Wednesday, April 04, 2007

the number of dogs in town

I was looking out my front door yesterday when I noticed a small truck with a dog that took up the WHOLE back of the truck (it was a St Bernard). Late at night I can hear dogs barking all around me now. Who gave the order? or are the people just so tired of being wound up so tight they can't move.


feralfem said...

Brooke Adams mentioned the dogs in her blog yesterday: Dogtown.

"I talked yesterday to Isaac Wyler, an ex-FLDS member who still lives in Colorado City, and he told me there are 'more dogs in this town than you can shake a stick at. They are coming in in droves.'"

She also reported Wyler ...has heard tapes of Wendell Nielsen, whom many think is in line to become the next FLDS leader, playing in some homes."

Very interesting. It sure sounds like things are a-changin' there, Red Rocks Girl. Would love to hear more of your observations.

BTW, why haven't we heard anything from Desert Darling lately?

Anonymous said...

KSL reports that Deseret News has obtained copy of note Jeffs wanted to read in court. IT WAS A STATEMENT THAT I AM NOT A PROPHET. From article: "Photos taken by a Deseret Morning News staffer acting as a pool photographer captured what appears to have been on the mind of Warren Jeffs.

Here's more: THE TRUTH AT LAST

For the first time in his life Warren Jeffs speaks the truth- I'm a fraud!

Anonymous said...

What if Warren admits he is a fraud?Are all the families going to be reunited?The compounds abandoned?
I cant fathom the darkness of Warren's
motives,BUT knowing the people as I do,
I predict Bro.Wendell Nielsen,Bro.Merril Jessop,Bro. David Allred,or some other "GREAT BIG ELDER"is waiting "JUST IN THE OTHER ROOM" ready to assume the prophetic mantle.

Anonymous said...

Warren is a puppet being manipulated by some masterful puppetiers.

Or has Warren realized he has no clothes. Referring to the fable.
The name of which escapes at the moment.

ATAR_i said...

Does anyone remember the actual language of that post some months back.

Did it say WARREN will be free?


The PROPHET will be free?

I'm curious if someone knew something back then.

ATAR_i said...

I'll email Darlin, last I heard she was just really busy.

feralfem said...


It's a Danish fairytale: "The Emperer's New Clothes".

Here's a Wiki synopsis: (for your enjoyment ;-)

Many years ago there lived an emperor who was quite an average fairy tale ruler, with one exception: he cared much about his clothes. One day he heard from two swindlers named Guido and Luigi Farabutto that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position.

Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first sent two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to learn how stupid their neighbors were.

The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town, never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. He was afraid that the other people would think that he was stupid.

Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to admit that they could not see them, until a small child said:

"But he has nothing on!"

This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the emperor had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and finished the procession.

Anonymous said...

Some of the dogs you are seeing in town are from the crews that have been living out of town on construction jobs. The dogs were used at their houses in other states as watch dogs. They have some of the dogs in cc right now because they are between jobs.

bbgae said...

IMHO- Even if the faithful hear of Warren's note, they will not believe it. They will say it's just a lie the 'gentiles' and 'bitter apostates' told the media to make Warren look bad.
I think he is saying he's not the prophet in hopes the rape charges will be dropped. Not a prophet= not a church leader. Not a church leader= not responsible for marriage of Jane Doe. Not responsible for marriage of Jane Doe= dropped charges. And, Warren KNOWS all he has to do to keep the faithful in line is tell them he never wrote the letter, and they will believe him.

I'm sorry, but after all these wherein years Warren has made others pay a very high price for the tiniest sin, it seems like he is trying awfully hard to wiggle free of the consequenses of HIS OWN ACTIONS.

feralfem said...

Atari, in your 9:37 AM post, perhaps you're asking about the "Warren Jeffs Taken to Hospital" thread wherein someone posted the following:

Anonymous said...
Warren Jeffs will be released from jail in a period from 15 to 28 of March.

2/11/2007 5:08 AM
Anonymous said...
The God will hear prayers about him and will give him freedom.

