need to think about this:... Warren's goal was to have a “perfect” people. He was casting out men and boys who were “compromising”. Now, we must take as a basis for this discussion that Joseph Smith revealed the word of God. Joseph revealed in sec 58 of the Doctrine & Covenants that if a man was living according to the laws of God, he had no need to break the laws of the land. But, did not Warren “compromise” this revelation by marring underage girls (which is against the law)? And if he was unaware of this law (although ignorance is a poor excuse) why did he hide? Now that this law was compromised, the result of his actions (as you sow, so shall you reap) the law was looking for him. To avoid being caught in the first compromise he compromised a value in the FLDS religion and didn’t have on his long clothes so as to better blend into the "gentile" world. Two wrongs or compromises don’t make a right. And then to lie to the officer about his name, does that not make him a liar? WHAT SOUND PRINCIPLE CAN YOU JUSTIFY THESE ACTIONS ON?
Warren is in jail for his own actions, not for religious persecution. I feel bad that he is there and that he has made the choices he has, but HE IS THE ONE WHO MADE THOSE CHOICES!
Remember, any time you think the problem is out there (meaning you are not responsible), that very thought is the problem. If you feel “persecuted”, look inward and see why. If you say it is becuase you have refused to compromise principle, then why was the “prophet" caught in a compromise with the teachings of Joseph Smith (and to say Warren has any “authority” we must believe Joseph Smith spoke for the Lord) and in a compromise in the way he was dressed when caught.
All lasting values must and always have a base in unchanging principles.
That was a very intelligent and thought provolking post. Although I am not a believer in Mormon, you have made a much better argument for your position than has ots from day one. Your statements are logical and proceed toward an intelligent conclusion. You are not masking your thoughts in scraps of scripture taken from "who know where" and trying to pass it off as the word of God, nor are you attempting to claim that anyone in your heiarchy of church leadership is superior to any other believer. I appreciate your candor.
Since you are still "in", how are others in the FLDS reacting? How many accept the keys to a Porche and other luxury cars? How many accept him dressed in shorts and his wife in a tank-top? Are they denying ("media lies") or are they rationalizing it away?
Said; But, did not Warren “compromise” this revelation by marring underage girls (which is against the law)? And if he was unaware of this law (although ignorance is a poor excuse) why did he hide?
On warren's cassettes he clearly states he violates the law, but that god is protecting him or the faithful and overriding the law.
You apparently don't know the difference between a value (some ones ideas and ideals that govern their actions) and a principle (an unchanging, universal law).
You state you base your postings (which I must assume are your values and what you use to guide your actions in life) on the "trinity". The trinity is a value system, as it changes depending on whose version you use. Please clarify which version of the trinity is the one you base your values on. Is it from the Bible, Joseph Smith's version, or John Taylor's or Brigham Young’s. Or perhaps you base it of the Godhead sermon that Rulon Jeffs gave which has elements of all of these in it. Every one of these has variances in who was the father of whom and who/what held each position etc, etc.
Who is the “Father” in heaven? Who is Adam? Is Adam our “Father in Heaven” or is it Jesus Christ? Was Adam Christ’s son, or his father, or both son and father? Was it that Adam was both Christ’s son (before the world was created) and Christ’s father (on this earth after it was created) or the other way around? Or are the father, son, and Holy Ghost all the same person in different roles. Is Adam our “Father” or our brother? Do we pray to Adam or Christ or both? You will find versions to back up any of these positions(values)..
So please, ots, tell me which version you are using to help me better understand where you are coming from. You can't say all of them, because they all vary.
Why do I never meet any FLDS members at MENSA meetings, OR FLDS Women with Master's or PhD degrees? To follow a pedophile such as warren jeffs, one must have a very low IQ.
There were several women in the community with a masters degree in education. I knew a lot of really smart people in the community, several of which never even completed high school, but who were nonetheless involved in inventing some really high tech stuff and two of whom (that I know of) are involved in alternative engery sources and are WAY over the heads of any colllege professors. My point is that the problem there is not a low IQ situation but the complete stifling of the opportunity to be educated. There are a lot of people who, given the chance, could really blow the minds of the scientists. And, to be fair, there are some truly blonde ones there. Just like your town.
Blonde has nothing to do with anything. The pedophile jeffs is a raving racist and FLDS is considered a racial hate group by many. I can't stand racists and it wont be long before the Southern Poverty Law Center begins to file lawsuits against FLDS assets. How many NON Caucasians (Caucasian means "white people" for those in FLDS and do not know the meaning of the word) reside in Colorado City or Hilldale???? Not only are FLDS members pedophiles, but are Himmler-type racists also.
I don't believe for a minute that either atar_i or myself has ever questioned the intelligence of the mainstream FLDS. I do question their lack of initative to seek truth over hype. The poor people have been brainwashed and suffer from a diabolical and demonic leadership. I have no doubt that each, if not geneticaly impaired have an average or superior intelligence. They lack education and opportunity to develop themselves.
They may have 'ten' talents, but Jeffs & Co. don't even allow them to use one without the leadership exercising complete control over their lives and opportunities.
Tank top? I never said that, although I would like to know what she was wearing. I would also like to know where the story of the Porsche came from, because if it is true, it does not sit well with what Warren told me (a man who would own or drive such a car is the same type of man who would rape the daughters of Zion).
To the anon wondering how other who are still "in" are taking the news of warren;
To most of the members I have had contact with it is taboo to even talk about it. They are finally accepting the fact that he was arrested. Those who will acknowledge they heard or read the reports of how he was dressed so far think it is media hype and spin. To date, I have not heard any "rationalization" for his dress from FLDS faithful, but I am sure it will be coming.
It was not a tank top, but very close. Those who were there and saw Naomi described it as one of those Tshirts that has sleeves about an inch long. And yes, Warren did have the keys to a Porsche, I just don't know the model yet (perhaps the suv?)..
Oh, and lastly, you would never guess the amusement park in California they had just been to (based on the receipts in the vehicle). Perhaps that is why we were to stay out of California and not go to theme parks (like Disney World etc). This whole story just keeps getting more and more bazar.
