Fred M. Jessop, Bishop to the FLDS people, beloved and respected by many disappeared about 5 years ago. Nobody knew where he was (and the few who did weren't talking.)
I've heard all kinds of stories explainging this. I knew somebody who was living in 'Uncle' Fred's house at the time he was taken away. They were up in their room while it was happening, and later when they came downstairs all the mothers were crying.They asked where 'Uncle' Fred was, they were told not to worry about it. Will moved in that same day and took over.
I spoke with someone else the other day who had very recently left Colorado City. I heard from this person Uncle Fred was just dumped in some city and told to never contact his family again. The nurse attending him when he died said it was of a broken heart, and none of the FLDS people were there for him in his last moments. And it was all done by Warren so he could begin his 'reign of terror'.
This absolutely breaks my heart.
Does anyone know if it is true?
Well here is a rumor I heard.
Uncle Fred was taken to Mexico, then Texas YFZ, then Colorado, where he finally died.
Most people don't know what Warren has done. What he did to Uncle Fred was just the start. When the truth of the horrible actions Warren has done starts to leak out it will break the hearts of those who find out. I think that 2008 will be the year of truth and hell.
What happened? I thought Street said this blog was dead. Well, if that was true (and very little of what Street says is true) then this thing has be ressurected.
What do former FLDS members think should happen to Warren for what he's done to people like Uncle Fred?
What would Jesus do?
He would probably take his whipcord and drive the money-changers from his house, gather the true saints at his feet and sort out the mess that those evil men created.
There is a time to be compassionate and understanding and a time to stand for what is right. When the compassion and understanding create apathy for wrongdoing they become the great evil. We are to forgive all men their trespasses (weaknesses), to judge as we would be judged, speaking of people. The heart and thoughts of a person we may not have the right to judge. The actions of a person we must judge. If we cannot stand on principle we are a lost race.
As for warren, he will reap what he has sown. We can yell and ballyhoo all we want and he will still get what he has coming. I may not be able to see into his heart and condemn him. I can see into his actions and I know they have been evil. He has not acted on the principles he has taught. He has not asked your question of his own actions: What would Jesus have done?
Uncle Fred was A man very deserving of respect.
It's not my intent to offer the following observation by way of demeaning criticism.
Uncle Fred was a key figure in establishing the "one man rule" doctrine among the people.
irony has sadly,dealt him the fruits of his labors. I offer this, not with a desire to offend, but as food for though.
bbgae, I talked to one of Uncle Fred's wives after he died, and she told me that when he was hauled off, some of his wives (I think it was two of them) just got in the vehicle with him and wouldn't get out, so they went too. They were with him and he apparently was shuffled around a bit, but at the end when he ended up at that hospital in Colorado, his other wives were summoned and they were able to be with him at the end, although by the time they got there, he had slipped into a coma and was never conscious during their visit. She said he was terribly swollen and was hardly recognizable.
Much as I think Warren is a horrible, horrible person, I have to correct the rumor that he was alone at his death. It was not that way.
Well said Uncaduff.
2 of his wives did go with him, one was Amy, which was never his wife anyway. Maybe she was tired of changing husbands and decided to stay.
Thankyou for clearing up the rumor for me. I am glad 'Uncle' Fred was not alone when he died.
He was one of the kindest, most unbiased, most giving people I have ever know. I believe he deserves honor and respect.
Sorry! I accidently pushed enter and my comment was published before I was finished with it.
This is me blushing.
That is an interesting, if sad irony. Thankyou for pointing it out. I had heard 'Uncle' Fred was afraid of Warren taking over for that very reason.
Was he swollen because he was not taking the cardiac med? Was the med a diuretic, which helped his body rid excess fluids?
I'm just trying to put the pieces together. I believe I heard that when he was sent off, he was told not to take his medications (or is that someone else?)
I think you are refering to Dan Jessop.Fred was sent away long before this blog was started.
Yes, Atar=
It was Dan Jessop. He was sent on a work mission. He didn't pack his meds when he left because he was in too much of a hurry. They were heart medications and his family was really worried about him for a time, but they were later able to mail them to him.
At least that is what I heard from a member of the family.
Ahhh, I see. Why was Fred so swollen then?
Has anyone attended any of Warrens court appearances?Who is there to support him?It has been a long time since anyone saw Wendell Nielsen,and David Allred.Someone reported that Colorado City homes were taking Warren's picture down and replacing it with Wendell's.Is this a change of administration?
I asked that same question to the person I reciently talked to who had just left C.C. and the answer I was given was: they still have pictures of Warren.
Off topic here, but I was wondering if there's a public watermelon party or anything planned for Uncle Roy's birthday today.
Watermelon Bust planned for Saturday 3:00, Come to socialize, line dancing starts at 6:00pm. Everyone that cares to come and enjoy is welcome. Since this is a world wide blog I won't say where, I'm sure that anyone that has anything to do with the creek knows where. I don't care for hordes of media.
Speaking of the missing, whatever happened to Laurene Jessop after she went back? The whole family has mysteriously dissappeared.
She's not missing, and I've herd Val is making a little progress with getting his lights turned back on, mentally that is.
