Friday, February 27, 2009


socialism, the united order,the great society, call it what you will, here is as succinct a description of it as I've ever heard.

Do you have any idea of what is going on? i will use a story from past history.
Joseph Stalin was asked once by a news reporter as he was at a restaurant:
"Mr. Stalin, if you continue to mistreat your people, how long do you expect them to continue following you? Are you not concern they will revolt?
Joseph Stalin asked for a live chicken be brought to him. As he held the chicken with one hand against himself with the other he started defeathering the live chicken. The chicken clut and wiggle to try to get away from him but it could not. he continue the defeathering until the live chicken was completely defeathered. After this he put it down and grab a piece of bread from the table where he had been eating and held it in his hand and the chicken approached near to him to be able to eat some of the bread. Joseph Stalin started to move away from the chicken and the chicken continue to follow him as he moved. He turned to the reporter and said do you have any questions?


  1. uncaduff
    Wonderful analogy! And unfortunately true when it comes to United Order, or FLDS in general.

  2. Jospeh Stalin was an atheist, the prophets of the church are in touch with Heavenly Father. What else do you need to know?

  3. I need ta know how anybody smartern a chicken kin baleeeeive that sh**.

  4. You answered your own question!

  5. It's an interesting story, but somehow I doubt it's true. Not even a chicken is stupid enough to run up to someone who has plucked off its feathers. Of course, I also have to be skeptical that someone just happened to have a chicken handy where the interview was taking place. Finally, I doubt that Stalin would be quite so blatant about how abusive he was to his people. So, interesting analogy, but I doubt its veracity. ;)

  6. I think the illustration is colorful, Uncaduff, but I doubt its veracity. I grew up on a farm and while it has been many years since I interacted with chickens, I'm pretty sure that you couldn't pluck one and then get it to come back and eat from your hand. At least not all in the same day. ;)

  7. In regards to the prophets of the church being in touch with heavenly father. They are in touch with their pants!
    Thats all.

  8. No matter who you follow or what you believe you still have to take responsibility for the things you do.
    You can't just say God told me to do it.

  9. Rebeckah, you are of course right about chickens that run free in the barnyard and find food for them selves, but the ones that are kept in a cage and hand fed, and that, sparingly,will come back for the proverbial "free lunch", even though they have been "plucked".

  10. Your right uncaduff. Keep people caged long enough, they will say or do anything the MASTER tells them to do, just to get a few scrapes.

  11. lol, you could be right, Uncaduff. We never kept our chickens in cages but gave them a coop and a well protected yard. (It mostly kept the skunks out at least.) I didn't consider the impact on chickens raised under those conditions (which sound remarkably similar to those of people living in fundamentalist groups) because we never did that. ;D

  12. Well I don't know about the chickens, but I don't think anyone would have dared say that to Stalin, everyone was already too thorougly plucked to speak truthfully.

  13. silver, the reporter used the term "your people", which infers that the reporter was a foreigner. the article, however, didn't comment on the fate of the reporter.:)

  14. Uncaduff,
    Quite true. We do know what happened to at least 1 foreign reporter who tried to have a straight forward conversation with Mussolini. As for the chickens, we know they only have one thing on their brains (well, roosters have two things) and if they think you have it, they'll keep on comin... The minute I step out on my back porch, my chickens are out of the coop in a flash pressing against the fence wire hoping for that one thing...

  15. Uncaduff-
    Very interesting conversation. There is also the fact that these people are raised to just submit and never ask questions from their birth and that the truth of the outside world is kept forcefully from them.

    Then there is the fear factor. Fear if you do something wrong they will tell you to leave town for good. Fear of them taking away your wives and children and assigning them to another man before you even make it back home. And for those who truly believe, fear of loosing their salvation and burning in hell. They don't know HOW to think for themselves because they never had the chance to do so. That's why it's such a culture shock for the ones who do leave or get kicked out.

    They have to learn to think for themselves and take the full responsibility for their own actions. That is a very hard thing to do when you've been living most of your life where the only expectation of you was to simply obey and smile. And you were to be rewarded with the richest blessings of heaven and be given total absolution for any actions on your part so long as you did what you were told.

    It's like jumping into a lake of arctic temperature water. You have to learn how to swim and stay alive at the same time. But those of us who have been gone for a while find out that the more you swim, the warmer the water gets and pretty soon we're keeping up with the big fish stroke for stroke. Even if we do occasionally flounder because of lack of instinct.

  16. From a Mohave County press release:

    Mohave County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Richard Clarence Jessop, 37, and Thomas L Jessop, 21, both of Colorado City, Tuesday afternoon.

    Richard Jessop was arrested for criminal damage, felony, and criminal trespassing, misdemeanor. Thomas Jessop was arrested for criminal trespassing, misdemeanor.

    Late Monday evening, at about 11:30 p.m., dispatch informed MCSO deputies of trespassing in progress at a farm off of Airport Road. MCSO deputies contacted the reporting party. The reporting party said that around 11:00 p.m., he observed
    people plowing and tilling his fields.

    The reporting party further said that an officer from the Colorado City Marshal’s Office responded and he told the subjects to stop using the tractors and to leave the area. The reporting party advised that the officer questioned him about who owned the property and he informed the officer that he leased the property.

    The reporting party further advised that the officer appeared to be more concerned about the court order rather than the criminal act that was taking place. The victim stated that the Colorado City Marshal’s officer failed to do their job and that’s when he called Mohave County Sheriff’s Office.

