Sunday, January 01, 2012


It's worthwhile, I think, to start out the new year with a good review of this past year written by Matthew Waller for the San Angelo Standard Times.

FLDS: Following a 'prophet'

Emerging now are portentous stories (December 31st) about the illegal removal of young girls from their parents in Short Creek.

“Parents that have dropped off their girls for interviews, they go to pick them up and the girls have been sent off to a ‘safe place of refuge’ is what they’re being told,” said Tonia Tewell, the executive director of the group Holding Out Help. “And the families haven’t been deemed worthy or unworthy yet. But they have no idea where their children are disappearing to.”

Any of you who travel to or through or live there, please give us your thoughts about what you're seeing there in those tyrannized twin towns of Colorado City/Hildale.

In the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012!


Anonymous said...

I hope it does happen. I hope it does with me, at least. Willard Barlow, Richard Cooke, Sam Barlow, Mother, Shelly Cooke, Warren JEffs,and Sam Brower will get their hearts desire. I hope that on New Years day, I am found dead in my bed. Just think how happy you and them will all be. You will be celibrating and rejoincing that I am dead for all the lies that were told about me. Just think how happy Warren Jeffs and Willard Barlow will be. They can celibrat with all their gossiping freinds who hated me for Willard Barlow's lies, that I am dead. I am praying for that with all my heart. Please Dear God in heaven let me die tonight in my bed.

Anonymous said...

and never ask for a friend. For friends betray. Then Lyle Jeffs can pat Willard Barlow on the back, for another soul he destroyed. A job well done. for his lies, until the reserection day; and he has to account for his abuse.

I know tell me how much you hated me. Tell me how stupid I am. Tell me how you sympathize.

But, I learned one thing. If they tell a little lie about you, it grows into a huge lie.

Then instead of one man trying to kill me, it is the world and all the Sam Browers in Hell.

I loved my daughter. She did not have a stupid desiese that he said.

And I did take her to a doctor. And I wish I had died before I met all of you. IN and out of the church.

Why do you not come out and murder me for Willard BArlow and Sam Browers lies.

Make Warren Jeffs and Willard BArlow happy.

And please if you ever see me on the street or about; Please do not talk to me. Send Lyle JEffs a letter congradulating him, on helping destroy me for the lies of filthy men.

and give these preditor's a gold medal; they hide their lies so well.

And never speak to me again. None of you. NOt you Leonard Barlow that insults me, and reads this blog.

Go home and Celibrate with Willard Barlow that you can destroy so many souls and no one cares.

Anonymous said...

Wow, more kidnapping and the parents just shrug. Awfull!
After reading Sam Browers book. I understand so much more. Including the previous poster.

Anonymous said...

There she goes again. Same old Ruth. As if no one in the whole world has any problems except herself. You know what, Ruth? You don't deserve any sympathy at all at this point. You deliberately choose to not make use of the care that is available to you, and you will not stop talking as if you are the only person who ever lived that has problems. It is childish, self-centered, annoying, and extremely tiresome. Grow up and get some proper mental health care,for heaven's sake. You aren't the only one in the world who needs it. Other people get it, and they can often stop living the same old way, and they can get somewhere in life. And try doing something constructive besides going around with your everlasting self-pity stories. Just yesterday you said "so long," and it was a huge relief to hear that, to tell you the truth. But now, here we go again. I am one of the people who used to try to be patient and encouraging. So many others also have. Grow up, for God's sake. You are a stubborn, deliberate disgrace, lady. I think you should be committed against your will to a good mental hopsital until you learn to use the professional care that you need and stick with it.

Anonymous said...

As for all the people you constantly complain about, Ruth, have you really figured out just how bad they are? Well, join the crowd- most people that follow this stuff know it. If you have something specific to report to authorities, then for God's sake do it. Yammering on a blog isn't going to do a blessed thing. And you still need the mental health care. You repeat the same stuff hundreds of times and I can't understand why you don't go to people that have some skill and authority. So many people have reached out to you but you just backstab most of them. Why do you expect anybody decent to keep bothering with your complaining after the way you treat those that try to help?

Anonymous said...

A well written article by a survivor of polygamy on how to deal with the emotional issue of leaving groups like the FLDS, sort of a mini survivors manual.

From article:

“Leaving Polygamy is like being hit by a bus

You are probably an emotional wreck! No one would expect someone hit by a bus to jump up, dust themselves off and say: “I’M OK”. You are NOT OK – at least not yet. It will take some time before you can be OK. Just living through today is enough for now. When we left polygamy we went through that same struggle. You can too. I believe in you!”

IMO well written by someone who has been there.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any ideas as to where they are taking these stolen children?

Anonymous said...

I liked your article. And as to the others that critazised me, I am glad I do not know you. And I do not need a mental Hospital. And I think if you hated me so much, you could stay off the blog. The wind blew so hard last night, I thought here is my great moment to leave this world. But nothing more than that happened. Just think If I was blown away you could all celibrate. So, you believe in force too. No Wonder no one cared at all. YOur critazisim is as interesting as the compliments I used to get. But, this is a nasty hateful blog, with a lot of lies, just like Sam Brower's book. It is so depressing to even look at it. I can not believe I came back. I was curious to see if you hated me as bad as you said. Hate eats a person up. Try to forgive and be patient.

Anonymous said...

And frankly, to all those that really cared, my daughter did not die at two years old. She was taken to Doctor's. And she did not have Fumeraies desiese. I was not abused by my Father. And neither was all my sisters. But, I know you all love Sam Brower's lies. You that do. And I was a good Mother. I still am a good Mother. I am a good person too. So, I give you an invitation to love a lie, since you do.

Anonymous said...

And please Administration; block me from this blog. It is like a drug addiction. That is the best thing that could happen to me.

Anonymous said...

Various safe houses, as well as Pringle, Mancos & YFZ. They will slowly slip them one or two at a time as to not attract attention. Of course it will be the young girls that they will try to hide, taking them away from parents found unworthy, the little brothers also found unworthy and left with the parents. In the end YFZ, IMO, will become the major FLDS site & HQ, with places like Pringle, Mancos, etc serving as income generators to fund YFZ.
Wouldn't surprised to see Lyle the larcenous take up residence at the H house built for Warren, seem ole Warren has a lifetime three squares and a cot courtesy of the State of Texas, Lyle wouldn't want that big house to go to waste as Warren won't be needing it anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

what about all Warrens wives and kids? what will happen to them?

Anonymous said...

PILOT just posted more pics.. the FLDS head quarters of Jack Daniels Inc. on Ranch Rd. 2596 and more progress on an auditorium of some kind, and a tower with 360 degree cameras.

Anonymous said...

Hello Ruth

With everything that is going on in Colorado City, do you know how your sister Laurene Jessop is doing? Is she being evicted?

Anonymous said...

Excellent work, thanks pilot. With the security cameras etc at YFZ, they must be getting a bit paranoid.
And the auditorium for the worship of Warren's statue appears to be moving on. Of course it could be a mausoleum for Warren's body, ole Lyle wouldn't want his brother to end up at Peckerwood Hill Cemetery in Huntsville,Texas would he!

And for those who are unaware, Peckerwood Hill Cemetery is where Texas buries inmates who die while in the prison. In Texas inmates are often referred to as Peckerwoods, that right Warren, boy you is a peckerwood!

Anonymous said...

They really need to take Warren out of isolation and put him in the general population. He has some just rewards coming to him.

feralfem said...

From Fox13:

As many as 1,000 may be exiled from the FLDS Church

“We’d like to see families stay together. We’d like to see people living there in the houses. They do not have to leave,” Bruce Wisan said. “I’d like to get the word out that if the church says you have to leave the community, you don’t. The church does not control the real estate.”

Please, folks, take advantage of this!!

Anonymous said...

Sam Brower has a fine article from September 2011 that I never saw until yesterday. It's about how Kody Brown may be getting lots of tv attention but the truth of polygamy's cruelty is being obscured by such things as K Brown tv depiction. Brower mentioned the family tearing apart that has gone on many times, and continues right now with flds. Brower is one of several heroes exposing the disgraceful and heartless reality and damage of warren's madness. I hope many people successfully sue warren and his henchmen for alienation of affection and whatever else they can pin the disgusting tyrants for. Lyle and anyone helping carry out warren's latest garbage should be imprisoned in short order.

Anonymous said...

Lots of kidnapping charges should be enough to glue Lyle into a federal facility for life. They finally more openly progressed to federal offenses. Let's hope it results in the destruction of flds leadership.

Anonymous said...

Is Warren Jeffs a threat to the USA? In this opinion piece the writer believes so. From article:

“The terrorist who worries me most in this New Year is not an avowed enemy being stalked by American forces abroad. It is Warren Jeffs, the homegrown cult leader and imprisoned pedophile.”

Anonymous said...

Mike Watkiss reports on recent events relating to Warren Jeffs.

Anonymous said...


Smith died and the prophecy written into the text below did not happen in that generation or any generation afterwards.

Priesthood Articles Page 401-401
TPJS Page 17

And now I am prepared to say by the authority of Jesus Christ, that not many years shall pass
away before the United States shall present such a scene of bloodshed as has not a parallel in the history of our nation; pestilence. hail. famine. and
earthguake will sweep the wicked of this generation from off the race of the land. to open and prepare the way for the return of the lost tribes of Israel from the north country.

The people of the Lord, those who have complied with the equirements of the new covenant, have already commenced gathering together to Zion, which is in the state of Missouri;

therefore I declare unto you the warning which the Lord has commanded me to declare unto this generation, remembering that
the eyes of my Maker are upon me, and that to Him I am accountable for every word I say, wishing
nothing worse to my fellowmen than their eternal salvation; therefore, "Fear God, and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment is come. "Repent ye, repent ye, and embrace the everlasting covenant, and flee to Zion, before the overflowing
scourge overtake you, for there are those now living upon the earth whose eves shall not be
closed in death until they see all these things, which I have spoken fulfilled.

