Pilot posted some very interesting new photos taken July 30th.
-- newly acquired Griffin Farm
-- other purchased properties
-- completed sewer system
-- new pivot irrigation system
-- and much more.....
Pilot, I for one appreciate your efforts which allow us to see the progress and changes out there.
Have you thought about moving to Texas? Looks like the ranch is expanding and maybe they will take you in.
I did go to Fredonia to see a doctor....I did this to treat my husband's hormones.....Now, days if a man hates you they treat his victum's for his abuse.........there was a great big mud slide there......It filled the streets.........I went to Texas first.....I did go and tell some one we owned the oil...They did mock me and say that Texas did.....Then I did smile and say the Lord would move the oil anytime he wanted.....Now, the Oil is springing out of the sea....that was the last time I checked the news........I can not even begin to tell what will happen when Uncle WArren goes to Texas............Mock on little one's.....for it is written that even the most hard hearted crimnal will wish they had repented, in their day of visitation......do not be afraid......you lose your oil, and mud flows the street.......do not be afraid, little ones.........people have been coming and going since the world began........go to Texas? I did that once.......nicest place on earth.....That will be my heaven; but it is not time yet.......wait a bit.......wait a bit.......wait a bit, little one's.....for the Lord is powerful....The Lord is great........The Lord is mighty, and the Lord does rule the earth and heaven.............I will go to Texas, when there is not a yellow dog, to wag it's tail in opposition.......for it is upon us, this war, and famine and pestilance.......If I die, I will still make Texas my heaven...if I live I will make Texas my heaven........Utah and Arizona are concored.........and Texas will bow the knee and confess that the Lord is the Lord......for it is written that zion will be a place of peace and safty and no man will dare to come against her............so, fear not little ones......
and I have noticed that the Indian's will not murder a man's wife as easy as the white boy's, but all Dick's dogs are gone, but four..........so it is just a matter of time.......I mean they do not hold government jobs, like they did.......and they know what I am talking about..........
Well, keep your spiritual underwear on Ruth. If you wear the same ones long enough, the Indians and the dogs will stay away.
and do not get the Idea that I went to Texas today....I went eight years ago........I did not think Warren JEffs would be caught....then he came and was betrayed by a man who swore to love him......This man called the media and got me tangled up in that. then there was this great big storm....and I became free.....free from Dick......and then I did read what a man said to him......He did save my life.......I do not know this man's face.......and Texas will be my heaven; and the Barlow, mocker's will be mocking no more.....so, it is with the insult....there are new names in these places now, and the Lord has run mud on the street........I am fine.......Texas will be my heaven............and those who are not guilty will be free, and those that are will forever be in sorrow with the Lord.........for their guilt will plage them for-ever....It is raining again.......
besides that, If I had wanted destroyed, I would have stayed with my creepy husband and his dogs........I would not go to their church for a million dollars...they have made a mockery of every thing Uncle Rulon said and taught.....find one place that it is written to force your wife out for a lie......and force them on drugs and keep them their with a lie; and hate and plunder and promote dis-honesty...My Mother hated me...She wanted me destroyed...She stood by child mollester's all her life and betrayed me every day.....She can keep their lies and I would never set foot in a place she teaches about heaven in, for she is a liar that tormented me all my life for child mollesters' and she is seventy years old and will leave soon...All my mothers are old and will go away....that is the sweetest thought........soon she will have to make an account for her abuse.....soon, she will love me.......
please leave me, and my name off the blog...I have asked that before......who is it that wants me out of here? quit talking about me...You do not know anything about me at all.....let some one else dominte your speech. Leave me out....I want nothing to do with these court cases........leave me alone.......
Thank you, pilot for your pics.
ok, on a more positive note; How beautiful is the rain.....How sweet is the sunshine....How blessed are men that they can love and feel....How, great it is to promote peace, Love and healing.........for all men.
they not only force people from their homes, they pick people up for abusive men, and sabatage their life in every way. They do not try to force people from their home, they do it.....Their is a difference of trying to doing....they have a doing, destroying system in place.....and they use the government to promote their lies........then ten or twenty years later, Uncle Warren figures out what the men are like and kick them out.......so, our cops support and up-hold lies...and truth will prevail........
and if these cops do not have someone to force a lie onto, and destroy they are not happy.........lets hire the government to force, manipulate, and control for us......nice men....but some are honest....some are for real...........for I will say this......there is a man in Salt Lake City who said he could do anything. He was drinking and driving crazy, and the boy with him would be arrested, but not him; just because of who he was......did not save him from the bad habits, but the police department was very predjudice.......and they are no way fair.....but in the interest of promoting peace.........I say let the court cases end........HEre is my Mottto; My advertizement.........
Are you happy? Are you satisfied? Are you enjoying life? If you are looking for that experience that really works for you; Trade all your law suits, for Success, land, Money, Good will, Happiness...Ect.....Take a committed stand to take your life on............Be your committed word........Experience Impact Trainings......the only experience that really promotes good will.....And inspires all men to walk in the Greatness that they are.........Here is an invite to all those engaged in this great battle of contention to experience Impact trainings and learn how to Promote Peace, Love, Harmony and joy......and the invitation is most divinely sent to the Colorado City Police Department to be for real that Light they have committed to be, and stand in your exellence.......
It is interesting because these people all make fun of me, for what Richard Cooke Did.....They make fun of me for what that film woman did....they make fun of me for what Willard did....They make fun of me for what David Barlow did...they make fun of me for what Dale Barlow did....They make fun of me for What my Mother's did....They make fun of me for what Daphnee did.....And they have Leave Judgment to the Lord, and in Uncle Rulon's day he did tell them to leave Judgment to the Lord, and In Uncle Warren's day he did tell them to leave Judgment to the Lord, and then they did try to hurt and hurt....but forgiveness is upon the land......Forgiveness is upon the Land.......who will you forgive.....for the Lord said, "leave Judgement to the Lord, for it is mine......" that is what the Lord did say......and he did say that we are to forgive all men, and the lord will forgive who he will.....That is the thing I am going to do........You are all forgiven....all of you........
but then again, what was there excuse the day before all that happened..........?
they make fun of me, because the Lord is kind and leaves them a little......but then that is what happpened in the days of Joseph....the days of Noah....The days of Pharoh, and the days of all the past days........What was all the wild weather about? and it is upon you...............like New Orlean's.....the wave on the sea...and the riots there.....and the war across the sea, that the army thought would be easy....and the attack on the mexican's and the Indian..........Who will defend truth and liberty? for it is written........and written.......
