Tuesday, January 08, 2013


A brand new year,
We're all still here.
The prophet's still jailed,
Faith still hasn't bailed.
Yes, tyranny still rules
Those who will be fools......

So... what's new?


Anonymous said...

Here is a test question; if six murders and child mollesters go to court and slam dunk their victum; to keep them quiet and win the case; who was guilty and who was not?

Anonymous said...

Here is a poem; Moses walked a long time ago; he taught the people. They laughed and joked and said his words had fallen. Now, we walk upon the land; a Prophet God did send. Here he was mocked and scorned, like in days of yor" But, they are gone, those mockers of yesterday. Here we stand, with time fleeting. Fleeting away, until you are dust again; for laughing at, God and time anyway. Life is but a moment, and then we pass on. A brand new year, you deride with no tear; The Prophet has not failed, because your mocking is hailed; Yes, Tyranny still pulls, on the web, with all who ARE fools, I mean to all who work with the devils tools.

The Prophet has not failed;
because your mocking is hailed;
Yes, Tyranny still drools;
with all who work with the devils tools.

Anonymous said...

I stood alone, with the crowd; invisible there. One whispered and accused. Soon, a few told the lie; Then the crowd, joined the cheer. Shamed and scorned, I stood alone; in the crowd. Until the laughter died; I held my head high. For the one lie; the crowd did cheer. Until, they were cheated too; by the one, who told the tale; and they lay ill. And the crowd, fell alone, scattered. Who was the one that cared? All, it took, was the whisperer, the lie was scattered in the wind; the whisperer, the whisperer, and they told the lie again. Until it choked them, with the dust; of the clatter, and the crowd, stood alone in scatter. get my dander up, a little more, and Texas will be in a drool, I mean drought; storms abound, the scatter. Cattle men give up, because they have no hay; and men march on the white house. Yes, right on schedual; you have the pipper man to pay. Lies, mockery, and the wild crowd; all go home alone, to face the mirror and death lays on the other side; until you cross over to face your fate, of souls you tried to destroy, and scatter. Your raid, was wild; your rampage crazy; oh, that is what you said of them. Justifying your relenting, raving. And the world walked on, among the storm; the media lie forgotton. New Orleans was flooded, and New York City, and the flames. Homes destroyed, tears aplenty; and you mock, mock, mock, and your crowd grew thinner.

Anonymous said...

Are you referring to Warren Jeffs a failure.

Jeffs is not a prophet, just a delusional man keeping track of the news from his prison cell, something not allowed by his followers.

Get a dictionary.

Anonymous said...

Dictionary? Nah. Too black and white.

Get a perspective. Each one is as unique as the individual. Yours is just one among millions. Today, mine's inside-out and cynical and could change tomorrow.

BTW, the last part of your second sentence makes no sense whatsoever. For that, get a grammar reference.

A Cynic

Gretchen said...

Obviously, anonymous 1/12/2013 12:05 meant "something warren does not allow his followers to do"- something not allowed TO his followers, not "by his followers." Just a simple typo- and we all make them. (But no, another rude "cynic" (anon 3:14)had to hurl an insult. So I will just hurl one back- I am very tired of trying to be polite to people who obviously don't care about being polite themselves.-and self-identified as a cynic- so I don't care. This topic- flds and its outrages- does not need cynics in the discussion- flds-related problems are so numerous and hard to solve that cynicism is a complete waste of time.)
Anonymous 12:05- you made an excellent point- warren does things that he doesn't want his followers to do. That would sum up much of his behaviors.w throws people out of the group by the hundreds for doing anything like the things he has been doing every day for many years. It is a tragic thing that those loyal to him still do not know this because of the fear in which they are raised.

Anonymous said...

Anniversary of Warren Jeffs confession.
"I am not the prophet"
January 24, 2007

Gretchen said...

Excellent, anonymous 7:06 pm!

Anonymous said...

In his own words...Warren Jeffs
Dictation September 26, 2002

But there is a sign that can always detect a false prophet; and it is the spirit of accusing, establishing his right to rule, saying because that person is wrong, we are right. If we could prove everybody wrong, that wouldn't mean we are right. We are only right if we possess the Spirit of God.

Warren in 2007 admitted he was not a prophet (not possessing the Spirit of God) to those in charge by phone January 24th, 2007. Merril Jessop, Nephi Jeffs, Naomie Jeffs, Lindsey Barlow, William Jessop.

January 25th, 2007
Announced he was not the prophet on video to Nephi Jeffs.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLxkCN1Obzw

Jeffs last call stating "I am not the one to be the prophet and I am not the one to continue." came on June 11, 2007 to Merril Jessop.

Jeffs called Merril Jessop on June 12, 2007 and stated "expressions of unworthiness needed to be careful"

April and May 2007 Warren took back the position of prophet only to give it back in a brief moment on June 11, 2007.

In Warren's call to Merril Jessop on June 12th, 2007
he stated the lawyers called and were concern about him.

Merril Jessop through the lawyers put Warren back on message to profit hood.

Gretchen said...

"The spirit of accusing.." Wow- and how many times has the scoundrel warren practiced this horrific spirit of accusing, and this so-called "establishing his right to rule," by his outrageous and cruel statements about so many flds men and women and teens? How many times have his diabolical statements about hundreds of people ruined their lives, caused suicides, and caused irreversible grief to others? in order to rid the flds of all opposition, to grasp assets of families, destroy natural family affections, rip hundreds of families to shreds, facilitate rape of youngsters, destroyed good men's entire adult lives in every way possible, facilitated abandonment of people too young to live on their own,and take hundreds of tiny, dependent children prisoner? This is just amazing. I still cannot fathom how blind those people are, who remain faithful to this unspeakably treacherous and demented person, even as we speak. It is quite a testament to the incredible layers of brainwashing in the flds.

Helene said...

Has anyone any news of Betty Jessop?

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Record of President Warren Jeffs
Page 540

I did describe to these brethren again that the Lord warned me about the Barlow men. And I told them what the Lord had shown me that these men killed Uncle Parley and aspired.

And I did tell them of the vision the Lord had given me concerning Truman Barlow, that before Father's passing, Truman aspired, and the devil put it in his heart how to kill father and hide it and get away with it, and he himself be appointed the leader.

Would anyone care to comment on this?

Was it Barlow or Jeffs who had it in their heart to kill the Prophet?

Anonymous said...

those Barlow men are " " murders. They need to confess and go on there way to Hell. To the nest life to the Hell they chose.

Gretchen said...

Man, it seems like there are plenty of murders to go around in flds. People who have been out of flds awhile have said they are afraid to talk about the things they know. Some have said they know people have been "eliminated," (that includes cremations.) So much has been hidden from the public, and even still hidden from people that are still blindly following warren. It's just amazing. This group is almost nothing but bad news. I guess it will be many years before we ever will get all of the facts. I think there have been so many eliminations that we will never piece it all together. What a disgrace. It really is like the Taliban and the Mafia.

Anonymous said...

Gretchen, please be careful about reading too much into "anonymous'" comment regarding murder allegations. Uncle Parley wasn't "killed" as such. I believe he died in a hospital. Warren's claim that he was killed is based on a second "blessing" some men gave him after the one warren had arranged. Warren then blamed the men for killing Parley because their "blessing" somehow prevented his being preserved (surviving). Just another excuse from warren as to why his didn't turn out the way he had anticipated. His passing served a dual purpose though, imo. First, it vacated the first councilor position into which warren hastily placed himself and second, warrens calling the men murderers diminished the (then elevated) status of the men in the eyes of many in the community who were already looking upon warren as some kind of leader. This appears to be one of the first steps warren took to eventually have them expelled from the community thereby eliminating leadership competition. (imo, this comment illustrates a mountain made into a molehill. It is my interpretation of what I saw and heard at the time.)

Gretchen said...

I am not talking about just the above anonymous comment. I am referring to a number of other interviews I have come across over the past 8 years where people who have been out of flds awhile seem significantly afraid even today, regarding things they indicate went on over the years, but that they do not want to be specific about. I have been watching and reading everything I can all that time regarding flds, and it seems clear to me that there have been many serious "activities" going on that have been assiduously hidden from authorities. I am sure it isn't that hard to do at all(the truth hiding thing) when there is so much fear of retribution in the people who have grown up in these kinds of groups.

Anonymous said...

Gretchen, I grew up in the group and still live in town. I have NEVER been threatened. And while I have not been welcomed with open arms after choosing not to be a part of the church, I do not know of anything sinister like murder as you would have people believe. It is possible that other people have had a different experience. Just sayin... Please don't jump to conclusions. It makes your readers believe the worst and creates extreme prejudice such as yours. If you have evidence of your assertions, however, I urge you to contact the authorities.

Anonymous said...

Gretchen, he only wanted you to believe the lies about Warren Jeffs, not the Truth that Sam Barlow is a murder. I know; he killed my children. Then he writes up a lie with the state, to make the perfect cover up, and if you talk about it, they will kill you too. Sam Barlow and his Barlow friends. They are murders. And the person talking to you, was not there. I alone was, when they killed my babies; Sam Barlow and his friends.

Anonymous said...

and Sam Barlow tried to kill me, after he murdered my children. He will kill anyone who talks about his murders too. He can not kill me, he does not know who I am. I grew up here too, and more than half the men are liars and thieves. They destroy souls. And if you notice the anonymous speaker, defending the murdering Barlow's why he portrays a lie against Warren Jeffs; that is his suttle lie. He targets a man who is not guilty; and defends the murders who are. Sam Barlow is a murder.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the authorities; Sam Barlow paid them a lot, to keep his murders secret. Like as if they would help any one. Helamon Barlow molests children too; He is a cop. And the County? You must be joking; the men who murder pay them, and the attorneys. But, they are murders, none the less; Do you want to refer me to the media, next so they can cover it up, and slam dunk the people who report abuse? these men are professional murders. They have the authority in their pocket. And then there are the devils like you on the web pages, that tell people to only believe your lies and not the truth. You most likely are the murder Sam Barlow himself.

Anonymous said...

Let me be very specific; I reported abuse on a certain man. Every one called me a liar. They catered to this murder. A long time went by. The one girl who spoke about Sam Barlow and his murder ended up dead. She also reported his abuse. Sam Barlow tried to kill me, for reporting abuse, along with the other man. They think they are hid. Yet, I know and they know they killed my children. Sam Barlow is a murder. I do not know anything at all, about Parley Harker. Every one that ever had anything to do, with Sam Barlow knows he is a murder; even the Attorneys he hired. They just get paid. If you read a little farther, in Warren Jeffs words, he says that a man these cops, attack take these murders out. Why? not because he cares about children or women, any more than the rest of you do. It is a lie, that you do. I know you do not. I know. I asked for help and seen inside the U.S. concentration camps. I seen what happens to people who report Sam Barlow and his sons abuse. He takes them out, because they attack them. And he is more violent than they are. They kill women and children, with out batting an eye, these Barlow men. Helamon Barlow is a murder, just like his father. And you all know it. So, Sam Barlow's damn Barlow; kill me now, if you can. I am one of your victims. You tried to kill me. I lived. You are a murder and you and your sons will go to hell. You will pay for your abuse, and your murders. And the anonymous b" " that protects you, shall go to hell with you. Course he has not been attacked. he hates warren jeffs and worships the Barlow that murder. and if you defend these Barlow and hate warren jeffs you must be like them. Now, Helamon Murder Barlow, like his Father, Sam Barlow Murder, has the county, doing their dirty work; smiling and snickering of course, behind the backs of the women and children of course; souls they destroy, but wait until they attack the federal man. Then he will take them out. He is used to killing, this federal man, they attack. Warren Jeffs said that too; so look out your murders, your day is numbered and it is not going to be the women and children, you killed and tried to kill. It will be your fancied up government friend, that takes you murders out. And may God speed that day. May God speed the federal man, to come that they attack, and may he speedily take you murders out. You and your gossiping freaks, on the blog; who love a lie. And may God speedily destroy the concentration camps on American soil; and stop all murders; murders that you are. In every land; like Warren Jeffs said. We are going into the thousand years of peace. Warren Jeffs said God will stop all you murders. All of you. Even the one's who bombed the twin towers, and kill children in the hospitals. Who kill the boys, in the boys home, that I watched on the news. These murders were protected by the County, because the County is murders too. And your soldiers come home, with out limbs from the war, Americans started. You lost your boys, your husbands, and friends, for the lies of your country men. The big boys in the authority position. You want me to trust murders. Sam Barlow only wanted to come back and have it like it used to be, so him and his boys could kill again. Yes, the lies the Barlow's told. And anonymous; you must be the Barlow's guppy to so blatantly protect them. And of course I know you do not know, they never tired to kill you, right? You are not a woman, or a baby. That is who they kill. and of course you are not Parley Harker, ill in a hospital. They only kill people they think are weak. Weak, that no one cares about. But, wait until your day of going comes. You can have your place in hell, with the murders, you and Rod Parker defended. How about it, Rod Parker, how many women and children do you think you hurt, defending the Murder Sam Barlow? And we will look you in the eye and call you a murder too, in the Resurrection day.

Anonymous said...

Why are some members of the FLDS moving to the Verde Valley? I see them here shopping at the local Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Could this be why Sam Barlow sign on his office had graphics of jawbone of a ass.

Judges Chapter 15
15 Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a thousand men. 16 Then Samson said, "With a donkey's jawbone I have made donkeys of them. With a donkey's jawbone I have killed a thousand men.

Anonymous said...

One Jdam would solve this problem

Anonymous said...

The Colorado City Police are murders.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you have described Sam Barlow, It will be like this; with the government, I have destroyed many souls. With the Judges and the paper work, I did after I kidnapped my victums, I have killed many. He did not use a jaw bone. He used the government and his slick mouth, to kill. Hidden in plain sight. His victums are many. Drownings, accidents over the hill, children with their heads bashed in, Yes he killed many. And they will be waiting to testify when he crosses over. In the land where liers and murders are not protected by government bully's. yes the colorado City Cops are murders and accessories to murder.

Anonymous said...

Episode 1 - Flora Jessop: Escaping Evil: My Life in a Cult

Biography Channel
March 10th 10: Eastern 9:00 Central 8:00 Mountain 7:00 Pacific


Anonymous said...