Remember these things; call upon the Lord while He is near, and seek Him while He may be found, is the exhortation of your unworthy servant. (Signed)
Joseph Smith, Jun. D&C 1:312-316.
Written from Kirtland,OH, 1833

The only person swept off the earth was Joseph Smith, Jr.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:23 don't know what your sources are, looked up D&C1 that you listed and what you have written is not there. Checked D & C 1 ONLY HAS 39 verses not the 312 to 316 you listed. Also D & C1 was written at Hiram, Ohio, not Kirtland, OH.
The date you list of 1833 for Kirtland ,OH shows Smith wrote D & C 89 through 98 as well as D & C 101.

So Anon are really quoting something that Warren or Rulon made up, claiming that Smith wrote it.

Here's my source online as to dates and places where D & C was written.

I also obtained a print copy of said D & C and it matches the website info.

Anonymous said...

Indeed, anonymous 1/03 at 11:23 am... one might add, "Talk is cheap, real cheap, Joey-boy."(and blasphemy is still a very serious thing in the eyes of God.)

Frankly, I definitely believe there are consequences in life for everything we choose, and there are occasional "acts of God" as catastophes are sometimes referred to. (even by insurance companies.) But I do not, and will never for one second believe any of them will ever be related in any way to even one polyg leader's hot air. This is easy to state, simply because these fellows are/were merely deeply flawed men who never were true prophets of the Living God at any time, not even for a few minutes. It has all been "great, swelling words" as the Bible calls it, the grandeur and impact they imagine has all been in their own heads, and in the poorly-informed minds of deluded followers who need to quit the idolatry toward these self-important and sinful, mortal men once and for all. These groups have a staying power in significant part because the people in them are completely twisted by their leaders' low opinion of the whole Bible, (which is commonplace with cult leaders) and by their completely unjustified respect for the book of mormon and the other lds "scriptures."

Incidentally, the easiest way I have found to learn just how the bom was created is Shawn McCraney's latest programs on Heart of the Matter. He has recently been doing a series on Joseph Smith's entire life- his childhood, his relatives, the nature and happenings of the times of his early years, his acquaintances,and the printed materials freely available and popular at that time.. all the things Smith was influenced by and had access to, all of which were other people's ideas in secular published writings (coupled with Smith's misuse of the King James Bible)--these things he wrote down as "inspired" are now obviously traceable to the ideas ciculating prior to and shortly following Smith's birth. Smith plagiarized freely. This is absolutely unmistakeable, when one sees the wording and ideas in several things Shawn and others have found, excerpted from publications written well before Smith's "revelations." The copy-catting is obvious that Smith did to create the b o m. There is absolutely no excust to go revering Smith or anything he wrote, did, or said. He was a shameless charlatan and blasphemer. He fits the Bible's detailed description of false prophet in both the Old and New Testaments. Smith's life could most certainly be used as a perfect example of what we are warned to avoid in religious leaders. So could warren jeffs' life. The Bible's description in many verses in both testaments, regarding false prophets and false teachers, sounds like a personally tailored item for both Smith and Jeffs.

Anonymous said...

Just wondering. Awhile back someone posted a list of those rumored to be kicked out. Don Jessop was one of those and I believe him to be U. Ray's son. Can anyone confirm that he really was?

Anonymous said...

Just looked at the new pilot pictures. man, to me that semi-circle thing ssems like a pretty poor building design, but I guess it isn't much different than the amphitheatres around the world designed for live presentations. It just makes me feel like I am looking at a bunch of wasted effort for some reason. I also can't deal with the temple design. Too childish or something. Anyway, can you imagine anyone, even in excellent health and condition, successfully escaping from this ranch on foot?

Anonymous said...

Remember these things; call upon the Lord while He is near, and seek Him while He may be found, is the exhortation of your unworthy servant. (Signed)
Joseph Smith, Jun. D&C 1:312-316.
Written from Kirtland,OH, 1833

Sorry it was from DHC 1:312-316.

Anonymous said...

Uh, joey boy, ya took those words at 1/03 3:06 pm almost letter for letter, up to the word "found," straight from the King James Bible,and you took them totally out of context, because you link them with your own lies and twistings, which is exactly what NOT to call upon or seek. you're gonna have to never forget to emphasize the "unworthy" just befor servant. But, ya know, joey, ya were indeed a servant all right, but not of God. You were a servant of your own vices, first of all. You've mislead millions up to this point, joey-boy.

Helene said...

Communication is about multiple points of view being shared, not one person venting their problems. This blog used to be a source of some important information. Long ago it became a bull horn for one person's misery, anger, and unhappiness, and this doesn't help anyone.

Why isn't this blog being moderated? Does the blog owner not care, or is he just plain sadistic? Obviously there is a reason why the concept behind this blog hasn't abandoned this url and been started up somewhere else.

But what a waste.

Anonymous said...

Helene, I appreciate and agree with what you said at 9:46. The one person who "uses this blog for a bullhorn for their misery" has emotionally exhausted and exasperated many people over a number of years. She was raised flds and definitely has a condition that should have on-going care, but no one out there apparently exercises what I think would be done in most US states- commitment to a mental health facility until there is marked improvement and an established medication program which is being supervised, with frequent follow-up appointments. The mental health issues are very apparent and I don't understand the laxness in this blog moderation either. I myself have needed mental health care. If I were to spout off like that frequently online I would certainly expect others to at least eventually start getting angry and telling me to go see professionals for some care.

feralfem said...

Helene, I agree with you... that this blog "used to be a source of some important information." I really miss the way it used to be.

In the top right column, the blog administrator claims:
"PLEASE try to keep your posts and comments civil. Profanity will not be tolerated. Neither will long-winded rants."

An email to the blog owner is the best way to complain:

I really wish there was a way to flag as inappropriate or some kind of thumbs-down on offending posts. Flags would prompt the blog owner to review and delete those "long-winded rants."

In the meantime, I hope people ignore rather than engage either the trolls or the long hot wind.

For lack of a better solution, I just skip over it.

uncaduff said...

Folks, dont be too hard on the administrator, like most of the blogs on this subject, I think we have just run out things to say. Many of us have not kept up on whats going on at the Crick, we have reverted too gossip and rumor, but don't despair, there's a lot of new people coming out and I think we will soon have plenty to talk about, so lets not the blog die, after all it depends on us.

Anonymous said...

I like this blog and look to it for new information all the time. its fairly easy just scroll past :)

Lets keep posting any new info

Anonymous said...

I see you all love a lie. There is no need to make a complaint to the administrator. IT is easy to see you are after only the new flash. Like the telivision. Only what is in front of your face, in the new drama is what you love. I have resigned from your creepy blog

Anonymous said...

That's a good observation, Uncaduff. I comb the internet for every fresh tidbit in various locations, daily, on flds, unless I am in a place where I can't stand to hear about it anymore. Then I take a break. But I always sneak on back. I don't live in flds territory, but one of the reasons I stay amazed and interested is that this goes on right here in our own nation in a way I can't imagine it being allowed with any other group, or family, or individual. I just remain amazed at the double standard I guess you could say. Ok, later-

Anonymous said...

Ruth, you are the only offender on this blog within a lie department, in my opinion. It's from your flds upbringing and your lack of accurate information because of your situation and I guess personal resources. Plus, you want us all to be wrong so that the hurtful flds customs, and multitude of wrong activites out there can somehow seem right, things which would never remain mostly unconfronted in most places in the United States. The things the polygamy groups have been getting away with for decades is unbelievable.
You said you wouldn't come back onto this blog the other day, then you were back the very next day. From my viewpoint, saying the things you do just emphasizes how much you should be getting professional care. I have never read anything on here that is creepy except for most of your posts. I am not sitting here anymore and allowing your unfounded diatribes to go without response, until you are dealt with.

Anonymous said...

Well, like you said the admisistration has a complain department. And What you say as until I am delt with, as if you are my judge and maker. You know nothing about me. I am glad I do not know you. and this blog is creepy.

Anonymous said...

It is creepy, because there are people like you out there to hurt someone for a lie. So, I have an anonomise enamy, who wants to deal with me, like Richard Cooke did. Do, you think you can hurt me worse than he did?

Anonymous said...

Your sister Laurene was hurt by Richard Cooke, yet I do not see her posting her frustrations. Her book is almost finished.

Anonymous said...

No, I do actually know things about you, Ruth, but thank God I will never have to meet you. You are one of the very most hypocritical and self-pitying people I have ever heard of. And I have known many more people and situations and parts of the United States than you ever will. You behave like an overgrown child who just has to keep the attention on herself when people nearby who have responsibilites and duties are trying to get something constructive done and do the things they have to do to live decent and sensible lives. I have tried to use this blog so many times to see if anyone knows more on the things in the news that interest me, and so often you are clogging up the works with your self-pity and foolishness. It's a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Ruth, you hurl accusations at the very people who have made a difference in bringing to light the felonies of flds so some of it can be stopped, if at all possible. They get death threats but they take that risk anyway.
The lies you are always so angry about originate with your own culture, Ruth. The flds.

Helene said...

Didn't mean to be so hard on ya Uncaduff. You've been a great resource for all of us. Many thanks.

uncaduff said...

Helene, I am not the Administrator of this blog, Ive had several people think that and I don't know why.:D

feralfem said...

I'm not an admin either; that's why I posted the only way I know of to reach one.
< >

A very few of us have the ability to add new posts because we requested it. Anyone can comment. And it's easy to create an anonymous login ID, which makes it easier to communicate one on one.

I always appreciate your inputs and humor, Uncaduff. I believe you and I earned our stripes in a much earlier generation. But we have loved ones suffering in this one.