Gary Engles is the source, there is nothing in print on this that I know of. Gary also said that there were other even more shocking and bazaar items found in the suv, but can't be revealed until after it is brought out in court.
I'll have to ask again, but I think it was one of the Disney amusement parks.
Gary Engles is the source, there is nothing in print on this that I know of. Gary also said that there were other even more shocking and bazaar items found in the suv, but can't be revealed until after it is brought out in court.
I'll have to ask again, but I think it was one of the Disney amusement parks.
I have talked to Gary Engels, and he has verified more than any FLDS wants to know. The rumors going on here, he has verified to be true--the keys to a Lexus, Porche, and Audi. He had just been to DisneyWorld, if I remember right. Gary may have meant DisneyLand, but isn't DisneyWorld in Florida? Doubtful any faithful going to California would see him there.
I have family still in that is poo-pooing the rumors. Some hard evidence would be most helpful about now. Hope it comes out soon. The hypocrisy of this man is astounding even though I have seen it in the past with doctrinal issues. It is beyond belief that he thought he could get away with absconding the funds of the poeple this way.
I have a question? I watched the interview on Larry King Live with Ruth Stubbs and she said Rodney Holm gave her Minor in Possession tickets. I assume she meant Alcohol, it could of been a drug. I was shocked and not shocked. Shocked because he married her. Shocked she was not kicked out.
But not shocked. People even good people bury their feelings in alcohol and drugs.
I have been monitoring the arrests from your community of young people. Most probably been exed, maybe for that reason.
Alcohol and some drug use seems to be a major problem.
Alcohol is a problem among adults and children in my community, it is a universal problem across the country.
I don't have children (thankfully), but if I had a daughter under the age of 18, and the pedophile/racist warren jeffs arrived at the door and asked to speak to her, he'd be shot with a 12 gauge. I found it astonishing that people would even waste 60 seconds listing to that hypocrite/pedophile/racist. Any parent that would hand a child over to jeffs should be sterilized, for they are not intelligent enough to be parents. FLDS=very stupid people. I hope jeffs is transferred to the "general population" of jail very soon. If he is a true prophet, he won't be gang raped. LOLOL
Justice for Jeffs would be to be placed solitary confinement for the rest of his life. He would have no one to impress, no one to bow and scrape to his every whim, no one to obey his word as if it were the word of GOD. He would have the rest of his life to spend in dementia or he would recognize the wrong he has done, ask forgivness of a loving GOD, and those humans who are and will suffering because of his actions. Only then will peace come to a very confused and demon possessed soul.
For vengeance we, as human fathers and mothers want him to suffer humiliation and physical pain. In such an environment as described in the previous post he could not survive. His physical suffering would end.
His life would end and as far as those whom his edicts have done harm a feeling of closure might happen. The injury to the human spirit and the lives affected by his brainwashing will not escape the harm done to them and they will pass much of the suffering on to their children.
Please, do NOTHING to assist Jeffs attain Martyrdom. His greatest desire would be to be remembered as a second Joseph Smith.
I am XFLDS ("Apostate") and us "apostates are the most vengeful, hateful people on earth." Yet I don't feel as you do. For one thing, I have children(thankfully). For another, insulting our former friends and relatives will only drive them into the cult deeper. I wish people would understand that when the FLDS fence-sitters and lurkers read that sort of stuff, they get driven back into the cult.
I would be really curious about what the faithful state about him going to an amusement park, and other places while they still believe it is a lie.
At this point in time, reactions based on their disbelief would be worth recording. Once they realize he DID go there, there will be justifications. I honestly didn't think the shorts could be justified, and Disneyland would be suprising (it's not like you HAVE to go there).
Anyhow, once he denies it, and then they show the surveillance of them in clothing riding rides and giggling - it might be a different story.
LE if you're listening. If you really want to turn the tides of sentiment - YOU MUST GET THE SURVEILLANCE VIDEOS - they must see it with their own eyes. ONCE they see it, you might get some faithful who will be willing to testify - AND THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED!
If the surveillance videos from Disneyland can obtained, and shown on national T.V. the results might offer proof of Jeffs double standard. But, I can't help but wonder if, after having seen for themselves the video tapes that somehow their priesthood, who have been Jeffs right hand men, won't find some way to make the facts out as fraud.
Another problem presents itself: not having either television or radio available to them for so long a period of time, just how many are aware of what has taken place in Nevada and Southwest Utah?
Ignorance is bliss. If an individual was born into slavery and never experienced freedom, were he free; many would prefer to return to their former status because of the familiarity of the situation. Their real fear is change. Could we hope for more from the brainwashed FLDS?
I do not discount their intelligence nor industry. Decision making will be the most difficult challenge they face. Like Pilate they ask, "What is truth?"
Remember, it's your hero, Warren Jeffs currently serving, without bail, in Purgatory awaiting trial for serius crimes. It is not me or my associates in the jail cell. When it comes down to it, that's all that matters anyway.
Speaking of "Coming Crisis and How to Meet It", it states very plainly, "God never hired any man to preach. Go not after them nor follow them for one moment, for they are confederate with rich men and oppressors"
Warren is constantly having the people raise more money for him, and look at the condition he was in while arrested; luxury vehicles and wads of cash that would easily erase my credit card debt and pay off my car. There was more money in that car than I see in a year. Am I jealous of his cash? No; I would rather be in debt stuggling to make ends meet (and considered "apostate" as well) than be involved in rackettering.
So, which racketeering church is the right one, if God never hired any man to preach? Quite frankly, I consider a church that requires any more than 10% of the peoples incomes in the form of tithes to have corruption at the head. Anything beyond that, I call it a cult. I consider Joseph Smith a cult leader where he tried to go beyond that point.
Your observation was right on the mark. GOD calls whom he will to be his spokesmen. Self-called 'Professional' clergy seem to be only interested in their own advancement.
Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, in Southern California has led a congregation beginning with two to in excess of 20,000 in attendance at each service.
He came to national fame by arthoring two books, "The Purpose Driven Life" and "The Purpose Driven Church." Sales of his book have been so successful that Warren has returned to the congregation the sum of all his salary since the church began plus 90% of the receipts of the sales of his books. I don't think anyone could say that Warren was in the pastorate for the money!
Maybe I will have to agree with you for one nanosecond. Warren isn't interested in money--he gets rid of it (wastes it on a riotous life-style) as fast as the people can get it to him.
Learn to earn, but breaking up rocks with a sledgehammer under the heat of the desert sun will no doubt change his set of values. I doubt that it changes his thirst for absolute power nor mends his cowardice.
maybe, but what has that to do with doing the labor of a prisoner? Panty-waist Jeffs couldn't last half a day on the business end of an eight pound sledge.
Yes, all together fitting. You and your ilk might start memorizing those words. With your learning problem it may take a year, a decade, a century a millenium or two to get it straight.
WOW! I'm very interested to see what will happen next. Finally, they got the creepy old man.
ReplyDeleteSo what now OTS? How do you think your prophet will do now that he has been caught. He'll get a fair trial, but I highly doubt he'll come out on top. A good man doesn't run. A good man would have turned himself in and allow God to protect him.
ReplyDeleteHA! And in a Cadillac Escalade. Wonder where are the followers' money is going.
ReplyDeleteHA! and a RED Escalade at that!
ReplyDeleteGreat News
ReplyDeleteOf course it was red. LE would never expect him to even consider getting in such a diabolically colored vehicle.
ReplyDeleteOnly he can wear the red robes of Jesus..
ReplyDeleteA red escalade... go figure.
ReplyDeletemr humble prophet himself
you'd think at least he would have chosen a honda minivan or equivalent
but no, he needed a flashy red cadillac
the ride prefered by 4 out of 5 gang leaders, pimps and NBA all-stars everywhere.
... just add spinners and away you go
what a jerk
...are any of you FLDS paying attention here?
hope so
keep sweet eldorado
Excellent news, everyone happy in Eldorado, no Waco, very good, well that Felonious prophet will get to sing those jailhouse blues, bet no bond on this one. HA!HA! HA!
ReplyDeleteEat crow there OTS, your master that, lord of flies, is in cellblock now!
OTS is quiet. Maybe he was Warren, after all.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure he looked good in the wigs they found in his posession too. What a man!
ReplyDeletePraise God!!!!
ReplyDeleteJeffs has been arrested and is being held awaiting a determination of which State has the strongest case against him. After all the state trials he still faces Federal Charges of Flight to Avoid Prosecution.
I am so thankful that the arrest was without violence. The red Cadillac is remarkable in that it proves the point that the best place to hide is in a crowd. Yes, the Caddy was very visible but, who would think that a man on the run would be riding around in such an unusually obvious vehicle? the criminal mind (influenced by Satan) tells the criminal that he is above the law, that ruls don't apply to him. In truth, most arrests are due to stupid errors made by the criminal, eg. dealer's plates and they not being visible to the Highway Trooper.
Case proven, enough said.
Now, it will be interesting to see if he can equate the work of God as demonstrated in Acts 5:19 & Acts 16:23-31. Come tomorrow morning I believe that he will still be in jail.
anon 2:07
ReplyDeleteI have always thought that street could be jeffs. Especially after he lashed out at me a few times over my profit ~vs~ prophet posts.
Don't know if anyone else has noticed but street usually posts at 2 or 3 in the morning. Not something your typical worker bee FLDS would do.
I guess time will tell. Hopefully the jeffs arrest will bring peace to many people.
On www.kutv.com, it shows some footage of radios, cell phones, laptops, etc. Those radios are very likely ones that I was involved in modifying with a scrambling circuit to help prevent eavesdropping.
ReplyDeleteIt would be my guess that there will be more New Orleans people helping the Victums in the Hurrican just hitting Floria then there will be any others, because they know what if feels like to lose. And once a person loses they generally have compasity to help others; when blessings are heaped on people they tend to set themselfs up on a pedistle and critazise others because they have some riches. It is written; those who will not give there all for the Kingdom of God are not worthy of the Kingdom of God. There was a lot of People who died in this storm in New Orleans just because of red tape that it appeared there was no concern for the welfare of the people; just government red tape to figure out a bit of help. No one knows when a storm or disaster will hit upon there home town, or when other tradgedy's will hit. It does us all God to leave Judgement to God, for he said Vengance is mine and I shall repay. And there is a perfect certian amount of time alloted to all men and then they go on to the next life. And Who did you help? What did you give your fellow men? And what will you reap?
ReplyDeleteLaw Enforcement Do what is right! Don't let anyone kill him in jail. We are more concerned about the leut. under him, than him. Just don't let him die a martyr.
ReplyDeleteIt is about time for him to answer for what he has done. However he has unlimited money. I doubt we will ever hear his side of the story.
how sad that his victims didn't get to him first!!! i am glad, however another waco didn't occur. for all the faults i find with polygamy, children do not deserve to be punished for a mother's inability to close her legs!!!
ReplyDeleteunintended consequences could be more money and power to merril.
ReplyDeleteHey were is street . Normally can't get him to shut up.
ReplyDeleteDesert Darling
ReplyDeleteWhere did you hear about the clothes he was wearing??
Ain't that the truth, Darling. What a hypocrit. Too bad the Nevada police let him change into his nice white oxford "Mormon missionary" shirt.
ReplyDeleteThe faithful followers need to see how Warren truly is. He is not living in squalor; he is not doing without. Warren is riding around in a BRAND NEW 2007 SHINEY FANCY CADILLAC SUV WITH ALL OF THE BELLS AN WHISTLES. And the faithful followers are working extremely hard and doing without food and other necessities themselves to pay for that.
What's wrong with this picture?
yes, desert darling, how can we take your comment about his clothes as fact? How do you know?
ReplyDelete2 more chapters to be written!