The people of Colorado City and Arizona have been trying to destroy Cooke's from before they were born. How to murder women and children in the creek and walk away free; be born a Cooke and know a Barlow. Barlow's can murder children and walk away free, because the cops protected them in it. Barlows can bash little baby's heads in and walk away free, because they are Barlow's and the Colorado City Cops protect them in it. Barlow's can torture and torment children and baby's and walk away free, in Colorado City, because cops protect them in it. Barlows can beat children half to death as a principle in the Colorado City School district and walk away free, because the Colorado City cops protected them in it. Barlows can beat their own children half to death and walk away free, because the Colorado City cops protected them in it. Barlows can deprive a man of water, because they hate him. Yes, they are great murders and liars; these City men, in the creek. How many souls do you think they destroyed? I know a few. How many souls do you suppose the colorado city cops have destroyed for a Murdering Barlow man? I know a few. I have met another who knows a few, and for all you cowards who dare not speak, and these murders are free to murder again; how many more did this barlow bastards murder? Sam Barlow was their leader. He is the one who goes as a front to get the government to lable the people they kill, before they kill them. The men who will sell out their family are the next dogs down the list. And the people who gossip are the final ax. Yes, you murders; your time on earth will never be forever. All men will cross over and you murders will not be hidden; then you will be cast to hell to pay the debt of the baby's you killed; the boys you tormented; the women you destroyed; the people you hurt. Ye, murders of the blackest die. Sam Barlow was the leader. Alvin Barlow is a murder. Dan Barlow is a murder. Stephan Barlow is a murder, and they actually think they are hid. Our cops will also pay the price for the souls they assisted these men in killing.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the men will go to the government and confess? In a world where murder is upheld? Lets begin the list; Alvin Barlow, Richard Cooke, Willard Barlow, Stephan Barlow, Shelly Cooke, Dan Barlow Jr. Charles Johnson, Thel Johnson, Ezera Draper, Sam Barlow, Dr. Linskey, Dr. Smith, Ruth Huth, Barbera Brown, Alecia Mackleprang, Hyrum Roundy, Henery Cooke, Gene Cooke, These are the childmollesters; Doug Cooke, I will continue the list later. I am tired just thinking about them. The government people are just the people who beleived the lies of the murders and child mollesters and assisted them in sabatage. Course I realize you all have to have your sycotic meds, but then you would not suport murders and child mollesters and harrass their victums if you did not ; and to the women in Byers Colorado that protected Shelly Cooke in walking free from the three children he mollested there, just because the court let him go did not make him not guilty; and because you protected him in it, you are also guilty of his wicked filth. Child mollester and protector of child mollester; just like the Colorado City cops. Pigs in a pig pen, with your pig judges.

Anonymous said...

oh, another one; Marvin Cooke, child mollester and child beater. murder of the inacent.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam Brower,

I just heard that Hyrum Roundy gave you a ticket. I am surprised. I did not know he had any balls. I did think he only picked on baby's and women and protected abusive men. I hope you are going to sue him now. I am ready too. I only was side stepping his attacks on me, but have made up my mind to engage. I will face the bastard. He is a thief, besides a protector of abuse. He is a bully and frankly the city is wasting water. They need sued for that. I am grateful that they have begun to attack the government people. That is one day that they are closer to their end. I know beyond a reasonable doubt that the attorneys for the City do not care if men murder women and children. But, when the little ball-less men, start attacking the government men; their time in city employment is over. And to all you Bastards that would defend men who protect the men who abuse women and children, that call themselves attorneys; the blood of my children reek upon your hands. All you government Bastards that destroy women and children these men in the creek hire you to kill, rob and cheat. Your time is coming. Your fiends from hell. Did the city have a victory, or did the ball-less Hyrum Roundy rob another woman? After the men did murder her children and beat her up, and slam her? What hypocritical bastards. I really thought what I was told was true, about the government being murders, until I found out the men in the creek hired the government to sabotage, murder and destroy. If you kill me for the lies and sabotage; more power to you murders. There will be one more, waiting for you fiends to cross over.

I hope you sue Hyrum Roundy for attacking you Sam Brower. I had to post this publicly because you charge a dollar to receive a message on face book. One things is certain; Bastards are Bastards. And when Bastards start attacking someone besides little baby's and women in the creek; other bigger government men take the Bastards down. They are not as satisfied to die, like the women and children that the men killed, are.

Dear Hyrum Roundy,

I certainly did not know you had balls. I wonder who you borrowed yours from. Did you get your pair, after you castrated your dog? I did think you only protected men who murdered children, and abused women. I will ask Sam Brower to loan you a pair, when you are done with your piss and vinegar. No wonder you had to run over the dog, last week on the sidewalk. You needed balls. Just in case you do not know it; Stolen balls will not give you courage. I hope Sam Brower sues you, and protects the dogs in our Community.

Anonymous said...

Post below was posted on FLDS TX blog. I suppose this is the reference to Ruth's mentioning running over a dog. The post is long and will be posted in two pieces.

I’m not sure if this is the proper forum for this but I know that a lot of people from Colorado City/ Hildale read this blog.

Yesterday, 2/20/13, around 4 or 5 pm., my neighbor’s non-flds children were with their little dog (which was loose with them) down by the dairy at the corner of Juniper and Arizona Ave.. One was in kindergarten and one was a bit older. A man in a white, double cab ford pickup with a utility bed, tried to run the little dog down, right in front of the children.

The older boy was screaming at the driver to please not run over his dog, but the driver just looked at him, laughed and pressed on. The little dog jumped up on the sidewalk, desperately trying to get away, but the driver of the truck followed and jumped his truck up on the sidewalk as well, then successfully crushed the little dog, right in front of the little kindergarten boy and his brother.

The young boy and his older brother are still trying to get over the trauma of having to watch their little dog’s brains get all squished out, right in front of them.

This all happened at a blind corner, and with all the abnormally tall fences in this town now, the chance of a wreck is greatly exacerbated. If children on bikes had been coming down the hill to be with their brothers, the driver speeding on the sidewalk, with his attention intent on trying to kill the dog, might never have had enough time to swerve or stop and a nasty wreck could have happened.

The older one of the two gave the Mohave County Police the description of the vehicle and said that the driver then drove over to the construction project, on the other side of the dairy by the hi-way, and parked. I’ve heard it is the new town fire house that they are building there.

This is a small town and there can’t be that many white pickups with utility beds around here that would park at that construction site. We can catch them if we work together.

To be continued in next post.....

Anonymous said...

Continued post
Also, on 12/6/12, just after dark, my daughter and her friend were late getting the horses home, and were only 3 blocks away, when someone in a white pickup, with abnormally bright lights, sped up and charged at my daughter’s friend’s horse.

They came out of Harold Black’s yard on West Edson Ave.. I hope that it was only their intention to try and frighten the horse and get it to run away with her or buck her off. That is a common occurrence that happens in this town if you are a non-flds resident.

The reality is, that in their misguided ambition to scare the young non-flds girl (it is easy to tell the difference because she wasn’t wearing a dress), they were not paying attention to their driving and nearly hit my daughter with their truck. She was following behind her friend on another horse. The driver then sped away from the scene; it may have been an extended or stretch cab white truck. Obviously it happened very unexpectedly and fast.

The young girls then made it the rest of the way down the block and were waiting under the streetlight to safely cross the road at the corner of Richard and Edson. My daughter had her puppy following them and it started out into the road alone.

Someone coming the other way, in an older model, midsized, grayish car, sped up, swerved and tried to run the puppy down. The puppy panicked and raced completely across the road and up on the shoulder of the opposite road, with the car following closely on its heels. The puppy was terrified and frantically yelping as he was run down by the car, right in front of the girls eyes.

If anyone has any knowledge about any of these crimes, they can call the Mohave County Sheriffs Office at 1-800- 526-1911.

If any flds members read this blog…..Last week, someone tried to run a non-flds driven vehicle off the road with their vehicle. They were then chased down by the parties who were run off the road and ended up having a heart to heart talk with them and their parents.

Charges were not pressed this time, but the young flds mans excuse that they are “just bored around here”, is not an excuse for the sometimes dangerous B.S. that is constantly going on around here involving the flds and the non-flds citizens of our community.

Last Thursday, I had a hard time feeding my horses because of the hail of rocks, boulders and coal being thrown at me by the neighbors. That very morning, while I was stopped at a stop sign, someone in a white mini-van swerved hard at me and almost hit my truck while honking incessantly, then they swerved back to their lane of traffic.

Charges are going to start being pressed.

Isaac Wyler

Anonymous said...

Ruling of Utah Supreme Court today.

Snow et al v. Hon. Lindberg

We hold that the UEP and the Reformed Trust were not the same client. Therefore, there was no attorney-client relationship between SCM and the Reformed Trust.

As a result, the district court erred when it disqualified SCM from representing Movants and
ordered SCM to disgorge privileged attorney-client information to the Special Fiduciary of the Reformed Trust.

Anonymous said...

None of you know who post, unless they put their name to it. I will tell you what I think. The people in Colorado City and Hildale Utah have overlooked crime for so long, that they most likely think running a dog and a mans children down to be normal. I mean, after all Sam Barlow hired Rod Parker to cover up his murders. Why would men like that care about a dog and a child being ran over. And as far as the dogs being killed that has gone on all my life. Men used to try to run my animals down. They put my horse to sleep, why I was gone. That is what the cops did to me. I say again. Hyrum Roundy was the kind of man who would do that. He would beat a woman up for the man, and defend the man in molesting children. Why, would it be so strange that after forty seven years some one would care? Just because the county has finally after all these years decided to treat the people here as people, what makes you think murders would quit being murders? I mean after all they have good protectors, these murders do. We have no normal court here, so we have to post here. All we have is a bought judge for a bitch that is so prejudiced that she would sell her own son out to the devil. Why do you think the cops would steal your dogs body parts? do you think their bought bitch judge would need them. She does not need them. She has a heart of stone, like the bastards that killed my children. And why would a bitch like her, need balls; she has the bastard cops. Do you think the C.C. cops do not know who does these things? You are living in a dream world if you believe that they did not hire the people who do these things. Do you honestly think the excuse of men, that walk around this city with their badges on their pance; care about you? do you think you will get the information to convict them? You all live in a bigger dream world than I thought. Sam Barlow was a murder. Helamon Barlow is a child molester and a murder. Who do you think would kill your children and dog? some cute little lady down the road? dream on. And as far as the Judge ruling on the land. It was not their land. They had no authority to make a ruling. The land was owned by another. One you all hate. Your hatred does not excuse the stealing of the land. Nor, does the hatred of the cops, excuse them trying to kill you and your dog. And as far as the attorneys that protect these murdering bastards, they are also murdering bastards. And do not assume you know who speaks, when you do not.

And if every man was honest here, half the men in this community would go turn themselves in for molesting children. But, they can not look the people they abused in the eye. They can sit in court and with their friends and tell their lies, but they can not look the ones they hurt in the eyes. They are murders and they know it. Bastards like Barbera Brown may not know it. But she does know she is a prejudice bought bitch. That much she has proven. So, good luck in catching murders protected by a bought bitch. Protected by hired thieves and liars calling themselves attorneys. Yes, Sam Barlow was important to these murders. He held the attorneys in his hands and they were paid too. Thus, Rodney Parker also is an accomplice to murder. Now, I know that I will be attacked again for having an opinion; but murders they are. and reporting their abuse will get you no where, they will just kill you. If they know who reported it. And Hyrum Roundy would not think twice about lieing to a judge after he killed your dog and daughter. After all, you are not in the church. And he has his crowd of dogs, just like Sam Barlow did. Him and his hired theifing attorneys, that protect child molesters and murders.

Anonymous said...

Is this for real? Or is this just some kind of gag site about the FLDS.
Has to be fake... it's way too bizarre.

Elias Franco

Anonymous said...

Escaping Evil My Life In a Cult


Flora Jessop was born at the bottom of an oppressive hierarchy established by the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, or the FLDS. Growing up in Colorado City, Arizona, she suffered greatly at the hands of her father. A torment of sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. As she grows, she begins to speak out against these injustices, but at a cost. Under the constant scrutiny of her family and a group of violent men nicknamed "The God Squad," Flora eventually attempts a daring midnight escape--only to be discovered and returned to Colorado City, this time under the watchful eye of her sadistic aunt Lydia. After several more years of torment and abuse, Flora eventually gains her freedom through the most unlikely of chance events.
Upcoming Airings

Sunday March 17 at 10:00PM EDT
Monday March 18 at 2:00AM EDT
Sunday March 24 at 11:00PM EDT
Monday March 25 at 3:00AM EDT

Gretchen said...

Most comments on this site are by a woman who is well-known in the original flds area. She was born and raised flds. She is very courageous and has things to say which are sometimes definitely worth hearing. Other times she gets on a repetitious and almost delusional track, so it's hard for most people to continue trying to have a calm conversation with her. She has suffered wrongs, as many who are flds have suffered, and she has gone back and forth in loyalty to warren jeffs. This is very understandable, considering how information-deprived flds are, as is ordered by warren. People who are not flds need to grasp that all flds are conditioned extremely thoroughly from birth to revere and not question flds leadership, ESPECIALLY taught to never question whoever is "prophet." This affects everything they think and do, every day. Anyway, this born-and-raised flds person I am referring to, that blogs very frequently on this site, is somewhat intellectually-challenged and emotionally scarred as a result of her flds upbringing, and probably has some inherited problems (flds has a pretty high proportion of inherited problems due to close intermarriage practices.) She tries very hard to express her thoughts and feelings, and of course she has that right. She and many others know of terrible things that have happened in the lawless and backward flds areas of Hildale Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona. It makes for lots of very emotional attempts to get justice and mental relief. I don't think most flds will ever get either one. They have been raised in one of the most emotionally damaging groups I have ever heard of, and there is and has been much criminal activity within the cult for many years.

Anonymous said...

She makes some very serious allegations.
Tell me, are all of Hilldale and Colorado City flds? Mostly? Large part?
Do non flds have any local or county power? Have outside authorities ever come in and investigate said charges. This woman names names. Prominent names, I gathered from light research.
I am very fascinated by all this. I am looking forward to that special about Flora Jessop.
I heard that flds children have been put on a bean and water only diet... have you heard of this? Again, this is all very bizarre to me. My interest is purely educational. But I am trying to get an authentic feel of what is really going on in this community.
Also... is the Texas complex still thriving. I read mixed reports concerning it. Any info about it? Thanks

Eli Franco

Anonymous said...

Mr. Franco,

Start here...


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. How this continues to happen is just incredible. And the recent vote on HB 4628 is equally shocking. Sure it passed, but the 7 who voted against it seem to be in cahoots with the local FLDS. It's obvious to me as an outsider.
Doris Goodale seems to be leading the cover up attempts from the Arizona house floor. Why? She's not even Mormon, let alone FLDS.
According to Rep Goodwin and Rep Pierce from Mesa, HB 4628 is an over reach and is aimed at specifically Colorado City. They also claimed that accusations like the ones above are no longer a concern because its all "past history". Why would anyone take this approach rather than say something like "too much government" or some standard GOP anti-government stance. "This is past history" is not a reason to forgo investigations... at least not in my book. Hell - we're still looking for Nazis.
Of course, this blog says otherwise. It's not all in the past. And it looks like election fraud is alive and well in Colorado city with some candidates getting 100% of the vote in some races. We don't hear about it because it looks like the fraud was contained to local races with little or no national implications.
But it seems to me that as long as flds members are elected to various positions in that area.. and they continue to make nice with people like Goodwin (still don't understand her position... maybe you can tell me something about it) and Pierce, they are going to continue getting away with whatever they want.
Again, Goodwin is a mystery to me. I don't get her position at all.

Eli Franco

Anonymous said...

Biography Channel

Sunday, March 17 8:00PM EDT

Crime Special
Warren Jeffs: Fallen Prophet

Anonymous said...

Hildale, Utah property scheduled for Sheriff Sale.

See myeldorado.net

Anonymous said...

Hard to wrap my head around all this. One thing about Eldorado: Attorney General Abbot stated that seizure does not mean eviction. Not sure how that will play out later.
And since the place is so closed off, how do we know there are still people there?
Also, if they are still there, do you think any of them are trying to escape? My understanding is that group in Texas is the creme de la creme, with regard to loyalty to Jeffs and thus the people there would be as fundamental as can be.
People tell me things like polygamy-rape and forced marriage don't happen in America. Clearly and sadly, they are wrong.