2/11/2007 7:24 AM


March has come and gone. Maybe Warren IS free... in his own mind.

Anonymous said...

I hate to change the subject but the name of this thread needs some help. Dogs are quantified by numberss not by amounts.
Example: "the number of dogs in town"

red rocks girl said...

ok, so it's been a few years since I took a college course in english forgive me of my fau paux. Perhaps next time I want to post something you could look it over and make sure I don't insult your finer sensibilities

Anonymous said...

Not a profit...well lets open those lap tops and sacred religious material found in his possession when he was ARRESTED.

Anonymous said...

Red Rocks Girl... Just curious. Did you grow up in the Hildale, Colorado city area? Did you go to school there? Just wondering. We are the same age probably even the same month and I'm curious if we were friends once....

bbgae said...

Red Rocks Girl-
I'm not picky about spelling or wording. If I can understand the meaning, I'm good. But, you can edit the title through blogger if you'd like. Just a thought. :)

Anonymous said...

For the crimes Warren Jeffs is charged with, and being the first offense, he wouldn't normally expect to be put away for a long time for the specific crimes he is indicted for.

It may be that he is hoping that when he is not in the gunsights, no more charges will be filed.

red rocks girl said...

to anon 4-05-07 11:24
no, I did not grow up here. I married someone who moved here when he was 16....But.... I did grow up in a town very much like cc/hildale. We went to church together, we went to the same school. We all knew each others secrets...ha ha
so I can relate-sort of

Anonymous said...

Will they really let Warren go if he says hes not a prophet? I mean that really sucks if thats the case.

the_lerker said...


Of course they won't, that's just silly. The man has been charged and is set to stand trial.

If they don't convict him of that, they will convict him of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution, which he is definitely (shamefully) guilty of.

Anonymous said...

It just makes him into a pimp just like Utah said in the first place.

bbgae said...

No, Lerker is right. Warren won't be acquitted if he renounces himself as 'prophet.' That was just what I thought his reasoning might be for writing the letter which he tried to present to the judge.

Anonymous said...

This is off the subject but... Who is Parley Jeffs Dutson ? Any affiliationwith the FLDS ? News article at http:/

Anonymous said...

Oh My G(*#&)^@*#&*()D!!!! I am pretty sure that is Sylvia and Bygnal Dutson's baby. That is SOOOOO sad! I hope for his sake that it was an accident.

Anonymous said...

Yea I think that it is Bynal Dutson's kid too. I wonder what happened and why he did it???

bbgae said...

Yes, that is who he is. I remember him as a ten-year-old, running around lightening-fast on a camping trip with a ready smile and a sweet disposition..... That is sad.

Anonymous said...

The FLDS will likely use this as evidence of what every one of us apostates are like and tell the faithful what a person will wind up doing if they leave the religion.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and when one of those apostate boys got cancer & died, it was God's judgment on him. But when his a boy his same age who was still there got cancer and died, God was just calling his faithful son home "as a witness." It's amazing what God does, and how we high and mighty mortals can decipher what His reasoning is for it.

Anonymous said...

Parley Dutson is Bignels Dutson's son.
This was NOT an accident! He was high on mushrooms. Daniel Pipkin was there (and sober) and stood in his way trying to get him to put the gun away, but he wouldn't, and when his 15yr old girlfriend stepped in view he shot her!
Very sad, Mushrooms(or shrooms) can cause hilusinations.

I wonder does anyone in CC, and Hildale teach drug and alcohol education now? They didn't when I grew up there.I know guns were not allowed in the town since also; so there wasn't any type of gun education either.

Was Parley "booted" or did he leave on his own? I dont know......, but the young that are so overly sheltered from the world, and then leave NEED to be educated on LIFE.The state needs to step up and put funds toward this. THEY have let this go on long enough, and it will only get worse.

first time poster, but been lerking

bbgae said...

Thank you for clearing that up, First Time Poster. Thank you for the info.