ReplyDeleteA paper license tag, a salad and stories that didn't make sense pricked the suspicions of a state trooper who stopped the car of a fugitive polygamist. But it was the pumping carotid artery in the neck of Warren Steed Jeffs that convinced Patrolman Eddie Dutchover that he had someone big.
Does anyone know who the Cadillac was registered to?
ReplyDeleteOTS If you are not Warren Jeffs, then come forward and prove it. You write with the same confusing insane thinking that Warren used to govern the FLDS. I don't think things will change for the FLDS fast but we will see.
ReplyDeleteOTS Who are you? Are you a coward like Jeffs or are Jeffs?
Yeah Darling,
ReplyDeleteToo bad the faithful followers didn't see Warren's mug shot in the newspapers with him wearing his tank top and Speedo shorts.
They need to see how he really lives - lavishly, vulgarly, greedily, excessively, etc.
He is not a righteous man. Warren is a con-artist and a fraud who feeds off of thousands of faithful followers who go without while Warren just takes and takes and takes.
Warren Jeffs is the devil incarnate.
Please wake up people and realize that you are being used to support the greed and selfishness of Warren the Terrible.
If that poster was Warren, maybe instead of calling himself "On The Steet" it should have been "On the Lam"
ReplyDeletei told you guys to take streets crack pipe away
ReplyDeleteSo his 'made up name' is supposed to mean something OTHER than THAT HE LIED ABOUT WHO HE IS.
ReplyDeleteYour comparison is immignative but totally irrevelant to anything that is actual or real. Your poor demented mind has departed upon a journey into the far reaches of madness. Your intent is to spiritualize the events currently being demonstrated by the laws of this land. Law enforcement officers, having apprehended a criminal, who ran to avoid the consequences of his perfidity in no way reflects the diety and devotion to his task as did Jesus. Jesus didn't deny whom he was when the temple guards came to take him before the Sanhedrin. Jesus didn't give the guards a false identity. The Keys in Warren's possession were not to anything but the ignition switches of ten NEW High Dollar luxury automobiles one of which was a Porche, a sports car, not even a SUV, van, or sedan. This alone is indicative of Jeffs real purpose in life, to fool his followers and let them pay his bills.
ReplyDeleteYour post makes me think that perhaps you have been on a three day trip smoking opium, talk about halucinations!
When you come down off your dope induced high, check into the nearest mental institution. If you want to bunk with the prophet you won't be able to do so. Your lover is locked up tight.
Well ole OTS sounds like he's been getting his spritual revelations from the same spritual avisors that The lord of Flies-Warren Jeffs uses. Captain Morgan, Jack Daniels, Jim Beam & Wild Turkey.
ReplyDeleteEat crow there OTS, your lord & master Felonious Prophet Jeffs is busted, did you see him in chains like the common criminal he is. HA! HA HA! Hey OTS your posts will sound at least somewhat logical if you lay off the bong dude!
ReplyDeleteGive us a break down on Tim
If warren had come into a church filled with priests and shot them up.
ReplyDeleteI imagine that you would use verse number 63 'Jesus held his peace', meaning piece, meaning weapon, meaning Jesus carried a weapon to slay the priests with.
That's pretty much what you do to every scripture you use - twist it, torque it until you completely misrepresent what it said.
Warren thought he would never be arrested, that God wouldn't let it happen. He flaunted his freedom and it caught up with him. I'll bet he's been up and down that stretch of I-15 a 100 times over the last year. This was just another evening drive up to Mesquite, St.George, or CC to marry off a couple of young ones.
ReplyDeleteHe shouldn't have listened to Sam. Sam really pushed to make the people believe they were not bound by the law of the land; that they had to marry young women in spite of the laws; that young people must be kicked out for listening to rock music; and that grown men should have their families taken from them.
that is a great big if!
ReplyDeleteand you talk like you really know.
It would do you well to not judge a man by lies. was you a witness to the accusations? can you say of a truth the media portrayed the truth?
can you say that the witnesses who have accused him speak truth upon there lips. Many people have been accused of a great many things and many have died. in truth all men die. and right now as we speak men are dieing in another country as they are shot and killed. bombed and were they really guilty of a crime, or is our president trying to throw athority?
and was it known of assurady that the people who died in the twin towers were quilty of a crime? but needless to say, they are dead.
Can you then prove any thing in this case?
Look at what happened in Waco as this young child was shot and left to die in the front of his house. Was he guilty of a crime? he is dead none the less. And who did pull the trigger? and did it make the man who shot this boy less inacent because a man's family was shot for religion? why did the feds go to such great leanths to shoot them all. why not take him in and prosicute him.
and can you say of truth that you know this man was guilty of a crime? if he was why was the place these people died buried in with backhoes.
I say it is wise to not judge what you know nothing about.
and never forget this one bit of truth; there was no guns found with or around this man.
so be careful not to judge an inaccent man with things you know nothing about. and IF's can be imagined greatly. needless to say he did not do any thing related to your hum-bugger IF............. neither did i for that matter, though i also was accused.
that is a great big IF. try to keep your imagination's to yourself, because there was no guns.
ReplyDeleteAtar_i's supposition is completely true and you FLDS are missing her whole point.
ReplyDeleteThe point of the post is to call to attention the matter in which single words are taken out of a sentence and given new definition totaly out of keeping with the point of discussion. You people can never defend your position rationally. You have to go into some sort of out-of-your-mind re-defining of simple words. Your whole purpose is to answer with a lot of words but to not really say anything. Much language, no meaning. Mumbo-Jumbo, just like the writings of Joseph Smith, a lie within a fabrication within deceipt, within slight-of-hand, surrounded by another bigger lie.
each to his own. If is still just If.
ReplyDeleteDesert Darling
ReplyDeletePlease clarify how Street's worship of Jeffs and his convoluted interpetition of scripture fit into the pattern.
I'd really like to know just where these 'out-of-mind' quotations originate. Are they the product of street only or is he actually quoting from some authentic FLDS documentation considered as holy writ?