Eli Franco

Anonymous said...

And people that abuse are protected by the Colorado City Police Department, why those that speak out are slammed, in a lie. Helamon Mollests children. Johnathon did drugs.

Anonymous said...

Fred Barlow mollested underage girls in the police department. the badges covered up their crimes and protected men in abusing children.

Anonymous said...

yes, they are all covering up their crimes. Of course it is easy for them to say it is in the past, and the men scream at the women to forget the past too. of course so Doris Goodall can get her paycheck. and the men have more girls to abuse.

Anonymous said...

Feds Former FLDS spokesman cant have Warren Jeffs Escalade The ...A former follower and spokesman for Warren Jeffs is trying to seize the imprisoned FLDS prophet's SUV, but the government won't turn it over.


Willam R Jessop and Kristina B. Jessop have a Federal Tax Lien in the amount of $55,449.49 for 1040, 2006 back taxes.

Warren S. Jeffs and Annette Jeffs have a Federal Tax Lien in the amount of $77,370.00 for 1040, 2003 back taxes.

Maybe the Feds should ask Willie and Warren to pay their back taxes. Ehh?

Anonymous said...

Yes, clearly and saddly America assisted Sam Barlow in his cover up of the sodomy society. How many more of you " " are there out there, that abused women and children and covered it up? I have ten more names to add to the list. But, you should confess your own sins to the Lord and go to your judgment. Ye, feinds of the pit.

Anonymous said...

and spoken like a true liar that you are; who owes the tax? Did Bruce Wisen steal the U.E.P. and if it was his as you all claim why is he not paying the tax? Oh, I am glad I am not you in the resurrection day, with your enjoyment of others suffering for your lies.

And it is written, " as they hung Jesus on the cross, they mocked him and spit on him." so it is with you, as you crucify your Lord again; for as you have done to the least of these, so have you done it unto him. Where are these theives who told me that Warren Jeffs would be shot in three years and the land stolen and sold, and every one here would have to find somewhere else to live. And how will you excuse your filth and lies to God in the day of Judgment?

Anonymous said...

And just in case you murders and thieves do not understand hell, I shall tell it to you. Hell is a condition of the mind. It is a knowledge of your own sins, as you stand before God. Then you have your minds open. There will be no others to speak. A record is kept perfectly and you are your own judge; for your sins eat at you forever, and in the Resurrection day when you see that you can not have eternal life, and will have to go into the second death, and you know that your judgment is just, then there is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth; for you murdered and plundered and raided your probation time away; and are stuck in hell. And the War has begun. Why did you choose death? what sorrow you will reap. Why did you choose death and murder and stealing? Why did you not walk with God and live in peace all the day long?

Anonymous said...

So, Sam Barlow's childmolesting society went very deep. Cameras to watch the cops beat up woman and lie and cheat, why they protect the men in molesting children. But, I was down in Hurricane Utah the other day. There are a lot of cameras there. I wonder if they are there for Sam Barlow's child molesting society to keep track of girls too.

Gretchen said...

Re: These comments about various people who did many wrongs within flds: Have you faced what kind of person Joseph Smith was? He introduced idea of saving one's soul by participating in "plural marriage." This is where "fundamentalist" inequality between males and females flows from- Smith's twisted early mormon teachings. It's just a short step from that, to the way thousands of girls have been conditioned from birth within these super-strict, enforced-behavior polygamy societies that dot the landscape of our spread-out, hard-to-police US west. Polygamists were able to thrive in Utah, as nobody else during wagon train days really wanted that land at that time. They could get away with their lawless practices for awhile. They'd been chased out of one area back east after another because of the immorality they taught. Their practices were destructive of families and social standards. Polygamy has never been legal in any US colonies, or any US state, BECAUSE it was known to be immoral and hurtful. Something heathens were prone to, from the old world, particularly from the unChristianized areas of the old world. Even in spite of the fact that slavery was unfortunately not abolished sooner (if mechanization had happened sooner, slavery would have died out quickly)- Yet polygamy was NEVER tolerated if found out, and was cause for outrage. Utah was not to be given statehood until these practices were stopped, but they never fully complied,keeping it in hiding in places too hard to police. The real reason it continues today is not because of men! It is WOMEN who continue to participate in it, allowing it, allowing themselves to be brainwashed because they will not study for themselves. There is not one line or one verse in any part of the Bible where God ordained or commanded anything except monogamy. No matter how hard someone studies the Bible, they will never find God commanded a man to have more than one wife at a time. Yes, polygamy was practiced, but NEVER COMMANDED by God. That idea came from Joseph Smith, who just didn't want to live within his AMERICAN marriage vows to Emma. Smith was born and raised American, so was bound by our laws here, not the law somewhere else on earth, and not just because he decided inside his head that God commanded something which God never did. That's all there is to all of this, and that's all that it has ever been, and all it will ever be. Women all over the western US are being brow-beaten with mormon "fundamentalist" garbage simply because they refuse to study the Bible for themselves without the mormon history veil of lies draped over everything they think. All these problems with fundamentalist mormonism can be traced very easily back to the foundations of this belief system- this so-called "mormonism." Did you know that even the term mormonism does not have a clear link with anything in particular that has any historical respectability? "Mormo" was a god of death, an idol from some obscure occult practices, and Joseph Smith and his friends just wanted to make money, so the Book of Mormon was thrown together for that purpose- to sell copies and make money. Smith was very much into Freemasonry, and he knew the Bible well enough to borrow chunks of it to mix in with names and places which he and friends made up out of their heads, to make a book sounding sort of like the Bible, in order to reel in people who were curious about some ideas on the native Americans that were popular at that time(but false.) All this "fundamentalist" abuse of women and children has come straight from the teachings of Smith's fantasies of the 1830's. You will never see much improvement from within a group that stubbornly refuses to face its own roots once and for all. Those roots need to be abandoned.

Anonymous said...

The real reason it continues today is not because of men! It is WOMEN who continue to participate in it, allowing it, allowing themselves to be brainwashed because they will not study for themselves.

Right On! Gretchen!!!

Gretchen said...

No, dear, I am not bigoted. It is you that still will not face the truth about the evil man, Joseph Smith, who lived a hypocritical and debauched life, and taught others to do the same. He drank alcohol often, he was a constant womanizer, and he approved of dishonest money schemes. He had cheating, trickery, and lying schemes going on at any given time, to convince people of his "prophecy" ability. He alienated many people who actually followed him and believed in him for awhile, in addition to the ones who kept believing in him, denying what they could see right in front of their eyes, things that he was doing that they once believed were wrong before they were mesmerized by him. He tried to halt the spread of the truth about his collection of "wives" by having the printing press destroyed which published a report about his many affairs. In some of his writings and remarks which have been found, Smith even claimed to be better than Jesus, did you know that? Didn't you know Smith made outrageous statements condemning ALL of the churches of his day? teaching that they were all tools of the devil? Yet at the same time, he borrowed heavily from their ideas to create his "new religion." I stand by every word I wrote in my above comment. Many people have done meticulous research on Smith, Brigham Young, and all the other early mormon leaders whose writings are fully available for research to anyone who wants to put in the time. These men in the 1800's led many people astray, and the very incomplete information which is still fed to mormons today is allowing that deception to go on and on. The Bible was the final word on morality in America, and Smith tried to change that, to justify his filthy life. The early mormons created community-wide anger time after time in the eastern and midwestern US until they ended up in the Salt Lake area. This was because they taught and did things directly the opposite of what most Americans felt was moral and decent. I stand by every word of my above remarks. You and those in these polygamist groups that have never known freedom to study as you need to, because of the way you were raised, and because you are afraid to face the truth, are the ones who refuse to see this simple truth. Yes, we have religious freedom her, and that is an extremely valuable and precious thing, setting our nation apart from the majority of nations that have ever existed. Unfortunately, not all religious PRACTICES can or should be protected here in the US, IF they are in violation of other laws being enforced that are designed to protect the innocent and vulnerable. One can believe anything one wants to, but one simply cannot go ahead and commit crimes against others and then call it protected religious practice. Any and all manner of incredibly bad behaviors would result if ALL "religious practices" were permitted that people would start laying claim to. As far as your remarks trying to say people like me are responsible for Joseph Smith's murder, I am pretty amazed that you say such things. The man committed outrageous deeds of immorality and vice, and some of his own neighbors finally put an end to his outrages. That was in the 1840's. This is 2013, and so much has been published about a man and his followers that were around only 180 years ago,so it's easy to find the real things these people said and did, in their own words and documents. Joseph Smith was no martyr, dear. He received better treatment than he deserved, for ruining so many marriages and families, and for selling so many lies to the thousands who have been deceived by his ridiculous and immoral ideas. Many of the things he said and taught were outright blasphemy against the teachings of the Bible. You are simply one of the many thoroughly brainwashed people who has been raised to revere a man who was actually one of the most immoral people of his time. You still think he is a hero because you refuse to read anything but approved fundamentalist mormon materials, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I never even read your long rant. I see why long rants go un-read.

Anonymous said...

Here is a message to Barbara Brown; Like my family you only listened to the lies, of people who protected abuse all my life, people who wanted me dead, so that they would not be caught in molesting children. I know you will come up in the Resurrection as an accomplice to murder.

Anonymous said...

Ruby Jessop
Katie Couric
Monday, April 15


Anonymous said...

I am not sure why every one blames religion for what creepy child molesters do. That has nothing to do with religion. I do realize that not one place in religion teaches that it is part of the religion to molest. I do how-ever agree that only in short creek can a man molest his children daily, and every one acts as if it did not happen. Jack, Lynn, Richard, Doug, Marvin, Ross, Edwin, Henery, Gene Cooke, Dan, Dan Jr. Joe, Sam, Sam Jr. Willard, Alvin, Helamon, Carson Barlow, Joe Jessop and who else? I do know other names. Only the people who do not molest children are protected in c.c.

Anonymous said...

i did mean to say that those who do not molest children are persecuted half to death for reporting and talking about this abuse, and the men that do molest children, walk around as if nothing happened.

Anonymous said...

Wretched has a pretty wretched view of the Bible and of Christ.

Anonymous said...

I read it. It was very good inforamation

Anonymous said...

Dear Willard Barlow, Shelly Cooke and Richard Cooke, you sure never lied when you said this people hated me. Shelly, Remember, when you told my Mother that I just needed a friend? I know you was just checking her out to see if she cared that you cheated me. She never. You know that day you tried to rape me, and I screamed at you and ran home? She only slapped me. She slapped me and called Sam Barlow the cop, to lecture me. you knew it. It must make you feel real big to know you could take advantage of some one that every one hated.

And Willard Barlow, not one soul here in this community would have cared if you would have murdered me, just like you said. You was right. I bet you are feeling real big now, that you could abuse my baby's and walk away free. You must have been some kind of a God to them; or else it was just that they hated me. They still worship you here. Even though you was asked to leave. I bet you are just celibrating and celibrating that you was loved so much, and could kill and no one knew or cared.

And Richard Cooke, you was also loved more than anything. I bet you feel mighty big, being able to pick on someone every one hated. The three of you was right. I was hated. And I am still hated. That must make you feel good to know you could do to me what you did. Not one soul on earth would have helped me when you three was trying to kill me; that should make you really celebrate.

Anonymous said...

And Nate, why did you all protect my Father and hate me? Nate, my brother, never come to my house again. I do not want to see you. You was right, there was no love here.

Anonymous said...

This is a public message to my family; I never want to see you again. I never want to speak to you again. I am not your sister. I would rather be dead than have you speak to me ever again.

Anonymous said...

This is a public message to Barbara Brown; you must be some kind of hero to the child molesters you protected. You and your cop friends who hated me more than life. Now, that you do not have the county cops to protect these murders, who will they hire to kill me now?

Anonymous said...

The joke is on you though, Richard Cooke, Marvin Cooke, Shelly Cooke and Willard Barlow; I was a no soul to my Mother and family, but she was someone. You should have just stuck to killing me, and not picked on her and you would still have your pedistles and children to molest. I was a no soul to them, but she was someone. You picked on the wrong person. Your no soul was not important, but she was. now, you are alone with your lies and the people who love you in your lies, but I was a no soul. That should make you feel big; right. I mean it really took a lot of strength to destroy the life of someone every soul on earth hated, and little baby's. But pick on my Mommy dearest and you are out of there. So I am laughing at you murders. Mommy dearest was a person to them, and you are gone. I was a no soul, but Mommy dearest was the one and only.

Anonymous said...

Found this plea on another blog.
This is a link to her picture.

My name is David Bistline. My family has been FLDS for generations. I live in Colorado City, AZ and my wife and I were given to each other by Rulon Jeffs, the father of Warren Jeffs. Unlike many other marriages which resulted in heartache and sadness, for us it was a match made in heaven. She was 21. I was 27.

Today I am still the husband of one and only one angel wife, and the father of ten children, plus another baby on the way. But my beloved wife and children have been separated from me as a result of the commandments of the prophet who rules this community. I cried when they were taken away and thought I would never live through it. I have cried on many walks and many nights when I sit alone in my house staring into the emptiness. I love my family with every beat of heart and I want them and the whole world to know that.

I miss my wife Esther, the most beautiful woman on earth. I miss my little ones. I was blessed to be able to spend so much time with the children and bond with them. I think about my children and worry about them every day.

In this community, the holiest people do not break the law and go on the Internet. In this, I confess my sins. I made this blog so the word of David Bistline’s love for his wife Esther will spread like seeds blowing in the wind with the hopes that one of those seeds will find its way into Esther’s world and grow in her heart, wherever she is. I love her and my children with a fire in my heart and I love the Lord my God with all my heart too. These two things go together.

One more thing. No man will ever love my wife and my children like I do. No man can tell me that God does not want me to take care of my wife and children. I will do everything in my power to ensure their welfare and deliverance, and I will stop at nothing within the law to get my family back, to protect them and keep them safe. To raise them right and to fill their lives with joy.

So if you see Esther Bistline or any of my children, please tell them that their father loves them and is waiting for them to come home.

This Picture was of Joseph when he was in the hospital getting his teeth fixed. He was trying to decide whether he was happy or sad. I hope that we can get back together soon. He comes running to me every time I visit with him. I know he misses me and I know he loves me very much. My beautiful wife comforting him. I love her very much and hope to be back with her soon.
For my honey Esther

Please read this and let your heart be softened to see the truth. God wants us to be together forever.
10 And unto the married I command, [yet] not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from [her] husband:

11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to [her] husband: and let not the husband put away [his] wife.

12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
I miss you dearly Esther. I love you so much. I miss and love all of my precious children Angela Lucille, David Lee Jr., Fredrick Dell, Edson Porter, Warren Leroy, William Daniel, Alvin Smith, Joseph Brigham, Kathleen Rose, Charlett Elaine, and Baby Boy Bistline.

Anonymous said...