This is a little off topic, but I know someone who would very much like to contact J.J. Rhobock. They used to be friends. Does anyone know where J.J. can be reached? I know his cousin Joseph visits the blog sometimes. Joseph, if you are out there, and you can contact J.J., would you e-mail me?

Just click on my name and my e-mail address will pop up.

Anonymous said...

J.J. lives in St. George and last time I knew he was working for A.J. Costruction. He hangs with Joey Beagley and Hyrum Barlow, and that crowd. Maybe you could see if you could contact him that way

TBM said...

bbgae:I think he is saying he's not the prophet in hopes the rape charges will be dropped. Not a prophet= not a church leader. Not a church leader= not responsible for marriage of Jane Doe. Not responsible for marriage of Jane Doe= dropped charges

If that's true, I think it shows his persecution complex. That he's convinced no-one is really interested in the statutory rape charges, and that they're just an excuse to attack him and the church. Therefore, if he can convince the court that he's not the prophet any more, the court will lose interest.

Anyone know ow old Judge Shumate is? I may well be wrong, but I just have a feeling that there may have been a Nathan Shumate in my mission. I didn't know him well if there was.

Anonymous said...

Trying to put 2 and 2 together here: Parley JEFFS Dutson must be the grandson (on his mother's side) of 'someone' Jeffs. If this is true, which Jeffs is his grandfather? And would Rulon Jeffs be his great-grandfather?

Simply Curious

Anonymous said...

It is super simplistic and naive to suppose that kids from CC don't understand that drugs are bad and guns are stupid and dangerous.

They don't need some government funded program to explain "life" to them any more than you do.

Anonymous said...

Simply Curious, Parley is not related to the Jeffs' at all. His middle name is simply an honorarium to Rulon Jeffs. His mother is Melvin Johnson's daughter. I don't think you can link the family at all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 10:27 for the explaination.

Simply Curious

feralfem said...

What the kids from CC need (as well as every child born on the planet) is to be raised from the cradle with high self-esteem. It's the key to becoming a healthy, responsible adult.

Self-image is a child's most important characteristic. Creating strong feelings of self-worth is the primary challenge for every parent and teacher.

Sadly, it's pretty hard for parents to raise kids with high self-esteem if they don't possess it themselves. I believe that if kids had a highly developed sense of self-worth, they wouldn't turn to drugs - or any other self-destructive behavior.

That story makes me feel sad.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4/09/2007 10:18 PM said...

It is super simplistic and naive to suppose that kids from CC don't understand that drugs are bad and guns are stupid and dangerous.

They don't need some government funded program to explain "life" to them any more than you do.

Oh contraire, my friend.

These children DO need someone to explain "life on the outside" to them. These boys have lived an isolated life filled with working from sunup to sundown. They have been exploited with child labor law violations. They have not been properly educated in academics. They have been literally cast out of their communities, families and every comfort and familiarity they have ever known.

These children are thrust out at a very young age (physically) and are naive and immature (mentally). They are left to fend for themselves. They are denied parental supervision and guidance. It is nothing short of child neglect.

These children coming out of a closed society are at a tremendous disadvantage socially and lack much of the basic know-how to survive in mainstram society.

These children have not been gradually exposed to most things children are exposed to at their age-appropriate level. These children have not been allowed to form opinions and digest the many free choices available in life, and they come out and can't process things in a rational manner. So, many overindulge and then we end up with a sad situation like this where a young girl has died and a young boy has ruined his life.

These children need to learn how to set limits and boundaries. These children need to learn that it is wrong for people to take advantage of them and that they don't have to continue to allow that to happen to them. These children need to learn that they are entitled to earn a fare wage for the work that they do. These children need to learn how to budget their money, how to be responsible and honest citizens, etc. These children need to learn that they should give back to society in exchange for what they take from socity. These children need to have guidance to learn how to make good decisions, handle temptations and accept the consequencies of their behavior.