    During a follow-up investigation, MCSO deputies responded to the farm Tuesday afternoon and contacted the reporting party. The reporting party estimated damage to his crops was well over $10,000. While MCSO deputies were speaking with the reporting party, in the middle of a field, they observed two tractors enter the property and begin plowing.

    MCSO deputies got into their patrol unit where they drove past the lead tractor and exited their vehicle. A MCSO deputy stood to the side of the oncoming tractor with his hand up in an attempt to stop the operator, but the operator refused to stop and continued traveling. The MCSO deputy got back into his patrol unit and drove past the tractor again. The tractor came to a stop approximately 20 feet in front of the MCSO deputy where he stood motioning the operator to stop.

    MCSO deputies observed the second tractor as it stopped behind the lead tractor. MCSO deputies contacted the operator of the lead tractor. The operator was uncooperative and he would not identify himself or turn the engine off. The operator, later identified as Richard Jessop, continued to refuse to answer MCSO
    deputy’s questions.

    At about 2:05 p.m., Richard Jessop was taken into custody without incident. The second tractor operator was contacted and identified as Thomas Jessop. Thomas Jessop was cited and released at the scene. Richard Jessop was transported and booked into the Mohave County Jail. The tractors were moved from the property.

  17. I am not flds and i believe in polygamy and i am not atheist and I am not following anyone. I think it should be up to the person on how many wives or husbands one should have. No where in the bible does it say we can not have more than wife. I would have rather know the women my husband is sleeping with and have them like a sister. Than have him sneak around in slizy motel rooms and crap. At least I will have my say so if she is good enough to have around my children and so on. ALSO You say they follow a leader and do what they are told. Well isnt that what the state does too. pretty much everyone here hates polygamy because they where told it was bad.. Did God tell you that or did some preacher,judge,or cps worker tell you that. Not all polygamy families pratice underage marriage. I personally think the woman should be over 21 before they should get married. That is polygamy or not. And for two not all polygamy families get foodstamps and stuff. I do not recieve them. We are not polygamy yet but we are hoping one day to be.

  18. Honey,
    If my husband intended on sleeping with someone else. Truthfully, I would rather him sleep somewhere else, than in the same bed I sleep with him and got pregnant with his children.
    Oh, I know it sounds so wonderful to have a "sister-wife" till she becomes his favorite and your left out in the cold. Or until he decides he wants a 19yr old and your 35.
    And your left raising her kids, and your kids, while she gets all the goodies.

  19. Frankly, I was married to a man who wanted to wander. I'm not married any more. I wouldn't share my husband or his resources. If he's a 100% man, like the FLDS women keep claiming they have, then he should be man enough to give 100% to the original woman he committed to. No, I don't think it's better to have 10% of a good man rather than 0% of a bad one. It's too bad women are so easily convinced to settle for less than they really want and need.

  20. I don't believe every man in FLDS wanted all the women they were assigned either, but there again, their "eternal salvation" depends on them accepting whatever their prophet told them

  21. You have a point, Anonymous 5:11. I believe that there are probably more men within the FLDS and even in early Mormonism who DIDN'T want plural wives, but did want to have their eternal salvation kept safe. So much pain, so much coercion, and for what? Any God who operates so cruelly isn't worth trying to emulate, in my book.

  22. Rebekah,
    I am so totally with you on this one. God is not a cruel God. He gave us our natural lives and instincts for our enjoyment and to His glory.

    Anon 3/09 @ 5:11-
    I know there are men as well as women among the FLDS who did not particularly want to marry the person they were assigned to marry but they did it because they were taught that was what was right.
    I know the man I used to love in te FLDs wanted to marry me but we were both married to someone else. Me, to my abusive brother-in-law and him to my abusive brother-in-law's niece. I don't know if he is happy with her or not.
    The last time I saw him was a year ago and he looked at me with his heart in his eyes and the depth of the pain sorrow there took my breath away. I know he still loves me as I will always love him even though we will never be together.
    It is not right to play with people's lives like what happens in the FLDS.

  23. bbgae
    Im sorry you have missed a lifetime of joy, love and contentment by not being able to enjoy and grow your relationship with the man you loved.
    I can't imagine ever being with anyone but my husband. We fell in Love with each other. There were no assignments, no fear or threat of damnation. We will be married 41 yrs in May. We had children, who are now grown.
    Ive read FLDS assign older men to younger girls so they can train them, and the girls will grow to love those men. I'm sorry but I don't believe that for one second.
    Not all monogomous relationships work either, but I can't see taking a man and woman's choice of who they marry away from them.
    I can't see a young vibrant girl being assigned to a man old enough to be her father. No relationship grows in love or intimacy that way.
    God didn't create man and woman to be miserable, without joy, without love to share with one another. And he never said to force a woman to marry a man she didn't love, or know, or have anything in common with.

  24. Anon 3/16 @ 8:21-
    Thank you for your kind concern and understanding. I agree with you that men and women don't grow to love one another in relationships like that. If it is wrong, it is wrong. No amount of pretty words will fix it, only lure the unsuspecting into the same fate.
    I have hope for the future. I am young and I still have a chance at happiness. I have divorced both my assigned husbands and now have a boyfriend that I honestly love and have a chance at future happiness with.
    God is good. Because if I hadn't lost the man I loved I might still be there in Colorado City now. I honestly think I am better off where I am now and I am happy.