Friday, May 10, 2013
Land Agreement Under Reformed FLDS United Effort Plan Trust Upheld

In Town of Colorado City v. United Effort Plan Trust, (D AZ, May 8. 2013), an Arizona federal district court gave a victory to the state of Utah in its efforts to reform the United Effort Plan Trust which holds property occupied by members of the polygamous Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints (FLDS). In this lawsuit, the twin towns of Colorado City, Arizona and Hildale, Utah (along with their water and electric companies) sought a declaratory judgment as to (1) whether transfers of property by the court-appointed special fiduciary are constitutional, and (2) whether the Cookes who occupy a parcel of land under a 2008 agreement with the special fiduciary or Robert Black who previously occupied it through a 1999 oral agreement under the unreformed trust have a legal right to it.

As to the constitutional issue, the court held that while the claim was not barred by res judicata or collateral estoppel (see prior posting), the towns are barred by the doctrine of laches from asserting their claims:

Plaintiffs waited years to assert that claim, during which hundreds of property transactions were completed in reliance on the validity of the reformed trust and Mr. Wisan’s actions

On the question of right to occupancy, the court ruled in favor of the Cookes. It focused on language in the trust at the time Black obtained his occupancy rights: "use of property owned by the United Effort Plan Trust is not and does not become a right or claim of anyone who may benefit in any way from the Trust." It also concluded that the statute of frauds precludes Black from asserting a claim of property rights and that Black has abandoned any rights he had in the property.


Anonymous said...

Revelation or Self Fulfilling Prophecy.

Three lawsuits have been filed to take away our
lands and houses and monies, even to take away this land.

For me to step forth and testify in court of the doings of my father in administering the Celestial Law and the Lord having me do things, perform ordinances and work and perform corrections, for me to step forth and voice anything to our enemies would prove me the traitor against God.

The Lord has shown me that He is allowing this test to come upon the people to see what we love most and to see if we have the faith to draw from the heavens the gifts and blessings we need to
establish Zion, to have God and the angels among us, that we may have His protection here and on the other lands of refuge.

By me not answering the courts and not naming a lawyer, it will put us into default in the eyes of the judges and will bring a pressure where they will search for me. They have been searching for me to serve the legal documents, even to these very gates of this property.

And we can expect the loss of the United Effort Plan Trust, the dissolving of the Church organization by the courts, the freezing of our assets as a people and the Church, and the Lord will now see whether or not we love God, Priesthood, and the celestial Law above all, or if we love our property and our earthly blessings and conveniences most.

Many will accuse me of forsaking this people.

This will ultimately result in the driving of the faithful as the halfhearted will fear and compromise with the government and our enemies.

And this will result in persecution, suffering, and death. And our enemies will be guilty of shedding innocent blood.

I and the trustees are not forsaking the United Effort Plan Trust.

We are upholding it.

And whatever comes against us will be the result of those wicked people who are fighting us. This work will go on.

I tell you these things to awaken you to how vital this mission is, that these lands of refuge must be established as one for if we fall short again, we will affect the very lives of our loved ones and of the Priesthood people.

He is showing me that soon the assets and bank accounts of the Church will be frozen. We can't use them." You said, "The only
source and means we will have is from the people."

Warren Jeffs
September 2004

Attention FLDS Faithful...The Jeffs are stealing YOUR millions away to protect themselves, Mother Merilyn and Naomi.

Anonymous said...

In that case, even Ronnie will benefit and no one can occupy any parcel of land here. So, the courts rule against their own rule. How interesting. who will they rob next?

Anonymous said...


Link to Bistline blog

Anonymous said...


Link to David Bistline blog.

Anonymous said...

Funny ALL Hildale taxes are paid.

One million here and one million there, when no one is looking another million in Mother Merilyn Jeffs bank account.

Anonymous said...

and as long as I have ever lived, the taxes have always been paid. I am a witness to murder too. yes, you murders have a lot to account for. Murders murders and murders.

Anonymous said...

I like the Idea of not answering them. For you all know the truth. The land was stollen and honest people oppressed. Yes, you all know the guilt of your own hands. I think I will speak less. for the children you murdered will tell the story to God and speak. Then there will be weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth, that you thought you could hide your murders from the Lord.

Anonymous said...


Underage Marriage
By Donald Richter

Probably the question about the FLDS people that most readers still want to see addressed is the allegation that there is “a pervasive pattern of underage marriage.”

The charge is just that—an allegation. Authorities were convinced prior to the raid on the YFZ community that there was such a pattern. But what was their source of information? They relied on the statements of crusading, bitter ex-FLDS members. As reported in the Salt Lake Tribune, Sheriff David Doran stated in his April 6, 2008, affidavit “that over the past four years…[he] has worked with a confidential informant who is a former member of the FLDS…[and] that the confidential informant has provided…[him] with information regarding the FLDS on more than twenty occasions over the past several years.” Samuel W. Roundy states the case very well in his open letter to Governor Perry and Judge Walther: “This is akin to taking the testimony of an ex-wife who has left her husband and had a bitter divorce to find out what his character is like without using any other source of information.”

A few very vocal ex-members have proclaimed their lies so loudly over the last several years that even those people who are fair-minded enough to acknowledge that the FLDS people have been robbed of their constitutional rights still believe that the FLDS force 13-year-old girls into marriage with old men.

Already convinced of what they were going to find when they entered the YFZ community, officials have twisted the evidence to make it fit their preconceived stereotype. Even when birth certificates and driver’s licenses were submitted to establish age, the documents were declared “fake.” In other instances women were unable to produce documentation to establish their real age or even their identity because all of their records had been taken into custody by the state. Women as old as 27 were classified as underage on the basis of their appearance. This might be flattering if the consequences weren’t so serious. During the past week and a half, the CPS has had to admit that ten of their so-called underage girls are actually adults. According to a May 18 Associated Press story, “Two dozen of the children may actually be adults.” Each day it becomes more obvious that there was no real justification for the armed personnel carrier, the snipers, and the rest of the massive military force that invaded the YFZ community and led to the forced separation of 464 children from their parents.

The FLDS Church has never taught that underage marriage is a part of our religious belief. What has been taught is that we base our belief on the standard works of the church: the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. On numerous occasions members have been urged to “apply the square” to what they hear from the pulpit, and if anything taught is not supported by the scriptures, then they do not have to receive it.

Force in marriage or in any other area of life is contrary to FLDS teachings. Section 121 of the Doctrine and Covenants specifically states: “No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned...” In disciplining their children, parents are taught first to establish a bond of love and trust. Physical punishment is seldom, if ever, needed. The strictest principles of morality have always been stressed, both before and after marriage. Sexual impurity is taught to be a sin next only to murder.

There is an old saying: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” The beautiful, well-behaved and well-adjusted children of the YFZ community were not produced by parents who practice or condone child abuse in any form.

Anonymous said...

And really if every Fundamental Mormon had lived what they had been taught then all this drama would not have happened. Flora would have been home, loved and accepted. I would have been too. And the Texas raid would not have happened. So, teaching, knowing and learning are two different things. I have never had a free choice in my life. I have choices now, since the abusive men have been asked out. And as to sin, we know that. That did not stop my ex from naming my daughter after his girl friend in St. George. That did not stop him from offering his first wife to a man in Cedar City. That did not stop him from beating his wife and children, why you all made fun of me for his lies.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ
Jehovah Son Ahman

I, Jesus Christ, Speak to All Nations, Holy Will of God, Even
Father Over All, to Repent, to Be Holy; to Do Full Receiving
Prophecy Order of Soon Happenings on World; to Know Great
Truths Come Soon Unobstructed by Prejudices of Men. Receive
My Will of Holy Revealing With Solemn Hearts Into Eternity
Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ
Given to President Warren S. Jeffs
Palestine, Texas
Friday, May 10, 2013

9. Flame order burneth Albany.

D&C 84:114. New York, Albany, and Boston

These cities were the subject of another prophet’s testimony.

Elder Wilford Woodruff addressed a conference in Logan, Utah, on 22 August 1863. Speaking directly to the youth in attendance, he declared: “‘Now, my young friends, I wish you to remember these scenes you are witnessing during the visit of President Young and his brethren. Yea, my young friends, treasure up the teachings and sayings of these prophets and apostles as precious treasure while they are living men, and do not wait until they are dead.

A few days and President Young and his brethren, the prophets and apostles and Brothers Benson and Maughan, will be in the spirit world. You should never forget this visitation. You are to become men and women, fathers and mothers; yea, the day will come, after your fathers, and these prophets and apostles are dead, you will have the privilege of going into the towers of a glorious Temple built unto the name of the Most High (pointing in the direction of the bench), east of us upon the Logan bench; and while you stand in the towers of the Temple and your eyes survey this glorious valley filled with cities and villages, occupied by tens of thousands of Latter-day Saints, you will then call to mind this visitation of President Young and his company.

You will say: That was in the days when Presidents Benson and Maughan presided over us; that was before New York was destroyed by an earthquake; it was before Boston was swept into the sea, by the sea heaving itself beyond its bounds; it was before Albany was destroyed by fire; yea, at that time you will remember the scenes of this day. Treasure them up and forget them not.

President Young followed and said: ‘What Brother Woodruff has said is revelation and will be fulfilled.’” (In Lundwall, Temples of the Most High, pp. 97–98.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, and Wilford Woodruff sold his birthright. It is written that when the Mormon Church People find out how they were deceived they will be angry. They took the teachings from the shelves. They targeted them with religious lies. They sold their birthright one by one, for the trash of the world. Things they can not take on with them. I am sorry for the deceivers. In the resurrection there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. I know the Fundamental Mormon's have the correct teachings; Who will be prepared when Jesus returns? That is the question. Who? Certainly not the Mormon Leaders who lead many astray and they know it.

Anonymous said...

This was posted on face book by Sam Brower.


The above notice was not sent until after 5:00pm on the 17th. Something tells me that the short notice was not an accident. This meeting is the first step in naming a new board of trustees, which the state of Utah hopes to eventually endow with full power to make all decisions with regard to all beneficiaries of the UEP Trust. Anyone who lives on UEP land and is interested in the fate of their homes and the future of the trust should attend this meeting. Here is the attached announcement:


(In re THE UNITED EFFORT PLAN TRUST, Case No. 053900848, Third District Court, Salt Lake County, Utah)

Pursuant to the Order of the Court, dated June 6, 2013, the Utah and Arizona Attorneys General provide Notice of the Process to Apply to be a Member of the Board of Trustees for the United Effort Plan Trust.

The Attorneys General will hold a Town Hall meeting on June 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at El Capitan K-12 Public School, 255 North Cottonwood Street, Colorado City, to explain the process outlined below and answer any questions. All are invited to attend.

1. How to Obtain an Application Form:
2. Application Due Date:
3. Application Fee:
4. Minimum Requirements to Serve as a Member of the Board of Trustees:
5. Initial Judicial Review:
6. Correcting or Supplementing Applications:
7. Second Judicial Review:
8. Background Checks and Report to the Court:
9. Third Judicial Review:
10. Publication of Qualified Trustees:
11. Submission of Comments on Potential Trustees:
12. Selection of New Trustees:
13. Transfer of Authority to Board of Trustees:

Gretchen said...

The real Jesus knows how to handle the English language and every other language infinitely better than whoever or whatever was rattling around in warren jeffs' brain on May 10, 2013-- and for that matter, on every other "occasion" when the blasphemous mr. jeffs attempted to peddle his fake wares from his fake god to his miserable adherents. He is nothing but a disgraceful charlatan, as always.

Anonymous said...

LDS Priesthood


Anonymous said...

Warren Jeffs (proxy for Jesus Christ) newest ramblings from Palestine, Texas dated Friday, July 5, 2013.

Item 28. Let bank order do loans not unto lands where child prostituting of slave order at all.

Item 29. Do not condone evil of child prostituting by investing in nation order that live by slave unholy forced labor of business trade order.

( Do as I say, not as I do.)

Item 31. Let all nation order bring the national way business of slave forced labor, to do no use of any produced items by such labor, so no nation profits or gain monetary order increase.

FLDS faithful men women and children, slave forced laborers, are you paying attention?

Now for the grand finale....drum roll please.....

Item 33. Tell all nation order, bank order, to now do away with this great evil of child slave forced labor, lest own nation also reveal own support of child violent way by government of full such harm.Amen.

Lyle S. Jeffs and Ben E. Johnson
Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

"Dirty Halos"


Great name for the documentary on Short Creek.

Anonymous said...


Imagine that you are standing in front of a judge, guilty of very serious crimes. All the evidence has been presented and there is no doubt about your guilt. The fine for your crime is $250,000 or imprisonment, but you haven't two pennies to rub together. The judge is about to pass sentence...he lifts his gavel, when someone you don't even know steps in and pays the fine for you. The moment you accept that payment, you are free to go. Justice has been served, the law has been satisfied, and what's more, the stranger who paid your fine showed how much he cares for you. His payment was evidence of his love.

That's what God did for you, in the person of Jesus Christ. You are guilty. He paid the fine 2,000 years ago. It is that simple. The Bible puts it this way: "he was bruised for our iniquities...Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us...God commended His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Isaiah 53:5, Galatians 3:13, Romans 5:8)

It was no small thing for Jesus to die for us. The only thing that would satisfy the demands of Eternal Law was the suffering death of the sinless Son of God. What love God must have for you! He suffered unspeakable agony, so that you wouldn't have to be punished for your sins. His sacrificial death and resurrection mean that you need no longer be in debt to the Law, and God can now grant you everlasting life if you obey Him -- death no longer has a legal hold upon those who belong to Jesus Christ.

Two men were offered a parachute while seated in a plane. The first man was told it would improve his flight, but the second man was informed he had to make a 25,000 foot jump. When the flight struck severe turbulence, the first man took his parachute off, because as far as he was concerned it didn't improve the flight. But, during the same violent turbulence, the second man clung tighter to his parachute. Each man's motive for putting the parachute on determined whether or not they would keep it on.

In the same way, the reason you should "put on the Lord Jesus Christ" shouldn't be to find peace, joy, true happiness, to have your marriage healed or your problems fixed, etc. (to have your flight improved). It should be to escape the jump to come—because of the fact that you have to pass through the door of death. Then, when the flight gets bumpy (when problems come) you won't fall away from the faith.

What should you then do? Simply repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. Don't put it off until tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

This is a trribly sad story. It is not about halo's. I will tell my veiw. Here is a sweet looking girl. she is known and has a friend who has a police from the county coming and going. This is a county cop. so, in this house a little boy is forced to bury cats alive. he begins to hide. i know these children. i ask the mother why they hide. they did not hide when the grand mother was alive. and i ask the mother. they beg her to take them to the father. she turns to them and tells them to shut the hell up, or she will beat the crap out of them. I tell her that when they get big they will not be able to hurt these children. So this county cop is protecting these parents in torturing these children; just like they protected men in murdering my children. what a horrid shame ARIZONA. And when Sam Johnson is told he says to me; do not tell me things i can not do any thing about. And that bitch in the state, blocked us from removing the cops that murder children and torture animals. What a horrid shame ARIZONA You Bastards. We will root you out one way or the other. I did an investigation after this Dirty Halos was advertised. And do not think that the grand mother of these children will welcome her daughter home after her and this boy torture her children to death. And this is a public message to the mother; hell is waiting for you too.

Gretchen said...

Excellent. All people who are following anything else at all except Jesus Christ need this message.

Anonymous said...