The smartest thing OTS could have ever done is stop posting when they caught warren, and leave everyone to wonder if it really was him.
ReplyDeleteIt's no credit to warren, in spite of all his misguided loyalty that people actually wonder if he could be that damn nuts.
OTS is insane. He only represents a figment of his own imagination. Not the FLDS, nor any part of their past, present, or future.
And that is saying all nicely.
I was specifically responding to street - and the way he twists words into whatever he wants them to be. I wasn't meaning to intimate that warren had a gun, or was actually planning to shoot anyone.
ReplyDeleteApologies for any misunderstanding.
that is why i like you Atari. Apologies are accepted;
ReplyDeleteand as for my opinion of street, some times it is sensible some times it is not.
as to the doctrine of our church, we follow the book of mormon. In truth the word Mormon means more good. It is two other words from other languages; mor-meaning more and mon-meaning good. therefore a true mormon would only be doing more good. and the minuet a person begins to not be doing more good they need repentance.
we believe in the book of mormon and the bible. We believe all that God has revealed and all that he will yet reveal and it is all explained in the book of mormon. Even the bible. so agian, i guess i owe an apolagy too. keep sweet and do more good.
ReplyDeleteThere was no reports of guns being in the car in which Warren was traveling. There were: three wigs (female), several cell phones, several scrambled telephones, some lap-top computers, a collection of knives, 57 - 60 thousannd dollars in cash and a lot of mail addresed to President Jeffs.
The name on the vehicle registration did not match the name of the driver. Warren Jeffs presented a receipt from an optomitrist located in Florida as his identity. The name on the receipt was not Warren Jeffs.
Jeffs was wearing shorts and a tee shirt. His female companion, Naomi Jessup was wearing jeans. No mention was made of the apparel of the driver.
The trooper stopped the car because the numbers on the dealer tag were not legible. Jeffs, when searched was found to have keys to ten new vehicles, one of which was a German sports Car, A Porsche, designed for only one passenger plus a driver. All this information is available in most area newspapers plus has been on television.
At his hearing Jeffs did not oppose his being extridited to Utah for trial. He appeared before the court in shackles, a chain about his waist and each hand cuffed. I couldn't see his feet but his short stride and appearance of shuffling led me to believe that he also was shackled
at his feet. His demenor was quiet and subdued.
He appeared to be under stress and somewhat confused. There were no signs of his having been abused, no visible bruses or cuts. He was brought before the judge under the guard of several policemen and a swat team. I feel sure that there purpose was not so much to guard Jeffs as it was to protect him from the rage of someone in the crowd.
Thanks ots - for verifying my point.
ReplyDeletewhy was warren riding in a brand new 2007 RED cadillac escalade? Why did he state his name was Findley? Why was he in shorts and a short sleeve shirt? Why was Naomi in pants?
How do the FLDS rationalize not on the the prophet being out of acceptable dress, but Naomi? How do you rationalize the red?
Does anyone know why red was unnacceptable - what was said about not using it?
His Father, Rulon, told me that red had a tendency to excite men's libido, and he didn't like that.
ReplyDeleteI think atar_i's questions are reasonable and to an individual who is willing to answer questions with truthful answers not at all difficult to answer. You are just up to your old confused tricks ots. Your leader has been caught under a set of circumstances unfavorable to his position. Instead of acceptance of the facts, reported by not just one but a host of newspapers, radio and television stations is just not acceptable to you. Were you there? Did you observe just what happened first hand? Did you follow the police to their headquarters and observe the booking procedure? Were you in the courtroom when magistrial law was practiced? Jeffs received the same equal justice before the law as would any other person in a like position. Only his infamy sparked the presence of so many news-persons and cameras. Had he been an nonentity the proceedure he faced would have been no different. This practice is known as equal justice under the law. There are no favorites.
ReplyDeleteTalk about brain-washed!!!! Are you ever going to accept the fact that there are real facts and then there is your fantasy version?
I am stuck OTS because people give me answers that don't make sense.
Any guy who is 6'4 and 155 lbs is going to ATTRACT MORE STARES WEARING SHORTS.
I cannot see any rationale (other than comfort) for wearing shorts.
And the RED Escalade - doesn't that STAND OUT MORE, than say Blue?
And the Porsche?
The way I look at it. Your prophet can do whatever he wants. Violate as many laws (both spiritual, federal and state) as he wants - and still be right.
He'll be right, not because he is, but because his followers have his pedestal so high, they can rationalize anything he does.
I'm certain if he slept with a prostitute it would either be 'a lie' or they could find some reason he needed to do it, and find a spiritual twist.
If he robbed a bank, stole a car, raped a girl, molested a boy, torched a house, had an orgy, ran an adult video store, used drugs, drank heavily - it wouldn't matter.
None of it would matter, IS THERE ANYTHING HE COULD DO THAT WOULD OFFEND YOUR SENSIBILITIES to the point that you would not follow him?
If that is so, then you follow a fallible man, and not an infallible God.
If only you could speak clearly OTS, parables would be great - but I think you're the man frothing in the street spewing obscenities who needs Jesus healing touch for all the evil spirits to drain out of you.
ReplyDeleteOTS, that made it MUCH clearer. NOT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTV station reports ole Warren one his way to Purgatory, a fitting place for him. Left Las Vegas
ReplyDeleteOTS, CTR and any other FLDS apologetic on this blog:
ReplyDeleteI must assume that what you post is what you believe (your values). I think it would be helpful to those on the blog if you would give what your values are based on.
What are your values based on? Are they based on principles that never change, or are they based on some ones ideals (revelation) which requires constant revision(more revelation) to keep them somewhat relevant? I find it interesting that in the good books, it is easy to find examples of the “golden rule” and “the law of the harvest” (you reap what you sow) as well as principles such as honesty, integrity, and love and the scripture need not be twisted, taken out of context, or added to with “modern revelation” to make it relevant to the here and now. The other thing I find even more interesting is the idea (value) of who has the right to “rule” over His (the Lord’s) children on earth and that a single man on earth is God’s only way of communication with His children. To support this idea (value) a lot of scripture must be modified, twisted and added to with “modern” revelation.