You are becoming repetitive and boring. Lets talk about your life in Flagstaff, why were you there?
I am a boring freak....Why would you care? I am a freak...have you not figured that out....repetitive and boring.......Why was I in Flagstaff....Lets see...First there was one child mollester who did not want caught; and then there was two......and three.....and they did not want any one to know what they did...so I was slammed to hell by my family that hated me.....and I am a freak, so go tell some one else......what do you care about this repetiive and boring no one that every one hated........no one cared at all anyhow...why would you...I was a number and a pay check for dishonest men......and once they slam a person they are slammed...so run over me the next time you see me......and do not talk to me..........an't that what you all wanted to prove that we was a bunch of no good freaks.....well, my mother would love you and give you a medal of honor because you hate me...That was all their goal...so they succeeded...just do not bother to know the real me...do not want to disapoint mommy dearest.......I ain't dead yet......
Richard Cooke, Mommy dearests, needs you.........Oh, Mommy dearest, what ever would you and your hero's Richard Cooke ever have done with out you; Mommy dearest......Gee Dick run home again; your great love, mommy dearest is waiting for you...oh, she found another man to beat me up for you.........
and as far as being boring; I did not know any one ever cared....I thought I was just fodder for Richard Cooke, Sam Barlow, Stephan Barlow, and their friends to murder....Who ever thought that I would be some one that any one cared about.......
I did hear today that Allen Steed was pliggy....Is that true?
I did listen to MATT Smith and Tom Shehan talk about what they did to WArrn Jeffs...They said he is a religious man and a modal prisoner...and they mock and make fun of him.....Is that really how you run the country? I feel sad for you if you are ever in serious need of protecting your own country. That is the best America can do? I am humiliated that I know them.......I am not talking about WArren Jeffs........That is the best our country can do....It is a good thing that other people cared.........
No Pliggy is Al Holm
I alsowant to say that the texas ranch is beautiful. I feel that if a person does not understand how and why polygmist communicate together than they need to look at themself and find themself first. I was brought up to never ever judge anyone. I also feel that if you do not have anything not nice to say than do not say anything at all. Anywho I am very proud of you gusy and how much you hold your faith in your hand. Not very many people can say that they have put in a hard day of work with the family. I also feel that as long as no one is being hurt than no one should worry about what is going on. This is your personal life and you live life to the fullest and no matter what other people say you are you and they are them.
flds has said and done PLENTY that is definitely "not nice" or even faintly true about many, many people still inside, and outside of their cult, and they've done this over and over and over again for decades. They themselves are astonishingly judgmental and unforgiving, by the standards of probably most people in the world, that is, IF those people were as informed as you need to be about this issue. Whoever wrote the post right above this one either does not know much at all about flds, or has an extremely poorly informed understanding of flds beliefs and practices based on flds lies, and/or on their cruel,hypocritical, and twisted worldview dressed up to portray wholesomeness that is basically one big,law-defying lie. Young flds kids's minds are warped against the entire rest of the world that is beyond their tiny, extremely tightly controlled world, from infancy onward, by the whims of the current warped and quite criminal "prophet." That, my friend, is NOT "NICE," and the flds does this consistently. They may have a plain, "clean," tidy, and perhaps rather polite outward appearance that has a few pluses in the eyes of many, but they certainly do not get any awards whatsoever for what they say and do regarding everyone else in this world, who does not adhere to exactly the same tiny set of behaviors and beliefs as themselves. They are VERY MUCH SO a highly controlled, and controlling, cult. They pray for harm and death to those who disagree with them, or who get out and try to tell authorities some of their odd, cruel practices. Death threats are commonly received by many former flds. So, sorry, but fldsdefinitely don't win any attitude or behavior awards from me, or from thousands of others who know the real flds a lot better than you seem to. They lie horrifically, and as I said, their kids are warped and punished consistently in ways you might find pretty darn hair- raising. Please go to the website flds 101 and comb through the dozens of articles by a former flds who has written in detail about things I think you'll find pretty terrible, pathetic, and appalling, if you have a shred of decency in you, which I am sure you do.
Trust me I do not know much about them but I also do not and willnot ever judge them. I do not know how they live on the inside. And yes i am a very decent person I know that many of them will not talk to people who do not belong to the group. I have run into a couple of the females and they are the ones that maily will not talk i do not know if they can. I have also ran into a male who belongs to the church he seemed to be really nice. In no way am i justifying any actions that they take but i have always been courise about them I could read all day. Not so much the news because most of the time they streach the truth just to get a persons attention. I feelthat if they would only marry the girls that are eighteen and older I know it sounds weird probly to many. I do not argue with anyone just like learning more of who they are and why they are the way they are.I am a member of the LDS church I do believe in christ and in joseph smith. I also know thta the church is split inot three different section. To me there is no harm in asking questions I will look up the articles you had mentioned before.
Seeing reality, and enforcing good laws which have the goal of common decency, is necessary to have any kind of stability in any bearable society, and by modern standards with which we are familiar, and that we take for granted, in the US. If everyone in the US was flds, it would be a third world nation very quickly. Numerous people that have gotten out of flds (that are lucky to be alive, I should say) have been trying to warn and inform the authorities and general public for many years. flds has been getting away with boatloads of bizarre and cruel stuff for decades, in the name of "freedom of religion." Anyone else doing what many, many adult flds do in the name of "their religion" would be jailed long term. From my five and a half years of research, (which includes having personally talked with a few American polygamy group survivors)- my assessment is that practically every single flds member over the age of about 19 should be incarcerated long term. You have to understand that flds absolutely do know US laws, and consider themselves exempt from complying. Frankly, if they want to keep doing what they do, all of flds "society" should leave the US, since they have no intention of complying with US laws, on a number of levels and areas of law. They are involved in a lot of different fraud and felony behaviors on a regular basis. They are taught unquestioning compliance with their "prophet," who consistently instructs flds to practice defiance of our many US and state laws. He does this in a very clear way, with writings and his personal activities, a few of which activities are having "married" twelve year olds when he was 50, and all of this, and much more, is abundantly well-documented. Obedient flds view him as perfect,and as equal with God. You will need many thousands of hours of study to hear much of what I am trying to tell you. Once again, if everybody got away with what flds does, inside their tightly controlled
"ranches," the US would swiftly become a far stranger, fear-filled, and cruel nation. It is possible, with very few exceptions, that all pedophiles, cheats, and felons of many types would have to be released from US jails, to be just and fair to all, by true flds standards. (not the very untrue and sanitized version of "true" that they want everyone else to believe about them.) There would be virtually no safety or freedom as we commonly, daily understand it or enjoy it, anywhere in the US, especially for underage children. Or for those who disagreed on any level, even an imagined level, with their "prophet."
looks like you just do not know what you are talking about....You blanet us all with your labels....Just as I thought....The Indian nation is being treated baddly.....That boy that was in a conflict with the cops, had endured a life time of ridicule and teasing.......It is a terrible tradgedy that more people do not care......who among you could be teased all your life......too bad the cops did not care a long time ago and start a help your neighbor program.......you hate us because of religion.....They hate us for relegion and what is the excuse of the rest of you out there? where is you love and compassion......Maybe if anyone would have cared the one's abusing would have been caught and stopped...but I am not a crimnal.....and you hated me for what they did, just like they hated me for what they did......and it never ends......