Thursday, August 29, 2013
Canadian Tax Court Rules FLDS Community Does Not Come Under Provision For Sharing of Tax Liability

In a 92-page opinion in Blackmore v. The Queen, (Tax Ct. Canada, Aug. 21, 2013), the Tax Court of Canada ruled that he polygamous FLDS community of Bountiful, British Columbia does not fall under Sec. 143 of Canada's Income Tax Act which allows communal religious organizations such as the Hutterites to elect to have community income taxed to individual members of the community. The ruling means that other Bountiful residents will not be liable for the taxes and penalties flowing from the $1.8 million understatement of income by FLDS leader Winston Blackmore. (In a related ruling, the court detailed reasons for allowing Dr. John Walsh to testify as an expert witness.) The Vancouver Sun reported yesterday, however, that testimony at the trial suggests Blackmore may still pass on the tax liability to his followers through requiring additional tithing or making a "famine call" on them to live for three months on their stored food so they can hand over their grocery money to him.

Gretchen said...

Winston Blackmore sure never looks like he himself is ever involved in any fasting.

Anonymous said...

The reason I speak on this blog and not the others, is because I would be killed if I did tell the my name. Sam Barlow and his thug cops have many, many victims. They do not forget. The Colorado City cops are liars, bully's and have the attorneys that they pay to shut the women up, that they abuse and torment them to death, or they flee. This man who is the trainer to cops should be ashamed that he did defend horrid cops like Helamon Barlow. He should be ashamed that he did defend horrid cops like Sam Johnson who put people at risk, and defend abusers. Ruby Jessop is not one in a few; she is one in a lot. As the men who abused women and children well know; the Colorado City Cops knew, participated and assisted these men in abuse. Many people witnessed this openly and allowed these horrid men to hurt so many. To the horrid, horrible woman in congress. The horrid women who did defend these horrid cops; What for money too? Well, You too are going to be held responsible for the death of the child who was murdered. There has been a shift in your procedures. Your victims do not like you getting a cut of the money that Mohave County pays these cops to torture women and children with. So, one by one, the victims do something else; knowing that their country betrayed them, the Mohave County Law personnel, courts, judges, attorneys, and other people who work with, and for the Colorado city cops, betrayed them. It was bad enough that the men who made a covenant to protect and exalt them, betrayed them, and the Colorado City Cops betrayed them, and Mohave County; those who defended these bully cops, like Sam Barlow's hired thug, Attorney. I will think of his name in a minuet. You betrayed us for a filthy Child molester like Sam Barlow Sr. You was seen in Rebecca Mussers video, saying that Texas should not have terrorized these people with their raid. Was it any less painful what you did to the women, and girls the Colorado City Cops tortured. Was it any different to have them protect child molesters, and abusive, violent men, kidnap women from their bed and torture them? We will never forget you law breakers. Rod Parker is the name of Sam Barlow's attorney. Was it any less painful Rod Parker to the women and children these Colorado City Cops beat up, robbed, teased, tortured and arrested, to hurt? We do not forget. There has been a change. One that does not get debated and all you wicked law breakers get paid to do. chew on that one. plig, Pig defender. And you too, the attorney these wicked men hired now. Rod Parker is out to pasture. They have a new bastard they pay.

Anonymous said...

And Sam Johnson may think the last victim he sabotaged will not count with the Lord in his resurrection day; but he will have to pay. He has a bone in the closet now, with the filthy men he protected why he sabotaged a soul. No normal person would work for Helamon Barlow. Not more than a week. Curtis you know he drinks and you protected a child molester too. You and your gossip, hatred and persecution. So, you all cover up for a chief of police who is an abuser too. Why? would he kill you like he tried to the women? Or are you bully's like him and cowards; and your creepy attorneys will not save you in the resurrection day. You have polluted your own inheritance. And your money will not buy you a place with the Lord and your attorney can not argue it for you. Betrayers that you are. C-0-p-s Criminal operation patrol set up. c-0-p-s

Anonymous said...

C-o-p-s Criminals Operating Public Scams C-o-p-s

Colorado City Cops

Criminals operating legal, officially, regulated, armed, deceitful, operations
Constantly in Terrorizing; y Criminals operating public scams

C C cops; see, see, constantly oppressing people systematically

Anonymous said...

I have this to say to Sam Johnson too. If you had not been guilty you would not have had to worry about Lorrie Wagner. Attacking people you thought was suing you was a weird way to win in court. You have proven that you are guilty. And the law will not help you or save you. You have sold your birth right and will weep and wail in your judgement day. When you meet the children these men murdered, you will weep and wail that you defended the abusers. When you again walk and talk with God. Lorrie Wagner could not help a frog, in a puddle; so what was your worry? But your attack proved your guilt to me. And I may have been nothing to you, but you will cry when you come up in the resurrection day. With blood upon you.

Gretchen said...

Until all the females out there in plygland refuse to participate in "plural marriage," it will continue. It is the women and girls of the moromon-influenced areas that continue to allow themselves to be brainwashed which perpetuates it. If they would all stop believing in it, it would dry up pretty fast. Any girl or woman that allows herself to be reeled in by some guy who tells her it is God's command should run the other way immediately. It is far better to live the celibate life than to participate in polygamy(or polyandry, for that matter.) It is wrong for children to deliberately be brought into these lop-sided home environments where one adult male is competed for by several adult females.(Or the other way around.) It is just another form of immoral behavior that is being rationalized today. It will never be a good way to raise children.

Anonymous said...

David Hunter Jeffs’ obituary:
March 1947 ~ Sept. 2013
David Hunter Jeffs passed away September 26, 2013 in St. George, Utah.
He was born March 29, 1947 in Salt lake City, UT to Rulon Timpson Jeffs and LaRue Hunter Jeffs.
David was a successful business owner, highly respected in the community. As his friends and business associates know, he was very detail oriented. In spite of physical challenges they never stopped him from accomplishing what he wanted in life. His motto was, "You can do it. Figure out a way."
He had a great love for fishing and boating and spending time with his family, grandchildren and friends.
He is survived by his wives, children and grandchildren.
Funeral services will be Sunday, Sept. 29th at 11:00am in the Holm Sunday School Building, Hildale, UT. Visitations will be Saturday, Sept. 28th from 6:00 to 8:00pm at the family home and Sunday, Sept. 29th from 9:00 to 10:30am in the Holm Sunday School Building.
Interment will be in the Isaac Carling Memorial Park.
We will all miss our, 'D O D' (Dear Ol' Dad).
Arrangements are under the direction of Spilsbury Mortuary, St. George, UT (435) 673-2454.
Family and friends are invited to sign his guest book at www.spilsburymortuary.com . - See more at: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/deseretnews/obituary.aspx?n=david-hunter-jeffs&pid=167180012&fhid=4515#fbLoggedOut

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what became of Carolyn Jessop? Looks like her movie didn't get made, but is she still with Brian Moroney?

Anonymous said...

The lies, the deceit, the games they played; Truth will hit them like a storm, in tempest tossed. To the shame of their conscience drowned, tossed and turned upon the wave. And then they are forgotten, swallowed in the depth of deceit. Swallowed in the lies they told. Forgotten is the pain they caused, the hurt; replaced with love and those who did not lie.

Anonymous said...

Besides that; we were taught all the time in church to love. Where is your love? The men who taught in church for forty seven years said to the men, "go home and teach your wives to love you" Did that include forcing them out?, beating them up? having the cops stalk them and beat them up? what filthy lies the cops promote. You and the filthy men you protected. It is written, " live in love in so much that you weep for the souls that have not hope of a glorious resurrection. Live in love, with mild food and herbs for those who have not faith to be healed." And yet, every chance a man gets out there, he will throw the woman out, hire a lawyer to attack, and sabotage. Oh, ye hypocrites who destroy your own household. Who think if you can hire a lawyer to attack the women again for the man, it makes it OK, because you are cops. You have made enemies. You have caused sorrow, you have sought to destroy, in the pretense of defense. You demons of the pit. Read it and weep. Long after the attorneys have left, the souls you helped destroy will haunt you. Forever, you will see their faces. Here there cries and feel their pain, for you sabotaged them. That is your hell. To always remember the souls you tried to destroy.

Anonymous said...

And to the woman who sewed cloths in your store and spoke about love. You never loved me. You forced me out for gossip, why my husband beat me up and tortured my children to death. You locked your door and denied me a dress. The men who abused are gone now. You have your cloths, your dresses. All my life, I took as a beggar from the hand me downs of the rich, like you who married a man who cared, and you denied me a simple thing like a dress. You denied me food. You denied me peace to walk down the street. You denied me the right to choose because of gossip, prejudiced and insults. You never gave me a chance. You only heard the lies of the men who beat me up, and tortured my children to death. Where was your charity, and love for one who wanted to stay, and you forced me out, for a lie?

Anonymous said...

And to Gretchen, who claims to lay blame on the women; What do you know? How many times did I ask for help and was turned away? As my children were being tortured and I reported this abuse, because some sweet, stupid woman like that congress woman turned their back on me, my ex put my children in the grave. Who heard me when I asked. I only say to you Gretchen, Judge not that you be not judged; for what did you ever to to help a woman from the creek, even when they asked for help? Or do you only criticize. When did you ever help, when i reported abuse, and the abusers walked free, because Sam Barlow had the power to sabotage, with his creepy attorneys like Rod Parker; and that is where a great lie is. Sam Barlow was and is a murder and was never a fundamental Mormon, because to be a fundamental Mormon you have to be honest; not a creepy murder.

Gretchen said...

To the person "rebuking" Gretchen: I speak as someone who has not been raised in polygamy, but who has studied it as closely as is possible for me to do, for eight years. From everything I have seen in reports on polygamy, interviews, books, research, and one-on-one talks with a few people that were in flds and the Kingston clan several years ago, I say this once again- ULTIMATELY, IT IS THE FEMALES who are tolerating and perpetuating this polygamy madness. If all the ADULT FEMALES who believe this nonsense would simply realize how stupid and destructive it is, polygamy would dry up in a relatively short time.

Gretchen said...

I did not "lay blame" on the females for doing all the polygamy-group based crimes. You are trying to make my comments say things which I did not say. I stated that if the females would stop participating in polygamy, there would be no polygamy. I realize that there is very heavy mental conditioning to which the people in these groups are subjected, from the day they are born, which causes the females to think they have to endure this unfair and immoral way of life to please God. Joseph Smith originated this whole idea- that is, polygamy equals salvation. THERE WAS NO SUCH TEACHING prior to Joseph Smith. All Smith actually did was what many cult leaders have done. A powerful, deceptive personality draws people into madness and immorality by mixing truth with error, then they continue onward with their power trips and deception, usually in behaviors which include prying people away from their money, and emotional/power-trip games which include sex. I have studied several cults. There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that flds and all the other polygamy-centered groups based in the western USA are cults. This is because these groups use fear and tight control within a very strict and limiting social situation from birth for those born into the groups. The mental conditioning and control of money is the only way these groups survive the way they do. IF THE FEMALES would ALL recognize what is being done to them and refuse to participate further in such things, polygamy would dry up rather quickly. The men only get away with it because it is geographically hard to police out there, and because females are afraid of displeasing God due to the cultural surroundings of mormonism (which was, despite all the tales to the contrary, originally almost entirely built upon Joseph Smith's idea of POLYGAMY FOR SALVATION. (plus a bunch of freemasonry rituals thrown in for structure and drama.) Smith merely came up with a fairly effective way to intimidate as many of the women and girls in his immediate daily life as he could into sleeping with him. He realized that if he threw the idea of angering God into his seductions, he would succeed better at his philanderings. The polygamist men like warren jeffs are still doing exactly the same thing, and the females in these incredibly tightly-controlled, fear-based groups are still falling for it. Like I said--When the gals stop buying the trash -and-lies seductions, polygamy will dry up. What is really a shame also is the way other people are playing with this stuff out there, and on tv, who were not subjected to the harsh flds-style mental stuff from birth. So, when women FROM ALL BACKGROUNDS stop allowing this garbage, it will dry up.

Anonymous said...

I watched Warren Jeffs supposed tape, that is broadcasted on the internet. This is what I have to say; You must all think we are retarded. If you want to see sex tapes, look at the movies produced. Look at the malls> Look around you anywhere; there is your filthy undressed, morality. With divorce and relationships, and all. Who ever used this tape to convict a man, must be out of their mind. Or is it that you are all so perverted that you only see pervertedness every where you look. And to you who lied about him, I feel sorry for you for your lie, will forever be with you and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous10/06/2013 10:54 PM Did you also watch Warrens confession that he was not the prophet and never has been?

Anonymous said...

I watched what you are all talking about. I did watch that tape. In it Warren Jeffs says, "This is a message to you." He was talking to his brother. So, I never did think that it was a message that he was not the Prophet, but that his brother was never the prophet and a wicked man. So, I see you all see what you want to see in your illusions. For a man that is called of God is always called of God, even if the wicked world does not believe it.

Anonymous said...

2007 Warren Jeffs Confession video Part 2

Warren Jeffs 2007 audio confession to family at YFZ.

Anonymous said...

AT least you are obedient to pass it around to everyone, so that we all know his brother is a wicked man.

Anonymous said...

well, maybe he cried for the faithful, now. I must admit his people were persecuted almost to death by apostates, claiming to be saints. These apostates were molesting children, drugging their wives, beating people up, and torturing baby's. One asked Warren Jeffs for help. Did he even feel sad, when they asked for help? No, the creepy men were protected in their abuse. But, on the other hand, these men were good, sweet, deceivers. Sweet and good in public and very good liars. So, the men deceived can not be blamed. I am sure he has cried now. So, he has been forgiven and loved of God. I will never follow the horrid creepy men, who protected these filthy men, in torturing my son to death. I would not, I can not. People always pay their debts. The men who abused my children will pay as murders for eternity. And the devils at home, who protected them will have to pay for their persecution of me and my children for the lies of these filthy men. That is how life is; what you give comes back. So, why do you all care. Most of you do not even believe in God. You kill people who believe in God. You make fun of them. Why would you care if he believes in God or not. You mock a man for being a Prophet, and mock if he says he is not. Once I said I was bad, because I was being persecuted to death by these murders; that did not make me bad. Any more than those that do not believe in God, do not change the truth that there is a God. Now, I too have to repent and never get on this blog again.

Anonymous said...

I have this to say to all you judgmental persecutors out there; Do you have relationships with your partners? Then why would you deny us? Just because you believe in monogamy or what ever you believe, gives you no right to restrict us in our believes. Of course I understand Americans have given up free religion a long time ago. You have only if I agree tolerance.

Anonymous said...

Warren Jeffs is the wicked man.

Warren Jeffs 2007 audio confession to family at YFZ.

Anonymous said...

Awesome story!!!


The ex-FLDS need to form an non-profit organization to help families or individuals leaving Warren's Jeffs clutches.

Pay it forward concept.

Ex-FLDS are smart, funny and industrious people once chains of fear are broken.

Ex-FLDS need to embrace the good they know and let the bad go and help those leaving.

Helping others has a healing effect on it's own.

That is God's real plan. Not intimidating and leading with fear.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for telling me about another person who is leaving that was persecuting me. Now, I can go home in safety.They never would speak to me. I am grateful you all helped them leave too. If I had known my persecutors were leaving I would have stayed. I seen a video of him once. It was on the street. He was singing with his children. It was cute. They looked nice, but he was so prejudice and hateful to me. When he gets out in the world and sees how alone it can be, he will wish he had stayed and spent time with those there that loved him. Things are changing every day. I may stay where I am though and never go back to the place I was tortured so much, why these murders were protected, that killed my children. I have to forgive and move forward. good things do happen after all. People do leave and things do change. Maybe he found people who could love him.