Glad to hear Val is getting some help. Lets hope he confesses to the deceit he has put Laurene through the last year. That will be his only salvation, to tell the truth. Dang, what lies he has put that family through to save his face. He convinced Laurene and the kids that the very people that were out there to help, were stalking them, threatening to kill them. I sure hope he is getting help, Laurene is very devoted to him. However, for how long once she finds out what he has been doing to save face.
Dang it all, Laurene did not have to leave their last home and all their posessions behind. That was pure Val craziness, that still bothers many of us. Hope she can still get her stuff back, her memories of a good life.
Lets hope he confesses to the deceit he has put Laurene through the last year.
it's A bit premature to hope for that at this point, its just that he's talking a little more sensible,according to what I'm told.
Are Laurene and the kids well? Many are afraid that Val has injured Laurene and imprisoned her in his distorted world. There are family who want to help her, but Val stands in the way. They are afraid that he has isolated her from the truth.
What happened to the man, the gentile she had planned to marry? I understand he was a very kind man and has dissappeared. Do you know how to contact him? There are family on both sides who wish to talk to him.
That gentile, was a well known archaeologist, historian and anthropologist. Very devoted to Laurene and the kids. There are several people who would like to document his life story if he is still alive. There is a rumor that Val may have been a factor in his demise.
wow! this is all news to me anon,I would like to know more about this story. would it be possible for you to fill me in with an email?
That rumor floated around on aimoo and "Gentile" posted that he was still alive. That was a while ago, though.
This was posted by "Gentile"
But most of his posts have been deleted, except this one.
His last deleted post was on May 1, 2007.
Maybe Cactus Jim knows how to get hold of him.
Date Posted: 04/21/2007 7:11 AM
It is believed that some poisons in the right amounts, can provide a individual with benefits of health and long life.
It is when it is used to excess, that we become ill.
Religion could be considered a tonic or a poison, too much can kill your spirit while just the right amount can make you soar.
It is entirely up to society and the individual to choose, I choose life.
Just like Lolly has made a choice and I respect it.
Well Said!!
Why is everyone anon?
I'm kind of freaked out about that -- and yet I am TOTALLY intrigued!
Such an interesting people. Forgive me for posting but if you don't mind perhaps I'll come back in silence for a while because I have been following all of this without a blog for a while and am just happy to have found one...
Val and Laurene have never completely disappeared. Certain family members and friends have had contact with them all along. Arizona authorities know where they are. I personally know that she is not "imprisoned" anywhere. They have been moving around from place to place, and both of them have paranoia issues. I hope they let go of their mental baggage, go get their stuff back, and make the most of their lives-together or separate.
It is a shame, a true shame Laurene had to give up so much. Why won't Val admit what he was doing to the family? Such paranoia and hiding was unnecessary. If he would just reveal the truth, the family would be healed. I know laurene is forgiving.
Not all of us are anon.
dreamgyrl - welcome - feel free to join in!
I became anonymous after I couln't get google to work. Wasn't worth the hassle of logging in.
Does anyone know how Marie Jessop is doing, Val Jessops wife?
She served us at chester fried in cc recently and appeared to be well.
Are Val and Marie still married? I thought he had divorced her. Does he still have custody of her children?
They are still married and he sends most of his money to Marie to support her and the kids. He cares for them and loves her very much. He does visit them from time to time and I think they have another child on the way. Val is a good husband, a very kind man.
Then how is he supporting Laurene and her children???
Just what the taxpayers need is Val having another child on the way.
Hi, Is there anyone out there who knows where Merrill is? I miss him so bad. I respect his wishes to do what he beleives, but just want to know IF he and his family are ok.
with warren playing musical wives, how do ya know it's Vals kid?
True, Val is sterile, but he did borrow of Warren's seed to grow his family. Val harvested his two families with deceit, one family saw truth through the curtains, but the father shadowed them with lies.
I need some truth on a rumor being spread about Val Jessop. I have heard that has murdered someone and is in hiding. Is this is true?
He need not hide. He must only be truthful and be healed. Then he may return. Rejoice!
He is only in hiding because of a lie he has to live by. This lie gives him control of his family and keeps them from their freedom. He alone is the writer of his misery. This is not fair, his spiritual wife deserves better and her children too. Val should be ashamed...
He lives no lies, he is the true prophet. What Val says is God's Word!!
Val is off his rocker, pray for the safety of his children... Why has Laurene gone along with this.
What will happen to the FLDS community if Jeffs goes to jail for the rest of his life?
Does any of the FLDS take in outsiders? Do any Mormons wanting to practice polygamy join the FLDS?
We are praying to the Heavenly Father regarding Laurene Jessop and her children. Join us, please. Reveal to her the deception she is being put through.
Laurene made a choice, something she never had power to do in the past. Respect this and let her live her life. Lolly, I will always
care... do what you feel is right. I have moved on, tell Val
to chill out. Watch a movie for me in memory of the past. You remember which one. Bye Hon :)
She made a choice to be with "Onthestreet". Does that tell you something???
Well, does it! Speak up! For all to just remain speechless and in complete awe for two months, yah, that DOES tell you something.
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