These children need to learn MANY things that their parents either didn't know how to teach them, chose not to teach them, or didn't have time to teach them because they (the parents) abandoned them as children and threw them out under the direction of a maniac named Warren Jeffs.

So, I disagree with you Anon. I think that government programs would be a good start for a positive solution to the problems occurring with many of the children leaving polygamous communities because these children need to learn about life

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:43
I can agree with most everything you said but it sounds like you think that All kids from there aren't taught to stay away from drugs, but I know that just like everywhere else, there are drugs out there too. My husband and I grew up out there but no loger live there and both of our parents have taught us to stay away from drugs and my siblling nor his siblings have dabbled in them. I dont think that people can blame their parents for things like murdering someone or doing drugs, I feel that you can CHOOSE how you want your life to turn out. There are people that were abused and they have been very successful, because they chose that they wanted to be. Just my opinion. :)

Anonymous said...

bbgae refer this to anyone who complains about your spelling.

Messagefi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs?

Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

bbgae said...

LOL. Thank you, thankyou, thankyou, Anon 10:47. Yes, I CAN read it. I had one e-mailed to me, but I had forgotten about it. Anyone else who gets teased for misspelling and improper grammer use should refer to it also. :D

bbgae said...

And, since I think we are all a little sad about what happened with Parley Dutson, I thought I would bring some good news.

Anonymous said...

I'm am physically sick about this story of Parley Dutson.


Anonymous said...

Here is the latest story, It is very graphic.


Anonymous said...

I can fully understand how some of you must feel about the "drugs and guns" issue when it comes to the flds children. But know this~ We have taught our children about drugs, guns, alcohol, (sex to some degree) etc...

I too have had experience in this matter concerning my own children. I have sons who snuck around doing the alcohol, drugs, smoking, ect...We talked about it quite severely with them. But there are children NO MATTER WHERE THEY LIVE or WHAT THEIR NATIONALITY IS that think they know better than their parents/guardians.



I too feel sad for Parley, my son went to school with him. It is sad, But he made the choice to do the drugs. Don't blame the Parents, Religion or Affiliation with any particular person but those he chose to associate with when doing these harmful things.

He was taught to do right while growing up, but somewhere along the line..He made his choice NOT to OBEY his parents.

Now we all can see the results of it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:52,
I know what you're saying BUT you CANNOT throw a 16 year old out. I dont know how he was disobeying his parents but I think that theres a better way to handle things. Its not like I was a perfect angel when I was living at my parents home but they must have done something right because they have raised ALL of us to be good people.

bbgae said...

Thank you, Anon 4/09 @8:23, I followed through on that lead, and I could not contact J.J. He no longer works there. Does anyone know how else I might be able to contact him or someone who is in contact with him?

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that, my brother and I were friends with him but after we moved out we drifted apart. Maybe I can still see if he knows where he is these days.

bbgae said...

Yes, the FLDS people teach their children drugs and guns are bad. Yes, they teach their children to be sexually pure. But there is a world of difference between telling the children, "This is wicked and bad; don't do it; it will cost you your salvation," and the kind of drug awareness programs the public schools provide.
I am not saying the programs the public schools use are perfect, because we all know in spite of them there are still kids who do drugs, but from what I have seen, they explain to the children the whys and wherefores. Isn't it easier to not do something when you understand the bad consequences that will inevitably follow that bad choice, instead of simply for the reason that you were told not to?
You also have to take into consideration the fact that these children's whole sense of right and wrong is out of wack and unstable when they first leave. They KNOW kicking them out was not right, but they don't understand it fully and they try to deal with it any way they can. It's hard to admit what you were taught was wrong. It hurts. It hurts to admit to yourself that your parents who you KNOW are good people would do something so very wrong to YOU.
It seems like these children have to experience a hard knock or two before they finally understand the concept of consequences vs. actions. Their parents should have taught them this ALONG with perfect obedience to the prophet (I don't agree with the obedience part, and I KNOW there are parents who DO teach their children how think out their problems, but not everyone does this)instead of just teaching the obedience part.
And, for the record, that goes for the sex thing, too.