Anonymous said...

Please let me know when the rest of the Barlow men, who would not let us live leave, And of course Lyle Jeffs. For not helping us. Jethro, Sam Johnson, Curtis Cooke, Hyrum Roundy, Helamon Barlow, Oliver Barlow, Leonard Barlow, Jeff Barlow, (Jeff Barlow can get a job in a different county) and the rest of you that hated and persecuted and forced people out. Maybe you will all be so kind and loving you will entice your parents to leave too. (Jethro Barlow)

Anonymous said...

Please Jethro Barlow, take your children and leave. I am sorry that you did not take them all with you when you went. Why did you leave your thieving, murdering partners? Yes, Jeff by all means take your family and leave Mohave County, for you defended the murders. Leave. And do not call the creek lovely any more. You are a thief and a liar. Maybe you know how to flatter a woman who you conned, but wait until you have to face the children the men murdered, you protected. Then it will not be such a fun loving family any more. Yes, Jeff you are a creep.

Anonymous said...

I may say Jeff, you are a chip of your old mans shoulder. You are dishonest just like he is.

Anonymous said...

And of course, no matter what the Federal Government decides we will all know that F.L.D.S. security stalked, harassed, beat up and tormented people. Now, some of them have been asked out of the F.L.D.S. Church and are on the leg and footing they gave. How did it feel to try to run people out, and get asked to go? Hildale Water company cheated people they did not like. They lied. So, that city is a death trap at any rate. I will say something nice about the apostates being caught; at least you confessed it and had it documented. We were taught to love one another. Was that so hard?

Anonymous said...

WOW! It would be awesome. If any of you, knew what you're talking about.

Anonymous said...

Lyle Jeffs is not a rapist. Please tell your lies somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

This is how Arizona does its new appeals court; I have sole custody in Utah. I was kidnapped from my bed and taken to Coconino county, drugged and forced to sign a paper. Julie Sydney Roth did assist this kidnapper. She never seen me. She never spoke to me. She stripped me of all my rights. After her court case, these kidnappers took me to Utah to take custody. The Judge refused it to them and I maintained Custody. That is how these kidnappers and abusers did obtain custody of my son for a short time; and then Utah overrode Arizona appeal in the dishonest court cases of Julie Sydney Roth, When she dies I shall have a party and celebrate that the Judge who handed a child molester children with no questions asked is removed from the bench.

Anonymous said...

They say love heals all. That is true. when will there be programs to heal? When will people care? When will love reach out? When will you speak good? When will you lend assistance? When will you help a soul? When did you care? When did someone care about you? Look in the mirror and find your love and share it.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the video on The Man with Eighty wives. For the first time in my life I looked into the eyes of Ward Jeffs. It is written in his eyes the truth. He molested his boys, not Warren Jeffs. I looked into the eyes of the F. B. I. agent hunting for Warren Jeffs that is filmed on this video. His eyes have deceit and sorrow in them. And as to the accusation on that tape, that Warren Jeffs is teaching murder; that is not true. I heard the tape they played of Warren Jeffs speaking. And after that huge storm not long ago; I would say that the destruction are upon the earth. For what God has spoken he has spoken and no man can undo it.

Anonymous said...

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is error, truth;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

St Francis of Assisi


Anonymous said...

Anon 11/10/2013

When you look into the eyes of Warren on video confessing molesting his own daughter do you see deceit and sorrow too?

Anonymous said...

Find Audio linked at


Audio of Warren Jeffs’ “instruction” on sex of his child brides

I just realized that in this post I forgot to mention another euphemism Warren Jeffs used in his group rape sessions in the temple:



Warren Jeffs describes why he can have sex with multiple wives at once. (48 sec.)

Warren Jeffs reads a revelation about why his wives must be loyal to him. He ends with an “amen,” to which the women quietly respond, “amen.” (6:10 min.)

Warren Jeffs describes the “atonement sessions” and how his “ladies” must bring him back from the ‘brink of death’ through sex. He also tells them they must “assist each other” during sex. (7:43 min.)


Warren Jeffs describes the pubic hair grooming he requires of his wives, but that they may not discuss it with others. (2:52 min.)


Warren Jeffs says he does not need to be near death for his wives to have sex with him. (54 sec.)

—> O RLY????!


Jeffs tells the women “You ladies just don’t know how men out in the world are.” A female voice replies, “We’re so glad we don’t know.” (7 sec.)

Audio recordings of polygamous sect leader Warren Jeffs giving sexual training to underage plural wives helped convince a Texas jury to convict Jeffs of child rape last week. For juror Mary Harris, hearing the voices of the girls on several recordings played by prosecutors was the most striking piece of evidence. “They sounded like they were 5 or 6,” she said. […]

The Salt Lake Tribune is releasing [only] selected audio portions online which […] [cut out the recorded] sexual assault[s themselves; so you hear only what Warren Jeffs says before and in between assaults]. […]

Jurors convicted the 55-year-old Jeffs of sexual assault for fathering a child with one of the wives on the audio recording, who was then 14. Jurors also found him guilty of aggravated sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl he took as a wife.

Jeffs reads a revelation in which he tells the girls God says the wives of the prophet are in good standing with the Lord so long as they remain “humble, submissive, pure and loyal” to God and Jeffs. […]

A few minutes later, the sound of zippers is heard as Jeffs tells the females with him to change into the white robes. […]


According to Warren Jeffs, God was ready to strike [the] people [of the FLDS], but ordered Warren Jeffs to atone for their sins. These “atonement sessions,” he said, “bring me right close to death.” But rather than bringing in medical personnel who “would destroy me,” Jeffs’ wives are told they have the power of the holy spirit to “revive” him [through sex]. “You have to know how to be excited sexually and to be excited to administer that comfort and strength,” Jeffs is heard on the recording. “And you have to be able to assist each other. No one sits around, everyone assists each other.” Later in the recording, Jeffs says not all sex will happen during the atonement sessions. “The Lord showed me I don’t always have to be that close to death for my ladies to be with me,” he says.

As they leave the 3 hour [group sex] ‘session’, he tells [his wives]: “You don’t know how the men are out there in the world,” A female voice answers: “We’re so glad we don’t know.”

The recording, and another […] of Jeffs having sex with the 12-year-old, was one of several played during […] the trial. Several more recordings were played during the sentencing phase, including […] [one of] Jeffs having sex in the baptismal font in the temple at the FLDS Yearning For Zion Ranch in Eldorado, Texas.

(Source: sltrib.com)

Anonymous said...

And just so you know, Warren Jeffs protected men in abuse. He protected men in abuse and robbed the women and children of a voice. He is in that jail to pay for his own sins. It is written that a man must pay for his own sins. He may say he is atoning for the sins of others, but it is his own sins he is paying the price for. Not, sins really faults. He is paying for his mistakes. For protecting professional murders in abuse. He did not know he did, for they were master deceivers. I know beyond a doubt that he has no clue what these men did and the children he allowed these men to persecute so horribly. I will pay for my faults and he will pay for his. I reported abuse and the men thought they were hidden. These great horrible murders and liars. So shut up about Warren Jeffs. I lived there. I know. I know he did not molest children; he is entitled to his religion, even if you all hate him and would kill him for it. And you also will pay for your sins; for all men have to account for what they do. Now, I will never read another filthy lie you put on here for I will never read this blog again. You are like these men who persictued us half to death. Blaming everyone for what you do. Why not put your sex life on line to be dissected. You filthy, selfish people who can not even stay faithful to one partner, let alone a few.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the DNA evidence proving warren fathered children with underage girls is a lie too.

The very best thing that could happen for you Anon, is to come to the truth about Warren.

If his confessions on video tape don't do it, the what's it gonna take for you to step out of denial and see the truth so blatantly presented right in front of you?

Anonymous said...

Transcript of one of the many audios Warren Steed Jeffs made on January 27, 2007 while in Washington County Jail where he professed not to be a prophet and was immoral with a sister and daughter.

Answerer is his mother Merilyn Jeffs.
91 is code for Naomi Jessop Jeffs favorite wife of Jeffs.

01-24-2007 1708 hours DURATION: 9 minutes

Answerer: "Hello."
Warren: "Tis I. Are you there?"
Answerer; "Yes Sir, it is so good to hear you."
Warren: "Send somebody to get #91.right now."
Answerer:: "They're picking up the phone right now."
"Just want her at your phone, nobody pick-up the phone."
Answerer: "Okay."
Warren: "I want to say something to you."
Answerer: "Okay."
Warren: "The Lord has shown me that I need to say myself whatever I'm able to. I love you and I'm sorry for all that's happened. He showed me though I was in a key position, I was not the key holder. That Leroy does hold priesthood and will be restored. It is me who committed immoral acts with a sister and a daughter of...and I've just been deceived by the devil who was an angel of light.Because I have been in a key position the Lord came and showed me that he made sure, that since I was in the key position which was done right. Things will be set in order by Brother William, okay."
Answerer: "Are you, is this just a test for us'?"
Warren: "What's that'?"
Answerer: "Are you just giving us a test right now'?"
Warren: "This is all true. Let me talk to Naomi now. I love you."
Answerer: "I love you."
Warren: "I want you to know that, so ... "
Answerer: "The presiding elder is right here."
Warren; "What's that?"
Answerer: "Uncle Merrill is right here."
Warren: "Yes, I need to talk to him."
Merril: "Okay, here's [inaudible]."
Naomi: "Hello."
Warren: "Hello there."
Naomi: "Hi,"
Warren: "The Lord showed me recently though I've been in the key position, I am not the key holder since Father's passing. I was covered with immorality with a sister and a daughter when' I was younger and he's shown me and detected me to
myself. I haven't held priesthood since I was twenty. Reach for the devil as an
angel of light appearing and all those, most of those sessions were [inaudible] in
deception. You'll need to destroy all of your dictations because they are not of God. All of mine are to be destroyed, except the ones with revelations are true because I was in the key position. All except October 2004, all of those were not. And the one about me on June 20, about June 20, 2003, that one was not about the atonement issue. And that you need to be re-baptized and that you'll be given to Brother William. So will all the ladies. You heard the recording,?
Warren: Did you hear the recording I made?"
Naomi: "Yes"
Warren: "The Lord does not speak to the key holder through a woman. So there is a lesson to be careful with. I love you with all I'm able to and let me talk to
Brother Merrill."

Anonymous said...

Polygamy Uncensored: Conversations w/Kristyn Decker

Our guest today is my Uncle Rich Cooke. He was beat up and left for dead when he was kicked out of Colorado City as a young teen. Since then, he’s been accused of everything in the book, but shocked people when he came back from the dead. Rich calls himself an un-itinerate preacher, and says, “none of the names have been changed to protect the innocent because there are none.”


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed you giving me the answer to the lies on the tapes of Warren Jeffs. Someone else talked over it. yes, that makes sense. As to Kristen Decker, I am sorry you turned your back on me, when I needed help and asked for it. I have a right to believe what I want to about Warren Jeffs. I do not believe he would injure anyone. You did say it right when it was said that Jack Cooke abused people. Why he stayed in that house as long as he did is beyond me. Yes, the entire truth should be told. Sam Barlow is a murder. Why walk on egg shells about him? I say it how I see it, just like you do. I am glad I never met you now, Kristen Decker; for I asked everyone for help when the man I married was beating me up. Richard Cooke who is Jack Cooke's brother was also abusing children and he walked away free; simply because you HATED ME ENOUGH TO TURN YOUR BACK ON ME, WHEN I ASKED FOR HELP. I forgive you for that. Stop the cycle of abuse. I was a slave in AMERICA. Until I ran away. I was an it. An it of a filthy Barlow man. I had a home, family, and a community, until I met this filthy man. He did what Jack never done. Jack let me go to church. Jack gave me the freedom to choose. He only beat because of is wicked temper; the Barlow man took what ever I loved away. If I loved cake he took it. If I loved home, he took it. If I loved at all he beat me. He robbed me of even being a slave. I was only an it then. And when I asked for help you all turned your back on me. And as to there not being the dead; go look in the grave yard. Four children lay buried there who Sam BArlow, killed. He had help of course; Richard Cooke and this filthy Barlow man. I almost died. I came back from the dead so to speak; the children had no voice, I do. When I write my book it will be told in truths. I will not walk on egg shells around Sam Barlow who is a murder. He had his chance at me and I lived. He can not kill those who lived. He can not kill one who came back from heaven to speak. And how many others did he kill that have a cute little police report and government paper to cover up Sam Barlow's murders. I heard he has cancer. I think the worms will eat him up before he dies; his sins are so great. And he can not kill me for telling the truth with worms eating him up. He can not kill me when he is in hell with worms eating away at his soul, if he is dead. And then I shall tell the story of those he murdered. Like I tell it now; but no one cared enough to listen. Keep talking you people. For you allow me to see truths every time you open your mouths.

Anonymous said...

All Radio is the same; Kirsten and her lies. Yes, there is slavery in America, but you mock behind our back. We do not forget these things. "You do not leave out the names to protect the inaccent, because there was none." That is a lie. I was inacent. Yes, i misspelled that to make my point. Are you claiming then, that you willingly went to bed with my GrandPa? Maybe that is why you turned your back on me, when I was being beat up by the C. C. cops and Willard Barlow. I forgive you. I did not deserve what those filthy men did. I did not deserve an insult either.

My Letter to Oprah Winfry; if you have a desire to help the slaves in America I only want a chance to succeed like everyone else. I desire to have the funding to start my business. I am a beautiful ARtisis. I do not abuse people. I do not strip people of their rights. I deserve an education, and do not make fun of people who have been abused. I try to help all souls in this world. I heard you said that people from my community make good bread. You are right, some people they give a chance at life, others like me, that they segragrated are only persicuted and denied education and a chance. I can not make good bread, but if you need a house made, my bread would make great bricks. I think I deserve a chance to make good bread and houses too. Please help. And Kiristen, please let the insults lay. We do not need them. So, you never helped me when I asked for help. Your excuse was lame for turning me away. I never chose to be born in the family I was born in, that was my fathers uncontrolled impulse that brought me here. I have chosen to get educated and I think the people of America need educated; IT is not ok to take advantage of people who have been denied the right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. For, if you do this you are like my father.

Anonymous said...

And Rod Parker, My children did not deserve to be abused by Sam Barlow and his filthy crowd. Richard Cooke was and is a predator. He is a thief. He is a kidnaper. He is a protector of abuse, like Kritsen Decker, she was an adult who knew Grampa Cooke abused and he died an old man. I reported abuse. And as to your insult that there was no inacent people. Go look at the photo's of Nathan Tyler Cooke. He never could speak. He was perfect. Go look at the photo of Donna Cooke the day she died in Richard Cooke's house, why he screamed at me that she suffered because we loved her to much and would not shut off her oxygen. Go look her in the eyes and tell your creepy story for sensationalism. One day you will meet that perfect soul. She did not deserve to die like that at Sam Barlow, Willard Barlow and Shelly Cookes hand. What law was there in Mohave County? Only Sam Barlow and his lie, law. And he will pay for what he did eternally, with the rest of them. The other children, they did not deserve what these horrid abusive men did. Why did you not report abuse, Kristin Decker? Save your insults for the wind if you have to spread them. You can not hurt my children with their insults. You and your insults.