Hello anonymous
You are the author of your own misery.
I last posted 9/02/10 at 8:27 AM, and I stand by every word, until I see at least as much hard proof AGAINST what I have stated. That will never happen, because flds are daily determined to defend behavior which has no acceptable defense. It is the way they have been programmed since birth. flds refuse to stop worshiping a person who "marries" and impregnates girls who are very underage, and who tells others to do exactly the same thing. flds take pride in breaking US laws. It is a cornerstone of their "faith" to do so, as they see secular laws as "inferior" to what they believe. Sex crimes are but one category of a laundry list and variety of crimes for this particular "prophet." Cult "prophets" are generally adept at criminal behavior in multiple areas of crime. warren is no exception to that common pattern, which exists in many cults.
flds worship a pedophile and refuse to acknowledge it. The conditioning of the mind in such cults is intense and prolonged, and begins at birth. As stated above, same thing often happens in numerous other cults around the world. Sex, extortion, and abuse of various kinds... despicably, done all in the name of God, in order to deceive the gullible, and perpetuate perversion, in the name of their "rights." Jesus, the true God of heaven and earth, heartily disapproves of these things. These groups do not know Him but insist that they do. They always have their own version of Him, which differs quite markedly from the real Jesus.
The FLDS serve the Devil. Many of their practices resemble or copy Satan worship.
that is your opinion and i believe that everyone has there own but you know that is the most crazyest things that i have ever heard i bet you that majority of them would not slander another religion. I am not talking about stuff like they believe that there church is the true church. Everyone that goes to church believes that there church is the right one. I feel that when we pass away we will find out what we did not know here on earth. Well i guess this would be worth hearing if you believe that you move on in afterlife now if you do not believe this andyou believe that wesit there and rott then that is how you believe.so my thought is do not just a community just by what you read or hear many people like to add lies into it.
Throughout the ages of time, the true and living church has had the most intense hatred and disruption from those that Satan was able to stir up into the ideaology of saving us from what you in your own hearts had conceived. I find out that those that blow the hardest, make the most vile insinuations, and insist that those trying to serve God after the dictates of their own conscious are part of a cult and believe in evil are always opening up the windows of their own souls, their own demons manifesting themselves in that persons ignorance and satan generated enthusiasm to deliver us from our "horrid beliefs". Go save yourself before you go trying to save us. The brainwashing for you began the same time ours did, why is that so damned hard for everyone to see? Every single person on earth has been indoctrinated one way or the other. What makes your indoctrination better than mine!!
Because you are deceived by men, the Priesthood. The Priesthood is for brave men loving men and indoctrinated boys, women are for babies only.
Laurene is secluded and chaste, sweet. Why can you not be like your sister Ruthie?
@ Anonymous 10:06
Lay off the weed peep, you might make some kind of sense if you can get that worked out of your system.
wouldn't you all just adore your lie; too bad it was not true........Would'nt you now....you are looking at the wrong gate for that lie.......I know that Willard's friend Brad that he wrote to and offered LeeAnn too, sold weed under cover in Cedar City, and that Willard was kicked out of School in Cedar City, why he was pulling straight A's to be a vetranary and that he beat his wife at the time, and when I married him he wanted her to drive and she cried why he wanted me to kiss him, because it was just like Cedar City.....I did leave them then.....and will never look back to his lie......and I know that Willard wanted me to take his pills, under cover of course and drugged his horse and met his buddies in the night at the airport......but hey, I was just the retard......but if you want the drugs stopped; stop the sorce...but in my garden none has ever grown...........and I already know you all hated me, so love Willard and his lies for all I care...........for you hated me, and would love his lie to be true.....for his lie was delicious to you.......
Why is Richard Cooke off my mother's pedistle? Why is Uncle Warren not putting him back on his pedistle? Why do they not let him finish his job? oh, they had gossip and Johnathon to do that for them? Why is his kings thrown gone? I can not imagine why they threw him out; just when they had succeeded in destroying another life? weird..........why would they throw out their best destroyer....Just when they had it all in their pocktes. poor willard; he lost his king destroyer.......poor poor willard..........nice police friends you have...no wonder Richard was here for so long.......poor poor willard....I lived....poor poor willard......his king destroyer is gone....Who will he find to try to kill me now?
Darn it Ruthie, you are not a retard outside of that town. You are a fortress where you are, protecting the truth. Watch a movie if you can, "The Matrix",
and be careful of which pill you take. Also, watch "The Village".
I do stress watching "The Village".
Ruthie is not a retard in this town, she is a retard only cause she calls herself one, I sure don't think of her as one. We are all "legends in our own minds" as we are apt to call it. Ruthie gets some mileage out of her self depreciation, I guess everyone get's out of life what they want eventually.
You are right.....I have friends....And I know I am not a retard...If I had been I would have been entirly invisible.......and of no notice..........I already know my worth....and I do not feel like contending over it......Every soul born has good in them.......and bad days....just make sure on your bad days that you do keep hold of the great good in you.....for it is there.............