Anonymous said...

Why do 99.9% of the people here assume the FLDS throw these boys out. I have several relatives that have left at 16. They chose to leave, they made it hell on thier parents while they tried to keep them. It is simple! Children, no matter where they are from must follow the rules of the house. What are parents to do when they won't?? Most of these kids run away, go find friends in other towns, and anything else they can get away with they do. We try to stop them, we try to teach them. Should we chain them down so they can't do these things that we try to tell and teach will hurt them. Oh, then we will get blamed for child abuse!!! Duh!! What are we thinking trying to take away their rights to find these things out for themselves, we are stunting their growth. Not letting them live. Now I am ranting!! You know if I could just have met some of you when I was a little bit younger and not so set in trying to overcome my temper!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kudos to Diversity and Dan Fisher, You did a great job with Parley! Stop letting these boys be victims and make them work it out! Thank God I got out on my own instead of getting acclimated by Fisher

ATAR_i said...

I'm glad you were able to do it on your own - you must be very strong, level headed and positive.

But you can't pin Parleys downfall on Fisher. Even I know that's not his child, but he was WILLING to help when often times there was no one else to turn to.

If you want to point the finger, firstly, you've got to realize Parley has some responsibility in his own destiny, his parents - did they throw him out, or did he leave? They have some responsibility if they mistreated, or did not provide parental guidance and support.

But I certainly wouldn't blame the man who actually DID try to help him.

bbgae said...

anon 7:38-
Was Parley one of the lost boys Dan was helping? I did not know.
I agree with you that people who leave the FLDS should not consider themselves victims. At some point, we all have to take responsibility for our own actions. I am assuming from your post that you took responsibility for yourself when you left (If you did, because I don't know if you were ever associated with the FLDS or not). Good for you. :)

bbgae said...

ok. I was going to be done for tonight, but then I found this. It's more on Parley.

bbgae said...


Anonymous said...

No parley wasn't he left short creek about year or so ago

Anonymous said...

5.53, you are so right.

It is a shallow and false assumuption that any set of people could turn into rotten parents.

My background gave me 15 brothers and sisters, all very different and all chose differently as they became 16-20.
Children are not angels, were any of us as teenagers?

So I have seen it all first hand, and there was no abuse in my fathers household, though wilful teenagers do use that term to get their own way.

bro B

Anonymous said...

I know that alot of the boys that leave are not "kicked out" They leave on their own. So I really dont think that you can blame the parents too much for the actions of the kids. On the other hand, what happened to make the kids that way in the first place??? Just a question.

Anonymous said...


From what I have heard J.J. got a job offer somewhere in California. That is about all I know.

Anonymous said...

See if you can contact Hyrum Barlow or Mat or joey Beagley. Last time I heard Hyrum lived in an apartment at Mesa Falls at the end of Mall Drive in St. George.

bbgae said...

Thank you so much for trying to help me find J.J., Anon. I hope I can still contact him, somehow. I am very sad to hear he might be so far away.

The person who would like to speak with J.J. is a younger female relative of mine. She loves him. She knew him a few years ago and might have left with him, but she was uncertain he would leave with her so she left with someone else instead. She married this other boy, but it didn't work, and now she is divorced. She heard a rumor that J.J. left because of her and she wanted to talk to him and ask if it was true.

Please, someone, help me contact J.J. If these two really love each other, they deserve a chance to be together.

Anonymous said...

Last time I knew he had a girlfriend, but that was about 8 months ago, so it could be changed now. I hope that she finds him, sorry I havent beem able to get more information. :( If I can get anymore information I will be sure and let you know.

Anonymous said...

Does your relative live in St. George or does she live out in C.C. or Hildale?

bbgae said...

She is not in C.C., or Hildale, but she is close by.

Anonymous said...

Has she been trying to contact him for a long time??
What about his younger brother? I cant remember his name, do you know what he is doing now?

Anonymous said...

She broke my heart, then ran off with a real jerk! Now I've moved on with my life and she comes crawling back....


bbgae said...