Anonymous said...

An interesting epilogue written at the end of this book for ex-FLDS cult members.

Anyone else read it?


Anonymous said...

Here is another interesting note, the cops in Nevada who did arrest Warren Jeffs for religion are fighting over what really happened. Apparently the arresting cop was a drug smuggler. Now, that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Of course you realize we knew all along she lied. Thank you for saying that. With the cops being drug pushers and Rebecca's wild stories who will confess next? I was one of those nobody's who did not get the privilege of being a queen. I watched her and always knew she lied. I would have given my life to have what she threw away for a boy. I was thrown away by the man who I married. Forced out. He never would let me go home. But, I watched you all before he forced me out. I always knew Rebecca lied. I was never given a chance by anyone and she had it all. Life is weird. And I know she loved Rulon Jeffs. She loved her life. I seen that. Thank you for the truth on that.

Anonymous said...

And sorry to the writer of the Truth of Rebecca, in " the witness wore red", You can never take your writing down; I copied it.

Anonymous said...

These are the things I liked about the ebook of, "The truth about Rebecca Musser Witness book" You point out that she should tell the truth. You point out that no one knows you. That is what effected me the most. Here I was living in a little black box, with gossip flying, "none of it true of course" no one talked to me, they just all assumed they knew everything about me, and then my Ex-had to get rid of me so he enlisted two other men to kidnap me in the night and throw me out on the street. I was told Warren Jeffs hated me and never wanted to see me again, and I could never go home again. When, I caught up to Warren Jeffs he said he did not know anything at all about it. But, the thing that was the most impressive, it was true; if I did not speak about my past and these men who robbed me and kidnapped me and stole my children I could build a life for myself. No one really appeared to miss me either or look for me or help me. It was weird because I thought my life was very secure and I was really loved. My children were small and still love me. They were being beaten by the cruel man that kidnapped me and his first wife was somewhat like you described your first mother. I did not know her, but you have inspired me to write my book on the miracles that happened to me through my life. I do not want to drag my family through the mud. Back then everyone thought beating children was normal. I do not, but Alvin BArlow beat children around the assembly hall with a paddle, Mr. Williams had a paddle in the school window, and I think Rulon Jeffs was the only one who did not beat their children. But the rod spoken of to spare was the word of god not a paddle. I hope sometimes people learn that lesson.

Anonymous said...

Like Truth on the Street

Ruthy dear, take a deep breath, and smile, and love. God is in all. You know this, and especially in the severe correction of Warrren's mistakes, which you just now confessed that he really did make, for "Whom I loveth, I chasteneth, saith the Lord (Hebrews 12:6).

Also, to obey God, Warren did confess (Psalm 32:5), and like the Apostle Paul, was guilty of great sins, but made a vessel of honor by obeying God, by actually confessing.

Now look what has happened as a result of his confessions. Warren has been an instrument in God's hands in correcting the same mistakes, the sexual errors or crimes, of an entire people, prohibiting all sexual relations, for only virgins are being redeemed (Rev. 14:4). See, God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.

Finally, have peace with these simple truths, and what was given of God through a humble man St. Francis of Assisi, which I have posted above. Read that daily, and show pardon for all the wrong done to you, as God Himself pardons. Then you will find pardon of whatever wrongs you too may have done, and great peace, love, and the ability to just move on with life, to finally focus on doing great things, good things, for others.

That is, no more negative complaining, never again, but take on a new life, a new person, born again, by obeying God in actual and eternal pardon, love, peace, progress, relief, redemption, and finally even heaven on this earth, in your own beauriful life, by doing this very thing.

With Lots of Love ;-)


Anonymous said...

Be no more an instrumend of complaint, but of peace, forever and ever. Then you become like the angels, angelic.

Anonymous said...

Ruth, here it is again.
The Peace Prayer

Is the Lord a God of peace, or a god of war? God is a God of love and a God of peace (Romans 15:33). Zion is the peaceful and pure in heart. Memorize the Peace Prayer. Then meditate on new ways to practice and impliment it every day, until you become as quiet and peaceful as an angel, not as a confrontational demon. Christ rebukes the wind and sea, wild thoughts: "Peace, be still, and there was great calm" (Mark 4:39). Then we will see you in Zion ;-)


Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is error, the truth; Where there is doubt, the faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled, as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. It is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen

Now, the God of Peace be with you all, Amen (Romans 15:33).


Anonymous said...


Now on Facebook


Anonymous said...

Happy Late Birthday Wish Warren Steed Jeffs Now celebrating 7th birthday in a jail cell and probably another 43 years.

Polygamist leader Warren Jeffs sentenced to life in prison

The jury sentenced Jeffs to life in prison for aggravated sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl and 20 years in prison for the sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl. He must serve at least 35 years of the life sentence and half of the other sentence, Strickland said. The judge in the case ordered that the sentences be served consecutively.

Jeffs also wrote: "If the world knew what I was doing, they would hang me from the highest tree," according to evidence presented in court.

Referring to that comment, prosecutor Nichols said during his closing statement that "Yes, this is Texas. But no, we don't hang convicts anymore from the highest tree, and we don't have the ability to call down the wrath of the Almighty ... We as a people choose to isolate our worst offenders, to keep them away from their past and future victims."

God Bless Texas!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pope County man dies after limb falls on camper

Posted: Friday, December 6, 2013 2:30 pm | Updated: 5:42 pm, Fri Dec 6, 2013.
by Michelle Jostmeyer

River Valley Leader spoke to Pope County Sheriff Aaron Duvall concerning the fatality accident that occurred Friday morning on Woods Lane approximately 5 miles north of Dover.

At 7:02 a.m. Pope County authorities were informed of a large tree limb that had fallen on a fifth wheel camper. The camper was located at 1113 Woods Lane, north of Dover.

A Pope County deputy in the area responded to the address and found the large limb on the camper and advised Pope County 911 to send assistance. The deputy was informed that the fifth wheel camper was occupied by 62-year-old Boyd Wallace Roundy. Roundy was living alone in the camper located on his property.

Dover First Responders and Pope County EMS Rescue were dispatched to the scene to gain access to the 62-year-old resident that was located inside. After EMS Rescue gained access to Roundy, Pope County Coroner Leonard Krout was called to the scene. Following the arrival of the coroner, Roundy was pronounced dead.

It was determined that the 62-year-old died from injuries he sustained after a tree limb weighed down by ice, fell on the sleeping area of his camper.

Roundy's body was transported by Krout to the Pope County Coroner's Office and his next-of-kin was notified.

Anonymous said...

I wish it had been me that had died.

Anonymous said...

Warren Jeffs' World of Polygamy ABC News
Warren Jeffs' World of Polygamy. A look at FLDS, the largest polygamist group in the U.S., and the men trying to help young women leave. 12/10/2013.


Anonymous said...

Living Barlow, Rich Jessop
Living Maryett Jessop Barlow
1 Sylvia Jo Barlow
2 Maryett Carlene Barlow
3 Maleta Sue Barlow
4 Connie Larue Barlow
5 Rich Jessop Barlow Jf.
6 Kathryn Effie Barlow
7 Joseph Fredrick Barlow
8 Permelia Spring Barlow

Living JoEllen Jessop Barlow
1 Susan Summer Barlow

Living Barlow, Richard Jessop
Living Susan Irene Black Barlow
1 Lydia Irene Barlow
2 Vera Francis Barlow
3 Edward Grant Barlow
4 Lola Rose Barlow
5 Viola Spencer Barlow
6 Arta Mae Barlow

Living Connie Richelle Jessop Barlow
1 Connie Luella Barlow
2 Eva Elise Barlow

Anonymous said...

Drum Roll, Please.......

Last edited by the author on Dec 21, 2013 12:02:05 PM PST

Stephen Bosworth says:
"A promise I made trying to prevent a family feud & trying to prevent an ugly mess in the courts when Becky first started her slanderous speeches."

I have proof Cole and his father are actively pursuing a case against Rebecca Musser. Cole deleted my comment about this before and I am sure he will have it deleted again. But all his talk of truth doesn't cover up his lies. I will publish proof of my findings soon in my own ebook about Cole and his "Remote Viewing" skills which he claims gives him the power to see and know everything, including his idea that Hitler worked his way out of hell (as mentioned in his book).

I'm curious as to why he would cover up the court case he and his father have (The document was obviously written by Cole as it is verbatim of things listed in his book)? Why is he not letting people talk about his self-proclaimed psychic abilities that speak of death, doom and destruction of the world and how the US Gov't is looking for him because of his all knowing abilities...hence his name change.

It's all about the money to Cole and his father.

Can he provide links to his sister's "slanderous speech"? I haven't found anything like that. Or, are they more of the "truth" that only he can know?

Anonymous said...

In reply to an earlier post on Dec 21, 2013 8:23:42 PM PST
Last edited by the author on Dec 26, 2013 11:41:05 PM PST
Cole says:
Stephen, the likely court case is no secret. It has never been a "secret". I exhausted every possible option to prevent it. But, in the end, Becky simply would not do the right thing of her own freewill.

It's funny to me, that someone that has access to so many resources to dig up "dirt" can't do a simple google or youtube search to watch the slanderous speeches yourself.

One thing that has blackened Becky's soul to the point where she would do such things to others, only thinking of herself, is because for years & years she has escaped consequence.

The best thing that could happen for Becky at this point is to feel consequence for her actions & choices.

It's not loving to support a lie. And to know others are being falsely accused, & stay silent just to "protect" the accuser isn't loving either. Nor is it the ethical thing to do.

I promised I would testify if it came to that, standing up for the truth. Every other family member will likely to do the same. I'm a man of my word, & will deliver on that promise. That is the only right thing to do. And that is my only involvement in that potential case.

It is laughable that you would assert that it's about "money". Becky has run up debts with everyone. No one would need to "sue" to get money. She is in debt to everyone. My father included.

As for your absurd & desperate attempts to try to discredit me because of my training in military remote viewing:

It's laughable that with all your digging the best Becky could give you to try to "discredit" me is my military remote viewing training.

It's is laughable to me that you would think I would be anything less then proud of my remote viewing training.

It is because of thousands of hours of dedicated training in advanced military remote viewing that I was able to finally get the truth about the cult. And finally escape the shackles of a lifetime of cult conditioning.

It was because of my training in military remote viewing I was able to know Rulon Jeffs was on his death bed (when it was a secret to everyone else in the cult), & time that critical call to Becky, at just the right time where I could get a crack into that cult conditioning she was carrying.

It was because of military remote viewing that I had the patience to put up with all the shenanigans from Becky & others, and still keep the bigger picture in mind.

Because of that training, yes, I am indeed viscerally aware of the path the soul takes after death. And indeed viscerally aware of the soul blackening effects of unloving, unethical choices & actions.

Anonymous said...

One of the series, ESCAPING THE PROPHET, documents the efforts of former FLDS member Flora Jessop as she helps families flee the community.

•Lenora's daughters want to live with their father, and her son is defiant and controls the home. She is hoping that with Flora's help, she'll finally be able to leave the cult with her children. •A devout FLDS member, Ruth, has been ostracized by the community, has received death threats, and could be in real danger within the community. •After a man named Edwin expresses he needs help to a local church pastor, Flora and Brandon embark on a hunt to find him and help him escape. •Robert, who is already free from the FLDS, suspects that his two children are being abused in his ex-wife's home and calls on Flora and Brandon to help him extract his children from the community. •17-year-old Taylor, who is in trouble and on the verge of being kicked out by his parents, is conflicted about leaving his family and the church. •Flora's sister Ruby and her six children are having problems adjusting to their new life outside the cult and are at risk of getting sucked back in by the church.

Anonymous said...

I will tell you right out why men are protected in Colorado City and Hildale Utah in abuse; first the victims are afraid to speak, second for every abuser the state keeps in place, there will be a lot of woman to exploit. They get paid to do this. Lets say that a woman is beat up, and reports abuse; who will pay her way if they remove the man? But, lets say that after the woman, or child reports abuse the men can then take them to a mental hospital, in the night of course, beat them up for a signature, and the doctor, the councilor, the food stamps, the access, ect all pull a pay check. Everyone gets paid to sabotage the one who reported abuse. They have one catch to their madness; if they tell the victim they have rights now, because they are on disability then they can turn around and fire the paid people who keep them prisoners; since most women and children are taught if do not do exactly as they old they will go to hell, then the state and the abuser has a perfect victim and they all get paid to take advantage of the women and children. And of course the dishonest cops can write up the report any way they like and no one is going to cut off their pay check; no one really cares in Colorado City and HIldale Utah if the cops do murder these women. Right now, all the cops had to do is say that it may be a native American bones they found and no one really looks farther. The bones however were too small for native Americans; so the next question to ask is who disappeared that the cops beat to death?

Anonymous said...

And believe me, I went and talked to Joe C. Jessop myself. He is a preditor yet he walks around as if nothing ever happened. Of course I would not have made him pay the debt, that is why God is there; but they should have gave Flora as much grace as they did him. That is the tragedy. The hurt lives too deep. So, we spread the message; Mohave County give the victims the grace you gave the predator. And to the Colorado City Cops; you will be hated by everyone just as Sam Barlow was; they may not say it to your face because they do not want beat up and your reports wrote up to harass them for wanting you to be men instead of mice; but you will be hated. Helamon Barlow is a murder, just as Sam Barlow is and even if he kills the people who speak out against his abuse, he will still be hated and a murder, just like Sam Barlow is. How did it feel Helamon to be a candidate for the worms to eat you up, before you die; you protector of predators. Now, that your Doris Goodall is ill; who will you pay to sabotage your victims now? You murders. You think you are so powerful, until you lose your life at the end of your walk here, then you will have to pay the murders price and no government will sabotage and shut up your victims, that you pay to destroy.

Unknown said...

Well, I've kinda softened my stance a bit. But... underage girls were abused sexually. You can't do that. I hear the whole "God's law first" thing, but it seems a strange thing to go to war over. I mean, just wait till women are 18. It should have wrung alarm bells when marriages were secret, and no child should ever be forced into marriage. I hope good people can root out the evil in this group. Does anyone think they got the wrong prophet? Who teaches a young person about sex by having what is basically a gangbang? It's weird to think the supposedly chaste flds women have had more partners and, uh..., "experiences" than ME!

Unknown said...

Oh, that's another thing. The passing of women back and forth between dudes. How did this ever become ok? I can't imagine having relations with another man besides my husband. It seems so...unseemly. I hope people are starting to see how wrong this is. Even if you have more than 1 wife, you are committed to eachother. You don't allow yourself to be passed onto another. The term sisterwife is too close to the term "wife-in-law" what prostitutes who have the sake pimp daddy call eachother. The similaritites in these cultures are striking. It is so sad to imagine these people allowed a peaceful religion to be perverted into a criminal sex ring...

Unknown said...

Do not people try to help them? People already out, women's shelters, charitable organizations? People deserve better than there lives in such a destructive lifestyle. The prophet says children shouldn't play because it see es no purpose? But it dies, it Haas been Provence this is how children learn and develop their brain, as well as their bodies. It is psychologically damaging what is happening. I would never make fun of someone who left. Just those who stay. No. I really feel badly for them, and want to shock them into dealing with reality on reality's terms. You fell under the influence of a madman. It happens. It doesn't mean you can't recover as a society and move forward.