I am asking you to clarify what you base your values on because the values you have been posting make little sense in many ways and are very unclear and contradicting in other ways. Perhaps you don't understand yet that the Earth and everything the Lord has created runs on very simple principles, and they never change. The word of the Lord never changes... then why must the revelations that the “one man” who "speaks" for the Lord constantly be modified if they are the words of the Lord? Why must the written word of the Lord be constantly pulled out of context, twisted and changed to fit a new circumstance? Could it possibly be that they are not in alignment with the principles the Lord has established?
Your values effect your choices and actions, but principles always control the outcome of those actions. If you are unhappy with the outcome of an action (saying that you are the focus of religious persecution), don't look to be a victim and blame it on someone or something else. Look inward and see what principle has been violated and needs to be corrected to achieve the desired result (unless the desired result is persecution). Remember, a worthy end can never be accomplished with an unworthy means. You can’t lie (or any other compromise) for the “prophet” and not be considered a liar and untrustworthy by the Lord.
Those who are now justifying Warren Jeffs and saying that the condition he is now in is only religious persecution need to think about this:... Warren's goal was to have a “perfect” people. He was casting out men and boys who were “compromising”. Now, we must take as a basis for this discussion that Joseph Smith revealed the word of God. Joseph revealed in sec 58 of the Doctrine & Covenants that if a man was living according to the laws of God, he had no need to break the laws of the land. But, did not Warren “compromise” this revelation by marring underage girls (which is against the law)? And if he was unaware of this law (although ignorance is a poor excuse) why did he hide? Now that this law was compromised, the result of his actions (as you sow, so shall you reap) the law was looking for him. To avoid being caught in the first compromise he compromised a value in the FLDS religion and didn’t have on his long clothes so as to better blend into the "gentile" world. Two wrongs or compromises don’t make a right. And then to lie to the officer about his name, does that not make him a liar? WHAT SOUND PRINCIPLE CAN YOU JUSTIFY THESE ACTIONS ON?
Warren is in jail for his own actions, not for religious persecution. I feel bad that he is there and that he has made the choices he has, but HE IS THE ONE WHO MADE THOSE CHOICES!
Remember, any time you think the problem is out there (meaning you are not responsible), that very thought is the problem. If you feel “persecuted”, look inward and see why. If you say it is becuase you have refused to compromise principle, then why was the “prophet" caught in a compromise with the teachings of Joseph Smith (and to say Warren has any “authority” we must believe Joseph Smith spoke for the Lord) and in a compromise in the way he was dressed when caught.
All lasting values must and always have a base in unchanging principles.
ReplyDeleteThat was a very intelligent and thought provolking post. Although I am not a believer in Mormon, you have made a much better argument for your position than has ots from day one. Your statements are logical and proceed toward an intelligent conclusion. You are not masking your thoughts in scraps of scripture taken from "who know where" and trying to pass it off as the word of God, nor are you attempting to claim that anyone in your heiarchy of church leadership is superior to any other believer. I appreciate your candor.
ok iitmoc - I'm jealous of your ability to so skillfully communicate an idea.
ReplyDeleteTo those still wondering how the Lord could have allowed Warren Jeffs to be found and arrested, this thought came to my mind:
ReplyDelete"Behold, my son Warren was relying on the arm (and in this case legs) of flesh and not on the arm of the Lord."
yea verily!
ReplyDeleteSince you are still "in", how are others in the FLDS reacting? How many accept the keys to a Porche and other luxury cars? How many accept him dressed in shorts and his wife in a tank-top? Are they denying ("media lies") or are they rationalizing it away?
ReplyDeleteBut, did not Warren “compromise” this revelation by marring underage girls (which is against the law)? And if he was unaware of this law (although ignorance is a poor excuse) why did he hide?
On warren's cassettes he clearly states he violates the law, but that god is protecting him or the faithful and overriding the law.
Seems like MIB said this day would come. Is MIB still involved? Is he silent because Warren's capture has piled work in front of him or is he retired?
ReplyDeleteCheck out the latest New Times release, I think he is still involved. Probably the tip of 1 of 10 or more icebergs!
ReplyDeleteYou apparently don't know the difference between a value (some ones ideas and ideals that govern their actions) and a principle (an unchanging, universal law).
You state you base your postings (which I must assume are your values and what you use to guide your actions in life) on the "trinity". The trinity is a value system, as it changes depending on whose version you use. Please clarify which version of the trinity is the one you base your values on. Is it from the Bible, Joseph Smith's version, or John Taylor's or Brigham Young’s. Or perhaps you base it of the Godhead sermon that Rulon Jeffs gave which has elements of all of these in it. Every one of these has variances in who was the father of whom and who/what held each position etc, etc.
Who is the “Father” in heaven? Who is Adam? Is Adam our “Father in Heaven” or is it Jesus Christ? Was Adam Christ’s son, or his father, or both son and father? Was it that Adam was both Christ’s son (before the world was created) and Christ’s father (on this earth after it was created) or the other way around? Or are the father, son, and Holy Ghost all the same person in different roles. Is Adam our “Father” or our brother? Do we pray to Adam or Christ or both? You will find versions to back up any of these positions(values)..
So please, ots, tell me which version you are using to help me better understand where you are coming from. You can't say all of them, because they all vary.
Soon the pedophile warren jeffs will experience multiple husbands in prison. LOLOLOLOL
ReplyDeleteInoculation protects from exposure to animals who HAVE rabies - so I agree IIMOC you need to get innoculated - so do I.
ReplyDeleteOTS <---rabid and frothy
OTS's post was slightly more truthful than he meant to be.
Why do I never meet any FLDS members at MENSA meetings, OR FLDS Women with Master's or PhD degrees? To follow a pedophile such as warren jeffs, one must have a very low IQ.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have heard, the tendency to stop schooling is rather recent. Furnace is a well educated XFLDS.