I know that to be a woman in my town you most assuradly have to watch the pills they give you....First they get up in church and read out of the Book of Mormon about living in love and using mild herbs and food and not by the hand of an enemy, and then they slam you and force you on med's that are not needed and then tell wild tales about you....then they go to church and pat themselves on the back at what hero's they are.....and it says in their book that they should live together in love in so much that they weep for the souls of those who have not a glorious reserection, then they go out and throw rocks and call people names that they think are not like them...and I never want to be that way.....nice people.......If they lived the law they teach, they would have to fire their cops, and they would not have anyone to beat up woman they did not like.....so they have to keep the pills under the table, in case their fist does not work, and when a gentile or a visitor comes, they are just the sweetest and anglic people on earth....but there are some who really live what they preach.....so I can not slam them for religion........I mean ten of them most likely do.......I think...but I have not met them yet....maybe one day I will.......but I do really like them....it keeps life interesting to see how they can live in such a manner..........after all, every one has their weaknesses....and I lived through there fists.......
and those that persicuted me will see one day that I am not and never was a retard. It is weird how things go....Six men got together and sabataged my life....then every one said Warren Jeffs did this.....then they all got kicked out of the church and every one carried on the lie as if it was.....but I have forgiven and forgotton, for all things are justified with the Lord....What I mean is in the end they all go and make an account and what is, is what is........and none can deceive Jesus.....gossip, lies, or Truth is all written in his book......what is, is what is.......
It is weird because when I was young, there was talk about taming me....I was never wild, and i never needed fixed......What is, is what is.......
and you all lie, when you say I am only a retard because I call myself one......how much they love to cover lies......how much they love to cover sin....how much they love to cover abuse........
and you all lie, when you say I am only a retard because I call myself one......how much they love to cover lies......how much they love to cover sin....how much they love to cover abuse........
but the state of Utah is losing because the real crimnal's were protected and people who were not guilty were harmed........So too will Texas lose and the traitor's in our church not yet caught......
and Utah, Hurry and get him off your hands.....Your fate is set.......you have bargained for it......and Texas also will lose; for the lie is theirs....that is what America was founded on was religious freedom; and you stripped us of it...You put abuser's on a pedistle and targeted the one's who were not guilty........
So, Texas is begining to lose already........I have forgiven you a great deal........I pity you really........for life could have been loved and enjoyed by all.......but I will not ever forget what you did to me and my daughter............in the rest of my life and on to eternity....this will call from heaven against you......not Texas specihaclly, but the one's involved.........Those who traded their soul to make the inacent suffer...........and enjoyed it until they begin to lose and only sorrow, because they can not hurt again........
When Jack Cooke was here, they looked the other way.....Until it was too much.....I asked the Lord to remove him.....He did......then they clung to his brother; Richard Cooke.....When Richard Cooke was here they clung to him, and looked the other way; until it was too much......I asked the Lord to remove him...He did.....then they scrambled to find another.....So, When Willard Barlow was here they looked the other way on his abuse......until it was too much.....and the Lord will remove him...........And When Shelly G. Cooke was here they clung to him; until i asked the Lord to remove him..........Here is an add.........WANTED; ONE REALLY HONEST FUNDAMENTAL MORMON WHO WILL NOT USE THE GOVERNMENT TO DESTROY ME.............ONE WHO WILL NOT CLING TO THE LIES OF THE PAST.....ONE WHO WILL NOT ABUSE ME FOR REAL........And it just appears to me, that if Helaman wanted to pull the trigger on Seth Cooke he could easily do so; in the name of freedom and be a hero in the church........for he did threaten Seth Cooke just as much as the other.........I know he was harrassing Seth Cooke a good deal before he recorded his statements.........but that is what they do the best.....harrass someone until they react and then they record it.....If it would have been Alvin Barlow or Willard Barlow threatening to shoot someone....It would not have ever been recorded and they would have been hero's in the church.....That is why Willard Barlow and his Richard Cooke Hero's are Idalized in the church today...........For these cops have sworn to destroy every apostate....and they get to choose who gets the privledge of living and who does not.....but their camera's only roll, when they pick their victum..........and these Barlow's have always hated Cooke's.....I wonder if that is why Richard Cooke was the way he was....He lived with the Barlow's too long.........a little of them rubbed off on to him.......That is why they covered up what he did so nicely........did not record Richard Cooke....He was too good at destroying lifes........come back Richard Cooke....Your family was used to the old dog....They have found a new young one to train; so they can feel picked on............makes them look like hero's.....
And Helaman dear, why do you not submitt your police tape of those cops beating me up....It would not look as nice as Seth's words would it....why be selective.......Send in the tape of the three men who beat me up, why other cops looked on.....and maybe you would send the copy of what Clark did to me, protecting Richard Cooke....oh, you did not record that one.....I had to many brusies on me to send that one to the county........you let me go for that one....did not want any evidence of your police department's brutality..........and with your cops saying they can write up the report any way they choose; my bet is it will by my Brother who is tortured and shot and covered up....Nice try in your games you play......Try this one on for size......HONESTY; for the way I see it; you and the county are well matched.....They just put the wrong pitcher on the county cops........but then I would not know....I have not delt that much with the county and they have never beat me up, or hired government people to kill me, like Richard Cooke did.........
Ruth, just remember that it was Laurene who turned Jack Cooke in and it was Laurene who forgave him.
some one told me all these wild story's about me and my children yesterday....Well, all the time I grew up, Rebecca and Marie went on and on about what Jack did to them......I felt sorry for them then.........But as an adult I do not.....they were adults when they cried to me, "the Child" I always had to carry them....They could have called the cops.....like great big adults do........Then I carried my Mother....I was always responsible for her feelings....But as an adult I do not carry her....She is a great big adult....She could have called the cops on these preditor's...and I would not even have known he was born....Rebecca and Marie went into counsoling and did all they could to fix the problem; with out really dealing with it.......and soon my head began to be too full.....there was talk that we lived in Rebecca and Marie's fish bowl.....and the point that I am writing here is to tell the last poster and every one else in the world.....I had the guts, and the smarts to hide from my Father...I do not have a lot to cry over......I am not a counslor....I am not responsible for your fish bowl any longer...............leave me out of it...........because pretending to be the poor, adult victum's keeps you stuck in his drama....and I do not need it.......
You talk about Christ, and that you will be living with Him, enjoying His company....Yet, every time you ever post anywhere, Here, Bills Blog etc, all you spew is bad feelings....Uncle Rulon said no one would be with Christ who partook of bad feelings....In his words "The Lord is done with people who partake of bad feelings".....It seems to me that you won't be where you say you will be unless you are deceived in that view....God will come to those who love Him, those who are like Him, I don't believe He has bad feelings, I believe He loves me, you and everyone else...He want's the best for everyone, but do you think He's going to want to be with people who never have anything good to say???....I know I sure don't want to, He will invite those who are like Him to dwell with Him, and He has NO BAD FEELINGS......Holding on to them is destroying your very own chance.