Anonymous said...

I forgot one thing, Sockie mom, you would know what a pimp was I guess. But do not pervert people who do not that you accuse; you filth of the eternal pit.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous1/10/2014 12:08 AM,

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Perhaps your message might be better received with more facts, less judgment, and less profanity.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous1/10/2014 12:08 AM,

You are so brainwashed by your religion (cult) you have no concept of what the real world is really like. I know I'm wasting my time trying to explain this to you and your kind, but I thought I would try anyway. Get out and get real!


Anonymous said...

Here's to you anonymous 1/13/2014 10:57 PM "You are so brainwashed by your religion (cult) you have no concept of what the real world is really like. I know I'm wasting my time trying to explain this to you and your kind, but I thought I would try anyway. Get out and get real!"

Anonymous said...

So Ruth Cooke got out with Flora Jessops help? How is she doing? Didn't she used to post here all the time?

Anonymous said...

Its very easy to make comments....harder than i hope you will ever know when you live it. I would not be surprised at all if murders took place. Especially with the way animals are treated. I think I would be more surprised if they didnt. I hope charges start to be pressed when animals are injured or killed. Also would like to see more media coverage about this. Americans like their cats,dogs,etc., which I hope you dont misunderstand...just seems like it would be easier to prove. Also dont think being mean or disrespectful to anyone is helpful. Why would anyone want to come forward after looking at this? As if the hell that they have been through wasnt enough? Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

This bothers me because it infers that there is a choice involved. If the government hasnt been able to stop these abuses, how would you suggest that a woman do it? I admire the women who have given up everything, I mean EVERYTHING, and have escaped. Not everyone is blessed with the courage, strength and wisdom that it takes to start over even in the best of circumstances. This situation would never be that. I do however, understand what you are saying. I can only hope that when woman start taking their lives back and the lives of their children, that they will be met with much love, patience,understanding and many more options in place.

Anonymous said...

This bothers me because it infers that there is a choice involved. If the government hasnt been able to stop these abuses, how would you suggest that a woman do it? I admire the women who have given up everything, I mean EVERYTHING, and have escaped. Not everyone is blessed with the courage, strength and wisdom that it takes to start over even in the best of circumstances. This situation would never be that. I do however, understand what you are saying. I can only hope that when woman start taking their lives back and the lives of their children, that they will be met with much love, patience,understanding and many more options in place.

Anonymous said...

While I can understand much of what you say here, again I have to say that implying that the women are responsible is just wrong. Any woman looking at this, especially because for the most part you seem to understand and are compassionate, is going to feel discouraged and many other things much worse. It seems counterproductive to have this position. I do agree that women in this position should do whatever they can to get out...just cant get my head around blaming the victim for getting raped s I am sure many women have been. I hope that more support is provided to make it easier. I do appreciate that you have been supportive in most other ways, just cant agree on this point. I only wish it were easier.

Anonymous said...

I really think it's much more complicated than reading current information that probably wasn't available before the internet. It seems one would have to go to extreme lengths to get it prior to that....having had the doctrine further ingrained and much more damage done that takes it toll. It would be easy to understand why someone would disbelieve another when told that what they have known their whole life was in so many ways untrue. Can you even imagine this? Knowing what you know about your life, your truth? Can you put yourself in that position, in thought, for just a minute? It wouldn't be a good experience. I only ask this of you because you have been one of the most, if not the most, sympathetic person on this blog and seem to be well respected. And I agree that you have to take a strong stance to be heard, which you have done and I admire much of what you've said. For me, I get concerned about how many other women are reading this that may never be heard from here, and see some of the things said as additional barriers. But that's just my opinion and I realize that we all see things differently. Just appreciate the support that you've provided thus far.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is pretty harsh judgement and definitely harsh language geared towards someone you don't know(I'm assuming). I can understand being angry but when you get to this level, no one hears you and if they do, one couldn't blame anyone for seeing these responses as coming from someone that isn't very nice and is definitely in a very dark place. For whoever wrote this, I can only hope that you're in a better place now and can maybe see these last few entries as a mistake.

Anonymous said...

I do not think any of you know anything about Ruth.

Anonymous said...

Ruth went back to the Crick about two weeks ago. She still believes in Jeffs.

Anonymous said...

well, do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in Texas? Do you believe in Cookies? Do you believe in snow? Do you believe in big mouths, that need to be shut?

Anonymous said...

Yah, or your pee pees that go putt putt. I believe. What of it. It's not like, still believe, hold your breath, until you die. Guess what? Still believing, while your unbelief is landing you all in a living hell, in this life, and then the next.

Be ye clean. Only virgins are redeemed (Rev. 14:4), and that goes for male and female. Whosoever lusts for another (sexual desire) is an adulterer, a criminal, a pervert, like Warren was, till he and the entire culture of saints repented (No sexual relations). So that's the great example that the world needed to see. Now the job is on them to do it, or be eternally damned. Up to you, folks.

Anonymous said...

since the child molesters hide behind Helaman Barlow and once in a while they confess, like Henry Cooke; I have to help these men register. Besides, Sam Barlow Sr. molesting children There is Doug Cooke. Him and Ada abuse their children so horrible. They have five beautiful children. When they go to the Doctor with their bruises and beatings, Ada tells the Doctor that it was just an accident. Doug is a molester and Ada is a tormentor. They need to take a trip the the Utah County Attorneys office and confess their abuse; so their children will have a chance at life. Do the right thing Doug. Be a man like Henry and registrar as a sex offender; for that is what you are. For your children do not deserve your wrath. They will be bigger than you soon and deserve a chance at life. I know preditor's like you and Ada think you will be able to torment and abuse your children forever; but just you wait. Your time of abusing children is almost over.

Anonymous said...

To Zitting

Revelation 7
1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that no wind should blow on the earth, or on the sea, or upon any tree.
2 And I saw another angel ascend from the sun rising, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a great voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,
3 saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we shall have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads.
4 And I heard the number of them that were sealed, a hundred and forty and four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel:
5 Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand;
6 Of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand;
7 Of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand;
8 Of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand;
Of the tribe of Benjamin were sealed twelve thousand.

Anonymous said...

Revelation 14

"These are they that were not defiled with women; for they are virgins."

1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on the mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his name, and the name of his Father, written on their foreheads.
2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and the voice which I heard was as the voice of harpers harping with their harps:
3 and they sing as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the elders: and no man could learn the song save the hundred and forty and four thousand, even they that had been purchased out of the earth.
4 These are they that were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they that follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were purchased from among men, to be the firstfruits unto God and unto the Lamb.
5 And in their mouth was found no lie: they are without blemish.

Anonymous said...

Revelations 20

4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as worshipped not the beast, neither his image, and received not the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand; and they lived, and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
5 The rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years should be finished. This is the first resurrection.
6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: over these the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Anonymous said...

Note God builds and prepares the New Jerusalem

Revelations 21

1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away; and the sea is no more.
2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a great voice out of the throne saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his peoples, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God:
4 and he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and death shall be no more; neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more: the first things are passed away.
5 And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he saith, Write: for these words are faithful and true.
6 And he said unto me, They are come to pass. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.
7 He that overcometh shall inherit these things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.
8 But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous11/27/2013 12:13 PM

An interesting epilogue written at the end of this book for ex-FLDS cult members.

Anyone else read it?


Well it looks like Rebecca Musser's father Lloyd Wall will get to explain his side of the story on a national daytime TV Show Dr. Phil Feb. 20th, 2014.


"Facing Off with My Polygamous FLDS Father"

Unknown said...

I realize the language I used was a bit strong. But marriage is meant to be eternal, and with one man. There is so much wrong in the flds. The leader is an evil man. Not a prophet. I'm not a drunk. Well... not right this second! Of course I know what a pimp is - I live in the real world. Just because the women being bartered and traded don't know that word doesn't mean they aren't being pimped in the name of religion. If they could open their eyes they would see how they are being abused. I don't believe in your version of hell and damnation. But I pray a good man will rally other good men and stand up for what is right, and do what they are supposed to do and protect and honor their women and children. Peace.

Helene said...

Does any know whatever happened to Betty Jessop, Caroyln's daughter whor returned to the FLDS when she turned 18?

Unknown said...

Oh my. Ruth went back to the flds? I loved when she wore pants!

Are those WSJ's prophecies above?

No worries here about a passionate response, Anon. I really don't have a problem with polygamy or your religion. But I don't agree with Warren Jeff's being a true prophet, or God on earth, or even a good man.

Women should be lifted on a pedastal and exalted. Your women are not being treated as they should be.

Children should never be exposed to sexual situations.

I know many in the outside seem to have no morals, especially in regards to sexual exploits. But many people are very conservative in that way, too.

Things that happen, such as young girls being married to adults, or wives switching husbands, seem just as immoral and evil as outsiders do to you.

I apologize for using harsh language and being so judgemental.

Could some try to explain to me what the reason would be to switch husbands? How can this be ok if you've already vowed to be with another person?

Do you ever doubt that Warren is a true prophet?

Anonymous said...

I am reading this blog from the beginning, and this is the saddest story. It seems so many good things and people were corrupted, and what was a beautiful culture was ruined and perverted. I hope it isn't lost forever. The stories of those trapped, either inside, or outside and alone, break my heart. And I'm only in 2005. So many wise people from this culture expressed the contradictions in wsj's policies much better than I ever could, I feel a bit foolish for even trying.

I am only up to May 2005. I want to know what happened to some of those folks - Faithful Woman, Antique Mormon, Fried Female...Street, others. I hope some peace has come to you.

Anonymous said...

Warren Jeffs in hospital Galveston, Texas. Could a one way trip to Peckerwood Cemetery be coming soon?

Anonymous said...

//Could some try to explain to me what the reason would be to switch husbands? How can this be ok if you've already vowed to be with another person?

Do you ever doubt that Warren is a true prophet?//

It's called divorce. Can you say: Di-vor-ssss? Very goooood. That's all. Happens the world over, but this is FLDS style divorce. Everybody has their style.

As for Warren, do you ever doubt that he's not. Of course you don't. You KNOW he is, butt... butt, you have a crowd to please, and an ego. I mean, if a man is ultra scriptural, and human, and makes a mistake, and then even confesses and repents for the whole world to see, how much more prophetic can one get. It is according to both scripture and prophecy, which approximates perfection. So yah, your conviction that Warren is a true prophet is admirable, and that testimony will grow for ya, child.


Anonymous said...

sockie mom, you have no clue what you are talking about. Keep your lies in your hat, where you can read them.

just me said...

Lol, wut? Is that a Joseph Smith reference? What lies? I've only stated my opinion. I don't know a lot about Mormonism, or the flds, and their doctrine. So...ok. Educate me!

Hi Street! Reading your posts sometimes I can understand what you say. Sometimes, not so much.

Yes, I know about divorce. But many religions just forbid that. Especially the more fundamental ones. I've known Catholics who have lived apart for decades, but still consider themselves "married." Because you do not divorce. Or the Famish. You just don't. So I guess I'm surprised a fundamentalist religion would allow that. And it doesn't seem like divorce in the flds, in that people are just sent off to where ever. And the uninvited direction by an uninvolved party (the prophet) seems odd.

Did you interpret my question as budding faith? No. You're just being silly, Street! I'm guessing that means you do not ever have doubt.

I find people of great faith...intriguing, for lack of a better word. I always wonder...do they *really* believe? Or are they just putting on a show? You, my dear Street, clearly believe with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. This is fascinating to me!

I've always been the doubting type, myself.

I gotta say, I do feel really bad I made Ruth so upset. I did love her on Tv. She is so pretty, I think. And funny. I wonder if she is angry TLC made it look like she had lost faith in warren, when it seems that isn't the case, there are others she has beef with.

Ruth I don't think is crazy. She may suffer from some ptsd. Not a shocker. Maybe even a touch of mania now and again. But she seems quite consistent, for the most part. Over years. About who did her wrong, her children, and even the role warren played in her specific situation.

It reminds me of some stories of child molesters in a trusted position, like teacher or coach. Most parents and children will have a positive experience and impression, very positive. It is only some select victims that see the abuser's true face.

Likewise, an evil person can endear themselves to some people, while letting their true evil nature shine through to others.

One thing I wanted to point out re/ Flora. Some of things people say make her testimony untrustworthy (drugs, promiscuity, involvment in the sex industry, sexualized behaviors as a young child) are actually all signs of a child being abused sexually. Unfortunately, many, many abused kids end up on the street, selling their body, and abusing drugs to blnumb the pain. This just gives her story credibility, to me.

Any time a young child is a ting out sexualized behaviors that is a huge, huge red flag that that child is being exposed to those behaviors. Which is never appropriate.

Unknown said...

Oops, that was me above! This log in thing has me all messed up.

Anonymous said...

Here is my prayer: I make it public because those that murdered my children used the public to harass, torture and torment me. My crime; reporting abuse in Mohave County.

Father, as you send the Judgements upon these murders, give them the strength and courage to tell the truth; in the courts and to those around them. Let the World know that Sam Barlow, Helamon Barlow, and the men of their secret sodomy society be known. Let the men who are not guilty in the Jails walk free. As the accusers and liars of Innocent people are falling with their place in hell prepared; give us strength to win the law suit that the Federal Government has brought upon these Murders, who call themselves cops. Not, all the cops are murders, but the ones who follow the murders, believe the lie they told and bring upon themselves some sort of Judgement. Knowing you are just and will send what each soul deserves to them, help me to hold my head up and walk through the storm of these filthy murders and the deceit they have also peddled. No man or woman can portray a lie to you, and you are Just. Father in Heaven, Please send failure upon the cops in this law, suit so these murders will flee our city. I know that Judgement and Justice will be served in the case of my children these filthy men and the cop fists they hired, will be executed upon the heads of my children's murders. Like Jesus, Joseph, and the rest of the murdered saints, I cry for vengeance, upon the government officials who covered up these murders for these men, and upon the men themselves. The blood of my children also cry unto you, Father in heaven for justice, Judgment, and vengeance; that murders will pay in this life, and the next life for the heinous crime they committed. I know that these murders will pay for eternities for their crimes and ask that you put peace upon my heart. All it took was one word from a child molester, who violently beat his children and tormented them, to sabotage the one soul who did report it. No wonder his other women kept silent. He tormented them too. And the Horrible cop Helamon and Johnathon protected this violent pig in his sins, because he was liked and me and my children were not. So, even the cops who protected these murders, will have to pay, even though they are no longer cops. They claim the state is persecuting them for religion. In reality they are paying the price for their sins. May they lose and the blood of my children continue to cry for vengeance until you send it upon these men who murdered my children and tried to murder me.

Anonymous said...

Sockie Mom, leave people you do not know a thing about, out of your posts. They are not public property even if you all think you have a right to dissect everything. And who can tell if a person has P.T.S.D. or not, with all the liars Sam Barlow could hire. The doctors get paid a mint to label someone. And pance on women are creepy. Women forgot to be women, and need to be women. Women in pance is creepy.

Anonymous said...

Eldorado Success

Authorities move to seize YFZ ranch.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for finally talking about >"2013" <Liked it!