She has been wanting to contact you for two years- since she left. She had no way of knowing how you felt and she was afraid you would tell her no.

She left that jerk, and she still loves YOU.

Will you at least let her explain?

bbgae said...

I got it wrong. Her e-mail is

Anonymous said...

J.J.'s little brother's name is Jason. Neither one of us know where he is, or what he is doing. Sorry. I wish you luck if you are trying to find him.

Anon 3:44-
IF you really are J.J., why didn't you answer anon.'s question about your brother? I think you are just trying to mess with people.

Anon 2:49- Thanx for Hyrum's address. I'll check it out.

BBGAE (I can't sign in for some reason :( )

bbgae said...

Yes, that is my post above.

bbgae said...

I know it is a little wierd to post after myself so many times, but I think this needs to be said.

If the anonymous poster is J.J. and he doesn't want to see this girl- ok. I found out what I was wanting to find out. I will drop it. I know the post where I was questioning his identity looks like I am in denial, but I promise you I am not. This is not my deal. I was just trying to help a realitive.

There are several reasons for my doubt. The strongest one is: I have had someone post something to me and then found out later they were not who they claimed to be. On the 'faith in God' post, someone pretended to be the Lerker and posted as such. Then the REAL Lerker posted and told us the post was not his/hers. The second strongest reason why I doubt the ID of this person is because I know there are blog trolls here who love to cause chaos, confusion, and frustration at others' expense for their own entertainment. And there are other reasons.....

bbgae said...

Great news!
We found the real J.J.
Thanx, everybody for your help! :)

Anonymous said...

Did he go to California as I had heard?

bbgae said...


bbgae said...

Anon, you could e-mail me, if you'd like, and I will tell you the rest. :)

Anonymous said...

So does he want to see your relative?

bbgae said... :)

bbgae said...

Ok. I'll be nice and tell. I just don't like it when I sense the presence of trolls....

J.J. is happily married with a new baby. This is good news. I am glad he is happy, and so is my relative.

We discovered the person who told her J.J. left because of her was lying to get her to come back 'in.' She has been feeling guilty over this for a long time. It's kinda nice to know the truth.

But, there is something else, too. Her sister was friends with J.J.'s sisters and they told her he liked her because they knew she liked him. Now we are wondering if they were telling stories, too.

We also learned J.J. liked a Dutson girl when he left. He didn't leave because of her.

There was, however a possibility he would call her back....

At least she knows the truth, now, and she can get on with her life.... And at least he is happy. :)

Anonymous said...

Who says he can't have them both?

ok.. just kidding. That was the good ol' days.

Anonymous said...

Who says he can't have them both?


Anonymous said...

As the world CHURNS....

bbgae said...

Anon. 12:48-
I understand what you really meant.

This is a perfect example of what happens when a troll is lerking. Anything you say can and will be used against you..... :)

bbgae said...

Actually, anything you say can be used against you whether there are trolls or not.....

Anonymous said...

Hello, everyone! wow you guys are great :) I have a question. Does anyone know where David Barlow is? I heard his wife left him and he was kicked out. I am an old friend any info would be wonderful! Thankyou.

Anonymous said...

which David Barlow?? ( Alvin's??)

Anonymous said...

yes, Alvins.

Anonymous said...

David was asked to leave about 1 year age, as for his wife, I don't kow where she is, but she did not up and leave him.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, I heard she was in love with someone else and she did up and leave him. What happened?

Anonymous said...

Do you know where he is?

Anonymous said...

She did at one time, but she came back to him. if she did it again I did not know about it. I knew that she loved someone else, that is why she left the first time. But he asked her to go back to David. Like I said, if she left again, I knew nothing of it. As for where David is, thats anyone's guess. I really liked both of them.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly where she lives, in St. George. As for David he was sent away and is living in Idaho

Anonymous said...