Opinions and information either requested or given here are much appreciated -- despite the excessive flooding at times. I've adopted a dismissive attitude about it similar to something I overheard my clever son say once (not to me ;-)

"I decline to acquiesce to your convoluted, obfuscatory machinations."

uncaduff said...

Feral, I'm please to know your son is a man of letterers. ;)

uncaduff said...

Ferrel a love of truth will cause one too question, but a lust for security deceives one into accepting the status qua. Freedom requires us to put forth the effort to find truth, and too accept the consequences, our loved ones still laboring under tyranny are getting the experiences they need to cause them to love truth and and too do what it takes to find it.

Anonymous said...

Seems as time goes by things never seem to change:

Article written 60 years ago – 1953 -

It is in this most isolated of all Arizona communities that the foulest of conspiracies has flourished and expanded in a terrifying geometric progression. HERE HAS BEEN A COMMUNITY ENTIRELY DEDICATED TO THE WARPED PHILOSOPHY THAT A SMALL HANDFUL OF GREEDY AND LICENTIOUS MEN AND SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT AND THE POWER TO CONTROL THE DESTINY OF EVERY HUMAN SOUL IN THE COMMUNITY.


Anonymous said...

Well Warren is this your revelation or is it Lyle's?

There will be another raid this year (2012) . Everything is in place now.

The choices of the few will effect the many, once again.

Knowing the outcome of divisive action shows how much the ignorance on both sides of the conversation has grown. This new action will be more comprehensive and supported than any other act ever taken against the families who follow in the footsteps of the resistance.

I pray for the innocent

Anonymous said...

And a reply to the "revelation"

Did you think to pray for the innocent victims of Warren Jeffs. Families destroyed, peoples lively hoods taken from, the lost boys kicked out, so the priethoodlums could have their choice of female victims?

The lists of Warren Jeffs victims number in the hundreds if not thousands.
Yes pray for the innocent victims of Warren & Lyle.

Anonymous said...

As time goes by IMO, the FLDS will self destruct as Lyle & Warren's demands become to much. People will leave going to the second ward, The new church of the two Willies, others leaving polygamy altogether joining protestant churches or the mainstream LDS.

What will be left will not be able to support the remnant FLDS, with most of it’s assets sold off in tax sales.
One day Sheriff Doran will sale an abandoned bankrupt YFZ for back taxes, if it is not seized as an asset of a criminal organization first.

Warren Jeffs hopefully will die a forgotten old man, his unclaimed body ending up at Peckerwood Hill cemetery with all the other forgotten convicts

Anonymous said...

An open letter to Warren Jeffs from the staff of a Salt Lake City,UT TV station.

This is great!!!

Any FLDS out their pass this on to your profit!

Anonymous said...

Reply to 10:22 and TV4's Hunsucker:

The Lord to Warren Jeffs: "My Holy Power (D) of Eternal Holy Power (K) of Union Power Celestial (T)".

Ingenious! Mystery! What the world wicked do not know of tree of live permutations, being the world wicked, of unholy power of fleeting corruption, of disunion power telestial, and juvenile.

Absolutely ingenious (D-K-T), poetic, and precise, being it came from God Himself.

Anonymous said...

Wow, wouldnt you know it, Street 12:09 and Ruth on the same thread.

Birds of a feather.

BTW Bruce Hunsaker, you nailed it!

Warren the powerful and Mighty Strong Smelling Prison Inmate needs an English lesson!

Anonymous said...

Who is Street exactly?

Anonymous said...

Street! Is that you! Where ya' been buddy? Thought you might be in a Texas prison.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was and that is why he has been missing from the blogs!

Anonymous said...

No way. Street wouldn't last 15 minutes in prison. Then again, maybe Bubba would protect him.

Confused Cowboy

Anonymous said...

Here's an article written by a former polygamist woman with the subject of victims of polygamy. She escaped polygamy and wants to help those who want out.

uncaduff said...

Street got bunted off the bridge by Billy Goat Gruff....

Anonymous said...

There once was a troll named Street
Whose life just wasn't complete
He spent all his time
Lurking online
'Cause he was too ignorant to tweet

uncaduff said...

:D good one..:D

Anonymous said...

Don't feed the trolls. It only goes to their thighs!

Anonymous said...

Don't feed the trolls. It only goes to their thighs!

Anonymous said...

Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right! Careful what you preach, little one. Your stylized ramblings of a Mad Black Woman give rise to Agent Orange suspicions.

Anonymous said...

I read the article posted. The one about Water Boarding. I think that when a person leaves a place of happiness, to choose hell, they make up so much garbage, for sympathy. Lies is how I see it.

Anonymous said...

Part two of an article on subject of victims and preps in polygamy:

An interesting perspective written by a former polygamist woman who escaped.

Anonymous said...

Part 3 on subject of victims & preps of polygamy, from article:

“A disturbing 30 foot tall statue of Warren Jeffs holding a young girl is being readied for a huge amphitheater in Texas. If credit was given where credit was due there would also be a statue of Uncle Sam reaching toward Warren Jeffs with a fist full of dollars.”

Article implies we all victims because of FLDS welfare fraud. Read the rest:

Anonymous said...

Yes, and I say this, and I imply that... That makes it gospel truth, right?

Helene said...

"I decline to acquiesce to your convoluted, obfuscatory machinations."

Thanks feralfem and son. Usin' it already.

Anonymous said...

What is gospel truth? What if I dont have any gospels? If I wanted to get a gospel, whould any random gospel work? or, could I write a gospel myself?

Anonymous said...

I think the polygs write their own gospels,(I mean, laws) or at least tweak them frequently, when needed,according to current prophet's "revelations," don't they? Polygs don't like US laws, so they follow their own laws, correct? Then let's extrapolate! How long would it take for total chaos to ensue if each family, individual, or group could write their own laws and only had to observe their own "laws?"
It's ok to believe in a different gospel,"another" gospel, etc, anonymous 11:25 Jan. 9, but on-the-book, currently enforced laws are for ALL people of all religious persuasions, (including no religion,) that are residing in a said legislative district. If you don't ever want to abide by laws of a given nation, state, county, parish, etc, you don't continue to reside there, wouldn't you say that's the logical thing? So if flds never want to abide by laws which all other US residents must, why does flds stay in the US?

Anonymous said...

Well, there is always "Freemans law" but that’s a new topic. I would think that if I were intent on breaking a law I would do so as secretly as possible. If however I found that I was able to do it out in the open, I surely would. It seems that FLDS are permitted to break any law they want and nobody gives a shit.
As far as Gospels go, If I ever get inspired to write my own, then I guess I will have a gospel truth. Otherwise I’m going to go without cuz who wants someone else’s gospel? That would be like completing somebody else's bucket list...why?

Anonymous said...

That looney felonious profit, he can't talk for 90 days, the prison guards took his phone away.
Shouldn't have broke the rules boy.

Anonymous said...

Praise the LORD, they finally took his phone away. I hate to be pessimistic, but I guess he will still write orders "from God" feverishly via snail mail which will affect thousands of lives. Wouldn't one hope prison officials will see what he's sending out before it gets mailed, since he just recently orderded the kidnapping of many underage girls? Don't tell me they will let this go without cramping warren's style much more! Even if no parents object (and I honestly can't believe that not even one mother or father contacted police, even if they are total flds brain-freeze candidates)--there has to be some kind of recourse to the sudden whisking away of girls well under 18 whose parents had no prior notice. Warren isn't coming out, and these girls could be held for years, and finally some (or all) could be forced to marry guys they hate in secret locations once again. There's so much evidnece this has taken place in flds lots of times, how is it possible can LE just not do anything?

Anonymous said...

Check out FLDS blog. Canada is pursuing a special prosecutor to consider charges. Maybe this will force Utah to act?

Anonymous said...

Oh my word.

Now Warren is going to write his pen pals demanding they restoreth his rams horn.

Or else Shortcrick will crumble or some other nonsense like a tidal wave in Iowa.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lyle

While the cats away the mice will play.

What nastiness are you going to dream up now on your own?

Anonymous said...

I guess Ruth and Sherrell will never visit the YFZ Temple...

Oh well its already been desecrated, in more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

9:34 am: Tidal wave in Iowa? Maybe. Look what happened in the days of Noah. "As in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man" (Luke 17:26).

Anonymous said...

We are temples.


Anonymous said...

Street! My man! Long time no pain in the butt! Did you say you are a temple? Or did you mean pimple? 'Cause there are a big bunch of folks who'd love to pop you.

Anonymous said...

WJ just called himself the president of the LDS church!

Anonymous said...

The SLTrib has posted an article on Jeffs latest “revelations” as well as a transcript of a radio program that SLTrib reporter Lindsey Whitehurst participated in.

SLTrib article;

Warren’s latest “revelation”, looney as ever IMO:

Radio transcript, involves Whitehurst, head of holding out hope organization, and historians on subject of polygamy.

Anonymous said...

Saw this on Texas FLDS blog.

Check this out. Warren’s claiming to be President of the LDS Church.

Anonymous said...

Here’s even more from the SLTrib.

Appears that felonious profit also has a message for President Obama. Got news for ya Warren, nobody cares in DC

Anonymous said...

Well it got someones attention over at D-News, here’s the report on Warren “Horney Toad” Jeffs appointing himself LDS president.

Anonymous said...

Barney Fife (Jan. 9, 9:35 pm comments on Jan 9 article of the Standard Times) … “LaBaron found guilty of obstructing religious belief, and sentenced to 5 years”. Okay, now multiply that by the crimes committed against 10,000 people, let’s see: 10,000 times 5-years for each person who committed the crime…let me see, just a minute… fingers a flying… Hold your ponies, just about got it… Hey little pony, quit kicking me in the ass, I’m adding this up just as fast as I can…OMG! That’s almost a life sentence for each and every criminal (if you count the life of man as 50 Adams), plus for every pathetic soul who was accessory to all those crimes! Let’s do it! I am right now hopping on this here pony, with my miniature possie, to serve these here warrants furshals arrests, raaaaaat now! Barney Fife gichur gun, and don’t shoot yourself in the ass!