ReplyDeleteI have no erudition in the community, but I do NOT believe there is an IQ problem, only a recent lack of education.
There were several women in the community with a masters degree in education.
ReplyDeleteI knew a lot of really smart people in the community, several of which never even completed high school, but who were nonetheless involved in inventing some really high tech stuff and two of whom (that I know of) are involved in alternative engery sources and are WAY over the heads of any colllege professors.
My point is that the problem there is not a low IQ situation but the complete stifling of the opportunity to be educated.
There are a lot of people who, given the chance, could really blow the minds of the scientists.
And, to be fair, there are some truly blonde ones there. Just like your town.
Blonde has nothing to do with anything. The pedophile jeffs is a raving racist and FLDS is considered a
ReplyDeleteracial hate group by many. I can't stand racists and it wont be long before the Southern Poverty Law Center begins to file lawsuits against FLDS assets. How many NON Caucasians (Caucasian means "white people" for those in FLDS and do not know the meaning of the word) reside in Colorado City or Hilldale???? Not only are FLDS members pedophiles, but are Himmler-type racists also.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe for a minute that either atar_i or myself has ever questioned the intelligence of the mainstream FLDS. I do question their lack of initative to seek truth over hype. The poor people have been brainwashed and suffer from a diabolical and demonic leadership. I have no doubt that each, if not geneticaly impaired have an average or superior intelligence. They lack education and opportunity to develop themselves.
They may have 'ten' talents, but Jeffs & Co. don't even allow them to use one without the leadership exercising complete control over their lives and opportunities.
ReplyDeleteTank top? I never said that, although I would like to know what she was wearing. I would also like to know where the story of the Porsche came from, because if it is true, it does not sit well with what Warren told me (a man who would own or drive such a car is the same type of man who would rape the daughters of Zion).
To the anon wondering how other who are still "in" are taking the news of warren;
To most of the members I have had contact with it is taboo to even talk about it. They are finally accepting the fact that he was arrested. Those who will acknowledge they heard or read the reports of how he was dressed so far think it is media hype and spin. To date, I have not heard any "rationalization" for his dress from FLDS faithful, but I am sure it will be coming.
Let us know when you hear, I'm really curious.
ReplyDeleteIt was not a tank top, but very close. Those who were there and saw Naomi described it as one of those Tshirts that has sleeves about an inch long. And yes, Warren did have the keys to a Porsche, I just don't know the model yet (perhaps the suv?)..
Oh, and lastly, you would never guess the amusement park in California they had just been to (based on the receipts in the vehicle). Perhaps that is why we were to stay out of California and not go to theme parks (like Disney World etc). This whole story just keeps getting more and more bazar.
ReplyDeleteCan you give your source for verification on the clothing and the keys? Amusement park???! Bazaar is an understatement!
Universal studios, Knottsberry Farm
ReplyDeletec'mon tell us what amusement park they had just been to.
It must be so tough.
Gary Engles is the source, there is nothing in print on this that I know of. Gary also said that there were other even more shocking and bazaar items found in the suv, but can't be revealed until after it is brought out in court.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to ask again, but I think it was one of the Disney amusement parks.
Gary Engles is the source, there is nothing in print on this that I know of. Gary also said that there were other even more shocking and bazaar items found in the suv, but can't be revealed until after it is brought out in court.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to ask again, but I think it was one of the Disney amusement parks.
ReplyDeleteI have talked to Gary Engels, and he has verified more than any FLDS wants to know. The rumors going on here, he has verified to be true--the keys to a Lexus, Porche, and Audi. He had just been to DisneyWorld, if I remember right. Gary may have meant DisneyLand, but isn't DisneyWorld in Florida? Doubtful any faithful going to California would see him there.
Thanks Furnace and IITMOC
ReplyDeleteI have family still in that is poo-pooing the rumors. Some hard evidence would be most helpful about now. Hope it comes out soon. The hypocrisy of this man is astounding even though I have seen it in the past with doctrinal issues. It is beyond belief that he thought he could get away with absconding the funds of the poeple this way.
Just though I'd get our bazaars and bizarres straight.
ReplyDeletebazaar-- A shop where a variety of goods are sold
bizarre-- Conspicuously or grossly unconventional or unusual
Synonyms-- freakish, freaky, off-the-wall, outlandish
ReplyDeleteI have a question?
I watched the interview on Larry King Live with Ruth Stubbs and she said Rodney Holm gave her Minor in Possession tickets. I assume she meant Alcohol, it could of been a drug. I was shocked and not shocked. Shocked because he married her. Shocked she was not kicked out.
But not shocked. People even good people bury their feelings in alcohol and drugs.
I have been monitoring the arrests from your community of young people. Most probably been exed, maybe for that reason.
Alcohol and some drug use seems to be a major problem.
Alcohol is a problem among adults and children in my community, it is a universal problem across the country.
It is a symptom of other problems.
I just wanted you to be aware.
warren has certainly sold a variety of goods to his followers so it is a bazaar situation.
ReplyDeleteHow was that for an OTS type comeback. I know I didn't go into the details of each letter, but I just don't have it in me.
Thanks Nonny for the clarification. It didn't look right ((in my former post) but I guess I was having an "FLDS low IQ" moment.
I don't have children (thankfully), but if I had a daughter under the age of 18, and the pedophile/racist warren jeffs arrived at the door and asked to speak to her, he'd be shot with a 12 gauge. I found it astonishing that people would even waste 60 seconds listing to that hypocrite/pedophile/racist. Any parent that would hand a child over to jeffs should be sterilized, for they are not intelligent enough to be parents. FLDS=very stupid people. I hope jeffs is transferred to the "general population" of jail very soon. If he is a true prophet, he won't be gang raped. LOLOL
ReplyDeleteJustice for Jeffs would be to be placed solitary confinement for the rest of his life. He would have no one to impress, no one to bow and scrape to his every whim, no one to obey his word as if it were the word of GOD. He would have the rest of his life to spend in dementia or he would recognize the wrong he has done, ask forgivness of a loving GOD, and those humans who are and will suffering because of his actions. Only then will peace come to a very confused and demon possessed soul.