While we're on the subject....does anybody know where Dixon Kapcsos is these days. I heard he gotted be a few years back and had to leave behind his whole family. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

hey, thanks, you were a big help. :)

Anonymous said...

I liked him too. What part of Idaho? I would like to email him.

Anonymous said...

back on topic of dogs. the bishop's office was contacting faithful followers this last weekend and reminding them that there are still vacancies in "dog heaven." Basicly saying if you are faithful, you won't have a dog.

Anonymous said...

god does not exist.

Anonymous said...

I read in the Tribune "there are no atheist beekeepers". Everything about those little critters defies "evolution".

Anonymous said...

I sure hope the "faithful" start telling their dogs to bite the bishop next time he interferes with their life.

TBM said...

Wow, did 9.47 really go to the effort of entering every thread on this board to leave his little message on each one? This guy's really got issues!

Anonymous said...

anyone who believes in Darwinian evolution, has never tried to make something that would really work!


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't believe in athiests. Therefore, anon 9:47 doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

He exists all right, he just has not met his maker yet...

Anonymous said...

Ahh... Evolution... now theres a subject... Anyone ever try to Evolute a building by setting all the material there and waiting for it to make its self?? Anyone! Anyone!

Rest my case!!

bbgae said...

Anon 4/17 @ 8:31
:D LOL. That was good.
I can just see ol' righteous Will running down the dirt road, a pack of dogs at his heels, and a cell phone in his hand on which he is desperately trying to call for backup.....

As for evolution, I think it is a natural process that God uses in His creation of life.... Haven't you noticed He works by natural principles? Man is the one who complicates everything..... Why does it have to be God vs. evolution? Why can't it be God uses evolution? Problem solved.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
back on topic of dogs. the bishop's office was contacting faithful followers this last weekend and reminding them that there are still vacancies in "dog heaven." Basicly saying if you are faithful, you won't have a dog.

4/16/2007 9:43 PM

The Bishop? I didn't know the church had bishops. Do they serve in "wards" as in the regular LDS

There will always be spaces in dog heaven. If people don't want their dogs, they should find new homes, rather than shooting the dogs like last time.

bbgae said...

The church leaders have been telling the people to not own dogs for as long as I can remember.

I agree that if they wish to be rid of the dogs, they should take them to a shelter or something, instead of killing them.

Yes, the FLDS have bishops. About ten years ago, when I was still 'in' There was a bishop in C.C.- Uncle Fred- a bishop in Canada -Uncle Wink- and Uncle Rulon's headquarters was in Sandy where he presided as prophet and bishop. I guess you could say they had their own wards, but they weren't referred to as such. ALL the bishops had to report to the prophet and seek his final say in any important decisions.

Uncle Rulon spent the majority of his time between the two southern colonies. The first weekend of every month, he would conduct church and monthly priesthood meeting in Sandy. The second weekend he spent in C.C. where he would conduct church and monthly priesthood meeting again. The third weekend he would conduct church in Sandy again, and the fourth, he would conduct in C.C. again. if there was a fifth weekend, he would go to Canada.

Uncle Fred conducted meetings in C.C. in Uncle Rulon's absence. He also accepted tything and held personal appointments. In Sandy, there would be no church or meetings in Uncle Rulon's absentses. In Canada, Uncle Wink would conduct all meetings and accept tything and hold personal appointments. but Uncle Rulon was not up there very often, and Uncle Wink had another responsibility no other man had. He had the permission -no, duty; as told by Uncle Rulon- to suggest marriages. Of course, Uncle Rulon had the last say, but many marriages in Canada among the FLDS were a direct result of Uncle Wink's suggestions. I know this is true, because one of my own marriages was one of these.

Oh, and for the record, we don't get a program handed to us, like the LDS do, unless there is a funeral. The meetings were a little more 'inspirational.' (forgive me, tbm :) )

Anonymous said...

I'm not very old and I can remember when they could own dogs out there. It wasnt until Mark Copeland's child was attacked by his dog and was killed that we were told to get rid of them, so its not like it was always that way.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 9:53 pm

Just wanted you to know. In a post quite a while back someone namely (Isaac Whyler) made the statement that a lot of people had their dogs killed/shot..