I suppose you had better try to get out of judging me then......
and Like I said; "please leave me out of the fish bowl"........
Ruth, remember this. You never loved a gentile like your sister Laurene did. You held up your side of the bargain. She is cursed and not you, she is blessed too.
Laurene suffered for your sins and all the others in your family. You are now free, cherish your life.
I have been a believer in the fullness for half a century. I am a seventy year old male, but in good condition, thanks be to God. I have known many; Rulon, Joseph, Joel, etc., over the decades. My home outlooks the blue Pacific, but my soul has dwelt in Zion. My families are numerous. I look toward the promised land. I find this website confusing. I will travel to St. George shortly. I hope to find truth.
May redemption falls upon us all.
No one is perfect except Jesus Himself. You know that, Ruth. The us-versus-them mentality is heightened in anyone who has had long,isolated contact with a strict separatist group as you have. Ruth, honestly, you have been hurt a lot, yes, and you can't seem to get past a lot of it, but many DO understand how that feels, whether you remember it often, or not. I think largely it's because you are still not getting enough new contacts, a variety of decent, new people around you to be emotionally and spiritually supportive. Have you tried to reach out to any evangelical churches at all in your area to help you with various things? Like transportation, an occasional nice ladies' get-together, and yes, many good evangelical churches do have deacons' funds for true needs of occasional local and deserving people, even if they are not "on the rolls" of that specific church- that has happened for me several times in my life in the past, at really low points. Regular Bible study times you could be part of, I think would be very appropriate also. You do have something to give, and I think you also have some things that need to be dealt with without any flds or lds influence or interpretation at all. The US has many millions of very decent people that have never been any kind of mormon, and they never will consider going into that. lds and flds combine some good Bible-borrowed teaching with quite a lot of totally false, unbiblical ideas, that's why. There are thousands of people that would be kind and helpful to you, as much as was possible for them, probably within a pretty reasonable drive of your house, who would try to be of assistance to you. I would think it would take a number of people taking turns, to get and stay involved. Don't forget, NO ONE is perfect except Jesus Himself- all humans here on earth have their own schedules and lives and experiences. It is very important for every single one of us to remember that at all times.There are just a lot of things we all struggle with, just like you- you must stop thinking so very much of a world where you are the only one suffering or who has suffered, or where flds-background people are the only ones who are good or bad. The world has far more than that in it. I know that's hard when there's so much that has happened, but people are human, imperfect people everywhere, there are better ones and bad ones, properly brought-up ones and the others, too. We ALL know that. The flds upbringing and the rural situation out there make things go on and on which should have at least some resolution and closure at some point, honestly. America and the world have much good in them, as well as the bad we all hear about constantly. A lot of people you've never heard of are involved in trying to deal with the wrongs in it, and it's a very tough battle. For each child of His, Ruth, and although from our own small viewpoints it's a big challenge, God can do anything but fail. There are some extremely well-trained (and I must emphasize non-mormon) ministers, and Bible-trained people in many walks of life that, if they understood your life story, might have some wonderful insights and connections that would really help you. And you would most likely be a help to some new people also in this way.
Just so you all understand it real clear.....I have never harmed Laurene in any way....She does not suffer for my sins.....I love her and wish her a great life...I have seen her struggles and am grateful she is as sweet as she is......and I am not the judge of any one...nor do I try to be.....I am certain I will never be free in this life; for gossip is that way......but we all have a cross to bear.....I have always loved my family...I always will.....the Lord said to leave Judgement to him.......and to the person who talks about Bible people who would help me.....Thank you.....at least you are kind in wanting to help.....I have my own religion.....I have it between the Lord and me, and have come to the conclusion that it is better to be silent.......I have no ill will towards anyone.......have a great life.......
Anon 9/20/10....Here, Bills Blog etc,
Ruth, PLEASE, for yur own well being, stay away from Bill's blog. He is NOT a nice man and will use you in a most unsatisfactory fashion. Please be careful of his evil ways. He cannot be trusted if you think he is your friend.
A worried poster....
Hi Ruth I am very glad to hear that you hold tight to heavenly father and the lord. They will give you strenght in every way that they can. i remember my and dad had a saying that states that god will never give you anything that you can not handle. As I have grown into an adult I have had many unpleasent moments in life but this little saying always helped me out when i needed it the most. everyday is a new step not only for you but for everyone. Keep positive and remember you can do anything that you put your mind too. Some days willbe harder than others and some woundes will take longer to heal.But they will all go away. In a previous post it states that you do not want to be in the fish bowl.I do not think anyone would want to be there. Anywho Take one day at a time and hold your head high.
thank you...That helps......
You are so welcome please do not ever let him go he will always be there to guide you.
You are so welcome please do not ever let him (your heavenly father and lord) go he will always be there to guide you.
I bet you if every soul in my church would have been as divoted to the gospel as they are to these blogs and critazising and proving some one was wrong; Zion would have already been redemed..........
course I know I was hoping too much to actually expect my family to care about me.....They are too high on their pedistle to actually quit quarrling and calling me names and critazising to actually care...course I was just living in a fantasy world to expect them to care and live the gospel for real.....they loved their lies and the drama too much......course I was stupid to think they would care...........because they was so addicted to the gossip and criatzising to care at all......wasn't I stupid to think that after all these years of their lies, and insults that they would just wake up one day and care...They have to have their lies...They just have too.......
page 1.
Christian Wedlock.
Can a woman have more than two husbands?
No, a woman cannot have more than two living husbands. A man has no choice, as he must be in wedlock with one living wife. But a woman has three choices. Firstly, no wedlock with a husband. Secondly, wedlock with one husband. Or thirdly, wedlock with two husbands. That’s it, there are no further choices for a woman, and there is no choice at all for a man.
1 Corinthians 7:2 King James 1611.
Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
Yr. 1783. 10th George Prince of Wales Own Hussars. (King George III).
Yr. 1898. 19th Alexandra Princess of Wales Own Hussars. (Queen Victoria).
Therefore two women can own a regiment of cavalry, and two men can own a regiment of cavalry.
1 Corinthians 6:16 King James 1611.
What! know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
Therefore in the New Testament a man and woman lying together are one flesh, as follows:
A husband and wife who lie together by carnal copulation shall be one flesh.
A fornicator and fornicatress who lie together by carnal copulation shall be one flesh.
A man and common courtesan or common prostitute who lie together by carnal copulation shall be one flesh.