ReplyDeleteFor vengeance we, as human fathers and mothers want him to suffer humiliation and physical pain. In such an environment as described in the previous post he could not survive. His physical suffering would end.
His life would end and as far as those whom his edicts have done harm a feeling of closure might happen. The injury to the human spirit and the lives affected by his brainwashing will not escape the harm done to them and they will pass much of the suffering on to their children.
Please, do NOTHING to assist Jeffs attain Martyrdom. His greatest desire would be to be remembered as a second Joseph Smith.
ReplyDeleteI am XFLDS ("Apostate") and us "apostates are the most vengeful, hateful people on earth." Yet I don't feel as you do. For one thing, I have children(thankfully). For another, insulting our former friends and relatives will only drive them into the cult deeper. I wish people would understand that when the FLDS fence-sitters and lurkers read that sort of stuff, they get driven back into the cult.
9/08/2006 12:03 PM,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your "bizarre" post. I will do better.
9/08/2006 1:08 PM,
Maybe I missed something, what was your question?
Well said, Furnace. And it did need saying.
ReplyDeleteI would be really curious about what the faithful state about him going to an amusement park, and other places while they still believe it is a lie.
ReplyDeleteAt this point in time, reactions based on their disbelief would be worth recording. Once they realize he DID go there, there will be justifications. I honestly didn't think the shorts could be justified, and Disneyland would be suprising (it's not like you HAVE to go there).
Anyhow, once he denies it, and then they show the surveillance of them in clothing riding rides and giggling - it might be a different story.
LE if you're listening. If you really want to turn the tides of sentiment - YOU MUST GET THE SURVEILLANCE VIDEOS - they must see it with their own eyes. ONCE they see it, you might get some faithful who will be willing to testify - AND THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED!
Please LE find those videos!
So its OK for the prophet to engage prostitutes, and pose for playgirl?
ReplyDelete9/08/2006 1:08 PM,
ReplyDeleteMaybe I missed something, what was your question?
I am sorry, my question
Are you aware of these substance abuses amoung your children?
Also where are these FLDS "children" getting the alcohol and drugs. From FLDS adults or outsiders?
It is not shocking in my world, but it was an eye opener to see it in yours.
ReplyDeleteIf the surveillance videos from Disneyland can obtained, and shown on national T.V. the results might offer proof of Jeffs double standard. But, I can't help but wonder if, after having seen for themselves the video tapes that somehow their priesthood, who have been Jeffs right hand men, won't find some way to make the facts out as fraud.
Another problem presents itself: not having either television or radio available to them for so long a period of time, just how many are aware of what has taken place in Nevada and Southwest Utah?
Ignorance is bliss. If an individual was born into slavery and never experienced freedom, were he free; many would prefer to return to their former status because of the familiarity of the situation. Their real fear is change. Could we hope for more from the brainwashed FLDS?
I do not discount their intelligence nor industry. Decision making will be the most difficult challenge they face. Like Pilate they ask, "What is truth?"
I resemble that remark!
ReplyDeleteRemember, it's your hero, Warren Jeffs currently serving, without bail, in Purgatory awaiting trial for serius crimes. It is not me or my associates in the jail cell. When it comes down to it, that's all that matters anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to know you think that it's ok for warren to have sex with prostitutes.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of "Coming Crisis and How to Meet It", it states very plainly, "God never hired any man to preach. Go not after them nor follow them for one moment, for they are confederate with rich men and oppressors"
Warren is constantly having the people raise more money for him, and look at the condition he was in while arrested; luxury vehicles and wads of cash that would easily erase my credit card debt and pay off my car. There was more money in that car than I see in a year. Am I jealous of his cash? No; I would rather be in debt stuggling to make ends meet (and considered "apostate" as well) than be involved in rackettering.
So, which racketeering church is the right one, if God never hired any man to preach? Quite frankly, I consider a church that requires any more than 10% of the peoples incomes in the form of tithes to have corruption at the head. Anything beyond that, I call it a cult. I consider Joseph Smith a cult leader where he tried to go beyond that point.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, how did I condemn myself?
ReplyDeleteYou condemned by warren stating that he could have sex with prostitutes and it would be ok - not me.
Take a peek up - you said anything the prophet did was fine - no matter what.
ReplyDeleteYOUR statement - not mine.
Hmmm, I think you'll be scoreless on this round.
ReplyDeleteYour observation was right on the mark. GOD calls whom he will to be his spokesmen. Self-called 'Professional' clergy seem to be only interested in their own advancement.
Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, in Southern California has led a congregation beginning with two to in excess of 20,000 in attendance at each service.
He came to national fame by arthoring two books, "The Purpose Driven Life" and "The Purpose Driven Church." Sales of his book have been so successful that Warren has returned to the congregation the sum of all his salary since the church began plus 90% of the receipts of the sales of his books. I don't think anyone could say that Warren was in the pastorate for the money!
You're so right Street. Warren is not interested in the money, just everything the money will buy! Too bad it won't buy his salvation.
ReplyDeleteHA! He didn't have any choice in the matter. He is under arrest and in jail.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I will have to agree with you for one nanosecond. Warren isn't interested in money--he gets rid of it (wastes it on a riotous life-style) as fast as the people can get it to him.
Learn to earn, but breaking up rocks with a sledgehammer under the heat of the desert sun will no doubt change his set of values. I doubt that it changes his thirst for absolute power nor mends his cowardice.
ReplyDeletemaybe, but what has that to do with doing the labor of a prisoner?
ReplyDeletePanty-waist Jeffs couldn't last half a day on the business end of an eight pound sledge.
And they cried for the mountains to fall upon them. Hide us from the wrath of the Lamb.
ReplyDeleteYes, all together fitting. You and your ilk might start memorizing those words. With your learning problem it may take a year, a decade, a century a millenium or two to get it straight.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot earn a salvation by downing others.