Anonymous said...

The San Angelo newspaper on the subject of the signs of the apocalypse, what’s your take since that felonious profit Warren Jeffs has made his known.

Anonymous said...

It is sad, Merril Jessop going to Jail. It is sad that this nation would put him in Jail. IT is sad that people do not care more about each other. It is sad. The way you all carry on; knowing Warren JEffs would not injure a child. It is sad that you glory in that lie. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

It is sad that they are going after Wendal Neilson too. Very sad.

feralfem said...

It is sad that so many got so hoodwinked by so few. Very very sad. The few that do go to jail will never make up for the devastation caused by the one (mortal) man who rules - even from his jail cell.

Anonymous said...

What is sad is Merrianne Jessop, age 14, was given back to the clutches of the FLDS, by Texas Child Protective Services hierarchy.

Pimped by her father Merril Jessop, to a sexual pervert Warren Jeffs who deflowered her in a alter bed surrounded by sex slaves, then thrown back into the care of another FLDS "Mommy Dearest" by a government agency that should of protected her.



Anonymous said...

Appears Ruth maybe back from reading Anon 5:12 & Anon 5:11, here's some suggested reading from the point of view of a former 12 year old FLDS bride.

The truth shall set you free. Don't let Lyle & Warren lead you down the path of David Koresh.

Anonymous said...

Here are some interesting texts by various polygamous “prophets”. IMO there is a similarity to them besides giving the average person a headache with there ramblings. Note the similarities of language and thought, the claims of being the one mighty & strong, the davidic king, prophet, etc.etc.etc.

David Koresh;

Brain David Mitchell:

Warren Jeffs:

Note Koresh’s use of the virgin wives of Christ, Mitchell’s seven times seven and Jeffs celestial power to justify plural marriage. Note use use of end times threats by all above, the claim to secret knowledge to control followers, and claim to be God voice on Earth or be God themselves.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is sad that men can destroy women and no one cares. That is terribly sad too. The thing is they teach to get away from the governement, for the government is wicked, and then they turn around and hire the government to slam dunk the woman again. They teach freedom, but only if you do exactly what they say, or be dambned in hell. So, the choice really is to be a slave or sold out to the government to be destroyed with the wicked and have your soul forever in hell. Yes, that is sad too. very sad. They teach to stay away from the bad governemnt, but if you do not like being abused, they put you out to the government in there torture houses, they call mental hospitals, until the girl is severly slammed and black listed, then they take them back to the fold. Yes, that is sad too. for they teach one thing and do another.

Anonymous said...

and notice in this case; If you are a man, they come and shake your hand, tell you how loved you are, how to accept the judgment they put on them, and leave as friends. With the women, they go out, hire the mental health, and slam dunk them with a lable. They give the women no choices at all. They are slaves. Slaves with no choices. BE abused by your husband, or go to the state, where they hire mental health people to slam dunk them again. Yes, that is sad too. I felt bad for Merriane. She was the next it on the list; like I used to be. Yes, I felt bad for her. Her Mother is dead. Do you think she lookes down from heaven and cries, that she helped destroy her daughter, like my Mother helped a child mollester slam me. Yes, it is sad. too sad.

Anonymous said...

And my Mother never relented in her crulty until my son was dead. I am glad he is dead now; they will never hurt him again; my Mother's preditors. They will never hurt him again. Yes, that is sad too.

Anonymous said...

I have read the complaint of Richard Holm, Berkley Holm, ect. The complaint about Johnathon Roundy and Company.

First lets look at he truth; The U.E.P. has been fought over since the begining. It is a power struggle; Who will own the slaves; or as they say at times, the people. And if the Slaves do not like the Master's hand, they run to the government. If the Government does not give the Slaves what they desired, they run to another court and another government to get what they desire.

They are loved Brothren until then. Then they become non-existant. Until of course, there loved brother who forced them out, becomes ousted. Then they the ouster, becomes the non-existant.

Johnathon Roundy, has been a Policeman who has defended crimnal's from the beginging. Smoking marijana. Now, if the state makes smoking this drug legal; he will have become legal. And he can file a statement with the Courts that he knew it was good for pain and get his legally. How-ever he may have quit smoking, due to the high demand of this drug, in his city. Nice government to give its addicts a licence. SEe, our government is not all bad. Right Mark Shurtliff.

and besides that Johnathon Roundy has protected child mollester after Child MOllester. Beating up any one who reports abuse to his officer's who they do not think is a church memeber;

But with a lot of the Memebers becomeing non-entities, and being put out; even leaders of said Church, as in the example of Dan Barlow, Sam Barlow, Stephon Barlow, Joe Barlow, and the Mayor's, it is difficult to decide who will be the next non-enties. So, anytime a person is harrassed upon the U.E.P. land they have made themselves apostate, and NOn-enties; which include all the Police Department as they stand today. So, it is difficult for the STate to know which Non-entitie to make pay for the land.

Anonymous said...

And as to Hyrum Roundy. He still thinks it is funny to lie to a Judge, Protect a known Child Mollester, who he knew was a childMollester. He thinks because he is a memeber of the F.L.D.S. church that his lie to the Judge does not matter. But my Blood along with my children does stain his hands. He needs to make his confession and take his stand with the Non-entities. For a man who protects a Murder; who they put out and claimed they put him out, to protect his family; that they boasted of, and I have in writing. Has taken upon his hands, my blood, my children's blood, in defending this preditor. He laughed so hard, to get away with his lie to the judge, for after all, he is the only one who knew. So, our cops are the Richard Holm's, The Berkley HOlms, all, with no athority; to rule the Slaves; I mean people. Sam Johnson does appear to be nice, because he does not want to come right out and make enamies. HE is not cruel. But he is two faced; and would undo someone he did not think was of the same religon as him; which to me is no different than the ones who would kill me, if I was F.L.D.S. Or claim to be. So, really the war has been going on, since before I was born and the stuck up. predjudice people do become human, after they become non-entities.

Anonymous said...

And I have witnessed these so called F.L.D.S. men harrass little children and babay's because there parents were not church memebers. Judging the Children of as no worth, because they may become like the parents. In truth the additude of these cops is just like in the men who killed the children in the Huns Mill Massicur, when they said Nits make Lice.

And anyone who would harrass a child for walking to the store, has taken upon them the Blood of that child, for they did nothing to save there soul. And that makes every cop in our City a gross apostate, with no claim at all upon the Land. For we did not come to this earth to submitt to the Dick's, the Jack's The Lynns, The Henery's, the cops that protect these abusers, the bully Cops, who think they can decide the position of a persons soul, before God. I say to them; and I shall do court like they do. Behind there back. YOu are guilty. You there fore have become a non-entity; just like Richard Holm. For I have seen you come out against a seven year old, who wanted to go to Zion. and put his Book of Mormon Down, because of your harrassment! Consider you have been served. ARe you Saviours on MOunt Zion or BAstards fighting over the Land. I am ashamed that I know you. Non-entites that you are. When you are put out; you may become human beings, and try then to be Saviors on mount Zion; Now, why don't you rush that to the Fedral Court and see if they can overturn your harrasement of Children

Anonymous said...

You did not answer the complaint agianst you. Hyrum Roundy, Johnathon Roundy, Lavisa Roundy, Sam Johnson; There fore, court is over. You are guilty because you did not defend yourself. Oh, I get it How, could you. YOu defended Richard Cooke, Shelly Cooke, Willard Barlow, SAm Barlow, STephan Barlow, Dan Barlow, The Mayor's; remember all those years defending the Barlow's to the media? Yes, our cops are very dishonest. Judging by who they think are members and who is not. And I am ashamed that I know them. When they arrest a person they say they can write up the report any way they like. Then they are also the most dishonest of cops. Like the men they seek to destroy, who they feel are not in the church. They do not go by law; even if they are the one's who take the thing to court. They just run to another court. did you like the Bill, Mark Shurliff? I guess our govenmetn is not all bad? Right Jonathon? Pig that you are!

Anonymous said...

Now, Mark Shurtliff; think of the Money I saved you and the state and these dishonest cops; by doing bussiness like them. Us non-entites. They have been served. They did not respond. They are guilty by default. and it only cost me the hatred of those that hated me forever anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Now, who they going to target? I am glad you are there Holm boys. These people been begging for a fight. I just did not feel like engaging. Maybe Johnathon will become human before he dies. But the Blood of my children are upon his hands, and upon my brothers who protected those who abused them. Shall I name them? YOu who cover up abuse and pretend to be saints? YOur day is coming. For my children are in heaven waiting. Waiting to face you murder's and be a witness agianst you men. Men who torture baby's and children and lie to a judge, to hurt another. I am very patient Johnathon. No one lives forever, and my children dead, will be waiting to see you come to Justice. YOu and your preditors.

Anonymous said...

And Sam Brower, you are right about one thing. Our Cops do cover up crimes, if they do not like you. Who did shoot me in the head? Maybe Johnathon Roundy? Maybe Dale Barlow? Maybe Marvin Cooke, who kidnapped a little girl, for Richard Cooke, so he could abuse her? Maybe Willard Barlow? Maybe Hyrum Roundy, who did not get what he wanted through a Judge? Maybe Sam Johnson, who pretends to be nice?

Anonymous said...