(A common prostitute is a woman who commonly offers her body for acts of lewdness for payment. An act of lewdness can never be an act of carnal copulation, as it is blasphemy to state that the Angel Gabriel and Mary committed a lewd act. The common law of england states that it is impossible for any woman to be a prostitute under any circumstances, but that a woman may continue on to be a common prostitute.).
A fornicator/fornicatress and adulterer/adultress who lie together by carnal copulation shall be one flesh.
An adulterer and adultress who lie together by carnal copulation shall be one flesh.
Clearly the New Testament lays down that a man must be in wedlock with his own wife, and a woman must be in wedlock with her own husband. Furthermore the New Testament specifically limits the number of wives that a man can have to only one, but sets no limit to the number of husbands a woman can have. But there must be some limit for a woman, or one woman could be in wedlock with thousands of men. Rationally, if one woman can satisfy the bodily lust of one man every day, and forty men can satisfy the bodily lust of one woman every day, then is one wife for every man and forty husbands for every woman what the New Testament requires? No, because the New Testament is a document of truth, not a document of reason.
page 2.
Luke 1:28 King James 1611.
Luke 1:31 King James 1611.
Luke 1:28-35 King James 1611.
In the New Testament, the angel Gabriel came in unto Mary, a virgin woman, and Mary conceived and delivered her firstborn son, Jesus, the son being God the Son. And when Mary’s womb delivered her firstborn son Jesus unto the world, then Mary was like all women delivered of a firstborn son unto the world, as a woman’s firstborn son can never belong to the mother but must belong to the Lord God.
Luke 2:23 King James 1611.
Exodus 13:2&12 King James 1611.
And so like all women delivered of a firstborn son, Mary was no longer a virgin woman, but like all said women, Mary was a holy woman.
Matthew 13:53-56 King James 1611.
Mark 6:1-4 King James 1611.
And husband Joseph Jacob came in unto Mary and husband Joseph Heli came in unto Mary, and Mary conceived and delivered Jesus’ brothers, James, Joses, Simon, Judas, and also Jesus’ sisters.
Matthew 1:6&16 King James 1611.
Luke 3:23&31 King James 1611.
Joseph Jacob was the descendent of King David’s son Solomon, and Joseph Heli was the descendent of King David’s son Nathan.
Genesis 38:16-18 King James 1611.
“Came in unto her” means congress or carnal copulation. In the Old Testament, Judah came in unto Tamar, his daughter-in-law, and Tamar conceived and delivered twin sons. Tamar had lain in wait for Judah on the side of a far away road, and Judah had been unable to recognize Tamar because she was wearing a veil, and only common harlots wore veils. Upon first seeing this strange woman wearing a veil, Judah bargained a future payment of a kid from his flock, and therefore gave as his pledge, his personal signet ring, his personal wrist bangles, and his personal walking staff, for coming in unto her. Tamar had been in wedlock with Judah’s first son, who God had killed for being wicked. Tamar had then been in wedlock with Judah’s second son, who God had then killed when he saw the second son deliberately spill his seed on the ground during carnal copulation with Tamar.
That was because if Tamar was made with child by the second son, and if such child was a baby son born of Tamar, then under the law of the Hebrews that baby son born of Tamar was the first born baby son of the dead first son, and not any baby son of the second son, despite Tamar having conceived that baby son with the second son. This meant that if a dead man had no son, but still had a widow and a brother, then the widow and the brother should ignore consanguinity, and if the brother was already in wedlock, bigamy, in order to give the dead man a first born son.
(The ancient Hebrews were a people of eastern civilization who accordingly rejected the concept of demos, and therefore practiced bigamy by the males. The ancient Greeks were a people of western civilization who accordingly accepted the concept of demos, and therefore practiced either monandry or diandry by the females.).
page 3.
That was because if Tamar was made with child by the second son, and if such child was a baby son born of Tamar, then under the law of the Hebrews that baby son born of Tamar was the first born baby son of the dead first son, and not any baby son of the second son, despite Tamar having conceived that baby son with the second son. This meant that if a dead man had no son, but still had a widow and a brother, then the widow and the brother should ignore consanguinity, and if the brother was already in wedlock, bigamy, in order to give the dead man a first born son.
(The ancient Hebrews were a people of eastern civilization who accordingly rejected the concept of demos, and therefore practiced bigamy by the males. The ancient Greeks were a people of western civilization who accordingly accepted the concept of demos, and therefore practiced either monandry or diandry by the females.).
Upon the death of his second son, Judah had ordered his daughter-in-law Tamar not to marry again, because Judah promised Tamar that she would marry his third son when he became old enough for wedlock. But when his third son became old enough to marry, Judah broke his promise and forbade his third son to marry Tamar. When Tamar was seen in her third month to be heavy with child, Judah was told that Tamar was with child through harlotry. Judah then summoned Tamar to him in order to be burnt to death for harlotry, although it was against the law to put a woman to death for harlotry. Tamar came and produced the signet ring, the wrist bangles, and the walking staff, and said the man who gave me these is the man by whom I am with child. Then Judah confessed to all that he had broken his promise and sinned by going back on his word that Tamar would have wedlock with his third son when his third son became of age, and then denying such wedlock to her.
Six months later Tamar safely gave birth to the twin sons conceived with Judah and the midwife tied a red thread around the son’s hand which first appeared out of the womb. But then the hand was withdrawn into the womb and the second son, Pharez, without the red thread was born first, and the first son, Zarah, with the red thread was born second.
page 4.
Ruth 4:18-22 King James 1611.
King David of Israel and Judah was descended from Pharez, and the red hand flag of the Ulstans and Scots shows the Red Hand of Zarah. The red hand is often shown on a white six pointed star, but it is not clear whether this star is a Star of Pharez (Star of David) or just a Star of Ulster.
Genesis 1:27-28 King James 1611.
Genesis 2:7&18-19 King James 1611.
Genesis 3:20 King James 1611.
The first man and first woman in this world were Adam and Eve. Adam means “man” in the hebrew tongue, and Eve means “life” in the hebrew tongue. Therefore a man is man, but a woman is life.
Romans 7:4-6 King James 1611.
Old Testament law dead and gives as an example that a woman can have more than one husband.
1 Timothy 3:2 King James 1611.
A bishop can have only one wife, and as he must be an example to other men, a man can have only one wife.
1 Timothy 3:12 King James 1611.
A deacon can have only one wife, and as he must be an example to other men, a man can have only one wife.
Titus 1:6 King James 1611.