That is NOT true. My Family owned 4 dogs/Mother and pups. We took them to an Animal Shelter for Adoption. We LOVED our pets. So did a lot of other Families (including my sister and brother)

It was VERY hard to explain to our young children what happened to them. We still miss them.

But we were willing to do as asked, IT WAS NOT A COMMANDMENT!! It was asked of us. And those willing to comply did so at their OWN choosing. If anyone felt it was a commandment, they had the Problem.

Anonymous said...

I have been gone for over 20 years. when I was growing up there I asked my Dad if I could have a dog. I was told NO because the prophet said so


Anonymous said...

Anon 11:07
Don't gripe at me, I think that you took it all wrong. I know that people were asked to get rid of them, but I know that if they didnt they probably they may be kicked out later, you know when all the kicking out was started.
I wasnt saying that people were shooting them, I think thats wrong and dont know of anyone that did that out there.

Anonymous said...

the first "no dogs policy" was instituted by JM Hammon in the 1960s.
when Bro. Hammon was "excommunicated",people began to get dogs again.

Anonymous said...

Anon: 9:46 am

I Apologize. I honestly did not mean it to be a gripe aimed at you.

Please accept my Apology. :)!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:34,
Thanks, apology accepted! :D

Anonymous said...

To the person that was asking about David Barlow's wife...She is living in St George with Ashley Jessop. I don't know if they are married or not, but they are together. They look very happy! I think it serves them both right to be happy with each other!

bbgae said...

Anon 4/17 @ 9:53-
Oh my Gosh!! I knew Mark Copeland's family. How long ago did the child die? Which one was it?

Anonymous said...

It was Breonna's kid.. She was first married to Johnny Johnson and later married Mark Copeland. It was Johny and Bree's only child.

Anonymous said...

It Happened about 4-5 yrs ago

Anonymous said...

Mark actually had to kill the dog to get it to release its grip on the childs neck..

Anonymous said...

I heard that the dog that attacked the child was one of the dogs in the Gap area, supposedly bred and trained to be used for "tracking humans" whatever that means.

Anonymous said...

Mark Copland was raising DOGS for customers WHO SPECIFIED what they wanted in their dogs!!

It had nothing to do with "the Work". A lot of FLDS members had/have sideline occupations that they do to make ends meet. DUH!!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 7:19 pm

I hope for your sake "She" does not have negative feelings toward you for disclosing things about her life.

I for one feel offended towards anyone that discloses any private information about anyone else without their prior consent.

WHAT she is doing, where she is her business not anyone else's unless she chose to disclose it.

I knew her quite well, but would not for a minute disclose her where about's or going on's. That is HER business, and HER'S Alone.

She went through an awful lot, God bless her.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:41 P.M.
Noone is criticising Mark Copeland for what happenend. It was obviously suppose to happen or it wouldnt have. Nobody thinks it was done on purpose so dont get all huffy about it, its all right. ;)

Anonymous said...

Annon. 11:49

Take a chill pill. I knew them both and I heard a rumor. This was the only way I could think of to see if it was true. It is only natural to be concerened about someone you know when you hear something about them. I was not asking for all the dirt on them I was only hoping they were ok and happy. And God bless them.

Anonymous said...

Mark Copeland is he still in Shortcreek?

Anonymous said...

So, what has happened to Laurene Jessop. She seems to have dropped out of the media these days.

Anonymous said...

nope, he's not. he's living about 1900 miles away.

Anonymous said...

Florida or Alaska

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Arkansas interesting.
Now that is an interesting state.

Anonymous said...

It's Marks homestate and he loves it back there.

Anonymous said...

Is he free from the grip of Warren? I heard he was cut loose in 2003. I do hope so.

Anonymous said...

According to Carolyn Jessop's book Escape, Parley is the son of the 6th Wife of Merril, Tammy, and the son of Merril Jessop.