Or, maybe it was Hyrum Roundy who shot me in the head. Hyrum Roundy was the most agressive. He beat me up so bad, after John Cole came out. I shall most likly die like my children, from that. I wonder if Hyrum Roundy will be laughing so hard, in the reserection, when he finds out he helped kill me, for this preditor he defended. For I went to a doctor. My spine is injured and my back, and my ribs broken. Nice way to shut someone up; right. But wait until the Lord judges these men who kill people who they think are not in there religion. Wait until then. Hyrum Roundy, I hope my death was worth it to you. It took Donna Marie Cooke ten years to die, after Shelly Cooke injured her, and your cops protected him. She was a baby. I may live a little longer, but my death will be caused by your hand; from your injury of me, when you beat me up, for calling John Cole, when another man hit me in the face, and you dropped me off on the high way to die; like the man before you. and my blood is upon you, sure enough. Funny joke you thought to play on me at the time; but wait awhile. No one lives forever.

Anonymous said...

But, my ribs were broken by Willard BArlow, after he beat up my disabled daughter. And our cops protected him. And Willard Barlow beat up every one in his house. But, LeeAnn loved him so it did not count. I will die sooner or later; then you can all celibrate. I only regret I lived through the shot. But, Hyrum Roundy is a defender of abuse.

Anonymous said...

Come on guys; I have not heard you call me names for talking to; like last time.

Anonymous said...

A team making a film documentary in “shortcreek” reports that things have gone from bad to worse. From article, “inside Colorado City all hell has broken loose.”

Sam Brower with one of team making documentary.

Hope that all will read Prophets Prey, the above article points out why IMO.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that if anyone besides Willard Barlow, Richard Cooke and Shelly Cooke would have murdered my daughter, some one would have cared. Even Hyrum Roundy, Johnathon Roundy, and Lavisa Roundy would have cared. But, they are heartless, un-feeling people; who did not care! Along with Dale Barlow, who screamed at me, and told me I was not worth anything and I was hated and I knew I was not wanted and hit me in the face; and was protected by Hyrum Roundy in his abuse. Yes, Richard Cooke must have been some hero to them. Did you know that Sam Brower. If anyone else would have murdered my daughter; who did not have fumeraies desies and did not die at two years old. She died at ten years old. She died under the stair case, of Richard Cooke. Why he told me I was nothing and God hated me. He screamed at me as she was dieing. He told me if I did not remove her oxygen, he would. And as her back lay twisted and bent, from Willard Barlow and Shelly Cookes abuse he came to take a photo. She smiled for the photo. They brought the crowd in then. Willard Barlow gave a fancy speach at how Uncle Fred wanted him to be. Every one stood there and Idolized him. I stood in the corner, under the stair way; where my daughter had been tormented to death, by Richard Cooke, and Willard Barlow. My sister said no one would know how afful that was. I told her, I know; I was nobody. Do you think Sam Brower, I will ever forget? Do you think I will ever forget these men who murdered my daughter and walked away free? and no one cared. At least you had one thing right. They do cover up abuse here. Then they put the men on a pedistle, until they abuse some one that is more than nobody. And all Hell has not broken loose. Willard Barlow is still there. Idalized by his freinds. It is very quiet and peaceful here. They still cover up murder, and smile about it. One day Willard Barlow will get caught like Richard Cooke, Shelly Cooke and Henery Cooke. Then maybe you could say Hell has broken loose. For Willard Barlow is hell, and he will break loose one day.

Anonymous said...

But, Willard Barlow is not the only one. Right Caroline. Marvin Cooke got away with abuse too. But they just shipped you off to Robert. It is funny now; Dale Barlow comes out to guard at night; as if I hit him. That is just like men here. They did not charge him though. Do you think his lies will hold a candle in Heaven? But it is so quiet here; I would think Richard Cooke was still there tormenting my daughter, under his stair case. Richard Cooke did come down here to tell me he lost his memory; when I asked for his confession. My Father was on his death bed, before he confessed on national Telivision that his children were not even up to the grade of aniamals to him. I guess Richard Cooke if you want to wait, until you are dieying to tell how you, Willard Barlow, Shelly Cooke and company murdered my daughter; I can wait that long. But you will confess. if not before you die, then when your brains are unraveled in the reserection.

Anonymous said...

And Dale BArlow, the day you hit me in the face, screamed at me, and told me I was hated and knew I was not wanted you also became an accomplice, with these men in there abuse. Hyrum Roundy, Lavisa Roundy and Johnathon Roundy are also an accomplice to Murder; they helped cover up Richard Cooke, Willard Barlow and Shelly Coooke's abuse. Shelly Cooke was caught in Denver Colorado abusing Children. Richard Cooke, Henery Cooke and Gene Cooke was caught mollesting children and put out of the Church. That only leaves Willard Barlow and his friends. And Hell could not have broken loose. These men have been abusing children and women for a long time. Johnathon Roundy has been protecting abusers for a long, long time. So, maybe hell is being vidoed, but it has not broken loose. It has been here since I was born. A creepy, Horrible place, where people beat up women for reporting abuse. A creepy horrible place Where people like Richard Cooke, Willard Barlow and Dale Barlow abuse people. Hell has been here since I was born. How could it break loose. IT is perminatly in these men.

Anonymous said...

Why Sam Brower; you are thinner and more haggard in this photo; than you was the day that man spun his truck at me. Why did you not call the cops and have him arrested for assult? I guess he never really touched me. Just spun his truck real close. And Laurene, I hope you put Lorin Cookes abuse in your book. He is a real duplicate of Richard Cooke.

Anonymous said...

I asked Hyrum Roundy if he shot me in the head. He had reason too. He was covering up for Willard Barlows abuse. Who would have more reason to get rid of me, than the cops who protected men who murdered my daughter. Course they had a reason. Dale Barlow, Hyrum Roundy, Marvin Cooke, Lorin Cooke, Willard BArlow, Johnathon Roundy, Who else would want to kill me? Richard Cooke was gone. Shelly Cooke was gone. That leaves only the men listed above. No one else had any reason to Kill me. Cause if they all told the truth, they would have had to charge Willard Barlow, Richard Cooke and Shelly Cooke with murder. But, our cops would not have charged someone guilty. It would not be like them. I doubt Sam Johnson would have shot me, in the head. I doubt Curtis Cooke would. Lorin lied to a Judge about me; so He could have. He always threw his knife at me growing up. He could have. He was stalking me, and threatening me. Even why Richard Cooke was here murdering Donna Cooke, with Willard BArlow, Lorin was telling me I was not worth life.

Anonymous said...

yes, Richard Cooke, when you and Willard Barlow bragged about how you could kill my children and no one would know; you knew what you was talking about. I was no one, and I know. But you know too. You and Willard Barlow and Dale Barlow; once a murder is protected, they have to lie more. But, you will confess sometime. It may as well be sooner than later. Henry confessed; why not be as big as your son. When I went into your house, Richard Cooke, you screamed at Genes children and babys for being born and haveing life. I have not forgotton. And the cries of my baby and Willard' baby that you abused; you and him, I will remember for a long time. But, it was Willard BArlow that hired you to assist, him in killing Donna Cooke. You had the power. Willard Barlow assised. And sooner or later, you will confess. all of you. Right Dale Barlow! I have one question for you Dale Barlow; did you know Willard Barlow Murdered Donna and assist him, or did you come out and hit me in the face and scream at me; just because you are a mad man too?

Anonymous said...

And why was you in jail. I have decided if you ever touch me again, I will have you charged and see that you spend the rest of your life in jail; Dale BArlow. For one abuser, is no different than the other.

Anonymous said...

I told Hyrum Roundy I had the exrays of what he did to my neck. He denied it; just like they always do. I told him I was going to charge him. I am charging him with the Higher Courts though. They are never wrong. The Lord will handle him, or he will repent.

Anonymous said...

And the thing is Richard Cooke did not abuse Donna Cooke in secret; Him and Willard Barlow. I just see now why he was so protected. After Henery confessed, I seen it clearly; Marvin Cooke still thinks he is hid; but he assisted Richard Cooke. Yes, my Brother's; I will not forget. No wonder you wanted me gone.

Anonymous said...

and you women in Byer's Colorado; You should push to have Shelly Cooke charged harder. Make a pea deal with him. have him confess to the murder of Donna Marie Cooke, and mollesting your children and you will not run him out of town; you will make a nice bed for him in the Jail house, in trade for his confession; of assisting Richard Cooke and Willard Barlow in murdering my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Good by Sam Brower, at least you almost told the truth about me and my daughter.

Anonymous said...

Will have to post in pieces, because blog has character limit.
See complete post on this thread in 2005.
April 6th "Doomsday Disappointment"
April 6th has come and gone, law enforcement has been on the property to calm rumor and speculation, what's next?

Anonymous Apr 6, 2005 05:59 PM

FLDS member shares thoughts on Warren Jeffs’ prediction of the second coming of Christ.

Will self-proclaimed prophet, Warren Jeffs, be vindicated or exposed to the world as a fraud on April 6, 2005? If he is vindicated, those not chosen by him will be wiped off the face of the North American continent on this date. If he’s exposed, all that are alive on April 7, 2005, will have certain knowledge that he is a false prophet and receives his revelations from the dark recesses of his own mind rather than from God.

Following Warren’s prediction of his renewal, Uncle Fred passed away a couple of weeks early, which makes me believe that Warren knew Uncle Fred was failing in health. His premature death may complicate Warren’s plans considerably. Uncle Fred was probably supposed to be renewed (Warren’s word for die) after the dedication of the temple, not before.

Warren’s “elect”, the 2,500 chosen people, will have to put Warren’s prophecies on the shelf of belief again, hoping understanding will come at a later date, when they don’t come to pass on Wednesday. The other 7,500 of us followers, Warren has abandoned to our own fate and has cast us off after first fleecing us of all our money and assets. If we won’t change our belief system, we will also be obligated to put Warren’s latest prophecies on the shelf of belief, in spite of the knowledge we’ve gained lately thru real life experience. I’m sure most of us will yet manage to persist in our faith in him, as it seems we can not admit we’ve been wrong all along.