An elder can have only one wife.
1 Timothy 5:4&9 King James 1611.
Elders are not to provide for widows under three score years of age who have daughters or sons, as the children must provide for their mother.
page 5.
The Estate of Marriage. Martin Luther 1522.
Although Martin Luther confirmed that a woman could have two husbands, he nevertheless immediately restricted it to women who were in a marriage which had produced no children and who had then obtained permission from their first husband to take their second husband. Confusingly, Martin Luther did not make it clear as to how long a woman had to wait before taking her second husband.
To sum up, the New Testament upholds the example of deacons, elders, and bishops, for men to follow. That example is one wife. The New Testament also lays down that the Old Testament no longer applies to men or women, except for the 10 Commandments, and gives as an example of this that a woman is no longer bound to have only one husband. If men must follow the example of the male Christian leader in marriage, whether bishop, deacon, or elder, then surely women must follow the example of the female Christian leader in marriage. What leader is that? The primary one in the New Testament is Mary, the Mother of Jesus, God the Son.
Luke 1:15&35&41 King James 1611.
Mary had carnal copulation with three men. The Angel Gabriel, Joseph Jacob, and Joseph Heli. However, Mary was only in wedlock with two men, Joseph Jacob, and Joseph Heli. Furthermore, the Angel Gabriel was not a man of this world, and he seems not to have taken a fully visible male form when he had carnal copulation with Mary as ordered by God the Father, for it appears that at some stage God the Holy Ghost came upon or entered Mary. Either this was at the moment Mary conceived or immediately afterwards. After Mary conceived, she immediately went to visit her cousin Elisabeth, who was six months with child, a son, who also had been conceived when Elisabeth had been filled by God the Holy Ghost.
Accordingly it would be fully in accordance with the New Testament for a man to have one wife, and a woman to have two husbands. That the Angel Gabriel had carnal copulation with Mary is both interesting and theologically necessary, but it is not enough of an example for a woman to attempt to take a third husband in wedlock, whilst her first and second husbands still liveth.
page 6.
Matthew 19:11-12 King James 1611.
1 Corinthians 9:5 King James 1611.
The New Testament does not give man any choice; he must have wedlock with one woman. But do bear in mind that Jesus, God the Son, was never in wedlock with any woman, despite all Jesus’ Twelve Disciples being or having been in wedlock with a woman.
But the New Testament gives a woman three choices.
1st Choice:
Virgin woman without wedlock.
2nd Choice:
Virgin woman with one husband in wedlock without child.
Virgin woman with one husband in wedlock with female child or female children.
Holy woman with one husband in wedlock with firstborn male child.
Holy woman with one husband in wedlock with male child or children together with female child or children.
3rd Choice:
Holy woman with two husbands in wedlock with firstborn male child.
Holy woman with two husbands in wedlock with male child or children together with female child or children.
page 7.
A number of denominations have a service for wedlock, but so far every one of them has inserted words that clearly say a woman may be in wedlock with only one man at a time. Even the State Lutheran Evangelical Church of Sweden states this, despite Martin Luther himself saying that a wife can be in wedlock with two living husbands.
But what do you expect. After all, Martin Luther stated in writing that under no circumstances was anyone to call himself a “Lutheran” and under no circumstances was any church to call itself a “Lutheran Church”. So what do all northern europeans called themselves? Lutherans! Ask them what church they belong to? The Lutheran Church!
A number of denominations do not have any service for wedlock, on the grounds that wedlock is not a church matter, as it is a state matter. But every such denomination has nevertheless inserted words in that denomination’s discussion of wedlock, that firmly says that a woman can only have one husband in wedlock at a time.
Nowhere do any of the denominations give any explanation for their defiance of the New Testament. Of course that just might be because there is neither any justifiable explanation or excusable explanation for such defiance.
Still, just looking at using only the principle of choice as a guide, all the above denominations are pointing in the right direction, even if they are not pointing down the correct path.
That is, a man has no choice, he must make efforts to be in wedlock with one wife at some stage of his life here in this world.
And a woman still has a choice, in that she may choose not to be in wedlock with a man in this world, or she may choose to be in wedlock with one husband at some stage of her life here in this world. This means that the principle of a woman having a choice remains intact.
The defiance of both the Lord God and the New Testament by the various denominations by the removal of a woman’s option to make efforts to be in wedlock with two husbands at the same time at some stage of her life in this world, still leaves intact the principle of choice for the woman and no choice for the man.
page 8.
Constitution of The Spartans (Xenophon). 388 B.C.
League of The Iroquois (Lewis Henry Morgan). 1851 A.D.
Only two non-christian groups in the world have been known to practice New Testament wedlock. The Spartans and the Mohawk.
Only monandry and diandry, or New Testament style wedlock, was lawful among the Spartans, citizens of the greatest of the greek city-states, Sparta, and history’s final saviours of Western Civilization at Thermopylae (The Hot Gates) in 480 B.C.
And only monandry and diandry, or New Testament style wedlock, was lawful among the Mohawk, citizens of the greatest of the eastern woodland North American tribes, which forever blocked France’s attempt to seize New York so as to split England’s colonies in twain.
Not only did spartan women routinely have two husbands at the same time, but Sparta herself always had two kings at the same time, as Sparta had two separate royal families. This dual monarchy (there are no other words to describe it) came from the Agiad Royal Family and the Eurypontid Royal Family.
Although some greek city-states had matrilineal descent, Sparta had patrilineal descent like most greek city-states. Accordingly a Spartan woman practicing monandry would give patrilineal descent at birth to her daughters and to her sons from her living sole husband at nine months previously. A Spartan woman practicing diandry would give patrilineal descent at birth to her old daughters from her living old husband at nine months perviously, give patrilineal descent at birth to her old sons from her living old husband at nine months previously, and give patrilineal descent at birth to her new daughters from her old husband at nine months previously. But a Spartan woman practicing diandry would give patrilineal descent at birth to her new sons from her living new husband at nine months previously.
page 9.
Much criticism of both the Spartans and the Mohawk, has been leveled by outsiders who complain of the extreme freedom of the females and the extreme militarism of the males. It must be noted that there is no record of any Spartan male, Spartan female, Mohawk male, or Mohawk female, complaining of female freedom or male militarism.
Whatever your point of view on Spartan life or Mohawk life, the New Testament lays down cast-iron guidelines for wedlock. The fact that the New Testament complies with Spartan law and Mohawk law is irrelevant.