My suggestion to the 7,500 abandoned FLDS saints is that we go back to studying our old scriptures instead of Warren’s new ones and find out what went wrong and where. We should reread the “Now Crisis” as Uncle Roy called “The Coming Crisis and How to Meet It” by Parley P. Pratt. Toward the bottom of the section on strong delusions, it reads:

“He (God) has said that ‘HE WILL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSIONS THAT THEY MIGHT BELIEVE A LIE.’ He gives His reason and apology for acting after this strange manner—because, knowing the truth, they do not love it unadulterated. And knowing God, they do not choose to glorify Him as God. Therefore their foolish hearts become darkened, and God suffers Satan to compound and mix up truth and error in such proportions as to be captivating and strongly delusive. As a snare, this composition will be ingeniously mixed and administered to all nations, by skillful and practiced hands.”

I believe this finger is being pointed directly at the FLDS, myself included.

See Next Post to continue.....

Anonymous said...

Will have to post in pieces, because blog has character limit.
See complete post on this thread in 2005.

Here is a quote found in the Journal of Discourses, 1:133-134, from Brigham Young that also points a finger in our direction. It was given April 6, 1853 in Salt Lake City, Utah exactly 152 years ago today.

“Now hear me, and I will try to talk so that you can understand. I will presume to go a little further than I did, with regard to the President of the Church, and say to this people, a man might have visions, the angels of God might administer to him, he might have revelations, and see as many visions as you could count; he might have the heavens opened to him, and see the finger of the Lord, and all this would not make him the President of the Church, or an Elder, a High Priest, an Apostle; neither would it prove that he was even a Saint: something else is wanted to prove it. Why I mention this, is because of the frailty, weakness, and short-sightedness of the people. If a man should come and tell you he had had a vision, and could appear to substantiate his testimony that he had had the heavens opened to him, you would be ready to bow down and worship him; and he might be, at the same time, perfectly calculated to destroy the people-one of the biggest devils on earth. He would appear to be one of the finest of men, to be honest and unassuming, and come with all the grace and generalship of the devil, which is so well calculated to deceive the people. Admit this to be the case.”

Is this history repeating itself? We had all better take note and learn of the teachings of Christ and other true prophets before we, as Uncle Roy used to say, have to take this grade over again.

Ezekiel 14:9-11 says, (9) “And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel. (10) And they shall bear the punishment of their in-iquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him:

The Lord has told us in the scriptures, countless times, not to put our trust in the arm of flesh or we would face the consequences. Consider this from Brigham Young: “What a pity it would be if we were led by one man to utter destruction! Are you afraid of this? I am more afraid that this people have so much confidence in their leaders that they will not inquire for themselves of God whether they are led by him. I am fearful they settle down in a state of blind self-security, trusting their eternal destiny in the hands of their leaders with a reckless confidence that in itself would thwart the purposes of God in their salvation. (Journal of Discourses 9:150)

One last thought concerning the callousness with which we have discarded our children when commanded to by Warren reminds me of something Jesus said in Mat. 24:11-12, “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (12) And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” The path we are following Warren on, has led us to “love waxing cold” toward our dear ones, toward our friends, neighbors and our fellow man.

Warren does not teach the Everlasting Love of Jesus Christ which leads to peace and harmony. Warren teaches a “love” and a “renewal” that leads to Never Ending Darkness and Chaos.

Nameless and Still Alive

Anonymous said...

I see your point about long winded talk. You are right though. We were taught. And if you believe a lie, it is because you chose it.

Anonymous said...

Nameless 9:17 am: Warren certainly doesn' send peace, but a sword, Christ-like, I agree (Matt. 10:34).

Anonymous said...

To the Wicked a threat and the rightous a blessing. The scripture has always been that way.

Anonymous said...

what will you talk about that is interesting?

Anonymous said...

Now, Christ and his "sheeple", THAT is interesting, yes? (wink).

Anonymous said...

9:37 pm: You're Welcome.

Anonymous said...

And so typically said out of porportion. The Bible then reads; He who does not love God, above all and love his fellow men; shall reap wailing and nashing of teeth. They shall reap the reward of a dambed soul; who's guilt does engulf them forever.

Anonymous said...

1:07 am: Amen. And to love is to chasten (Rev. 3:19). Only Satan and his minions love those who imbibe an error,, which ALL ex-FLDS have done. All mankind who repents from afar will be gathered as chicks, if they will, or "would" (Matt. 23:37). A good man likes a fine (spiritual) chick, never a sensual one, which is
"devilish" (James 3:15).

Anonymous said...

Typo: That was to 11:07 am.

Anonymous said...

You got that right!

Anonymous said...

11:07: Sorry, that seems way out of proportion. "Engulf" isn't even a word in the entire Bible. I mean, you've made that sound Biblical, and the love attribute is true enough, but God's love is truly conditional, NOT unconditional. God can never love evil. His love is conditioned on our love and obedience to Him. God hates (Prov. 6:16).

uke 14:32, 32 tells of God setting conditions. Also Matt. 10:34.

So, would you like to include the scriptural reference with your pontification, or did you hide that for a reason?

I hope this shows some love by chastening (Heb. 12:6).

Anonymous said...

Basically every Bible Teaching Church or People I have ever sat among and heard Preach, pick out one or two words to distort the Character of God. God is a God of Truth. He can not lie. He is a God of Love and loves all the creations of his hands. He does not set one man above another. His love is unconditional. Yet, when a man rejects the Lord and turns to injure and despise his fellow beings, he engulfs, surrounds and embroils himself in his Hell and Misery, from eternity to eternity. And I am no writer of the Bible or one of the Ancient of days. There fore, I did not speak with the Bible words, but the meaning is the same as the Passage Written. Other's have posted the Bible reference. I just looked it up and quoted my opinion of it. And really no one who is not an F.L.D.S. understands at all what they are talking about. For, a true F.L.D.S. person would always walk with God. At any point they turn and walk away they have turned from what they believed, and if they turned from it; was they ever in an understanding of it? And the Bible is in error as much as the men who twist it.

Anonymous said...

For, when the Lord allows great Nations to fall, and people it is because they have rejected him, and are slaves to their sins. He then in his mercy and love, brings about a condition to, assist them to stop the evil that torments them. Sons of Perdition go through a second death and there spirit becomes fine matter, to be recreated into another soul, who then is given the opportunity to serve God and do good. There fore, all things of God are good. Think of a man, who sold his soul to a certain habit of sin. He is miserable. He goes through sorrow for his sin, but has no power to control himself or stop the sin. There fore it is a mercy for the Lord to throw him into a condition to have his spirit die and become finer matter, to be created into the D.N.A. of a person who will serve God. That person will be created with the matter of billions of particles of matter, and will then become a soul who will serve God and do good. And the Bible was changed by wicked conspiring men, who always try to portray God as one who accepts evil and destroys.

That is no so. God is a God of Love. He has created every thing for the enjoyment of every soul. He created men to be happy. If they have lost that power within themselves to be happy, he does then allow them to decrease, until they are only fine spirit matter, left to be used to some good in some way. But, I am not a preacher, or a teacher. I only know I would never think of my God as un-loving or un-kind. And maybe when Jesus comes back, we will have a Bible that is not distorted, with men's lies.

Anonymous said...

I watched a little bit of the vidoeo of the mothers in the Texas raid talk about the conditions the state put them in. How they cried for there children. what was the difference to what they did to me? They had each other. I walked alone. I cried for my children because of the lies they told about me. Do you think there pain is any more justified in the Lords eyes than my pain was? But, I can not watch it. It is to painful. Yes, they cry when they walk in my shoes. Intersting. Maybe I was a human being after all. I thought I was there "it" for the longest time.

Flora, how you getting along with your drugg addiction about now? Do you get your drugs from Johnathon Roundy and Lavisa; or is it legal now, with a green slip. I mean a green tip, I mean a green, pass. YOu know what I mean; no more property, like the Fawns to gloryfiy you in your drugg addiction?

Ya, tis a pity; what they gave they got. That damb raid. And the gospel they stuff down you, why they rob and beat you, and lie.

Why, Dear old Rod Parker; He defended SAm Barlow the Murder for years, I guess Flora and her drugs have a place. Sam Barlow may still be kidnapping girls and women and murdering them. Nice work Flora; you got Sam Barlow exed. If it was not for you, he would have stayed on his pedistle forever.

Too bad you did not raid my Mother when you was two. And it is too bad, Fred Jessop and Martha Jessop, and Lydia Jessop protected abusive Rapests all my life too. IT is sad. I know you have forgiven your old man. I could not read your book. Sorry. I see now, that Fred Jessop had a pattern he followed. Defending these filthy men.

Anonymous said...

My 1:20 pm post:

Didn't know I was chastising dear Ruthy, but it fits. The saints of God do "Believe the Bible to be the Word of God".

Ruth has suffered, and many have in trying to be saints. Hey, it's what we came to earth for, and especially the FLDS to strive for the higher law and higher glory.

You do strive, Ruth. Pray always and sing always, spiritually (holy thoughts), and strive to stay more humble, clean, quiet, etc. (spiritual fruits: D&C 88:124), and the confusing spirits will go away, and you too will find Zion.

Anonymous said...

The FLDS don't strive to be saints, they have shrived to be criminals and many are in our prisons here in Texas as evidence. The LDS Mormons, Roman Catholics and Baptists are far more Saints -Christians than the FLDS ever was or ever will be. The FLDS is nothing more criminal organization guised in the trappings of religion. It is nothing more than a crime family run by the Jeffs family, for the purpose of making Rulon Jeffs and his sons wealthy men, the UEP nothing more than a way to ensure the control of the Jeffs family over their little crime syndicate.

Rest assured we have room for the rest of this crime syndicate in the Texas prison system. Warren Jeffs will die a forgotten old man, ending up just another forgotten convict buried at Peckerwood Cemetery in Huntsville,Texas. But at least he will end up with a small white cross with his name and inmate number.

Anonymous said...

You know every time you all speak to me, I see why Richard Cooke was the God of this City and my family. See, you have all been fooled. Richard Cooke has been my family's God and this City's God since the day I was born. You all thought they was following Warren Jeffs. They are praying and struggling to get him out of Jail; through prayers and goodness you know; and all the time they have to hide there sins from Ol' Lyle Jeffs. Must be quite a burden on them. you speak fondly; Dear Ruthy. I am flattered. You was not chastizing anyone. Opinions are opinions, and you can never be sure who you speak to here.

I will tell you something about Dear Ruthy though. She was born here; unwanted of course. Just a slip in the night of her Father's when her Mother was not looking. Her mother did not know she was even born. She was too busy hiding the food for her dear Father.

But, Dear Ruthy sat there in church for thirty eight years. She lived in the community. She was very quiet. She never talked to anyone. They never spoke to her.

And the only time they acknowledged her, is if she had something. Then they scrambled like rats to take it.

But, in all the years of this silent observation she watched and took notes of there deeds. She knows them. They know nothing of her.

And believe me; you, Nor Lyle Jeffs or this people, or the government will never get Warren Jeffs out of Jail.

If God is no respectors of person; he will be in Jail for eternity; for they worshiped Richard Cookes lies and put a murder on a Pedistle.

Sam Barlow was caught and put out. Took more then Killing my daughter for Sam Barlow to get caught.

He made the mistake of killing someone they cared about. Parley Harker.

He is history to the church.

But, the Vulture that hired them; these men Richard Cooke, Shelly Cooke, Sam Barlow and Stephan Barlow to kill me and my daughter; that is the one I am waiting for.

I shall get drunk that day.

so, no you have not chastized me. I been punished to long to obey the Preisthood and then the Preithood men are caught. No, they did not abuse me. Not ever. Not anyone ever did. I was a non-entity the day I was born. I mean the day before I was born.

I am not certain what I will do with my life after the hired hand is caught. I will never speak about them again.

Only one man broke my ribs, and injured my kneck; and Hyrum Roundy rendered mutilated my right arm; for Lorin Cookes great lie.

lets go back to shorter posts
they are nicer.

and you still do not know that you chastised Dear Ruthy.

We believe the Bible to be the Word of God as far as it is Transilated Correctly.

I may not be a teacher, but I have been taught. and I do know proper lauguage and Bible lingo. and every other language in between.

At least some one thinks fondly of the stranger, "Dear Ruthy"

Anonymous said...

And you must remember, Willard Barlow breaking my ribs, and Lorin Cooke was not abuse in there minds. It was them doing there sivic duty. Abuse is when they kill some one that was important in the church. Not the nobody who was the result of a drunk old man's slip in the night, that the person in his bed never noticed. She just thought she had been kicked again. Never knew she had a baby either. She just thought she had a bad case of the flue.

Anonymous said...

So ya all go on about your business. YOu are all safe. Give Richard Cooke the God medal he won for being the God of this City and my Family. They never needed Warren Jeffs here anyhow. They never loved him, or followed him ever. They have not even figured out What Richard Cooke did. I mean to all the little girls out back. Du! Lyle Jeffs will be about another hundred years rooting out the one who hired the men to kill my daughter. So, all relax; even out of Jail WArren Jeffs was blind. Course if they had ever treated me like a human being these murders would have been caught.

Nice Compliment though. Women should be meek and mild. What was that Bible scripture? seen and not heard; like a child.

Who ever you are, I wish you no ill. that was a nice compliment.

Anonymous said...

I always sing. Maybe some one was being real and kind. Dear Ruthy; I have been called a lot of things. Maybe you were serious. It sounded kind.

Anonymous said...

Here's another aspect of the evil that polygamy has become in the FLDS.

Written by someone who escaped the FLDS crime family of Warren & Lyle Jeffs.

Anonymous said...

Here’s a report on the FLDS from D-News, it indicates that FLDS maybe breaking up with many members just saying no. Also of interest is a quote of Willie the Thug which sounds like what has been posted on the FLDSTexas blog about Warren Jeffs being like the man behind the curtain, a reference to the Wizard of Oz movie. Willie quote: “You never got to see the man behind the curtain and there were so many curtains and so much secrecy.”

Read the entire article:

Anonymous said...


That was me, sweetheart.

God bless you.


Anonymous said...

I have read the article. Nothing has changed. We have always been taught to come out of the World. Be not partakers of her sins, saith the Lord; "Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord."

I wonder what secrecy Willy Jessop hid. What was he hiding? He must have been Richard Cooke and Sam Barlow's pals.

Oh, yes they did employ Rod Parker. I wonder what Rod Parker would have done if he would have known about all the girls Rodney Holm fondeled as a cop.

Oh, that was not me speaking; that was the secret Goon, God squad talking.

Sorry Street, you made a huge mistake. That was the God squad trying to cover up there night prowls.

Little Ruthy is not here.

Anonymous said...


Your conception "Just a slip in the night"?
LOL. But you know, before you was mommy's little girl, you was daddy's little squirt.

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for my Mother for real. I used to sit and say to myself as a child. i am so gratful I am not the wife, and I would feel like throwing up in the bathroom. I should not critazise her. She needs real love. And guess what? The men that were abusing children that I know about are gone. I am so happy. You never will have me hijack your blog again. My long post will be gone. My daughter is safe. Over and out. Have a nice life. I have changed my mind about getting drunk. I will get a high on life today. Good by.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Smart to be married this summer. Wonderful news, with this she defeats Mitchell who would have made her a plural wife. Take that Brian David Mitchell & Wanda Barzee.

Anonymous said...

Here’s an article written by Dorothy Allred Solomon titled “My Father Was a Polygamist”

Ms Solomon was associated with the LeBarons & AUB, so it’s not directly tied to FLDS, but grew out of the same fundamentalism.

Anonymous said...

From the SLtrib, more on Warren Jeffs “revelations”

uncaduff said...

ever wonder why, if The Lord keeps Warren posted on coming world events, why was he in Vegas at just the wrong time?

uncaduff said...

If Polygamy was a good thing, it would resemble mony, and Women would love it.......

uncaduff said...

Update; if money is a root of evil, then I suppose polygamy does resemble it in that sense...:)

Anonymous said...

The British press on former polygamy victim Elizabeth Smart’s up coming marriage.

Hopefully all involved in polygamy can someday have have a happy ending like the above.

Anonymous said...

Ole Warren just couldn't keep away from the roulette wheel & the blackjack table, he just had to go back for one time, like a moth to the flame!

As to his revelations, they are no more relevant than the revelations of David Koresh & Brain David Mitchell, just the products of a diseased mind.

Anonymous said...

Warren Jeffs wins the “FREAK of the WEEK AWARD”, couldn’t think of a more deserving person, so here’s to the freak of the week:

A big raspberry in his honor!

Anonymous said...

Here's what news media has to say about latest FLDS actions.

Anonymous said...

New photos from the Pilot! Strange bizarre buildings continue, no clue to what madness the FLDS are up to at YFZ in Texas.

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE needs to read the following written by a former FLDS member about what’s going on inside.

From article: “This phone call has left me feeling sick and fearful for those within polygamy that I love. Beyond my family concerns this phone call left me feeling weak at the knees for what is bubbling up within the larger polygamist community. I don’t have any proof but I believe something horrible is brewing.”

And “Some of the men are stockpiling bullets and survival gear. That is definitely a fearful sign if ever there was one.”

Read the entire article:

Anonymous said...

USA Today on Warren Jeffs and his ads. Article compares him to Tony Alamo, they are quite alike IMO.

Anonymous said...

Pilot posted more photos of YFZ amphitheater.

Anonymous said...

Carrie Rescued from polygamy-Warning Fraud!

Warning this site is a fraud operated out of Plano, Texas. From a stock photo site:
Look familiar?

Polygamy Be Gone has an IP address out of Plano, Texas under a Brian Brock. It is through Layered Technologies

Anonymous said...

Correct URL for above:

Look familiar?

Anonymous said...

Find IP Address Location for 'My IP'
Continent: North America (NA)
Country: United States (US)
State: Texas
City: Plano
Postal Code: 75093
Area Code: 972
Metro Code: 623
ISP: Layered Technologies
Organization: Layered Technologies
Time zone: America/North_Dakota/Center
IP Address Lookup related for 'My IP'
Continent Lat/Lon: 46.07305 / -100.546
Country Lat/Lon: 38 / -98
City Lat/Lon: (33.0347) / (-96.8134)
IP Language: English
IP Currency: United States dollar($) (USD)
IDD Code: +1

The IP address pings through out Texas, to Massachusetts, North Dakota, and back to Texas. It does not touch down in or near Az/Utah at all if you trace route it.

Anonymous said...

@globeandmail yanks ad by polygamist child abuser Warren S. Jeffs via @SylviaStead

Anonymous said...

You do not know that WArren Jeffs is a child Mollester. That is just the lie that was told. So, when you talk about the creepy ad's and garbage that the liars told; please speak with respect. I can not figure out, why you are all so filthy, and commit adultry every day and yet you hate him. If he was truly a child mollester he would be loved; for most of you are a nation of filth. Just so you keep your truth straight.

Street said...

8:48 pm:

Exactly so! And now that he has cleaned up the people further, through repentance and restricting all sexual relations, his enemies howel all the more, dogs that they are, for only virgins will be redeemed (Rev. 14:4). So the world can see by this, that the Lord now cometh to save and redeem only those who restrict sexual relations, overcome the evil, in spite of the world, and stand clean before God!

May some of our Christian brothers and sisters see it, the truth of his position, and unite with him, and be found on the side of God and that redeemed people, is my humble prayer in Christ Jesus. Ahmen.

PW said...