Of absolutely no relevance to this discussion, the symbol of the United States of America is the bald headed eagle, which is a species that uses both monandry and diandry for conception, and where the one male or two males reside in the exactly the same nest as the one female. The one female and either the one male or two males, stay in the nest together and raise the chick together.
Mark 10:7 King James 1611.
Ephesians 5:31 King James 1611.
Both husbands must leave their families to go and become a member of the wife’s family, or the one husband must leave his family to go and become a member of the wife’s family.
page 10.
1st. If any person within this Government of The Mohawk shall by direct, exprest, impious, or presumptuous ways, deny the true God and his Attributes; he shall be put to death.
2nd. If any person within this Government of The Mohawk shall maliciously and on purpose deny that any Mohawk person may have arms for his defence suitable to his condition and as allowed by law; he shall be put to death.
3rd. If any man shall traitorously deny his Clanmother’s right and titles to her Eagle Feathers and Dominions, or shall raise arms to resist her Authority; he shall be put to death.
4th. If any man shall treacherously conspire or publiquely attempt, to invade or surprise any town or towns, fort or forts, within this Government of the Mohawk; he shall be put to death.
5th. If any man lyeth with a man or mankind as he lyeth with a woman; they shall be put to death, unless the one party were forced or under fourteen years of age, in which case he shall not be punished.
6th. If any man or woman shall lye with any beast or brute creature by carnal copulation; they shall be put to death, and the beast shall be burned.
7th. If any person shall bear false witness maliciously and on purpose to take away any person’s life; he shall be put to death.
8th. If any person shall slay, or cause another to be slain by guile or by poisoning or any such wicked conspiracy; he shall be put to death.
9th. If any person shall commit any willful murder, which is manslaughter, committed upon malice, hatred, or cruelty, not in a person’s necessary or just defence, nor by mere casualty against his will; he shall be put to death.
10th. If any person shall geld any man or mankind to take away generative power or virility; he shall be put to death.
i just saw a hottie out side the gates driving a purple 18 wheeler. he wants me to marry him haha. Tell him i love him and he can be my baby anyday. tell him im a virgin too :p ....mmmmuhhhhhhaaaaaa this is me proclaiming my love and if he just wants one wife he can have me forever tahhh love you baby and your pearl snaps...come find me :)
weird, how your drama looks to me; gives me an Idea of how my drama must look to you.....I give up preaching and declarin my love......
you forgot one law.....If any man does speak about another man; he shall be cast out......and if any man testify against a man he shall be cast out...if any man does see the deeds of another he shall be cast out.........and if any man send judgement upon another then he shall be cast out....and if any man quote the scriptures he shall be cast out... and if a man does live with out paying taxes, he shall be robbed and cast out.....and if any man thinketh he shall be cast out...and if any man act not according to the desires and wants of his neighbor who does hate him; shall be cast out...ect...ect...ect........
Just a odd question. There is a woman in Colorado City who told me that her virginity was restored to her. This was done by the FLDS, through ritual and also by being sent to a doctor. Is this true?
I do not know the answer up above. I just stopped by to say hi and to say Hi to everyone.
@Anonymous 9/28/2010 11:56 PM...
Hey, anything's possible with FLDS.
What would be interesting (or funny or sick?) would be to know why and how such things are rationalized.
Well, here's a theory- some flds guy, maybe even one of the leaders, badly wants to "marry" this "re-virginized" girl, since unless she's physically a virgin she would not ever be considered an acceptable flds wife.(whether a "starter wife" or one of the ones after the "first," same diff.) flds women are expected to start out totally "unused." (even though sexual abuse by male relatives when they are quite little has been reported by numerous women in cults like this- I guess the molesting by relatives that the girls aren't yet "married to" doesn't mess them up badly enough to be disqualified as potential "wives" in the eyes of this truly messed up "religion.") flds teaches that without "total purity," (which is supposed to always be followed by polygamy, there is no salvation at all for females (no acceptance by God, ever.) Over and over, polygamy is taught as the only possible way for flds females to end up approved by God. (males have to practice it too, but obviously the simple mathematical realities are going to create constant challenges.) flds leaders harvest "best" girls for themselves regularly. Dozens and dozens end up in just the "prophet's" large "wife" directory. To end up married at all is absolutely critical, but flds females are expected to accept "sister wife" after "sister wife" as time goes on. "Purity" is paramount,and females are to be faithful to one man only, but that man is supposed to end up with at least three wives. The woman can be "re-assigned" to another "worthier" flds man, and that can happen to her several times over the course of her life. So, in spite of all their high talk about the sacredness of marriage, purity, etc, flds beliefs in practice often lead to incest, multiple sexual liasons, and heavy psychological pressure on inappropriately young girls to "marry." flds teachings are loaded with hypocrisies and totally unrealistic, extremely strict and repressive ideas, which leads to frequent abuse of individuals and cruelty in several forms. Childbirth, to the very limits of an flds' female's ability to have pregnancies, regardless of whether it is safe for her or economically advisable, is practiced. Many times flds women have been known to not be in good health, and further pregnancies will be basically forced upon them. Physical and emotional problems in such obviously very trying and unhealthy situations as these are seen as signs of rebellion against the "prophet," their "husband," home situation, etc. A very good source for info is a website called flds 101.
Revelation Given to President Warren S. Jeffs
Private Revelation
At His Place of Refuge
Thursday, December 24, 2003
2. I hold you in the hollow of
my hand, and you are called to
perform the work of gathering mine
elect, and in mine own time to gather the tribes of Israel to Zion to perform the work of building the city of the New Jerusalem and the temple,where I shall appear unto thee and to a prepared people.
Revelations 21
The New Heaven and Earth
1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.
2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, 4 and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes ; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away."
5 And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And He said, "Write, for these words are faithful and true."
6 Then He said to me, "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.
7 "He who overcomes will inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.
22 I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.
23 And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.
25 In the daytime (for there will be no night there ) its gates will never be closed;
26 and they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it;
27 and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.
The River and the Tree of Life
Revelation Chapter 22
1 Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb,
2 in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month ; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
3 There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him;
4 they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads.
5 And there will no longer be any night ; and they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign forever and ever.
6 And he said to me, "These words are faithful and true"; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show to His bond-servants the things which must soon take place
22 I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.
23 And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. 25 In the daytime (for there will be no night there) its gates will never be closed ;
26 and they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it;
27 and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life.
I just do no understand why child protective services are not doing something to end polygamy?? How healthy could living like this be???
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