You all would be singing a different tune if you had sat through the trial, read his journals, and listened to the audio tapes of his rape of the 12 year old. So sad that you still hold this "false prophet" in such an esteemed way. Anon 8:48, if WSJ had restricted his sexual relations to adults only, he would not be in prison until he dies. If you can log into this blog, then you need to log into FLDS Texas and read all the evidence that has been posted. If he is "cleaning up the people further", are you next to be excommunicated and sent out into the wilderness? Better pray not!

Street said...

Already "exed and cleaned up further" by this Prophet, since he IS the Prophet, and has proven so by the purgings. This judge, knowing the difference between sex-talk hearsay (which is the legal standard), and actual evidence of any rape, am a just judge. Knowing the difference between repentance for such talk (contrition and remorse being the legal standard for correction), vs the world's continuing intimate support for the actual rape and corruption of children (Texas being #1 in the nation in teen-sex), am a just judge. Knowing the difference between the polygamous giving of life in mass, and your actual support for the law, of the mass-murder of little children, am a just judge, and God a just God. Thus the revelations of the imminent doom by this Prophet. This is parcel to the Imminent Peril doctrine, exempting a person from the lower standards, to render aid to the production and preservation of life.

Thus goeth forth the sweeping clean of the people, the land, and the law of the land.


Street said...

That is correct:

Texas, NM, and Missississippippidy at the very TOP the of corruption of children, at 65 per 1,000 teens having sex!

That's 1 in 15 RAPED by you and yours, not caring one bit, except in the pure family Biblical relation of the FLDS (Exodus 22:29; Matt. 21:41; Luke 2:42).

That's not even in the family relation, like FLDS, but just dogs on the loose! There's the crime. Round them all up for adoption, and arrest their parents and neighbors for rape and accessory to rape. That's the law.

Street said...

1 in 15 is only the reported criminal cases.

It might be closer to 1 in 5.

Street said...

Christ atoned unto judgment for all who are outside the sheepfold, and his repentant and faithful prophets unto mercy for those inside the sheepfold (John 10:1). Then, the few who find it (Matt. 7:14) are perfected in Christ, having entered in at the gate or door of faith, repentance, and then the baptism of Living Waters (B), and the Fire or Bread of Life (C): Initiatory degrees (10x3).


EJay said...

Whether it's dogs on the loose or "family relations," rape is rape. You can't take what dogs do on the loose, wrap your little girls up in pretty little boxes with ribbons and bows, hand them out to "family relations" and call it by any other name. It's not "family relations," it's still RAPE!

Children cannot give their consent to be wrapped up and given away for the purpose of rape. Parents allowing it become the same as the felons who are no different than those dogs on the loose. Rape is rape!!

You can't say it's okay, Mom and Dad can't say it's okay, and people who call themselves prophets can't say it's okay. Rape is against the law of this land. You getting away with it, the dogs on the loose getting away with it and some self-appointed prophet getting away with it won't change the law.

But hey! There are choices. Stop raping little boys and girls or go to some other world that allows it. After all, according to your faith, it will only be a little while before you'll have a chance to figure it all out in your next life. ..... The end is near, right?

Anonymous said...

Either way, you cut the cake, Warren JEffs is not a child Mollester. He never has been. And anyone who testify's to that is a liar. How do I know if they lie. I will tell you how I gage my knowing. I know he is not a child mollester, and any one who says he is is a liar and the truth is not in them. That is how I know. Because he is not.

Anonymous said...

And frankly I have read his papers. I did listen to his accusers. I heard the Judge who hated him from the beginning and would not give him a fair trial. I listened to all the media lies and drama. I heard his men lie as they betrayed him. And I know that He is not guilty. So, read it and weep; you souls who sold your birthright. Will you lie to God?

EJay said...

'Dogs on the loose' or 'family relation' ?? Hey, it's still rape.

Little girls can't consent, Mom and Dad can't give consent, and people calling themselves "prophet" can't consent to rape. It's against the law. You can't put ribbons and bows on what "dogs on the loose" do and call it by any other name. It's still RAPE.

You getting away with it, dogs on the loose getting away with it, and so-called prophets getting away with it doesn't change the law.

But hey! You have a couple of choices: 1) go to some other world that allows the rape of children or 2) stop raping children.

I'm pretty sure your god won't get mad if you choose number two. After all, according to your faith it is only a short while before you can sort it all out in your next life. ----- The end is near, right?

EJay said...

Ooops... I guess Street's previous posts got pulled by the time I posted.

Anonymous said...

Then why does the State have a law that says a person can get married at sixteen? They are little girls are they not? And why do you have men that rape them out there? especially if there is a law against that. And you all think it is a sin to believe in God, so really are you qualified to be the judge of souls? You blame a man who is not guilty and excuse your own tramp life styles. But you can only save one soul. Try saving yours instead of constantly accusing a man who was not guilty. I am surprised at the blindness of American's. Their own government Murder's people and excuses themselves and blows up there own twin towers. They make desies to kill of people and like those who murdered Jesus; kill and stone the Prophets.

so, watch how you talk about a man who was not guilty.

And like Noah and the Flood, they mocked him too; until the rain came.

And the Jaradite Nation did not believe the Lord would handle them.

So, to me you are like the men of old; who murdered the Prophets, stoned your Lord; and sold your own soul to the Devil. And that Is my opinion of those who lie about Warren Jeffs.

Anonymous said...

Street what would you think of a man who builds an alter to another man?

Anonymous said...

Why was the twin towers bombed, and ruby Ridge people murdered? Why did that little boy on the water tank in Waco get shot? Are you really that blind? Our government murders people. Our government kills people for religion. Our government murders those across the sea. Are you all really that blind? A few liars, a few twisted media freaks and your brains are saturated.

Anonymous said...

And as to the threat in the paper's of Jesus coming to Judge America; he has never left America. He has been here all along. I am not afraid of the Lord. He is the only man who ever cared about me, and took care of me. So, they can go ahead and sell the threats. It never hurt me any.

Street said...

Street's Reply To:
AnonymousJan 31, 2012 04:32 AM
If Warren isn't guilty, why is his ass still sitting in prison?

Anonymous Jan 31, 2012 07:49 AM
Street what would you think of a man who builds an alter to another man?

Reply: Indeed, and if Christ wasn't guilty, why did his ass go all the way to the Cross. Why Oh why did numerous prophets suffer the ultimate sacrifice for evil asses, even building altar unto God.

Speaking of asses: I'd bet you people have a real blast on the toilet, your brains being saturated therewith. Just a bet.

Now, to the assertion that "Rape is rape, and no child can consent? Huh? You trying to flush your stuff into other people that the Virgin Mary was RAPED at 12, when she conceived the Holy Child? You flushing your stuff into others that the Holy Virgin cannot consent??? Huh!!!

And are we not here for the express purpose to emulate our Lord and His Virgin, to become that perfect, conception at the source of the stream?

Texas, NM, and Missississippippidy are at the very TOP the of corruption of children, at 65 per 1,000 teens having sex! (USA Today, from U.S. Gov. statistics).

That's 1 in 15 RAPED by you and yours, not caring one bit, except in your opposition to the pure family Biblical relation of the FLDS, in accordance with God Himself and His law: (Exodus 22:29; Matt. 21:41; Luke 2:42).

Now, I am ready to name numerous Statute Laws also, the law of the Land, that specifically dictate plural marriage at 12 years old. Are you ready for the truth, or do you still want to violate the law of God, the law of man, and seal your fate as Enemy of God and of man, in your commission of crimes against humanity?

Anonymous said...

Answer this..Josh.

Why would a Prophet prepare an alter for another prophet.

Street said...

Street's Reply to 9:15 pm:
No, you answer. Are you ready to see the laws of the land that specifically dictate plural marriage at 12 years old? And yet, I answer you bluntly, that your pilot has shown many very beautiful pictures, the beauty of Zion. The enemies of God and of man have fantacized about many "alters", and yet nothing is forthcoming! Post a reference, a link, a photo, something, and not just blast gas from your ass. Then we can judge the quality and consistency of what comes out of ya, and whether it is fit for fine dining, or just fertilizer for a dead and wilted garden or fig tree (Matt. 21:19). Which is it? Lets get some answers from you, forthcoming.

But why did all the prophets prepare an ALTAR for another Prophet, a God, an exalted man? Why? Because they are legit! ALTAR (M-K: The Arts of Construction, Arieyl, place of feasting of mana, to spice, to stimulate superiority, to ascend and to view the House of Replies).

NOT alter! You alter the very purpose and makeup and constitution of life and of law. It is even in your spellings, your odors, and your mockings, and in everything that comes out of ya! "And they shall mock him...and on the third day he shall rise again" (Mk. 10:34; Rev. 11:11).

So, what are your answers, and the people themselves will judge how thorough, and see the truth for themselves.


Anonymous said...

Is it called idol worship if a prophet has an alter prepared to worship another prophet?

Street said...

Here is how you men must treat your women young and old, if thou wilt be redeemed (Rev. 14:4):

Mad-am, your cleavage giveth me heavage, and great cause for leavage. Here, let me cast a coverage of muddage to cover thy studdage, that I might keep thee safe within my cottage, else thou mayest pack thy luggage.

Street said...

12:33 am:
Ahh, more gas.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Street you need to chew some peppermint leaves and relieve some of your gas problems.

Still waiting for an answer...

Anonymous Feb 1, 2012 12:23 AM

Is it called idol worship if a prophet has an alter prepared to worship another prophet?

Ahuitzotl said...

OTO Street, your valueless blessing led to Val Jessops death and the ruin of his family. WXYZ, Nazarene!

Anonymous said...

@Ahuitzotl - Tell us more!

Street said...

Yes, tell us more. Blessings rejected certainly become valuless.

Ahuitzotl said...

So Val rejected your blessings, however Laurene accepted.